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tv   News  RT  March 21, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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that just seems like it's so close but they can't quite get any continues to to feed this monster that is a total distraction from our devastating us foreign policy that continues to destroy countries today so what where did muller fit into that hole in the very rock about i get colin powell i get to take it remind viewers avoid where moeller fits into that kind of trifecta where he testified under oath and should you know perjured himself that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction and he should be held accountable for that but you know obviously like like all these other officials he's not. yet lying to congress and it's not that big a deal if i got by minor infraction as long as you're on the right side on the right party at the time what i wonder is how culpable is the mainstream media for sort of to keep feeding and reseating and rebranding these think tank ideologues that we've watched i mean let's be real about think tanks want to get out of major is the entire conversation about another day about how nonsense they are to begin
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with but do you how much does the press you know how they are continuing to let people who have lied about major things that have led to a million people dying if not more how culpable as the press for letting that happen well i think when we talk about the military industrial complex we have to understand that a major component of that is media and media is its role is what noam chomsky called manufacturing consent which is pushing out lie after lie and creating this environment where people are unable to resist and we see that with the russia gate narrative we see that with syria where it's you know allegations of chemical weapons nonstop we see that with the current and well it's not even an investigation there's been no investigation into the poisoning of the double agent in london. and so you know we look at figures like bill kristol who is a longtime neoconservative guided his. is his think tank the project for a new
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american century that guided the bush administration into war with iraq and now he's welcome don m.s.n. b.c. on major networks and so i think you know regardless of liberal conservative our mainstream media there is a pro where pro-war narrative that voices anti-war voices that one time were allowed to come on anti-imperialist voices have been totally excluded and the entire range of discussion is basically when are we going to bomb and let's do it now what it is you can leave the house you know for peace and what's interesting too is you saw that that shift it and i would say that the but the two thousand and six two thousand and seven around the time of the democrats back in that or really took the senate and congress because you saw that anti-war movement things shift and all of these people were you know the crystals and all them were like oh no get these people off t.v. we don't like them at all that it's dramatically in even the obama era you didn't really see bill going on t.v. that often as an example but then you saw this dramatic shift the moment trumpets
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of soldiers ask you given you know your history of studying politics in this country do you think the one the democrats say the democrats are removed from or when they get him out we got the times i guess will that ship and suddenly bill's out of the gate all these people that we trust now who say trump's bad well they suddenly be like oh no we don't like you anymore well i mean this is the folly of partisan politics you know all of these liberals who like oppose the war in iraq it was because it was a republican agenda but when obama you know fed weapons to syria which ended up in the in the hands of jihad he's there's no no problem with that you know we're enforcing the redline these kinds of things there's really no opposition carrousel just keep on spinning around i thank you very much dan cohen always a pleasure thank you all right as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our full shows at our t.v. dot com coming up we crack open the books they don't want you to read with author and speaker of the block and stay tuned to watching the hawks.
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exercises but as a level don't. want customers go by yourself. then don't well reduce the hours. that's undercutting but what's good for the market is not good for the global economy. for.
