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tv   News  RT  March 26, 2018 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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just to look for common ground. what politicians do sometimes. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be that's. what you're going to be this is what the four korean people. interested in the walk out. at least twenty countries have announced a wave of expulsions of russian diplomats from across europe as well as the u.s.
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and canada so want to show support for britain of course which blames moscow over the poisoning of the former double agent said ok script full of his daughter earlier this month with a view first from london. collective response from the e.u. donald tusk the president of the european council he announced these collective measures saying that the e.u. agrees with the u.k.'s assessment that it was quote highly likely that the kremlin was behind the poisoning of sergei and script how so well over a dozen e.u. states have pledged their support to the british prime minister and they are expelling scores of russian diplomats from capitals across the e.u. to resume a spoke in parliament earlier and she was clearly rather pleased with the support from brussels and from the u.s. canada and the ukraine for that matter take a listen to what she had to say. grates on the geraghty from our friends and
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partners in the e.u. north america nato and beyond over the past three weeks and today eighteen countries have announced their intention to expel more than one hundred russian intelligence officers from and. this includes fifteen e.u. member states as well as the united states canada and the ukraine. and even though moscow denies the allegation that it was behind the attack in seoul's worry the list of expulsions of diplomatic expulsions is extensive among the countries that russian diplomats are going to be departing from france germany poland lithuania denmark the czech republic the list continues however not all e.u. states have signed up to kicking out russian diplomats austria notably has announced that the russian diplomats can remain and also vogue area has said that it won't be expelling any russian diplomats that are currently stationed there also
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at the e.u. summit last week that you somewhere to reason may so successfully argued for this collective european response well sean called younger the president of the european commission he advocated a rather different approach to moscow take a listen to what he had to say. you can do we lose. we need to move to discuss for sure although it is a question. so not all e.u. states on the same page and not all figureheads agreed to the extent to which to punish moscow or to cooperate with it perhaps instead nevertheless what's happened today is being billed as the biggest collective expulsion of russian diplomats in history all this while the investigations that police
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investigation and also the independent o.p.c. w one they are still ongoing. so the russian reaction will speak. to their own groups those explosions and says the moves will remain unanswered for long coverage from moscow within the culture of the. well we've heard from the russian foreign ministry spokesperson marty is a kind of a who said that reciprocal measures will be taking against each country that decided to expel russian diplomats and overall we're talking about over a dozen countries that supported this move now she also added that adds very measure that was taking will be mad mero measure in response including the shutdown of the russian consulate and the u.s. now shortly after at this news that a number of countries are expelling russian diplomats broke the russian foreign ministry released a statement and in this statement. expressed protest these expulsions
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calling them an unfriendly stab that will not find any answers and these scripts case and the statement also goes on to say that the exposure and are being seen as a provocation adding that such a hostile move on part of this group of countries will not be allowed. and indeed we've heard from a number of high level officials in the russian diplomatic society now in a tone of course the russian ambassador to the u.s. has protested against what he called a wrongful decision by the u.s. to expel russian diplomats to fit in for a month long learning about the expulsions are expressed a strong position to the move but i pointed out today there's not been a single shred of evidence of russia's involvement in this tragedy the most productive way to address this case would be a calm and professional investigation by the. world because it is not only the
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russian ambassador to the u.s. has expressed his outrage to the move a number of has of other russian diplomatic missions in different countries lashed out at the use of recent expulsions. we think this is an unreasonable decision and that undermines russian german relations. and a regrettable that they won't give us any evidence and we just hear that it's highly likely the russia is responsible for this tragic incident we believe the you shouldn't fall for this dirty british provocation all the talk about to use solidarity is laughable as there can only be solidarity in the fight against real threats but not in support of dirty insinuations and over all we've heard from different high level officials here in russia expressing disappointment and even at times this believe to this recent move by the u.s. a number of other european countries to expel russian diplomats in a very experienced educated view from the u.s. john graham's of former u.s.
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diplomat sir thanks for your time today and being with us look at the list countries france germany poland czech republic lithuania denmark neverland italy the list goes on excluding greece and austria. of course but it's the majority of the e.u. seems the end of the day the person the go over knives the you had to do this was the boss in charge where you are donald trump you surprised at that or not. well not really but i think it's it's useful to go back all these charges and countercharges if i may as an old cold war or tell you one thing i know for sure that there's a signature on these nerve agents in other words i think it's quite likely in fact it's almost certain that the stuff did come from a russian lab that doesn't mean russians did it the russians did it but it's hard to imagine the benefit for them doing it. a little stole the stuff to kill them is
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just screwball but he's sitting on the man sitting on a park bench want to shoot him in the back of the head. action as if there was a state are pretty who deliberately used in a deliberate attempt to undermine relationships between the u.s. and russia that's very complicated stuff in our dear president mr trump doesn't go in for complexity as yuri well some of the models rise to see this movement is time well my back and see not of the current administration but as far as europe is concerned there are a lot of steady yo forward thinking minds there that have got a handle on the whole situation they do seem to have come together as a maze going to be very pleased in britain about this but again has it jumped the gun so to speak there's no no hard evidence has been made public at least you know what's going on behind the scenes and again that official investigation from that chemical body there in the hague hasn't come back yet so why do this now why not wait until there is the concrete evidence that russia did it if it was the case.
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well i think there one of two things has to be true either russia did it or russia was extremely lax in its security protocols for protecting destructive nerve stuff again one thing i do believe i'm a little cool worrier i know about such things is there's a real signature on these chemicals and i can feel that it's complex it's his to do with one of the girls you're in there but there's a signature on them sort of came from a russian land doesn't mean the russians did but i can think of it seems depending on who you listen to some experts i've heard say well these chemicals only active for what two years now after that they degrade very very quickly well that means therefore it must be made in the last couple of days if you go by that theory others are saying no it was made way back in the times the saw the any in decades ago spends a listen to that doesn't it. it could have been made two years ago and i think you'd be naive to think that both the u.s. and russia aren't still making your villages we're now after all we're stockpiling
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new more nuclear warheads why not more nerve agents i think the important thing though listening to all these people these diplomats talking is that no one seems to be taking these things seriously enough they're treating it like a game this is just the latest chapter in developing russia of events couple weeks ago announces that they've just developed some powerful new weapons in russia at the same time donald trump's budget calls for huge sums to be spent on modernizing america's nuclear arsenal he just appointed warhawks his secretary of state as it is and where is your friend national security and both men are acting like schoolboys if fighting in a play yard in the way that they trade in jibes and insults and both men depend upon political bases that are wallop to an international is is highly dangerous stuff and i don't think many diplomats and i must say many journalists media people
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are realizing i do yours it is is it you know of my previous broadcasts i was a member of nato as nuclear planning group and i know very well how dangerous it is how a single miscalculation or a single slip and after these four or five incident is carrying a little gray area well they what the tit for tat is tomorrow than on this channel a follow russia's definite john graham fully u.s. diplomat thing ever so much for your time and your voice of experience that we appreciate it thank you you because. thank you for watching as well i'm kevin i when they're the main stories from us international this thank you for watching. with the point of john bolton is the new national security adviser should we expect more stupid wars of choice trump says he wants success but everything associated with bolton's name is a failure but more party is again in charge. join
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me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to a guest of the world of politics school this list i'm showbusiness i'll see that. politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to go on to be press this is what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the house.
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you'll. feel. calm after it had said we're going underground three years to the day the british backed saudi bombs began to drop on yemen leaving thousands of civilians killed and tens of millions of people in need of humanitarian aid in the poorest country in the middle east coming up on the show three years on why is the british on the war
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in yemen still barely making the headlines we speak to the regional director of unicef middle east north africa here about the burying of the world's worst humanitarian crisis and does the law just have a higher education strike in british history mean no u.k. graduates in twenty eight teams professor judeans telegraph of london's renowned court told us about the liberal bucket of education and teaching will ask is outside club plus. we speak to the pirate radio d.j. played by philip seymour hoffman in the book the wrong about breaking the law to circumvent multi-billion dollar record company control and state by david b.b.c. censorship although some more coming up in today's going underground at first one thousand and ninety five days five billion pounds in arms sales and millions of yemenis at risk for three. years going on the ground has been covering what the u.n. has called the world's worst humanitarian crisis but even before the first british
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made bombs dropped on the poorest country in the middle east the global terror campaign had already begun here is professor noam chomsky talking one month after the saudi war on yemen began. yemen has been the main target of the global also a nation campaign the most extraordinary global terrorism campaign in history of course it's also a turd generating campaign as is understood at the highest level when you say attack a village and murders somebody who your image maybe a couple of the people are standing around or that tend to elicit a call for revenge and it has undoubtedly not not even questionable increased what we call terrorism a few months later the former vice chair of the conservative party andrew mitchell at the time the only british m.p. to go to yemen spoke about the u.k.
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government's conflicting role in the crisis the blockade of course is an example of the internal contradictions of our approach to yemen and i think that it needs to be addressed the situation in yemen was described as having achieved in five months the chaos that syria has achieved in five years and we are very conscious in britain of the importance of tackling the humanitarian crisis and yemen and we do want to ensure that the actions taken by others particularly those who are our partners that make that situation even worse well we spoke to a journalist on the ground in yemen hussain alba carty about some of the alleged saudi actions that the british government defacto supports. that double top strike that they you know is used to use this tactic and are as they say i got al qaeda on of the world and afghanistan particularly but they you. know the let's call it that is using this against civilians target against a home they target civilians then they thought it is fewer than they thought
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a journalist if you have a home has been destroyed by as the like the fittest people who are going to go the neighborhoods that don't know this and they do that and i think this is the kind of training that the u.k. is given to the saudi the coalition is using this technique but there are reasons according to britain's former ambassador william patey that we support saudi arabia but in britain has extensive interests and saudi arabia. military tree economic security interests so it's often accused of having a system that has bred extremism but equally there in the forefront of the battle against people like al qaida. they keep us safe and according to tory m.p. a member of the committee for arms export control the saudi government isn't even all that repressive anymore. do you not think saudi arabia is a repressive regime it has been i think it's changing because they are now allowing women to drive they are changing the role of women in society they wanting women to
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get elected into parliament it is moving forward to a democratic society but another member of the british committee labor m.p. lloyd russell moyle has a very different view the argument is not that the sound is a bombing women in saudi arabia the argument is they're bombing the heck out of people in yemen you know kind so what they're doing for people in saudi is neither here nor there when we're talking about the arms now actually the fact that they're allowing them in after many many years of not to drive in saudi arabia is hardly the gold standard of we've been a quality in feminism as the saudi arabian government to bomb civilians at times using illegal cluster bombs sold to them by the u.k. government to resume still insists that britain has one of the most rigorous arms export controls in the world we spoke to the author of shadow world and. arms exports in the united kingdom is not amongst the most rigorous in the world and we've seen that over years and years and years it's my view that simply by
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exporting to a country like saudi arabia who's the human rights abuses at home have been documented over decades and decades his involvement in conflicts in the middle east both historically and currently is almost the stuff of legend it's so pronounced and so important in that region that by exporting to the country the united kingdom government is violating its own laws let alone the international arms trade treaty of which it was a claimed proud signatory let alone the e use common position on arms exports let alone the rules of war and a whole lot of international humanitarian law but while going underground has been covering the ever worsening crisis in yemen as hundreds of cases of cholera turn from thousands to now a million here is journalist and filmmaker john pilger to explain relative media silence to the parent u.k. government ignorance over yemen. the middle east itself is is
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seen by us us when i mean in the west in terms of its usefulness syria. israel elsewhere or saudi arabia and this and the yemen as expendable it's either one of the other useful or expendable and vast appears to dominate the news coverage perception or the perception we're allowed of this part of the world joining me now from jordan is the regional director of unicef middle east in north africa get companies to tell us what british made bombs have done in the poorest country in the middle east thanks so much for joining us is the third anniversary of the saudi backed bombing with with british arms how is the world's worst humanitarian crisis well i'm just coming out of yemen after another visit another visit making it crystal clear that children are suffering are suffering
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dramatically of the impact of three years of war britain is of course a donor but to resume says the saudi investigations of discovered no war crimes as such what has been the effect of bombs dropping on villages in yemen well the impact on children easts and. we have seen last year alone over eleven hundred children being killed. or very seriously injured to day at close to two million children in yemen are not able to go to school we have seen last year an unprecedented outbreak of what the reader call it out we have seen an outbreak of. in yemen that over four hundred thousand
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children are suffering from the life threatening. severe acute malnutrition as a result. of war and it's not one or another party it is everybody who has been fighting in their yemen and that has to be held accountable for that the suffering of children suffering of children in a war that is not of children's making let's be very clear that a war that has become a war on children it's difficult to imagine those numbers obviously as as a human being but while britain continues to sell arms to saudi arabia the u.s. senate just voted to continue the war bernie sanders the senator said america usa should stop funding it the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said u.s. intelligence will result in fewer casualties presumably child casualties as well
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hopeful that u.s. intelligence is going to bring fewer casualties to the bombing campaign well only if i may talk from a children's perspective if i may talk on behalf of every single mother and father who have seen their children killed and severely injured i have on the one message it's not about fewer children to be killed and that should be no single boy and no single girl or killed that britain is proud of its intelligence services and if britain is providing intelligence for the bombs that are being dropped on yemen surely surely that's a reason for hope for unicef to day because of the war because of decades of in the development and every single ten minutes a child is dying from a preventable disease for the simple fact that we are not able any longer to
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vaccinate children timely children suffering from a lack of access to drinking what the resulting in severe acute diarrhea. the war simply needs to stop and all parties need to take their responsibility or for that or any country that has any authority over the fighting parties britain is an ing billions of dollars billions of pounds by selling the weapons in the war planes you're asking for one hundred million dollars more i think that brings you up to something like a third of a billion that you want what has units have been to spend that money well we gonna spend that money wisely we gonna spend that money to guarantee that every single boy and girl in yemen can lead a healthy life that it has access to those health services that every mother and father are one step children to access to guarantee that every boy and girl can go
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to school and benefit from the world at the education that's what unicef going to invest it's money into and probably an investment by any parent that is the best investment to make in yemen now president barack obama supported the blockade of yemen sports are things better under the trumpet ministration in terms of the ports he obviously has signed a new weapons deal of course with saudi arabia though we call upon everybody to keep sea and airports open at any moment for good for him any darian as well as for commercial supplies commercial supplies for example food needs to come in yemen it is highly dependent on the import of the food yemen is highly dependent on import of fuel fuel that this ferry much needed to equip the health centers for example to pump water out of the out of
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yemeni soil for commercial and humanitarian reasons or for the sake of children ports. no need to be your burden just finally in syria the trumpet ministration along with the russians with the syrian government of course was supporting defacto the y p g a northern syria in africa figures of hundreds of thousands now being affected by the british backed turkish war plane attacks on afrin what is the situation as far as unicef sees it the wealth from children spritz active again syria is another war on children syria is another situation where fighting parties and all countries with influence over them have at no moment over the last seven years been respecting that sacred principle of protection of children at any given moment of time thousands of
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children have been killed also in syria. millions of children are being displaced or are living as refugees so we hope that the political leadership both amongst the fighting parties and those who have authority over these fighting barbie's that do that political leadership will take decisions bearing in mind their own children and that they decide to end the suffering that they want they do not want their own children or their grandchildren to suffer your governor thank you. thank you so much after the break the end of britain's dreaming spires witnessed a great white forty thousand union members of leave in italy shocked joe and britain's university system and off the u.k. government threats to shut down this t.v. station we speak to one of the first pirate radio book us has ever lost scope who sailed for free speech to break the british that the ship blockade all the civil cover up about to
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a going underground. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last bang turn. your out to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with the death of this one different person you speak to now because there are no other takers. claimed that
