tv Worlds Apart RT March 18, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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fatheads i'm guessing she had a small ten how well major so it's a loaded word economic changes positive economic change yes within the parameters of the global economic soup i think. you know what one can predict everything but if it's a trend toward two dollars a share will continue and not just russia but russia has seen the flagship of the story. we've been doing business here now for decades is this the toughest time since you've been here to do business as a foreign business when you get your trip so many sanctions going on russia's heavily under sanctions relationships a rocky strain between america and russia don't even talk about britain at the moment as a businessman how does it make you for straighted are you hoping for better or frustration is your over we've people have been doing business in this market frustration is. part of why so one gets over the fear and the
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excitement is that you find ways around this to get top policy or sold stuff for business or excites discussion and engage in deed and stumps and paperwork as a friend of my fortress put works here for the last ten years or so for this russian company. so are you positive in a nutshell because we can go to london get a view from the income tax you i made that this is good news as far as rush is concerned there is good news for you tonight a better mandate than than maybe could have hoped for we're going to hear a clear about. this so i guess in the national interest it's putting job and that's this is that's just the side to do what is in the passionate interest of his sovereign country russia. pull if you could stay with this although it separately colditz and i will come back to you for we'll get more of your insight in a minute if you would we're talking about relations with the britain just now while we're going to go there with the votes still being counted what we know so far is that it turned out to be tonight if it be higher than expected we got a. it's the second. campaign she told us. this boosted. to the u.k.
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is a twist and its reaction to the super bowl is to correspond with the love that. has the details on this and making the connection is that what we saw. this week. that have a knock on effect with these elections now on the turn out to. see just a turnout eight to ten percent higher than we expected thanks to great britain another time they didn't take into account the russian mentality we want pressure and it became time to mobilize and every time russia indiscriminately found at least blame the one thing the russians do is unite around power that's why thanks to britain it contributed to turn out we didn't even dream up there hasn't been that much talk about it to be honest because it's been overshadowed by an altogether more dramatic affair the script piled poisoning and the high tensions in
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the now the diplomatic standoff between the u.k. and russia and just what the administration's campaign manager was saying there is that may have galvanized the vote in russia well it looks like it may have galvanized the vote here in london as well there's a huge russian population in london and the turnout at the russian embassy where you could cast your ballot was also much higher than usual there were queues of up to one hour for russians had to cost their ballots around two to three hundred people according to some estimates lining up on the pavement outside the russian embassy just waiting to get in and cost their vote and that enthusiasm could have something to do with the way that this script out poisoning has been covered here it's been weighing heavily on the minds of members of the russian community in the run up to the vote they've been talking about. a lot there was also
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a protest outside the embassy the exiled businessman and putin critic you can he was out there greeting those keen to cast their ballot with banners and t. putin banners clearly he's not keen on a large made putin four point zero the newspaper coverage here in the u.k. has been. it's been very critical of and it's very much conveyed the message that his reelection was inevitable in the run up to this vote it hasn't taken out many column inches in the sunday paper as this is page seven of one of the broad sheets and it's talking about putin's reelection as president being inevitable there's another one here also page seven talking about the russian state mobilizing to ensure a huge win for putin so a lot of articles now talking about there being pressure exerted on the people of
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russia to vote because vladimir putin putin needed a high turnout in order to ensure legitimacy for this presidency to look legitimate but really most of the papers have been focusing on this you've got something like this may stand up to putin the diplomatic fallout the tensions over the square pal poisoning and all the sorts of perceived threats coming from russia as a result you can see carrot catches up on your screen of the way that vladimir putin has been presented in the press have really quite vilified almost unanimously hare and this kind of new cold war rhetoric over the spy poisoning may have galvanized the people or the russians in london to go out and call them vote. let's get back to our guest paula gone cheer up american businessmen in moscow has been working here in moscow since the russians be late seventy's. picking up on one
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of the biggest stories between russia and the u.k. right now the script poisoning case interesting up newton's h.q. spokes person said that this is a huge scandal in the u.k. as well to president putin's because more people seem to have gone. off the bat. i think scandalising make a bad. scandal though scandal with russia the perception of russians towards many accusations especially without proof it's an attack against russia its reputation and i think many russians think it's highly unlikely that this was a state sponsored or state approved action but something tragic happened. was attacked and the store was attacked but to say right off the back this is boots for
