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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2018 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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from face to twist britain's defense ministry is revealed to have paid. for psychological profiling of target audiences. in the program the u.s. president picks john bolton. security adviser he's known for his negative stuff. and was also in favor of war against those countries also in the. reveals the moment. in california after mistaking his mobile phone.
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for the fall of the country's prime minister the. second world war occupation. robbery you're cheating in from right the world this hour welcome to moscow and to our to international i mean. if your company our top story britain's defense ministry has been caught all in the scandal surrounding cambridge. the company accused of collecting personal data from millions of facebook members and then exploiting it for political goals it's been revealed the ministry paid cambridge analytic is parent company s c l a group for what's being described as a human social influence work on top of the firm was reportedly granted access to secret government documents it's also sent to research to see how people would
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interact with certain government messaging picking up the story here is polly point . cambridge on a ticket is seemingly everywhere apart from helping the campaign to victory by using information harvested from millions of facebook profiles it turns out the company's services have been used by the british government to cambridge on the parent company is called the f c l group the whistleblower who on earth the facebook data breach calls the two entities as c.l. and cambridge on the one in the say s c l used to be on the payroll of the british defense ministry thanks to a freedom of information request from twenty six d. we know that in two thousand and eleven the energy paid to s.c.l. for the provision of external training and in twenty fifteen it paid us for psycho social research to top it all off s.c.l.
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got the green light to hold british government secrets on its premise this britain's information commissioner's already investigating cambridge analytic over the facebook data breach but in light of the defense contracts with its parent company as c l the chair of britain's home affairs select committee is now demanding a why did government investigation into the company's activities there are now growing concerns about whether there should be a wider investigation into the to reduce there are concerns about the implications for democracy about information being used in an illegitimate way and no one has the chance to counteract it and the traces real problems outside of the u.k.'s c l's and cambridge on the list of his client list reads like a who's who of contentious elections and political hot spots cambridge analytical was hired by kenya's ruling party ahead of its elections last year the company is accused of stoking ethnic tensions and manipulating voters online prejudices to
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help kenya's leaders stay in power the company's also accused of orchestrating political. ration zone their clients political rivals and circulating the evidence online among s.c.l. is clients was ukraine it was hired by the kiev government to help recapture the self-proclaimed republic of donetsk. was contracted to deliver a data driven strategy for the ukrainian government in pursuit of their goal to win back control of the nets findings replied to designed localized communications campaigns to erode and weaken the people's republic this particular campaign didn't bear much fruit for the ukrainian government the website reveals yet another tied to the british government the ukraine report it says was delivered to kiev and shared with the u.k.'s ministry of defense i don't really believe the ministry of defense should be involved in
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a company one arm of which at least is engaged in a series of campaigns around the world of propaganda and manipulation apparently and political interference secondly i don't really see why the ministry of defense is in any case spending huge amounts of money. on a propaganda work and finally the question of secrecy i mean apparently this company was given access to top secret information and this seems to me to be an extremely. worrying revelation it's likely that the next chapter in the cambridge on the little scandal won't be its links to facebook but to governments around the world including the u.k.'s. the british defense ministry has reacted to the story saying it has no current relationship with s.c.l. the company has no access to classified information. moving on our dull
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trump powers revealed who will take over his new security advisor the man being appointed is former u.n. ambassador john bolton who is known for his strong stance on north korea around the appointment was made in typical trump style on twitter the us president also made use of the social media platform earlier this month remember when he fired his secretary of state rex tillerson gillum open having a look at the new arrival through washington's revolving door. he is the third national security advisor to the donald trump administration in the last fourteen months and john bolton is a long time advocate of the use of force against iran and against north korea now those are two countries that are rather vital for the trumpet ministration in the coming months in may donald trump will have to weigh in on the iran deal whether or
