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tv   News  RT  March 15, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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for women smarts youth and power and i'm organizing this action because it is time that our youth stand up for our own safety congress and the adults in our lives have not done enough and so now we're saying enough is enough their target audience was obvious every legislator in this country i hope that my senator chuck schumer hears and i hope all our members of congress and our state legislators hear this message that we are sick of feeling unsafe in our schools we want them to ban assault weapons and expand background checks to be universal on all gun sales was across town around one thousand students teachers and administrators carried their rallying cry to the steps of the nation's capital a student shouldn't have to be afraid that person will shoot them at school that's not ok so i thought i'd come here to show my opinion because we're going to be the next generation to vote in people like that are lobbying people just to have the guns in this country that make people unsafe just like several members of congress stopped by chance erupted in admiration for months senator bernie sanders when he
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paid a brief visit to the crowd in a show of support for the young students were all in danger of gun violence and we need to be safe in our schools because school as our schools are laying and vironment this is where we develop that's where we grow and we need to do it in a safe environment this isn't ok i think enough is enough and shootings happen way too often just last week there was another shooting at a mall near our school and it just insane how often this is allowed to happen i think that the suffocating reality of the situation is that you know our students are all vulnerable to attacks like the ones apartment and other places there really could be any of us and i know that you know even something as far as florida it really hits close to home it's estimated over three thousand schools participated in today's action and while their call was a loud and clear their hope is that it will reverberate not just across campus but in the halls of power as well in washington on your part until our team. always
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powerful to see those kids out there doing the i love them even if even if you disagree with the message or you disagree the protesters seeing you know the youth in the streets exercising their freedom exercising their constitutional protected right speech that's a beautiful thing to see just what if anything else here has come it's a great film in the nose of the people who love and politicians on capitol hill because think well children shouldn't be making decisions they shouldn't be there and most you know these are just kids yet those kids are going to build a vote these are high school kids you got a couple years and those are the voters and to me a politician should be writing policy for tomorrow yeah not today and i hope that this isn't just the photo op thing because the thing that really you know when i saw some of the pictures coming back it's like you know suddenly is chuck schumer's up there and like all these now up there that's like no i know that career politicians like that they're just in it for the photo op you know the you know they don't have that melts away right because then i don't want to sell what the kids won even the pros and i'm going back to often and buckled to the n.r.a.
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last week and it was the same thing you said well there's not a lot of political has on a poll lot of political polls will tell you that every single poll is saying that over half of americans want to deal with this situation and using guns as they say i think just using guns as second moment we talked about that's nonlethal weapons are all supposed to arms you know and you're only saying i'm going to protect you know nobody's protecting me with. regulating or deregulating non-lethal weapon that i can use to protect myself you know i do it you have milk if you have a billion the billions of dollars in lobbying great but these kids have the power they can be just as strong as a lobby oh yeah and you know and i think this is one of those issues too that there's so many different great facets to this issue because you can talk about you know better security schools you know physical security things like that you know it's not just the gun debate it's not just the you know it's a magical place and debate as well exactly and i think that is where we get too caught up on and i think that. i hope i hope that the that these kids out there
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these seventeen eight year old kids sixteen younger who are taking this movement and running with it i just hope don't let the adults hijack it no i don't think i'll stick to your guns don't let all the adults come in and hijack it and turn it into a you know a commercial one nike you know i'm a commercial down the line you don't want that keep appear and keep speaking your mind. all right as we go to break our quadrant don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered a base book and twitter see our poll shows that are to dot com coming up we have deep into the burn pits of iraq and afghanistan with documentary greg love it and burnt the victim military factor in the jesse baka you don't want to miss this so stay tuned for watching the hawks.
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they're not ones that. don't want my next nights out the definitions you know i'm back. when seeking i mean south. and. taking the equal sitting. down and then you're just going to bring. at least that kind of. movie right now i think. i'm going to you know let me. just get feeling if one means or less is that enough. to face them tokio find it. going. to let go. his work was because did it because he didn't seem quite
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a cultural critic i told the friends. there's nobody that's keeping goober's asian economy we're all working for below minimum wage at the end of the day if you factor in the ecological devastation of the dancing chicken effect and all the cruelty prone eggs who escapes this nightmare we call post-industrial as post ironic post. fantasy is a sion and infantile ization narcissistic cause i real. close to. when you don't see. the teachers who are to get a court to go to what are the most true only ten space. left in the. said. semana claiming to know servant is
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messy that to. alex you speak french. you. see them send them all to new. busy cut it down to its leftist. really do you believe. you need more of your. very little. sleep each of you he just doesn't want you know nobody believes in them he didn't even know. about the. leader of the will. give me. free.