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mainstream media has met its maker. welcome back today the british parliament his work and pensions questions but will anyone raise the largest ever strike called in british irish occasion even oxford
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and cambridge where such a disproportionate amount of britain's established would govern from looks set to be shut down the head of a second wave of strike action involving tens of thousands of union members across sixty four higher education institutions i'm joined now by professor julian celebrates from london's courtauld institute of art judith thanks for coming back on just before we go to the strike cambridge analytical has been in the news associated with universities that are because of the link cambridge it's not just facebook users that are affected by surveillance in a rather crude way the government basically asks us to assess ourselves and of our research and our teaching. it asks our academics to sit in panels for instance to judge the research. well no it hasn't actually in fact what this does is to violate the fundamental principle of academic freedom which is to say that academics should have the freedom to critically inquiry wherever they want and say whatever they want and that is protected and the jobs will not be under threat for instance if
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they were to say something inconvenient. but what the government surveillance of research does through the so-called research excellence framework excellence being an entirely vacuous concept. is to judge one's research writings outputs. by a panel of peers and you don't know who these people are going to be and you don't know exactly what criteria they going to use to judge you by and what it's meant is that much academic work has become being pitched towards the center of a particular field has become very worthy but boring as. result it's an immense engine of conformity with a nice religious peer review absolutely yes it's completely politicized. it's there to divide and rule universities so the outcomes of these research assessment exercises. depends on. the funding that research funding that goes to different colleges and apartments can be massively affected by your performance in
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these things so there's a lot of pressure on academics to first produce enough work to be assessed and then to produce work which they think will play well to these panels. elf why are you going to be able to strike ok well there has been a huge attack on our pensions the pensions used to be defined benefits which means that you put a certain amount of money in and you know what you're getting when you retire it's now moved to a different system whereby everybody's pension pot performs differently and depends on the form of stocks and shares so no one can plan no one will know exactly what they will retire on but the figures have been done by the union show that our pensions will move from being modest but livable to in many cases being poverty level so especially for younger people you could work your whole life within academia and come out and still be struggling to make ends meet when you retire there are problems with getting work
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a good worker because this is after all dr austerity or. lots of people be saying you know there are hundreds of thousands starving to this country really good food birds where should they care about university lecturers and reverses well this is a deliberate attempt to break the union it was imposed by the employers u.k. without negotiation ok we have only been forced into negotiations because of the strike action we taken so far because it's been as you say remarkably. widely supported across the universities by not. by staff and also by students are often so it was imposed without negotiation so we had a choice basically but to strike and i think the thing is that there are many other places teachers. teachers and schools teachers in the post ninety two universities are on different schemes at the moment which are better than ours if they can do this to us it will happen to people too and more widely you know industries generally will be looking at this very carefully how the boss is treating you. with
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this board of governors vice chancellors i think lord brough does read all this show for the boss of b.p. yes a former boss of the b.p. but a lot more pertinently an architect of the student fees regime so rather extraordinary person to have on a university board i think many of the students who of course suffer immense stress and difficulty because of the very high piece that they pay and the facing debt slavery decades after finishing their degrees are not happy with this figurehead of our institution do we dispute your union isn't it because you've got foreign students who are presumably complaining that their professors and lecturers aren't turning up for the pictures and you have people who are in this market should an ethic of feeling that they're going to be in debt for degrees which weren't even talked. yes we've had a surprising amount of support from our students i have to say it's been very very heartening we did a march down to parliament which took place in a blizzard there were many students on that march is really remarkable you can see
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some of the photographs of those people around you we have been doing our best so far to minimize the impact on the students while shutting down the university and part of this has been to do with doing teach outs a lot of less casual or more casual more meaningful teaching perhaps meaning teaching which isn't geared absolutely towards courses but has been discussing deeper issues about about politics about art history in my place but also about the university ought to look like if we escape from those little although there are elements to it and we have a wonderful open air lecture on the last given by t.j. clarke oh just the other week and a lot of people talk about zero i was going to say understand that higher education is becoming part time in so many ways like when the other a republican is much of our teaching is becoming more and more casual ised and people can't know you know how much work they're going to get and when and they're juggling many jobs and then
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a sense we're facing both by through management surveillance and this downward pressure on wages and downward pressure on the costs of education very similar pressures to those faced by doctors and nurses or or the police or teachers in schools it's all the same kind of marketization of something which should not be not ised it's an artificial system and you can see in this that near liberalism as a whole this system which has been put into place since the one nine hundred eighty s. is a kind of cancer of the state from the inside until it can no longer properly perform its functions reza julian stella brus thank you well from the new liberal marketisation of education to fighting against the law of entertainment joining me now from l.a. in california is one of the original deejays from reputedly the first ever pirate radio station in the. well radio caroline emperor roscoe is currently launching his new radio show on united deejays and you can also see him being portrayed by the late philip seymour hoffman in the boat that rocked ever rosco before we even get
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to how you broke censorship laws here in britain and got britain done thing what what started your entertainment career. i got started in the military actually i was as you saw the morning the movie good morning vietnam i was good morning vietnam but in the navy. but of course i'm coming that was my first my first thought both of paul mccartney pull the gun he says the beatle of they they had a big helping hand from radio caroline how did you end up on this ship. i was a destruct in france at the time. doing bold emotionally gupta on europe number one and i was also a leader do seen the x. it came from england on tour and i was on stage with sam the sham and the pharoahs when there are a manager came up and he said you know you read a good you should be on radio caroline what's radio caroline. he said well this is
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a pirate ship that just started in england and i'm good friends with run at o'reilly so i said well you know here's a tape put see what happens and two weeks later i had a phone call from rodin who said get your so here i need you in you is a pirate radio station what you frightened of going on to some ship that you knew was illegally broadcasting to britain so i saw this finished for years and then maybe in the south china sea i was going to be too worried about a little boat in the channel. i probably handled seasickness better than most and. you know i was not the least bit worried i know i was a bit of a rebel myself you know so we you have are on the ship when when the british authorities were trying to board it and shut it down to radio caroline when i was on the ship the only one sporting where the girls on sailboats would come sailing out to bring us cookies you may not have known rode in
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a rally his grandfather who is who i think yeats wrote a poem about boys rode in like i know he's ill in county loud at the moment what was his role in the station. running was the boss you know a perfectly charming man he you know he had lou joie de vivre like he had a cause. he was doing the right thing and he was being successful at it me love the notoriety so it all you know it was all a great you know great ball of good time and outside of iranians a few money problems at one point when he had to sell i think thirty percent of the station to fill solomon's own he ran the show the way he wanted because it was a real rebel radio stations to put it into context at that time the statement they b.b.c. had playlists dictated to them by record companies and some would say that's still the case today actually in three in riyadh was radio some bird primarily you know
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like the decker show would be all decca records but luxembourg was only at night you couldn't hear it very well radio b.d.c. it was like program and they basically did an hour pop music. every day and that was all you got if you were you full force and ironically it was the labor government tony benn who gave his last interview to this show actually tried to shut you down but the conservatives in gilmore actually supported you freedom of speech they did they did and we supported them and i think probably because of radio caroline support which is why the conservatives won back that. that's quite something you you think at that time though you said there was this one hour report music basically statement the same and they did b.b.c. was playing basically white middle class music. oh margaret i know they were playing big band music and middle of the road music and unfortunately
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a lot of it was recorded live not even the all riginal stuff so basically you know it was an enigma in a puzzle of its own making where is we came along and gave the people the real thing in twenty four hours a day of it though it's television networks of course they get bad and get attacked what do you think of that. obviously i'm i'm against it i'm i'm all for free speech and the only reason you're in that i would think that you were being targeted at the moment as you have the name russia you know title but it's a tit for tat i don't think it's. what you were doing. problem you know broadcast wise i think it's simply you're caught in the crosshairs for the moment and with a bit of luck you'll skate you know what do we know the name change actually go on t.v. but it didn't seem to help no home office knows the truth and how dangerous would you say is it nowadays for governments to interfere with broadcast networks what
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happens when they try and interfere as you know the outgo rhythms are very wide and widespread because it is set such a general question when you. well go back to when the world in wall fell. you said you felt the momentum you saw it all happening and it happened and now it's a different situation with the networks because it's a question of the people behind the network and the people that how many people if they shut you down are going to take to the streets that's the question you have to ask yourself so. if you were the b.b.c. and they shut you down i think there'd be a big big uproar because you're a guerilla kind of guerilla underground station i think you'll be ok
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at least i would hope so especially when they see how you handle me they will realise that you are there for the good of mankind not trying to overtake us and overcome everybody and barofsky i thank you and that's it for the show but we'll be back on wednesday to speak to fully u.s. ambassador to iraq and deputy director of the white house's toss a force on terrorism at the back philip because prices you would feel when say fifteen years to the day twenty five year old months corporal matthew hall was killed in iraq by a usa ten tankleff the extra bucks the jet corinna would destroy the u.s. killing as criminal. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of
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the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. chose seemed wrong. when old rules just told. me you get to shape out just because get educated and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades two scorpions in a bottle each capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed itself. said well these weapons will overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s. missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so they'll
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be more effective against russian forces. on. this. one.
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a huge fire engulfed a shopping center in the russian city of qom are over sixty four people including many children are confirmed dead. but. if you mean who's the deeds to do. they didn't feel good movie rooms to students who need to move soupy do when the. this is easy to be good you can see it it's good to see it student. five have been arrested in connection with the tragedy russia's investigative committee says the building's emergency exits were blocked and that the fire lines were turned off. in other news a way. russian diplomatic expulsions are now by the u.s. and to more than a dozen european countries in a show of support to britain introduces russia of poisoning a double agent and his daughter moscow says it will respond.
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broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our to international certainly glad to have you with us now we start with a tragedy in the city of in central russia sixty four people including many children are now known to have died in a huge fire at a shopping and entertainment complex local authorities say ten people are still missing and that the number of fatalities may still rise our video agency ruptly has obtained c.c.t.v. footage from inside the mall showing the flames spreading and the thick smoke rapidly filling the fourth floor and it has been reported that the blaze began in the children's play area images showing the panic that ensued have also been emerging online.
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just west of that. many people were unable to escape from the building some were seen in jumping from windows even five people have been detained and questioned in connection with the incident however it is still not clear what caused the fire and word of warning some of the images that we're about to show you could be extremely upset her. it was horrific the mall was packed with people we could hear the fire alarm. the smoke filled the cinema a grabbed my system would run down the stairs was a terrible crush and zero visibility my hands are still trembling when i imagine what could have. one man
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began to that he said we should jump over there because it would soon come lapse we sheltered from the roof to rescue but no one came for forty spears. which no could just sit it suits. you had to go in the sick doubles or if. they were. just going to pull it the solution to. that which it but the syllable it must have been might include what it must look this is not cool mr dick took us not us new pictures that just use a partnership the company washington would be stupid to because it was not. misused to use minors the courts looked at the was done the portraits a good look at the good with this no we don't read the story. i was sure john would bernie and we could only stand there and watch.
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here's what we know about the winter cherry retail complex that opened in two thousand and thirteen in the city center in a four story building that had previously been a confectionery factory in addition to the children's play area it also had to cinemas and a pet. around two hundred animals were also killed in the disaster. and the aftermath of the fire the city has canceled all entertainment and cultural events as a mark of respect for those who lost their lives the region has declared three days of mourning and people are also bringing flowers candles and perhaps most poignantly toys to the shopping center he watched on off is in command of for us and sent us this report. it seems that every single person in this town have come to this cell phone providers to vigil just outside the shopping mall to lay flowers
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bring toys in light the candles for many holding back the tears is simply too much of a task there are no bystanders here. there was no alarm no siren no sprinklers the whole fire prevention system was off fire exits blocked people in flying this shopping mall were left on their own to find out about the beginning inferno extension there knows this shopping mall used to be a confectionery and in fact it conducted fire drills just last week so a lot of a lot of very grave and outrages floors missed in those drills and so the investigation is looking into that looking into how this horror became possible. there were no fire alarms nothing i just notice the smell and then
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a man told me to leave finding a way around the shopping center is how you don't know where the stairs lead or way to go there are no directions to x. is is like some sort of a labyrinth you won't get far as you're in a panic it's been hours since sundown but there's no sign of the crowd getting any smaller in fact you people keep pouring in and in terms of atmosphere here it's not just grief there's no. disproove ration here is something very different it's almost like the whole city has become one big family which did lose many many loved ones over night but in the wake of this tragedy is standing shoulder to shoulder strong. leaders donna. many people in command of which is three thousand six hundred kilometers east of moscow have been queuing to donate blood for the victims fifty people were injured in the fire thirteen of them were taken to the hospital including several youngsters. turns out an entire class of
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school children died in the blaze they were in the cinema watching a new cartoon which is now looks at the stories of some of those who perished now again you may find some of the scenes you're about to see highly disturbing. for rural youngsters a visit to the big city is always an adventure the twelve year old classmates went to town and they went bowling ice skating to the cinema it would be their last adventure. you know the new look if you. didn't use it. dozens and dozens dead but they aren't just numbers they all had names lives all the compensation in the world won't cover their family's loss especially
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given that so many of the victims were children masha was there with her grandmother and she you need turned ten last week and posted this photo in line exactly a decade is all she got in this world both she and her grandmother perished. tiana an english teacher she was there with her daughter who survived that got out of the building before hearing that others was still trapped she went to help rescue who she could strangers but she never came back out you were the best teacher in the world right or former students you didn't deserve this we will all remember you stupid ass you could tell it to you and. this is what you did. little rat aboard pictured here with his mom and dad
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she wasn't with them but imagine her pain when she had to identify the bodies of her child and husband or even surviving is easy. some say he jumped others that his father threw him out of the window in a desperate effort to save his little boy before succumbing to the smoke him self we won't know until say gave wakes up from his coma alone his parents and little sister. there are too many to mention here but the point is made a list of names is one thing but it's only when you get to know them just a little that the depth of this tragedy really hits you well we spoke to several experts about the tragedy they believe failures on every level from construction to the lack of safety measures contributed to the loss of life.
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this is just the total failure of any fire safety program. in the mall who made it students as the model is being constructed and now those decisions are coming home to roost and this is what happens even have alarms here or if they did have alarms they weren't working. but it is yes shocking and here we had we have blocked exits. i mean i'm sure that well i want you to trust the authorities at some point i consider that as a national disaster that's what rush most well read that was a problem he did building call was flooded it was a quote problem be good material that they have used over there and for put secretly the areas that the kids out of there we need to have a special repercussion and special system and fire exit and dad because kids are not operating like us this is a systems well you could have break your nation on the books but let it come city
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enforcement regulation a compromise with good regulation this is where the disparity happens. all the families of the victims that met with the city officials in a nearby school who explained to them the grim procedure for identifying the dead. in the new yorker was a supporter of the it was just a little. more but you're still in the service over the course of. the of the. year but the. but i mean it's a disappointment for the because you're just. deceitful see what you do if you were with the different you do come to government and one hundred thousand dollars in funding for this war and gotten enough money for the good from the front because when the person whatever. the bottom. people around the world have been sending their condolences to the families of the victims the leaders of
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the u.s. germany china and the u.k. are among those who have expressed their sorrow now the president of the european council donald tusk even made a statement in russian. state of emergency is that a see. it's just as good that came out of this up at least should be to. see if it's. we will be continuing to follow the tragedy over the coming hours the fire in that shopping center claimed the lives of sixty four people now confirmed dead a number of others are still missing recovery teams are continuing to work at the burned out shopping center in connecticut. was was .
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seems wrong. to say power. and it. equals betrayal. find themselves worlds apart. she still looks for common ground.