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not it will continue and furthermore the usa is on the verge of carrying out the historic meeting the first meeting between a head of state of the usa and the leader of the democratic people's republic of korea so at this point a lot of questions remain so the fact that john bolton has been selected is rather interesting i think they want to make peace i think it's time so it could be a long and unproductive meeting or it could be assured unproductive meeting we hope that these new measures directed at the iranian dictatorship will compel the government to really evaluate its pursuit of terror at the expense of its people well i think he's on the verge of making a mistake i think his advisors are pushing him in the wrong direction you know honestly the certification question is utterly irrelevant john bolton served as the u.s. ambassador to the united nations under the administration of george w. bush and his appointment was quite controversial at that time for statements he had
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made harshly criticizing the united nations can trail donald trump was quite critical of military intervention isn't by the united states saying that he wanted to stop toppling regimes however john bolton is a long time advocate for military interventions around the world so big developments on the horizon regarding iran and north korea well former u.s. diplomat jim joe triss is of the opinion the appointment of john bolton code the situation with iran a lot of people mistakenly said that during the campaign trump said he would tear up the agreement because it was a very bad agreement he didn't exactly said that he said it was a. very bad agreement but he likes to make bad agreements good i think he came in with the notion that if he was threatening and up we could get the europeans on board and pressure the russians and the chinese to say that we want to add missile technology and not threatening israel a lot of other things to the agreement to change the green meant to something he likes better maybe that's still their game plan maybe they think if they have
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somebody who is sufficiently bellicose they can scare the europeans and the siding with the americans on changing the agreement and not have to pull out of it but i have no doubt now that regime change is going to be a cardinal conscious goal of american policy and failing that there would be an attempt to do so by military means. protests are growing in the u.s. city of sacramento after the release of body video showing the moment u.s. place fatally shot an unarmed black man in his grandparents' backyard the incident happened last sunday when officers responded to a suspect breaking car windows in the area police say they mistook the man smartphone for a weapon and opened fire on him twenty times. nine one one one case and the emergency. planning. backyard. for the amount of money. i got a guy in
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a back yard look at it. go. pick it up try to catch a. good . month. maybe. let's get in on lethal him a couple times of that before we. let you guys want to go hands cover.
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the victim is twenty two year old stephanie clark he was a father of two both his children are aged under three his brother described him as an entrepreneur. well more than eleven hundred speedball were killed in twenty seven alone by u.s. police it was reported that throughout the whole year only fourteen days when with a fatal police incident in response to police someplace the officers involved in the fatal shooting on paid administrative leave. in the case of rage locals who are demanding justice demonstrations took place at city hall the sacramento kings basketball arena a major highway was also brought to rush hour the blacklegs movement is calling the
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incident murder and are demanding answers we spoke to sonya lewis from the movement in the city they don't take any value black life because we are collateral damage we've always been when it comes to this history at the end of the day the motive has always been a lack of value for black life or black bodies and so it's easy to shoot first ask questions later sort things out after the facts come up with near to the evidence that don't fit what actually was taking place during the time of the incident so when you come out with the story and say yes he had a good or at the in the next story was he had a tool bar or crow bar and then the next story was he had a branch to find out that he was shot with a cell phone in his hand we want to see those officers prosecuted for their decision to shoot their guns twenty shots we could no longer live with and be satisfied with officers being fired or given slaps on the wrist for murdering
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people in our unity. to another of our headline stories this hour debates over the history of the holocaust reach boiling point in poland the father of the current prime minister who is a former politician himself sparked controversy with recent remarks. do you know who chased the jews away to the warsaw ghetto do the germans you think know the jews themselves when because they were told they would be an enclave that they would not have to deal with those nasty poles. in response to the polish government was quick to distance itself from the comments but the interview was slammed in israel on by polls as well with many saying that such comments are offensive to the memory of those who died at the hands of the nazis.
