tv Going Underground RT March 24, 2018 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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tram who'd been labeled a hero for volunteering to swap places with a female hostage he managed to leave a mobile phone on for the authorities outside the supermarket to listen in when they heard gunfire police then moved in there discovered being shot he succumbed to his injuries on saturday morning well this is how everything unfold it just over twenty four hours ago the gunman first of hijacked a car on the outskirts of the town of caucus on around ten o'clock in the morning shooting dead one passenger and seriously injuring the driver shortly after that he opened fire on a group of police officers who were jogging wounding one of the shoulder the gunman then drove to the nearby town of trib where he stormed a supermarket and killed two civilians and the police officer is what one eyewitness saw. i went shopping with my wife and sister in law after some time we had an explosion well several seem a bit early i saw a man lying on the floor in another person who was very agitated with
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a handgun in one hand and a knife in the other yelling allahu akbar. after that i took my wife and my sister in law and some customers nearby and we went to look for shelter i put them in a butcher's fridge closed from the inside the killer's been identified as a twenty six year old french citizen of moroccan origin he was known to the police for petty offenses and low level drug crime was under surveillance despite that a number of locals have said that they would never have suspected him of being radicalized because it's peaceful here where you see the like any out there he was very kind very sociable i do orrible he over it sweets to the children and he's a terrorist. shocked but not surprised because there was a bad atmosphere in the city for some time there's been a number of terror attacks on fort hood attempts in france since the beginning of twenty seventeen in february last year a man attempted to enter the louvre museum in paris with
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a machete while an attacker was stopped at orly airport one month later a police officer was shot dead last april missions of these a and in october two young women were stabbed to death at a railway station a mass a former british police officer spoke to us about it he says even potential attackers under surveillance can still slip through the net i know the french and various other countries of. the security services and their intelligence gathering . over recent years particularly after the spate of really serious incidents that happened in two thousand and fifteen and so thousand and sixteen this sort of attack it's the sort of thing that will get through the very best of intelligence gathering. functions. it's a small town in the middle of nowhere it's not in a big city it's not a predictable target it's relatively low tech yes there's a firearm involved but they're not that difficult to obtain if you put your mind to
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it of god criminal connections we have got thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands more people with some question mark against them and we've got resources to look at them and some unfortunately will get through it's as simple as that unfortunately life without international money is kevin owen thank you for being with us ahead developing story to tell you about happening right now american youngsters are rallying the world to get gun laws tightened with marches attracting hundreds of thousands at home and abroad similar stories to come. reality brant now fazer people uploading their minds to it and they're willing to trade their physical body in exchange for the promise of immortality because remember we've shifted from the physical to the spiritual i guess you could god we've also lost all values associated with the physical plane they all respect for
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gravity dollars back for a plurality they have now been reinterpreted in a gravitational list ethical list valueless back you moral turpitude which is now the new reality or heaven as some may call it. fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades to scorpions in a bottle each capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed itself. said well these weapons were overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s. missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so there will be more effective against russian forces. the us government's narrowly escaped another shutdown after president trump
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reluctantly signed a one point three trillion dollar budget deal backing down from his threats the veto in the last minute but he didn't shy away from showing his true feelings about the bill claiming he was forced to approve it for the sake of the military i will never sign another bill like this again i'm not going to do it again nobody read it . it's only hours old we had no choice but to fund our military after a lot of heated debates stressful afternoons and sleepless nights donald trump has finally signed the spending bill he had previously threatened to veto and as all the drama was playing out on national t.v. americans were googling a new word omnibus. this omnibus i'm the. budget bill this is on the bill bipartisan amendment to the arms of his budget in the omnibus. situation. translated from latin. now the bill
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contains basically the entire federal budget and if it hadn't been signed into law by donald trump at this point the us federal government would have shut down again senator rand paul of kentucky took to twitter to expose some of the more bizarre things contained in the over two thousand two hundred page bill that contains over one point three trillion dollars in legislative spending. these four hundred forty seven a little over thirty billion dollars for the department of energy wonder if anyone would notice. any change. i found i found the. president from one to no wait a minute section says defense can spend what funds it's time to enhance the border security of jordan lebanon egypt and. nine hundred sixty one million dollars to destroy chemical weapons he wasn't exactly convinced the government paid billions to develop weapons we now find contention related to the issues of
