tv Politicking RT March 16, 2018 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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as that revealed any evidence as to the location of its production all the identity of its perpetrators hundreds of officers as you would expect him to work around gathering evidence to identify those response we're not declaring a person of interest or a suspect at this time. how does committing a heinous act on foreign soil on the eve of a presidential election and months before the much discussed world cup knowing the diplomatic fallout benefit the kremlin you have to ask one thing if russia wanted to kill this man they could have killed him when he was a prisoner in russia why have they waited this long and why use a chemical weapon that makes it definitely is so russia is behind this that very odd to think that the president of russia is sitting in his office deciding who to kill someone who is no threat in them that basically now retired in britain i would
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guess that mr putin has got more important things to do than that but the reason maine says russia has been given a chance to disprove its guilt until proven innocent despite many unanswered questions the mass expulsion of diplomats the freeze on the high level talks tit for tat action approaching means the diplomatic damage has already been done and it's too late to undo. the spanish capital has seen violent riots tonight as people protest the death of a senegalese migrant. my god. you thirty five year old man died of a heart attack while running away from a police inspection of street vendors witnesses said he was being chased by officers on motorcycles in response around one hundred protesters took to the streets of burning garbage bins throwing bottles and clashing with riot police on
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the rioters are also reportedly burned a bank building the drugs and mayor said that the city would investigate the death and respond accordingly. a well known ukrainian m.p. is accused is accusing top kiev officials of being involved in a shooting massacre that took place during the two thousand and fourteen made on the uprising events there led to the overthrow of the country's government after. go went public with her incendiary claims she was interned accused of plotting a terror attack on ukraine's parliament building. chang is a former helicopter navigator who was sentenced to twenty three years in jail in russia after being found complicit in the murder of two russian journalists in eastern ukraine she was later pardoned and exchanged for prisoners of war subchannel goal was initially hailed as a hero in ukraine when she returned from russia before facing increasing criticism . the scandal with our very own new director. stories had so many twists and turns
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and this is yet another one yes. well basically ukraine's general prosecutor has asked and called for her immunity to be stripped in order to arrest and the reason for that is that they claim that she is behind organizing a terror plot her intentions apparently were to blow up parliament using grenades now this call to separate immunity happened after she spoke out at a press conference and she made some very bold accusations indeed according to her she's claiming that a number of m.p.'s ukrainian m.p.'s were responsible for organizing sniper fire at both sides of the crowds about means the authorities and the protesters at the twenty fourteen mass protests and those protests of course but the trigger of the government being overthrown so that's what she's saying a little bit of a tit for tat situation let's have a listen to what she said. because i said that i saw
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a van people with weapons were coming out of people who are in parliament people who gave orders who committed crimes who are always looking for a scapegoat the prosecutor general needed to become the prosecutor so that he's crimes against the ukrainian people are never investigated but these are extraordinary accusations are very bold words indeed and a complete u. turn of course she's gone from hero to enemy of the state we can take a quick look at what her profile is. you're pre-condition you. really. sparked interest.
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almost two years in a russian prison a ukrainian pilot is back home and so quite a significant moment there for the polish the president and the ukrainian nation so many she's a hero for ukrainians her release will only reinforce that. she was previously accused of being complicit in the killing of two russian journalists and served time there and she was also part of a prisoner of war swap and during that swap actually she was met by president parsing south. and she has enjoyed a very successful political career but she doesn't have that support now what is interesting is that her whole story has come on to the north for a lot of international media attention but will this new turn attract as much
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attention as she has had in the past. over to florida now where four people have been confirmed dead after a newly installed pedestrian bridge crossing a road collapsed a number of vehicles are still trapped under the bridge and emergency rescue teams are continue to search for four people buried in the rubble and the cause for the collapse has not been determined so far the bridge was installed less than a week ago at florida international university the university said the method used in the construction was supposed to reduce risks to workers and pedestrians and to minimize traffic disruption. all right re u.s. military says it has no idea how weapons it proved vied said to the saudi led coalition in yemen are being used who will delve deeper into that story after a short break stay with us.
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there's nobody that's keeping. commie we're all working for minimum wage at the end of the day if you factor in the ecological devastation of the dancing chicken effect and all the cruelty. who escapes this nightmare we call post-industrial is post ironic post. fantasy is ation and infantile ization narcissistic cause i reale. combination of. ping's very artful policy. where he used the steps of great relationship with food and. mistakes. this relationship between russia and china. quite a lot can be quite thick and would be very difficult to undermine.
