tv Sophie Co RT March 12, 2018 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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security council this afternoon my right honorable friend the foreign secretary has summoned the russian ambassador to the foreign and commonwealth office and asked him asked him to explain which of these two possibilities it is and therefore to account for how this russian produced nerve agent could have been deployed in salzburg against mr script and his daughter my right honorable friend stated the ambassador that the russian federation must immediately provide full and complete disclosure of the nazi chalk program to the organization for the prohibit of chemical weapons and he has requested the russian government's response by the end of tomorrow. mr speaker this action has happened against a backdrop of a well established pattern of russian state aggression russia's illegal an accession of crimea was the first time since the second world war that one sovereign nation has forcibly taken territory from another in europe russia has fermented conflict in the dom bass repeatedly violated the national airspace of
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several european countries and mounted a sustained campaign of cyber espionage and disruption this is included meddling in elections and hacking the danish ministry of defense and the bundestag among many others. during his recent state of the union address president putin showed video graphics of miss are more inches from trajectories and explosions including the modeling of attacks on the united states with a series of warheads impacting in florida while the extrajudicial killing of terrorists and dissidents outside russia were given legal sanction by the russian parliament in two thousand and six and of course russia used radiological substances in its barbaric assault on mr litvinenko. we saw promises to assist the investigation then but they resulted in denial and obfuscation and the stifling of june process and the rule of law. mr speaker following mr litvinenko death we
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expelled russian diplomats suspended security cooperation broke off by the plans on visas froze the assets of the suspects and put them on international extradition lists and these measures remain in place furthermore our commitment to collective defense and security through nato remains as strong as ever in the face of russian behavior indeed our armed forces have a leading role in nato has enhanced forward presence with british troops leading a multi-national battle group in a stone year we have led the way in securing tough sanctions against the russian economy and we have at all stages worked closely with our allies and we will continue to do so. we must now stand ready to take much more extensive measures. mr speaker on wednesday we will consider in detail the response from the russian state should there be no credible response we will conclude that this action
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amounts to a lawful use of force by the russian state against the united kingdom. and i will come back to this house and set out the full range of measures that we will take in response mr speaker this attempted murder using a weapons grade nerve agent in a british town was not just a crime against the script files it was an indiscriminate and reckless act against the united kingdom putting the lives of innocent civilians at risk and we will not tolerate such a brazen attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil i can manage this state. or thank you mr speaker. mr speaker i would like to thank the prime minister in advance for advance copy of a statement on this deeply alarming attack that raises very serious questions the whole house condemns the suspected poisoning of sir guy scruple and his daughter in salzburg and of course we wish to return to good health and i'm sure mr speaker the
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whole house will join me in wishing detective sergeant nick bailey speedy recovery as well no member of our police force and nobody on the streets of britain should ever face such an attack let alone with chemical weapons i thank the prime minister for updating the house the investigation into the shocking events in solsbury must reach its conclusions we need to see both the evidence and a full account from the russian authorities in light of emerging evidence that the prime minister has just referred to for now can the prime minister clarify what level of threat it was believed mr scoble faced at the time of the attack on. what security protection if any was deemed necessary for him and his daughter mr speaker this morning the conservative chair of the foreign affairs committee said i'd be surprised if the prime minister did not point the finger at the kremlin yarnall
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members for tonbridge and malling also accuse the russian government to behaving in an aggressive and corrupting way in this country. mr speaker we need to continue seeking a robust dialogue with russia on all the issues currently dividing our countries both domestic and international rather than simply cutting off contact and letting the tensions and divisions get worse and potentially even more dangerous mr speaker we're all familiar with the way huge fortunes often acquired in the most dubious circumstances in russia sometimes connected with criminal violence have ended up sheltering in london and trying to buy political influence in british party politics. meddling in elections as the prime minister put it there has and there has been over eight hundred thousand pounds worth of donations to the
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conservative party to the conservative party from russian oligarchs and their associates. so. so. mr speaker oh. if that is the evidence before the government even before the investigation into salzburg is complete the government could be taking action could be taking action to introduce a new could be could be taking action to introduce a new financial sanctions powers but instead mr speaker they are currently resisting labor's amendments the sanctions and money laundering bill which could introduce this so-called magnitsky. was so will not prime minister agreed today to back those amendments to the sanctions a money laundering bill. more specifically mr speaker when it comes to the.
