tv News RT March 25, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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so the japanese were going to come to where you see schumer was the only one weren't on there. you. know sucrose of story was. that you got in between. the harpoon ships. and prevented him from being able to transfer the whales onto the process. there. next to the hard warships and it's just yeah he's scary new trend but then again throwing paint bombs is. illegal fishing vessel and taking them out of the action to save millions hundreds of thousands of lives to. be would be very very close to when we've been able to pull them from trying. to be
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able to see them. putting defensive lines into the water a really nasty moments today they can only pay to symbolize the bloody dismissed but. i think the walls impressing the campaign called zero tolerance. model the way in fact through the. fact that a ship. fuel tanker. come together they need to get fuel. here in between. to stop these revealed immigration procedures they kind of have fuel they won't be able to deal with it surely if you let's see two ships need to come together like this so the nation will try to alongside the fuel tanker and we have all worksheets there in between their. days. you were still being
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you found that if you really really tense nisshin maru was shooting water down the barges in general so the bob barker lost all sneering look at all engines it started to be like the bull bar just kept going and then extremely bernie you know how most impressed child being a mayday mayday mayday partner stall stall by i have no engines and all of them the nisshin maru all the way and before that they had already crossed the main masts of the bob barker across the holy day. with. some of the bull barker thank god and been seeing but it was very very close. now after these we had the injunction come again established that we cannot go five hundred meters close to this is an injunction
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from the u.s. court and that's the weird thing how the u.s. courts have jurisdiction in international waters to accrue that it's international to a ship like the netherlands but still we are respecting this injunction to be do not engage in illegal activities this flag. at the moment we don't use it in africa. because there is a piracy situation and it's very tactful unpolitically correct to fly a pirate flag of course part of me always looks back to these days. that we had legs your old toller and saved their life for seven hundred way of course you always look back to that of people who you work with these accomplishments i think all of us nice but then. we have been the directions these are but it has taking a course for me personally are you fishing and overfishing has been my thing i've always hope my god. i hope it would do more for the fish they don't scream when
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they die and nobody knows what's going on with them like they are the underpinnings of the planet in no way so for me to see these collaborations with governments putting more. work into fish it's just a dream come forward in. the morning. so we're still here could really hurt your conscience for. watches which they did. a good surgeon general but it was worth it was for you two parts of the police.
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but you just you know shift gears a bit so you can see research and it's been interesting here for days normally you would expect the first ship to go from the floor to the fourth story police possible on those opposing the journey but just to sit off shore with a bunch of frozen food has been strange is just suspicious because to say he's there. he's. feeling all this. is how you miss out on the streets every time you meet her they have to hire the right if you take the lead and also carry on trainers. like assholes and karl yeah. all this while there's this there's all those years. her follow his concerts.
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while those who just recently your star of the notice even refused to give easy surveyors. were here in his words you're. far there on the server where i suspect you because your heart is just inside that he trance this transshipped this is illegal so he so is once for make sure you're here do this all. how this is not mine it's under a long. time
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please. but those to the town council official out if. somebody took his teeth because he told. me. if he got on a bus with the oval. office and all of the close up of the home. before we have an ideal well many crude alpha she. owed him if. you know what he was saying then he just went on with pencils he was
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a missile nothing human and even then different than his disability. pension. if. you know somebody i don't. believe nobody. you don't think both your mom. when you say nothing. to do. just look less for the. missile too much in order to. get the. moment of truth to. see the it's not for muslims stuff. because.
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if you didn't for. yes descendant of north. and you first meet him. he's the one when incident was also he was. this left was frozen. you longer get away i missed it it's all. because he was known. to believe. in the leopold will be bearish and when the. dismissal did not meet the person. leaves one issue from the lady she sits in the
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back if you translate the finnish. missile to screen you can see this is really. not much of. a different kind of get it didn't understand. this stupidity these are two wires downstream of my house just when the month went by. growth is not possible to. just do you can see position a good time to look. around and do most enormous amount possible just question the state and encourage those who like. to see. if you want to be. when are you going to put your money underground in this film.
