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tv   Keiser Report  RT  March 24, 2018 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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money despite the fact that we're already twenty one trillion dollars into debt congress is now taking a two week recess on capitol hill it's not hope and change or make america great again the name of the game is gridlock. as president national security adviser gets ready to start work jacqueline vega explores how john paulson looks likely to be the latest official to face scrutiny. to russia in the latest installment of the revolving door saga that's defined the trumpet ministration a third national security advisor is taking over john bolton is an outspoken ultra hawk seen as an advocate of big stick diplomacy including when it comes to russia russians have walked all over the obama administration for eight years it's really been a pathetic performance putin is i think making a propaganda claim here and of course he's blaming us for this he's saying if you had you know the one nine hundred seventy two anti-ballistic missile treaty i wouldn't have to do this that's complete nonsense and he knows that you've got to
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build up our cyber offensive and defensive capabilities and create structures of deterrence so it doesn't happen again and how do you do that in this case you make the russians feel pain so not exactly in line with terms and during message of the benefits of getting along with russia but maybe that means this is the one guy in the trumpet ministration who won't be accused of being a kremlin puppet. or not if we look back bolton is not without connections to russia and as we all know any hint of the wrong red white and blue flag is more than enough to string someone up in washington now back in two thousand and thirteen bolton recorded a video for a russian gun rights group and courage in moscow to adopt something similar to america second amendment or the russian national government to grant a broader right to bear arms to its people it would be creating a partnership with its citizens that would better allow for the protection of mothers children and families but given that bolton was on the n.r.a. is international affairs subcommittee at the time it's not all that surprising or
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sinister that however isn't stopping anyone from jumping to collusion conclusions now stay with me here the group that distributed the video was co-founded by alexander torsion yes a russian and the f.b.i. is reportedly investigating whether torsion illegally funneled money to the n.r.a. which in turn use the funds to support the trump campaign and the russian cherry on top is torsion is tied to the kremlin and president putin himself with connections like that they're sure to be a huge scandal brewing and sadly for bolton it gets worse he has appeared on our channel a number of times in the past and we all know what washington thinks of us propaganda bullhorn party television up again the machine of russian propaganda and russian propaganda machine propaganda machine this propaganda that's coming up to russia russian propaganda on steroids the internet isn't ignoring the possibly serious physical signs of where bolton's loyalties truly lie either. jumbo. is of russian spy. breaking john bolton's mr bush is
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a russian spy voters here in mr should different colors which makes him look like he's in disguise and just over two weeks bolton will officially take over as trump's national security adviser giving the media plenty of time to tease out any and all ties but may have to russia and speculate on exactly what they mean good luck guys. legal and media analyst lionel believes bolton's appointment sends conflicting messages we started off with hawkish responsible bellicose saber rattling all this be more circumspect it changes by the day i have to remind you of this one issue north korea still phase one president trump one to choose one them we can annihilate you are button is bigger than your button we have more missiles are new to watch it phase two.
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data great let's meet political stage three let's bring in bolton who wanted a preemptive strike if you can figure this out if you can see any pattern to this you're a better person than i am but we've got an update ahead on the numbers getting out of syria's war ravaged district and on the me to harassment campaign which is russian political circles those stories still to come off the show.
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the reality brain training now fazer people uploading their minds to it and there will be trade till there's a call body in exchange for the promise of immortality because remember we've shifted from the physical to the spiritual i guess you could god we've also lost all values associated with the physical plane the all respect for gravity dollars back for a plurality and now been reinterpreted in a gravitational is ethical is valueless back you moral turpitude which is now the new reality or heaven as some may call it. welcome back an update on the situation in syria's war stricken eastern ghouta now
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russia's defense ministry says almost five thousand militants along with their families have been given safe passage out of the region and sent to rebel held it in a province in the north of the deal was brokered by mosco and will help bring the remaining insurgent pockets and a syrian government control these pictures were filmed by our video agency rep plea and show best is preparing to evacuate some of the fighting is now be escorted to by the syrian army. as bashar assad's government retake control of eastern ghouta over one hundred five thousand civilians have also been able to flee the carnage and devastation that here's how some have described life in the embattled region of the world that in want of that is go first with suffered so much there would have left a long time ago but we simply couldn't while the militants shooting at you yes as a said they made us suffer a lot we were there for
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a long time and could not leave everything was very expensive the would do whatever they wanted to us. once a day and we were receiving very little of the food which had been sent to us i know. i was playing football and i didn't realize what happened at first then i found myself in this condition it had a. seventeen year old palestinian girl has been sentenced to eight months in prison for slapping and kicking two israeli soldiers i had to meet me admitted guilt as part of a plea bargain with the israeli army. the assault which took place next to the girl's home in the occupied west bank was filmed by her mother video later went viral and gained international attention her