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can be strongly held opinions and inflamed passions but i do appeal to colleagues who sincerity and integrity i doubt to remember that we hear views. of our colleagues will be heard but the right honorable gentleman must be heard jeremy corbyn you mr speaker more specifically when it comes to the souls reattack water actions are the local police taking to identify fellow diners diseases restaurant and the mill pub in salzburg on the day in question and ensure they come forward and are checked what extra resources are being provided to the local police force which quite understandably have never had to deal with such an instant before we know that across the country the national health service is under incredible pressure as at the moment but what extra resources have been provided to the n.h.s. hospitals in and around salzburg and what training has been given to any staff in
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g.p.'s in identifying the symptoms from a nerve agent attack mr speaker the events in salzburg on the fourth of march have appalled the country and need thorough investigation the local community and public services involved need reassurance and the resources necessary the action the government takes once the facts are clear needs to be both decisive and proportionate and focused on reducing conflicts and tensions rather than increasing them i join the prime minister in paying tribute to the magnificent. the work of our public services responding to this attack the n.h.s. staff the police and security services the armed forces and the analysts reporting down let us mr speaker do everything we can to ensure this never ever happens
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again. can i first of all say to rush one of the gentleman that i'm sure everybody in the whole house sends their best wishes to all those who have suffered as a result of this incident and wish them. a recovery in the case of detective sergeant nick bailey i saw a quote which i was not surprised because i've heard it from so many peace officers who've been in dangerous situations before. that he was merely doing his job and we are grateful to him and all our police officers and emergency services for doing that we don't comment on the threats in relation to individual cases but of course the police and others look. always look to ensure that we are taking these matters fully into account and taking them very seriously in relation to russia we have
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a very simple approach to russia which is engage but be aware and i think this shows how right it is that this government has been cautious in relation to its range meets with russia i set out in my mansion house speech last november very clearly the concerns we have about the activities of russia it's a matter i have discussed with fellow leaders at the european union council i think we must all be very well aware of the various ways in which russia is affecting activity across the continent and elsewhere that can be no question of business as usual with russia. the russian the gentleman raised the issue of party donations i will say two things to him first of all as my russian will find a chance of the. jacka said at the weekend you shouldn't tar anybody who lives in this country with russian of russian extraction with the same brush and secondly and secondly there are rules on party political donations and i can assure him that
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my party and i hope all parties follow those rules. he talked about the magnitsky powers this is an issue where being challenge previously before on this question where we do have already some of the powers that are being written proposed in relation to magnitsky law but we have already been talking with all parties about the amendment that has been has been down and we will work to others to ensure that we have the maximum possible consensus before the report stage he also raised the question of peace capabilities and resources not only our will to police involved in this but they have support from neighboring forces as would normally happen when an incident of this when an instant takes place which requires that extra capability but crucially at a very early stage it was decided that counterterrorism please to take over the responsibility for this because the counterterrorism police network has
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capabilities and which are not available to regional forces and they are indeed in charge in relation to this and i can assure the right honorable gentleman that we'll check county councils all city council are working with public health england working with the n.h.s. locally working with the police to ensure that there is maximum information available to members of the public the chief medical officer has herself reassured members of the public that the public health risk is low and to ensure that the proper arrangements are being put in place to help the police to get on with their inquiries and that's important the police are still working investigating this and we should ensure that they have the time and space to be able to conduct their. investigations. mr duncan smith here you know i come in my right old friend for rising to this occasion though she should many in this house would wish that the leader of the opposition had abandoned party politics and
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done just that. she is quite right if the response from the russian ambassador is simply not credible she is quite right to expect the house to back her in taking the most severe action as is required and commensurate and she is also right to remind the house and the country that this country russia is now close to being a rogue state as any it occupies crimea it has helped occupy eastern ukraine it has created a hell on earth in syria and is even now overseeing worse action this is a country locking up its members of the opposition it is a country that frankly we've learned this lesson before if we appease a country like this then we expect even worse. i thank my right honorable friend
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for his remarks and he is absolutely right nobody should be in any doubt of the various activities that the russian state is involved in across the continent of europe and elsewhere and the damage that that is doing in in so many different places and he is absolutely right that that is why it is important that this government that this country stands out very clearly and not only calls out actions by russia but also ensures that we have a robust response to them. if they thank you mr speaker than i'd like to thank the prime minister of advance copy of a statement. share with her the concerns about the recent attack unsolved but it's important that we all work together to get to the bottom of what has happened here this is because there can be no denying that this assassination attempt on mr