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i welcome back you are watching our national live from moscow. will expelled two russian diplomats joining at least twenty countries from across europe as well as the u.s. and canada it is being done in solidarity with britain which blames moscow for the poisoning of former double agent sergei screwball and his daughter earlier this month boyko reports now for love. collective response from the e.u. donald tusk the president of the european council he announced these collective measures saying that the e.u. agrees with the u.k.'s assessment that it was quote highly likely that the kremlin was behind the poisoning of sergei and script how so well over
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a dozen states have pledged their support to the british prime minister and they are expelling scores of russian diplomats from capitals across the e.u. to resume a spoke in parliament earlier and she was clearly rather pleased with the support from brussels and from the u.s. canada and the ukraine for that matter take a listen to what she had to say. great solidarity from our friends and partners in the e.u. north america and nato and beyond over the past three weeks and today eighteen countries have announced their intention to expel more than one hundred russian intelligence officers from and. this includes fifteen e.u. member states as well as the united states canada and the ukraine. and even though moscow denies the allegation that it was behind the attack in seoul's worry the list of expulsions of diplomatic expulsions is extensive among the countries that
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russian diplomats are going to be departing from france germany poland lithuania denmark the czech republic the list continues however not all e.u. states have signed up to kicking out russian diplomats austria notably has announced that the russian diplomats can remain and also garia has said that it won't be expelling any russian diplomats that are currently stationed there also at the e.u. summit last week that summit where to resume a so successfully argued for this collective european response. called younger the president of the european commission he advocated a rather different approach to moscow take a listen to what he had to say everyone will show. us for sure she is concerned. about the relations we need to open china to discuss
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for sure all of them do not question. so not all e.u. states on the same page and not all figureheads agreed to the extent to which to punish moscow or to cooperate with it perhaps instead nevertheless what's happened today is being billed as the biggest collective expulsion of russian diplomats in history all this while the investigations about police investigation and also the independent o.p.c. w one they are still ongoing or it seems that the almost complete unity of voices in europe was spurred from across the atlantic. the president spoke with many foreign leaders our european allies and others and encouraged them to join the united states in this. in this announcement as you've just heard the u.s.
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was the driving force behind these expulsions with trump encouraging others to take similar measures now the u.s. will be expelling the most number of russian diplomats out of all the countries that have decided to do so the white house will be calling sixty diplomats twelve boys or u.n. staff members and they'll have approximately seven days to leave a u.n. representative was grilled about this whether this move will violate an agreement that was made between the u.s. and the u.n. in the forty's let's take a quick look does the u.n. believe that this in any way violates the u.s. agreement with the u.n. of nine hundred forty seven the host country agreement given the sensitivity of the matter which is ongoing we will not comment further at this stage the u.s. mission says that and i quote our actions are consistent with the united nations headquarters agreement do you agree with the statement we were informed of the u.s. decision to take action under section thirteen b. of the u.n. u.s. headquarters agreement. you can you can look in our tree section and read section
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thirteen be for yourself and evaluate it for yourself story for you told us to read thirteen b. and see whether what we said was like the secretary general think to for the reasons i just explained i wouldn't venture an opinion on that for just. out of sheer niceness inconvenience to you i will read to you section thirteen be at the stage bear with me because it is long. does the united states need to provide evidence of this espionage to the u.n. russia. i've said what i can say at this stage but at the same time a white house spokesperson says that the u.s. is ready to cooperate with russia a message that clearly contradicts washington's actions the president still remains open to working with the russians on areas of mutual concern counterterrorism for example and others now with this latest decision in relations between the two countries are at an all time low so we'll just have to wait and see what happens
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russia has reacted to i relayed to the expulsions and says that the moves will not remain unanswered for long as are these men you know coaching over reports now from moscow. well we've heard from the russian foreign ministry spokesperson marty as i thought of all who said that reciprocal measures will be taking against each country that decided to expel russian diplomats and overall we're talking about over a dozen countries that supported this move now she also added that abs remember that was taking will be mad mero measure in response including the shutdown of the russian consulate and the u.s. now shortly after at this news that a number of countries are expelling russian diplomats broke the russian foreign ministry released a statement and in this statement. expressed protest these expulsions calling them an unfriendly stab that will not find any answers and the script case and the statement also goes on to say that the exposure and are being seen as
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a provocation adding that such a hostile move on part of this group of countries will not be allowed. and indeed we've heard from a number of high level officials in the russian diplomatic society now i don't know who is the russian ambassador to the u.s. has protested against what he called a wrongful decision by the u.s. to expel russian diplomats who fit in for months about the expulsions are expressed a strong position to the move but i pointed out today there's not been a single shred of evidence of russia's involvement in this tragedy the most productive way to address this case would be a calm and professional investigation by the. world because it is not only the russian ambassador to the u.s. has expressed his outrage to the move a number of has of other russian diplomatic missions in different countries lashed
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out at the use of recent expulsions. we think this is an unreasonable decision and that's undermines russian german relations we can. and a regrettable that they won't give us any evidence and we just hear that it's highly likely that russia is responsible for this tragic incident we believe the you shouldn't fall for this dirty british broke ation all the talk about to use solidarity is laughable as there can only be solidarity in the fight against real threats but not in support of dirty insinuations and over all we've heard from different high level officials here and russia expressing disappointment and even at times this believed to this recent move by the us a number of other european countries to expel russian diplomats. well it's cross alive to jim john trysts a former u.s. diplomat himself someone who has unique insight into this german it's unfortunate that seems more and more lately we're always talking under these types of circumstances. so the white house says that president trump encouraged
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e.u. members to expel russian diplomats is he now in the driving seat over this entire situation rather than britain and if so why. but to tell the truth it hardly matters i think it's been clear that the professional bureaucracy which is always wanted to pursue a campaign against russia which they would have done if hillary instead of trump had been elected and was appalled at the idea that trump said over and over again he wants to improve ties with moscow out there in the driver seat and they are indistinguishable from their british counterparts this is a coordinated political warfare against russia it's global in scale it really has nothing to do with solsbury that's a pretext and to tell the truth what mr trump wants or doesn't want is not really relevant as far as this aspect of u.s. policy and global policy goes he might as well not be the president at all. some
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weird things happening here i mean let's take a look at this i mean again you have this perspective of having been a diplomat. so they closed a consulate in seattle the reason they gave for closing that consulate was because it was close to a submarine base and had to boeing's headquarters that seems like a very strange explanation considering the consulate has been there did they know that it was there before. yeah i kind of think they did i'm going to let the viewers in on a shocking secret that foreign embassies in other countries and their consulates have a lot of spies in them that the russian embassy in washington and russian consulates have spies there the american embassy in moscow and our consulates there have spies in them every country spies on every other country including friendly countries this is nothing new in the past however what under reagan in one thousand nine hundred fifty five diplomats were thrown out or under bush in two thousand and one about fifty were thrown out after the hanssen spy case yes maybe that was actually
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connected with with some kind of espionage activity and you want to cut down the number somewhat this has nothing to do with that this is really not about that at all this is a political pretext just like the cut like the kind of accusations we've seen against syria on chemical weapons to ratchet up the pressure on moscow to discredit the recent russian election and also i think it's aimed at the world cup this summer now. people who are watching don't realize that you know you and i do a sound check before we actually come on live t.v. just to make sure the connection is there you said something interesting during that break there about this not being very imaginative how likely is this to damage american russians capacity for cooperation and dialogue which washington claims that it wants. what will the implications be of this same ole ole same. i don't think you can really damage the potential for cooperation because there is
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no potential for cooperation look you see over and over again from the russian side when this kind of thing happens they expressed bafflement and then they say we will reciprocate and they're either very restrained or very quick pro quo they try to equalize the degree of the response to what was suffered in the first place and then they talk about their willingness to talk about to their western partners they seem to have trouble understanding that they don't have western partners that their western partners are political pursuing political warfare against russia and that the least of what they want would be regime change as we have affected in many other countries and many voices here in the united states do not make any secret of that well let's move across the pond to those western partners to what extent will these expulsions cause relations between the e.u. members and russia to deteriorate i think they will and that's what they're designed to do it's particularly galling by the way the theresa may a failed prime minister who had suffered
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a humiliating re-election recently somehow has pulled a rabbit out of the had it is trying to present herself as some kind of churchillian world leader by whole helping to pull the world down into this this morass that i look i don't think we can under and underestimate the degree of danger we're talking about here this is not just tit for tat this is not the are we in a new cold war or not this is extremely dangerous jim briefly because we're running out of time but i'm interested your thoughts not all of the e.u. member states signed on to this australia for example they didn't think that expelling diplomats was the appropriate measure when you think about that. well i think that's one of the targets here in doing this because we had seen more and more countries like australia we've seen some voices from italy after the recent elections that with the crisis that is brewing internally within the e.u. i think there was the necessity to to somehow shift the terms of the debate to say
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it's not about what's wrong with brussels what's wrong with the e.u. it's what's wrong with the russians and i think this will simply increase the pressure on countries like bulgaria like austria who don't don't want to go along with this jim johnson is the you're the one who wanted to talk to when this all broke out today. unfortunate events but god you're with us former u.s. diplomat on our international. all right that does it for me i will be back in about thirty one of the half minutes with more news there was. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry for me i could so i write these last words and hopes to put to rest things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each
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fret. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. and.
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hello and welcome to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle with the appointment of john bolton is the new national security advisor to should we expect more stupid wars of choice from sense he wants success but everything associated with bolton's name is a failure the war party is again in charge. crosstalk in the war party i'm joined by my guest mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have a draw levitch he's a political analyst as well as a leading expert at the center for actual politics and of course we have dmitri bobbitt she is a political analyst with spook international right gentlemen as always crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it john bolton two words that i never thought would be associated with
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a position of power again considering his legacy victor your reaction to this news that ripples through the foreign policy establishment and what we call international diplomacy five years ago everybody would be shocked if they were told that john bolton would get the respectable position in the government together that he was a fox news analyst commentator and that actually played a significant role in his new hire. really seems to like to acquire those people that see nice things about him on fox news or some other networks at the same time in both bolton is it and trump or at all it's on almost everything possible if you look at policy well it's certainly they're at odds with what trump in the kid he wanted his four. and policy to be when he was running his campaign now when he spoke against regime change against nation building against democracy promotion.
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but the trouble that we've seen in office we've seen an increasing tilt not only towards war hawks as as evidenced by the cabal of generals running the government but now right into the the laps of the neo cons and this is a neo con regime right now with pompei of the volcano and secretary of state bloody gina gina has boom even supposedly in the cia because of her role hands on in the torture of detainees they call her bloody gina and now the walrus is back john bolton the circle is look we were a neocon regime they could only mean they're going to be a little more specific. but ultimately isn't it neal conan and it what makes him more interesting if not more terrifying is that he doesn't care about democracy he doesn't care about human rights he doesn't say he doesn't use all of the packaging for military adventures ok he believes he doesn't want to make america great again
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he believes in the military that's his and he's very straightforward about it that's what makes him slightly different than his cohort go ahead oh well i just loved his cold. all international i'm into this to constrain american paul and of course i think he was the you have all there is if you can i did say to the united nations i mean if anyone could explain to me the difference between no conservatives and the neo liberals i mean doesn't make any difference for a person in afghanistan or iraq or if he's killed by a new style that came from someone who just believes in american power or it came from hillary clinton who believes in american power to service all of universal we need to well yes ok i was going to defrost neo liberals an economic policy it has nothing to do with foreign policy ok. because you miss. specifically i mean we have trump making an overture to meeting the north korean leader both and is going to advise him against that and i mean is this could be the first test but i think when
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we started talking about this meeting proposed meeting between terms. and. we said one of the things we said was that the meeting may not even take place it may be a rhetorical exercise. for various political purposes and when we talk about bolton tampa well the were on the scene wavelength and with least one issue and that's the issue of dealing with iran and bolton and. have been very aggressive considering he had openly advocated attacks on iran military aggression against iran months ago he said it wouldn't be it would not be illegal under international strike against north korea in fact what separated tillerson macmaster from the rest of. the military and security team was that tillerson perhaps they actually believe that getting the u.s. he knew and he let them go with it all from the nuclear deal with iran would hear
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it to the american diplomacy in the long run because who would trust american diplomacy if when your communication could just reach that signature and then the very possibility in any kind of deal with north korea is off the table because if you make an agreement and you break it you break exactly you're not going to yes your world is going to be trusted here mark. trump is never i mean from what we've seen of him during the campaign and his presidency he never allow us anyone to outshine him is bolton's ego too big to fit into this position does he want to be a kissinger or brzezinski and certainly he does have an ego. but i think we actually present more of his ego he presents a larger than life figure for us then he does he knows this place he is a bureaucrat he does know his. place he knows when to kiss who's but in order to get to literally speed and he's very has a history of night and agree that he's not a neo con i don't think the neo cons have ever believed in democracy or promotion
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that was simply that they you know that's not what that's why i don't call him in the oh come because the neo cons have their propaganda he doesn't have any pretense of that i think. he supposedly promised dropped by the c.n.n. is reporting. that he wouldn't start any new wars where obama's already got nine of them go into the bombing nine countries at least so i mean trouble already inherited that but i find that extremely hard because in and of maison i don't do i don't see the look of the guys don't start a war of. attrition pushing in he's no new taxes he's obviously through his career he has contempt for diplomacy and i've been saying this all along it's part of the genetic code of foreign policy right now as you just needed to ministry you don't need to have a diplomat and the kind of options that bolton is going to be giving trump. i have to believe it's going to be
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a reflection of his entire outlook on the world and so what would i think political call him you know he's a hammer in search of nails absolutely well are just picture this situation. room the negotiating room of donald trump and kim jong un he says to kim i'm the person who just suggested killing your bomb in your bug don't pay attention to that we're going to have a nice conversation here but you know the problem is whatever you call it liberal interventionism you know conservatism the bad thing about it is that it doesn't value in any way the lives of the people who don't agree with it you know just recently at this. mosque that killed at marketplace thirty seven people you know the cush called. explosion there was almost no reaction from the western media will remember how sorry you. what was bored by the by the by the sort of military forces and you know all the hysteria of bald market places you know being just roared you
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know borders littering the floor at these markets the same thing happened in damascus and no one paid attention from the rebels from the revenue. from the syrians been brought up here. and i think that the in many ways is that there's some kind of. ambiguity in this why trump white house about syria do you think that's going to get much more focused right now that you know bolton is going to be you know pull the cia back in officially and other thing works to the new national security team in the bush years in common is there a common approach to iran and of course that is going to be a part of what happens in the sea and because russia and iran are allies in their fight to stabilize syria to remove a tickle islamist elements from syria and the united states will do the most to keep those elements in as long as possible there was a an interesting intelligence analysis in the open on the public one done in the us
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a couple months ago which stated that the so-called moderate opposition is she has about a year to go so if the united states and its allies are able to put more energy into them more funds and so forth maybe a year maybe a year and a half more so they will try to use that time to destabilise here as much as possible with those resources that they still have left now one short comment about the comparison between john bolton and kissinger and brzezinski kerry kissinger and risky were known as foreign policy intellectuals john bolton that is you're not he is a hard line diplomat. who like so it was a little metal i think i don't know if you know i don't want to. i'm rapidly running out and i say listen to. him but that he is a kind of blind military mystically aggressive diplomat who is not an academic of
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way the core of the science with. only one kennedy kennedy's response was negotiate what's mine is mine what's yours is negotiable mark i want to go to you because you brought this up a number of times since the election we have the u.s. state department putting pressure on the europeans pretty germany part of the. stream to pipeline now we have the deal. the europeans were being pressured to change and now it looks like is going to walk away from a complete completely why would the europeans want to be involved in the i mean this is the two example i just read still pushing the division is growing growing the europeans don't like it i mean they don't like this treatment of the un international law anything there so this is actually rooted out already thinking that all the enemies are well it will grow but i don't think that concerns the u.s. the u.s. you know this this new triumvirate of. bloody pompei of the volcano will be handling the. start well i think he's on his way home and kelly has got
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a nickname i think they're on their way out there too saying and moderate on military matters it may take six months but i think they're both gone so iran iraq iran this is what bolton will push he in a celebration of the terrorist former terrorist group now recycled by the u.s. they've removed their terrorist designation the m.e. came. the next part of the program i want to ask you this is also against russia using a rand is a part of the equation that's part of the equation and certainly russia simply exist resisting the united states and syria bolton is a is a cold of american supremacies exceptionalism he cannot tolerate that some democrats have suggested that bolton is too soft on russia for them which is is it maybe i'm a pretty. azing but never met a in an exercise of u.s. military power or in power that he didn't he doesn't like hold up thought gentlemen we're going to go to
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a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion in the war party state with our. fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades two scorpions in a bottle each capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed itself. putin said well these weapons will overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s. missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so they'll be more effective against russian forces. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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when lawmakers manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round of lives only the one percent told. to ignore middle of the road signals. to leave the room for any more real need is really. what politicians do something good. i put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. more so more want to press back to the right to be for us to see what the forecast for you in the morning can
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be good good i'm interested always in the waters of my colleagues. question. welcome back to crossfire all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok mike i want to go back to right before i went to the break you were talking
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about bolton iran and regime change go ahead if the mujahideen eco is it is a terrorist group it was formerly formerly designated by the united states as a terrorist group it targets iran they are they have extremely extremist views they were sheltered in iraq then the u.s. took them under its wing after its invasion occupation of rock of iraq and rehabilitated them and now they openly hold meetings and they've got a million dollar war chest the lobby in washington's and john bolton is one of their savor it advocates he recently spoke at a gathering of the enemy in the united states and he promised two things first he wanted to make sure that the government the iranian government that was put in place during the islamic revolution doesn't reach its fortieth birthday and also he promised them that we will celebrate two thousand and nineteen meaning him and
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these terrorists in tehran which you know like like like some kind of the conqueror really i guess you know this is this pattern of. regime change i still i've said it so many times so many years it's the genic genetic code of american foreign policy doesn't matter who is in office but with bolton you get it he doesn't hold any punches here picture you know united states is already chosen decided who will be ruling iran by the end of next year. amazing bolton's expectations are mild me of a piece from robert gates memoirs where he talks about having one victory parade on the red square in one thousand nine hundred one. not to come to. the national security adviser to which was. likely just a few years ago but. government is going to be chosen by people just like before
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and not by the hawks in washington d.c. let's change gears here de mille it's like about what's going on in the u.k. we have with this alleged poisoning incident i would still like to see some kind of public evidence made to the public so we could start drawing some real such a policy and i guess so because i really believe that you know you die or even more i've hundred years of western europe jurisprudence ok you're innocent until proven guilty but that is different it's always different but russia of course it's your top. spectacles. and you know the u.k. because of that accident agent his name is highly likely you know like highly unlikely so i thought that was a great fall and the problem is that the e.u. believes that too because if we read the statement taken two days ago it is. the union agrees with the u.k. government excess meant that it's highly likely that the russian federation is
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responsible and that there is no hope where there is no possible loss examination we saw we still didn't qualify it so it did it with the u.k. no plausible alternative explanation even the holy inquisition would not do you know if you know i have to wonder then with this conference of your european union leaders were they presented with evidence to come up with that kind of language i doubt it in our world perception and with the use of for be. interaction massive campaign in the western media with the information is being flooded with into russian nam's and information this type of response is to be expected because we're now you don't have to present any evidence whatsoever to have a conclusion that russia is possible for anything and that is the great danger in this that anything could happen tomorrow the next doing so not all the president of
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the british and they make it work of state money i think and then blame russia for you know not only me i should like here you know if you had all the crazy idea came into my ear is to receive me using this to avoid breads regs that sure there's i think there is a whole host of of domestic uses whether that is the actual reason that this has occurred or whether she simply using onto the scene she's distracting from brags that it's not going well the country half the country never wanted it and the negotiations are going well for her plus a far more dangerous because of all of this you have this leftist labor leader who has resisted all attempts by new labour's elite to to overthrow him who would dramatically shift the united kingdom's foreign and possibly much of its domestic policy as well and this seems tailor made we have seen the propaganda photo shops from from the the british propaganda corporate i mean british broadcasting corporation. in order to defame. jeremy corbyn and present him as some kind of
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russian agents were not in tells me and i want to say this to all of us' that this is desperation this is a mode of desperation no evidence is provided there is no interest in finding the truth because the truth has already been established because what russia did it here i mean this is shows a level of desperation of the political elites that will grab on to anything good but the victim of this desperation is. their relationship between russia and europe and the russian and the rest of the west because we are seeing their idea more than a dozen countries is our country pleating explained gresham diplomats next week in the united states the national security council has presented its recommendations to a dog by the expo and dozens of russian diplomats from washington d.c. and of course if that happens this monday. tell you.
