tv Cross Talk RT March 19, 2018 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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when you might store you could see you. hear me over the hear me questions from left when you were possible among. the floor not for the room. was a small even linear one you would assume that if you ask any politician any presidential candidate around the world if he or she would be happy with that kind of disappointing result you'd expect the answer no in a vast majority of cases but as jack told me in an exclusive live interview a few hours ago she doesn't see it that way of course it's not the result i would dream about but my campaign was not a result my complaint was about talking truth on the propagandistic channels or federal t.v. in russia this result is higher than of any other liberal candidate and that makes the platform for rhenish and if we take your result the result of good for you
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beats and mr t. top as well and add them together still i think that's just under five percent so is there much room for improvement here and are you hoping to improve in the near future education is the most important value of my program education of russian people of telling them truth about the situation they leave in trying to make them interest and the collection between their level of life and corruption that is there in the contrary the only real way to make this five percent growing to fifty one percent is to make people understand this connections after the debates with alexy nobody that you just had a few hours ago are you confident in that kind of future for a so called united opposition bloc i'm very disappointed by the discussion because i came there to discuss all future six years with food. and how we will fight with
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me but in stand we were discussing k.v. in my instagram which is ridiculous to my way what is your maybe adjective or you adjectives that you can use or some other words to describe this it's a success of freedom of speech and this is our most important success during this campaign was the vote itself mean we should be realistic about this huge amount of support of putting this result well maybe it would be not seventy five percent but sixty eight or whatever the steel we should meet that the majority or now really want this president now not all votes is a broadway able to cast their ballots in ukraine russian citizens were blocked from voting by local police and russian consulates in several ukrainians to see if there were also protests against russia's presidential election all over ukraine for example anti election protesters threw eggs that russian consulate general building
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in yes there were also protests in kharkov the father and we contacted several international organizations asking for. the organization for security and cooperation in europe called back to west but simply said it's a matter of bilateral relations between the two countries. so hundred forty thousand observers were ensuring that ballots were cast without any problems and that the voting procedures were properly conducted over fifteen hundred of the observers of foreigners which is a record for the presidential election in russia we had two of them in here tonight their views the vast majority of poles set up with cameras to stream everything online easy to do these days comparatively activists were using them to monitor any possible violations and but there was least one of the first this video shows members of the electoral commission stuffing ballot boxes probably this took place in a city near moscow the same. the electoral commission is the employees involved and
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said obviously those ballots cast no particular box will not be counted we discussed the election with us a observers that came in the studio here as well european ones and whether they witnessed themselves any violations i can say that they didn't see any violation maybe i was too short a time there but i don't i don't think that in any by the asians. we wanted to see how it works we were particularly interested very much in the transmission lines which you so i see here all the very high level you. can fall in to introduce the system so this was it was it was worth what we were very much interested in we have some team in moscow in the center. right stuff and. the return is everything was normal everything was normal we discuss about the process in the putting station and everything is neat little bit closer in france for example even maybe more because for example i saw in many places some care out
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to control we don't have that in france and. if you if you can accept. some private impression and i never saw so many. young children for the family who are voting no it was honestly clear and. in my opinion. when we spoke to several experts on the outlook for president putin's fourth term in office they told us modernization of the country and maintaining russia's leading role in the world would be among his priorities he has a powerful mandate but it's not entirely clear what to be planning to do we had the state of the nation speech in the first two thirds on domestic social policy economic policy echoed many of the concerns of the liberal your foremost it is not a mobilization agenda so while he talked very tough recently the western economies with that reaction i think there is a plan quite clearly for
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a modernization agenda that's quite important we've already announced decreases in the military budget and i think he wants to emphasize more education health care and infrastructure development those are areas that need to be addressed special out in the regions but i firmly believe that's going to be one of his agenda items as well he wants to bridge the gap i think bridge the gap expression with the e.u. and promote it continued growth and improvement in relations and also with china as well looking forward to it thank you rather surprising next six years where a lot of what has been built up will be coming together economically diplomatically russia will be seen as being defined as a professional player on the growth of the magic stage rather than something like the reruns from soap operas or communist party candidate pavel drew dean in who's also the boss of a former soviet farm is set to finish second overall open followed the voting from
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the party's h q. we did hear from the communist candidate in the aftermath of preliminary results and he seemed somewhat disappointed when he spoke to the media yes it's obvious that the vote counts and the whole election procedure was not fair when all the votes will be counted we'll make a decision one thing is clear despite all the that's being thrown a bounce we process election with dignity i want to thank all the people who voted for our program i hope that the person who when will make the relevant conclusions we need to change the economic and political situation in our country and turn to the left when good done and was named as the candidate it was noted he was an interesting choice now he is the head of the lenin farm co-operative which is a cooperative farm that produces strawberries among other products and it provides a much higher standard of living in wages for the workers in it and furthermore it