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the removal suppression and restriction of circulation of literary works or educational materials is known as book censorship and it's not a part of american culture since the mayflower so the governor of plymouth william bradford charge that thomas morton had to compose sundry rhymes and verses some tending to listen he is miss morton was eventually banished by the puritan colony and for his actions and sixteen twenty eight really four hundred years later we're still holding on to those puritan beliefs that words can poison the soul that must be contained hidden or even destroyed and twenty sixteen the ala is office for intellectual freedom found that over half of all books banned in us schools libraries and universities are by authors of color and contained ideas that are outside of the perceived mainstream and those brain twisting propaganda pieces threatening the minds of the nation's news their books like the color purple by alice walker beloved by toni morrison the autobiography of malcolm x. and i know way that caged bird sings by. maya angelou classics by some of the
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greatest american authors ever yet begun and in many modern public schools for fear it will offend or confuse parents and students as someone rushed the once said what is freedom of expression without the freedom to offend it ceases to exist help us understand this a little deeper is all for a professor do you walk and. welcome where you guys down today good good you all are starting ask you what what is deep what can you know what what are your favorite band books what's your list some of watching say what you know what's your top three top five best books the best should go out every so it would definitely be the autobiography of malcolm x. i think it's such an important book as educator you can give your kids this books on this amazing journey show them the many different transformations he went through and you compare it with a movie so as a reward for so that would definitely be number one on the lesson the next would be color purple you know the same thing like these brilliant brilliant stories written
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by brilliant people and. we only hurt people when we keep the truth from way from them yes we do yes we do it's first as you know because the truth teller that's what we tried every day we get in trouble every day i think i mean. when i look at these books i'm looking at this list and i'm thinking i read that some great i read that high school i read this in college these were books so you know i guess we weren't maybe not as sensitive in the eighty's and ninety's like kids were going to handle it and i think that's the weird part what. what you know how did these books ban books affect kids who either aren't reading books because hard to get kids to read a lot of times or getting them but also when they have parents who don't or can't read how does the ending these books make it even harder how does that affect kids especially children of color who aren't seen books that reflect that so you know a long time ago twitter instagram i mean even television right there with books now
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that part of. the people who are the most wealthy people always have the best libraries they had the books they had the knowledge they could take that knowledge . develop the strongest critical thinking skills in the world and to use those skills to give everyone else their realities it's the same thing the only difference now books way more sensible now we are taught that we hate reading when i was a kid i thought i hate reading. it wasn't you know it was uncommon to see books like huckleberry finn and tom sawyer next you know next to the old banana pill running in a dumpster writing this is nothing as mark twain but there was so many contemporary books when i was going to school in the ninety's. come up you know going to school and then it was so many there was so many books that spoke to my experience and even like the early two thousand where if i was in high school and you gave me a book like made me want to holler i would have read it if you would gave me the
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coldest one of my sisters soldier i would have read it but it's stead you've given us books that you know we can't connect with and we never develop those critical thinking skills so we're just like the people from back in the eighteen hundreds and we're walking around with full of someone else's ideas and it's dangerous and it's very dangerous it's very very dangerous you know and it's interesting people's reactions to things that they don't want other people to read or don't understand themselves and people see something they don't understand keep away from it scares me yeah right i don't like it and that kind of leads into the i think a pub big part of the banning of books i don't understand it i don't like it and it might influence some of the wrong way it's that idea of like you know is reading the n. word and huckleberry going to make someone a racist you know is the fear of you know that fear of profanity and challenging people's beliefs more of just kind of trickle down of that period to country that the united states was founded upon as we forget that we forget we're very puritan religious you know dogma you know of any of criticism of of the standard or that.