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our welcome back this is r.t. international live from moscow now the u.s. central command has admitted it does not know how resources it gives to the saudi led coalition are being used in the conflict with. does sit com track the purpose of the missions that it is refueling what targets it strikes and the results of the mission senator we do not ok reuters recently reported on a saudi coalition air strike in late february that killed five civilians is centcom able to tell whether a u.s. fuel or u.s. munitions were used as part of that strike. center no i don't believe we are
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ok last month a group of u.s. senators introduced a joint resolution on yemen it aims to limit the president's power to wage war without an authorization from congress and to cut america's support for saudi arabia disentangle ing it from saudi involvement in the yemeni civil war the vote on the revolution resolution is to be held soon. in two thousand and seventeen the u.s. and saudi arabia signed and arms deal worth almost one hundred ten billion it has been described as one of the largest arms sales in american history and meanwhile here are pictures of the aftermath of the saudi led coalition's latest air strikes in yemen a dozen air raids have been carried out against the airport destroying most of the planes and war broke out in yemen three years ago with the saudi led coalition bombing campaign against the rebels claiming thousands of civilian lives the u.n. describes the situation as the worst manmade humanitarian crisis in modern history .
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i've. a. professor of international law georgetown university in washington thinks that by feigning ignorance the u.s. is trying to escape the legal consequences of its actions. there are crying of humanity crimes of war crimes against humanity and crying for that are being committed in the war on yemen and the us being not accomplished in this case
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the us supporter of this coalition. for the us to admit that yes we know what is happening i would choose a more likely thing it is. it has consequences legal consequences in addition to the us law that prevents the recipient countries of us weaponry to use it except in self-defense. committing war crimes and crimes against humanity self-defense so there are legal liability both internally and internationally. there's just a few days left for the russian presidential election candidates to try to win over voters and all they're doing the rounds are nationwide t.v. debates one such discussion on wednesday made the headlines for all the wrong reasons though after descended into an ill tempered slanging match. robbery machine
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would have news putin or anybody from annoy ya by disputing your consciousness was nice to make you. feel this way had. been a part of your absolution i think that's just me as he just didn't like the idea that you know syrup so much should you see on t.v. she was really my does this feel like i mean are you seeing really the only one of these are you really is the real you is a loser and you really are you. sure you seriously sounds very short your percentage of over thirty. years. is the year per hour here in yearly salary of the mazak years right here so here you have. yes all right so he was to let us assume he was it was a nice moment is your chance it would diminish your story but i mean that sporter seen you subject to a rush it's of do you know that ordeal it was well as the candidates were also
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number just as from a lobbyist even the most cannot know all the you know he had a law school so more just because frederick. douglas never the over. will you get used to what i want my will. but if i do you mean was it again you would do it for that i would subsequently kill kharkiv stems from there's nobody doing the guardians to work for the us but this fear of some muslims in the most read of the political structure dismissive to frederick i thought of it quite see if it actually stood out because of great deeds so probably emphasis above the list of course i had to go until. i got it all cynical and i would have the stories no news i mean you must know still scratching back up what i see that i started seeing is that concluding in some. way would be shaping up for a special term of the notion that i was on the other side means you didn't assume you're one of the little excited most of them are sustainable so. the look on the
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public the phosphor from you suppose i'm not but it's all in the most honest people to put on the solution of hostile him on. one of the ones that got us the most of those little. high up by the little bit of the school building was it was. still first border with federal troops about students many of the newest of still middle of the day when they got all this with movements of. we're profiling all the presidential election candidates here on our team international over the next few days and from saturday night our special election coverage kicks off on red square and continues right through polling day as we receive those all important results and reactions that does a female be back in about thirty four and a half minutes with full look at your news you are watching r.t. international.
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it. will. not do you want people to. see. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express an injury. or some want to be preached. to the right to be close this is what the before three in the morning can't be good get. interested always in the waters in the. city.
