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tv   Documentary  RT  March 21, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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flies john claud younger president of the european commission he got flack nor seating and shameful they call it now a few years ago they called the diplomacy but down with the old let's all behave like angsty teenagers and post funny pictures on twitter. series of missiles have struck government control suburbs of the syrian capital killing at least forty four people. it's all about every three of my relatives are injured my wife and daughter are in surgery right now. the. only moment my son told me he wanted to celebrate mother's day with me so i told him let's go to the market he bought a cake i was buying sweets when the explosion happened i saw only a lot of dust and my children under the table.
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bent him back as dandy my daughter visited me on mother's day she was five months pregnant on our way home from the doctor was told by the market that was right before the show and my daughter and i were wounded my four year old grandson was cured and the shell and he was hit by the blast wave and it took us a long time to find his body. we are innocent people for us the militants destroyed my house and then they killed my wife what do they want from us they call us infidels but in reality it's them not us the syrian government has accused terrorists in eastern guta of carrying out the shelling one of the rockets hit a crowded market local journalists the libre him visited the site. this is one of the largest single rocket strikes that ever hit the syrian capital damascus since the beginning of the conflict back in two thousand and eleven the local populace the marketplace the fourth very crowded of the high class people shopping close to
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the people if you're a celebrity. many people are buying their gifts yesterday and when the shells heard leaving the small number of. civilians into particular side. when we got outside we couldn't see anything because the dust a real massacre i swear wouldn't wish anyone to witness a scene like this it's really sad. in the past forty eight hours the syrian army was able to make substantial gains in the syrian military now controls over thirty percent of what was once one of the most important and closest to the syrian capital damascus trouble holding claves it is believed that it is in this location many of the headquarters of the rebels were established perhaps this is the reason why the rebels have stepped up their rocket attacks on this rink up to damascus damascus have seen an increase in the number of rockets that hit it in the past twenty four hours but also the quality of the caliber of the ruckus that rebels are using to shell the couple damascus. the u.s.
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national security agency has reportedly been tracking uses a virtual currency bitcoin since at least two thousand and thirteen intelligence officials have also made efforts to unmask identities and transactions elaborate trenchard picks up the story. question what's in it for bitcoin buyers besides the price boom last year when its rate kept go and up people got themselves to was to get rich but bitcoins have been luring enthusiastic with something else since long before the twenty seven thing boo no central bank control privacy and transaction anonymity i'm sorry this could have all been an illusion you haven't followed at snowden or have you. the n.s.a. worked urgently to target coin users around the world according to classified documents provided by snowden so let's look into the national security agency files
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which caught the eye of the intercepts journalists back in the days when the bitcoin was only worth less than one hundred bucks march twenty thirty in the u.s. was already working hard on tracking down crypto wallet holders and the n.s.a.'s number one priority among the new currencies was bitcoin they did come up with a mysterious tool called monkey rocket and guess what analysts have found value in the monkey rocket access to help track down sanders and receivers of bitcoins how much value is the question here that no one will give you an answer to but come on the n.s.a. is almighty when it comes to getting hold of all kinds of data so no matter how underdeveloped monkey rock it was back then the agency could have filled in the missing puzzle pieces using it stunning array of other spying tools the whistleblower suggest with this sort of information in hand putting a name to
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a given bitcoin user would be easy monkey rock it is also described in the files as a non western internet anonymization service how many bitcoin owners have so far been tricked by the n.s.a. into using this product that we can only guess where in march twenty minutes actually five years since these n.s.a. memos where it said we should do our best to track down bitcoin users were written but the guys at the snooping agency haven't really been wasting time a million to try and go in moscow if it can honestly we spoke to believes that despite the recent revelations uses of the virtual currency won't be getting rid of their coins any time soon. you know just like nobody stopped using their cell phone when they found out the n.s.a. was tracking all of our cell phone text messaging or are there are going to stop using facebook because of what's happening in the news right now with facebook so i don't think there's going to be any kind of panic selling and bitcoin because the
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n.s.a. is trying to track it down and the n.s.a. has made it a number one priority at least according to that two thousand and thirteen report from five years ago so i don't see any panic selling a bit coin i just think if somebody wants to own bitcoin and you want that privacy and that privacy is important to you there are ways to implement implement those strategy hopefully you're not googling into an n.s.a. program that's actually just capturing your information. dozens of children in russia's moscow region to being treated for gas poisoning people in the town of. blame and he lunged for the site and they gathered outside the hospital where the children have been taken the crowd booed the moscow region governor when he came to visit. i was
