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tv   Documentary  RT  March 15, 2018 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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from the russian government given the gravity of the accusations at official request seemed like a reasonable osc but law school though says no such requests were forthcoming we haven't received any official request from london we've told britain we're ready to respond if they file the request instead of filing the official request the u.k. continues to pull political stunt moscow also said it would cooperate in a joint investigation within o.p.c. w. parameters it seems this offer was unacceptable to the u.k. government. has high resolution trace analysis been run on a sample of the nerve agent no answers from to reason may on that but the prime minister believes there's already enough evidence to make it highly likely this was an attack ordered by the russian state guilty as charged mr script and his daughter were poisoned with nothing chock a military grade nerve agent developed by russia means motive and opportunity are
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usually needed to prove criminal guilt the nerve agent chalk allegedly used in that attack was actually developed in the soviet union decades ago and the o.p.c. w. officially confirmed that russia had concluded the destruction of its entire chemical weapons stockpile last year. how has she responded to the russian government's request for a sample of the agent used in the soles reattack to run its own tests apparently no response and no sample why the secrecy if this is such an open and shut case we've . we're not chemists here but let me read to you the opinion of one expert in order to prove that the agents used was indeed an overt york british specialist must have compared it to a control standard so this is the most important thing in this story in other words if the u.k. is so convinced it was an overt york it means they must have a. and samples and the capacity to produce it. will be investigations that in its
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early stages other crucial evidence which could point to the perpetrator of this crime is lacking. as that revealed any evidence as to the location of its production all the identity of its perpetrators hundreds of officers as you would expect them to work around gathering evidence to identify their response we're not declaring a person of interest or a suspect. how does committing a heinous act on foreign soil on the eve of a presidential election and months before the much discussed world cup knowing the diplomatic fallout benefit the kremlin you have to ask one thing if russia wanted to kill this man they could have killed him when he was a prisoner in russia why have they waited this long and why use a chemical weapon that makes it definitely is the russians behind this very old to
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think that the president of russia is sitting in his office deciding who to kill someone who is no threat in that basically now retired in britain i would guess that mr putin has got more important things to do than that but the reason may says russia's been given a chance to disprove its guilt until proven innocent despite many unanswered questions the mass expulsion of diplomats the freeze on the high level talks for tat action approaching means the diplomatic damage has already been done and it's too late to undo. moving on now if there is a power struggle in berlin but this time it's between the police and the criminal underworld it's claimed that our crime clans are in full treating the police and undermining their reputation and immediacy is they're proving successful at it here's our europe correspondent this hour peter. a parallel society with parallel
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justice being meted out by a mafia don the arabic clans of underworld have apparently gained so much influence that they're challenging the power of the state and that it's got alarm bells ringing in the city prosecutor's office the damage is already done now the clans are making sure their confidence in state power is dwindling the latest method being used to a road the poles the police while cementing their own is to use their power base against the police the strain flies in the drug trafficking protection rackets and prostitution and it's the latter it's being used to attack the reputation of police officers. rumors have been spreading about police and prostitutes aiming to show police officers in a bad light for example that they have given drugs to prostitutes for information once it's out there it is very difficult to dispel it people see corrupt cops in
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hollywood and think yes that could happen even if we have very clear evidence to prove it's not true. the arab clans have become such a part of the tapestry of the german capital that they were recently featured in the hit t.v. show. that mention could. have been the subject. because i'm going to talk about your thoughts. and believe. the police point out this real life is far crueler violent than any fiction. the trans main weapon is intimidation but just recently we saw a passer by shot and injured in a shootout between gangs if you hear shots being fired in. eighty percent of the time it's clans we've seen police officers testify. against clan members being threatened right in the courtroom. if you stand against them expect to be visited
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by them and for threats to be made against you and your family. the clans have become emboldened over the last few years being linked to or investigated in more and more ambitious crimes like the daring heist on an upscale jewelers and the theft of a one hundred kilo gold coin from the boat a museum but how to open up a group that uses violence to guarantee silence and. we need to track the money like they did with the math here in italy we should make it so people have to prove where the cash comes from now a person can claim or the unemployment benefits available will be driving a lamborghini it here and say it was a gift from his brother even though the real money is coming from criminal enterprises. with the police feeling strong by allegations against offices and the crime groups. we have to ask who is in the increasingly
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called battle for the streets of berlin peter all over. designs on a military unit that's literally out of this world but the internet's got its own ideas about the president's proposed space force as r.t. reports right after this. global selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chickenhawk forcing you to fight the battles that still. produce talk to try to tell you that what we gossip and public ourselves. off about tell me you are not full enough and by product. of the hawks that we along with all the one.