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well the issue of the holocaust there again became headline news in poland after a new law was adopted there last month it made it illegal to accuse the nation of complicity in the atrocity and perhaps at the use of the phrase polish death camp we spoke to professor israel charlie from the institute for holocaust and genocide i'm going to have the opportunity to make at least one pro polish position statement and then is that the concentration camps in poland i agree they should not be called the polish concentration camps they were nazi concentration camps in poland but beyond that. the insistence on the creation of
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a law that is it is illegal to discuss what the poles did in the holocaust is an insult to humanity. the poem's did. many things on both sides of the fence all of the truth should be brought. the b.b.c. is under fire for its alleged bias against opposition leader jeremy corbin viewers claim the channel is deliberately trying to portray the u.k. labor party head as to russian picking up the story unless to see a church. take a look at this image that the b.b.c. used in one of its news programs causing quite a stir in the u.k. and generally spend on jeremy has been on the wrong side of history for the last thirty five years or from the right side of history of libya on the right side of history on afghanistan the right side of history in relation to iraq so which which side of history is he on the picture depicts the opposition party leader jeremy
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corbyn on red square wearing something that strongly resembles a russian hat and here is the original image. suffice it to see twitter wasn't happy most impartial backdrop the b.b.c. news night perhaps could be split with a picture of pm clutching fistfuls of roubles and laughing. that backdrop is some absolutely shameful shameful stuff asking for international cooperation and strong evidence before we ramp up war rhetoric is russian collusion now is it shameful columnist for the guardian and corbin supporter owen jones pointed this out to the b.b.c. on air yesterday the background of your program you have jeremy corbyn dressed up against the kremlin. is no no no it's got to make it work for you and i managed to do it dressed up as a soviet state was it was a real picture and i mean cause if you even photoshop to catch a look over shit this part of the debate was left out of the version posted online
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something that also didn't go unnoticed the b.b.c. denied photoshopping the image of the labor party leader but then joe rome a top u.k. barrister himself a corbin critic threw his weight behind the claims of b.b.c. bias my conversation which was conducted entirely in writing took place with x x is an individual at the b.b.c. whose seniority and sphere of work is such that it could not sensibly be suggested that x. is not properly qualified to speak on such matters x. talked explicitly and unambiguous lee about how criticisms of korban that the b.b.c. could not voice were deliberately coded into imagery or to approach the b.b.c. for comment but the broadcaster said it would not release a statement as it hadn't seen the evidence it did say though that the views of its program editors as expressed in their tweets did largely reflect the b.b.c.'s own mom says he can swear on the truth of his tweets adding that lying in his position
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would be a very big deal the storm of controversy comes after corbin called on the government to take a more measured approach to the school paul poisoning case it could be argued we only take these days to be branded a foreign agent and if they see it you're going to archie london. twenty three british diplomats and their families have left you canvassing in moscow the return home. is a reciprocal measure after london expelled the same number of russian diplomats over the script poisoning case the british consul in russia has also been forced to stop the tension between the two countries yesterday after london declared that moscow was quote highly likely to be behind the poisoning of a former russian double agent and his daughter in the u.k. strong rejects all the accusations and called on london to disclose all the evidence. to the middle east where almost one hundred thousand people have managed to escape the syrian enclave of eastern boots in your
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damascus this month that's for the russian defense ministry conciliation center has struck a deal with some of the militant groups in the area and what you're seeing here are exclusive drone pictures from ripley video agency and lots and lots of buses which are reportedly carrying militants who used to occupy eastern ghouta together with their families it's part of a deal which guarantees them safe passage in exchange for letting of civilians arts of the war ravaged area on thursday around four hundred militants left as well as one and a half thousand civilians who were mostly members of the militants from least some of the ready arrived in the rebel held city of idlib in northern syria. the final results of the presidential election helping officially announced by russia's alexion commission we get live reaction to that after the break.
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seemed wrong. but all wrong just don't call. me. yet to stamp out this day become active. and engaged because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest race in truth to stand the news business is just the dance the right questions and demand the right answer. questions.