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provides health care and education for the children of those who work at the lead and cooperative farm now as we wait the final count it is interesting to note that rudin and did promise that if you did not receive a solid fifteen percent of the vote that he would actually shave his mustache is iconic mustache a key part of his image so i'm sure that his supporters are anticipating the final results and seeing if that solid fifteen percent will come in or not. well as the last votes are being counted turnout appears to be higher than expected since campaign chief says that rises due to the u.k. and its reaction to the script poisoning case london correspondent polly boyko has the details. now percent higher than we expected thanks to great britain another time they didn't take into account the russian mentality we want pressure and it became time to mobilize every time russia indiscriminately and
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founded leave blamed the one thing russians do is unite around. that's why thanks to britain it contributed to turnout we didn't even dream of there hasn't been that much talk about it to be honest because it's been overshadowed by an altogether more dramatic affair the script piled poisoning and the high tensions in the now the diplomatic standoff between the u.k. and russia and just what putin's campaign manager was saying there is that that may have galvanized the vote in russia well it looks like it may have galvanized the vote here in london as well there's a huge russian population in london and the turnout at the russian embassy where you could cast your ballot was also much higher than usual there were queues of up to one hour for russians head to cost their ballots around two to three hundred people according to some estimates lining up on the pavement outside the russian
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embassy just waiting to get in and cast their vote and that enthusiasm could have something to do with the way that this script out poisoning has been covered here it's been weighing heavily on the minds of members of the russian community in the run up to the vote they've been talking about it a lot there was also a protest outside the embassy the exiled businessman and putin critic you can he was out there greeting those keen. cast their ballot with banners and t. putin ban is clearly he's not keen on a large made putin four point zero the newspaper coverage here in the u.k. has been it's been very critical of largely a putin it's very much conveyed the message that his reelection was inevitable in the run up to this vote it hasn't taken out many column inches in the sunday papers this is page seven of one of the broadsheets and it's talking about putin's
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reelection as president being inevitable there's another one here also page seven talking about the russian state mobilizing to ensure a huge win for putin so a lot of articles now talking about there being pressure exerted on the people of russia to vote because vladimir putin putin needed a high turnout in order to ensure legitimacy for this presidency to look legitimate but really most of the papers have been focusing on this you've got something like this may stand up to putin the diplomatic fallout the tensions over this poisoning and all the sorts of perceived threats coming from russia as a result you can see caricature up on your screen of the way that vladimir putin has been presented in the press have really quite vilified almost unanimously hair and this kind of new cold war rhetoric over the spy poisoning may have galvanized
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the people or the russians in london to go out and cost that vote. well as we heard earlier the youngest presidential candidate is thirty six year old to send your subject it's her first foray into politics while vladimir's year another is the oldest the first time the seventy one year old ran for president was back in one thousand nine hundred ninety one in the soviet union so here's a look at what the twenty eighteen candidates were doing back in the early ninety's . the red superpowers days are numbered and changes in the air. some of the future candidates seize the opportunity and start testing out the political waters and the crumbling states. that
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well this man needs no introduction although he did back then with his spine days behind the wild ninety one kitchens and peter's work or rather leningrad as it was back then working as an advisor for the northern capitals mayor anatoly sobchak able to reveal original intent to destroy those fictional relationships. and he's got some harsh words for the commies and you can usually go to the daily if but you would not order to it is a little bit of a moonshine little nearly every mission here in the it was a pleasure to be there you know here he is the mission to the first and usually. do very little. over the news of the eligible there are lots of pictures of putin and his boss anatoly sobchak from that time there they are walking and laughing and posing with a gun and if the name subject sounds familiar you've guessed it he's the daddy of another nominee trying to get into the kremlin this year back then because sonya is
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your average politician's kid giving his thoughts on cultural events in the city to gushing reporters influential in the latest opinion lack of attending a prestigious school and playing with putin's daughter in front of the cameras. these two future nominees are at the at the center of political life and their careers are really taking off but in three years you haven't is your national guest on a political nobody to presidential candidate put his affairs you know on the for all stick with a very short and of course the sound. unusual number that's going to be on the machine the international anxiety over that kind of rhetoric will come a bit later with the first big win for zhirinovsky party at the time economist grigory yavlinsky is a lot more of a media darling he's best known for his market make of a plan to introduce the soviet economy to such radical ideas as private property and the free market all in just five hundred days but no action is taken and he
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quits deciding to go it alone in the world of politics. yavlinsky was actually inside the white house during the failed coup attempt when communist hardliners tried to overthrow the reform minded gabi. one of our future candidates still is totally clear of politics in the ninety's the communists darr course have a demon at this point he's quite happy to run a state farm named after lenin he'll go on to make millions. of that emir putin is already receiving congratulations from world leaders so far the heads of serbia believe here and venezuela have sent messages that artie's washington correspondents americano says the reaction in the us media has been skeptical. russia's election has finally come to an end with president putin winning over seventy three percent of the vote and the communist party candidate winning second place now there are many russians who voted in the u.s.