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with make this manufacture consent to public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final merry go round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room six. minutes into the program welcome back don't rule trumps latest speech to marine aviation troops in the us has stirred the imagination of saif ali he has announced a new frontier for america i trust base with plans to create
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a special space force but as artie's had to explain while some out a field day with themed jokes on the internet others are warning of the dangers of space militarize a ship. the army navy and air forces aren't enough in the battle for world dominance it's time for new developments and donald trump isn't short of ideas space is a war fighting drama you just like the air and sea. we may even have a space force develop another one space force we have the air force one of the space wars we have the army the navy trans comments have captured the imagination of twisties as with many wondering whether help become the guardian of the galaxy or will he be training in all me of power ranges all stone trip as ready to file a says any extraterrestrial threats.
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and even some of the president's general seem to be a list same page or planet there is no war in space just as there is no war in cyberspace there is only war and war can extend into any demain not a new idea it's been proposed many times in the past and it's always been rejected by the new something that people have been promoting again recently and i think that would be a very negative move actually because it would create a constituency whose natural interest then is is used to further the weaponization of space and create a greater danger of actual war in space but not all the way both the us defense and the air force secretaries have labeled the space plan as a necessary barrier kartik and costly and the house in fact spin a space command's for if they see is is part of the us as force and carries out intelligence operations and make sure space isn't militarized then there's also the nine hundred sixty seven outer space treaty no small obstacle to any american
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ambitions to put weapons in orbit it was created to stop the set of military bases and out of space and address other cosmic concerns well they're the us has previously blocked or abstained from the un effets to regulate space weapons. since at least the past twenty years if not. the united states has had no interest in any discussion of space arms control so although it's hard to tell how sincere trump is at this point one thing is special trying fails the fourth is with him. back down to earth now where there's just a few days left for the russian election candidates to try and win over voters in
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the run up to polling day we are profiling the presidential hopefuls today vladimir zhirinovsky who is the leader of russia's liberal democratic party he's run for president in all bar one election since they began in russia in one thousand nine hundred one he wants to introduce a progress of income tax system in stead of the current all run flat rate as well as pledging to tackle poverty. illegal immigration his critics though say he's pondering too easy populism and not his party often votes in line with the kremlin in parliament anyway you're sure you're in the stands in his own words. in those it would seem to me we must be strong young girls and the president should be taught with such a foreign policy that will make everyone scared of others so is that and they can respect as usual and no one will dare to close russian schools press russian
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language for me i will move death to stop our journalists not law makers turkeys and no one will dare to kill our ambassador because i will do everything to make russians and our language respect your. yes i choose to go on russian citizens to be proud of our country not be proud of sausages or smart phones is disgusting there are hewing overnight to buy a new phone it's not that's not what price even though i promise all military officers a new ranks and then you no one will be left without a flat and you know you'll get them immediately is no more waiting there's lots of a confusion of when you will increase pensions for all veterans easier than you give bonuses free tourist trip that i will protect all of you see anyway and we will be proud of our country. does not see that we need to have a strong army out of that no options here be friends with somebody who did those who are we going to be friends with no risk of nato forces our orders it would take
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you five minutes to fly to st petersburg to get a ball in seven minutes to moscow to the moscow that are genuine and arachnids they are planning to destroy our country and they would stand your whimpering only you will travel there to get a shingle visa i will get better economy by your kind of economy talking about if they bomb the hell out of us tomorrow that we're security is first. these people shouldn't even be allowed to serve an ordinary civil parties yes i knew and they want to become president i thought that's a disgrace and it would change the loyalists and you weren't see this because it's a good outrage at the net election when you make it proud as well as the caliber it's so we're also meeting voters from across russia to hear who they want in the kremlin's top job today we're heading to the pub.
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please. please be a limo but give them a fair treatment which will give it to me as it was from a little bit of the some of what's the. name should be me as i'm walking near the store for you try to eat me in the sociable obviously with the can of the laws you know the law school's out for just such excitement for the. whole you get used to what i learned. by doing mostly deal with all of you really are still able to separate the field at least of them from
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this neighborhood in the fight against the world. but this theater summerson on the most of the purple structures it's necessary to forgive i've got to put it quite see if it actually stood out because of their deeds so probably emphasis without the assistance of the so i had to go until. i didn't ask the question i would have the stories in the news i mean you must know some of our stars and got what looked at us and i started seeing thrashers things that concluded and some. will appreciate the efforts that will come of it now mostly for the old enough it's easy to assume that i once thought the thoughts i dismissed some of them are sustainable so. the other one of those for them is for the amount of it so in the most honest people to the for instance if the start of an hour. was on the last little. i've been able to leave because. it's the least in the midst of.