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kremlin or russia or cameroon or whoever put converse negations. that hasn't been. there's protocols in place that are internationally proved that haven't been wrong so i would be also with the benefit of hindsight working some live for a long time as you have done them so you're from the states you don't you just be describing just within that report there from polly what you've done over the years here. and you would be so many russians russian companies you know russians to give you all tomatoes. making unfair accusations that are a proud nation proud people. it's the wrong way to go about it if you were in charge of the of the of the foreign office there in britain would you be saying it in a nutshell but dealing with russia well i think that the foreign office should review what diplomacy is in business i think business is the original diplomacy
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you know parker trade and diplomacy is to pull supposed to be refined and there are rules to the game protocols and procedures and there's a professionalism that has to be followed. and we maybe a tough question about the business thing it was a tough question because you we've been here so long. what's it like working here if you didn't like it tough question he'd be gone you've spent a career in iowa. work in russia as an ex parte if you like about suppose you don't consider yourself an ex-pat or as an expert. so you get in a nutshell what's it like here working as a business person. you have to be aware you've got to know your business. stick to your agreements is by and large despite your rushing to stick to agreements especially if they're so contracted that is. how you interpret the wording that's the same worldwide so this put it it's very
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very solid to. call for really could see tonight thanks for coming in with a solution recall will you get on with your night no thank you very much ok great ok best to you thanks for going to church your business we know from new york city originally but i spent the last three decades here with radicals now asserts he motioned to not all voters abroad were able to cross the ballots in ukraine russian citizens were blocked from voting by local police we hear russian conscience and something you can see the protests against russia's presidential election all over ukraine for example until election protests and through a russian consulate general building we have actually a line in there also protests in part because of the fourth and the deaths are as well because in several international organizations asking for comment to be said we didn't get much but built as agents of security cooperation in europe did get back but rather blunt statement simply saying it's a matter of bilateral relations between the two countries have a one hundred forty thousand observers i guess sharing that ballots are cast
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without any problems and that the facing prestigious up and that you probably have a fifty hundred have the if that is off harness which is a wreck or it's for the presidential election in russia slam a times where the vast majority of poles set up with cameras of course to stream anything online so easy to do it these days so handy to check this out activists are using to monitor any possible violations of this video as being. used by the government it shows members of the electoral commission stuffing ballot boxes get away with it for too long instant took place in a city near moscow and result the central election commission because they really want to clamp down on this for obvious reasons they want to be good. fire the employees involved and said the ballots cast in that particular box will obviously not be counted we discussed with election observers various independent observers from europe here in the studio tonight about what they saw first let's listen to them. right to say that they didn't see integration maybe i was too short
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a time but i don't i don't think that and by the asians. we wanted to see how it works we were particularly interested very much in the transmission lines which you so i salute you know the very high level we've. been for and to introduce the system so this was it was it was worth what we were very much interested in we have some team in moscow in. a sense stop or rust off and. the return is everything was normal everything was normal we discussed about the process in the putting station and everything is little bit like in france for example even maybe more because for example i saw in many places some care out to control we don't have to act in france and. if you if you can accept. some private information and i never saw so many. young children for the family who are
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voting no. on it's clear clear and votes in my opinion. have a great dane in the candidate for the russian communist party he is also the boss of a former soviet farm. collected a very little thing every day merrily and lesbianism and yeah he's going in second place by the way. more pain has be. following the voting for not posses its case take a listen we did hear from the communist candidate in the aftermath of preliminary results and he seemed somewhat disappointed when he spoke to the media yes it's obvious that the vote counts and the whole election procedure was not fair when all the votes will be counted we'll make a decision so one thing is clear despite all the that's being thrown about we process election with dignity i want to thank all the people who voted for our program i hope that the person who when will make the relevant conclusions we need
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to change the economic and political situation in our country and turn to the left when good done and was named as the candidate it was noted he was an interesting choice now he is the head of the lenin farm co-operative which is a cooperative farm that produces strawberries among other products and it provides a much higher standard of living in wages for the workers in it and furthermore it provides health care and education for the children of those who work at the land and cooperative farm now as we wait the final count it is interesting to note that region in did promise that if you did not receive a solid fifteen percent of the vote that he would actually shave his mustache is iconic moustache a key part of his image so i'm sure that his supporters are anticipating the final results and seeing if that solid fifteen percent will come in or not. with the most elections in all in all is up for debate still tonight because pretty close to fifty percent about was opposed but i have to say the mustache is going