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the standard have to be punished and you still see it today it's like oh this group of people shouldn't. you know that shouldn't be that way or see these things in this group people shouldn't see this exhibit you don't know how there was that you got huckleberry finn and that's when it gets brought out because they might get confused if they read this and you might not understand but i learned a lot about race from reading not all fairy phantom events the great teacher is my reasserted too late now ok so you bend it back when you know people could have taken a lot from it and then when it becomes old and outdated you try to feed it to these young people who've already moved on the schools right now giving kids the scarlet letter these kids already are having sex and paying for abortions and making a bit like this is a whole different to think about it think about it like this. when we were kids right if you were going to like do something like you know like you know you could buy community magazine or something like that right now so you can sense it that
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you can control it and had to work really really hard to see that you had to really yes to your older brother just collection you to get a boy it was all right you know serious business now these kids click a phone everything's so why are we trying to censor their experiences when they could really get their hands on everything that any any and everything and. again we're not doing anything but hurting them because that they're not going to be able to function and never get to just get those go and sort of that idea of like having a bubble around. i mean one hundred schools let me just say you know like my book has been the beside has been in a lot of schools because of profanity right i've been to these schools and these kids have said curse words that i've never even heard like i will i'm learning stuff again everything in this country evolves right i myself own isn't the same phone from like a week ago was education still stuck in the now you know and then we complain about
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these low test scores it's interesting because when you mentioned earlier you know people started you know those people had libraries and they held that information back to them they could filter that information out right there. the most education read the most i'm filled with i wonder if that's what we're seeing now with this kind of crackdown the freedom of information on the internet you know where you see kind of like everyone kind of suddenly jumping on this all we need to rein in social media we need to rein in this because we're just really dangerous silly people experience a social mobility ok then you know that you cannot have these kinds of things that women are getting this idea that they shouldn't be harassed and run i wonder if that's true that kind of you know getting all it literally was to give you a certain he's literally dangerous for you know the poor and minorities to learn too much because then they will become men now if we get smart you know we don't how poor we want to think. yeah you know we get smart we'll realize hey you know we're not the same color we don't have the same experience but we can link
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together and we can build something to combat the top one percent yeah that's what's interesting capitalism you must make sure groups of people are systemically generationally oppressed yeah and if you do that you always have people to sell products to again like i said my whole thing you know what this whole this journey of fighting for for a fair critical thinking skills for everyone is about you know the first book i fell in love with i did like i said i thought i had a reading someone gave me the coldest want to ever i knew i loved reading that simple and i'm so happy for you guys you know and you know it's interesting my dad handed me the malcolm x. book when i was about thirteen years old so breed this you know and one of the reasons he did which i think we don't give young people in your work with kids a lot we don't give young people no credit they part of the idea is that we have to teach them the shades of grey of not only historical figures and people given for
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the not know not to say it's not because they say it's great but you know i mean you have to be able to teach them that it's more than just right or wrong history is more than just this is what happened this was right this is wrong move us back yet we have to teach them a thousand different perspectives so that when they can build their own properly correct about how powerful is control the way you look at history in this country you know you guys were slaves did not making much in the rosa parks that i am because i was tired and i barack obama ran for president that's african-american history right there black president came out now you're pretty good at you know you could say that same thing when you go when this history you know like when they we got when there was suffrage there was kathy spann and she passed the bottom susan b. anthony and before you knew it they got to give a hand over hillary clinton and now this woman's history and oh yeah and imagine she's a walk ahead like me to a product like this and this is what you this is what we've given our children and we have to cost. we fight that we have to because if we don't the same problems that we see plaguing our country the year in the year i was going to get through to
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happen you know we got to do something about it that's what history's always repeating itself that over the organ because you see you know and i can't i can't stress enough to folks books are still the most powerful one of the most powerful tools of learning we have because it does put you know i would never of know in your life experience had i not read the book that you wrote you know and it's more powerful even than what i'm saying on t.v. because t.v. is just a box of magic that doesn't actually have the depth the books hold and it's the same thing because the color purple really was moved as one of us by the first books i read it in eighth grade when i was thirteen years old and it made me realize it was the struggle of women in understanding black women struggle and understanding a lot of things i didn't and that's the need that all of these so these books were transformative in amazing writing but there's all these brand new contemporary by young people who reflect the communities that we were to where kids have been educated that can be used this is why it is in ohio who got to read about the dude
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from ohio what a woman from ohio had a rough house or which it isn't right you know marginal say we're going to have as i said thank you so much always going on i always a pleasure that you walk in is author and professor and speaker. at age forty four a suit on was a doting father grandfather and the last male northern white rhino alive on earth after falling ill from old age he was euthanized yesterday giving the world pause as more and more species around the world face an increasingly brutal relationship with human society once roaming the african plains and thousand strong herds of beautiful engine species is now cut down to just daughter and granddaughter to thanks to decades of stunningly organized poaching efforts and an ill fated belief held in some strains of asian medicine that the horns contents hold the cure for cancer and hangovers cause the racialist though remain cautiously optimistic hoping that raising public awareness can still save other species from extinction and that
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sudan's frozen and well kept sperm can one day still be used to bring the northern white rhino back to life i hope so because i hate to see these animals lost to the pages of history to where we can only read about them and let's see them are that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we're not told we love develops so i tell you all i love you i robot and on top of all the people watching those hawks now the great bend light of. the far right britain isn't just on the mark it's taking violent mother's action your white. lead and that gives you know you isolate those organizations which will usually split in two which leaves you with. how do you view that.
