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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2018 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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but i could i don't know that the polling is off on it doesn't make sense if you're saying no one that is elected gets to change the system does it even you know what for in america yeah well that's what mr putin says at the end of the interview if you remember he says he's been through four presidents and i asked him what's changed and he said basically nothing so he's indicating that there's a bureaucracy he called it a bureaucracy in america they call it a deep state of bureaucracy that has been resistant to change certainly the policies towards russia for the most part united states been highly negative since one thousand nine hundred seventy since the revolution when mr wilson president wilson said american troops to siberia to join the british expeditionary force.
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i've played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out it's. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman to just kill you narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy great so one more chance with. and thinks it's going to. the far right and britain isn't just on the march it's taking violent multiverse action i don't like need to pay to clean up the games you know i see those
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organizations which i'm usually splintered which we for which type different names how do you view that. complex web of british fascism. when the whole make its manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round be the one percent. going all middle of the room six. million more you'll need.
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welcome back to sophie and co now the other day i sat down with the legendary filmmaker oliver stone in a moscow bookstore and asked him whether a second cold war was just a figure of speech or as to or more to it it's a figure of speech for sure cold war it's a. very dangerous war it's on the you know you can even say that the original cold war was really a cold war where there were so many proxy wars that were fought in the name of fighting communism you like vietnam. among others korea.
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you wonder how many people have died in the name of that cold war and you know millions of the third world people have been hurt after all over africa there was battles. and certainly in them we've seen now in the middle east we've seen enormous amount of damage. the specter of communism doesn't work anymore in the united states was not able to use that but there is this and haran carry over in fact and i'm sure that's in the minds of those congressmen when they vote against for the expansion of russians actions in their mind it's some form of the old russia and they can't get it they can't get one side of the line away in the eighty's in the ninety's how come it came back so strongly i mean what is going to take for that paradigm to disappear from american mind generation was quite surprised by that i wish in fact shocked i talking to mr gorbachev was one of the
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most wonderful moments of my life it was i felt in one thousand nine hundred ninety in my lifetime was a spring springtime of hope a new feeling that this thing was going to change you know that the the wall came down. all the europe eastern european countries expressed love bloodless revolution really a bloodless revolution and russia. relatively both. and i was and mr gorbachev you know was not the crook in america we saw him as a lion as a hero and in this country of course he was seen as a weak man who had lost control of this of this empire so it's a whole different view of it and i've been see mr gorbachev since then i've been through his criticisms of mr putin and i have to say the last time i saw him he said that mr putin is the guy for now whatever they say because america has violated that compact he made in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine that
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nato would not go east one inch if the germany's were united he allowed for that. that has not happened nato has been accelerated under the you know the under the americans under clinton and and bush and obama. and mr gorbachev has pointed out also the the what mr putin says is they greedy on the abrogation of the a.b.m. treaty by the by bush by mr bush in two thousand and one was a vast mistake it and it undermines the the nationals the the balance of power that exists between the two countries on top of that you have the american support putin the scent of terrorists in the caucasus on top of that you have opposing points of view on ukraine obviously and mr putin states his case very clearly in this book what his case is which americans don't hear and on top of that you have syria which again it's amazing to me how under reported that war is. archie has covered one of
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our yemen aren't you guys how are some to report any and i don't have a laundry list i want to add more about this and the context in which this book came out fails in a weird way that when the actual cold war is in place it was just clean cut you know you had to side step where against each other now for me it's so much more scarier because the world is marked by paul or and there's so much house around and everyone's trying to pull it all on themselves and all this conflict that you just mentioned and many more that we didn't mention are going on because of that and we don't understand how they're going to end or if they're going to and it's always messy. you're young like you know you must be in your son or not that young but thinking about it i guess you know to me the original cold war was very confusing and not so clean us against them in fact i went to vietnam as
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a young man believing that we were fighting communism in other words there were a lot of disguises and when you look back at the whole history of that period as we tried to do untold history the united states i would have to tell you that it's very clear that it was a farce that the united states really pulled the wool over the world and declaring and making the soviet union the fall guy after having won world war two they made them the fall guy for war tutu and equated hitler with stalin and also all this stuff going on it comes out of the this misunderstanding of what that first cold war was. america has spent a fortune fighting this war and it's deprived its own people us the american people of better education better system more security health welfare all these things that give me those problems now this social net that's disappearing could have come out of that instead of being the the money being spent on the cold war so we paid
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a huge price for it and it never let up i remember in eighty nine there was talk of a peace dividend they talk of it what happened to the peace dividend a few weeks after the berlin wall fell mr bush sr was. going into iraq sending five hundred thousand troops to the middle east and i pointed out it was a big thing because we went when we sent five hundred thousand troops to vietnam was actually under lyndon johnson that was a huge deal and the press made a big big number out of that not not since world war two that we knew those numbers were too big we were fighting with too many men we don't it won't work it was too big and what happened we forgot about it reagan mr reagan helped a lot with his campaign to forget the vietnam war and we were sending a half million men again abroad to fight in the middle east we never got out of the middle east i made
