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tv   News  RT  March 15, 2018 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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trump for his bad behavior because you mentioned that he's policy of essentially blackmail has worked so far that some of indeed takes place. wouldn't that make bella kasich. more acceptable form of foreign policy i know that for the time being both russia and china are endorsing the idea of the meeting between kim and trump but i suppose they would be just as happy to have trump threatened in the same manner last time i chipped russia and china has much more force and much war they're much more capable or biting back and nobody would trade a zero russia would share in session race or oh yes it's kind of a bad example but let's face it norsk audience for dk is confused same blackmail tactics for me it's a bit funny to see how the same prefix if for decades had been favorable to use
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and now he is a same efficiency. isn't it funny to see when basically you're not all blonde promp try to outdo him john or himself it's a bit for funny all this fayyad feuding and all the stuff i don't think is going to be applied on a scale to any serious op and and north korea is their job but it's basically steel and very poor company well certainly nobody likes to get a taste of his or her own medicine professor lengel free have to take a very short break now but we will be back in just a few moments stay tuned. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all but there was one more question by the way was going to be your coach. guys i know. you are nervous he's
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a huge star and the huge amount of pressure you have to go the center of the shuttle with you and do all the great the grid good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the fall of two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet the special what. needs to. be r.t. teams latest edition to make up a bigger. look. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. it is from his office the
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procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so i'm modigliani i can't boards and soon inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport such you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the our business.
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what. fun of me. going i was. welcome back to worlds apart with unfeeling calls professor at the university insults not wrestling on just before the break you commanded donald trump on the success at least initial success of his blackmail tactics. but the news of the last few moments and we are recording this show on tuesday is that donald trump decided to fire his chief diplomat secretary of state the facts teller sent the question to
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you is why the donald trump at this point of time has the team to capitalize on these initial diplomatic gains das he actually have. negotiators the diplomats who would take this initial success and develop it into something more concrete of well in your shaping is going to be a tough this is a major program because it's an open secret that president trump despises his diplomats and well i would say is if it in a largely largely it is surprise kate is there for over the last say year or so a lot of highly skilled people have left the state department and essentially it now they don't have a single. who has experience of negotiating with his an oscar he gets more people in the state department kerry in team and you congress it's a big problem how well they're going to develop is
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a great strategic success the it's admitted it was a strategic success of by presidents diplomacy i am a bit skeptical because. of very good very tough negotiators they don't change their teams for years for many years to come some of people have been negotiating visit americans for twenty years and this people more all the big points and probably will take advantage of it so well it's probably good news because if everything because becomes a mess it will be bad news not only for the united states not only for mosconi it will be bad news for sellers carrier for chan and of course for for generations now you mentioned both russia and china and i think up until recently at least both of them have expressed cautious endorsement of this initiative for you know that moscow has even gone as far as to suggest that this summit may take place in moscow dad off for i think was downplayed later on in the kremlin but i think it's still
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on the table do you think there is any chance of either russia or china stepping into the void and how being the charm for ministration to secure these deal for the benefit of global security i'm very i'm we have to tread very carefully here not to invite any accusations of collusion but at the end of the day i think we would all agree that you know the peace on the korean peninsula is in the best interest of humanity isn't it not only humanity home energy is something abstract but they have argued just a few minutes ago. in korean peninsula is an interest of russia because russian interests and for basically cheney a centrist a very simple cost russia warms state beaty. second rush of one's status quo sought rush of one's dead employees issue if mr trump if president did mean business if he was really gory to deliver a strike against moscow a year m.s.e.