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the firing of rex tillerson at the state department surprised a few tillerson was often described as bland and on numerous occasions out of step with his boss. the nomination of my table to replace him is anything like. greetings and salutations all right here we go we have sanctions to our left sanctions to our right we got sanctions above us sanctions below as we have doesn't love a good sanctioning these days thursday the white house through former goldman sachs
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a vampire squid i turned to treasure treasury secretary steven mention announced twenty four new sanctions on various russian entities and individuals for alleged cyber attacks and election meddling i haven't heard that at all this year the treasury secretary declared triumphantly that the administration is confronting and countering malign russian cyber activity including their attempted interference and us elections destructive cyber attacks and intrusions targeting critical infrastructure. you sanctions naturally included the now notorious when you were meddling thirteen and of course the internet research agency and they think here's some of the you know that election changing culture destroying unrest inside this arm wrestling satan facebook ad you know that internet research agency see every time one even mentions the name internet research agency you could you could feel or shutter go up a neo liberal spy and like a like crossing
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a black cats path or saying candyman three times in the mirror who ruled in or that researchers all this comes on the heels of the end yes i said the end of the united states house intelligence committees investigation into alleged russia trumped collusion and the two thousand and sixteen presidential election representative mike conaway republican out of texas put the nails in the cockpit proclaiming we rebound perhaps some bad judgment inappropriate meetings inappropriate judgment at taking meetings but only tom clancy or someone else like that could take the series of inadvertent contacts and weave that into some sort of a fiction page turner spy a thriller so with no collusion found and sanctions being levied where or where or all where oh where will the capitol hill russia blame game go next. let's find out by watching the hawks.
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you know that i got. to watch the. well the for and on top of the alessandro. part of the exhibits sanctions and they always work so well sense especially sanctions after individuals and corporations that don't do legitimate business in the us anyway but you've got to sanction syria is the new party have you criminal enterprise that doesn't follow the laws in the first place you can't do illegal business here. and you can you can
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have them out of parties they like to do gifts but they're the same thing you know we'd go sanction them something that magically the bad goes away much nicer than buying things it's like censuring said here is another favor when you see a politician when he was censured does that mean he can't talk but he can no no he can't back half so here's the big question of the day really is how does and this is what really was interesting is that you know as the republican i was jumped on the book was all you ended the house intelligence committees investigation it's fourteen month long investigation into possible russia from collusion and all that whole blue. do you know how does that change the narrative involving russia trump and collusion now with that's and that's i mean it's not going anywhere democrats don't have subpoena power so they can't really keep it going up so they don't have the power for impeachment obviously i mean you know nothing of this is the thing you find inappropriate is the legal if that was true i think every single president
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we've had for the last four years would be out on some sort of legal issue including bill clinton including george everybody like there were times when they did something that was a little shady here and there but it's not illegal we could even get george and the gang for torturing innocent people i don't know and that a and that had led video evidence that magically disappeared but never happened well i mean i think the thing is with the narrative is that the narrative is not real life the narratives are not. a series of facts you can't come out fourteen fifteen months ago and say we have absolute proof we know it for sure and then turn around fourteen months into our investigation and say all we have is thirteen people who you know use some stolen credit cards to buy ads. we don't know if anybody really saw anybody you know saw the enter networks knows certainly weren't changing any minds but the real question on everyone's minds today is what what will happen to mr never mattered
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because kerry didn't love roselle about a cattle for california at all go to adam adam will have no reason to be anymore feel terrible for out of out of you can come and be i'm watching the logs i know you're going to hate of not having to be able to be in front of cameras and talk anymore. in kind of this grand mix of don p.o.d. and mccarthy about to still keep up the fire we will be submitting to the public a detailed account of what we have learned to date and that the work has to be done if not by us than by others what i what he's doing is he's kind of hoping that the midterms turn out in the democrats favor that they have the power they have impeachment power within the house and the exam they can kind of restart up the engine again yeah exactly they can and like only one more seats in the house now we can read the investigation again and we can go back and do it again right maybe if we get them a good republican to stop it cold right i mean there's some of that if you don't
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have something to bring the american people that narrative and that reaction to it's not going to change the same people are going through something the problem with out of shape is that our ship will never accept any answer except for the one that he wants right and that is a problem with the democrats and that's why they lost in certain states that's why they're struggling because they don't have an idea of what's really going on i mean he you know here's my chuck schumer on thursday described the anger the same sense as not enough i mean talk about warmongering we're still waiting for action to harden our election security and we're still waiting for the president pres. don't try to do to utter one word of public criticism for what putin is doing to the us in democracies around the world here's the thing out i'm sure if i didn't care i do these people didn't care for years what americans when elderly americans were getting swindled on the internet they did nothing when when people were getting swindled left and right did nothing when women and men were being sexually harassed online getting death threats they did nothing but the minute their election doesn't