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a movie about it called w in which dick cheney the dick cheney's character have to ask what what's our exit policy says there is no exit and the truth is we haven't there is no exit to iraq where here those five hundred thousand men in one form or another have never left the middle east so this is heartbreaking stuff if you have any sense of history. i knew it was a mistake i thought the iraq war one was a huge mistake i thought there was plenty of room to negotiate when films like that come out w for instance are at the untold history of the united states they want to even mention how as a percent in america when you pretty much denounce a lot of troops and facts in america. history i can't tell you it's easy but i think it's the most some of the most important work i've done in my life i'm very proud of those two films i paid a price for because i guess some people will you know they don't consider me in the debate but neither do they consider people like noam chomsky so there is no center in the united states political discourse it's all center right ever since the
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clinton people came into power the center right has become the right and there's no peace party that exists in my country and i don't see any evidence of it except this third party that is so criticized the the green party among others make fun of it you know why i don't know me well a year in america i always had the feeling the democrats would the least we were concerned about peace now that seems to have been squandered that feeling is squandered and i don't sense any any sense of consensus the only one who did was bernie sanders and if you remember correctly he very rarely mentioned foreign policy he stayed away from it because he knew that was a third rail for him and he was to socialistic for america to actually well i don't know much about because america may hand up in relatively has to go may have to go more socialistic in order to survive because if things fall apart and we continue
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to have crises after crises stock market explosions and so forth and meltdowns there has to be you know right now they want no way to trump to change something but remember a mr obama song what was it seven hundred fifty billion dollars into the economy that's i would call that a socialist move. so you know where the united states is going it's a very it's interesting i think i'm going to try stick around and see because i think that's a great question it's sounds i mean just to be on the sidelines and see what happens it could get really ugly and be pretty nasty too in terms of casualties and of course united states i would skip i'm scares me in the sense that it might lose its self control and out of the sense of panic and fear attack. this concept that russia is responsible for everything isn't saying but it's very easy to to resort to that kind of nineteen early one nine hundred fifty s. primitivism like a joe mccarthy i was told when i was
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a young boy the soviets are in our schools they're in our colleges they are there they're creeping into our system where the soviets are going to take us over without even a war that was i heard this from serious people you know or is it you have to allow that this mentality exists and when you're around a vigilante mob that hangs people it's scary because you common sense goes out the window it's the first thing and decency and humanity you go out the window so it scares me that mentality and you know a lot about politics you know politicians and you know something about scripts give me a scenario of how this should work out. their reality are you asking for a movie from my point of view from the american side it's not going to happen any other way and that's what's frightening because i don't see that russia can take any initiative at this point except for surrender would completely all your nuclear arms and you have
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a regime change mr putin resigns which is insane desire to happen because the russian people support him i don't see any way out right now. no third parties do exist they come into being there's de gaulle's that come up for charles de gaulle you hope for a french leader or a european leader i was very disappointed in merkel throughout this whole process because she knows better she knows the real story of ukraine she she doesn't fall for it because her foreign minister was involved they knew they knew what was going was a coup d'etat they crane and but in other words there's has to be some kind of european leader the kind of thing you know to america and i think you know that's one way of putting it mr de gaulle i was around when mr goss said no to america that was quite really have friends you know look young to you i mean they have. their own way of going to go is really a proud man and proud for france. one hopes for that but there's other ways that the blocks can be broken there's of course china that's
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a huge number but the united states has to hit a hard line on china doesn't say it like it does say it about russia but the reason that we're our mean korea to the degree that we are in japan is truly against the chinese to encircle the chinese. but i worry about korea because we again have so much or so many arms we put into japan and korea. you know these things can but it can blow up in a second it's like a tinderbox. well it doesn't look good at your age i would like to live out the rest of my life you know what do you do what do you do you bringing attention to it that's the best you can do right now. to my view you should make a movie about that and you shouldn't certainly not in your career i thought it was an increase of four hundred s. when i did this and because i did care and i want to i want i want peace to have a chance and i think every time i talk to mr putin over those thirty hours i never sensed any other desire in his part but to have
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a balance of power respect for each other sovereignty and a sense of peace in the world here and that's what people don't accept from him they can't believe that this man who was they consider a villain is a number of peace. oliver stone thank you very much it was nice to me having him to france to the land where they were think. the most expensive fish in a will each one selling for tens of thousands of euros it continues to grow its
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entire life if it was thirty years old you might have a fish out there and yet they don't get that big today because we're way too good at catching. it's only when themself a much larger mission was once there was much more widely distributed we have politicians that are in office for a few years they have to get reelected everything is very very short term our system is not suited and is not geared for long term survival and that's why we have the catastrophe is. what politicians do sometimes. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and she. want to be rich. but you're going to be for us this is what before three of them can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. this should.
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artificially. well you know that they were kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. i mean they're in the small ball of sticks in a hard pool of ships and it's. not something to. eliminate self to speak told fish already ninety percent of the dots need to fall in the common or. concept fifteen scoops seventy five tonnes they do it several times a day with the cleats oh you get an idea on why.
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we have to understand we can not stay still and just. be with them this will be is the deal for you because you are. i'm doing this because i want the future world to the future generations to have out and enjoy the ocean we have. her. and. they're going to see.