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of the it was more than one hundred ninety people in the area adults and children are suffering from the north and dizziness the landfill site has allegedly made the toxic former presidential candidate sing of sub check visited the hospital and spoke to one of the children being treated. let's say a fellow she was taking even if the exam was the only it's worse than. guessing if you will go for it. you can waste it's just like well you know this was going to have to. work yesterday if it was kick ass kicking ass and only well let's just strictly it's just that. there were many parents among the
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protesters they waved banners with the message stop poisoning our children and also follicle lumps we are suffocating auntie's video agency spoke to some of the residents. if you only wendy's night emissions happen my child calf's as if he said he can't sleep he cries he has a sore throat that it isn't just an ordinary call which is the really good question of when we put the kids to sleep we seal the doors and windows with the wear towels so that they won't breathe this in. that's unbearable the smell is awful we adults suffer when our children suffer more we are always nervous sometimes we don't even know whether they will wake up in the morning because many suffer from. what is called the children are dizzy they vomit the tears have to cry ambulances my son goes to the local school he's just eight we just want people to hear us our cry for help following the outcry from residents the russian general prosecutor's
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office has said that it will launch a probe into the poisonings. president trump has come up with a creative way of selling arms to saudi arabia he gave a presentation to the saudi crown prince in the white house on tuesday. three billion dollars five hundred thirty three million dollars five hundred twenty five million dollars. so here is a very wealthy nation and we're going to give the united states some of that well. prince mohammed bin solomon was in the white house protesters gathered outside they called on washington to end its support for saudi arabia's bombardment of yemen which has been going on for three years killing thousands of civilians the saudi crown prince and u.s. presidents are also expected to discuss a possible nuclear energy deal had been solomon earlier said that riyadh needed the
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option of pursuing a nuclear weapons program in order to counter iran. a certain direction to that saudi arabia does not want to acquire any nuclear bomb but without a doubt it to run developed a nuclear bomb will follow suit as soon as possible and plans for nuclear cooperation with the saudis have caused alarm in the us congress the bill has been introduced which would force any countries in nuclear partnerships to renounce technology that could lead to the creation of atomic weaponry it also requires a tougher approval process by congress for civilian nuclear deals saudi arabia has previously refused to sign any agreement with washington that would prevent it from enriching uranium exports so let's get some analysis of this now from kemal alarmism military analyst very good evening to you come out members of the u.s. congress they want to force the saudis to renounce you very even richmond but can you see the saudis ever going to that i think it's highly unlikely because especially at the moment the saudis are feeling very in secure about their security
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and in the past is simply have not signed most of the arms treaties that the u.s. have asked them to this despite being the largest of american weapons and really the saudi crown prince said his country might need nuclear weapons in order to counter iran may have made it conditional but could it be a pretext. the saudis have always maintained that if the iranians get a bomb they will get it is well before the saudis had not been interested in a nuclear bomb to be fair to them before the iran question came up however as things stand in the region in iran. anything the iranians do the saudis want a defensive mechanism so they are probably just firing off the early shot saying that we want some technology which could potentially lead to a bomb so they're looking a few years ahead in case iran gets it how would that affect the balance in the middle east if the saudis were to develop a nuclear arsenal. i think you'll completely upset the balance because obviously at
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the moment apart from israel and even israel don't declare it publicly there are no nuclear weapons or me or major weapons so if the saudis go for it then of course the u.a.e. might go for it and egypt is my go for it to gyptian civil really been working on a nuclear plant in the u.a.e. as well along with the south koreans so it definitely upsets the balance completely and even iran who had the moment to declared they don't want any weapons their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes as they say it this kind of statement coming of saudi arabia also does not argue well for iran if saudi arabia did decide to go ahead and build nuclear weaponry who could stop look at the us do anything to stop them. or you would think that the us could do something to stop them but in the past the us have saw them all kinds of weapons that the saudis have used especially in yemen despite loads of international organizations calling for valor and then the americans don't normally have many issues with the saudis using all
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kinds of weapons whether it's in yemen or for domestic use as well to suppress people so. it's still early but i've got a feeling that the americans were not really mind it especially given the close alliance between the two states and as i said the saudis depend wholly and the us for their protection thanks for your time my guest military analyst. and finally christmas spokesman to reach a press corps fires given an exclusive interview to r.t. speaking with sophie shevardnadze he talked about some of the key issues facing russia ranging from nuclear deterrence to the script poisoning case you can watch the full interview on friday so if you. first we have to remember the starting point is the you know words of president
