tv Documentary RT March 25, 2018 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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well i think that's it is a. political t.v. and election post says i'm politicians are babies and newspapers and humans be. used just in we're getting reports of an election that has actually been won because voters listened to the issues and made an informed decision to take that away we're not reading fake news dammit so what can you do well the founder of north has gone on twitter to. face. the social network to tell us what. to syria now where rebels and their families are being evacuated from the war torn district of eastern guta russia's defense ministry says almost five thousand militants have left the area so far in these latest pictures from our video agency
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ruptly you can see them being transported out of the conflict zone they're being taken to the rebel held province in the north under syrian army escort. now aside from the rebels more than one hundred thousand civilians have also been able to flee the devastation in eastern guta the government is finally regaining control over the district after a five year siege survivors have been describing a life under military rule on the. letters go first with suffered so much that we would have left along but we simply couldn't while the militants shooting at you yes as a said they made to suffer a lot. and could not leave everything was very expensive the would do well there would be once a to us. once a day and we would receive little of the food which had been sent to us. i know. i
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was playing and i didn't realize what happened then i found myself in this condition that. tributes are flowing in for a police officer who has died of his injuries after protecting hostages in a supermarket siege in the south of france lieutenant colonel are no stabbed and shot by an islamic extremist who also killed three other people of the french president has declared that the officer as a hero for volunteering to swap places with a hostage while the events unfolded the policeman managed to leave his cell phone switched on so the special forces outside the supermarket could monitor the situation now a recap of what happened on friday the gunmen hijacked a car on the outskirts of the town of car. around ten o'clock killing one passenger and seriously injuring the driver soon afterwards he opened fire on a group of police officers who were out jogging wounding one in the shoulder the
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government then drove to the nearby town of treb where he stormed a supermarket and killed two civilians and a police officer my witness described what he saw. i went shopping with my wife and sister in law after some time we had an explosion. i saw a man lying on the floor and another person who was very agitated with a handgun in one hand and a knife in the yelling. after that i took my wife and my sister in law and some customers nearby and were going to look for shelter i put them in the butcher's frege closed from the inside. well the killer has been identified as twenty six year old a french citizen of moroccan origin he was known to the police for low level drug crime and was under surveillance now despite that a number of locals have said that they would never have suspected him of being radicalized. because it's peaceful here where you see the like any out there he was
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very kind very sociable i do or of he over two weeks to the children and he's a terrorist. but not surprised because there was a bad atmosphere in the city for some. well there have been a number of terror attacks unfortunate attempts in france since the beginning of two thousand and seventeen in february last year a man attempted to enter the louvre museum in paris with a machete while an attacker was stopped at orly airport one month later a police officer was shot and killed last april on the show and in october two young women that were stabbed to death at a train station in marseilles former british police officer peter kirk and so even potential attackers under surveillance can slip through the net. i know the french and various other countries of. the security services and their intelligence gathering. oh over recent years particularly after the spate of very serious
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incidents that happened in two thousand and fifteen and two thousand and sixteen this sort of attack though it's the sort of thing that will get through the very best of intelligence gathering. functions it's a small town in the middle of nowhere it's not in a big city it's not predictable target it's relatively low tech yes there's a firearm involved but they're not that difficult to obtain if you put your mind to and got criminal connections we have got thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands more people with some question mark against them and we've got resources to look at them and some on fortunately will get through it's as simple as that unfortunately. the u.s. government has narrowly escaped another shutdown after president a tribe reluctantly signed a one point three trillion dollar budget deal backing down from his threats to veto it i will never sign another bill like this again i'm not going to do it again
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nobody read it. it's only hours old we had no choice but to fund our military after a lot of heated debates stressful afternoons and sleepless nights donald trump has finally signed the spending bill he had previously threatened to veto and as all the drama was playing out on national t.v. americans were googling a new word omnibus of signed this omnibus omnibus omnibus budget bill this omnibus bill to a bipartisan amendment to the of the biggest budget in the omnibus. situations. translated from latin. now the bill contains basically the entire federal budget and if it hadn't been signed into law by donald trump at this point the us federal government would have shut down again senator rand paul of kentucky took to twitter to expose some of the more bizarre things contained in the over two thousand two
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hundred page bill that contains over one point three trillion dollars in legislative spending. hundred forty seven a little over thirty billion dollars for the department of energy wonder if anyone would notice nodes of poems of energy. i found i found that border security what president truman wanted no wait a minute section says defense can spend what funds at the time and to enhance the border security of jordan lebanon egypt and tunisia. nine hundred sixty one million dollars to destroy chemical weapons who was it exactly convince the government to pay billions to develop weapons we now find to prove contention related to the issues of immigration democrats wanted protection for the docket kids these are people who entered the united states illegally under the age of eighteen trump wanted twenty five billion dollars to fund his notorious border wall at the end of the day and nobody got what they wanted the docket kids weren't even mention
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anywhere in the bill. meanwhile trump got a mere one point six billion dollars for his border wall that's supposed to be nearly two thousand miles long so the federal government is not shutting down they'll be free to keep spending americans money despite the fact that we're already twenty one trillion dollars into debt congress is now taking a two week recess on capitol hill it's not hope and change or make america great again the name of the game is gridlock. a seventeen year old palestinian girl has been sentenced to eight months in prison for slapping and kicking two israeli soldiers she was arrested in december. then. this took place next to the girl's home in the occupied west bank by her mother video later went viral and gained international attention her family says i had
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just learned that a cousin of hers had been shot in the head with a rubber bullet and that her actions were completely understandable. to look that my daughter did was a normal reaction to the occupation there is no chance of appealing the verdict because the israeli security and legal system considers this verdict to be final this country does not acknowledge international law and we are fooling ourselves we think that israeli courts seek justice. these rallies he had to see a posting in again in media attention and that made them hate her for having people support better was the reason for her imprisonment israel the police and the media wanted her which means that our heart attack took them i had slept did not merit all the inside meant against her and she is a child defending her land and home so this verdict is unjust she deserves freedom . public backlash the israeli defense forces have released a statement clarifying the case according to the i.d.f.