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that. these election headlines right now but he may approach it wins re-election to a fourth term in office will most all of the ballots for. presidential election process. the international response to. ranges from congratulations by world leaders including china's paying all the way to criticism and insults. so the election though quite literally from traditional approaches dressed as angels. came out to enjoy themselves on polling day.
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bates time and. watching all felt election coverage here on c.n.n. and. i am calling for a pair of you to take in this monday we're going to be bringing you live updates and reaction from all especially the studio. red square with almost all the current between winning overwhelmingly it's safe to assume that the sixty five year old will keep his job in the kremlin here for another six years means it's his fourth presidential. one of a seventy six percent of the vote that means more than fifty six million people. leaving old rivals behind at this point the turnout is estimated at sixty seven percent hoping for an update from the central election commission. but it wasn't all serious as many. voting day let's take
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a quick look. now
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throughout polling day out especially as a result of poor results came out our correspondents for other candidates headquarters across moscow. with us now was covering the election from a campaign point of view how was it more of the day to mr putin and what a very busy one was all over the place he showed up first as is tradition to costas . smiles for the cameras thumbs up and then he disappeared for a while but. when the first exit polls came out of the concert a few hundred meters from here at the square a concert the you know as luck would have a dedicated to the reunification of crimea and russia on the eighteenth of march two thousand and fourteen so four years ago when he took the opportunity to speak
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to the public he found his supporters people who voted for him and urged for unity in russia. what's that most you still. wouldn't head. just a few hundred meters in the other direction and there wasn't a lot of apprehension there they had the balls to go but you know there was. showed up there were cheers all around and he spoke to his supporters again. thank everyone who this is campaign came out to the press and. from the first few questions you know they were they were present pressing issues that they wanted to ask him about the comments for example the failed attempt at assassination of the former russian agent in britain. the
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first thing that comes to mind is that if it was a military grade poison then people would of course have died on the spot such substances we destroyed all our chemical weapons as monitored by international inspectors i think anyone with common sense understands that it is normal for russia to do such things. there was also a question field to. about what happened in ukraine where authorities there they blocked the russian embassies consulates and would not allow russian citizens to go inside and they said they did this because of again the reunification of russia and crimea and. was very direct about this what he thought about. it was a. breach of international russia. ukraine and its
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people are a friendly nation everything so that ukrainians in russia. the polls were pretty clear on who was going to win in the present presidential election so the result as much as a surprise today. said. nowhere else really because the they knew that to me putin was ahead what they had no idea about is how far ahead he turned out to be i was talking to one of his senior campaign chief said he said that they expected the turnout of around fifty fifty five percent they go to turnout of sixty seven percent they did not expect seventy six percent of the votes to be cast of like to me putin that came as a huge surprise and there were cheers you know there's a lot of applause clapping patting each other on the shoulders of high fives over there but very you know excited atmosphere this is going to be his fourth term take
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him up to twenty twenty twenty twenty four. did he say anything about it beyond. the there was one question he was asked whether he would consider changing the constitution to allow him to run again and this was his response. but. at the moment i'm not planning any constitutional changes. do you think you will be in the presidential seat until twenty thirty or so of course if you change the constitution. i think what you're saying is look i'm not going to stay there until i turn one hundred. ok so a little clearer maybe not crystal clear about what mr putin's plans are come twenty twenty four hours or it's been a long night for you thanks very much for keeping us posted on mr putin campaign for the election. now let's get more reaction alex is a former advisor to israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu welcome to the
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program thanks for joining us this post-election morning the western response to vladimir putin's victories already been overwhelmingly critical do you expect anything to change over the next six years. in israel i can tell you that we don't see any. critical reaction i think that is real nobody was surprised. but ima put in is a very popular president and russia in his victory was definitely expected but in israel we do follow closely after the elections because today's russia and today's president of russia is a very close partner of israel in various fields of car peroration business and economy in security as russia he's back to be a major player in middle east and in syria which is our northern border and russian tourists are coming and are very welcome to israel the second largest
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number of tourists to israel come from russia so russia definitely is a very close partner and we hope that as it was before it will continue with the continuation of what ima put in president see russia will be even closer and i'm sure that israel and russia will continue successful cooperation in security in middle east in sake of russian interests in israel's security. but in terms of where western leaders are going to stand on this i think by any measure relations are in the doldrums how do you expect western leaders she gave this victory to highlight what they'll see as a lack of democracy in russia or do you think it's going to be time to six more years having to work with mr putin is to try and make some amends made the middle somewhere. while we do see. critics from western leaders with russia i think that unfortunately will continue and
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i think that in israel we see the very very unfortunate situation i think that it should be more carping ration between russia and the west and the united states we will definitely be happy to see more cooperation in our region because our region is variance. stable in israel is a very stable and flourishing country but our neighboring area is very unstable we see a lot of conflicts in syria and in. in yemen in more a more conflict and russia is a very major player came back to the middle east so we will definitely be happy to see less tension between russia and europe and russia and the united states i can remind you that israel didn't join the sanctions of europe and the united states and israel being of the.


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