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and they've expressed concern over the process in the us and we start off with the russian ambassador comments who said that he had hoped that the u.s. would take interest in the various acts of provocation that took place during early voting in the u.s. and he also said that some people even received threats but upon receiving word of president putin's when both the mainstream media and american politicians attempted to delegate a miser russia's political process the washington post called sunday's vote rate in the new york times wasn't so far off calling it a hollow election and even compared it to the soviet days where there was just one name on the ballot c.n.n. did the same going as far as go to compare him to joseph stalin but no reactions from the white house yet but several tweets from your favorite anti russian officials senator mccain took to twitter to discredit putin specter a calling it a sham and going on to say quote the us stands with all russians yearning for
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freedom which is interesting because prior to the election putin managed to maintain over an eighty percent approval rating but despite running against multiple candidates representative adam schiff said that putin only won because he banned his opponents from running a saying quote it's easy to win when you bar your opponents from running but besides the usual is a whistleblower edward snowden had some words regarding a ballot stuffing that allegedly took place saying that it's quote an effort to steal the influence of one hundred forty plus million people snowden also urged russian citizens to quote demand justice demand laws and courts that matter take your future back and just a little reminder edward snowden was granted political asylum in russia and that's where he's been ever since now i'm sure that the west will continue to react to putin's victory and we'll be bringing you more of that. we want commentators we spoke to earlier gave us their views on the western media reaction which is range from speculation about russia speeches to condemnation of the fact. all the authors
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had been sure that we didn't know we saw the major question was what is next because this is his last tour and everybody had been interested you want to issues he will raise during that he's lost whether he will go for the series three four whether he will be more active with the foreign balls and things like that so most of the foreign media concerned about the future of the western press does not want to say that the russian people support president bush in europe which they do not want to see that putin is the most popular politician in russia they do not want to say that just foreign policy robust foreign foreign policy. that acts in support of russian seven rights of russian rights around the world instead the focus is on we solicit pictures ations against russia the focus or the is on provocation
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such as the so-called. if where there has been reaching in the great britain and in the west in the west during the last week i think the american media is in a very much of a cold war mindset it's a little frightening to me it's partly frightening because many of the people who were so critical of the cold first cold war are now the cheerleaders for the second cold war so if you turn on the american media you don't see what i consider a more balanced portrait of flat amir putin when earlier there were a variety of emotions on display at the polls with quite a range of carrington's coming to cost their voters from a one hundred year old french hours to cross a tearful children hoping to meet the candidates. i. think. in
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welcome to the party u.s. president donald trump has until may twelfth decide whether to make good on his threat to exit the rand deal potentially a pending hears of international diplomacy and setting the ground for yet another conflict how seriously is that threat taken intact and should the american bullying be accommodated if peace is at stake while to discuss that i'm now joined by muhammad leiter johnny had of iran's high council for human rights and deputy off international affairs in the. mr larijani it's a great pleasure great honor talking to you thank you very much for your time thank you but let me start with the news of the day and this is
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a concern in many corners of the world that the united states is going to read meat on its obligations on that iran nuclear deal concerned grew even more acute following the appointment of the new secretary of state in the united states does it make any difference as far as iran is concerned in who has the state department whether it is john kerry rex tillerson or mike compare for that better. view this right is you have you know this is the verses it doesn't matter to march the tactics or the articulation of my movie different the. impact on the nuclear deal was done and we are. because you are going to approve of the motor can claim is false rumor of mine following nuclear. weapons at all but we have huge capability on the nuclear technology for peaceful
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purposes but no it is a perv and the americans want to use capability nuclear technologies as a pretext to exert pressure most it doesn't matter that we abide by the private market i think it will definitely be not in the interest of united this american gets out of this part then the fact is this because it is five plus one parked now the current american president expressed he's dissatisfaction of oil a long before he took office and yet in more than a year since his inauguration there's been a lot of bellicose rhetoric but the very little in the way off action in your own calculus why do you think donald trump hasn't walked out of this deal already if he indeed intends to do that well there are two fires number one. don't know trauma's