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complex web of richard basher. the most expensive fish in the world each one is selling for tens of thousands of euros it continues to grow its entire life if it was thirty years old you might have a two ton fish out there and yet they don't get that big today because we're way too good at catching. it's only women and self a much larger mission was once there was much more widely distributed we have politicians that are in office for a few years they have to get reelected everything is very very short term our system is not suited and is not feared for long term survival and that's why we have the catastrophes. how does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being
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a king as any job there is what business model helps to run a prison now we just do or don't like a radio visitation i don't know one comes in and we don't have to serve them anymore is. this what they want to do that they don't give a damn if you do the chores are not actually paying us to put it back into the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us sam bridge what she could is behind such success. few. thought. few.
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twenty three diplomats were to. so rush hour after being expelled from the u.k. in iran now over the points in the form of spine. president donald trump welcomes the saudi crown prince to washington and pushes for you. on facebook is targeted by a global campaign to quit the social network after revelations fifteen million accounts was compromised by a data gathering. for the latest on these stories head to up next it's crosstalk talking about the nation's peoples within the u.s. .
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alone welcome to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle it would appear the more the political left in their allies in the corporate media task donald trump the more we learn about the corrupt behavior of the deep state the firing of andrew mccabe at the f.b.i. it's a case in point is this the beginning of a perch. talking exposing the deep state i'm joined by my guest philip giraldi in leesburg he is a former cia counterterrorism specialist who is now executive director of the council for the national interest in new york we have steve malzberg he is a conservative political commentator and in washington we have bruce fein he is
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a constitutional lawyer and a former associate deputy attorney general under president ronald reagan all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate philip let me go to you first here. as i mentioned at the beginning of the program. we have of this law of unintended consequences the more that the the political left in the backed up by the media go after trump and the so-called. rush of delusion collusion story the more we're finding out really what the other side was doing the and the amount of corruption that seems to be enormous here if we get a second council don't we face the prospect that we're going to have a divided population politically and they're going to choose whatever findings each council ends up providing which really it will show a kind of a parallel universe like we have now go ahead philip well peter i have to agree
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with you i think what essentially we're seeing is is that a political divisions that are prevailing in congress are essentially playing out in what we're calling russia gate and i think russia gate is actually an expression that we can discard now i think what we're what we're seeing is the. complete corruption of the national security process whereby the senior people in the national security agencies have been politicized and essentially are are instead of being interested in the security of the country are basically looking to support their political bosses you know steve you know the in the mainstream media likes to say that there is a war against the f.b.i. it seems like there's a civil war within the f.b.i. because the mainstream media doesn't like to talk about how mccabe was exited from the f.b.i. he was it was the f.b.i. that got rid of him ok but you wouldn't get that i think it was like a new york to
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a new york times article is like the forty first out of forty four paragraphs that they actually said that i mean they really put it down deep you know like a footnote here because i think there is something going on in the f.b.i. go ahead steve. well first of all the office of personal responsibility recommended that mckay go according to all reports or if you if you could find it in a report and who is the head of the office of personal responsibility someone who is a poor woman who was appointed in two thousand and four by robert muller then head of the f.b.i. so the media presents that this is because of trump's tweets of pressure on sessions when in fact the f.b.i. recommended he go the inspector general report that session's has been privy to from the d.o.j. also apparently is recommending that he go and don't forget that the head of the f.b.i. a couple of months ago demoted mccabe based on what he knew mccabe had done and all