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thank you. thank. you there is nothing the united states collectively enjoys more than lavishing praise money and adulation on the ranks of our nation's fighting force with the pentagon sprawling and unaccounted for budget growing decade by decade at a pace unseen in the modern world and the president apparently making a military parade down pennsylvania avenue one of his biggest domestic priorities for twenty eighteen there appears to be no limit to the love and appreciation we show our troops but it turns out there's a very hard limit indeed of that appreciation and it affects our troops exactly when they need it most and they need our support documentarian greg lovett producer and director of delay deny hope you die explores the long ignored military use of burn pits crude throwbacks to a time before modern health and science that leave many returning veterans today
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physically in limbo for their life earlier we sat down with love and u.s. air force master sergeant jesse baka to learn more about this facet of our military capitol hill has long chosen to not celebrate. thank you so much gentlemen for going to joining us today and talking about this important important documentary delayed and i hope you died how america poisoned its soldiers i want to start and ask you greg what has the reception for the film but like so far. well i've gotten really positive reaction but it really runs the whole scope of emotions from anger and disappointment for. a lot of people who weren't aware that this was going on are really shocked that this is happening that it's still happening that soldier aren't getting the help that they need and a lot of people that are going through it can really relate to the some of the stories that they hear from but from the other soldiers and a lot of people really want to know what they can do to help when it's all over
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they feel pretty moved and motivated to take action just the what was what was your experience when you're. pulling for the first time i was i was shocked and it because it brought back to reality what i went through it just brought it all back he did such a good job and showing all of that and the emotion like he said it's a roller coaster a lot it was it was crazy. now the screening greg was here and d.c. recently and i wonder because i keep hearing this story over the last few years you know i got a rolling thunder every year and i talk to the guys there and those vets are still talking about you know agent orange and now this this is sort of the new agent orange monks that that community. when you were here in d.c. or ever are you hearing any movement from politicians are there any politicians that are standing behind the fight to take care of the soldiers who were affected by the burn it's just make help more accessible at all there are
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a few just you senator baka. help get a registry started you actually hosted a private screening for some of his colleagues on capitol hill. we had a congressman from florida at the screening biller office who was trying to help you can't really say that it's that it's gone mainstream yet it's not a majority of people helping but there are. some politicians here and there that are trying to take up the fight and do what they can do i think that let me ask you as a vet. how what does it feel like to see something that obviously was in the line of duty it was part of your job how do you how do you react as a feel when you see that it's a few senators there congressman like this seems like something that should be across the board that every senator and congress person should be on this shouldn't be a question how does it feel when you see things not happening or it's not
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a mainstream issue you know it's in its infancy right now and our senator from new mexico tom udall and then our congresswoman michele the home. they were just supporting it big time and with senator udall he's a senior senator and very very respected man and when he helped us with the birthday of bill it went like fire the hard part is to keep it hot keep it going and it can die down that's probably the biggest thing right now and we just can't let it you know just to focus and with the documentary i believe it will bring it to light that's good that's really good you know i was curious to see you are you mentioned earlier you helped get the burr good registry of off the ground if it was regular twenty terrible you know you helped in that process. how many veterans right now are our software are suffering from that associated illnesses that we know it's in the thousands it's not just a small number i can't even be accurate on it it's
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a lot of people and it's more is coming to light and when i get to talk to veterans there are huge frustration there is they're not being they're not being looked at it's not recognized and the reason being is every veteran has. individual fight for the veterans administration you can't just take one hundred people on this just get it done it's on you by yourself with your paperwork is there. no human research for the film is there any idea of how many you know afghanistan and iraqi citizens get affected by this at this point and that's a home another story unfortunately there is research that shows that children are being born with a higher rates of cancer because of course the smoke from the burn pits doesn't stop at the the border of your base it floats into the communities they were also seen footage and maybe you've seen a few jets i don't know but of iraq in afghanistan this is actually scavenging in the burn pits because you know one man's trash is another man's treasure and so
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they were exposed to it too and because they come from a different kind of society than we do i don't think they're really doing any research i don't think we know but that wasn't a positive thing that's for sure. do you. are the pits first i think i wonder are these pits still in operation is this something that hand that is actually being done or is the pentagon come up with a new way pardon my says there's probably did they come up with new ways to poison ourselves because it seems like every time if it's not you know things in the soil the bullets everything it's a toxic job so are they being used or have they come up with some safer alternative . they're still being i mean i can only give you and i don't have evidence i don't have details but i have talked to soldiers who contacted me after they heard the document was being made they wanted to provide additional information if possible whatever and i've run into many who said that there's still a new unconscionable i just from my personal like my personal feeling on it's
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unconscionable like these men and women are serving their country and whether i agree with that war i'm totally anti-war but whether i agree with it or not putting them in harm's way like that when they're already in harm's way just for the horrible thing about it too is a show in the documentary that there was information as far back as two thousand and six that the military themselves knew that these burn pits were were poisonous soldiers i have copies of memos that were just completely buried and soldiers were never informed of the hazard of toxins that they were being exposed to so they knew about this they knew the potential for harm and they did nothing about it what was the cost benefit analysis not that you know you were walking in their shoes but what was their justification what was the cost benefit analysis of like oh well we know this is harmful but it was just just kind of keep it quiet just keep dumping a member.


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