tv News RT March 23, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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three killed and sixteen injured is unarmed i still sympathiser hijacks a car earlier today takes hostages in a supermarket in the south of france the terrorist is eventually shot dead by police. the leaders diverged over russia as the british prime minister nonetheless releaser counterparts over the poisoning of a former spy tourism is calling for punishment but some say dialogue is the way forward. for. a president from picks john bolton as his latest national security advisor the white house veteran is known for his hawkish on iran and north korea and was in favor of military action against both countries.
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just this friday evening in moscow my name is kevin i mean this is r.t. international thanks for being with us for this thirty minute live update then starting with this news that came in early this afternoon three people killed in southern france after a gunman hijacked a car before taking hostages in a supermarket the attacker had pledged allegiance to islamic state was eventually shot dead by special forces officers president mccrone called the incident a terror attack by islamists was more a correspondent in france charlotte. more details have been a. series of attacks in the south of france which cumulated in a hostage taking situation. in the town of tape we've been hearing from francis interior minister. this is what he had to say. this morning he attacked the driver of a car he gravely wounded another was also. he then left and came across police
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officers who he also wounded that arrived in the supermarket who shot and killed two people this point the police intervened and were able to help some hostages leavell left colonel who was with his officers offered to take the place of a hostage so he stayed with him terrorist fired shot his intervened and killed the terrorists some confirmation now about who the attacker was the interior minister saying it's a twenty six year old one left him who is a french. national who is known for petty theft and some small drug crimes and he was under police surveillance we understand however there was no suggestion the interior minister said that he had been radicalized and in fact it's been claimed that the action that happened on friday in france was completely unexpected and what's also been emerging is more detail about what happened inside that hostage situation inside the supermarket in that small town of
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treb we understand that when gunfire was first heard some of the supermarket employees tried to get some of the customers out of the shop there were apparently around fifty there when not going to fire was first heard some were able to make it to safety others then of course became the hostages hundreds of police descended on the town to try and remedy this situation police first of all try to negotiate with the twenty six year old hostage taker apparently he had said that this was vengeance for what has happened in syria and he'd also made demands such as the release of one of the men accused of carrying out the paris attack in two thousand and fifteen well one hundred and thirty people were killed now we also have been hearing about some of the her oh isn't that took place today was one of those offering to swap himself for. one of the hostages when he did so he took
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a mobile phone with him and we understand he kept that line open and when the police officers heard more gunfire from inside the shop they then stormed it and at that point killed the hostage taker yes a real tales of bravery came out from the other some of whom were looking on from northern france as bring in patricia show you all the regional council of the national front party up there in northern france a time the day so to hear another attack in your country if the attack was known to the police as we're hearing from petty crime and had been monitored to some degree you'd therefore think should the police have picked up politics three mr hughes or result are likely considering how much they've got to monitor. well it shows that the government is not taking at all the measures that are required to prevent these crimes we are hearing these terrorist attacks we are hearing today they're the regular the regular the music that they play after after one of these horrendous acts of war against our country we get the minister of interior going over there
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and we get them saying how efficient their measures are well the measures are not efficient this person was known apparently for his he spent he cried but only that he wasn't the scrutiny of the of the intelligence services because there were worries about him know what france needs to do what the government needs to do is we need to have special dedicated teams who are watching out for these people we need special procedures for checking for dealing with these with these terrorists and obviously today obviously today. because the problem are you know because you're not under a state of emergency your country anymore you were in one for a number of years but that was dropped last autumn your party leader marine le pen has commented on the incident she said but it is basically a war that's overstating it surely. france is big you heard i didn't hear out of that war well of course france is a war of course we are at war we are being attacked on our soil as you see the first attacks that this guy did they were against our our thoughts our forces of
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order they are attacking our country d.-a attacking our countrymen they are attacking our forces of or for forces of law and it is absolutely evident that these are acts of war and it's only if we can recognize them an act of war then we can actually probably start treating it the french people are so what do you want to see from soon lockdown again. it's not a question knocked down it's not a question of locking down routes we need to close down the side of this mosques in france that are still open and where we are preachers are still preaching hate speech is against a fringe people and against western society we need to expel radical islamists from our heart of from our home style we need to take actions against the financing of terrorism and we need to regain control of our borders it has nothing to do with shutting it down it has to do with taking serious measures that these attacks to our country require. good tucker was reportedly of moroccan origin france has