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that all this because. you can meet more of the voters and presidential candidates here over the next few days and from saturday evening our special election coverage kicks off on red square and continues right through polling day as we receive those all important results reactions. there's nobody that's keeping tubers asian economy we're all working for below minimum wage at the end of the day if you factor in the ecological devastation of dancing chicken effect and all the cruelty prone. who escapes this nightmare we call post-industrial is post ironic post. anticipation and infantile ization
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narcissistic cause i react. greetings and salutation so you can bet your bottom dollar that the sun will come out tomorrow unless of course of sunshine week then it will be every day yes this week march eleventh to the seventeenth is sunshine week one week a year where we get to celebrate the public's right to know the one week where we thank our investigative journalists across the land and we highlight celebrate and fight for open government and freedom of information at the local state and federal levels. and trust me who this year we could really use that kind of sunshine more than ever because the united states had
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a record setting year for censoring and withholding government files from taxpayer taxpaying citizens and media outlets the associated press reports the people who asked for records of the freedom of information act received censored files or nothing in seventy eight per cent of eight hundred twenty three thousand requests a record over the past decade or so and when they are not censoring or withholding information from the public our government officials plead ignorance take the recent senate armed services committee hearing when massachusetts senator elizabeth warren asked us some concommitant or general joseph boat all about our refueling support of saudi arabian airstrikes in the war torn country of yemen killed many civilians she asked the general does sun come track the purpose of the missions it is refueling to which the good general responded senator we do not. yeah. that old ancient military maneuver of burying one's head in
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sand in the patent start of that because remember we didn't ask we can't be held responsible or accountable. so let's celebrate sunshine week hold some people accountable and start watching the hawks. this. is a part of it if you. like you know that i got. this. week so. welcome aboard what are the roles that girls and. top of the law lists. soon we. don't know whether we should be shocked or or not every year i
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feel like it becomes a bigger and bigger sign that just says they're not telling us something and them being who ever the secrets if it's not you know the media not asking enough questions or the government or people within an administration or departments censoring batting for information either from the outlets or from average citizens just trying to learn the truth and going to be better i don't think it's not going to get better especially when you've got what do you potentially have you know lucy i had who. tortured folks or them tried to move on from that like you're going to see that censorship i don't think subsided you time soon but tell with i think the question at hand is. can a country this doesn't just go for united states any country in the world that censors information that does deals in the dark and keep citizens from knowing why the things are done how things are done in the motivations you know behind that and what your government is doing can a nation called so free if it's always keeping secrets no absolutely not they're
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not parents this is the problem with this idea that somehow i don't know when this happened obviously very slowly over the last you know ten fifteen years is that it's as if people are begging for a nanny state begging for a surveillance state and the sad part is we know what comes with that and it's not a better life it's not a safer country if if every day sense september eleventh two thousand and one hasn't shown you that that is not keeping us safe or that they're using our money and they're a lying there and that makes me question everything else so yeah i mean it's ridiculous when you see these for your requests when like you know people whether it be individual citizens taken the time to do to fill out the paperwork and dirty oil and they're difficult to understand or know or investigative journalists who do it right exactly and limped out mean you always see it would like the article comes out of whatever it is a member of the foyer request comes back and it's like more redacted than the screen behind you would have seen savoy of course was just
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a black mark across the entire page rollerball what was the point of that beyond almost just thumbing your nose that's what they're doing. and that's the thing because asking questions is wrong together don't ask questions or if you don't ask only ask the questions we think you're supposed to good point so this is it according to a.p. the u.s. government turned over everything requested in roughly one of every five requests that's only twenty percent so we get twenty percent transparency and i can't blame this on trump because this has been put in place for many many many many years this started with bill clinton and slowly worked its way into becoming more entrenched with you know. the bush's and then again with obama it was a lot about holding things from the press it was a lot about punishing people who weren't and a lot of times they said you know what documents were released so that twenty percent two thirds of cases they were heavily heavily censored. i mean but there is
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that page behind you really are you know it's of double it up and then the one thing was that they broke another record twenty seven has wanted to give the feds a prize they spend forty point six million dollars last year in legal fees defending its decision to withhold federal files sort of like news organizations or whoever says like you know you always these files that you know they're you can't they're top secret we can't yes you can just know we can't we'll take it out or ok and then in a third of those cases they had to admit in court and admit it on their record that they were wrong to keep referencing on the birth place of thirty three percent so they're either ignorant or or. handling i love some of this is not just a u.s. problem too not just a u.s. problem because you know we're constantly promised over and over going to all the time like oh you know all these people were behind this thing and these are the you know these are the enemies and like all that kind of thing a little you know the truth comes out usually but it's like top secret you don't actually get to know what you know and when you know what you want to step out and