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about your intelligence agency to moscow you're in for an iou you know in russia a lot of people had this perception that the united states is bad it makes you want to behave badly towards russia well at least we cut short the e.u. is bad enough when it's all they can do it and let me tell you you know from history all the disasters things that europe that did were done collectively look the napoleonic wars to invasions of russia. or was this to its greatest they were all done collectively so when they say you know that we need a strong collective action one scrip okies there to remind me of that was pages in european history court inquisition was done collectively to look at the e.u. of course please part of getting them all together getting the european powers together and forcing them to make decisions that they're frequently not in there and that's what these latest sanctions for of course if we talk about specific european countries a number of european countries are not interested in worsening deletions with the
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russians that they're not interested in introducing the distinctions are you know when push comes to shove. how many how many countries would you because of course for example i mean easiest one maybe five or six but it's not nearly as much just like when a section suggested if i sort of lost that differences were being real you've seen a lot of statements micron evidently initially resisted this whole thing saying that there had to be added. and then turned around the next day with the screws here's what i have known for are the german foreign minister. is on record saying that this is a bilateral issue it's not an easy you issue it's something for britain and russia to ruling out because it is easier to be exiting the e.u. jem i want to talk about a very important topic here we have a massive budget passed and signed into law in the united states a huge military budget here. they make what is this the mantra is that obama degraded the military i'm sure all those countries that were bombed by the united
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states would agree with that statement here but now this is going to be a massive buildup as usual the pentagon doesn't usually spend very well but it's important at the same time because our viewers should know is that russia has decided over the next five years to decrease military spending well russia is. going to get that frontally russia understands that it does not need to keep one military presence around the world in dozens and dozens of countries like the united states does russia does not have. world i mean the nation or being single. or. russia has no such more chips so it doesn't have to unlike the united states it doesn't have to spend. trillions and trillions of dollars and billions of. debt but one. thing yes so russia understands that if he has to give a semantical answers to. the american threats that that is what it does it doesn't
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even says a good often yes it a lot of ways this is simply because russia does have very limited geopolitical horizons and uses for its military it's primarily defensive with some a limited role for the interventions like we've seen russia in defense of the syrian government in syria putin set out a program putin and the russian defense minister should we go. set out a program of modernization and that modernization has largely been achieved now that it has been achieved russia has the luxury to sit back and say we've met our purposes we can sit back and put some more on the mystic spending and we'll reduce military spending down to three percent of g.d.p. so continuing the reform girls it's just a few figures here right now right now russia spending one is defense in excess of five percent of the g.d.p. and all of them created as for the presidency agreed that it was too much you know
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we need to cut it and when did bush and decide to cut it after we got the capacity to hit the united states not by many selves three or four would be enough you know because russia doesn't want to invade it you want it works to dissuade just isn't right i don't want to have own arms right has a right after russia got the capacity to neutralize the. military or its executives to or rather to return it's like you know a cold war saying mania maybe we were just so what we don't want to keep going to see just two or three would be enough because we are not going to keep them we don't want to keep them we want security and not diminution forty seconds. i think that what this in the case first of all it's being read as russia trying to step back from an arms race again like i said i think this is already been planned
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russia never really wanted in an arms race it has been pushed to this now that it has recovered its strategic deterrent it sees the strategic balance returned with american a mystic a ballistic missile defense at least for the time being having neutralized russia is confident it can return the priorities the biggest priority that putin laid out is education science and technology russia wants to avoid it arms race because it doesn't want to be outspent so why get into a competition where you can't win. russia is not in a competition with the united states russia is simply trying to provide security for its citizens and to take away opportunities for the united states to a ticket without baseball the great powers are in competition so i get home i'm going to get one then i'm going to run out of the many thanks my guest here in moscow this is the end of our broadcast segments stay with us for the extended version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember across.
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what politicians do sometimes. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some want to be rich. but you want to be for us this is what before three of the more people. interested always in the was in the. question.
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it's seemed wrong. rowles just don't call. me old yet to shape our disdain comes to agitate and in games from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. join me every day on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to get a little the politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. logo blog sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles of the stone. to socks for the tell you that will be gossip the tabloids myself
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a little more news today. while the office of advertising tells me you are not cool enough and that's why their products. are the hawks that we along with all love watching. this is. really a really good one. what i'm not proud of.
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the huge fire engulfed a shopping center in the russian city of coming out about sixty four people including many children are confirmed dead. in the. sudanese people. five have been arrested in connection with the tragedy russia's investigative committee says the building's emergency exits were blocked and the fire alarms were turned off. in other news a wave of russian diplomatic expulsions are announced by the u.s. and more than a dozen european countries in a show of support to britain which accuses russia of poisoning a double agent and his daughter moscow says it will respond.
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our broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our two international thomas certainly glad to have you with us now we started with a tragedy in the city of coming out of central russia said. four people including many children are now known to have died in a huge fire at a shopping and entertainment complex local authorities say ten people are still missing and that the number of fatalities may rise further our video agency ruptly has obtained c.c.t.v. footage from inside the mall showing the flames spreading and to fix most rapidly filling the fourth floor it has been reported to the blaze began in the children's play area images showing the panic of ensued have also been emerging online.
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while many people were unable to escape from the building some were seen jumping from windows five people have been detained and questioned in connection with the incident however it is still not clear what caused the fire they would have warning you may find some of the following images upsetting. it was horrific the mall was packed with people we could hear the fire alarm. the smoke filled the cinema and grabbed my system one ran down the stairs was a terrible crush and zero visibility my hands are still trembling when i imagine what could have happened. one man
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began to panic he said we should jump on the roof because it would soon collapse we sheltered from the roof to be rescued but no one came for forty minutes. which for no good sitter it suits. you had to go into the sick double smear with. the wrists. just let me pull the solicitously. so it should but to show it what it must've been might include what it must because is not formal from acidic took us no must move each of those just like it should the company most of the people would be stupid to because it was not. there she used to use manage the porch to look at the was the porches to look at the good with just no we don't read your story. i was children were very name and we could only stand there and watch.
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well here's what we know about of the winter cherry retail complex it opened in two thousand and thirteen in the center in a four story building that had previously been a confectionery factory in addition to a children's play area and also had to cinemas and a petting. around two hundred animals were also killed in the disaster and the aftermath of the fire of the city has canceled all entertainment and cultural events as a mark of respect for those who lost their lives the region has declared three days of mourning people are also bringing flowers and candles and perhaps most poignantly toys to the shopping center. is in command of our for us and sent us this report. it seems that every single person in this town have come to this cell phone providers to vigil just outside the shopping mall to lay flowers bring toys
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in light the candles for many holding back the tears is simply too much of a task there are no bystanders here. there was no alarm no siren no sprinklers the whole fire prevention system was off fire exits blocked people in flight this shopping mall were left on their own to find out about the beginning inferno but if extension there knows this shopping mall used to be a confectionery and in fact it conducted fire drills just last week so a lot of a lot of very grave and outrages floors missed in those drills and so the investigation is looking into that looking into how this horror became possible. there were no fire alarms nothing i just notice the smell and then a man told me to leave finding
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a way around the shopping center is how you don't know where the stairs lead or way to go there are no directions to x. is is like some sort of a labyrinth you won't get far as you're in a panic it's been hours since sundown but there's no sign of the crowd getting any smaller in fact you people keep pouring in and in terms of atmosphere here just grief there's no. in here it's something very different it's almost like the whole city has become one big family which did lose many many loved ones over night but the week of this or is it tragedy is standing shoulder to shoulder strong. many people. three thousand six hundred kilometers east of moscow has been queuing to donate blood for the victims fifty people were injured in the fire thirteen of them were taken to the hospital including several youngsters. turns out an entire
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class of schoolchildren died in the blaze they were in the cinema watching a new cartoon. of now looks at some of the stories of those who are now again you may find some of the scenes you're about to see distressing for rural youngsters a visit to the big city is always an adventure the twelve year old classmate went to town and they went bowling ice skating to the cinema it would be their last adventure. this. dozens and dozens dead but they aren't just numbers they all had names lives all the compensation in the world won't cover their family's loss especially
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given that so many of the victims were children masha was there with her grandmother and she turned ten last week and posted this photo in line exactly a decade is all she got in this world both she and her grandmother perished. tiana an english teacher she was there with her daughter who survived that yana got out of the building before hearing that others was still trapped she went to help rescue who she could strangers but she never came back out you were the best teacher in the world right former students you didn't deserve this we will all remember you. you could tell it to you to do. what you did. little rats aboard pictured here with his mom
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and dad she wasn't with them but imagine her paid when she had to identify the bodies of her child and husband or even surviving is easy. some say he jumped others that his father threw him out of the window in a desperate effort to save his little boy before succumbing to the smoke him self we won't know until say gave wakes up from his coma alone his parents and little sister. there are too many to mention here but the point is made a list of names is one thing but it's only when you get to know them just a little that the depth of this tragedy really hits you when we spoke to several experts about the tragedy they believe failures on every level from construction to the lack of safety measures contributed to the loss of life. this
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is just the total failure of any fire safety program. in the mall people made their students as the mall was being constructed and now those decisions are coming home to roost and this is what happens when even have alarms here are if they did have alarms they weren't working. but it is yes shocking and here we had we have blocked exits. and then i'm sure that well i want you to trust the authorities at some point i consider that as a national disaster most well read it was a problem he did building cause much loved it was a quote problem we did metro area and that they have used over there and for put secretly the areas that the kids out of there we need to have a special repercussion and special assistant and fire exit and dad because kids are not operating like us this is a systems well you could have bigger lation on the books but let it come city
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enforcement regulation a compromise with good regulation this is where the disparity happens. the families of the victims met with the city officials in a nearby school who explained to them the grim procedure for identifying the debt. limit in your article is a source of the it is. just. more of the on the surface of. the of the. year of the cuts but you know there's a point where the you're just. this is just for the what you can do if you were with the thirtieth but you didn't come to government one hundred dollars i'm done with this one and gotten enough money from you before you go on the book in the first or whatever other of. the book. people around the world have been sending their condolences to the families of the victims the leaders of the u.s.
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germany china and the u.k. are among those to express their sorrow now the president of the european council donald tusk even made a statement in russian. games and yes you see. that it's just a little. bit of good that came it was up at least to be to. see nice to see if it's. we will be continuing to follow the tragedy over the coming hours the fire in the shopping center that claimed the lives of sixty four people now confirmed dead and a number of others are still missing recovery teams are continuing to work at the burned out shopping center in comerica where it is about seven twelve in the morning. was.
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to do something. they put themselves on the lawn and they did accept it or reject. so when you want to be president. some want to be honest. it's going to be process this is what. three of the people. interested always in the water. this should. no one else seems wrong. when old rules just don't all. get to shape out just because active. engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. she says to look for common ground.
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welcome back you're watching r t international now australia will expel two russian diplomats are joining over twenty countries from across europe as well as the u.s. and canada it is being done in solidarity with britain which blames moscow for the poisoning of former double agent sergei screwball and his daughter earlier this month and his public are reports now from london. collective response from the e.u. donald tusk the president of the european council he announced these collective measures saying that the e.u. agrees with the u.k.'s assessment that it was quote highly likely that the kremlin
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was behind the poisoning of surrogate and script how so well over a dozen states have pledged their support to the british prime minister and they are expelling scores of russian diplomats from capitals across the e.u. to resume a spoke in parliament earlier and she was clearly rather pleased with the support from brussels and from the u.s. canada and the ukraine for that matter take a listen to what she had to say. great solidarity from our friends and partners in the e.u. north america nato and beyond over the past three weeks and today eighteen countries have announced their intention to expel more than one hundred russian intelligence officers from. this includes fifteen e.u. member states as well as the united states canada and the ukraine. and even though moscow denies the allegation that it was behind the attack in seoul's worry the
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list of expulsions of diplomatic expulsions is extensive among the countries that russian diplomats are going to be departing from france germany poland lithuania denmark the czech republic the list continues however not all e.u. states have signed up to kicking out russian diplomats austria notably has announced that the russian diplomats can remain and also garia has said that it won't be expelling any russian diplomats that are currently stationed there also at the e.u. summit last week that the summit where to resume a so successfully argued for this collective european response. or the president of the european commission he advocated a rather different approach to moscow take a listen to what he had to say everyone was sure. you can do really.