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immigration democrats wanted protection for the docket kids these are people who entered the united states illegally under the age of eighteen trump wanted twenty five billion dollars to fund his notorious border wall at the end of the day and nobody got what they wanted the docket kids weren't even mention anywhere in the bill. meanwhile trump got a mere one point six billion dollars for his border wall that's supposed to be nearly two thousand miles long so the federal government is not shutting down they'll be free to keep spending americans money despite the fact that we're already twenty one trillion dollars into debt congress is now taking a two week recess on capitol hill it's not hope and change or make america great again the name of the game is gridlock. president truman's third national security advisor gets ready to start work jacqueline good expose how john bolton looks like he did read the latest official to face scrutiny over alleged links to russia. in
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the latest installment of the revolving door saga that's to find the trumpet ministration a third national security advisor is taking over john bolton is an outspoken ultra hawk seen as an advocate of big stick diplomacy including when it comes to russia the russians have walked all over the obama administration for eight years it's really been a pathetic performance putin is i think making a propaganda claim here and of course he's blaming us for this he's saying if you hadn't gotten out of the one nine hundred seventy two anti-ballistic missile treaty i wouldn't have to do this that's complete nonsense and he knows that you've got to build up our cyber fence of defensive capabilities and create structures of deterrence so it doesn't happen again and how do you do that in this case you make the russians feel pain so not exactly in line with terms and during a message of the benefits of getting along with russia but maybe that means this is the one guy in the trumpet ministration who won't be accused of being a kremlin puppet or not if we look back bolton is not without connections to russia
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and as we all know any hint of the wrong red white and blue flag is more than enough to string someone up in washington now back in two thousand and thirteen bolton recorded a video for a russian gun rights group and courage in moscow to adopt something similar to america second amendment or the russian national government to grant a broader right to bear arms to its people it would be creating a partnership with its citizens that would better allow for the protection of mothers children and families but given that bolton was on the n.r.a. is international affairs subcommittee at the time it's not all that surprising or sinister that however isn't stopping anyone from jumping to collusion conclusions now stay with me here the group that distributed the video was co-founded by alexander torsion yes a russian and the f.b.i. is reportedly investigating whether torsion illegally funneled money to the n.r.a. which in turn use the funds to support the trump campaign and the russian cherry on top is torsion is tied to the kremlin and president putin himself well. connections
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like that there are sure to be a huge scandal brewing and sadly for bolton it gets worse he has appeared on our channel a number of times in the past and we all know what washington thinks of us propaganda bullhorn party television up again the machine of russian propaganda and russian propaganda machine propaganda machine this propaganda that's coming out of russia russian propaganda on steroids the internet isn't ignoring the possibly serious physical signs of where bolton's loyalties truly lie either. jumbo. because of russian spy. breaking john bolton's missteps is a russian spy voters here in mr shit different colors which makes him look like he's in disguise and just over two weeks bolten will officially take over as trump's national security adviser giving the media plenty of time to tease out any and all ties but may have to russia and speculate on exactly what they mean good luck guys legal and long legal the media analyst lionel believes but was
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appointment sends conflicting messages we suppose we don't know we started off with hawkish responsible bellicose saber rattling let's be more circumspect it changes by the day i have to remind you of this one issue north korea. phase one president trump wanted to why now we can annihilate you are a button is bigger than your button we are more a missile than you do watch it face to rapprochement detente great let's meet stage three let's bring in bolden who wanted a preemptive strike if the you can figure this out if you can see any pattern to this you are a better person than i. story help me right now it's alert you to must marches are getting underway in cities across the united states calling for stricter gun control laws hundreds of thousands are expected to take part in support rallies are
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also being held in dozens of countries worldwide to help them the march for our lives events have been organized by the young survivors and families of last month's part and school massacre in florida they're calling for congress to take a tougher stance on gun ownership and a ban on assault weapons would have been used in a number of deadly attacks in u.s. schools lawmakers there frequently capitulate under pressure from america's powerful gun lobby as for student self-defense one school superintendent in the state of pennsylvania has been suggesting arming youngsters with rocks libertarian party politician meantime u.s. senate candidate brian ellison thinks homeless people are an easy target and is proposing now to arm them is idea is to buy twenty shotguns and provide firearms training he says it's because rough sleepers face increasing levels of violence. but most people are statistically much more prone to be the victim of violent crimes they're easy target and they really don't have any means to protect