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family say i had had just learned that a cousin of hers had been shot in the head with a rubber bullet and that her actions were completely understandable. that my daughter did was a normal reaction to the occupation there is no chance of appealing the verdict because the israeli security legal system considers this to be final this country does not acknowledge international law and we are fooling ourselves if we think that israeli courts seek justice. but israel is here to see a palestinian gain in media attention and that made them hate her for having people support that was the reason for her imprisonment israel the police and the media wanted her arrest which means that i had a fact of them i had slept did not merit all the inside meant against her and she is a child defending her land and home so this verdict is unjust she deserves freedom . i heard has been filmed attacking israeli forces before a video emerged online six years ago showing her threatening to punch an israeli soldier her family has been accused of encouraging the girl to intentionally
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provoke idea of soldiers on camera. now a number of russian news outlets are boycotting the lower chamber of the country's parliament is after an m.p. was accused of sexual harassment by three female journalists there are today looks at russia's need to situation a major scandal is unfolding in the political arena in russia it involves a powerful lawmaker and the chairman of the russian state duma is committee on international affairs obviously an important player his name leonid sleuth ski in february slutsky was accused of sexual harassment in the workplace by three female journalists all three claimed he tried to touch and kiss them during interviews which happened back in twenty eleven twenty fourteen and last year two why didn't they speak out earlier well the victims say they didn't feel comfortable and safe doing so until now. it's very nice to.
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you because you know this. could be. done cooked a natural get its lowest divorce to discern the reaction from leonid slutsky himself while he called the accusations of provocations he did then attempt to apologize through congratulating women on women's day and saying that he was sorry if he had offended anyone so how sincere was that apology when asked if in fact he had apologized he said he didn't mean it like that as the scandal picked up pace some of these colleagues including some female doomer deputies through their weight behind him accusing the journalist of slander a violation of ethics and orchestrating a campaign to. credit him. when
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the case eventually made it to the state duma ethics commission it found no violations and one deputy even claimed that slit ski's actions were a mere sign of affection. you know hold it. against you. for. a few deputies however it did take the journalist side it isn't fair to question the sleeve ysabel why is it doesn't say anything earlier because that's embarrassing even if you let me z. for yourself your family your mother my only advice is to go to court so as a response to the negative ruling against the women certain media outlets have declared a boycott against the state duma even a special forces magazine has blasted slits his behavior as shameful in fact more than a dozen platforms have demanded sleaze resignation and refuse to have any contact
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with him or representatives claiming it's not a safe place to work both for men and women the duma has made its position clear by suspending the credentials of certain media slutsky has kept his job but many outlets are making sure the scandal doesn't die down and there's your me too moment in russia so far. there have been clashes in barcelona between police and demonstrators protesting the detention of separatist catalan leaders in madrid. dozens were injured as riot police moved in to contain and disperse the crowds thirteen catalan politicians have been charged with rebellion following the separatist regions independence reffer that referendum last october five are waiting trial international arrest warrants were issued for six of the politicians including former president carlos demond. hundreds of
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thousands are expected to march this saturday in cities across the u.s. calling for stricter gun control laws support rallies are also planned in dozens of countries worldwide the march for our lives events have been organized by the young survivors and families of last month's parklane school shooting in florida they're calling for congress to take a tougher stance on gun ownership and a ban on assault weapons which have been used in a number of deadly attacks in u.s. schools lawmakers there frequently capitulate under pressure from america's powerful gun lobby and to students self defense one school superintendent in the state of pennsylvania has suggested arming youngsters with rocks meanwhile libertarian party politician and u.s. senate candidate brian ellison thinks homeless people are an easy target and is proposing now to arm them his idea is to buy twenty shotguns and provide firearms
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training he says it's because rough sleepers face increasing levels of violence. but most people are statistically much more prone to be the victim of violent crimes they're easy target and they're really don't have any means to protect themselves they don't have a means to obtain the weapons that any other american citizen can typically get their hands on i understand why people see it's alarming. but i think people fail to see the other alarming point is people want to constantly bring up the mental health of the homeless and how that's a big issue how they're prone to violence i think that's frankly something that we should be much more worried about is the militarization of the police force and that is much more dangerous to the american people and i promise that the police kill many more people in a year then do any homeless people if we follow the letter of the law and we do the background checks like we expect to do and somebody does something that they're not
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supposed to do with a weapon they should be they should be held one hundred percent criminally responsible for their act when he went out we love to hear your thoughts on all of our stories they do get in touch by following us on social media you can notify me that what. i'm about to be a well news update in about thirty minutes john is that. you know when you don't. see the teacher does what they could. what these votes are only a day. makes.


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