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war their city yukio by the mess of war was the most likely outcome therefore any kind of reduction in tension is a good news for russia however talking about a possible negotiation for moscow well until it is simply it would be a good idea to have cells kadian summit or say assignments be to be in north korean leaders and u.s. president or western leaders it would be a good idea to have them in russia maybe there's a city in moscow where you are still because of on the full seated tour you can be sure or maybe in my native petersburg why not maybe not moscow but not now. said truth is right now russian issue is very big in the united states probably it has never been the case that russia attracted so much of the favorable attention well since maybe as a hundred fifty years since their anti communists fear communist scare saw it to
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be probably a good idea if russia is too much involved in this negotiations not now in the long run yes but now it's probably safer to just avoid maybe a. little sort of the situation because well sometimes russia would be happy to see americans in trouble but in kerry is such troubles very easy can develop into russia or trouble there is that an actual commitment from kim jong un to having this summit with south korean leader president. in the next month and if that happens that would also be i suppose a major breakthrough the third such summit in history. who do you think has more at stake at this meeting and do you see it as a stepping stone towards meeting. or does it have a value in and of itself a larger disturbing story because surprisingly scarier is that generally very pro american country even as
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a political force is the shoes to be entero kind of the past like say supporters of the current president they're much much more favorable about the united states now beach however does not mean that they like a bicycle or as president however mount a less inspired of all this right now not scary and. in the same boat because in the long run as the north nuclear votes constitute a mess of denture for the soul scary and but it's for maybe in the long run may be the end when we are talking decades right now as a major threat south korea faces is a threat or a military operation initiated by the united states can easily escalate into of war and if we have a war it will be lost and so i was scared eons who are going to die in large numbers so right now the an interest is to reduce tensions do i understand you
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correctly that you're essentially suggesting that south korea feels donald trump a little bit more than it fears came to an on yes as an immediate threat yes it's a tactical threat it's a long run of course kim jong il is a problem for south koreans but in the short iran it was probably mr trump so what i see is that they're basically playing together most and just to reduce the tension to create the impression of there are now more scatty and are ready to talk and there are ready to make concessions and they are indeed actually ready to talk and indeed are ready to make concessions talking about the north south korean summit unfortunately cells kerry and president has very little freedom of action it can not the problem is any kind of economic assistance to last. area because such assistance would be a violation not only of the u.s. borders cibot of the internationally approved sanctions it's flawed and presidential to talk about as
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a military issues because it's going to be blocked by the united states as well and of course everything related to the nuclear problem is exclusively exclusively an area where nato of exclusive american interests so basically if they can smile discuss the quality of meat and barbecue or maybe approve some kind of nice cultural exchanges you know. peg and or fight or so and you know all of this go in here they can not discuss anything serious so it's that lychee of you will be a stepping stone to this summit be to be in trump and team simon to be sure you really can't. pass for future negotiations and ration and exchanges between. having said that i think what it least i find very fascinating is this new role the south koreans found themselves in because they're essentially now acting
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as messengers between pyongyang and washington rather than you know being a separate party to the conflict and i think that's that's a very interesting development i don't think we've ever had. south korean officials communicating to the americans what the north koreans want do you see any do you see that as a positive development for the careen negotiations because i suppose that when you act as a not a necessarily as a mediator but at least as a go between in the your optics shift a little bit and i think you you try to prepare the base for a compromise a little bit more than the you would if you were acting in your own capacity dawn they would try really hard to prepare a base for compromise because if shooting starts it really is a subtle study as we're going. to die in large numbers including a lot of people in the top political idiot so they're working hard on board and talking about their role of digits into this uprising and it's also unnecessary
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because bourse norsk audience and the americans perfectly cap about the things themselves and contrary to what most people suspect this kind of claim to stein on the fischel secret channels of communication between. have always been at the racial of what i'm seeing they not only count talk they have been talking for all this time and the decision to include last year. is largely done because first of all. diplomats to use the two drives of h. and united states and they also want to create sort of if you like its front there is a south korean government because for the time being as they have set for bourse north . possible media theater ration by their americans can see a greater threat then as city tickle possibility or via wars war between themselves
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which is not going to happen anytime soon. so they want to sort of you united front and i merican all civil bleich to give some kind of to make some gestures to emphasize the significance of the cells carry that's sure that basically it's normal about playing some games behind their back but professor link i think it was reported in the new york times just there the other day that. south korean officials are searching not only as mass injures bits in pyongyang and washington but essentially. the americans are making them play the role of spokespeople because at the end of the day if it was a south korean official who announced the willingness to negotiate with with it with the north is that a form of had to risk. on the part of the trump administration or simply he's a whole lot of knowledge about how the diplomatic niceties are supposed to work out because i think it's also pretty unprecedented to have
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a north korean official to communicate the will of the american president to the world naser it's exactly what they have just set some. variable now for the americans and american administration and maybe american diplomacy to emphasize their significance and this is why such an unprecedented measure was taking basically americans are sending signals so soul you are a part of the team if you will probably object you really can do very little by the take you very seriously and you're going to give you a lot of extra rights because your part of the team and basically ignore scotty and are also sending to south korea a somewhat similar scene though look the boss i afraid of this strange guy is the vital house is in our joint interest to reduce the tension for the time being maybe in twenty years there was a threat we are going to fight one another and that changed nuclear strikes because
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god knows so it's going to can easily go nuclear eventually but for the time being our major problem is across all show let's act i guess well professional and call i guess you can find a silver lining even in the darkest cloud and if trump's unpredictability provides for this bonding experience between the two koreas so be it anyway we have to leave it there i really appreciate your being on the show today and to our viewers please keep the conversation going in our social media pages as for me hope to see you again same place same time here on the worlds apart.
