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tv   News  RT  March 20, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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here is this is where your. far there are the sir and this is right here because your heart is just inside that he's the veterans this trend sure this is the illegals though he so it is once for make sure you're here do this all for. your. publisher this is not mine it's under law to graham you go. to harm. others financial survival guide i don't buy any i die on
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a teacher's. face that's not how the friday that's the last time i am from the future so crack up once kaiser. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guess what the world of politics school this i'm show business i'll see you then. mosher you wouldn't remember who you are then you don't associate. the teacher's delicto i think. they could put it. in the mouth through only ten space. left alone they. said. semantic claiming to know servant is mostly that to. alex you speak french. most. of the time you think he was sent down for continuing impose morning.
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exposing the council itself has called. same wrong but all wrong just don't call. me cold yet to stamp out disdain becomes active. and engaged because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness of spending to
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get to the twenty million a one player. it's an experience like no one else want to do because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so what more chance with. the thinks it's going to. the most expensive fish in the world each one is selling for tens of thousands of euros it continues to grow its entire life if it was thirty years old you might have a two ton fish out there and yet they don't get that big today because we're way too good at catching. it's only women themself a much larger mission was once there and that was much more widely distributed we have politicians that are in office for a few years they have to get reelected everything is very very short term our system is not suited and is not cleared for long term survival and that's why we
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have the catastrophes. but those to found. out if. somebody took his teeth because you can fall due to. age. if you get on the bus there will not. be some dollars on the. open. and you asked above if we have an ideal well many crude elfish. on.
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the. yemeni t.v. saying that he just went on the pencils and he was based on nothing even though he even sent it to me that you believe that you mention. you know somebody i don't. know if the given you know what you're. going to use is nothing. to do. just look less for these kids to school actually is a missile too much more than. just the stick you get the.
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moment of fruits. of the food source not for muslims stuff. because. if you didn't for. yes descendant of north. when you first meet him. he still won one incident was the same all. the. cells nothing. is left was frozen fish. the longer goes away i miss it it's all on.
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because if you really want. to believe. and believe in bold will be separation from the. dismissal if you. leave one issue from the cheap seats in the. class you. believe. screen you can see this is really. not much of. a different kind of get it didn't understand this stupidity is a tourist town feel how much just lonely month going to do with what this group is no possible till. just seems to can see position a good time looking. down and did was. not possible or just wish the state of encourage us to live well if you.
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do but then if people want to be. what are you know if you put your money. they got to fish from someone when if you come in. with bills that often do you need to do something you don't go to the one of them. thinking. as they. do. now to. no smell of fish.
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so it's quite different then it's nice to have the government or the be able to actually stop. the fish inspect what's going on. it's a different experience but it's a good way to go and don't like yeah usually that's the case here is where we go to like the pharoahs they say get out you know or. you know about that place they don't like us very but they're all. in the farrows because we don't want them to kill the pilot whales and so you know they have this long tradition of driving the pilot whales with their small boats and driving them up onto the beach and killing them on the beach. and so we've gone there and interfered with the house there it's you know it's you know is there's a whole layers of legal issues there because it is illegal for the e.u. to the whales and the pharaohs are a potentially part of the deal but they find it hard.
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they tried in years past to pass laws against us and they kept getting they were the way they were that they wouldn't enforce them so i think believe this year they they have succeeded in keeping us from going there i know the ships can't go and. i don't know if individuals want now how that will work out but we're not going there on a campaign this year because of that because of the prohibition there and then we have other issues now that we're tackling like this illegal fishing which is a huge problem all over the world. if you want to you to know for example you just go to the supermarket buy a can of tuna open it and you enjoy it because the next place. but when you see how
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it's catch you start to sing about. fishing boats first seen fishing already you can take the tram we kind of go off but i still write checks with a several hundred meters and then the same phone starts to are pulling the nets and nets ceasar getting tighter and tighter fish squeezed all of my kind of lemon. and in this moments of the sea really turns red. just to see the last. another netsuite score of the school metal ring just gold they go into the big nets and scoop all of the fish. in. the one child we have in the roses perceivable we counted fifteen scoops. you say on each book so. that's one catch seventy five times
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and moved toward several times a day. almost every day with a big fleet so we know you get an idea why the ocean is overfished. expenses. that was friend stopped up so i guess the mission i'm going to touch. it said. it's easy to see if. it isn't it would be a bit simplistic atlanta doing that stuff just. to be an interesting talk and the rest. is it's.