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it's not looking good is going to totally backwards but to a point to say well as we look for his vote with. all the votes are counted you know he might still it was thought by the end of the day sonia so meantime not too happy to not the russian go very glamorous to the opposition candidate very capable person was looking to really shake things up to be amongst the young disaffected people with the current. the way things would go if she said any vote for her would be a vote against everyone else. and a good day as per the predictions that be said she didn't seem to capture the public's imagination so far with most of the ballots counted she's only managed to get one point five percent of the vote because of her election by taking a poll snow hope you can hear us i think maybe even go to. or if not now soon take us through what you go. seven
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nikki hello again well i've got good news for you because finally we can talk to the candid there herself so let's do that without any further ado serious subject right in side the h.q. you've had quite a marathon today with live interviews all the russian federal channels thank you so much for talking to us thank you right now my first question is if you ask i would assume any candidate from any country around the world if he or she would be satisfied with the result of one and a half percent perhaps the answer would be no but how about you. well of course it's not the result i would dream about but my campaign was not a result my campaign was about talking truth on their propaganda stick channels so federal t.v. in russia. these are the channels where truth has never been heard so i came there to talk about the salary of say the businessman who are.
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associated with getting about all the corruption cases and i was quite profound on that so that was my goal to make more people instead of the real situation in russia and so these goal was any way. not regarding my results and now there are a good point i find is that this result is higher than of any other liberal candidate and that makes. platform for readmission because if we regard those elections as primaries of all the can't liberal candidates then let's unite around our future party party of change and i will invite people to talk friend all the other candidates who got less than me to be part of them spotless and stop being fighting for those you know ha for the dogs in the first time saying so my question is after the debates with me that you just had a few hours ago are you confident in that kind of future for
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a so-called united opposition bloc well hi i'm very disappointed by the discussion because i came there to discuss you know all future six years with putin and how we will fight with him and how we will struggle on the for our future and how we will challenge him but instead and we were discussing carrying my instant problem which is ridiculous to my way i hope to say we'll you know get less aggression and tell the situation because he has to do is suppressed by powers and i just found that now he feels very bad about himself and that may be what makes him being so aggressive and so i hope i will make another kind of approach and another and another because this is vital to unite there is no other way for us and i hope everyone would just time that the only way to fight with this system is to unite all the people liberal values. doesn't matter what you think of each other you should think about the people who we want to represent you let's forget alexei
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navalny for a second but if we take your results the result of good for you beats me and mr t. tough as well and add them together still i think that's just under five percent so is there much room for improvement here and are you hoping to improve in the near future and what can be done specifically to make sure it still higher because phil . even if it's under five percent you're not going far with that education is the most important value of my program educational russian people of telling them truth about the situation they leave in trying to make them interest on the collection between their level of life and corruption that is there in the contrie and the this is very important because now it seems they don't in just sign that there is any link they like crimea they like the situation or flower international wars and they don't see the connection of these and their patriotic feel with the poverty we
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have in the country but these things are connected and the only real way to make this five percent growing to fifty one percent is to make people understand this connection so this is something on which i will be working well we've spoken to your campaign manager mr maule shango the word that he used to describe it was still success so what is your maybe adjective or a few adjectives that you can use or some other words to describe this it's a success of freedom of speech and this is our most important success during this campaign one last question was the vote itself clean well we cannot say trite now because we still have different points that under. investigation where we had some things done but we should be realistic about this huge amount of
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support of putting this result well maybe it would be not seventy five percent but sixty eight or whatever the steel we should it makes that the majority of people now really want this president thank you very much for your thoughts thanks presidential candidate logged on r.t. thanks again. back to you. that's the paper trying to and our exclusive interview with because then he has thought that hosty h.q. you know we're going to head into a break now approach with you all with more live coverage that is want to show before we go let's go is to the way first look at the crowd and this is the view we've goal here to go red square all to ourselves a couple of people coming out with a k. you can see the same bottles cathedral the kremlin. and so people win a case you know where your boy the international thank you for watching. the
