tv News RT March 22, 2018 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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they start training very young. they months of intensive school. rats. and they save lives. with coal make this manufacture come sentenced to public wells. when the ruling classes project themselves. with the final clearing go round to be the one percent. time we can all middle of the room sick. from the real need
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for. the most expensive fish in the world each one is selling for tens of thousands of euros it continues to grow its entire life if it was thirty years old you might have a two ton fish out there and yet they don't get that big today because we're way to good catching. it's only when themself a much larger mission was once there and that was much more widely distributed we have politicians that are in office for a few years they have to get reelected everything is very very short term our system is not suited and is not feared for long term survival and that's why we have the catastrophes. welcome back to worlds of by the vision called standards they have. of the trench
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research initiative dedicated to the future of design moment this is and i was just before the break we were talking about various allegations leveled against russia by the u.k. foreign secretary boris johnson and one of the claims he made was that for the past decade russia has been pursuing some sort of clandestine nerve agent program which if that's the case would be a definite violation of the chemical weapons convention. and from what i know the convention actually allows britain and any other country any other signatory to pursue a formal inspection if they have any intelligence or any suspicions why do you think britain hadn't pursued dot through it before the tragic incident in salisbury where the particular allegation of production and maintaining. program surprised me. impression was always that while russia
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had declared the program it was. terminated and the stocks also were destroyed afterwards so. because it conflicts with what bio was now in terms of the o p c w procedures. where home. the british prime minister made her statement. last week the way it is being presented basically suggests that this was initiated of the procedure under article one of the chemical weapons convention that particular article calls for consultations now as you have already told me several times as everybody has been witnessed that was a discreet maneuver it was one that was carried over the media of waves very loudly how this are the critical parts in article. it is
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a paragraph or two which is the request for clarification and if i understand it correctly it is precisely that that your foreign minister mr a lover of has been asking for. thinking because this is the first time that particular provision of the chemical weapons convention is being invoked or may be invoked it has not yet been invoked my impression is that logan is going to wait for the results from the c.w. tests. that they will take with them to have an a-list an independent laboratories where these information comes in i think it may be possible that long is going to initiate a article two to seek clarification and that's a very formal process in which countries must respond within very precise
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as deadlines indicated in the article you mentioned. the speech that that theresa may gave before the parliament and she used a very interesting wording to describe the substance offered type developed by russia not produced just developed so. my take i may be biased by the russian propaganda by my take is that she's talking about the historic origins of that substance and just last year we had another very high profile and nerve agent poisoning of the half brother to the north korean leader at the kuala lumpur airport he was poisoned with the use of the v. x. nerve agent we was originally developed by british scientists back in the one thousand fifty's if we use the same logic here do you think it would be correct to attribute that attack to the united kingdom because it was carried out with the use of an agent that was of a type a region and originated in the united kingdom to the very first part of your
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question in russia as you have already indicated in several of your questions people who make a very sharp distinction. between the period before december of ninety one when the soviet union the broke up and the period of the words in the west in general people are going to make that particular distinction sharply even if people would be immediately of the so. if the word russia is used they refer to an earlier period that would be almost synonymous with the soviet union however to come to your second point of which is very good to question the difference with. the choke is a while it was discovered just the german nerve agents of from before and during world war a spark of. agent was adopted by many countries
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including the soviet union a sport of its chemical warfare arsenal with the rule of its will cover for there is only one country the soviet union that is associated with that. particular project so the difference is that the for her and the way of producing is why the move has been used by many countries and is discussed in quite a bit of. if you were to research the scientific data bases for literature on the overture so far have come up with one single paper and the proposed ration for the losses for dio perceived mr sanders with all due respect the creator of the very nerve agent has immigrated to the united states is on record in several interviews actually saying that the weapon could have been synthesised in any country by highly skilled professionals and he publicly i mean
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he published a formula in his own book i think twelve or perhaps fifteen years ago i understand that does not exclude russia from the least of possible suspects but i would think that it also increases or broadens the number of. potential alternative explanations don't you think so well. as with the information is widely available and you may recall today is the anniversary of the submarine attack by should we cue in the tokyo underground. and also prepare and try to assassinate a number of people who if that were those saying is this for real is the new both states laboratories and the program literature with a movie choke if you if. published the structures of.
