tv News RT March 26, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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and going on and he says to keep going on i'm the person who just suggested killing your board in your bug don't pay attention to that we're going to have a nice conversation here but you know the problem is whatever you call it liberal interventionism you know conservatism the bad thing about this ideology is that it doesn't value in any way the lives of the people who don't agree with it you know just recently it is you know because the. marketplace thirty seven people you know that. explosion there was almost no reaction from the mass media will remember how sorry you know what was was bored by the by the by the sort of military forces and you know all the hysteria about old marketplaces you know been destroyed you know borders littering the for these markets the same thing happened in damascus and no one paid attention from the rebels from the refugees. from the syrians been brought up here. and i think that the in many ways is that if there is some kind of
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. ambiguity in this why from white house about syria you think that's going to get much more focused right now that you know bolton is going to be you know pull the cia back in officially and other thing works to the new national security team in the bush years in common is there a common approach to iran and of course that is going to be a major part of what happens in the sea and because russia and iran are allies in their fight to stabilize syria to remove it tickle islamist elements from syria and the united states will do the most to keep those elements in as long as possible there was a an interesting intelligence analysis and open one a public one done in the u.s. a couple months ago which stated that the so-called moderate opposition is she has about a year to go so if the united states and its allies are you. to. put
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more energy into them more funds and so forth maybe a year maybe a year and a half more so they will try to use that time to destabilise here as much as possible but there was resources that they still have left now one should come on to the comparison of the tree and john bolton and kissinger and kerry kissinger and desist where known as foreign policy intellectuals john bolton is certainly not he is a hard line diplomat. who likes. i don't want to judge and i don't know where it is so you see it with a rapidly running out and i strongly disagree. with him but that he is a kind of line military mystically aggressive diplomat who is not an academic the way that a lot of the stones were. when kennedy made khrushchev kennedy's response was negotiate what's mine is mine what's yours is negotiable mark i want to go to you because you brought this up a number of times since the election we have the u.s. state department putting pressure on the europeans pretty germany for the. north
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stream to pipeline now we have the deal. the europeans were being pressured to change and now it looks like the americans going to walk away from it compare completely why would the europeans want to be involved in the i mean this is the two example i just read still pushing the division is growing and growing the europeans don't like it i mean they don't like his treatment of the u.n. international law anything there so this is actually rooted out already you know the end of these grow but i don't think that concerns the u.s. the u.s. you know this this new triumvirate of bloody geno and pompei of the volcano will be handling the. start well i think he's on his way home and kelly has got a name i think they're on their way out there too saying in moderate on military matters it may take six months but i think they're both gone so i iran iraq iran this is what will push. he it in
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a celebration of the terrorist former terrorist group now recycled by the u.s. they've removed their terrorist designation the m.e. came. next part of the program i want to ask you is this also which against russia using the rand is a part of the equation that's part of the equation and certainly russia simply exist resisting the united states in syria bolton is a is a cold of american supremacies exceptionalism he cannot tolerate that some democrats have suggested that bolton is too soft on russia for them which is a is it maybe i'm a pretty amazing but i never met a in an exercise of u.s. military power or in power that he's in and he doesn't like hold up thought gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion in the war party state with our.
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fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades to scorpions in a bottle each capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed itself. putin said well these weapons will overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s. missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so they'll be more effective against russian forces.
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the. welcome back to crossfire all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok mike i want to go back to you right before i went to the break you were talking about bolton iran and regime change go ahead the mujahideen eco is it is a terrorist group it was formerly formerly designated by the united states is a terrorist group it targets iran they are they have extremely extremist views they were sheltered in iraq then the u.s. took them under its wing after its invasion occupation of rock iraq and rehabilitated them and now they openly hold meetings and they've got a million dollar war chest
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a lobbying washington's and john bolton is one of their favorite advocates he recently spoke at a gathering of the m.e. in the united states and he promised two things first he wanted to make sure that the government the iranian government that was put in place during the islamic revolution doesn't reach its fortieth birthday and also he promised them that we will celebrate two thousand and nineteen meaning him and these terrorists in tehran which you know like like some kind of conqueror you know this is this pattern of regime change i still have said it so many times so many years it's the genic genetic code of american foreign policy doesn't matter who is in office but with bolton you get it if he doesn't hold any punches here picture you know united states is already chosen decided who will be ruling iran by the end of next year.