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sure she's concerned. about the relationship we need to open china to discuss for sure all of them do not question. so not all e.u. states on the same page and not all figureheads agreed to the extent to which to punish moscow or to cooperate with it perhaps instead nevertheless what's happened today is being billed as the biggest collective expulsion of russian diplomats in history all this while the investigations about police investigation and also the independent o.p.c. w one they are still ongoing. well it seems that the almost complete unity of voices in europe was heard from across the atlantic. the president spoke with many foreign leaders our european allies and others and encouraged them to join the
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united states in this. in this announcement as you've just heard the u.s. was the driving force behind these expulsions with trump encouraging others to take similar measures now the u.s. will be expelling the most number of russian diplomats out of all the countries that have decided to do so the white house will be calling sixty diplomats twelve boys or u.n. staff members and they'll have approximately seven days to leave a u.n. representative was grilled about this whether this move will violate and agreement that was made between the u.s. and the u.n. in the forty's let's take a quick look does the u.n. believe that this in any way violates the u.s. agreement with the u.n. of nine hundred forty seven the host country agreement given the sensitivity of the matter which is ongoing we will not comment further at this stage u.s. mission says that and i quote our actions are consistent with the united nations headquarters agreement do you agree with the statement we were informed of the u.s. decision to take action under section thirteen b. of the u.n. u.s.
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headquarters agreement. you can you can look in our tree section and read section thirteen be for yourself and evaluate it for yourself story funny you told us to read thirteen b. and see whether what we thought it said was like the secretary general think to for the reasons i just explained i wouldn't venture an opinion on that for just out of sheer niceness inconvenience to you i will read to you section thirteen be at the stage bear with me because it is long. does the united states need to provide evidence of this espionage to the u.n. russia i've said what i can say at this stage but at the same time a white house spokesperson says that the u.s. is ready to cooperate with russia a message that clearly contradicts washington's actions the president still remains open to working with the russians on areas of mutual concern counterterrorism for example and others now with this latest decision in relations between the two countries are out an all time low so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
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among the sixty eight russian diplomats washington will expel twelve are credited to the united nations for silly newbie ends here russia's un representative spoke earlier condemning the u.s. action so your list up is that it's the united states has abused its privileges as u.n. host the u.s. said they hope for and count on the continuation of cooperation with russia what the american side has done is at the very least a very strange invitation for cooperation this international solidarity against russia is based on a very vague case and the further it goes the vaguer it gets it is causing a lot of suspicion and raises many questions personally i have a question did the sols bury incident really cause the expulsion of diplomats or was the decision to expel russian diplomats taken before the solsbury incident
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russia's foreign ministry has also blasted the expulsions and says that they will not remain unanswered for long as artie's medina cautioned over reports now from moscow. well we've heard from the russian foreign ministry spokesperson marty as i thought of all who said that reciprocal measures will be taking against each country that decided to expel russian diplomats and overall we're talking about over a dozen countries that supported this move now she also added that adds remember that was taking will be mad mero measure in response including the shutdown of the russian consulate and the u.s. now shortly after at this news that a number of countries are expelling russian diplomats broke the russian foreign ministry released a statement and in this statement. expressed protest these expulsions calling them an unfriendly stab that will not find any answers and the script case and the statement also goes on to say that the exposure and are being seen as
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a provocation adding that such a hostile move on part of this group of countries will not be allowed. and indeed we've heard from a number of high level officials in the russian diplomatic society now an authority on tone of course the russian ambassador to the u.s. has protested against what he called a wrongful decision by the u.s. to expel russian diplomats who fit in for a month long learning about the expulsions are expressed a strong opposition to the move but i pointed out today there's not been a single shred of evidence of russia's involvement in this tragedy the most productive way to address this case would be a calm and professional investigation by the. world and not only the russian ambassador to the u.s. has expressed his outrage to the move a number of has of other russian diplomatic missions in different countries lashed out at the use of recent expulsions. we think this is an unreasonable decision
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and that's undermines russian german relations. and a regrettable that they won't give us any evidence and we just hear that it's highly likely that russia is responsible for this tragic incident we believe the you shouldn't fall for this dirty british provocation all the talk about to use solidarity is laughable as there can only be solidarity in the fight against real threats but not in support of insinuations and over all we've heard from different high level officials here and russia expressing disappointment and even at times this believe to this recent move by the us a number of other european countries to expel russian diplomats. jim john former u.s. diplomat believes that there is more to these moves than meets the eye. this is a coordinated political warfare against russia it's global in scale and really has nothing to do with solsbury this is
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a political pretext just like the cut like the kind of accusations we've seen against syria on chemical weapons to ratchet up the pressure on moscow to discredit the recent russian election and also i think it's aimed at the world cup this summer theresa may a failed prime minister who had suffered a humiliating re-election recently somehow has pulled a rabbit out of the had it is trying to present herself as some kind of churchillian world leader by by helping to pull the world down into this this morass that i look i don't think we can under and underestimate the degree of danger we're talking about here this is not just tit for tat this is just not the are we in a new cold war or not this is extremely dangerous that with the crisis that is brewing internally within the e.u. i think there was the necessity to to somehow shift the terms of the debate to say it's not about what's wrong with brussels what's wrong with the e.u. it's what's wrong with the russians and i think this will it simply increase the
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pressure on countries like bulgaria like austria who don't don't want to go along with this. and that does it for me i'll be back in about thirty five minutes of the full of each news you are watching our team international. you know this is. only. going on what. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your
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last wrong turn. up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral on the same as one enters in mind it's consumed with the death of this one to. speak to you now because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker.
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welcome to sophie shevardnadze a major global nuclear powers or a billet out there are stalls once again sparking fears of a new nuclear arms race. i was serious is a danger well i asked matthew bunn the former white house advisor on science and technology policy and co-principal investigator from the belfer center on managing . a mutual distrust between moscow and washington is escalating to affect the global new. controlled process with strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty and the sides exchanging nuclear weapon threats mutually assured destruction still
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a powerful deterrent. dragged into a new arms race and will close the door and disarmament for good. thank you very much for being with us. on our program so let's stop. new start treaty. that's going to expire in two thousand and twenty one trump on many occasions has said it's one side bet treaty do you feel like it's dad and what would that mean for the global security. sue unfortunately i think there is a real danger that the whole structure of the u.s. russian negotiated nuclear restraint that sort of regulated the nuclear arms competition for the last half century may collapse we are in a situation right now where we do have the new start treaty in place the two sides have just finished complying with all of its limits as of early february. there are
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inspections still taking place it's one of the only ways in which the nuclear stablish mintz of our two countries are still talking to each other and working together but in its current form it expires in early two thousand and twenty one both countries are charging the other with violations of various other arms agreements. and. given the very poor relations with countries it would be very difficult to get the two thirds approval needed under the u.s. constitution for a new treaty in the senate until some of those issues were resolved especially the charges of past violations and so it's quite possible the treaty will just expire and not be replaced so we need to be thinking about how can we. are there non treaty approaches where we can regulate this situation without
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creating the kind of danger that are completely unregulated competition so from your response i gather that you pretty much feel like the treaty is done at this point so we need to find other ways to regulate or. i think so the treaty in and of itself. ludes an option for a five year extension. reportedly president putin raised that idea with president trump and president trump wasn't too interested but i think that was very shortly after president trump had come to office he was thinking oh it's an obama treaty it must be better. i think the time gets closer and. you know people like the secretary of defense and the secretary of state begin explaining to the president the dangers involved in having no treaty and place to me it makes a lot of sense to think about extending it for another five years i mean whatever
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is going on right now and in terms of start a new start treaty sort of brings this cognitive dissonance because back in february russia and united states are still meeting they were acquirements right on reducing weapons and then you have almost at the same time americans modifying the nuclear posture review calling for expanding their nuclear arsenal followed by putting in speech with their new nuclear rockets i mean how does that go together sue first of all the american nuclear posture review i think while it does introduce. changes mostly it endorses what was already laid out in the obama administration which is mostly just replacing aging weapons systems so we have. intercontinental ballistic missiles on land that were bought decades ago and would just be replaced same numbers you know just new or show your versions we
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have submarines that are getting so old that eventually the metal of the submarines won't be able to handle the changes and pressure of going up and going down so we need new submarines and so we'll just replace them with pretty similar submarines you know the bombers. are very old we have with the bombers were using today in the u.s. nuclear arsenal there are pilots whose fathers flew exactly the same. almost all of those bombers are at least as old as i am. so these are these are aging aircraft they were built in the in the sixty's so they need to be replaced what n.p.r. does is it also suggests well maybe we should have some lou yield nuclear weapons that it wouldn't be such a dramatic step to use. and the argument is that we need that for better
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deterrence in a conflict with russia or with north korea or what have you. i think that that may increase nuclear danger by making it easier to make the decision to use nuclear weapons that's what i was getting the word tactical could actually love politicians in washington to think that it's maybe ok or not that bad to use nukes well to be fair both united states and russia have had terrible nuclear weapons for decades and russia has a much much larger stock nuclear weapons than the united states. right now united states is talking about spending one point two trillion dollars over the thirty years to try to develop new tactical will know the one point two trillion is for the whole thing and it's mostly for the newer shiny or versions of the same old same old what was remarkable in the russian side is putin's
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speech with a level of presidential nuclear saber rattling that we really haven't seen maybe ever in the nuclear age but certainly not since khrushchev. videos of weapons after weapon after weapon now none of those with perhaps one exception i would argue pose any new fundamental threats to the strategic balance there fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades two scorpions in a bottle each capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed itself and putin said well these weapons will overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s. missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so they'll be more effective against russian forces so it really doesn't change the fundamental picture of the strategic balance. sorry. you were saying the.
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united states have been like this too scorpions and can do great harm but it would mean that they're destroying themselves as well and that's what james mattis is saying that having nukes actually means america would have to choose between surrender and suicide. to. in principle the idea of the low yield dukes is to respond in kind to russian early use of nuclear weapons. the united states perceives it least that russia has been developing and practicing a doctrine of using a few nuclear weapons relatively early in our conflict to scare off nato forces to say to nato in essence you know we're taking this very seriously you better stop or things are going to get very bad. and you know the states wanted to have some ability to respond in
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a similar way that wouldn't one hopes escalate to higher levels but i my own belief is that the moment you cross the nuclear threshold you have. going to large scale nuclear war and potentially destroy the symbolism of even this whole thing of fire this is alice a company terence i mean you believe more nukes they have more usable nuclear weapons you have more danger of an actual nuclear war there and so what you're saying i believe that the people advocating it genuinely believe that it will be helpful for deterrence i have my doubts i think that it will make nuclear weapons somewhat easier for a president to decide to use and therefore potentially increase the risk that that choice will get made at some point in the future. but i think the thing i worry about most really is not that the thing i worry about most is
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inadvertent escalation in a crisis you know there's some crisis somewhere in the world that involves us and russia. and. you know one side does something the other side does something it thinks is roughly equal back the other side seize it. more there are cyber attacks going back and forth each way confusing everything and things just escalate and get out of control we saw in the cuban missile crisis how many mistakes small things things that the leaders didn't intend it all happened in the moment of crisis and that's really what i worry about so i think getting back to military to military dialogues which haven't really been happening. building up the confidence building measures that can help tip. of events in a crisis would be very important as well as maintaining the structure of arms
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control and clear security cooperation has been halted since twenty fourteen. and something i've been working on trying to fix but so far the successful but i think it's seven possible to talk about reviving them at this point with everything that's going on so yes i think it's possible because it's really a very technical subject and the technical people in both countries have a lot of respect for each other and. that the people on the other side have interesting ideas that they would benefit from sharing. i think that on the russian side frankly i think this is a correct view they think that nuclear cooperation ought to be not just about security but should be as ross out of officials put it comprehensive that it ought to include cooperation on
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a new future nuclear energy ideas on nuclear safety on nuclear science and on nuclear security. i think we will never go back to the way nuclear security cooperation was before and we don't have to because the way it was before was for a time when russia was sort of still recovering from the soviet collapse and needed a lot of help and there was actual you know u.s. money going to build a better security systems that sites and so on that's not really needed anymore what's needed now is it is an exchange of best practices and ideas among technical experts on both sides and i remain hopeful that we will be able to get that going again at least and in modest ways i think it benefits both sides security and the world security i think it's a danger to the world and to each of our countries that the world's biggest nuclear
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establishment is with the moose nuclear experts are just not talking to each other yeah i mean those are the two biggest guarantors i mean who would guarantee that sort of security if both sides are pretty much you know announcing arms race. well the reality is nobody can guarantee. another country's nuclear security in the sense of security for nuclear material or a nuclear weapon being stolen or something each country has to provide that itself it's not like there was ever cooperation where there were u.s. guards guarding russian sites or russian guards guarding us like that but we can do that. job better if we talk to each other that's what i'm saying president take a short break right now while we're back we'll continue talking to professor matthew bunn we'll talk more about the nuclear threats that russia and america are facing today stay with us.
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when lawmakers manufacture consensus instead of public wealth. when the room
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in closest to protect themselves. when the financial merry go round me the woman was told. to ignore middle of the room six. million morrill new is really. what politicians do such as are going. to put themselves on the lawn. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure more somehow want to. have to do right to be first was like before the tree in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in my house. there should.