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in his book so far there is no independent scientific verification of that. people who are trying to understand what the search of the worlds. in small quantities as part of their research that never came up with the formula indicated in the book by be submitted saotome now many in moscow from what i know are skeptical that nova truck was used in the first place because this particular group of nerve agents are described as highly toxic and extend to instantaneous in their action if the cripple family was indeed targeted by another truck isn't it perplexing to your at least that barest reported to be alive well that's part of the mystery of the story and it's a very good question so far we have received no information which version of the movie was used we must be conceived of
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a family of nerve agents or which of a number of similarities but there are over one hundred chemical structures believed to be part of the family three were very advanced in their development for military purposes and to the best of my understanding is one of was a solid so it would have to be disseminated as a powder and the sole one version was a liquid and one version was binary in other words the two final precursors still have to react with each other to make the final version now we have no information yet as to whether the agent used in the nation a was a solid or a liquid if it would've been a solid that it's almost impossible that an individual did it however at the same time it would explain why there are no witnesses to have said they saw somebody
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attacking. because such a person if it would have been a liquid or a liquid spray would have had to wear gloves protective equipment gas mask and so forth right now. another hopeless instance is circulating in the western media i do with her it's true but actually it was delivered through different emotion system or for his or. just a solid a so that's is more difficult to absorb in the body and it would take longer to explain why they were still able to walk such a distance and of course once they got to medication. from the womb medication the may have been a lot of so again we have to know what the basic facts or before we can say anything serious about possible scenarios you know we had correct murray on there
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to recently he's a former you can bastard to his back to stan and one of the biggest skeptics of the case official narrative and he raised an interesting point he said that if what boris johnson salves is true that russia indeed has has had this clandestine program trying to develop nova chuck it must have spent millions of dollars on it why then blow it all on assassinating one person and his daughter who russia itself released to the british authorities eight years ago i understand that many people in the west perhaps believe that the russians are absolutely brazen and evil but. it doesn't seem to make sense from an economic point of view we are not such a rich country to you know spend the millions of dollars on assassinating just one person doesn't doesn't that semen can grow into. this is highly speculative i will going to call into what the british ambassador said i would just repeat to preview spoon i was extremely surprised when the british foreign secretary mrs
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johnson made the allegation of an active. program. chips to the best of who. has spoken with many russian people diplomats. newer officials over the years to the best of my knowledge of the program had to go on the way side of the plea so i'm surprised of this is that i'm going to say and finally mr zandi is the british narrative has been changing quite a bit first to recent may suggest that that it was possible that the russians were a negligent and lost control of the of the stocks done boris johnson directly accused of plotting a putin of ordering be assassination now the narrative shifting towards a russia bad behavior in general you made it clear that. you tend to believe the u.k. government more than you believe there are government but i wonder if the way this
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story has been changing has raced any skepticism in your own mind look the accusations of direct involvement of of mr putin and so will this is a something really leave for the responsibility of the person who don't want to get involved in that i have. relations with a number of russian people in questions of disarmament last november i was invited by. the russian foreign ministry to attend the meeting in sochi on biological weapons disarmament the countries have interests we try to work a full disarmament to try to bring people together so that chemical biological weapons are eliminated we knew that states have interests there these interests may look. my personal preferred interests
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would be today the world of the things of their experience and is that ideas very quickly polarized in the media particularly also in the social media they lead their own lives. now all the theories this hypothesis heard about the use of. assassination and ninety five to ninety eight percent for an incredible what i will to look at or what the basic facts is the basic facts are that we know very little the word is very open at least in my mind as you know it will soon approaches very seriously if one wants to let the mechanisms to it or a variable through the chemical weapons convention played a role in mediation then i think we have to look at the facts and the procedures worked out performer billy at the much lower level floors don't be over here while
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mr sanders i have nothing to add to that i really think that we owe all deserved to get the facts about the story regardless of who is the paper traitor of this horrendous attack because if it was indeed a chemical weapon used on the streets of salisbury i am absolutely sure that most of the russians would be absolutely appalled by that regardless of whether or not that government was of walt anyway we have to leave it there really appreciate your time and i also encourage our viewers to keep the conversation going on our social media pages as for me hope to syria again same place same time here and will to part.