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a different experience but it's a good development they don't like yeah usually that's the case here we go to like the pharaohs they say get out you know or. you know about that place they don't like us very but they're all. in the farrows because we don't want them to kill the pilot whales and so you know they have this long tradition of driving the pilot whales with their small boats and driving them up. one of the beats and killing them on the beach. and so we've gone there and it interfered with the house there it's yeah it's you know is there's a whole layers of legal issues there because it is illegal for the e.u. wales and the pharaohs that are potentially part of the deal with a bit of planning laws. they tried in years past to pass laws against us and they kept getting they were
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the way they were that they wouldn't enforce them so i think believe this year they they have succeeded in keeping us from going there i know the ships can't go and. i don't know if individuals want now how that will work out but we're not going there on a campaign this year because of that because of the prohibition there and then we have other issues now that we're tackling like this illegal fishing which is a huge problem all over the world. if you want to use to you know for example you just go to a supermarket buy a can of tuna open it and you enjoy it because the next day. but when you see how it's catch you start to sing about. the fishing boats are seen fishing already in big trouble we kind of go off but i still try to assume they settle on meetings and then it's
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a percentage of phone starts to are pulling the nets and nets just start getting tighter and tighter fish squeezed all night in a lemon and in this moment of the sea really turns red bull. just to seal the last. number and that's what's called the scoop when the metal ring just goes they go into the big nets. and scoop all the fish. one time we've just been runs perceivable we conduct fifteen's coops. you say on each block so. that's one catch seventy five tons and they do it several times a day. almost every day with a big fleet so now you get an idea why the ocean is overfished.
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a lot of good to know fishing by the european industrial person or fleet they have been fishing here acquired extent of late since the one nine hundred fifty s. well so that has also led to the fact that there is not so much to know that so that is why i and other nations in this region are doing this inspection to make sure that they have the amount of catch on board that they are reporting. that. it seems like you see a preschool she's doing this. since this is. a sentence she'll see in a skit just. so i'll let you fish from there if it is the yes. and you buy. her all the charred bodies at least
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like a full song on fire shirts on the whole trip and just war hero of the year has you reported this by catch. the mother was. usually a good idea. well like a model of you know. my main goal will be about bycatch and i use. illegal unregulated and under reported fishing that is happening in the west african region. because it is estimated that between eleven and twenty six million tons of fish is being called illegally so i'm point three million tons of fish are being discarded by catch annually it's just being killed without being targeted.
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here you can see the net in the net you can see a lot of dead shards because the problem with the sharks is since they're licking a swim bladder when they lift the net over there before the net is on the day the sharks die because of lack of oxygen. because they do not have these from the letter so if they don't move they will die and. last year when we were here in japan we also had several cases of whale shark getting caught in the net with a person or so on several occasions we had to cut up the net to be able to save the little child and it releases from the entanglement in the nets and that it's also beautiful feeling when you see the welfare of them in a way for the next. year
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or so on. reality rendering now phase of people uploading their minds to an app and they're willing to trade their physical body in exchange for the promise of immortality because remember we've shifted from the physical to the spiritual i guess you could god we've also lost all values associated with the physical plane they all respect for gravity dollars back for a plurality and now been reinterpreted in a gravitational list ethical list valueless back you moral turpitude which
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is now the new reality or heaven as some may call it. when they come to shoot it only to you believe as you. believe in the morning if you believe the little. the russian ambassador to the u.k. writes it to the policeman exposed to a nerve agent in the screwball poisoning incident commending the officers bravery and calling for cooperation with but. you can vested interests or break the
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offices of the political consulting firm cambridge and a little over a major data breach involving millions of facebook accounts. and a police officer dies of his injuries following friday's terrorist attack in the south of france has been nailed as a national hero. my colleague you know neal will be here in about an hour's time with a full look at your news but for the latest on these stories you can head to argue dot com stay with us now for the lead kinds report. max kaiser this is the guys are reports. out there rick at the vanderbilt card toto i think we're going to get the correct pronunciation of the so i can have
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a fantastic time so much crypto happening here that i feel like gone for though paradise krypto purdy's you know. a max factor heir and the condo area of puerto rico just outside old sign one you will hear the waves crashing on to the shore right behind us there are a lot of people here still pitching i.c.a.o. initial point offerings and you would think that they would be a little bit worried about after all this subpoena all the warnings from the f.c.c. from the c f.t.c. finn said which is the most worrying of all because of course that's part of the u.s. treasury and they can throw you away for life but i want to look at a headline about a start up in the old fashion world and that's part of why combinator went to silicon valley startup incubators and this is legal apparently a startup is pitching