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admitted to the charges against her and apparently she also confessed to two other criminal acts disrupting the work of the military. a gun control rally in washington d.c. has drawn nearly eight hundred thousand people survivors of the school shooting in parklane florida took to the stage. we're not here for bread crumbs we're here for real change we're here to. put the usa over the n.r.a. . is there a will to keep weapons of war off our streets was welcome to the revolution was rallies were also held across the u.s. they had a strong political message with speakers calling on young people to register to vote and force congress to take action on gun control or to smear cong was at the event in d.c. . he was never found
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a solution to the problem of mass occurs in school shootings but now that students have finally taken matters into their own hands will things really change i think something's different this time because the kids are standing up it's really the kids stillman douglass that made this happen and it shows that the power of the people is really strong and we all really want changes to the gun laws what we know is that marches change the media right and media that's inspired both to action and then action makes the change that we need there's so many high school kids out here and they're proud they're handing out sticker saying i can vote in two thousand and twenty and twenty twenty one they're not even they can't even vote yet but they're out here being politically active so it's really inspiring to be in this environment to i don't think that arming teachers is the right thing to do i think we need common gun policies kids shouldn't be getting access to guns people with mental health can't get access to guns so i think it's just about making these common sense was that keep us safer the youngsters are being drowned be applauded for pushing the gun control debate farther than many of done before and they're
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attracting some big money backers who see the kid succeeding where they failed in scoring political points but the march is being coordinated by a group that's co-chaired and funded by liberal ex mayor of new york city michael bloomberg who's openly expressed his opposition to the powerful national rifle association and democratic party leaders in several states are helping out by bus. people to the marches well it's a noble cause that's rallying more people behind tightening america's gun controls than the combined clout of the political and showbiz heavyweights have tried before so the question is will this take the attention away from a young grassroots organizers i i mean while libertarian party politician and u.s. senate candidate brian ellison has come up with a controversial plan to arm homeless people his idea is to buy twenty shotguns and provide firearms training he says people living on the streets should be able to defend themselves but most people are statistically much more prone to be the
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victim of violent crimes they're easy target and they're really don't have any means to protect themselves they don't have a means to obtain the weapons that any other american citizen can typically get their hands on i understand why people see it's alarming. but i think people fail to see the other alarming point is people want to constantly bring up the mental health of the homeless and how that's a big issue how they're prone to violence i think that's frankly something that we should be much more worried about is the militarization of the police force and that is much more dangerous to the american people and i promise that the police kill many more people in a year then do any homeless people if we follow the letter of the law and we do the background checks like we expect to do and somebody does something that they're not supposed to do with a weapon they should be they should be held one hundred percent criminally
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responsible for their act. and staying with the united states now president trumps third national security advisor is getting ready to start work jacqueline vogel looks now at how john bolton's arrival could impact relations with russia. in the latest installment of the revolving door saga that's defined the trumpet ministration a third national security advisor is taking over john bolton is an outspoken ultra hawk seen as an advocate of big stick diplomacy including when it comes to russia the russians have walked all over the obama administration for eight years it's really been a pathetic performance putin is i think making a propaganda claim here and of course he's blaming us for this he's saying if you hadn't gotten out of the one nine hundred seventy two anti-ballistic missile treaty i wouldn't have to do this that's complete nonsense and he knows that you've got to build up both our cyber offensive and defensive capabilities and create structures of deterrence so it doesn't happen again and how do you do that in this case you make the russians feel pain so not exactly in line with terms and during