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service kurkova his doctor yulia is not only a step too far by those responsible but calls into question every aspect of our current and future relationship with russia mr speaker this ruthless action puts not only the life of americans his service is at risk but also threaten the safety of the wider public who are enjoying the sunday afternoon in the cathedral city of souls but everyone has the right to live in the u.k. in security and safety and any challenge to those rights needs to be responded to in an appropriate manner police have sought for them to fight more than two hundred witnesses and two hundred forty pieces of evidence and this attempted killing our thoughts all of us are thoughts are with that billy and his family and we wish him a speedy recovery we commend the emergency services for putting their lives on the line in order to defend all of us however there are legitimate concerns out on the
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delay in time between the events on sunday the fourth of march and yesterday when the chief medical officer advised the public who had been at that actions in the pub to wash their clothing and personal items and the prime minister give reassurances today to those members of the public who may have real concerns that the may have been exposed to the effects of the nerves nerve agent used this is because i welcome the prime minister's actions detailed in her statement and can i ask when she intends to return to the homes to update us all the measures that we can take there must be a form and strong action taken to send a clear message to the kremlin we will not accept russian interference in our democracy in our way of life i hope the prime minister will be. taking time to raise this matter with colleagues across the e.u. as our closest allies help to give us a strong voice when we all speak as one this kind of international must never again be seen on our streets you can i i first of all thank the right on the gentleman
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for the tone that he has adopted. because this is a matter which should concern us all it's is this is a matter of national interest it is a matter of an attack that has taken place and we must we must respond to it appropriately as he said i think he asked a question about the chief medical officers most recent advice to those who had been in these restaurant or in the pub at the answer that is that of course over the course of time last week as work was being done on this issue more information was became available about the nature of the agent that had been used and that led to that the cautionary advice being made yesterday he also asked when i'll be returning to the house as i said in my statement we will consider that in detail the response from the russian state on wednesday and i will return to the house at the earliest possible opportunity. to get a hot thank you is to see it yeah thank you mr speaker this is
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not an act of war was certainly a war like by the russian federation this is not the first we've seen and while some in this house have stayed silent and decided to join the information warfare but the state is conducting against us in our allies we have seen them in varied countries in the east attacked allies attempt to kill prime ministers and even now even now they are backing the murderous assad regime which through these nothing in gassing its own people all noble gentleman opposite stays silent would be would my right shoulder girlfriend agree with me that now is the time for us to call on our allies. to call on the european union who has worked with after so well on sanctions on nato and particularly on the united states and i ask what they will do to assist us in this moment when we are in need of you know can i say to my little
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friend i think it is is absolutely right we should be giving a robust response from the whole of this house to this to this incident this act that has taken place but we also will be working there has already been a number of engagements with our allies on this particular matter and we will be continuing to talk with our allies to ensure both that they are aware of what has happened on british soil and also that we could talk with them about the response that we will be getting. some instant cable of the prime minister not to agree that one of the most effective ways of punishing russia for these appalling activities would be to seize the private property assets of members of the putin regime and their associates and as a first step could she arranged to publish a list of who they are and what do you. say to the right honorable
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gentleman that of course we are aware of the need in the united kingdom to ensure that our financial system cannot be used for illicit money flows and action appropriate action is taken by going for cement and other bodies to ensure that we do identify such flows and that we make the appropriate response to them as he will know we are already putting in place a number of measures to improve the information that is available in a transparent way in relation to the holding a certain assets here by those from overseas and that is something that we will continue to work on here just don't agree thank you mr speaker i entirely agree with the prime minister in her approach to this murderous attack. but she will be aware and has stated that it's part of a pattern of behavior by which a state uses cover that means in breach of both international law and the rule of law to attack with impunity whoever it wishes in those circumstances
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which it should be with me we face a very particular challenge which is not likely to go away any time soon and in that context in trying to inform the public of the risks and all the appropriate way of responding for a parliamentary democracy could i encourage her to make use of the intelligence and security committee who chose to carry out an inquiry into russia's threat last autumn so that we can take that forward and provide as much information as we can publicly about the nature of the threat and the best means of responding to it. i say to my right honorable friend that i think it was a very good that the i.o.c. had already announced that it would be considering issues around russian activity against the u.k. that requires investigation i think i don't forward to the work that the his
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committee will be doing on that particular matter and the government will work with the i.o.c. see to share relevant information that is within its remit that cooper. thank the prime minister for her statement and it is hard to see any alternative to her very grave conclusion that this was either a direct act by the russian state against our country all the russian government has lost control of a dangerous nerve agents and in that context i hope the whole house will be able to come together behind. it. about national security and public safety and i therefore asked her whether the national security council have asked for a review of the fourteen other cases that i wrote to the home secretary about to see whether any. those should be investigated and also to press her on what further action she has taken in preparation for potential un security council resolutions that perhaps should be drafted in order to get the widest possible international