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a mind uploading service that is one hundred percent fatal so this is a company called next tome and it's founded by some guy robert mcintyre and basically you'll be able to load your brain. but the challenge is you have to basically have physician assisted suicide right well it solves two problems with one great start up you relieve yourself of the burden of this mortal coil and you achieve immortality is a v. the psychological imprint of you consciousness to the close so it's very have been like is something. we're going to the cloud of the pearly gates of this new app but you know this is what happens during the whole process member alan greenspan when he was running the federal reserve bank he said that the economy is getting lighter by that he meant that we are moving away from an economy based on stuff ships and trains and trucks soon to be based on electrons and the little actual property and
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financialization and the trans is only exacerbated to become more prevalent and more significant to the point where very little of our consciousness is now part of the physical world we're entering therefore reality ransoming in our phase are people uploading their minds to an app and they're willing to trade their physical body in exchange for the promise of immortality because remember as we've shifted from the physical to the pure spiritual i guess you could call it we've also lost all values associated with the physical plane the whole respect for gravity the whole respect for morality ethics have now been reinterpreted in the gravitational lists ethical lists valueless vacuum of moral turpitude which is now the new reality or heaven as some may call it this is again a silicon valley company it's y. combinator the guy who's the co-founder says the user experience with identical to
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physician assisted suicide there are twenty five people on the waiting list including one silicon valley billionaire who is in is early thirties and has already put down the ten thousand dollar deposit to have his brain look their stance and have to be part of the physical world especially with the ecology collapsing the way it is right i mean we find out that bottled water ninety percent of it plastic has plastic anywhere imbibing plastic we swim in plastic we live in plastic we live in a garbage dump and the bible says the meek shall inherit the earth these are the people that are too timid not to have themselves transformed into this new product available in the cloud assisted euthanasia in exchange for all of your verge. bowler's now i want to turn to another big story that's happened while we've been down here we have the power grid here preface that you talked a little bit to our guest john mudd about but before i get to that i want to show you what can be done if you look at the national security and what sort of deals could be blocked and that was chump blocks broadcom one hundred seventeen billion
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dollar bid for qualcomm out of national security concerns highly unusual move according to washington post donald trump ordered singapore based broadcom to bend its one hundred seventeen billion dollar hostile bid for qualcomm blocking what could have been one of the biggest technology deals in history and his presidential order trump cited credible evidence of the takeover threatens to impair the national security of the united states the merger would have put one of america's largest mobile chip makers in the hands of a company based in asia or reason that's going to receive against american companies to develop the next generation of mobile technologies so of course that kind of goes with the first story is that if every effort all these silicon valley billionaires freeze their minds to being reanimated in the future and i'll put it to a cloud in the future whoever controls the cloud is part of this story here all of those bankers will do so in the name of living in
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a world of seventy two virgins bankers living in the suicide cloud there'll be jamie diamond lloyd blankfein completely naked and waiting for you all you need to do is pull the plug and go into the euthanasia clinic enjoying the seventy two other banking virgins in the cloud it's a fantastic pitch i'm not sure i see oh should be worth billions more than the telegram i say you know he did this presidential order so it cannot be overturned by legally he had done this before the treasury came out with their report the treasury has the committee on foreign investment in the united states our city it's an interagency panel led by the treasury department bringing me back. back to what the initial point offerings and now that fin san is also weighing in on on these tokens and basically what they're saying about these token offer all these i see oh isn't this what like a thousand of them that they are money transmitters so there's a government agency called surplus. syfy s o r i mean i'm pronouncing it that way
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they might have their own way of pronouncing well that's not too subtle isn't so one of the reasons why so if you as i call c f i us was perhaps move so fast they say is that broadcom was going to relocate to the u.s. in order to circumvent in order to perhaps you know get around any national security issue so they're going to pretend they were american but so basically what the president and the administration are saying is that they were worried that the china's huawei for example who is their biggest competitor the next biggest producer of microchips the ones that are using your phone so that and will be used in the future basically electric cars to communicate with the grid and so they want to make sure that we we are still in the game so there can be a national.
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