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tv   Going Underground  RT  March 26, 2018 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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in yemen was described as having achieved in five months the chaos that syria's achieved in five years and we are very conscious in britain of the importance of tackling the humanitarian crisis and you haven't and we do want to ensure that the actions taken by others particularly those who are our partners to make that situation even worse well we spoke to a journalist on the ground in yemen hussain albuquerque about some of the alleged saudi actions that the british government to factor supports that double strike that they were as used to use this tactic and as they say i guess i'll try the on of the world and afghanistan thought of going to canada but they knew they would be let go of as it is used in this against civilians target against a home they target civilians that they thought it is secure than they thought a journalist if you have a home has been destroyed by as that i the fittest people are going to go that their neighbors don't know this and they do that and i think this is the kind of that i think that the u.k. is given to this i'll get a coalition is using this technique but there are reasons according to britain's
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former ambassador william patey that we support saudi arabia i mean britain has extensive interests and. military tree economic security interests so you are often accused of having a system that has bred extremism but equally they're in the forefront of the battle against people like al qaida. they keep us safe and according to tory m.p. a member of the committee for arms export control the saudi government isn't even all that repressive anymore. do you not think saudi arabia is a repressive regime it has been i think it's changing because they are now allowing women to drive they are changing the role of women in society they wanting women to get elected into parliament it is moving forward to a democratic society but another member of the british committee labor m.p. lloyd russell moyle has a very different view the argument is not that the sound is
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a bombing women in saudi arabia the argument is they're bombing the heck out of people in yemen you know kind so what they're doing for people in saudi is neither here nor there when we're talking about the arms now actually the fact that they're allowing them in after many many years of not to drive in saudi arabia is hardly the gold standard of we've been a quality in feminism as the saudi arabian government to bomb civilians at times using illegal cluster bombs sold to them by the u.k. government to resume still insists that britain has one of the most rigorous arms export controls in the world we spoke to the author of shadow world. arms exports in the united kingdom is not amongst the most rigorous in the world and we've seen that over years and years and years it's my view that simply by exporting to a country like saudi arabia who's the human rights abuses at home has been documented over decades and decades his involvement in conflicts in the middle east
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both historically and currently is almost the stuff of legend it's so pronounced and so important in that region that by exporting to the country the united kingdom government is violating its own laws let alone the international arms trade treaty of which it was a claimed proud signatory let alone the e use common position on arms exports let alone the rules of war and a whole lot of international humanitarian law but while going underground has been covering the ever worsening crisis in yemen as hundreds of cases of cholera turn from thousands to now a million here is journalist and filmmaker john pilger to explain relative media silence to the parent u.k. government ignorance over yemen. the middle east itself is is seen by us us when i mean in the west in terms of its usefulness syria israel elsewhere saudi arabia
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and this and the yemen as expendable it's either one of the other useful or expendable and that appears to dominate. the news coverage perception or the perception we're allowed of this part of the world joining me now from jordan is the regional director of unicef middle east and north africa get covered eric to tell us what british made bombs have done in the poorest country in the middle east and thanks so much for joining us is the third anniversary of the saudi backed bombing with with british arms how is the world's worst humanitarian crisis well i'm just coming out of yemen after another visit another visit making it crystal clear that children are suffering are suffering dramatically of the impact of three years of war britain is of course a donor but to resume says the saudi investigations of discovered no war crimes as
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such what has been the effect of bombs dropping on villages in yemen well the impact upon children east's and then we have seen last year long over eleven hundred children being killed. or very seriously injured to day at close to two million children in yemen are not able to go to school we have seen last year an unprecedented outbreak of what the. color out we have seen an outbreak of. in yemen. over four hundred thousand children are suffering from the life threatening. severe acute malnutrition as a result of war and it's not one or another part of the it is everybody who has
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been fighting in their yemen and that has to be held accountable for that the suffering of children. suffering of children in a war that is not of children's making let's be very clear that a war that has become of war on children it's difficult to imagine those numbers obviously as as a human being but while britain continues to sell arms to saudi arabia the u.s. senate just voted to continue the war bernie sanders the senator said america the usa should stop funding it the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said u.s. intelligence will result in fewer casualties presumably child casualties as well hopeful that u.s. intelligence is going to bring fewer casualties to the bombing campaign well only if i may talk from a children's perspective if i may talk on behalf of every single mother and father
