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tv   News  RT  March 14, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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if. i am. the case prime minister expounds twenty three russian diplomats from britain in retaliation for the kremlin's alleged involvement in the poisoning of a former russian intelligence agent and his daughter has despite police having declared you know that. the speaker is no alternative conclusion other than that the russian state was culpable for the attempted murder of mr script file and his daughter under the vienna convention the united kingdom will now expel twenty three russian diplomats who have been identified as intelligence officers. russian react to britain's measures calling them unacceptable and unjustified or promising a retaliatory response. and human rights advocates
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call the u.s. congress to reject a donald trump's new pick for cia director over her involvement in the intelligence agency's torture program. i will welcome you watching r.t. international with me making an error and now we start this hour with breaking news the u.k.'s prime minister to resign may has said britain will expel a twenty three russian diplomats and suspend all shared bilateral meetings with russia it comes in response to the poisoning of an ex russian intelligence officer and his daughter in the city of souls bree as the investigation into the incident continues or lives we with me now live in the studio is daniel hawkins and from london we're joined by alice to see a chicken or and to see
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a first over to you can you tell us more about the measures being taken by the british government. well the british prime minister has said that russia is culpable of attempted murder and among the measures that the u.k. is now taking is the expulsion of twenty three russian diplomats they are suspending high level contacts between the two countries the russian foreign minister's visit to the u.k. has been canceled and no british officials including members of the world family will be present at the world cup in russia taking place this summer. has said that russia's response to the deadline that was given by midnight last night was a distain given the gravity of events that unraveled. mr speaker it was right to offer russia the opportunity to provide an explanation but their response has demonstrated complete disdain for the gravity of these events. they have provided
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no credible explanation that they could suggest they don't control of then the agent no explanation as to how this agent came to be used in the united kingdom no explanation as to why russia has an undeclared chemical weapons program in contravention of international law yeah. well the leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn had to ask the british prime minister whether or not any official requests were sent to russia whether any evidence was provided to russia or any facts and that the response was a bit unsubstantial. as the prime minister taking the necessary steps under the chemical weapons convention to make a formal request for evidence from the russian government how has she responded to the russian government's request for a sample of the agent used in the soles read time to run its own tests has high
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resolution trace analysis been run on a sample of the nerve agent and has that revealed any evidence as to the location of its production all the identity of its perpetrators we gays the russian government the opportunity through the day march that my right on befriend the foreign secretary delivered to the russian ambassador here in london earlier this week to do just that they have not done so there is a consensus across the butt benches of this house yeah i am only sorry that the consensus does not go as far as the right honorable gentleman. could do could have taken the opportunity as the u.k. government has done to condemn the culpability of the russian. the russian embassy . here in london has said that the steps taken by the british government are unjustified unacceptable and shortsighted also saying that they do deterioration of
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ties between russia and the u.k. lies on the british government and that ultimatums don't work with russia is that. everything what is. acceptable with the city if the pictures. we believe that the you like to keep them should pull the international none of them under this obligations to him. live in the weapons they have to present their request to the organization and then we're happy to consider this within a few days this is the international law and of course we're not ready to. to talk you know we the ultimate. the actions taken by the british government became really a crescendo of over a week of the spy saga on raveling where we saw what could have been
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a potential local incident unravel into a huge international diplomatic standoff now thank you for those details last r.t. is an associate check in and london for more on the russian response let's go over to our correspondent daniel hawkins now who joins me in the studio daniel what can you tell us from the u.k. so i think is we heard there from prime minister three's a maze of parliament to an open and shut case or other possibilities or other actors have been ruled out in quite a short time the russian side has to say have given a totally different response from the onset they've said they've got no knowledge of how this could have happened they've denied any involvement indeed foreign minister sergei lavrov expressed that he was ready and willing to cooperate should he receive an official request but as the russian ambassador said no such official request to russia. proceeded let's take a listen to what the foreign minister said just a couple of days back with. the who we haven't received any official