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there's nobody that's keeping goober is asian economy we're all working for minimum wage at the end of the day if you factor in the ecological devastation of the dancing chicken effect and all the cruelty prone eggs who escapes this nightmare we call post-industrial is post ironic post. fantasy sation and infantile ization narcissistic cause i reale. combination of ocean pings very artful policy. where he used the steps of great relationship with food and a killer and american mistakes i think that's what kind of relationship between russia and china to become. quite a lot can be quite tricky and would be very difficult to undermine.
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the far right didn't britain isn't just on the march it's taking violent mongers action i know what i need to hit against a dog and i see these organizations which only usually split into which we take different names how do you view that. complex web of british basher.
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eleven thousand people leave syria's militant controlled on clayburgh eastern ghouta today with many more expected to make it to safety by the end of. frankly. should go away. for you case defense secretary result still undiplomatic language as tensions between london and moscow increased over the poisoning of former spy surrogate scruple and his daughter the investigation into the murder is yet to produce any concrete evidence with u.k. police saying it could still take weeks to establish a suspect. and iconic ukrainian lawmaker. claims a top government officials were involved in organizing the deadly my down the square shooting in kiev in twenty forty.
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good evening eleven pm thursday night here in moscow you're watching r.t. international with me kevin owen here with this latest live thirty minute update for you thanks for watching we're starting this news from syria's rebel held territory of eastern ghouta the russian ministry of defense sent a reconciliation says eleven thousand civilians now have been able to leave the embattled area using a humanitarian corridor that's been set up by the syrian government it's expected that at least two thousand more will be able to leave in the coming hours as well evacuation forms part of an initiative to get civilians in that stricken region out of harm's way until recently many people have not been able to escape at all plus the militants they have been reportedly shelling a humanitarian corridor established by russia r.t. arabic correspondent reports now on the exodus. i left all my oil and i what they need in their houses of civilians are living good right now by the humanitarian
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character you can see behind me the passage has been recently opened by syrian forces it's allowing crowds of civilians many of them are children to leave them battle area people are coming from different districts and many civilians were telling about the suffering the face for militants they also said they were previously prevented from when we left eastern ghouta you were so difficult when we tried to leave earlier we were not allowed as it was controlled by terrorists the army advanced on the town and asked us to leave thank god we are safe and sound and we have arrived here. he said go to which is close to the capital damascus came on the rebel controlled back in twenty twelve since then government forces have been trying to recapture the area and fighting intensified the last month the militants of been driven out into three pockets basically with the syrian government holding large parts of the territory now but the situation for civilians trapped in the embattled there is remains dire people have been caught in the crossfire they're
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suffering shortages still of food and supplies. elsewhere yukos defense secretaries told russia to quote shut up and go away over moscow's alleged poisoning of the former spice scruple of his daughter as the diplomatic diplomatic fallout of that incident continues. it is absolutely atrocious precious and outrageous what russia to it and sold three we have responded to thought frankly russia should go away should shut up we've certainly raised eyebrows because to begin stiffs and feel a little bit surreal when this kind of language starts being used in this kind of language comes into play especially if you're expecting to be taken seriously certainly in the world of diplomacy if u.k. foreign secretary boris johnson today talked about how there is quote overwhelming evidence that russia was behind this cripple incident although however when he also was asked about his certainly a certainty on a scale from one to ten he described it to be at nine point ninety eight and he
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talked about russia being full of smug sarcasm we also heard from nato secretary general talk about this whole ordeal let's take a listen to those i'm afraid the evidence is overwhelming that it is russia and something by the way in the kind of smug sock stick response that we've heard from the russians to to me that indicates their fundamental guilt. has taken place against the backdrop of a reckless pattern of russian behavior. over many years i do know that the u.k. has plans to provide a sample of the nerve agent that has been discussed and revel in in connection to this poisoning to the organization for the prague bishan of chemical weapons which russia is also a part of but it's not providing a sample to russia despite requests and messages multiple times from russia