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who have seen their children killed and severely injured that i have on the one message it's not about fewer children to be killed and that should be no single boy or single girl or killed but britain is proud of its intelligence services and if britain is providing intelligence for the bombs that are being dropped on yemen surely surely that's a reason for hope for unicef to day because of the war because of decades of in the development and every single ten minutes a child is dying from a preventable disease for the simple fact that we are not able any longer to vaccinate children timely children suffering from a lack of access to drinking what the resulting in severe acute diary of the war simply needs to stop and all parties need to take their responsibility or for that
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or any country that has any authority over the fighting parties britain is earning billions of dollars billions of pounds. by selling the weapons in the war planes you're asking for one hundred million dollars more i think that brings you up to something like a third of a billion that you want what how is unicef going to spend that money well we gonna spend that money wisely we gonna spend that money to guarantee that every single boy and girl in yemen can lead a healthy life that it has access to those health services that every mother and father are one step children to access to guarantee that every boy and girl can go to school and benefit from the world at the education that's what unicef going to invest its money into and probably an investment by any count that is the best investment to make in yemen now president barack obama supported the blockade of
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yemen sports things better under the trumpet ministration in terms of the ports he obviously has signed a new weapons deal of course with saudi arabia though we'd call upon everybody to keep sea and airports open at any moment for good for him any darian as well as for commercial supplies commercial supplies for example food needs to come in yemen it is highly dependent on the import of the food yemen is highly dependent on import of fuel fuel that this ferry much needed to we quit but the health centers for example to pump water out of the out of yemeni soil last for commercial and humanitarian reasons or for the sake of children ports need to be your button just finally in syria the trumpet
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ministration along with the russians with the syrian government of course was supporting the fact of the why p.g. and northern syria in africa figures of hundreds of thousands now. affected by the british backed turkish war plane attacks on a friend what is the situation as far as unicef says of the wealth from a children's press back to vick get. syria is another war on children syria is another situation where fighting parties and all countries with influence over them have at no moment over the last seven years been respecting that sacred principle of protection of children at any given moment of time thousands of children have been killed also in syria. millions of children are being displaced or living as refugees so we hope that the political leadership both amongst the fighting parties and those who have authority over these fighting by
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peace that do that political leadership will take decisions bearing in mind their own children and that they decide to end the suffering that they want they do not want their own children or their grandchildren to suffer your governor thank you. thank you so much after the break the end of britain's dreaming spy as we investigate why forty thousand union members of even italy shut down britain's you give us the system and off the u.k. government threats to shut down this t.v. station we speak to one of the first pirate radio book of physical rosco who sailed for free speech to break the british censorship blockade all the civil coming up about two of going underground.
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how does it feel to be a sheriff the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is what business model helps to run a prison now we just do or don't like us there's nobody over the place and i don't no one comes anymore when i was a sergeant anymore is cost effective that's what they want to do that knowing they don't give a damn if you do the chores or not there are actually paying us to put them back into. the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the u.s.n.
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breach what she cooks is behind such success. i. welcome back today the british parliament his work and pensions questions but will anyone raise the largest ever strike called in british irish occasion even oxford cambridge where such a disproportionate amount of britain's established with guns from looks set to be shut down the head of a second wave of strike action involving tens of thousands of union members across
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sixty four higher education institutions i'm joined now by professor julian celebrates from london's courtauld institute of art judith thanks for coming back on just before we go to the strike cambridge analytical has been in the news associated with universities are there because the name cambridge is not just facebook users that are affected by surveillance in a rather crude way the government basically asks us to assess ourselves and of. teaching. academics to sit in panels for instance to judge the research. well no it hasn't actually in fact what this does is to violate the fundamental principle of academic freedom which is to say that academics should have the freedom to critically inquire wherever they want and say whatever they want and that is protected and the jobs will not be under threat for instance if they were to say something inconvenient. but what the government surveillance of research does through the so-called research excellence framework excellence being an
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entirely vacuous concept. is to judge one's research writings output. by a panel of peers and you don't know who these people are going to be and you don't know exactly what criteria they going to use to judge you by and what it's meant is that much academic work has become. which towards the center of a particular field has become very worthy but boring as a result it's an immense engine of conformity with a nice religious peer review absolutely yes it's completely politicised. it's there to divide and rule universities so the outcome of these research you know assessment exercises. depends on. the funding that research funding that goes to different colleges and apartments can be mass of the affected by your performance in these things so there's a lot of pressure on academics to first produce enough work to be assessed and then to produce work which they think will play well to these panels. elph why are you