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request from london based on its own obligations in accordance with the chemical weapons convention we've told britain we are ready to respond if they file the request instead of filing the official request the u.k. continues to pull political stunts. now of course to see it was saying this expulsion of twenty three diplomats is an unprecedented move in terms of the last thirty years at least certainly a big move there from the prime minister we have had a response from the russian foreign ministry just coming in over the last four five minutes or so they've described the whole situation as an unprecedented provocation and they've said that this russia's willingness to have international dialogue on reading the statement here directly rather than cooperating on this investigation through official channels which the russians say they have been willing to do the u.k. government has chosen a path of confrontation that at least is the opinion of the russian government here
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this is part of what they're saying and russian campaign the final line sounding particularly. the countermeasures take this is likely to be a protracted diplomatic incident we are only seeing the beginning of what's going on here and of course it remains to be seen how the involvement in any country investigations in that independent analysis of the substance used to attack mr screwball will affect those circumstances as well and care daniel hawking thank you for those details dan. ok well moscow is expected to give its response to the british prime minister within the coming hour with that's not going to get let's cross live to richard sokolov professor of russian and european politics at the university of kent mr sakwa professor thank you for joining us on the program so twenty three russian diplomats will be expelled from britain they have one week to leave the country how prudent is the move do you think i think this is on the lower
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screen and look what could have happened we were talking about the possibility of some financial sanctions some investigations of national wealth to dealings in london some maybe other starting scenes in coordination with the european union and other states so this is in the scale of things while indeed young students with for the last few decades still. here for very limited to your sponsors that seem to be so many unanswered questions with this case the investigations still ongoing do you feel the measure is given this time a two or. they certainly are i think that once again julia mccolgan has shown himself to be a genuine statesman i think that his question was absolutely pertinent when he asked whether. your quest for sample off the nerve agent never jumped so that it could be tested in moscow and so on was exactly the
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sort of sensible measure that one would have thought could have been taken and it's indicative of their response to what was a sensible statement this sort of the wild shouting in the house of commons i think that the larger question is of course to resume and get sponsored to his question said and made the allegation that this was a state sponsored act now it may have been it may not have been i'm skeptical but there's no proof of it i mean i think that there are certainly a lot of questions which remain open and we do need answers to them with on earth did this nerve agent come from because clearly it is unacceptable and that i will go is right that this sort of agent was being used in a major a major bit of british city in which all sorts of bystanders innocent people could have been affected of course not only sergei school pro but his daughter was
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attacked so quite clearly we have a lot of questions to be answered we so far have no answers other than the fact that we know roughly the agent that was involved it was smeared on the door handles of the car and then it was then squared across the town but that's all that we know it's it's just it's a sort of nerve agent i mean i'm no expert but as far as i understand it it can be assembled without enormous difficulty if you know what you're doing so. of course there's the other question why the u.k. is the second. you can go and now this one why such an exotic way i mean if they didn't it's not quite clear why and who but if they did want to get scared why use this method unless it really was an act of war now i don't think that the russian state given the circumstances just last week. there were just two weeks ago now we
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had let him out put in state of the nation speech on the first of march this speech the last third of this they was a lot of discussion about nuclear issues but the first third two thirds of the speech outlined a period of it undertook a liberal modernization it showed that those hardliners were defeated in the debate over what the look of putin's next six years assuming as we do that he will win the election on sunday so there's obviously clearly major battles in moscow but this even more suggests that given this relatively modernising speech against those hardliners who wanted a mobilization model this total was to be a relatively peaceful developmental one so this even more makes it nonsensical to believe that this was