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just being. determined. to fit in florida. motivated. you mean like to the girl who says look i understand the troll. is research that. i read today in about half an hour. do you have any weapons or guns on board over. here.
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and some of the mediterranean is a very over face. in this region there has been a lot of that you know fishing by the european industrial person or fleet they have been fishing here quite extensively since the one nine hundred fifty s. as well so that has also led to the fact that there is not so much to another so that is why i and other nations in this region are doing this inspection to make sure that they have the amount of catch on board that they are reporting. that. is like you see a preschool sixteen. months in. a.
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she'll sit in a ski just. saw that you fish from if it is the. end you might. call it charge but if you least like. a lot higher sharks on the whole trip and just want to. have you reported this. i catch him when i was a little and you usually get. the look you don't want a model but you know. my main goal will be about bycatch and i use illegal unregulated and underreporting fishing that is happening in the west african region. because it is estimated that between eleven and twenty six million tonnes of fish is being called illegally so one point three million tons of fish
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are being discarded by catch annually it's just being killed without being targeted and. here you can see the net in the net you can see a lot of dead sharks because the problem with the sharks is since they're lifting a swim bladder when they lift the net over there before the net is on the day the sharks die because of lack of oxygen. because they do not have these from ladder so if they don't move they will die i mean. last year when we were here in japan we also had several cases of whale shark getting caught in the net with
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a person or so on several occasions we had to cut up the net to be able to save the will try and releases from the entanglement in the nets and that it's also a beautiful feeling when you see the welfare of them in the way of the next. when he was forced in most probably last term is russia's president vladimir putin
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has six more years to fashion his legacy on his food and changed russia how will we continue to check. the far right in britain isn't just on the march it's taking violent mother's action i know might need to hit against you know you know i see these organizations which are all usually split into which we feel different names how do you view that . complex web of british fashion. how does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being
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a king as any job there is one business model helps to run a prison now we just do or don't like is there nobody over the case and i don't no one comes anymore we don't have to serve them anymore is cost effective that's what they want to do that at the moment they don't give a damn if you didn't charge a man very badly painted to put it back into the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us sam bridge what secret is behind such success.
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not a mere thirteen wins a landslide victory in russia's twenty eighteen presidential election securing a fourth term in the kremlin. international reaction to putin's victory ranges from the congratulations of world leaders such as i'm going to call to insults and criticism. while others might and more joyful song and dance all the election come to vote in traditional costumes dressed up as angels and even a few shining knives. thank
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you for joining us here at r.t. international coming to you live from moscow. both the final results are in from russia's presidential election the turnout was almost sixty eight percent with the majority voting to return of logic person for a fourth term in the kremlin and he has r.t. special coverage of this historic event from red square. come to it from red square and stiff and i would think the error was as we digest some of the final results so that comes we'll get some final reactions to it from a number of us especially because. yes the russian presidential election has been full it's on the speed and we'll be bringing you all the latest developments and yes. the limit putin then pulls off a huge win on sunday getting over three quarters of the vote it means he'll stay on as president and could remain in the kremlin for up to another six years at the
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fifty six million russians chose him to lead their country it's why fals didn't even come close to be sworn in as president for the full time in many when you look at the stats putin did better than in any previous election he's for these all the figures on your screen the snow over fifty percent he go on it every time as you can see more going on from two thousand but. the vote this time around brought him seventy six point six percent with which it is to be mostly delights but as we all know it's not just about dry numbers that make an election it's the people taking part that really give it life.