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the be. the be. one else seemed wrong but all we all just don't know all. the world is yet to shape our just a consequence of the bad engagement because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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we're back with professor matthew bunn professor you mentioned earlier touring our
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talk that the cuban missile crisis was a perfect example of how dangerous things they get will like little mistakes probably and to that alongside mistakes there's also like the. the fact that there is no respect maybe or curiosity to understand each other's perception of the world which are quite different i have to say i mean when reading cally was talking to putin just recently and she was like you know you're pretty much starting the new arms race he was like no it's george w. bush who started in two thousand and two when he withdrew from the ballistic missile treaty and actually built a missile defense system so that's the way he says the world we're at that americans have something to respond in return and then you know right now you have russian they are saying that i know that americans the two hundred nuclear bombs that are stored in here up ever since the world war two. i know that they. used to be a lot more yeah i know that americans are great so you know russians lab are always
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saying hey you know we see these as a clear violation of nonproliferation principles do you think this worries do you think this concerns are justified. it is certainly correct from the russian point of view that the united states ripped up the any ballistic missile treaty i regretted that i opposed the actually my first book was on why the missile treaty was a still a good thing for us. obviously the book to deal with the day was not a seller. was not a. now honestly u.s. missile defenses have first approximation no capability against russian nuclear forces we have about fifty that doesn't really matter you know and they're right it's all about the perceptions of the west and sas and it's about the perception of what it what direction it may be going in the future because there's only one more
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strategic long that long in the future. so as i say we do need to regulate these things and we do need to understand each other's perspectives as you were saying one of the crucial moments in the cuban missile crisis came when there were two communications from the soviet side. almost at the same time one of them very threatening and angry and one of the much more. compromising and fortunately for the world one of kennedy's staffers was a former ambassador. who knew chris jeffery well and sort of said to kennedy why don't we just ignore the one we don't like and respond to the one we do like and i think that if we offered this and that to khrushchev that would be enough to convince him to back down and that turned out to be what caused the crisis to be resolved so if there hadn't been
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a person at that moment that the president was willing to listen to you need a president with good judgment and a close advisor with real empathy for the other side and the situation they were in . i'm not sure we have either of those things and either washington or moscow right now. that concerns me what about the two hundred nuclear bombs that want to be upgraded in europe do you see why russia could be concerned about this well of course russia and the soviet union before have always been concerned it isn't a violation of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty my father actually is one of the key negotiators of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and he reports fought over this subject at considerable length for and ultimately agreed on a compromise that allowed the u.s. nuclear weapons to remain in europe the reality is that the upgrade that's being done is i mean they're just delivered bombs they're going to be delivered bombs
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that will last longer basically there's a few modest improvements but it really makes absolutely no difference to the threat to russia overall so how can this issue. once again a different world views different perceptions there were some back and forth nuclear developments between u.s. and russia really mean that global known for inflation i mean seeing how the biggest guarantor. that those two countries are about to expand nuclear are shareware i still don't understand where the authority to stop the spread of nukes will come from. well let me clarify and neither russia nor the united states at the moment is proposing to actually expand its nuclear arsenal there are still limited by new start terms of the number of deployed strategic nuclear weapons russia we believe has been expanding its tactical nuclear arsenal a bit but not very substantially. so both sides i think will
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have our arsenal of moralists the same size as the arsenals they have know. both sides are still dismantling some of the older. weapons that they hadn't gotten around to dismantling yet in the past. still has a couple of thousand in the queue waiting to be dismantled. so it's not really a question of building up the numbers it's a question of changing types and capabilities. and i think we need to be spending more time sitting down together talking to each other actually engaging in real discussions of strategic stability and the different ways that russia sees it and the united states sees it and specific things that you know we can agree to to address the concerns on each side but i think in order for that to happen we could give you an american perspective russia really needs to stop
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meddling in the u.s. electoral process because that has succeeded in you know you doing the democrats and the republicans in the united states sensually everyone except the president ited states and the russian shiri that i haven't seen for many years you know the russian first backed in on that and not even government perspective but anyway i sure would tell you you know you need to show me that proves i don't believe in secretary since i don't really in my own secret service let alone cia and then you know why should i believe american war and a russian war because when cia was. when w m d's existed in iraq turned out to be bogus so why not show you show me the proof that we actually model well that's the russian perspective there's a lot of proof so facebook has details of lowered you know hundreds of russian controlled accounts that were fostering increased polarization sort of hitting on issues that would try to divide americans and try
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to push people toward the republicans. twitter has revealed a lot of the same and then there's a lot of classified evidence there's really no dispute among any. serious person in the u.s. national security establishment that that happened and is continuing to happen it's ongoing in the united states right now and then you know i'm just playing devil's advocate here but another argument that an average russian on t.v. no americans had a medal in so many elections along with the world you know why why when we come after you and why is it so annoying and that is a fact and i think it would be a good idea for the united states and russia to agree at a top level neither of us are going to do this to each other just want to talk about north korea shortly because it's really hot topic i mean with everything that's going on right now this crisis raised the question of japan and south korea
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actually getting their own nukes i mean at this point it's obvious that the north has it probably not never going to give it up so with this current configuration does this mean that their region it's going to get more nukes to the reality is north korea's had nuclear weapons for over a decade now and so for south korea japan taiwan had made i think the correct decision not to build nuclear weapons of their own i think north korea's program creates additional dangers and more dangers as a perceived as further but again the things i worry about most are not that you know kim jong un or for that matter donald trump are going to wake up one day and said put today would be a great day to use nuclear weapons but rather that there would be some crisis that would escalate in a series of back and forth exchanges to the point where nuclear weapons would end up getting used to you might imagine that in an initial crisis for example that the
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north koreans might use some of their conventionally armed blistered missiles to attack u.s. air bases or something like that and that might provoke the united states and the south koreans to think well they're using their missiles we'd better start destroying those missiles and then the north koreans would be faced with. but sometimes known as a use them or lose them situation and might use nuclear weapons to try to scare us off. their variety of really dangerous scenario i think there too there is a real need to take the possibility of negotiation seriously to not attempt to get you know everything you can possibly imagine out of the negotiations but to take a realistic step by step approach starting with freezing testing freezing for their production of more nuclear weapons and so on. and to focus also. confidence building measures military to military exchanges and
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sell and to try to reduce the dangers of this sort of inadvertent getting out of control in a crisis so according to gallup most of the americans think that north korea's nuclear program is the biggest threat to america right now just the fact of having that team to play with that well we have a lot of threats to america right now i think many of them are internal to ourselves and that we're tearing ourselves apart politically so we know states have to figure out how to function as a democracy again. which we're not doing a very good job of right now but i do think it's a serious danger from north korea it has reminded americans that the nuclear danger didn't go away when the soviet union went away i think russians remember that that was true throughout the intervening period but i think a lot of americans sort of forgot about nuclear danger. though that north korea has
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nuclear weapons and increasingly missiles that can reach the united states americans are sort of waking up and saying. wait that nuclear danger could apply to beat i mean i've had people calling me from san francisco or los angeles and said it should i get my family and my kids out of town. and there haven't been you know americans genuinely afraid about nuclear weapons like that for a while they were in the eighty's but not for a while. well thanks a lot for this wonderful interview and for the. best thank you. to. stable relationship between our countries.
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with the appointing of john bolton is the new national security adviser should we expect more stupid wars of choice. success with everything associated with. the war party in charge. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry but only i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it
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was a game still some more fond of you those that didn't like to question our arcade and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there were no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. join me every thursday i'll be all excited i'm sure that i'll be speaking to get us through the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. what holds a change to you shouldn't. put themselves on a lot. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be present.
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for something i want to be rich. but you'd like to be first to see what before three of them or ten people that are going to see the holes in the waters in the hollow. there should be.
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a huge fire engulfed a shopping center in the russian city of camaro sixty four people including many children are confirmed dead. if you see. the kids. you can see the. suit in. five have been arrested in connection with the tragedy russia's investigative committee says the building's emergency exits were blocked and that the fire alarms turned off. in other news a wave of russian diplomatic expulsions are announced by the u.s. and more than a dozen european countries in a show of support to britain which accuses russia of poisoning a double agent and his daughter moscow says it will respond.
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broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow where it is an oral one on a tuesday morning it is eight a one and coming out about this is where we start. our newscast tonight now the tragedy in the city of command in central russia sixty four people including many children are now known to have died in a huge fire at a shopping and entertainment complex local authorities say that ten people are still missing and that that number of fatalities may still rise our video agency ruptly has obtained c.c.t.v. footage from inside the mall showing the flames spreading and thick smoke rapidly filling the fourth floor it has been reported that the blaze began in the children's play area images showing the panic that ensued have also been emerging online.
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just west of that. well many people were unable to escape from the buildings some were seen jumping from windows five people have been detained and questioned in connection with the incident however it is still not clear what caused the fire and a bit of a warning you may find some of the following images upsetting. it was horrific the mall was packed with people we couldn't hear the fire alarm. the smoke filled the cinema and grabbed my system one ran down the stairs was a terrible crush and zero visibility saying my hands are still trembling when i imagine what could have happened so as.
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one man began to panic he said we should jump on the roof because it would soon collapse we sheltered from the roof to be rescued but no one came for forty minutes . which could just see it it's a good. thing i did go in the sick double some noise. which. just let me pull the simplicity that stated. that so it should but to show it what it must have been might include what it must because is not formal consider took us not us new each of those pieces of wreckage ship the ship an emotional bloody stupid to because it was not. there she used to use manage the porch to look at the was the porches to could look to the good with the snow we don't. always children were very name and we could only stand there and watch.
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here is what we know about the winter cherry retail complex it opened in two thousand and thirteen in the city center in a four story building that had previously been a confectionery factory now in addition to a children's play area also had to cinemas and a petting zoo it is believed around two hundred animals were also killed in the disaster. in the aftermath of the fire the city has canceled all entertainment and a cultural event as a mark of respect for those who lost their lives in the region as the cleared three days of mourning people are also bringing flowers candles and perhaps most poignant toys to the shopping center parties negotiate an office in canada for for us and sent this report. it seems that every single person in this town have come to this cell phone providers to vigil just outside the shopping mall to lay flowers bring
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toys in light the candles for many holding back the tears is simply too much of a task there are no bystanders here. there was no alarm no siren no sprinklers the whole fire prevention system was off fire exits blocked people in flying this shopping mall were left on their own to find out about the beginning inferno extension there knows this shopping mall used to be a confectionery and in fact it conducted fire drills just last week so a lot of a lot of very grave and outrages flaws in those drills and so the investigation is looking into that looking into how this horror became possible. there were no fire alarms and nothing i just notice the smell and then
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a man told me to leave finding a way around the shopping center is how you don't know where the stairs lead or way to go there are no directions to x. is is like some sort of a labyrinth you won't get far as you're in a panic it's been hours since sundown but there's no sign of the crowd getting any smaller in fact you people keep pouring in and in terms of atmosphere here just grief there's no dispute ration here it's something very different so. like the whole city has become one big family which did lose many many loved ones over night but in the wake of this tragedy is standing shoulder to shoulder strong. many people in a matter of which is three thousand six hundred kilometers east of moscow have been queuing to donate blood for the victims fifty people were injured in the fire thirteen of them were taken to the hospital including several youngsters turns out
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an entire class of schoolchildren died in the blaze they were in the cinema watching a new cartoon. the stories of some of those who perished and again you may find some of the scenes you're about to see highly distressing. for rural youngsters a visit to the big city is always an adventure the twelve year old classmates went to town and they went bowling ice skating to the cinema it would be their last adventure. you know the new look. if you. didn't use it. dozens and dozens dead but they aren't just numbers they all had names lives all the compensation in the world won't cover their family's loss especially
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given that so many of the victims were children masha was there with her grandmother and she only turned ten last week and posted this photo in line exactly a decade is all she got in this world both she and her grandmother perished. tiana an english teacher she was there with her daughter who survived the tiana got out of the building before hearing that others was still trapped she went to help rescue who she could strangers but she never came back out you were the best teacher in the world right her former students you didn't deserve this we will all remember you did ask you could tell it to you in this to do. what you did. little ratable or pictured here with his mom
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and dad she wasn't with them but imagine her pain when she had to identify the bodies of her child and husband or even surviving is easy. ah some say he jumped others that his father threw him out of the window in a desperate effort to save his little boy before succumbing to the smoke him self we won't know until say gay wakes up from his coma alone his parents and little sister. there are too many to mention here but the point is made a list of names is one thing but it's only when you get to know them just a little that the depth of this tragedy really hits you you spoke to several experts about the tragedy they believe failures on every level from construction to
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the lack of safety measures contributed to the loss of life this is just a total failure of any fire safety program. in the mall made it students as the mall was being constructed and now those decisions are coming home to roost and this is what happens even have alarms here or if they did have a long as they were working. it is yes shocking and here we had we have blocked exits. and i'm sure that will let you trust the authorities at some point i consider it as a national disaster most well read it was a problem we did building call much loved it was a quote problem be good material that they have used over there and for pretty clearly the areas that the kids out there we need to have a special repercussion and special assistant and fire exit and dad because kids are not operating like us this is a systems well you could have bigger lation on the books but let it come city
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enforcement regulation and compliance with good regulation this is where the disparity happens. well the families of the victims met with city officials in a nearby school who explained to them the grim procedure for identifying the death eat it for your particular course it was for them it is what you should look. for the better the leaves are similar also completed a study out of your book the lives that's going to be able to so there's a point. you just because this is still to you why do you wish you were there with her just for you do you come to government money just in the closing down to earth as it were and boosting up what you've been. on the table he was a bit of a little pushing. the buttons. people around the world have been
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sending their condolences to the families of the victims the leaders of the u.s. germany china and the u.k. are among those who have expressed their sorrow the president of the european council donald tusk even made a statement in russian. you have it up it's a start of games and yes he is it a c. thirty just go. up go they came it over was up at least to be to. see if it's about. we will be continuing to follow the tragedy over the coming hours of fire in that shopping center claimed the lives of sixty four people now confirmed dead a number of others are still missing recovery teams are continuing to work at the burned out shopping center where it is eight twelve in the morning on a tuesday at the shopping center in canada. god. god god.
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now australia will expel two russian diplomats at joining over twenty countries from across europe as well as the u.s. and canada is being done in solidarity with britain which blames moscow for the poisoning of former double agent to sergei screwball and his daughter earlier this month at his publica reports now from london. collective response from the e.u. donald tusk the president of the european council he announced these collective measures saying that the e.u. agrees with the u.k.'s assessment that it was quote highly likely that the kremlin was behind the poisoning of surrogate and script how so well over a dozen states have pledged their support to the british prime minister and they are expelling scores of russian diplomats from capitals across the e.u. to resume a spoke in parliament earlier and she was clearly rather pleased with the support
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from brussels and from the u.s. canada and the ukraine for that matter take a listen to what she had to say. great solidarity from our friends and partners in the e.u. north america nato and beyond over the past three weeks and today eighteen countries have announced their intention to expel more than one hundred russian intelligence officers from and. this includes fifteen e.u. member states as well as the united states canada and the ukraine. and even though moscow denies the allegation that it was behind the attack in seoul's worry the list of expulsions of diplomatic expulsions is extensive among the countries that russian diplomats are going to be departing from france germany poland lithuania denmark the czech republic the list continues however not all e.u. states have signed up to kicking out russian diplomats austria notably has
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announced that the russian diplomats can remain and also garia has said that it won't be expelling any russian diplomats that are currently stationed there also at the e.u. summit last week that summit where to resume a so successfully argued for this collective european response. called younger the president of the european commission he advocated a rather different approach to moscow take a listen to what he had to say everyone will say. you can do we lose. absolutely delicious we need to move to discuss for sure all of them no question. so not all e.u. states on the same page and not all figureheads agreed to the extent to which to punish moscow or to cooperate with it perhaps instead nevertheless what's
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happened today is being billed as the biggest collective expulsion of russian diplomats in history all this while the investigations about police investigation and also the independent o.p.c. w one they are still ongoing well it seems that the almost a complete unity of voices in europe was spurred from across the atlantic. the president spoke with many foreign leaders our european allies and others and encouraged them to join the united states in this. in this announcement as you've just heard the u.s. was the driving force behind these expulsions with trump encouraging others to take similar measures now the u.s. will be expelling the most number of russian diplomats out of all the countries that have decided to do so the white house will be sixty diplomats twelve of which are u.n. staff members and they'll have approximately seven days to leave a u.n.
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representative was grilled about this whether this move will violate an agreement that was made between the u.s. and the u.n. in the forty's let's take a quick look does the u.n. believe that this in any way violates the u.s. agreement with the u.n. of nine hundred forty seven the host country agreement given the sensitivity of the matter which is ongoing we will not comment further at this stage u.s. mission says that and i quote our actions are consistent with the united nations headquarters agreement do you agree with the statement we were informed of the u.s. decision to take action under section thirteen b. of the un us headquarters agreement. you can you can look at our tree section and read section thirteen b. for yourself and evaluate it for yourself story fun you told us to read thirteen b. and see whether what we thought it said was like the secretary general think to for the reasons i just explained i wouldn't venture an opinion on that for just out of sheer niceness inconvenience to you i will read to you section thirteen be at the
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stage bear with me because it is long. does the united states need to provide evidence of this espionage to the u.n. russia. i've said what i can say at this stage but at the same time a white house spokesperson says that the u.s. is ready to cooperate with russia a message that clearly contradicts washington's actions the president still remains open to working with the russians on areas of the. concern counterterrorism for example and others now with this latest decision in relations between the two countries are add an all time low so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. among the sixty russian diplomats washington will expel twelve are accredited to the united nations will see only now beyond the russians the u.n. representative spoke earlier condemning the u.s. action so your list up to sleep the debates we believe the united states has abused its privileges has un host the u.s. said they hoped for and count on the continuation of cooperation with russia but
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what the american side has done is at the very least a very strange invitation for cooperation but this international solidarity against russia is based on a very vague case and the further it goes the vaguer it gets it is causing a lot of suspicion and raises many questions personally i have a question did the souls bury incident really cause the expulsion of diplomats or was the decision to expel russian diplomats taken before the solsbury incident. russia's foreign ministry has also blasted the expulsions and says that they will not remain unanswered for long as artie's mundine a question over reports now from moscow. well we've heard from the russian foreign ministry spokesperson marty is a kind of a who said that reciprocal measures will be taking against each country that decided to expel russian diplomats and overall we're talking about over a dozen countries that supported this move now she also added that adds remember
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that was taking will be mad mero measure in response including the shutdown of the russian consulate and the u.s. now shortly after at this news that a number of countries are expelling russian diplomats broke the russian foreign ministry released a statement and in this statement. expressed protest these expulsions calling them an unfriendly stab that will not find any answers and these scripts case and the statement also goes on to say that the exposure and are being seen as a provocation adding that such a hostile move on part of this group of countries will not be allowed. and indeed we've heard from a number of high level officials in the russian diplomatic society now i don't know who is the russian ambassador to the u.s. has protested against what he called a wrongful decision by the u.s.