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twenty one minutes into the program welcome back russia's election commissioners officially launched the final results of the presidential election which took place on sunday where it's been used or from or to use that here it should or should we have. but it does seem to of took me quite a long time to get the figures are it's and we certainly do union this is the formal conclusion of the elections now all the votes of being counted across all the regions in russia and if you're asking why it's taken so long is because formal procedures have had to have taken place that has included investigating any complaints or violations now those polling stations that have been found to have violated the procedures will not go through
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a court process and those votes will either be reconsidered or not considered at all but if we look at the overall results they're fairly insignificant and have an effect to the overall overall results at all in fact the head of the central election commission has said that the vote was free and fair now the results i have them here the exact percentages vladimir putin got seventy six point six nine percent the communist party's candidate pawel a good deal and got eleven point seventy seven percent leader of the liberal democratic party vladimir zhirinovsky he got a five point six five percent t.v. personality and socialites because she got one point six eight percent the party candidate to go lovely yavlinsky got one point zero five percent the russian president and voight for entrepreneurs right to top got no point six seven six
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percent. maxime's are ecan nominated by the communists of russia party no point six eight percent and last but not least the head of the russian people's union party sergei barber in nor point six five percent so you can see quite a substantial lead there now kryten has come out for the first time since this victory was confirmed and addressed the nation. he also addressed those who didn't support him during the voting process and called for unity for the sake of the country let's take a listen. to them i want to say a few words to all the shoshu and political forces we have in our country i know that the rules of political competition imply that the current government is criticized left right and center always indeed criticism and discussions are necessary and very important but there should be no place for reckless populism here what we should be guided by and especially so today are our national interests
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and the well being of our people these things form the groundwork for our consolidation and collective efforts. there is an interesting fact of all the russian citizens who voted outside of russia eighty five percent of the votes were for putin so the inauguration will formally take place in may and that's when vladimir putin will officially take his role as president for his fourth term which will which will last six years and take us up to twenty twenty four. you know a lot of figures to get your head around in there thanks very much for updating us artie's. cybersecurity gine hers warned its customers about a highly sophisticated piece of malware doing the rounds that can steal your purse big data however by highlighting the threat the firm is now being accused of
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undermining u.s. teacher operations let's go into that kaspersky house and identified who was behind the model where but a media company called cyber claims it's part of a classified u.s. program the targets potential terrorist by revealing it. in the operation the antivirus lab itself explained idioms to protect people against such were gave its own warning about the malicious program falling into the wrong now. we detect and remain eate all forms of malicious programs regardless of origin or purpose furthermore the company does not whitelist any malware samples not even malware used for so-called legal sort of feelings one can easily imagine the situation in which such malware falls into the wrong hands and can be used to launch attacks against law enforcement we're just regular users where cyber espionage program is allegedly code named slingshot and it's able to steal large amounts of data including images and passwords from infected computers using internet writers
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listen first to get of malware is thought to have been online for a decade already targets all of the malware helping discovered in africa and the middle east with over half the attacks believed to be on yemen and kenya generally it tells target the computers of individuals but in some cases it may have breached government institutions we spoke with a security expert about the dangers of the so-called sling shot program. after examining it for some time we can confidently say that it is intended as a cyber espionage because all it does is collect data from your computer what makes this malware so dangerous is that it stayed on the radar for quite a long time we discovered it last year we can't say who used this malware the operators of the smell where we're using it obtaining data and remaining unnoticed because this mouse is so good balanced and uses many tricks to avoid detection. more great program start in just a moment nick yarn is here in just over
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a half an hour's time with more global news from r t h q in moscow. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question by the way was going to be our coach. guys. i know you are nervous is a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure to come out you have to go to the center of the beach with all we're with you and we'll show you all the great gate the great good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down the way let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the fall of two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet the special one was also appreciated meets just like the radio
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the aussie team's latest edition of make up is bigger than a better jersey look. when lawmakers manufacture consent instance of public wells. when the ruling class is project themselves. with the final merry go round lifts only one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. from the real need for. lots of countries in europe to end the stand that russia has and take part of the you are pending you cannot think about prosperous europe and developing europe if you don't see russia being involved in all the european processions.
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that russia is royce. has to be taken into account in saunas so forth. this is a story of one of africa's giants. know his teeth that shot. on his neck isn't that a long. list giant is rather modest and keeps a low profile that's not him either. people are often scared of this particular giant but he is nowhere near as dangerous as that one. is a friendly giant every day with the possible exception of weekends he saves human lives day is. his name is isaac the giant rat.
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and i like his brothers and sisters he was born with a passion for travel. isaac's birthplace was a special training center in tanzania. it's called up open which stands for development of landmine detection equipment that's what isaac is these are mine sniffing rat. rats are everywhere.


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