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support here. tonight can i say to the russian lady she's absolutely right about the need for the to be a clear response from the whole of this house and i think everybody in this house should be of no doubt of the nature of what is what has happened and that we should respond robustly to it and i understand that my right under from the home secretary has responded to the right of the latest letter in relation to those fourteen other cases. and i think a focus at the moment should be on ensuring that the resources are being put into this criminal investigation so that we ensure that the police are able to do their work with the maximum time and space dr julian lewis the prime minister recalled that when edward heath expelled over one hundred russian so-called diplomats in the early one nine hundred seventy s. it gave a blow to russian intelligence operations against this country from which it never recovered till the end of the cold war does she also recall that when it was clear
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that a member of the libyan embassy staff which while it was unknown had killed w.p.c. evolve fletcher wholesale extol show of style focus there and does she therefore conclude that as it would be impossible for operation to have been mounted by the russian state without someone in the london russian embassy knowing about it similar measures may well be necessary if you think my honorable friend and as i said in the statement that i gave the. little friend the foreign secretary has called the russian ambassador into from. in common with office today he has presented these two possibilities of the origin of this action to him and we wait for the russian state's response i'm very clear that should that response not be credible we will conclude that this action is not nor for use of force by the
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russian states consider night a kingdom and as i said earlier i will come back to this house and set out the full range of measures that we will take in response naturally there is the most intense interest in this extraordinarily grave matter and i'm keen to accommodate colleagues can i ask colleagues to help me to help each of them. in finding themselves to pissy questions so we will see. mr speaker was a prime minister agreed that in the field to get further aggression from the russian mafia that the policy of the leader of the opposition to gauge and real boss dialogue will only encourage. further acts of sponsored terror which agree with the national interest and in regard to the cost of this country or that the only effect of answer as to how robust action against those who are using the u.k. as
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a part will grind to carry out the wrong. but i agree with you on the gentleman that we need to ensure that we do in fact respond for a bus to this matter but we need to do so with careful consideration of the assessments that have been made and the information that is available to us and that is exactly what the government is doing but i think nobody in this house should be in any doubts that there can be no suggestion of business as usual in relation to our interaction with russia it's very metro misspeaking the whole country will welcome the precise and clear statement which is the prime minister has delivered to the house the sultan noone here and in particular setting out precisely what she will do in terms of laying out the evidence for the international community and for the united nations. of the act of has been perpetrated on british soil america was so welcome the comment she made about the so-called magnitsky amendment there are many of us across the house of commons who believe that this could make a big contribution here and i hope that she will continue to consider following the
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way in which america canada and three european countries have introduced this particular a mere two year. i recognized by my humble friend has been supporting it and model has been working on this this issue and i say to him as i have to and earlier that we do want to ensure that we get the maximum possible consensus across the house on this on this particular issue and we will talk to those party is involved to ensure that the approach that is taken is one that is going to shadow foreign sector keep saying there is an amendment down there is that there is an amendment and there is an amendment down discussions are taking place with parties about the impact of the amendment as currently drafted and ensuring that any action that is taken is going to be action that we can assure will work with them bradshaw can i commend the
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prime minister for today making the sort of resolute and realistic statement about the kremlin that many of us have been looking for in this house for some time would she invite the heroic and brave bill browder has done more than any other single individual to uncover the kremlin's methods to give her a full briefing about what he knows of putin's cronies money laundering exploits in london and british political figures who have been corrupted by kremlin money and will she make sure that the whole of the government machinery is now giving full cooperation to robert morris inquiry in the united states because of what he has already uncovered about what the russians have been doing here yeah i say to the right of the gentleman we've already been clear in relation to the. inquiry the we will of course respond to appropriate requests i'm told that the other individual that he referred to. has actually already met the security minister and therefore has been able to brief him on on what he knows. vicki ford mrs speaker friends from
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especially scandinavia the politics and cross eastern europe have often told me how much they feel increasingly at risk from allies in russian aggression how my right honorable friend uptake the hands on how we work with our allies in response to this incident. i'm my own befriend is absolutely right and i'm very conscious that those who are particularly geographically close to russia on the european continent very are i do feel very much the immediacy of many of the activities that russia gets involved in particularly around matters for example of propaganda use and i will certainly be speaking to a number of our allies i think it is important not only that people recognize what has taken place here in the united kingdom but also the implications that it has if it is a russian state activity the implications that it has for russia's activities elsewhere
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on the continent of europe mike gapes thank you mr speaker also commend the prime minister for her remarks the last time we had. a clear deforming state sponsor of terrorism was the two thousand and six and she's referred to which can she also have conversations with her pretty decisive prime minister at that time tony blair about some of the issues that arose subsequent to the actions we joke because it's quite clear the russians will retaliate and we will then be intuitive process they think we will back down we've got a reserve and strongly we are not backing down to terrorism all members of parliament should stand together.
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