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a message of the benefits of getting along with russia but maybe that means this is the one guy in the trumpet ministration who won't be accused of being a kremlin puppet or not if we look back bolton is not without connections to russia and as we all know any hint of the wrong red white and blue flag is more than enough to string someone up in washington now back in two thousand and thirteen bolton recorded a video for a russian gun rights group and courage in moscow to adopt something similar to america second amendment or the russian national government to grant a broader right to bear arms to its people it would be creating a partnership with its citizens that would better allow for the protection of mothers children and families but given that bolton was on the areas international affairs subcommittee at the time it's not all that surprising or sinister that however isn't stopping anyone from jumping to collusion conclusions now stay with me here the group that distributed the video was co-founded by alexander torsion
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yes a russian and the f.b.i. is reportedly investigating whether torsion illegally funneled money to the n.r.a. which in turn use the funds to support the trump campaign and the russian cherry on top is torsion is tied to the kremlin and president putin himself will. connections like that there are sure to be a huge scandal brewing and sadly for bolton it gets worse he has appeared on our channel a number of times in the past and we all know what washington thinks of us propaganda bullhorn party television again the machine of russian propaganda and russian propaganda machine propaganda machine this propaganda that's coming out of russia russian propaganda on steroids the internet isn't ignoring the possibly serious physical signs of where bolton's loyalties truly lie are either. jumbo. because of russian spy. breaking john bolton's missteps started is a russian spy vote since her and mistah should different colors which makes him look like he's in disguise and just over two weeks bolton will officially take over
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as trump's national security adviser giving the media plenty of time to tease out any and all ties but may have to russia and speculate on exactly what they mean good luck guys legal and media analysts and believes bolton's appointment stands conflicting messages we started off with hawkish responsible bellicose saber rattling all of us be more circumspect it changes by the day i have to remind you of this one issue north korea still phase one as a trump one to choose one them we can annihilate you are a button is bigger than your button we have more missiles or new to watch it. face to rapprochement detente great let's meet political stage three let's bring in bolden who wanted a preemptive strike if you can figure this out if you can see any pattern to this
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you are a better person than i am. the world cup a park has been opened in the southern russian resort of sochi as the country gears up for the biggest sporting event of the year portuguese striker nuno gomes was on saturday's opening and spoke to r.t. . it's not my first time here in russia but it's my first time here in this city and i'm glad to be here if. i had the opportunity to meet this wonderful city one of those cities of the world russia is a beautiful country a lot a lot more bigger than than my in portugal particle is a small country comparing comparing to russia but. of course russia even if he's big we have some similar things regarding culture and i'm happy to be here and i'm happy also that russia will still finally will the
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world cup portugal is coming to this world cup crowned is the european champions they are soon to speak or one of the favorites here could you name one of the few obstacles that you expect the t. to come across at this world cup a lot of guys are looking to our national team and the maybe that could be one of the reasons that increase our responsibility there has been some speculation about the fan culture in russia for example the british media specially raised concerns about potential violence at the school do you see that as a potential problem as a threat is not a big concern in my point of view we have to do to explain people that is football and it is not political so violence is not part of our game that's why also we are here to tell the people that. people will attend. a beautiful games beautiful world cup and we are trying to to to do
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this world cup one of the best the least risky poke. a pair and they know political is one thing and football is and. the russian city of your country in border is one of the hosts of the summer. world company but the landmark building there was getting in the way of renovation plans on the t.v. tower has been demolished it was believed to be the tallest abandoned a structure in the world and around two hundred twenty meters check that out watch it fall construction began back in one thousand nine hundred three but was never finished due to the collapse of the soviet union it will be replaced by a sports complex. that doesn't for me i'll be back with headlines in twenty to thirty two minutes.