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go the way they want stop all the race. to same. freedom of speech isn't always protecting the united states from media outlets like ours all the way to marginalize street artists artists telling stories of the street in the street there is always some way to legally suppress our earth of forces others to think in the case to fast fashion and then use the work of others without giving credit or payment so you have hired a production company to film an advertisement at the william sheridan playground handball court in williamsburg brooklyn and as you can see that particular court has art by our urban our john a pioneer in the irgun our chara jason revoke williams revoke a spent years showing his work and some of the finest art galleries in the world so when he saw his work featured an advertisement he felt as any successful artist would that he and his work had been taken advantage of by corporate greed so mr williams wrote them a letter asking them to cease and desist to stop using the art without permission
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or payment h. and m. decided to respond with the lawsuit and it contends that their production team contacted the city of new york department of parks and recreation regarding world he's on the art piece and were told it shouldn't be there at all states of mr williams commission of illegal acts in connection with the graffiti including criminal trespass and vandalism to new york city property he does not own or hold any valid forcible copyrights in the graffiti essentially claiming that any are not done in a legally approved public place that is completely sanctioned by the government. doesn't have a right to protection and while some legal experts claim it probably won't threaten artists in general because most copyright cases are settled out of court there's no wording in the us copyright act that clearly states that illegality is a standard to receive a copyright artists are waiting for the government lawyers to figure this conundrum out and are already boycotting them but it does beg the question if the government and corporations are the only ones allowed to deem what speech or art is protected
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is our speech really free tell you i'm shocked i'm shocked to have you haven't figured out after three years of doing the show that corporations and government they have the ultimate wonderful beautiful say of what we can call art and free speech and all of that i reject that you reject that i reject that notion come on who doesn't love some good corporate art. who doesn't love the good of all of us have see commercial imam i know right you know what's interesting though is that is graffiti is an interesting case because on one hand i can kind of see both sides to an argument you know a lot of graffiti orders will do it just for the sake of doing it because they know that it's there as long as the buildings up or you know the polies come by and say are we going to clean this up or whatever but that's kind of the point of it is it's there to be kind of beautiful for a moment and then disappear and you know the artist work that he did on this and this handball court it wasn't done with permission so you know at the end of the day he just did it he's got to expect that people are good it's a public it's
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a public place like people are going to shoot it they're going to feature it they're going to use it like how do you go back and claim a copyright to that if you put it up in a public place it's just there. it's a public place and i mean that's one argument i would say is that this handball court and what you see in that art he put on the wall if you go to the other side of the wall there's nothing there and i would ask each member of their production company if it's nothing that vandalism why feature it in your because you knew it was a piece of art and this is the thing i understand. the idea of the you know you can't just spray paint some stuff on a building and call it art or just say that it be protected but when a large corporation takes someone who easily they could've it would've taken five minutes on the internet for someone to realize that this is a very well known artist and artist who has sued for this reason before. we're told by the production company and the city of new york city you know and the
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bureaucracy of it they probably because this city. is this thing with the lines that this hambo record is like do we need to worry about the business was a very cold so the fight over the ten to nine shipped and you know whatever brand it was a you know it should be there well then why is it you know it's interesting julie's or both of the blog the fashion law points out that this isn't as big of a deal and maybe a bit of fear mongering actually she says every case is fact was fact specific and so it's not fair to say that if the court were to rule in favor of h. and m. that illegal graffiti would not be protectable by copyright law since the vast majority of cases settle long before trial we may never actually get a ruling on this which is good on one hand but kind of think it would be helpful i think if this was rational and you know whether usually settled out of court because artists can afford to go up against these large corporations one group that did though was at five points and queens new york another new york case this is a really wild ride past the spot every day so five points is
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a spot in queens that we're a collection of warehouses and the developers as they were you know they were came our lofts and all of that decided hey you guys can paint over this and do this and five points was that was literally this it was a piece of like recognizable statue it was called the united nations of graffiti anybody could go there so when the owners decided they were going to tear down the buildings they actually whitewashed over all the art without talking to anybody after years of this being something that they were going to keep and saying they were going to keep preserved the artists then sued the the the. vello who were tearing it down to build condos and what end up happening is it was a lawsuit that was won by forty five of the forty nine artist for about six point seven million dollars and part of that was because there is a law the visual artist representation act and it has gives people the right to claim art at their word and not be mutilated all of the. laws like that exist in order to keep on creating are here as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think.
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