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after. thank you. thank you thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. after the results came in and now the meeting with other presidential candidates is straight down to business today he wanted to discuss the proposals the campaign
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promises and also share with his plans for the next six years but he said to say the try to ensure dialogue with his foreign partners to noting though that it takes two to tango he said. you would you know could you know when you we're going to pay special attention to russia's defense complex but let me add nobody here is trying to start an arms race we want to engage in dialogue with our partners of course that doesn't depend just on us it's like you love both sides have to be interested in each other otherwise it isn't going to work out. that's going to do from george galloway joining us live political commentator and full member of u.k. parliament hey there george looking to. your media thought so and so this win for vladimir putin he says he doesn't want to start an arms race for a start which is good news for all of us around the world we want to engage in dialogue is this a new message surely not. well it does take two to tango the potential dance
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partners are currently storming out of the dance hall and threatening to leave the siege to those inside the ballroom saw i'm not sure how that's going to work out any time soon but it's good that the president signaled that that is his wish this is an extraordinary mandate the german in france reaction is that they don't recognize the votes of the people who cast that mean cry. the weather. that made the choice you know the last from julie says we don't know about that is that in any way do legitimize the rules a little north as you say. well i think the people in crimea tell them to go and whistle ninety two percent of the voters in crimea voted for president putin and the quicker they get the bridge up really linking crimea with russia the better and i think the crimean people have voted with their feet for russia more than once the
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reaction to the russian election has been coming in from all around the world america is from washington d.c. . fortunately the white house has not repeated the rhetoric of most american politicians as well as western media on russia's presidential election which resulted in president putin winning a fourth term by a significant margin over seventy six percent and even though there was no congratulatory phone call from the white house spokesman good lee told reporters that the outcome came as no surprise i just as he was boarding air force one not only that but he commented somewhat positively on potentially developing relations with russia saying quote we will work to cultivate the relationship with russia and we will impose costs on russia for and their interests but we also look for places to work together when it serves our interests now this is in stark contrast to other reactions we've seen upon receiving word of president putin so when american politicians attempted to deal with jim eyes of russia's political process senator
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mccain took to twitter to discredit putin's victory calling it a sham and going on to say quote the u.s. stands with all russians yearning for freedom which is interesting considering president putin managed to maintain over and eighty percent approval rating prior to the election and despite running against multiple candidates representative adam schiff said that putin only won because he banned his opponents from running well besides the usual anti russian officials whistleblower edward snowden had some words regard. ballot stuffing that allegedly took place saying it's quote an effort to steal the influence of one hundred forty plus million people now snowden also urged russian citizens to demand justice demand laws and courts that matter take your future back now the u.s. media echoed a similar sentiments no surprise there but i'm sure more officials will be speaking out as the day continues but it is surprising however that spokesman did leave mentioned developing relations with russia especially considering all of the
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allegations of collusion and the current anti russia political climate this year the vast majority of polling stations were equipped with web cameras streaming everything that happened and that anyone could be the observer if they wanted to write the code for that but how does that work you know it's paid off as well the project was first introduced to twenty twelve presidential election and indeed this time it's hoped to expose multiple electoral fooled cases in this focus his time as well. patrol.
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base year's presidential election was being monitored by of record number of foreign observers at one thousand five hundred in fact now they include the purpose of representatives from france poland and the u.k. and with that overall assessment being mainly positive the o.e.c.d. mission in fact to russia said there were no alexa law violations that we did the folks somewhat like transparency we spoke to some of the observers. say that they didn't see anybody later maybe i was too short a time there but i don't i don't think that and by the asians visit. us we want to talk to see how it works we were we are particularly interested very much in the transmission line which is i see here are all very high level we. in poland to introduce the other sister and i wish that also in truman the you would have the
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opportunity to elect or president by direct elections or coop consists of eight different members of. parliament i want to congratulate mr putin and hope that we can improve to assure him of the russian relations have to disallow actions. it would be really important for us because also determines a sufferer because of sanctions. all the pressure was positive so there was no systematic overall of thing like this. and we were. up some of us in every polling station so what i can say from my observations this was positive and this was a general mood among the other election of service here in moscow so the four seater yes it's a waltz all in all. and the average off.


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