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a deliberate act sponsored and ordered by the president himself it just doesn't make sense. and as part of the measures against russia and they also pointed out earlier two m.p.'s at that member m.p.'s and members of the royal family will not be attending the faith a world cup to be held in russia this summer but this likely to have a significant impact and also it raises the question why are we seeing sport and politics being merged together again. when we russia was awarded the fee for world cup a few years back that state just look at money on it i predicted that it was almost certain that the u.k. in one way or another would sanction the event sought over the sochi winter olympics and it was quite clear in particular over their fee for world cup if you recall that when your show was awarded the world cup only two people to delegate vote for the united kingdom one was the british delegate and one other so
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it was a humiliation of the first order and london has never forgiven i don't think it will affect the world cup in the slightest i think that's a shame it would have been good to have seen british. state leaders to participate to what hopefully will be a great event so their absence is an incredible but not a disaster so i say i think they're on the whole to estimate has been relatively it has to end in her actions unlike her probably minister boris johnson who were spitting blood and thunder earlier this week and last week over the issue so i think that to some and even more the home secretary amber you would have behaved terribly yesterday and because clearly this is a major event but i would have thought instead of. grandstanding wish it had. a. a you know
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a measured investigation and cooperation with moscow because it's also very important another of the measures outlined was to break off all schedule contacts with your action officials well there's hardly any of these official dialogue going on i think the big picture is that russian u.k. relations have got to such a dreadful point that we need leadership to begin to find a way out from this dead end. instead of constantly intensifying it by megaphone diplomacy which is suncor a professor of russian and european politics at the university of kent will let you take that call now thank you for joining us and sharing your thoughts. when we got back with most henri's off to this short break do stay with us. when else should seem wrong why don't people just don't call. me.
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just to say proud disdain become active. and engaged because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. apply to many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending to get to the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else only because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game like great so what will chance with. the face going to.
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welcome back now the u.s. president has opted for a major shake up on capitol hill the new face of american diplomacy will be the incumbent cia director mike pompei oh with him donald trump says he has good chemistry. very good let's say for whatever reason. whatever was. most says was the. way the mike pump aoe now preparing to take the reigns at the state department his position at the cia will be felt by gina house but now she's a veteran intelligence agent who controversially played a role in the organizations torture program donna now takes a closer look at the appointments and that implications hawks nesting in washington
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mike pompeo the new diplomats in chief of the iron fist to lead america's state department he's had the president under his spell for a while already the to see eye to eye on normal stover thing the issue that sunk to listen diplomatic korea trump and share common spite towards iran and north korea both of them like to call torture enhanced interrogation and they're fans of the n.s.a.'s warrantless bulk data collection where the stand on whistleblowers is one of the few things that trump and bombay i don't quite agree on well the have to differ on something. it's time to call out wiki leaks for what it really is non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like russia. i can't think of a thing that has put america in a better position as a result of this deal we're a year out from the agreement and every has
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a single action the iranians have taken has been bolder and starker than the one they took before the agreement. a very real danger. by hardly ever escape a day at the white house without the president asking me about north korea and how it is that the united states is responding to that threat it's very much at the top of his mind they are ever closer to having the capacity to hold america risk with a nuclear weapon. this is the man elevated to america's top diplomat and descending with him is his former deputy gina hospital will be the first woman to lead the cia with her boss's impending departure she worked undercover and in secret for years she clearly likes being out of the spotlight and it could be for a good reason she was one of the tortue chieftains at the cia in two thousand to asp all round the operations of an agency black site in thailand where two
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terrorist suspects were tortured one of them was nearly killed during these so-called interrogation agents slammed against the wall water boarded him deprived of sleep and kept him in a coffin like box and it was the hospital reportedly who later gave the order to destroy the tapes which recorded the torment along with other evidence given trump's pledge to keep guantanamo bay operational and he's advocating of waterboarding everything falls into place it seems now the state department and the cia will have plenty in common you know in hansing not just interrogation techniques a diplomatic routine to both appointees will now have to go through senate confirmation hearings before taking office however rights groups have called on congress to reject in both nominations human rights watch says that given their track record spawned peo and tassel are both likely to endorse abusive practices