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around the world there's always a battle going on with the central bankers and the commercial bankers always trying to repress the population in one way or another we call it the global insurrection against banker occupation we've been saying this for years on the shelf so now we're going to look at it from the puerto rican perspective they are similarly being oppressed by the overlords of finance and they are reacting in a very specific puerto rican way. well you know the fire thing we've kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. i mean they're into small ball it's next to the hard pool of ships and it's. not copied and. the limo self
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to make tom fish already ninety percent of the darn dot and it won't become their. concept if things cool seventy five tons true and they do it several times a day with a big fleet now you get an idea of why. we have to understand we can all stay still and just. be witness oh he is the only going to be around. i'm doing this because i want the future world to future generations to have out and enjoy the ocean we have. applied for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football
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isn't only about what happens on the pitch put a funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each a billionaire owner has been spending true to the twenty million and one player. book it's an experience like nothing else on the because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy played great so will transfer. and thinks it's going to. a lot of our but i doubt many. of you.
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this hour's top headlines on r.t. international russia says it regards the alleged poisoning of double agent. as an act of terror that the british government must stop refusing moscow's calls for a joint investigation. classified documents provided by whistleblower edward snowden revealed that the much praised security of virtual currency bitcoin may have been compromised by the us national security agency. the son of libya's former leader of. the president we speak exclusively to his lawyer. the situation we have in libya now is the result of the destruction of the state institutions. that received the world turned back to its roadmap and become
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a democratic state. welcome to the program here on r.t. international we have your latest headlines but this hour from all around the world . and act of terrorism that moscow is qualifying the alleged poisoning of a former russian agent and his daughter russia's foreign ministry adds that it expects on the script from the u.k. and questions why london refuses to even cooperate with the investigation. reports the foreign ministry spokesperson said a number of things firstly he reiterated that russia could have in no way benefited from the attack moscow says they consider this to be a terror attack secondly they stated that the u.k. refused to cooperate with russia which is against the convention on preparation of chemical weapons and he mentioned the attack could have been orchestrated by
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another party but then clarified that russia is not pinning the blame on anyone and that his words not. it it let's take a quick look. we see that the british authorities are becoming ever more nervous and it's clear why the clock is ticking they have backed themselves into a corner they will eventually have to provide answers the increasing number of unanswered questions we expect from london and from the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons an official detailed account of developments regarding the scruple case we need comprehensive conclusions and detailed confirmations a spokesperson for the defense ministry also spoke out and he said that it seems that britain is afraid to conduct an unbiased investigation into the script of case and that the u.k. presented no proof that gas illogically used to poison scruple was made in russia now we did have a reaction from a london embassy spokesperson who stated that moscow doesn't have to present anything in terms of script or case but is ready for
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a joint investigation london has proposed russia a dialogue over this case however it doesn't see a constructive approach from moscow now the ambassadors that did not attend were britain u.s. and france britain and the u.s. sent embassy workers instead a crimp spokesperson reacted to the u.k. decision by saying that it showed unwillingness to hear russia's answers to its questions that moscow to date has denied any involvement in the attempted murders of so. and so this diplomatic spat that has gone on for a while now looks to continue to go on for some time former russian officer. who was jailed in russia for herding secrets to british intelligence the move to the u.k. in a spy swap in twenty turn three weeks ago script and his daughter were found critically ill in a public bench in salzburg now u.k. police expect their probe of the alleged poisoning to take months however british politicians were nearly immediate to pin the blame on moscow britain's foreign
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secretary has become the latest to launch these accusations. russians as ever responded with denial distortion and delay and that is their tactic. the of the cyber warfare this information middling in european election campaigns to say nothing of election campaigns elsewhere or a general feeling that russia is going to be moved. i want to be very clear that we do not wish to engage in a new cold war i deprecate that term i don't want i remember them of the old cold war johnson has been one of the most outspoken in blaming russia but his latest claim borders on the bizarre. they bought the rug so too will come. close to the action putin's going to use it the way he
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was the one hundred thirty six. so i think the comparison with nine hundred thirty six is is certainly right that's a p.r. effort on virus johnson's part actually look the british government is not treating this event as a criminal investigation they're using it as an opportunity to spread more bellicose rhetoric against russia and it's up to the accusing party to present the evidence first and then the defense will counter that so britain has presented no evidence whatsoever of russia's involvement in this to this point. but the rush of blame game was extended into areas once considered beyond a political point scoring the correspondent anastasio found an educational project that appears to have found inspiration from boris johnson himself what's better than helping the young to try to maneuver the ever tricky world of global current affairs. the day is an online news service that is used by one in three u.k.