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say we know this we did this we always so in the case the u.k. you know. it's a little again a little harder to trust you know when you're not entirely you know being you know open because like look at the u.k. the guardian uncovered twenty thirteen the guardian cover the british the british britain's foreign and commonwealth office of the c.e.o. had a legally withheld six hundred thousand historic documents from the public most of these documents were about colonialism and the whole of the so you gotta hold government accountable in the way we do that is demanding information because at the end of the day our money pays for the paper it was printed on. one month ago the united states was rocked by a mass shooting of unfathomable scale marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland florida since then the nation's cable news and political world ensuring through yet another round of gun control debates i mean n.r.a. has become one of today's most controversial and culturally charged public organizations but and then you need display of solidarity tens of thousands of
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chills schoolchildren across the nation walked out of class to shame the governments do nothing demagogues and to action r.t.s. on a particle caught up with some of the demonstrators in washington d.c. . this slogan today is enough is enough as students around the country have staged a mass walkout from class their message is simple they're fed up with congress is in action on gun control and say no student should have to live in fear that their school could be next at georgetown university's walkout three minutes of silence were observed to demonstrate just how quickly a gunmen murdered seventeen students in parkland florida just one month ago equipped with an a r fifteen semiautomatic rifle we can start with commonsense things such as background checks ban on assault weapons has i don't think any citizen needs such a high powered weapon in their hands or five years ago my cousin victoria soto is a first grade teacher who was killed at sandy hook school in her first grade
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classroom so that kind of was the spark that motivated me to get involved in the movement. and that was over five years ago not a lot has changed we believe that change starts here at the younger level and we came out here to support the students who are fighting for to end gun violence and to protect the younger students i have a younger brother i don't want him to be scared going to school anymore so this needs to stop now i am one of the organizers for women's march youth empower and i'm organizing this action because it is time that our youth stand up for our own safety congress and the adults and. our lives have not done enough and so now we're saying enough is enough their target audience was obvious every legislator in this country i hope that my senator chuck schumer hears that i hope all our members of congress and our state legislators hear this message that we are sick of feeling unsafe in our schools we want them to ban assault weapons and expand background checks to be universal on all gun sales was across town around one thousand
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students teachers and administrators carried their rallying cry to the steps of the nation's capital a student shouldn't have to be afraid that person will shoot them at school that's not ok so i thought i'd come and show my opinion because we're going to be the next generation to vote when people were like in our lobbying people just to have the guns in this country that make people unsafe this is not right several members of congress stopped by chance erupted in admiration for months senator bernie sanders when he paid a brief visit to the crowd in a show of support for the young students were in danger of gun violence and we need to be safe in our schools because school as our schools our language vironment this is where we develop that's where we grow and we need to do it in a safe environment this is an ok i think enough is enough and shootings happen way too often just last week there was another shooting at a mall near our school and it just insane how often this is allowed to happen i think that the suffocating reality of the situation is that you know as students
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we're all vulnerable to attacks like the ones apartment and other places there really could be any of us and i know that you know even something as far as florida really hits close to home it's estimated over three thousand schools participated in today's action and while their call was a loud and clear their hope is that it will reverberate not just across campus but in the halls of power as well in washington on your part until our teen. always powerful to see those kids out there even if even if you disagree with the message or you disagree the protesters see you know. the youth in the streets exercising their freedom exercising their constitutional protected right speech that's a beautiful thing to see just what if anything else it's a great film on the nose of the people who love and politicians on capitol hill because think well children shouldn't be making decisions they shouldn't be there and most you know these are just kids yet those kids are going to build a vote these are high school kids you got a couple years and those are the voters and to me
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a politician should be writing policy for tomorrow you know not today and i hope that this isn't just the photo op thing because the thing that really you know when i saw some of the pictures coming back it's like you know suddenly structural members up there and my goal is now up there and it's like no i know that career politicians like that they're just sort of for the photo well you know they know they don't have that melts away right to say i don't want to sell what the kids won even the president going back to often and buckled to the n.r.a. last week and it was the same thing you said well it's not a lot of political will for his on a poll lot of political poll will tell you every single poll is saying that over half of americans want to deal with this situation and using guns as they say i think just using guns as second moment we talked about that's non-lethal weapons are also spoke to arms and you're only saying i'm going to protect you know nobody's protecting me with. regulating or deregulating non-lethal weapons that i can use to protect myself you know.


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