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to expel russian diplomats to fit in for months on learning about the expulsions are expressed or strong opposition to the move but i pointed out today there's not been a single shred of evidence of russia's involvement in this tragedy the most productive way to address this case would be a calm and professional investigation by the. and not only the russian ambassador to the u.s. has expressed his outrage to the move a number of has of other russian diplomatic missions in different countries lashed out at the use of recent expulsions. we think this is an unreasonable decision and that undermines russian german relations. and a regrettable that they won't give us any evidence and we just hear that it's highly likely that russia is responsible for this tragic incident we believe the you shouldn't fall for this dirty british broke cation all the talk about to use solidarity is laughable as there can only be solidarity in the fight against real
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threats but not in support of insinuations and over all we've heard from different high level officials here and russia expressing disappointment and even at times this believe to this recent move by the us a number of other european countries to expel russian diplomats jim john former u.s. diplomat believes that there is more to these moves than meets the eye. this is a coordinated political warfare against russia it's global in scale it really has nothing to do with solsbury this is a political pretext just look at the cut like the kind of accusations we've seen against syria on chemical weapons to ratchet up the pressure on moscow to discredit the recent russian election and also i think it's aimed at the world cup this summer theresa may a failed prime minister who had suffered a humiliating re-election recently somehow is pulled a rabbit out of the had it is trying to present herself as some kind of
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churchillian world leader by by whole helping to pull the world down into this this morass that i look i don't think we go under and underestimate the degree of danger we're talking about here this is not just tit for tat this is just not the are we in a new cold war or not this is extremely dangerous that with the crisis that is brewing internally within the e.u. i think there was the necessity to to somehow shift the terms of the debate to say it's not about what's wrong with brussels what's wrong with the e.u. it's what's wrong with the russians and i think this will it simply increase the pressure on countries like bulgaria like austria who don't don't want to go along with this. one man's act of kindness in the french alps has landed him in trouble after he helped to have the pregnant migrant woman reach a hospital bed and why do co who is a member of a volunteer migrant patrol group spotted the woman and her family which included
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two small children and near a dangerous pass high in the mountains the team managed to get them down to a car and were driving them to a hospital when they were stopped by french police do co was told he had broken the law by aiding undocumented migrants mr du cole is now awaiting trial and if found guilty under french law could be jailed for up to five years and get a thirty thousand euro fine he says it was his humanitarian duty to do what he did . older while on patrol we spotted a group of people walking through the snow we saw there was a family with two young children and a pregnant woman all we did what we always do we gave them food and drinks and dry clothes we saw that the mother was not well at all we learned she was eight and a half months pregnant so we decided to act quickly we understood she wasn't feeling well she was about to give birth we had to immediately take it asked her to . review and you would usual not salute when we arrived to the bottom of the
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valley we were arrested by border police we were not able to convince them that the situation was serious and the woman was about to give birth the border policeman only told me that i was not able to judge whether the situation was serious or not at that point the family was separated the mother was taken to the hospital and we were brought to the police station with a dad the children and the two accompanying people i was said immediately they are small documents in a catalog my personal belongings they notify me of a hearing on wednesday and released near midnight. going across to me my lawyer assisted me with interrogation and developed a strategy to follow for the hearing i've insisted i was doing my humanitarian she teacher in the mission at the moment my file is in the hands of the prosecutor he will be the one to decide what will have to happen if the situation repeated itself tomorrow i would not be able to act differently is a totally acceptable thing to do. around one hundred people protested over the incident outside a police station in
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a town on the french talian border they claim the policy against migrants has been shown to be illegal and inhumane european history expert paolo bernardine says the rescue team did the right thing by breaking the law to save lives back to the room away and i think it's just one of the really apples of which someone acting against the law to save their lives or someone else in this case my grounds of so. touching upon the issue of what they're happening and i. think it should also be released because humanity and the love for mankind of the love. baby being born should be superior should be also the state the opposite of what we should of bought one migrant once a model and so there they just lost respect because they are human beings so they
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must be tweeted like human beings. just because it bears repeating he says it was his duty to do what he did you are watching our two international i'll be back in about thirty three minutes of the full extent to stay with us. join me every thursday on the alex island show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport i'm showbusiness i'll see that. fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades two scorpions in a bottle it's capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed
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itself and putin said well these weapons will overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s. missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so they'll be more effective against russian forces. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm bart chilton. and coming up there's been some rapid expansion in the hotel industry both in the u.s. and around the globe will talk hotels with the word or did the president and founder of straw mark plus or some reaction from china to the trump tariffs will have an expert panel of alex mahela bichon caleb moment give us the latest and sort
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some of that out all that ahead but first let's get to some headlines the march of our lives took place in cities around the world over the weekend including right here as protesters filled the streets of washington d.c. with young people and allies demanding an end to the epidemic of gun violence in the united states eight hundred thousand people are estimated to have taken part in the d.c. march most prominent among the student leaders were survivors of the shooting at marjorie marjorie stoneman douglas high school the school in parklane florida six minutes and twenty seconds with an a r fifteen and my friend carmen would never complain to me about piano practice erin fice would never call kiera miss sunshine alex. so there would never walk into school with his brother ryan scott beagle would never joke around with cameron that can helen or mc would never hang out after school with mannix do you know how would never wave to her friend liam that
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months watching all of her would never play basketball with sam or do and i mean it that he would never caroline a grand would never chris haixun would never do coyer would never mark to newquay i we are now would never peter language never. would never to me gothenburg would never have maddow polic would never. pretty powerful stuff marchers demanded a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines as well as closing the gun show loophole on background checks meanwhile after dick's sporting goods recently announced an end to sales of assault rifles in its stores they posted a weak sales report some gun rights advocates rejoiced however analysts say dick's bad news said more to do with excess inventory and price pressures from competitors then gun policy change will have more on that and keep an eye on the story on this front firearms manufacturer remington officially filed for bankruptcy on sunday
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with their c.e.o. citing falling sales severus capital management will divest itself from a stake in remington while franklin templeton management and j.p. morgan asset management will trade remington debt for company equity also citi group announce a new policy in recent days that will require all new retail sector clients to only sell firearms to buyers who pass a background check. u.s. congressional leaders passed the spending bill last week as a rule we reported but they left out one important item with some but big political and policy implications the insurance exchanges created under the affordable care act a ca or otherwise known as obamacare needs steady infusions of federal subsidies to private insurers among other things the subsidies promote profits for private insurers in exchange for covering people with low incomes last year us president donald trump ended the payments in an effort to dismantle the health care
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law a bipartisan group republicans democrats alike had been pushing to extend the subsidies but were unable to get a solution into the spending bill making action before this year's midterm election very unlikely the congressional budget office c b o says insurers already have increased premiums by ten percent to offset the loss of those subsidies the next rate announcement and almost certain increase is likely to hit the news just before the midterm november elections. job openings in the irish hotel industry have spiked the irish times reports that the number of unfilled bartending and concierge positions increased by eighty percent from two thousand and sixteen to twenty seventeen since two thousand and thirteen the number of unfilled chef jobs has increased by roughly one hundred fifty percent but it's not only in ireland the hotel industry is expanding its occurring in many places around the
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world and here to discuss expansion in the hotel industry in the states and around the globe is the founder and c.e.o. of stroll mark henry ford hilary thank you for being with us again you're always such a wealth of information on many topics we've talked about this i think very early in the beginning of the year but other than sort of the economic fundamentals of supply and demand what's going on let's start with the u.s. what's going on here great came back again and yes pot you're right there's a tremendous amount of. expansion i think that's no surprise to everyone because of course the economy is doing well and the economy is doing well we have more money to spend but it's this demographic bubble this demographic bubble is from the baby boomers from the second world war and as they always say you know you're not going to take it with you so i think there are there are people that are coming into that era now of retirement from the first baby boomers are getting into that era and they're looking to travel so the u.s. has a tremendous amount of expansion and globally as you mentioned. you know there is this supply and demand issue but if you look at specific areas like luxury hotels
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just seems like they're going they're growing faster and why is that and are they trying to differentiate themselves as luxury brands yes they are they're pulling away what they're doing so is they're following a number of trends that have emerged and they have been very good in terms of looking at whether it's the p w c study or other studies which are showing the what's going to happen so they going for wellness we talked about that before there are some of us who who do want to and others who want don't want to work out i was and here we go we don't you know i don't you know i think i think you're right my way for the world is stuff i should so i'm converting not because you but i'm hurting ok was she and i on the same wavelength then but it's the health but also there's a huge new trend that's emerging and that's called solo travel where these travel industries and companies and a lot of that's happening in the u.s. and the divorce rate has been high for many years you have these single what they're calling loan families the new family law loan families out so that's a big trend another trend of course is the one for the adventure holiday that never
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happened adventure vacations that's big and also a merging travel to emerging locations places that people didn't go to sort of before the average american you know. there's a tiger monastery people are going to now things that are things that we weren't doing that we normally haven't heard of previously that's a big deal also a big deal of cruises that are becoming more sustainable smaller cruise ships and some of them of you does more into. and that has a bigger pool appeal among star older people a smaller group a more specific in terms of maybe a specific interest another one is in terms of less adventurous but nevertheless an experience cooking holidays foodie trips food is a big motivator to help people but a food trip with cooking lessons involved that makes a lot of sense you know there are places around here where you travel and people are doing the cooking classes it's a big open window and everything and i could see people you know going to i don't
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know room or venice or someplace or you know paris and doing cooking the holiday and one of the biggest interesting places i think we're actually i wouldn't have thought of this i don't know if you have but when you think about the peace in the middle east now actually palestine has a fifty seven percent increase in tourism rule yes a great amount of travel to palestine because obviously with the peace and. hilton has opened seven new hotels in egypt so that part of the world there's a lot to see a lot of historic sites to visit and to quickly is a big hot button for retirees and the whole baby boom we keep talking about talk about some of the other areas you hit the middle east a little bit you and i were talking earlier about the hilton moving into turkey but what about asia what about other places around the world you actually you know the trend that is also there and that's happening within asia it's called winter travel winter travel is viewed now i think it's seventy three percent of americans said that they would be up for traveling in the winter and not for climatic reasons in
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other words not just going to florida or somewhere warmer so this bodes well for for example the chinese our winter festival her six received more visitors form visitors than ever before last year also in the arctic number of hotels of opened up. locations there and also seeing the the sea this is where you are not you the northern lights northern lights right northern lights and then also northern sweden is a big destination now as well as northern finland i think it's the eskimo experience and. a reindeer adventure trip that people want to go on a regular monastery was like a month or so the raid on history right tell us we're talking about a demonic radio trip right i guess we got you i mixed you up on that so we're going to talk about china and tariffs after the break but what's going on with china i mean people traveling there a lot is it primarily beijing and shanghai or is it all over actually it is and it's the biggest number one destination in china is the great wall yeah right well when you go there you go to beijing you have to say you'll be taken by all the jade
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factories in the right so be careful when people try to go there right because there are it's almost like a timeshare if you're not careful. last thing i wanted to ask you you talked about trans eccentric but our hotel chains are a day really catering to millennial and you talk about baby boomers but is millennial is another target group for some of these larger hotels have been that that is a member at the beginning you also about luxury travel it that they don't have the same margins that they've actually gone to for millennial this eco space these tiny rooms manhattan is a big lead or not with these tiny rooms eco friendly in terms of size and they don't even have a call often elem know the exact they don't have a cause and some of them. i've been to those are not not great touch and they're very economical and that's when the old one that jumped on the button on the call relative to other things there's still hundreds of dollars i need in new york a ticket in the new york return thank you so much great hilary for its stroll mark
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c.e.o. and founder we preach at you being with us thank you thank you so much yes. and it's time now for a brief pause for the promotional cause but stick around because when we return we'll talk. chinese asian and oceana reactions with our expert panel alex mchale that. plus some big upward stock moves today after that pretty poor day friday and here are the numbers at the closing.
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with the appointing of john bolton is the new national security adviser should we expect more stupid wars of choice says he wants success but everything associated with bolton's name is a failure the war party is again in charge. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry but only i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never again like it said one does not leave
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a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one quite different person to speak to now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. what holds unhinged you shouldn't. put themselves on a lot. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be frozen. or some want to. have to be right to be closer that's what before three of the four people that. i've been pushed to always in the waters of. the ship. chose seemed wrong. when old rules just told. me you
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get to shape out just because the ticket and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. welcome back a billionaire ally of turkish president aired one is about to buy some of the few remaining media outlets that are not currently aligned with the self described islamic leader heir to one demeanor and holdings conglomerate is set to buy a daily newspaper her yet as well as c.n.n. turk from its current owner in a deal worth about one point about one billion dollars did mirror and bought two other new newspapers in recent years which changed their line from secularist and
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critical to supportive of the heir to one government the committee to protect journalists says turkey has jailed seventy three journalists the most of any country in the world. and tensions are rising on the iberian peninsula after the former president of catalonia charles de puget mont was arrested by german police on sunday demonstrators demanded release in a protest outside of the european commission's offices in barcelona and in other locations across spain in catalonia the leader could be sentenced to twenty five years in jail if convicted on spanish charges rebellion and the dishes for his role in the catalan independence referendum. france is a year ahead of schedule on bringing its budget deficit in line with the european union according to the french office of national be equal to two point six plied with the e.u. guidance on deficits since two thousand and seven. and on saturday it only moved
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one step closer to forming a new government leaders from the reformist five-star party and the neo fascist northern league reached an agreement on electing parliamentary parliamentary chamber leaders a leader from the league's electoral alloy allies that forza italia at. alya will lead the senate while i five star deputy will leave the lower chamber while we form a coalition agreement is not yet struck the northern league and five star leaders have apparently developed trust and rapport in recent weeks. the u.s. and south korea have agreed to a revision of their trade agreement south korea agreed to a quota of two point six eight million in steel exports to the united states in exchange for exemption from recently enacted terrorists the new quota is equivalent to seventy percent of south koreans average annual sales to the u.s. over the past three years on the other side of the ledger south korea agreed to
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double to fifty thousand the number of u.s. cars that are imported to that country without making meeting local safety requirements. and china was the most active block chain patent filer last year data from the world intellectual property organization so that china has filed more than four hundred six block chain patents last year china filed two hundred twenty five patents compared to i'm sorry there were that many in total china filed two hundred twenty five patents compared to the u.s. which filed a mere ninety seven patents however this does not take into account that not every company patents all discoveries and it doesn't guarantee that the patent will lead to any viable products some of the applicants include bank of america and mastercard international while the patents may not lead to too much they are helpful in attracting investor capital as well as preventing ownership disputes in the future. and when it comes to china here to discuss trade tariffs and some other
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trouble out there are two trade experts alex mahela vetch in toronto and caleb maupin in new york gentlemen thank you so much for joining us caleb let's start with you the big news is china reacting although some thought they might react stronger but china is playing a long game here what do you think's going on caleb. bart if you look at china's recent history this is a country that is essentially pulled itself up by its own bootstraps you know seven hundred million people lifted out of poverty at the time the chinese communist party first took power in one nine hundred forty nine there was not a single steel mill in china today china produces over half the steel in the entire world now as you're probably thinking and making reference to you know they do have five year development plans that's kind of a staple of their marxist political heritage but they actually published a document in two thousand and thirteen where they made reference to what they
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referred to as a two hundred year vision for the country thinking two hundred years into the future and the chinese communist party they're leading the country i mean the china does have you know every day another chinese person becomes a millionaire they've got many billionaires but at the end of the day the party is in control and they're planning out the economy in essentially in their national interest now you can bet that you know china has a two hundred year vision but you can bet that were included in it you know they're not calling for china to isolate itself from the rest of the world the way that they see it in the documents that they have published the world is getting smaller and the hope for peace in the world is human centered sustainable development and technology that's what they see they say the world is getting smaller we're getting close together and we need to have a world where people are taken care of people have what they need people are trading with each other people are getting wealthier people are making money and it's an atmosphere of cooperation they argue that you can't view politics and geo
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politics and international relations as a zero sum game you know the buzzword in china these days is win win cooperation and they're absolutely outraged about these tariffs that are being imposed and they argue that it's just not realistic in the twenty first century to think that you can build a wall around the country and isolate the world and if you do that that's not going to lead to peace will be one of the. the sentiments among a lot of commentators is that they the chinese had not reacted as strongly as some might have have thought with potentially the fifty billion in additional tariffs in addition to steel and aluminum and in the u.s. the concern among a lot of folks is food and agriculture that's our major major export and and alex you cover this a lot on ag products particularly with nafta which has been a big bonus for u.s. food and agriculture what are the potential problems for us food agra three guard
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to asia trade in particular alex. well it was it was killed said this when when cooperation from china seems to be donald trump's point of view as well as trouble could be down the road but is it really down the road we saw the markets bounce as you mentioned earlier today and that's on word from people like steve minutia who has basically said you know what these things are going to work out with the talks with china they're going to happen and they just might work out and that's exactly the way china looked at it that's what i was basically saying last week to say i told you so but i don't really hate to say i told you so what i'm writing this way because the fact of the matter is donald trump is playing a certain game he understands where china is coming from and china understands where donald trump is coming from it seems that it's one of the few countries in the world when he says jump they don't say how high they know what his plan is and how he's going to break it down but if china had to step back and actually get into a trade war with the united states of america there would be some products that would be top of the list such as soybeans they bought tons of soybeans from the states pork is a massive import to china from the u.s.