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special program continues in food. on the team with you. american myths one is the melting pot and the second is the ratio alger myth of the bootstrapping of any linkage to see that america works hard so this is a whole group of people all generation in america is saying that there is no melting pot we're not being assimilated there's no opportunities we can't live up
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so their response especially is to go into conflict and this is a major conflict. with lawmakers manufacture consent to consistency of public wealth. when the reaming clauses protect them so. when the final merry go round lifts and we the one percent. we can all middle of the room signal. from the real news room. locked away secrets and shady financial set ups are nightmares for french tax inspectors and customs officers. we question the customs investigator a specialist in fraud and the trafficking of cultural assets. faced with such scams
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he recognizes his powerlessness. created this for citicorp cisco and a team office of more only diminish the a siddur want your logo in the news hostile forces. on the export the whole. oh found out on the show. all said that it's only a guess it's a shit to each cement thing created on the contrary i don't. despise. could have been if you don't have a blanket god he's also a device he's got his powerful fineness. we meet up again with even with all of his indictments he's earned a shady reputation but after thirty years in the business he's as tough as nails every year in may he heads to basel in switzerland for the biggest art fair in the world art basel. he flies in
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a private jet for which he pays fifty thousand dollars a year. despite his tangles with the law he wants to be in the right places. the ball something that will want to go out a bunch of sick little. say that many just as strong and red people see it up to call them to mean something else that would. make them to be sensitive to less who don't make enough money i'll let you go but second off a lot of them before us which was that they couldn't get. the support that's at the moment the media. i said. but they said it went up about obama's because the finale. played. something. help us to step up somebody from a calculus but you know what's that been on the board it can be done but he did it
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up and he's good. and yet barely off his private jet we soon see that his controversial reputation causes fewer problems than predicted. if. i missed. all that to. see his first appointment is with one of the art fairs founders a rudolph. if both men have businesses in singapore and are good friends i should feel make what you do more to. make you should take the older predefined one off also it is the should be of new me i just. want to modify my idea. to put the
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filmy. doesn't. the point is that yes i can be disputed by many yet but so yes most of it is you. that is. set up a so if. you want to see the. four thousand artists exhibit their works at art basel it attracts the general public but more importantly the biggest players on the international art market. thank you gallery owners collectors and curators of the world's museums. accompanied by his art consultant sixteen yves bouvier is here to check out the new trends. most of the works on show come from the store rooms of the geneva freeport some two hundred fifty kilometers away. v.a. is here to show his fellow professionals that he's still in the game and is still to be taken seriously.
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to build up all the automation on a say i probably factors of that but alas i think most of. us feel oh ya feel me oh yes how are you doing. that. last question. about most of the men on his cell phone is david. clearly troubled by our camera he bouvier quickly calls his assistant to go reassure him. use it for you that you.
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need. to be just like you most of them to his emotion at the buses. but he has no rights regarding our footage to. the. site that the likes of. david no mudd isn't just anyone he's the man with three hundred picasso's the head of one of the most powerful families in the art world the numb odds renown dealers. here's their stand at art basel mobiles by calder miro zz on tanos and because of those. and also a roy lichtenstein and his own two feet all of them stars of modern art. in the mud collection is valued at almost three billion dollars thousands of works most of which are stored at the geneva freeport.
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maybe the reason david no mudd prefers to be discreet is because one of the paintings he owns is causing him problems with the law. the story started here in the paris archives in two thousand and eleven with this man james palmer. even as a canadian private detective who specializes in finding art looted from jews by the nazis. one day while rummaging in the paris archives he came across a file on a certain stetson or a jewish antiques dealer the man was dispossessed of all his assets during world war two. after the liberation of paris he found a plane to recuperate his patrimony. the documentation is contained in this box it was here in the paris archives that we found
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a document that referred to the quest of mr oscar stener for his stolen pate. the information that we found was that oscar stettner had been despoiled of a number of personal items carpet for example of portrait of him as a young man and also a painting by mostly any. and an important painting and that was looted from mr stener during the war. the canadian detective began his investigation he discovered that the antiques dealer staton or had made his claim for restitution in one thousand nine hundred six but well before the liberation the painting had already been sold by the authorities for the sum of sixteen thousand francs since then it disappeared. particularly because it's.
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