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you hear from the left and from the media is they treated this poor guy like a black junk and they took his pension away and now you've got democratic congressman stepping up and saying oh he can come work for me so he could get his pension it is a world god mad well you know steve i have to wonder and this is a real question can you draw a federal pension if you're in jail because that's where he belongs. let me let me go let me go to bruce here let me go to bruce here i actually i stole that line from ray mcgovern in one piece that he wrote yesterday. bruce you know what we have now is you know we had mccabe fired for lack of candor don't you love that phrase you're a lawyer and it means he's a liar ok it seems to me there's a lot of lack of candor all over this here particularly jim comi i think you know i wonder what his level of candor is and he should be put under pressure under oath
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and i think mccabe should be put under oath and i could list about fifteen other people that should be put under oath go ahead bruce. well certainly if there's credible evidence of crime that you investigate although there is a fifth amendment privilege against self incrimination but i think that the idea that there's a deep state is contradicted by the way in which mccabe ultimately was fired he was going to resign in any event to be effective about twenty four hours after the firing and that is you had nonpolitical people michael horowitz people who are not part of the deep state making the findings that precipitated the discharge which is how the system supposed to work its process that counts more than results so i think it's an exaggeration to suggest that the mccain firing you know it did it all have anything to do with trump he was leaving anyway within twenty four hours i think it's vastly exaggerated as to its implications. but i also think that i
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don't recall is that there. steve jump in go ahead i mean johnson's are you ok does it add that i don't it is with all due respect to yeah. go ahead steve. well i was going to say with all due respect to bruce i don't think it's mutually exclusive i think is right i think it did work actually the system in getting rid of the cave but that doesn't mean there's not a deep state i mean john brennan the a few days ago i believe it was on monday said to put out a tweet really showing his i mean pouring his guts out in it with his hatred towards donald trump if you saw that one and you got to only go through peta strock and his recent revelations of his most recent text with the judge in the flynn case who he knew and he also was on the five of court and he was going to have a dinner party with i mean this goes on and on and on there is a deep state ok in an effort to get frank i guess i don't have john john brennan
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guy gran's a private individual john brennan is not serving in the cia. that deep state is within the government itself and remember mr trump has the authority under the constitution to fire anybody that he believes is part of the deep state it's his own executive branch and he had at least a kind of friendly house intelligence committee that made a report hundred fifty pages that said well we don't find any actual collusion with a campaign although the russians intended to influence in some other way the outcome so here we have a president endowed in their article two of the constitution he can fire them if he believes they're undercutting himself he can fire mr rosenstein he doesn't have to wait well for mr rove sessions brucey hand if he doesn't do this because he doesn't want to bruce you need to appear on the on the liberal cable stations to tell people that because they're american people aren't told that very often philip john
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brennan's name was mentioned here i think i know why he had such a furious and i think even childish tweet about the mccabe firing is that we go back to the lack of candor again i think john brennan is probably has the least amount of candor in all the cast of characters here i mean i would really like to know how many times he leaked to the media because that's it least one reason why mccain was let go because he leaked to the media go ahead philip. you know i agree i mean you know we keep looking at the f.b.i. and this and unfortunately the cia or at least the leadership of the cia was much more guilty of of this kind of lying and sneaking around for political reasons brennan it is known approached a number of european intelligence services to obtain dirt on the donald trump campaign with which information then was leaked. to the to the media so
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brennan was the political boy working for the expected hillary clinton. presidency so let's let's expand this investigation let's forget about the russians because this was in what the russians did and let's look at what john brown did it ok steve what we have i agree with that i think feel is absolutely right let me and says here on this because mr brennan was there with the torture the enhanced interrogation programs the destruction of video interrogation tapes. all under his watch and he should be also investigated for authorizing a participating in a virtual assassination program that is endowing the president authorizing the president to kill american citizens that he unilaterally decides were implicated in national security danger based upon unsubstantiated evidence mr brennan should be
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under investigation.


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