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putin that russia has nothing to do with this accident. this is number one number two. we're not speaking about. attempt to murder to murder a russian spy in great britain where speaking about attempt to murder a british spy in great britain he was a british spy he's a british spy he's not a russian spy. well he's a russian citizen but you know the russians but he was handed in to britain as a result of exchange so why would russia hand eighteen command that is of any importance or that is of any value it's unimaginable so even if he's handed in so russia quotes with him his of zero value of zero importance. go ahead so this is number one number
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two. words of president putin. where not as crazy as two is to even to think about something of that kind. before presidential elections and before such an important event global event as. football championship. number three. the first blaming. came from politicians just a couple of hours after the accident. a couple of hours after the accident where heard first blaming of russia that highly likely russia was responsible of that murder of attempted murder and now we see we see words
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of experts and experts of organization for four or four. p.c. w. . that say that the preliminary examining of this agent will take about three weeks is it contradictory yes it is. when united states abandoned the treaty of. missile defense. that was a very very serious threat. for. mutual nuclear deterrence. and this is a basic basic element of international stability and security. and since then. russia founded. as a state being under siege. of
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attempts of neutralizing its nuclear potential nuclear capabilities thus in danger inc the existence of nuclear deterrence. the only way and despite sending. sending signals of an acceptance of this process. proposing various compromises proposing cooperation in ensuring international stability unfortunately. country fails to me trysts a process. and as a result as a result the only way was to show that in any case in any case despite all the efforts of contador and counterparts in this story despite their continuous efforts to build the entire. anti-missile shield.
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russia will be capable of insuring mutual deterrence system. and what happened during let's say the last. three or four decades. anglo-saxon media they started to rule the world economically commercial media and also political media i mean media from the united states great britain. their most powerful their most influential and they have. the widest possible reach in the world globally and of course this feeling of monopoly. so it brings it brings we'll to manipulate this monopoly so you can you can use this monopoly as a tool of delivering your point of view whether it is right or wrong it doesn't
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matter you can adjust it in accordance with the situation. to simply to manipulate the brains of people throw the world. and this is why they strongly oppose oppose. appearance of any rivals even small rivals like r t in comparison with this huge machine. of course. i sincerely believe that size doesn't matter here. it can be small but you can do much much more influential things. that is what you are doing and that is what makes them very nervous because just means you are pretending you are pretending to be arrival for them and this rivalry can ruin the system of brainwash.
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wrap things up for they sound even joy is broadcast capons you bring you right up to date with the most recent headlines and updates on our top stories and. around the world there's always a battle going on with the central bankers and the commercial bankers always trying to repress the population in one way or another the global insurrection against banker occupation we've been saying this for years on the show so now we're going to look at it from whether we can perspective they are similarly being oppressed by the overlords of finance and they are reacting in a very specific puerto rico way. hello
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and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle it would appear the more the political left and their allies in the corporate media task donald trump the more we learn about the corrupt behavior of the deep state the firing of andrew mccabe at the f.b.i. it's a case in point is this the beginning of a perch. cross talking exposing the deep state i'm joined by my guest philip giraldi in leesburg he is a former cia counterterrorism specials who is now executive director of the council for the national interest in new york we have steve malzberg he is a conservative political. commentator and in washington we have bruce fein is
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a constitutional lawyer and a former associate deputy attorney general under president ronald reagan all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i was appreciated philip let me go to you first here. as i mentioned at the beginning of the program we have of this law of unintended consequences the more that the the political left in the backed up by the media go after trump and the so-called. rush of delusion collusion story the more we're finding out really what the other side was doing the and the amount of corruption that seems to be enormous here if we get a second council don't we face the prospect that we're going to have a divided population politically and they're going to choose whatever findings each council ends up providing which really it will show a kind of a parallel universe like we have now go ahead philip. well peter i have to agree
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with you i think what essentially we're seeing is is that a the political divisions that are prevailing in congress are essentially playing out in what we're calling russia gate and i think russia gate is actually an expression that we can discard now i think what we're what we're seeing is the. complete corruption of the national security process whereby the senior people in the national security agencies have been politicized and essentially are are instead of being interested in the security of the country are basically looking to support their political bosses you know steve you know the in the mainstream media likes to say that there is a war against the f.b.i. it seems like there's a civil war within the f.b.i. because the mainstream media doesn't like to talk about how mccabe was exited from the f.b.i. he was it was the f.b.i. that got rid of him ok but you wouldn't get that i think it was like a new york to