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throughout this past week to be able to analyze this nerve agent and try to assess what exactly it is and we do know of course the foreign ministry in russia has been saying they would like to know what the substance is we've heard from foreign minister sergei lavrov said russia that russia will definitely retaliate in connection to the expulsion of the twenty three russian diplomats certainly a quid pro quo scenario is sort of traditional in these kinds of scenarios but he did underscore that russia will continue to use diplomatic language so as a service tonight germany france america or the u.k. have no issued a joint statement on the poisoning which they say was highly likely to be orchestrated by the kremlin it requests that moscow provide the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons with information about the navi chalk nerve agent program this comes following the british government's decision wednesday to take the return of tree set of measures against russia let me remind you what they
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are in an address to parliament promise to treason may announce the twenty three diplomats we're going to be expelled from the u.k. she said high level meetings for them all would be suspended also that included a visit from russia's foreign minister. was rescinded on top of the no official delegation from the u.k. either attending the upcoming football world cup this summer we spoke to the russian ambassador to the u.k. alexander. the instant the backlash is triggered he says he doesn't believe the case is being handled appropriately. since we're blamed the. under the british course we cation agent a two three four. is the russian region we asked the british officially by a node to share the samples of that in order to make our own conclusions and we would night so all the investigation about the scruple is classified we don't have any
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information we don't have any access nobody saw even the pictures of that people in the hospital whether they alive or maybe the just in the good health. so nobody talked to the doctors you know there is absolutely no transparency in this case and this is worries us but by the way under the international law in the vienna convention we have to get the access to these people because they're russian citizens and we are also being tonight so basically britain doesn't respect the international law and the way how they're behaving. is just. puts a lot of questions i spoke to international affairs commentator mark aghast that shelly says the u.k. needs to disclose any evidence which implicates moscow in the atrocity. well it almost doesn't matter whether they're russian citizens or not i mean here we have an instance where someone in this case russia is being accused so the someone being accused is not being told what the evidence is against them in fact they've been denied sight of the evidence that they could then question investigate and contest
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so in in the british legal system in any western legal system that would be viewed as utterly scandalous but it seems that the british establishment thinks that that's the way to treat russia which clearly is illegal as the ambassador mentioned it's also immoral and it also prevents a proper investigation which may indeed be the point of making all the evidence opaque to outsiders the investigation into the attack of the former russian intelligence agent and his daughter is still ongoing in there are still many unanswered questions as daniel hawkins explains. and i tack by the kremlin on u.k. soil for downing street it seems the case is all but closed russia is the culprit no questions or other. as the prime minister taking the necessary steps to make a formal request for evidence from the russian government given the gravity of the accusations at official request seemed like
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a reasonable last but last crew though says no such requests were forthcoming we haven't received any official request from london we've told britain we're ready to respond if they file the request instead of filing the official request the u.k. continues to pull political stunts moscow also said it would cooperate in a joint investigation within o.p.c. w. parameters it seems this offer was unacceptable to the u.k. government. has a high resolution trace analysis been run on a sample of the nerve agent no answers from to reason may on that but the prime minister believes there's already enough evidence to make it highly likely. this was an attack ordered by the russian state guilty as charged mr script atlantis daughter poisoned with and not a truck a military grade nerve agent developed by russia means motive and opportunity are
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usually needed to prove criminal guilt the nerve agent chuck allegedly used in that attack was actually developed in the soviet union decades ago and the o.p.c. w. officially confirmed that russia had concluded the destruction of its entire chemical weapons stockpile last year but apparently it was not only russia that had access to research labs and the scientists working there in his better stand for example which became independent after the breakup of the soviet union it was the pentagon that helped to demilitarize the facility it was in that very facility that nugget shock was tested. the gobbles up in the mid one nine hundred ninety s. western special services recruited a number of our chemical specialists their names are known they also brought some of the documents and continued research in this area including in the us in the u.k. the results achieved by those countries in creating new poisonous substances that for some reason classified under the common name novacek in the west a confirmed.


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