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a man of bluffing not a man of realize actions so we know we are accustomed with american bluffing for over forty years and this is the next in one second lou you know the decision is to extract more concession from me wrong on the regional issues he is absolutely wrong it doesn't help and it was successful and now the american president doesn't exhibit their very reach for a cabbie larry in describing this deal he simply calls a very bad i wonder what words would iran use in characterizing the two thousand and fourteen agreement you spent a lot of man hours negotiating it did it come out as good or good enough for you was definitely we do not consider this pericope. americans him or promote position. by as the definitely is not them or do. the whole logic that we accepted these limitations or know their own capability and development is to prove
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to the world or the american or their western allies claims an allegation against iran is wrong know that it has been proved that they are wrong and the atomic agency in more than ten reports endures the arraigning compliance you see that what the american are saying so this is a blasphemy this is corruption and the hypocrisy of the of the american foreign policy but on our want to say that. you know either this theory should not enter the will if they enter the will they would be the loser they would see that very soon as well as speaking about the potential loss perhaps for all of us president trump specifically mentioned that he and his soon to be secretary of state mike compare tend to see eye to eye on many issues particularly the iranian policy and back in two thousand and fourteen mr peo advocated military action to
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fully destroy the iranian nuclear capacity do you see it as a credible threat well i don't think the american are in the position to another military engagement in their area already those who have a started before they are unable to manage to get out but to start on the attack on iran may not be very difficult task but they won't be the one who will dictate the end of that they will receive a very harsh lesson which may be good for them for the historical. so indulging in a military duty against iran is not an easy thing for united states while they are facing ground failures in the region enough on the song in the persian gulf area another chance now president trump employed a similar strategy all threats of blackmail with north korea only to announce last
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week that he is willing to sit down a bit the north korean leader do you think the uranium leadership would be open to a similar turn of events a personal meeting with donald trump to renegotiate oprah have simply reinterpret the terms of the standing agreement i think his standing argument should be complied fooled by you know this that you know it is there is also some of the european allies like the britain government following the hypocritical approach to this this pact. both of them are most complying with. their obligations under the specs the first secondly we are in no way interested to talk with. the government you know the suit which does not have any credibility in his promises and his signatures so. this is another third
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important point americans are afraid of the influence of iran in the region. oh influence is not military influence for this is a more political influence it cannot be destroyed by bombs come up with destroyed military action i think americans should redefine that interest in the region their interest in the region is defined in a very strong and not feasible way mr larijani you just mentioned that you believe teheran has no interest in organizing this presidential meeting between. the leaders of the two countries but i don't know trump is a very particular character he i think he is very easily influenced by his emotions and your neighbors for example israel is making a good the use of that i know that the iranian diplomacy has a very very good tradition of being very very skillful negotiators don't you think
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that a meeting between mr trump or let's say mr rouhani could be useful not a new way of renegotiating the terms but simply. trying to establish number four while first of all as you mentioned how diplomacy is basic feature is consistency your not oscillate around different issues when doing time we have a vision and we can follow that vision which is corporation and peace in the region consistently yes we are capable to negotiate to negotiate hard stuff on hard matters but the point is who is the other side the other side is a country which does not have any credibility you can not you can not put your finger on any promises. they commit to that so we are think there is
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no need to this there is no fruit to this negotiation now it is well known that other signatories to the j.c.b. away including russia are eager to preserve these deal in the in its current form is there anything that they can do to encourage iran to respect it even if the americans under the current leadership walk away while one if americans walk away this pact is there but how this that is you can truce with the russia and china no number of other countries definitely we will have our own solution for the problems that we face this cooperation want to stop with the parent or without the pact it will continue but mr larijani i think there are lots of people in moscow who would share your disdain for the way the americans conduct their foreign policy but i think that does not that solve russian or ranee and responsibility to being committed to both regional.
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