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a new york times article is like the forty first out of forty four paragraphs that they actually said that i mean they really put it down deep you know like a footnote here because i think there is something going on in the f.b.i. go ahead steve. well first of all the office of personal responsibility recommended that mckay go according to all reports or if you if you could find it in a report and who is the head of the office of personal responsibility someone who is a poor woman who was appointed in two thousand and four by robert muller the head of the f.b.i. so the media presents that this is because of trump's tweets of pressure on sessions when in fact the f.b.i. recommended he go the inspector general report that session's has been privy to from the d.o.j. also apparently is recommending that he go and don't forget that the head of the f.b.i. a couple of months ago demoted my cave based on what he knew mccabe had done and
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all you hear from the left and from the media is they treated this poor guy in my cable like junk and they took his pension away and now you've got democratic congressman stepping up and saying oh he could come work for me so he could get his pension it is a world god mad well you know steve i have to wonder and this is a real question can you draw a federal pension if you're in jail because that's where he belongs. let me let me go let me go to bruce here let me go to bruce here i actually i stole that line from ray mcgovern and wonderful piece that he wrote yesterday. bruce you know what we have now is you know we had mccabe fired for lack of candor don't you love that phrase you're a lawyer it means he's a liar ok it seems to me there's a lot of lack of candor all over this here particularly jim comi i think you know i wonder what his level of candor is and he should be put under pressure under oath
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and i think mccabe should be put under oath and i could list about fifteen other people that should be put under oath go ahead bruce. well certainly if there's credible evidence of crime that you investigate although there is a fifth amendment privilege against self incrimination but i think that the idea that there's a deep state is contradicted by the way in which mccabe ultimately was fired he was going to resign in any event to be effective about twenty four hours after the firing and that is you had nonpolitical people michael horowitz people who are not part of the deep state making the findings that precipitated the discharge which is how the system supposed to work its process that counts more than results so i think it's an exaggeration to suggest that the mccabe firing you know it did it all have anything to do with trump he was leaving anyway within twenty four hours i think it's vastly exaggerated as to its implications. but i also think that i
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don't recall is that there are going to do steve jump in go ahead i johnsons are you ok how does it add that i don't it is with all due respect to yeah. go ahead steve. well i was going to say with all due respect to bruce i don't think it's mutually exclusive i think is right i think it did work actually the system and getting rid of the cave but that doesn't mean there's not a deep state i mean john brennan the a few days ago i believe it was on monday said you had to put out a tweet really showing his i mean pouring his guts out in it with his hatred towards donald trump if you saw that one and you got to only go through peta strock and his recent the revelations of his most recent text but the judge in the flynn case who he knew and he also was on the fights of court and he was going to have a dinner party with i mean this goes on and on and on there is
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a state ok in an effort to get eyes on. john john brennan got gran's a private individual john brennan is not serving in the cia. that deep state is within the government itself and remember mr trump has the authority under the constitution to fire anybody that he believes is part of the deep state it's his own executive branch and he had at least a kind of friendly house intelligence committee that made a report hundred fifty pages that said well we don't find any actual collusion with a campaign although the russians intended to influence in some other way the outcome so here we have a president endowed in your article two of the constitution he can fire them if he believes they're undercutting himself he can fire mr rosenstein he doesn't have to wait well for mr rove sessions brucey hand if he doesn't do that it's because he doesn't want to bruce you need to appear on the on the liberal cable stations to
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tell people that because they're american people aren't told that very often philip john brennan's name was mentioned here i think i know why he had such a furious and i think even childish tweet about the mccabe firing is that we go back to the lack of candor again i think john brennan is probably has the least amount of candor and all the cast of characters here i mean i would really like to know how many times he leaked to the media because that's at least one reason why mccain was let go because he leaked to the media go ahead philip. you know i agree i mean you know we keep looking at the f.b.i. and this and unfortunately the cia or at least the leadership of the cia was much more guilty of of this kind of lying and sneaking around for political reasons brennan it is known approached a number of european intelligence services to obtain dirt on the donald trump campaign which which information then was leaked to the to the media so
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brennan was the political boy working for the expected hillary clinton. presidency so let's let's expand this investigation let's forget about the russians because this was in what the russians did and let's look at what john brown did it ok steve what we have i agree with that i think feel is absolutely right let me and says here on this because mr brennan was there with the torture the enhanced interrogation programs the destruction of video interrogation tapes. all under his watch and he should be also investigated for authorizing a participating in a virtual assassination program that is endowing the president authorizing the president to kill american citizens that he unilaterally decides who are implicated in national security danger.


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