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john kiriakou who was the first cia officer to expose the agency's use of torture and to latest served jail time following the revelations says appointing gina half well as head of the cia isn't one of transferring his decisions. this is one of the worst moves i've ever heard of at the cia when i heard it i couldn't believe it because you know has bush should be in the dock at the hague not in the director's office at the cia do you know has bill has blood all over her hands she's the godmother of the cia's torture program the president is certainly a fan of torture he's come right out and said so and the only thing that stopping them from returning to this torture regime is one piece of paper called the mccain feinstein amendment it was an amendment to the national fence authorization act that specifically banned it prohibited exactly the kinds of techniques that you know has will was overseen my pump a i will take over from the current secretary of
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state at the end of this month reports that donald trump had been considering sacking his top diplomat had been secular for months due to the numerous disagreements of a government policy telethons removal was announced on twitter by the president and the above to me it has got others on the social network sharing some of the stories of rejection and let them to come up with a new way it. if
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you're now you're flying. well a right wing canadian activist has been detained in france and banned from entering britain lauren flat than was held at a british border point in calif a u.k. home office told her she was being banned for distributing racist material in the
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town of luton last year one of the posters said is a gay gold officials described the twenty two year old as a threat to u.k. public policy south and says she was interrogated in the french ports under the u.k.'s terrorism. i got a knock on the door from the kent u.k. police who handed me this form and that's when things kind of went sideways it's the schedule seven terrorism act and they said you need to read this you are being brought in to be questioned under the terrorism act and other right wing activists have been barred from britain for similar reasons austria's martins and american commentator brittany pettibone were this month detained for three days before being deported found that had been shuttled to speak at a free speech conference in london's hyde park. last week and from the u.k. for various reasons for me it was because i wanted to give
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a speech about freedom of speech on speakers corner. and for me i am an american conservative commentator and i simply wanted to enter the u.k. of course i was going to watch martin speech but i was primarily going in to do some interviews i wanted to interview tommy robinson who is outspoken against islam and they essentially labeled him a far right leader who incites racial hatred and that's why they didn't want me to enter to interview him so huge crackdown of censorship but not only you know them banning us but also on the internet right now as we're seeing on platforms like you tube and twitter. all the bans have caused anger in some quarters that supporters are saying that while the right wing activists are being banned radical islamic preachers have been allowed to speak freely and known terrorist suspects are allowed entry into person. the bit ridiculous if you look at us that both of us are as i called an acceptable characters for you if you pose a threat to the accord again peace of the local communities why the same the very
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same country let's radical muslim extremists just freely enter the country they have all these muslim grooming gangs but still we are the main threat and we are kept out of the country i think is just ridiculous. kevin i will be with you with the latest headlines at the top of the hour. twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest kill people. but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and the huge amount of pressure you have to be the center of the beach . and we'll show you all the great the great game you are the rock at the back nobody gets us to you we need you to get going let's go.
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alone. and i'm really happy to join us for the two thousand and three and world cup in russia meet the special one. needs to just read the review beyond the team's latest edition to make up as we go. look. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president as you. want. to going to be press which is what the four three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the winds. i don't.
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know but i live. i miss so much you know you know you know. that it had. to. fade in the city. and then yesterday when you. and your you know enough for your cousins how is that done. with the schools that have been. pretty high. most of them want things. to do by the small boys so this is when they deal with one.
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of. my. own and when. i don't want to move big people being equal to all because someone come one to be no me disinvest and these i have need i go to house school fees to take the kids. and i give them good for the middest knew i was been used well can i go to get it right i tried to the five in the way your nephew can get ten.
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k. that's a movie was about him how much you know how was told that you know how do. you. know how much. you know why you have. a lot i want to. let you know how do you. still you know that money was. not a good idea. and this is what he is and it. wasn't until one day he met that yes that was. the last man that done.


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