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going to be able to strike ok well there has been a huge attack on our pensions pensions used to be defined benefits which means that you put a certain amount of money in and you know what you're getting when you retire it's now moved to a different system whereby everybody's pension pot performs differently and depends on the form of stocks and shares so no one can plan no one will know exactly what they will retire on but the figures have been done by the union show that our pensions will move from being more this but liveable to in many cases being poverty level so especially for younger people you could work your whole life within academia and come out and still be struggling to make ends meet when you retire there are problems with getting work a good worker because this is after all dr austerity or. a lot of people be saying you know there are hundreds of thousands starving to this country really good food
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bergs where should they care about university lecturers and reverses well this is a deliberate attempt to break the union it was imposed by the employers u.k. without negotiation ok we have only been forced into negotiations because of the strike action we taken so far because it's been as you say remarkably. widely supported across the universities by not only by staff and also by students are often so it was imposed without negotiation so we had no choice basically but to strike and i think the thing is that there are many other places teachers. teachers and schools teachers in the post ninety two universities are on different schemes at the moment which are better than ours if they can do this to us it will happen to the people too and more widely you know industries generally will be looking at this very carefully how the board is treating you. with this board of governors vice chancellors i think lord brode is read on this show for the boss of b.p. yes a former boss of the b.p.
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but a lot more pertinently an architect of the student fees regime so rather extraordinary person to have on a university board i think many of the students who of course suffer immense stress and difficulty because of the very high piece they pay and the facing debt slavery for decades after finishing their degrees are not happy with this figurehead of our institution do we despite your union isn't it because you've got foreign students who are presumably complaining that their professors and lecturers aren't turning up for the pictures and you have people who are in this market should an ethic of feeling that they're going to be in debt for degrees which weren't even talked. yes we've had a surprising amount of support from our students i have to say and it's been very very heartening we did a march down to parliament which took place in a blizzard there were many students on that march is really remarkable you can see some of the photographs of those people around you we have been doing our best so far to minimize the impact on the students while shutting down the university and
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part of this has been to do with doing teach outs a lot of less casual or more casual more meaningful teaching perhaps meaning teaching which isn't geared absolutely towards courses but has been discussing deeper issues about about politics about art history in my place but also about the university ought to look like if we escape from those little. there are elements to it and we have a wonderful open air lecture on the last given by t.j. clarke oh just the other week and a lot of people talk about zero i was going to say understand that higher education is becoming part time in so many ways like when the other or a public service is as much of a teaching is becoming more and more casual lives that people can't know you know how much work they're going to get and when and they're juggling many jobs and then a sense we're facing both by through management surveillance and this downward pressure on wages and downward pressure on the costs of education very similar
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pressures to those faced by doctors nurses or or the police or teachers in schools it's all the same kind of marketization of something which should not be marketed ised it's an artificial system and you can see in this that near liberalism as a whole this system which has been put into place since the one nine hundred eighty s. is a kind of cancer of the state from the inside until it can no longer properly perform its functions reza julian stella brass thank you well from the new liberal marketisation of education to fighting against a lot of entertainment joining me now from l.a. in california is one of the original deejays from reputedly the first ever pirate radio station in the. well radio caroline emperor roscoe is currently noting his new radio show on united deejays and you go through see him being portrayed by the late philip seymour hoffman in the boat that rocked ever rosco before we even get to how you broke censorship laws here in britain and got britain done thing what what started your entertainment career. i got started in the military
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actually i was as you saw the morning the movie good morning vietnam i was good morning vietnam but in the navy but of course i'm coming i was first my first. poem a car pull the cut he says the beetle of they they had a big helping hand from radio caroline how did you end up on this ship. i was a destruct in france at the time. doing bowlby more shit gupta on europe number one and i was also a leader do seen the x. it came from england on tour and i was on stage with sam the sham and the pharoahs when there are a manager came up and he said you know you really good you should be on radio carolina's what's radio caroline. he said well this is a pirate ship that just started in england and i'm good friends with run o'reilly
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so i said well you know here's a tape bullets see what happens and two weeks later i had a phone call from rodin who said get your so here i need you you know is a pirate radio station what you frightened of going on to some ship that you knew was illegally broadcasting to britain i saw this finished for years and maybe in the south china sea i was going to be too worried about a little boat in the channel. i probably handled seasickness better than most and. you know i was not the least bit worried i know i was a bit of a rebel myself you know so we you have are on the ship when the when the british authorities were trying to board it and shut it down to radio caroline when i was on the ship the only one sporting where the girls on sailboats would come sailing out to bring us cookies you may not have known wrote in iran his grandfather who is who i think yeats wrote a poem about who is ronan like i know he's ill and how the loud at the moment what