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a long a story of connections with morocco what you're saying is that you need to clamp down on every moroccan living peacefully in your country again it's a difficult one to get a how long is needed to deal with this and still keep people's pritam of speech the freedoms they did. well we need to we need to be checking what's happening in the mosques the mosque does master still open there is still he speech is going on and we need to be able to check that in my own town we just discovered that we have one of those radical islamists living without and that may have just as he doesn't have the power to check what's happening in the mosques the measures that the government is taking today are obviously largely insufficient and the french people we can no longer accept that attacks take place and then we get the same you know song going our other ministers say oh but we are having such efficient measures no it's not a vision it's we are having attacks on our own country it is time that we take the proper measures to show you know froze his national front party give us your views
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on what's under there what should be done about it be. thank you this is the first act of terrorism from since president mccrone as mentioned just now lifted the country's almost two year state of emergency last november it was put in place by his predecessor of her string of turks the deadliest was in november twenty fifth in which i saw inspired terrorists killed one hundred for tea in paris. her arrest. her. cool. thanks. i says magazine direction to rent a truck and drive into a crowd the an.
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her next thought was expelled twenty three british diplomats as relations between the u.k. and russia continue to deteriorate over the poisoning of a former spy and his daughter in southern england the officials left the embassy compound earlier friday expulsion as a step taken by the u.k. last week it came as e.u. leaders held the second day of this summit which saw the british prime minister pushing for joint action against russia and he is following the talks. during the summit in brussels the topics that were high on the agenda included trade and of course the attack in seoul spray on march the fourth on script his daughter now treason may be u.k. prime minister has been pushing for the east states to express solidarity and take further action against russia here's what she had to say. that last night the european union council agreed with the u.k. government's assessment that the attempted murder that took place on the streets of
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salzburg but it's highly likely that russia was responsible for that attempted murder i think it is clear that russia is trying to enjoying the values we share as europeans and it is right that we are standing together together in defense of those values of course other leaders were present to you including chancellor angela merkel and french president mccrone now they both say france and germany agree that additional measures against russia will be necessary also speaking at the summit with donald tusk president of the european council and sean claudio president of the commission they say these states have different approaches to russia and some want an open channel for discussions with moscow. we have different positions different. interests it's also a bow to all the different traditions and political landscape in europe to us russia and this is why it's not so easy to keep that
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loued twenty eight. group. together we should wait also for some. of the results of investigations so everyone was also indicate to the willingness to devote as far as russia is concerned. about the relations so it's kind of to raise a maze expecting movie unifying response from the age of the say that they're willing for more open dialogue with moscow now they have taken one step and that the withdrawal of its ambassador from moscow a full consultation is a bad period of just a mind of better background information about the case and second skin problems in stores that were discovered on a bench in the vehicle city of soulsby almost three weeks ago now and the fourth of march on setscrew paul is a former military officer who was jailed in russia for hunting out secrets to british intelligence but moved to the u.k. in the bicycle in two thousand and ten british police expect the investigations to
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take months but politicians have been quite quick to try and pinpoint blame and one thing is clear they from the press conference announce we've been getting mixed messages say perhaps more sanctions are on the way or we could see the east eighth having more of an open dialogue with moscow. and she said the reporting was responding to the scope of poising there's a lot for your leaders to get through at this summit of course aside from all that political strategist anthony weber believe treason may should be focusing on brics it these talks i don't think convinced at all but the wider issue is why the tories of mary is wasting this by the people time but the e.u. go on this destruction when she should be negotiation even the best deal for britain with threats from the e.u. so there's a great deal of concern about what was it seen as a pretrial of british interests were the brits to go. we have to look into his
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interests is it for these accusations to be made against russia if it's would be of no benefit to russia whatsoever to do what they're alleged to have done and so does it benefit somebody else and this is where we need to profile miss marple house and ask a lot of questions and get the answers we need to have the full facts investigated . donald trump's appointed this third national security advisor it's the washington veteran and former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. john bolton who's known for his hawkish done some both north korea and iran.