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amazing bolton's expectations are mildly of a piece from robert gates' memoirs where he talks about having a go on victory parade on the red square in one thousand nine hundred one. but both of those teams are not about to come to. the national security adviser to which was seemed unlikely just a few years ago but. government is going to be chosen by people just like before and not by the hawks in washington d.c. let's change gears here de mille it's like about what's going on in the u.k. we have with this alleged poisoning incident i would still like to see some kind of public. evidence made to the public so we could start drawing some real solution apologies because i really believe there are these dire even more hype hundred years of western europe jurisprudence ok you're innocent until proven guilty but that is different it's always different but russia of course it's your job to on
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your. spectacles. you know the u.k. cause that accident agent his name is highly likely you know like highly likely that was a great fall and the problem is that the e.u. believes that too because if we read the statement taken two days ago it is. the union agrees with the u.k. government excess meant that it's highly likely that the russian federation is responsible and that there is no hope where there is no possible way towards examination we saw we still didn't qualify it so it did it with the u.k. nor pause it will turn into explanation even the holy inquisition so it wouldn't do you know if you know i have to wonder then with this conference of your european union leaders were they presented with evidence to come up with that kind of language i doubt it in our world perception and with the four be. interaction
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massive campaign in the western media with the information is being flooded with into russian memes and information this type of response is to be expected because we're now you don't have to present any evidence whatsoever to have a conclusion that russia is possible for anything and that is the great danger in this that anything could happen tomorrow the next doing so not all the president of the british and they make it's going to orchestrate money i think and then blame russia for you know i'm not. crazy idea came into my idea is to receive me using this to avoid breads and regs that sure there's i think there is a whole host of of domestic uses whether that is the actual reason that has occurred or whether she's simply using going on to the scene she's distracting from bragg's it's not going well the country half the country never wanted it and the negotiations are going well for her plus four more dangerous because of all of this
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you have this leftist labor leader who has resisted all attempts by new labour's elite to overthrow him who would dramatically shift the united kingdom's foreign and possibly much of its domestic policy as well and this seems tailor made we have seen the propaganda photo shops from from that the british propaganda corporate i mean british broadcasting corporation. in order to defame. jeremy corbyn and present him as some kind of russian agents were not in tells me and i want to say this to all of you is that this is desperation this is a mode of desperation no evidence is provided there is no interest in finding the truth because the truth has already been established because what russia did it here i mean this is shows a level of desperation of the political elites that they will grab on to anything good but the victim of this desperation is. their relationship between russia and
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europe and the russian and the rest of the west because we are seeing their idea more than a dozen countries is our country pleating exposed and diplomats next week in the united states the national security council has presented its recommendations to a doctor about the expelling dozens of russian diplomats from washington d.c. and of course if that happens this monday. tell you. about your intelligence agents in moscow you weren't there for a while you you know in russia a lot of people had this perception that the united states is bad it makes you want to behave badly towards russia will this we cut short the e.u. is bad enough when it's all they can do it and let me tell you you know from history all the disastrous things that europe that did were done collectively look the napoleonic wars to invasions of russia. or was this to its greatest they were
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all done collectively so when they say you know that we need a strong collective action will scrape okies there to remind me of that watched by agents in european history court inquisition was done collectively to look at the e.u. of course please a part of getting them all together getting the european powers together and forcing them to make decisions that they're frequently not the international sanctions for of course if we talk about specific european countries a number of european countries are not interested in worsening relations with russia it's not interested in individual distinctions or you know when push comes to shove. how many how many countries would you because of course that for example i mean the easiest one maybe a five or six but it's not going there you just like when a section suggested if i said at last that differences were being real and you've seen a lot of statements micron evidently initially resisted this whole thing saying that there had to be added. and then turned around the next day with the screws here's
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what i have known for the german foreign minister. is on record saying that this is a bilateral issue it's not an easy you issue it's something for britain and russia to rule yeah because the big exit in the e.u. gentlemen talking about a very important topic here we have a massive budget passed and signed into law in the united states a huge military budget here. they make it what it is the mantra is that obama degraded the military i'm sure all those countries that were bombed by the united states would agree with that statement here but now this is going to be a massive build up as usual the pentagon doesn't usually spend very well but it's important at the same time to our viewers should know is that russia has decided over the next five years to decrease military spending well russia is. going to get that frankly russia understands that it does not need to keep on a military presence around the world in dozens and dozens of countries like the
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united states does russia does not have. world i mean the or being the single seat of power. russia has no such more chips so it doesn't have to unlike the united states it doesn't have to spend. trillions and trillions of dollars and billions of. debt but one. thing yes so russia and their stance that it has to give a semantical answers to. the american threats that that is what it does it doesn't even says a good often yes it a lot of ways this is simply because russia does have very limited geopolitical horizons and uses for its military it's primarily defensive with some a limited role for the interventions like we've seen in russia.
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