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themselves they don't have a means to obtain the weapons that any other american citizen can can typically get their hands on i understand why people see it's alarming. but i think people fail to see the other alarming point is people want to constantly bring up the mental health of the homeless and how that's a big issue how they're prone to violence i think that's frankly something that we should be much more worried about is the militarization of the police force and that is much more dangerous to the american people and i promise that the police kill many more people in a year then do any homeless people if we follow the letter of the law and we do the background checks like we expect to do and somebody does something that they're not supposed to do with a weapon they should be they should be held one hundred percent criminally responsible for their act. this taste of what's come for the biggest sporting event of the year with the opening of the first fifo will cup football in russia's black
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sea resort of sochi as well as much is a master classes will cut veterans' rules on how to include the portuguese striker you know goma she was there something days opening ceremony. it is not my first time here in russia but it's my first time here in this city and i'm glad to be here if. i had the opportunity to meet this wonderful city one of those cities of the world russia is a beautiful country a lot a lot more bigger than than my in portugal particle is a small country comparing comparing to russia but. of course russia even if he's big we have some similar things regarding culture and i'm happy to be here and i'm happy also that russia will finally will the world cup portugal is coming to this world cup crowned is the european champions they are soon to speak or one of the favorites or could you name one or
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a few obstacles that you expect the team to come across at this world cup a lot of guys are looking to our national team and the maybe that could be one of the reasons that increase our responsibility there has been some speculation about the found culture in russia for example the british media specially raised concerns about potential violence at the school soon do you see that as a potential problem is a threat is not a big concern in my point of view we have to look to explain to people that this football and it is not political so violence is not part of our game that's why also we are here to tell the people that. people will attend. a beautiful games beautiful world cup and we are trying to to to do this world cup one of the best the least risk people they disappear and they know
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on american politics. at three. hundred write the comedy show are americans in america covering american news i'm called foreign agents. so professor of juan cole wrote an article recently entitled the top ten signs the u.s. is the most corrupt nation in the world and it was a pretty damn good article i thought i would go through his list and also add some of my own and you can tell which ones i've added because there are more yelling. and they also make more use of the phrase dump truck full of. one full still
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working on our own number one a corrupt fraudster non entity one the twenty sixteen election by insulting people on twitter but he alone does not a corrupt system make if we had advanced progressive society and trump our president he would be nothing more than an oddity a cartoon people look at like the freak show at a carnival you know just flick a nickels and watch him dance would be b.s. and i'm sorry i think the politically correct term now for a freak show is an evening of a company man with the freakishly inclined but still instead troll won the presidency because he was up against and then another corrupt elite candidate in a corrupt voting system with a corrupted mainstream media completely helpless. because they showered with billions of dollars of free airtime which is like trying to stop all flash flood
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with a squirt gun you know. if you recall during the election c.n.n. and the other networks were just show and empty. podium with how to donate to the trump campaign. said they were there until now much empty podium since the podium runoff of nineteen eighty three it was i believe it was a glossy podium versus a redwood lectern for the senate seat in ohio. number two the corrupt supreme court allowed secret buying of our elections with the citizens united decision and now the trumps in office number three he has furthered the corruption of the presidency by enriching himself in as many ways as possible number for the rich or well placed to bribe our politicians to reduce taxes on the rich because what could go wrong when you put the entire weight of a collapsing society on the backs of people with three jobs for a kid's college loan debt for
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a university kid even. forget for a university they can't remember the name of any more the man i still owe ten grand of the university of southern ohio or oklahoma are. pretty sure the mascot was an antelope. and even larger than number five the rich can now use their dominance to make white collar crime legal and make other crime even more illegal for example this week trump declared that drug dealers should get the death penalty but he means only street dealers not white collar big pharma. you when there is a. good way that kills hundreds of thousands you know the good kind of drug dealing that's the whole leave it to beaver suburbia kind of drug dealing he also doesn't mean big banks like to h.s.b.c. that got caught laundering hundreds of millions for drug cartels and
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a legit terrorists this is in the final stages of a truly corrupt empire the most immoral act. sins of the wealthy are at best given a slap on the wrist and it worst one boarded like the millions of homes stolen by the big banks through foreclosure and this didn't end by the way and the after the twenty two thousand crisis in two thousand and sixteen david day and wrote about foreclosure victims who exposed the mass production of false mortgage documents in courthouses and county records offices across the country number six they have not only gained control of the over the criminal justice system they've also taken over the regulators it's called regulatory capture where politicians are bribed with campaign donations to fill the regulatory bodies with corporate stooges this is this is happened at the e.p.a.'s c.c. the f.c.c. the f.d.a. the food and drug administration is told thoroughly bought off it wouldn't surprise