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secretariat building in new york has thirty eight stories if you lost ten stories today it would make a bit of difference. russians have walked all over the obama administration for eight years it's really been a pathetic performance if you make them feel pain and others feel pain then the possibility of deterring future conduct like this increases that's what we need to do. the caliphate that isis is now holds king abdullah of jordan who is not simply the muslim king of a muslim country unlike our president.
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who was made on twitter in typical trump style the president also made use of the social media platform earlier course this month his secretary of state rex tillerson cullum open from new york takes a look now the latest arrival through washington's revolving door was. he is the third national security advisor to the donald trump administration in the last fourteen months and john bolton is a long time advocate of the use of force against iran and against north korea now those are two countries that are rather vital for the trumpet ministration in the coming months in may donald trump will have to weigh in on the iran deal whether or
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not it will continue and furthermore the usa is on the verge of carrying out the historic meeting the first meeting between a head of state of the usa and the leader of the democratic people's republic of korea so at this point a lot of questions remain so the fact that john bolton has been selected is rather interesting i think they want to make peace i think it's time so it could be a long and unproductive meeting or it could be assured unproductive meeting we hope that these new measures directed at the arena of dictatorship will compel the government to reevaluate its pursuit of terror at the expense of its people well i think he's on the verge of making a mistake i think his advisors are pushing him in the wrong direction you know honestly the certification question is utterly irrelevant john bolton served as the u.s. ambassador to the united nations under the administration of george w. bush and his appointment was quite controversial at that time for statements he had made harshly criticizing the united nations can trail donald trump was quite
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critical of military intervention isn't by the united states saying that he wanted to stop toppling regimes however john bolton is a long time advocate for military interventions around the world so big developments on the horizon regarding iran and north korea as just a job clearly known for his love of russia. soon a russian gun a because he video used to go as already go to some american media speculating about possible connections therefore to moscow. where the russian national government to grant a broader right to bear arms to its people it would be creating a partnership with its citizens that would better awhile for the protection of mothers children and families without in any way compromising the integrity of the russian state this has been one of the most in sane baseless. theatres of the absurd that we've ever seen you know
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normally when somebody pursues something and it's not working they will say you know what let's go to a different theory the collusion thing isn't working we have no evidence of it but let's just find something else not here oh no it is builds up steam it builds up force this is this is still going on we're still trying to find out to this day how somebody wait a minute correction i think recently we found out that russia and or the kremlin and or you and or important and or somebody changed the course of the american election by sowing discord by buying facebook ads that's the collusion so might be this adds to it nothing is too absurd for this theater of the absurd.
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british defense ministry has been caught up in the scandal surrounding cambridge analytic the company accused of collecting personal data from millions of facebook members and then exploiting it for political goals has been revealed that the ministry paid come regional it's a parent company as c l group for what's being described as human and social influence work on top of the firm's reportedly granted access to secret government documents and also said research to see how people would interact with certain government messaging but he picks up the story. cambridge on a ticket is seemingly everywhere apart from helping the campaign to victory by using information harvested from millions of facebook profiles it turns out the company's services have been used by the british government to cambridge on the parent company is called the f c l group the whistleblower who on earth the facebook data breach calls the two entities as c.l. and cambridge on the one in the say s c l used to be on the payroll of the british
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defense ministry thanks to a freedom of information request from twenty six we know that in two thousand and eleven the energy paid to s.c.l. for the provision of external training and in twenty fifteen it paid us for psychosocial research to top it all off s.c.l. got the green light to hold british government secrets on its premise this britain's information commissioner's already investigating cambridge analytic over the facebook data breach but in light of the defense contracts with its parent company as c l the chair of britain's home affairs select committee is now demanding a why did government investigation into the company's activities there are now growing concerns about whether there should be a wider investigation into the to reduce there are concerns about the implications for democracy about information being used in an illegitimate way and no one has