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schools teachers and librarians from subscribing schools user articles and activities across all subjects for lessons homework research. here's one handed to tory and provided by the service to help educate the young and broaden their horizons talk sick putin on mission to poison west ouch and among questions to discuss is putin europe's most dangerous leader since hitler was this gus. to help students out topics like the ongoing spy scandal where an investigation is still underway are broken down despite this incriminating evidence of international outrage milly smokes and everything in case there is confusion still there is a dictionary included which explains the meaning of the words marks surely this teaches you to put things into perspective not the chalk and blitzkrieg are also if you're a military tactic designed to crush the enemy with overwhelming force in
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a short space of time coincidentally made famous by hitler in world war two just to make it a bit easier to connect the dots brutal assassinations cyber attacks as well of plotting the downfall of western democracy are also laid out as food for thought you decide section let students consider the following questions it's putin the most dangerous man in the world did the cold war ever end as well as what impression does putin give about what russia. it's like the day helps students develop information literacy in critical thinking and prepares them for the challenges ahead in the ever changing world critical thinking is key the toxic put in class is dismissed and if they say it you're going to party wild this group al case was one of the issues that sophie shevardnadze discussed in an exclusive interview with russian presidential spokesperson dmitri peskov and you can watch the full interview all day friday for now
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a quick preview. we have to remember the starting point is the you know words of president putin that russia has nothing to do with this accident and maybe it's a very rude comparison especially in this situation i don't think that anything can be big can be ruder than their reality but nonetheless just imagine moscow city car accident. there is a victim of the car accident and we see what was the car and the car was a british me car let's say a range rover and just imagine that myself or foreign ministry spokeswoman makes a statement that the man was killed by a british made car in a car accident in center of moscow and highly likely a prime minister of prime minister of great britain may be responsible
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of that murder. is it crazy is it crazy it is crazy. we're not speaking about. attempt to murder or to murder a russian spy in great britain where spinning about attempt to murder a british spy in great britain if he's handed in so russia quits with him he's of zero value of zero importance. go ahead. we're not as crazy as to to even to think about something of that kind. before presidential elections and before such important event global event as. football championship. right now tony tempest the hour in moscow facebook chief executive mark zuckerberg
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has for the first time commented on the scandal surrounding the social network after it was revealed that the personal details of his customers were in fact being used for political purposes and a lengthy facebook apology zuckerberg detailed exactly what went wrong with privacy policies and what steps have been taken to solve the problem you added that the company quote will learn from this experience to make the community safe for everyone going forward now to remind you the scandal involves a data gathering called cambridge analytical it worked with multiple u.s. presidential campaigns including donald trump and reportedly harvested the details of fifty million facebook profiles for its political operations the company is now under investigation and has even suspended its chief executive however despite the fact that the scandal concerns an american tech giant and a data mining company with offices in new york london and washington.
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