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was his role in the station. running was the boss you know a perfectly charming man he you know he had blue joie de vivre like he had a cause. he was doing the right thing and he was being successful at it me love the notoriety so it all you know it was all a great you know great ball of good good time and outside of vienna. running into a few money problems at one point when he had to sell i think thirty percent of the station to fill solomon's own he ran the show the way he wanted it was a real rebel radio stations to put it into context at that time the statement they b.b.c. had playlists dictated to them by record companies some would say that still the case today actually going through him really was radio lots of bird primarily you know like the decker show would be all decca records but luxembourg was only at
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night you couldn't hear it very well radio b.d.c. it was like program and they basically did an hour pop music. every day and that was all you got if you were you full force and ironically it was the labor government tony benn who gave his last interview to this show actually tried to shut you down but the conservatives in gilmore actually supported you freedom of speech they did they did and we supported them and i think probably because of radio caroline support is why the conservatives won back. that's quite something you you think at that time though you said there was this one hour report music basically statement the same and they did b.b.c. was playing basically white middle class music. oh margaret i know they were playing big band music and middle of the road you sick and unfortunately a lot of it was recorded live not even the all riginal stuff so basically
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you know it was an enigma in a puzzle of its own making where is we came along and gave the people the real thing in twenty four hours a day of it though it's television networks of course they get bad and get attacked what do you think of that. obviously i'm i'm against it i'm i'm all for free speech and the only reason you're in that i would think that you'll being targeted at the moment as you have the name russia you know title but it's a tit for tat i don't think it's. what you were doing. problem you know broadcast wise i think it's simply you're caught in the crosshairs for the moment and with a bit of luck you'll skate you know what do we do the name change actually go on t.v. but it didn't seem to help. no home office knows the truth and how dangerous would you say is it nowadays for governments to interfere with broadcast networks what happens when they try and interfere as you know and the algorithms are
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very wide and widespread because it is set such a general question when you. we'll go back to when the berlin wall fell. you said you felt the momentum you saw it all happening and it happened and they now it's a different situation with the networks because it's a question of the people behind the network and the people that how many people if they shut you down are going to take to the streets that's the question you have to ask yourself so. if you were the b.b.c. and they shut you down i think there'd be a big big uproar because you are a guerilla kind of go really under ground station i think you'll be ok at least i would hope so especially when they see how you handle me they will realize that you are there for the good of mankind not trying to overtake us and
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overcome every member rosco thank you and that's it for the show but we'll be back on wednesday to speak to the u.s. ambassador to iraq and deputy director the white house is chock full on terrorism at the package deal that could be done by social media with fuel when say fifteen years of the day twenty five year old law school was killed in iraq by us a ten time quest for extra rocks the jet corinna would describe the u.s. killing as criminal. fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades two scorpions in a bottle each capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed itself. putin said well these weapons were overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s. missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so there will be more effective against russian forces.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last to bang turn. your act as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry you could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest piece things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each parent . but then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was a key. still some are fond of you know those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not need a funeral on the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with this one difference i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream
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media has met its maker. at the plate for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch put a final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman asia billionaire owners and spending two hundred twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so what will chance with. the thinks that this minute. with the appointing of john bolton is the new national security adviser should we expect more stupid wars of choice from says he wants success but everything associated with ultimates name is
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a failure the more party is again in charge. huge fire and gulf the shopping center and the russian city of camera for sixty four people including many children are confirmed dead. to give you a few new. good didn't see the new food we will use to move to move you need soup you do with. ease you do the good you can see each group of students will you believe four people have been arrested in connection with the tragedy russian investigative committee says the building's emergency exits were blocked and the fire alarms were turned off. in other news the wave of russian diplomatic expulsions are announced by the u.s. and more than a dozen that european countries in a show of support to.


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