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the chance to counteract it and the traces real problems outside of the u.k.'s c l's and cambridge analytic his client list reads like a who's who of contentious elections and political hot spots cambridge on the it was hired by kenya's ruling party ahead of its elections last year the company is accused of stoking ethnic tensions and manipulating voters online prejudices to help kenya's leaders stay in power the company's also accused of orchestrating political. ration zone their clients political rivals and circulating the evidence online among s.c.l. is clients was ukraine it was hired by the kiev government to help recapture the self-proclaimed republic of donetsk. was contracted to deliver a data driven strategy for the ukrainian government in pursuit of their goal to win back control of the nets findings replied to designed localized communications campaigns to erode and weaken the jeannette's people's republic this particular
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campaign didn't bear much fruit for the ukrainian government the website reveals yet another time to the british government the ukraine report it says was delivered to kiev and shared with the u.k.'s ministry of defense i don't really believe the ministry of defense should be involved in a company one arm of which at least is engaged in a series of campaigns around the world of propaganda and manipulation apparently and political interference secondly i don't really see why the ministry of defense is in any case spending huge amounts of money. on a propaganda work and finally the question of secrecy i mean apparently this company was given access to top secret information this seems to me to be an extremely. worrying revelation it's likely that the next chapter in the cambridge
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analytical scandal won't be its links to facebook but to governments around the world including the u.k. the british defense ministry has reacted to the story saying it is no current relationship with c.l. group and that the company has no access to classified information. protests are growing in the inner city of sacramento after the release of body cam video showing the moment a police officer fatally shot an unarmed black man in his grandparents' backyard the incident happened last sunday when officers responded to a suspect breaking car windows in the area police say they mistook the man's smartphone for a weapon and then shot him twenty times. it was something to me about and see if. i need to take care. of it and. i got
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the victim was twenty two year old stephan clark he was a father of two both his children under the age of three his brother described him as an entrepreneur while the eleven hundred people were killed in twenty seventeen by us police it was reported that throughout the whole year only fourteen days went without fatal incident in response now sacramento police of place the officers involved in the fatal shooting on paid administrative leave. i. i cases outraged locals there demanding justice demonstrations took place at city hall and that the sacramento kings basketball arena a major highway was also blocked during rush hour to the black lives matter movements calling the incident very demanding ounces. movement. they don't take any value black life because we're collateral damage we've always been
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when it comes to this kind of history at the end of the day the motive has always been a lack of value for black life or black bodies and so it's easy to shoot first ask questions later sort things out after the facts come up with nearer to the evidence that what actually was taking place during the time of the incident so when you come out with the story and say yes he had a good or at the in the next story was he had a tool bar or a crowbar then the next story was he had a branch to find out that he was shot with a cell phone in his hand we want to see those officers prosecuted for their decision to shoot their guns twenty shots we could no longer live with and be satisfied with officers being fired or given slaps on the wrist for murdering people in our unit follow stories. there's so much more it too on a website called we would love to have you know that for now is kevin zero in
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saying thanks for watching this live thirty minute update from moscow more from me in about thirty three minutes time. the far right britain isn't just on the march it's taking violent mother's action i don't quite need to take heed of that yes you know you know i see these organizations which are usually split into which we take different names how do you view the. complex web of which are russian.
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how does it feel to be. the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is what business model helps to run a prison now we just do it on my guess is no big deal visitation they don't no one comes in and i'm a when i was a surgeon many more it's cost effective that's what they want to do that knowing they don't give a damn if you do the chores are not there are actually paying us to put them back into the good the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us sam bridge what she could is behind such success. readings and salutations war is big big big business possibly
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if one truly crunched the numbers it is one of the biggest businesses in the whole wide world today and that is without a shadow of a doubt the sale of weapons around the globe in twenty sixteen alone just two years ago was three hundred seventy four billion dollars according to the stockholm international peace richard research institute so when the pentagon lives the bail on its latest a new toys one should always pay attention which is why today we kick off the show with the war department's latest new toys and development directed energy weapon i want you to take a look this is a. video released. that watchers is not an audio recording or playback of that was the sound of created by military scientists manipulating the air with lasers yes laser.
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