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of welcome to world of president trump's hiring and firing practices how to surprise but their recent designations first off mike then payer as the secretary of state and then of john bolton as the national security adviser did leave an impression on friends and. oh the like what can we expect from old the president's men well to discuss that i'm now joined by michael o'hanlon senior fellow at the brookings institution mr hamlin it's good to talk to you thank you very much for being here my pleasure thanks for having me now the trumpet ministrations h.r. policies have been unconventional from the very start but it says that now is a high time for letting people go and bringing new people on board do you see that as a random coincidence or is there a reason the strategy to all of these appointments happening right now well as you know there was a lot of turnover last year throughout much of the white house staff in particular
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but i do think that there is a purpose to changing both the secretary of state and the national security adviser in the same month i don't think that could be a coincidence and i think part of what's happening is that president trump has decided that he knows what kind of personalities he likes to work with he senses that he had ok relationship with general mcmaster but it wasn't all that close and there may be people that he would feel closer to politically in terms of partisan politics in terms of world view and of course secretary of state tellers and was a little bit of an enigma he seemed to be very reasonable and moderate and thoughtful in some ways but he didn't really click with the president and he didn't really click with his own state department and so i think president trump took all this in stride took all this together talked to his chief of staff john kelly and they decided to make some national security changes essentially all together to try
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to create the feel of a new team preparing for a big new season if you will where we have huge decisions coming up on everything from the joint comprehensive plan of action with iran to the upcoming summit with kim jong un and north korea to the possibility. of a summit between president putin and president trump so many other things that are on the horizon now donald trump is probably be miles davis if figure in the washington these days but coming in second is john bolton the home he had just appointed as his national security adviser and when john bolton was working as the american ambassador to the united nations he didn't make many friends not only because of his very hawkish views but also because of his personality i think it's safe to say that he's not a very amicable character and neither is chump do you think they will make a good fit together you know it's a very interesting question and i think there's actually
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a lot of truth in the way you put the question to me they are both you know different kind of people and neither one is widely popular with those they interact with the only one of those two that i know personally is john bolton i know i'm reasonably well he's a polite man we've always had nice conversations he tends to be somewhat reserved and withdrawn i'm a democrat but i'm sort of a conservative or hawkish democrat most democrats don't tend to like him so well a lot of republicans think his views are quite extreme and don't like him so well either i think it's not so much about his personality although that's part of it but i think it's more about his view of the world as you know donald trump has said some things as candidate as president that are a bit disruptive he's a bit of a maverick on issues like foreign trade military alliances how to deal with president putin and russia on some of these issues john bolton is much more of a classic old fashioned hard line conservative so in that sense their world views
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are not necessarily aligned on all the big questions they're they're fairly aligned on iran maybe on north korea i'm not so sure they're aligned on most issues now since you know i'm best of both and so well. let me ask you a question that may not seem. replied but nonetheless one of the descriptions of him that stuck with me over the years is somebody characterizing him as a key stop kick down kind of guy do you think that's a fair assessment you know i never worked in a government position with sort of bolton so i've only spoken to him as sort of a colleague on the outside and i'm not going to criticize him therefore because he's never been disrespectful or impolite to me buddy you know hasn't been treating me as a government colleague or a rival either and so i really can't confirm or deny that theory i do think that he's a bit withdrawn because i do think that he's been suspicious of
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a lot of the intellectuals that he's been around in his life because his views his views are a bit on the outside of the mainstream he's not always been well received therefore he's not always been popular and therefore sometimes he's felt a little bit outside of a group and that i think has tended to make him a bit withdrawn not it not in a mean way i've never seen meanness but i have seen quite a bit of reserve now mr bolton likes to talk a lot about empirical reality and how it often contradicts beautiful aspirations and i think the imperial reality in the world and in the united states has changed quite dramatically since he was last in in the government do you think he's going to be just as hawkish as many people fear him to be as you know the national security advisor is an advisor he has no independent power separate from that of the president and his first job really is to help coordinate the views of the government or at least to try to bring different views to the president's attention
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in a way they can be discussed and aired out and then to ensure that whatever president trump decides is implemented so he is not an independent voice per se now historically national security advisers have sometimes become very close and very close confidence and advisors to the. presidents they served henry kissinger with richard nixon or brant scowcroft with the first president bush but other times they really have a role more like staff where they are you know in charge of setting up running meetings ensuring coordination on execution and implementation of policy so i don't really know how important john bolton's views are going to be to the decision making of president trump i do think that he is very hardline on issues like iran and north korea in both cases he's written or talked about using military force about re-imposing even tougher sanctions about tearing up existing deals or you know nuclear rangelands of one kind or another he seems like he wants to be
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a bit of a revolutionary especially on those two countries perhaps also in regard to russia although i'm less clear on that and the question is will president trump want that advice or will he ultimately decide that bolton you know is a little too extreme and he's glad that he heard that opinion but he alternately will not choose it now mr bolton used to be a very very harsh critic of russia but i think that the kind of rhetoric that he used to practice a couple of years ago has now become so mainstream that honestly even to a russian ear he does not. sound too extreme and. you seem to be a bit ambivalent out there on the log he's going to contribute to making the u.s. russian relationship more toxic than it already is but i wonder what is your best guess on that yeah i don't know you know right now what's happening in the united
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states as you're aware is that we have a number of concerns in regard to russia and we're addressing some of the more thoughtfully and more aggressively than others so for example we're worried about russia's potential threats to the baltic states and therefore we have operation atlantic resolve the so. european deterrence initiative we've got nato forces rotating through poland and the baltics and i think that will continue and that's probably enough to reinforce in your putin's mind the idea that we are committed to the security of all of our nato allies i don't think john bolton needs to add anything there necessarily or even if he adds something maybe it's a few hundred more u.s. troops it probably doesn't need to be a big deal on the other hand in dealing with the election security problem that we had in two thousand and sixteen concerns about russian manipulation of voter rolls or of you know email releases from the democratic national committee or setting up .
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