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me if they just replaced the top of the food pyramid with krispy kreme donut. catchphrase. catchphrase g.m. oh my god that's delicious ok try try to do apple drink past a cider it's to listen to this is great for the kids to snort if they're looking to have a more acute sense of dizziness. number seven three american billionaires are now worth the same as the bottom half over one hundred fifty million americans if it's only three. i think we can take them i really do was a god yet thank you thank you thank you thank you would have been billionaires and bezos have been doing a little lifting i wasn't sure i wasn't sure. but now that it's down to three like one hundred million of us go at the knees all right and then like fifty million
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dollars that shaft can do it. number as a political bribery politicians spend much of their time fund raising which is to say seeking bribes all american politicians are basically on the take and it is the thing i would say that's a bad thing but anything that distracts these ass clowns from passing laws probably a good day care we have the chance to read and generous in peace justice and according to the center for responsive politics there were eleven thousand five hundred lobbyists in two thousand and seventeen which means there are twenty six lobbyist for every member of congress nowhere in the world where you find that amount of money time and manpower devoted to and factoring and soiling the beliefs and votes of those in power we've gotten to such a level of corruption that the corporate entity alec now basically writes to many of our laws and simply has a politician sign his or her name at the top which segues nicely to the next
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telltale sign of severe corruption making protest and dissent you legal thanks yeah thanks in no small part to alex since sanding rock fifty six bills have been introduced in thirty states to restrict protests and restrict a bit of a euphemism i mean that sounds like they put out like a couple orange cones and like a little some yellow che maybe like a blue haired woman to go please don't do that this is a dull day what are you oh no no well. when actually these laws threaten protesters with years in jail for having the nerve to fight against the corporate destruction of human progress corporations can can literally a vista right our future with factory farming deforestation stealing your grandma's pension just because they're bored on a sunday night but you sit on the ground in the path of a bulldozer with your little hand made sign and you've armed society you deserve to
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be locked up because what kind of method would that send to the children right way way to teach kids killing the future is good for them. numbered jan it's not just regulatory capture it's also the capture of science corporations can pay phone scientists to put out reports saying climate change is all in your imagination or in extensive testing a male rats actually perfervid email rats made of lead paint they love it. or whatever the you know just number eleven the us military budget is bloated and the norm is and it's fully open to corruption just for one example take the billions of dollars in printed cash money that simply went missing during the iraq war as the lead investigator said to the new york times in twenty fourteen billions of dollars have been taken out of iraq over the past ten years and you legally it's
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disappointing that we were unable to close this case we call other countries corrupt because the cops asked for a hundred dollars bribe to let you off with a warning but that's child's play that's what. that does it doesn't hold a candle to the kind of industrial full frontal fart in your face corruption we were involved in you got to add a hand to a log or bucks really drive and trucks filled with ballots over a shrink wrapped a hundred dollar bills down the highway. her military intelligence apparatus is morally corrupted as well take for instance the torture that went on in cia black sites torture that should have gotten those involved arrested and marched through the streets naked with children thrown spoiled milk at albany and others but instead they get rewarded and have wings of
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libraries named after him lead torture jeanne as bill may soon be the head of the cia next up insider trading and other rigging of the markets goes on concepts like congress and did much of the law it hastily passed forbidding members rather belatedly to engage in insider trading the final reason to know we're the most corrupt nation in the world or police are constantly stealing from the people they're supposed to protect the process by which the state grabs the assets of someone who may simply be accused of a crime or sometimes not even as said forfeiture now beats out actual criminal theft in terms of amount stolen this means that confound steal more from the people then we the people steal from each other. so i think the solution to this problem is obvious. we need to start feeling more all right we care less how do we go
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because there's this world right now you guys are going to we're going to revive the culture to keep us if he's out there come on. we'll get back out there you robbed out of each other. when you look at the big picture we the people of america are generally wonderful hardworking good people the ruling elite however are a horror show of exploitative corrupt sociopaths so one hundred million of us should aim for their faces and like two hundred million i am for him in the right and good if you want i'm going to pick that guy's going to back to where we can go there governor was a fake valid reason rejected outright. ok
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thank you ok good i'm really can no take the news from behind as you may have seen on the mainstream media and even on some independent outlets like democracy now there is breaking news about a data mining company and a startling revelation about the two thousand and sixteen u.s. election it's been revealed that a voter profiling company named cambridge china harvested the data of more than fifty million facebook users without their permission we need to find out what we can about the mishap prove appropriation of the privacy of the private information of tens of millions of americans hold my guide i started early revelation we just found out about this data mining firm manipulating the election i wish someone had a one peg told us about this early here playing a big role in the elections a very powerful state a mining company.
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