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we're looking at the aerospace industry we're looking at the car industry china knows where to hit if it had to but the chinese are already speaking a different language because they know what donald trump's language is and that is come in there with a big stick but really the man from the very beginning is wants to get into the goshi nations with china and this is what's going to happen we heard last week you know what everybody was saying on every other network oh you're drunk trump is or the united states is going to flame trying to with sixty billion dollars worth of tariffs well that it just wasn't true because there had to be fifteen days first of all where the united states are going to figure out what these tariffs are going to be and then another thirty days to sit on it and scratch your head and wonder what are we going to do with this so the plan from the very beginning is to do exactly what's happening now and that's a push china into talks and china is ready to talk in negotiations well you said so many things there alex but. with regard to agnes we're just elite leave that this comes at a time these potential terrorists win. agriculture in the u.s.
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has taken some really pretty large hits over the last several years with foreign men come down as we reported here on the the program but you also mentioned autos and kaleb i want to ask you about that specifically the chinese place with twenty five percent tariff on u.s. autos going in to china while the u.s. only levies a two point five percent tariff although we do have a twenty five percent tariff coming in for chinese pickup trucks but how do you see this all working out i mean all of those are a big deal you talk about jobs both in china and here that's really important what he thinks going to happen. well let's back up for a moment now at this point china makes more cars than the e.u. the usa and japan combined its roughly twenty six percent of the global car market and at this point we're also seeing that the quality gap between american major imported cars and domestic chinese cars is being eroded and the chinese leadership
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is essentially at the point where they're saying that look ok that if if you know some high tech billionaire in china he wants to import a cadillac that's made in michigan he can afford to pay more for it this is a luxury thing but mastic lee that they should be utilizing the domestic car manufacturers there's a lot of different car manufacturers in china you've got your state owned enterprises that are making cars you've also got a lot of different start up companies and one thing that china has been doing is they've really been transforming the international car markets by pushing electric cars they just puts push these new regulations that one out of every ten cars that's produced in china and one out of every ten cars that's imported into china must be what they call a new energy vehicle the doesn't run on gasoline and this points to a bigger question for china on the global market because there's very very little domestic oil production in china they are dependent on oil and imports of oil and gasoline that's why they are building pipelines with russia like crazy that. why
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they're looking to protect the south china sea and secure the trade routes make sure they can keep bringing those oil tankers in there because they depend on foreign oil so the chinese government has done a huge amount of investing and promotion of new energy vehicles alternative energy because they see this ultimately as a weakness there's been this huge growth in manufacturing in china over the last several decades but it all depends on foreign fuel is and that's something that they're trying to work out now interestingly we've seen that these rare metals that are used in the manufacturing of the batteries in electric cars the price of these metals are going through the roof as the demand has just skyrocketed due to the new regulations that china has put on car manufacturers basically stipulating that they need to start transitioning toward non oil and non gasoline based fuels out that they need electric cars in china so you know china is a major major player in the international auto market you can be sure that you know
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the heads of g.m. the heads of chrysler they are watching what the chinese government is doing and what they're essentially telling to the essentially state controlled domestic car manufacturing industry in china you can bet that they're following it very very closely china is a major player in the global wal-mart in the global car markets no question about it alex tell us a little bit about some of the other countries in the region oceana in australia etc how are they reacting and maybe australia may have got a new exemption from. tariffs but how are they reacting separate from china we're going to who hasn't got an exemption i would be japan japan is a big one and it depends on important here because japan from the very day that donald trump came in as president though although you've been a suck up badly remember a should feel just like you want to better not to do just what we want to better deal with trying to we want a better deal with you as well we do not like this trade deficit and that's the message that's being sent loud and clear at this point to japan they're not planning for a virtue of
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a trumpet ministration because who would. somebody you just mentioned a little bit earlier south korea they have the exemption they're the first ones actually to sign off before the may first deadline where donald trump in his administration are going to figure out if we who's going to get these steel tariffs aluminum terrace kicked in or not while south korea is off the board now so korea is also a very important partner with tackling north korea as for australia new zealand well australia is just trying to keep its nose out of everything right now their biggest trading partner is china they're in that neighborhood so they don't want to be hit by anything that might happen between the states and china as for new zealand you know there again they're trying to secure the sixty billion dollars worth of goods that they export a year they really want to keep their noses out of this and makes a lot of sense for these countries to stay as neutral as possible when something like this comes up they don't want to see a trade war and really when it comes down to the bottom line is nobody really wants to see a trade war these are trade talks these are ways of initiating trade talks i might be a little bit more bullish than what we've seen in the past but it seems to be working
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and people are listening we are all these wiser when we listen to you guys it's so great to have not just our key correspondents but trade experts thank you so much alex mahela vich and caleb moppin thank you for your time thank you. and thanks for watching be sure to catch boom bust on you tube at youtube dot com slash boom bust r t we'll catch you tomorrow. fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades to scorpions in a bottle each capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed itself. said well these weapons will overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s.
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missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so they'll be more effective against russian forces. joining me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport this list i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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same wrong why don't we all just don't all. get to say power. comes to cancer. and it gains from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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a huge fire engulfed a shopping center in the russian city of came out of sixty four people including many children are confirmed dead. but. if you used to be a good. you. would you feel. this is easy to beat you would you concede. five
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have been arrested in connection with the tragedy russia's investigative committee says the building's emergency exits were blocked and that the fire alarms were turned off. in other news a wave of russian diplomatic expulsions are announced by the u.s. and more than a dozen european countries in a show of support for britain which accuses russia of poisoning a double agent and his daughter moscow says it will respond. for a broadcast in laughter at from our studios in moscow this is our t.v. international i'm sean thomas glad to have you with us now we started with a tragedy in the city of came out of central russia sixty four people including many children are now known to have died in a huge fire at a shopping and entertainment complex local authorities say ten people are still
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missing and that number of fatalities may rise our video agency ruptly has obtained c.c.t.v. footage from inside the mall showing the flames spreading and thick smoke rapidly filling the fourth floor it has been reported that the blaze began in the children's play area images showing the panic that ensued have also been emerging online. just. well many people were unable to escape from the building some were seen jumping from windows five people have been detained and questioned in connection with the incident however it is still not clear what caused the fire a word of warning you may find some of the following images upsetting.
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it was horrific the mall was packed with people we could hear the fire alarm. the smoke filled the cinema and grabbed my system one ran down the stairs was a terrible crush and zero visibility my hands are still trembling when i imagine what could have happened to us. one man began to panic he said we should jump on the roof because it would soon collapse we sheltered from the roof to be rescued but no one came for forty minutes. which i'm no good just sit it's easy to do. you have to go into the sick double some noise. so it's.
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just going to pull the civilizational defeat. the witch but the show it what it must have been might include what it must because is no pull from this to do took us no must move which are dangerous just argue that the new motion that would be more suited to his you tube is not. just used to use much the porch to look at the of his daughters the portraits a good look at the good with the snow we don't read the story. i was sure john was very name and we could only stand there and watch. here is what we know about the winter cherry retail complex that opened in two thousand and thirteen in the city center and a four story building that had previously been a confectionery factory in addition to children's play area had also to cinemas and the petting zoo around two hundred animals were also killed in the disaster.
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and the aftermath of the fire the city has canceled all entertainment and cultural events as a mark of respect for those who lost their lives the region has declared three days of mourning and people are also bringing flowers candles and perhaps most poignantly toys to the shopping center or to z. going to john of his in term of art for us and sent us this report. it seems that every single person in this town have come to this cell phone providers to vigil just outside the shopping mall to lay flowers bring toys in light the candles for many holding back the tears is simply too much of a task there are no bystanders here. there was no alarm no siren no sprinklers the whole fire prevention system was off fire exits blocked people in flying this shopping mall were left on their own to
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find out about the beginning inferno but if extension there knows this shopping mall used to be a confectionery and in fact it conducted fire drills just last week so a lot of a lot of very grave and outrages flaws in those drills and so the investigation is looking into that looking into how this horror became possible. there were no fire alarms and nothing i just know is the smell and then a man told me to leave finding a way around the shopping center is how you don't know where the stairs lead or where to go there are no directions to x. is it's like some sort of labyrinth you won't get far as you're in a panic it's been hours since sundown but there's no sign of the crowd getting any smaller in fact new people keep pouring in and in terms of atmosphere here just grief there's no dispute ration here it's something very different it's almost like
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. the whole city has become one big family which did lose many many loved ones over night but in the week of this or is it tragedy is standing shoulder to shoulder strong. many people. which is three thousand six hundred kilometers east of moscow have been queuing to donate blood for the victims fifty people were injured in the fire thirteen of them were taken to the hospital including several youngsters. turns out an entire class of schoolchildren died in the blaze they were in the cinema watching a new cartoon is what i got now looks at the stories of some of those who perished and again may find some of the scenes you are about to see highly distressing for rural youngsters a visit to the big city is always an adventure these twelve year old classmates went to town and they went bowling ice skating to the cinema it would be their
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last adventure. this. dozens and dozens dead but they aren't just numbers they all had names lives all the compensation in the world won't cover their family's loss especially given that so many of the victims were children masha was there with her grandmother and she only turned ten last week and posted this photo in line exactly a decade is all she got in this world both she and her grandmother perished. tiana an english teacher she was there with her daughter who survived that
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got out of the building before hearing that others were still trapped she went to help rescue who she could strangers but she never came back out you were the best teacher in the world right her former students you didn't deserve this we will all remember you stood out to it to you in this. is what you did. little rats aboard pictured here with his mom and dad she wasn't with them but imagine her pain when she had to identify the bodies of her child and husband or even surviving is easy. some say he jumped others that his father threw him out of the window in a desperate effort to save his little boy before succumbing to the smoke him self
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we won't know until say gave weeks up from his coma alone his parents and little sister. there are too many to mention here but the point is made a list of names is one thing but it's only when you get to know them just a little that the depth of this tragedy really hits you you spoke to several experts about the tragedy they believe that failures on every level from construction to the lack of safety measures contributed to the loss of life. this is just the total failure of any fire safety program. in the mall made its stages as the mall was being constructed and now those decisions are coming home to roost and this is what happens even have alarms here or if they did have alarms they weren't working. but it is yes shocking and here we had
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a block exits. and then i'm sure that well i want you to trust the authorities at some point i consider that as a national disaster that's what rush most well read that was a problem he did building call was flooded it was a quote problem we did metro area and that they have used over there and for put secretly the areas that the kids out there we need to have a special repercussion and special system and fire exit and that because kids are not operating like us this is a systems well you could have break your nation on the books but let it come city enforcement at regulation a compromise with good regulation this is where the disparity happens. the families of the victims met with the city officials in a nearby school who explained to them the grim procedure of identifying the death. of one of your articles or the it is. just a little. more but the others are still with. us the.
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europe of the us but you know there's a point there for the good of the because you're just a deceitful to what you do if you were with us but you do come to govern for one hundred dollars and then where there's one good enough money for you before you go on the book in the first of whatever. the book. people around the world have been sending their condolences to the families of the victims the leaders of the u.s. germany china and the u.k. are mungo's to express their sorrow that the president of the european council donald tusk even made a statement in russian. names and yes he is a c. thirty just. as they came it was up at least to be to. see nice to see if. this is what. we will be
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continuing to follow the tragedy over the coming hours of a fire in that shopping center claimed the lives of sixty four people now confirmed dead a number of others are still missing recovery teams are continuing to work at the burned out shopping center in canada of. god. was. switching gears now australia will expel two russian diplomats joining over twenty countries from across europe as well as the u.s. and canada it will be done in solidarity with britain which blames moscow for the poisoning of former double agent sergei screwball and his daughter earlier this month or two reports now from london. collective response from the e.u. donald tusk the president of the european council he announced these collective measures saying that the e.u.
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agrees with the u.k.'s assessment that it was quote highly likely that the kremlin was behind the poisoning of sergei and yulia script how to resume a spoke in parliament and she was clearly rather pleased with the support from brussels and from the us canada and the ukraine for that matter take a listen to what she had to say. great for the dorothy from our friends and partners in the e.u. north america nato and beyond and even though morse code denies the allegation that it was behind the attack in seoul's worry the list of expulsions of diplomatic expulsions is extensive among the countries that russian diplomats are going to be departing from france germany poland lithuania denmark the czech republic the list continues however not all e.u. states have signed up to kicking out russian diplomats austria notably has
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announced that the russian diplomats can remain and also while garia has said that it won't be expelling any russian diplomats that are currently stationed there also at the e.u. summit last week that you summit went to reason may so successfully argued for this collective european response well sean called younger the president of the european commission he advocated a rather different approach to moscow take a listen to what he had to say. is a little short. to really lose. the structural shift from sure. we need to open to discussion for sure although it is a question. so not all e.u. states on the same page and not all figurehead. agreed to the extent to which to punish moscow or to cooperate with it perhaps instead nevertheless what's
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happened today is being billed as the biggest collective expulsion of russian diplomats in history all this while the investigations that police investigation and also the independent o.p.c. w one they are still ongoing well it seems that the almost complete unity of voices in europe was spurred from across the atlantic. the president spoke with many foreign leaders our european allies and others and encouraged them to join the united states in this. in this announcement as you've just heard the u.s. was the driving force behind these expulsions with trump encouraging others to take similar measures now the u.s. will be expelling the most number of russian diplomats out of all the countries that have decided to do so the white house will be expelling sixty diplomats twelve of which are u.n. staff members and they'll have approximately seven days to leave a u.n. representative was grilled about this whether this move will violate an agreement
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that was made between the u.s. and the u.n. in the forty's let's take a quick look does the u.n. believe that this in any way violates the u.s. agreement with the u.n. of nine hundred forty seven the host country agreement given the sensitivity of the matter which is ongoing we will not comment further at this stage u.s. mission says that and i quote our actions are consistently does long. does the united states need to provide evidence of this espionage to the u.n. and russia i've said would act the same time a white house spokesperson rate with russia a message that clearly contradicts washington's actions the president still remains open to working with the russians on areas of mutual concern counterterrorism for example and others now with this latest decision in relations between the two countries are at an all time low so we'll just have to wait and see what happens among the sixty russian diplomats washington will expel twelve are accredited to
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the united nations was silly and venza russia's u.n. representative spoke earlier condemning the u.s. action. so in your list of those looked at it it's way below the united states has abused its privileges has un host the us said they hoped for and count on the continuation of cooperation with russia what the american side has done is at the very least a very strange invitation for cooperation at this international solidarity against russia is based on a very vague case and the further it goes the vaguer it gets it is causing a lot of suspicion and raises many questions personally i have a question did this solves barry incident really cause the expulsion of diplomats or was the decision to expel russian diplomats taken before the solsbury incident russia's foreign ministry has also blasted the expulsions and says they will not
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remain unanswered for long as artie's went in a culture of the reports now from moscow. well we've heard from the russian foreign ministry spokesperson marty is a kind of a who said that reciprocal measures will be taking against each country that decided to expel russian diplomats and overall we're talking about over a dozen countries that supported this move now she also added that adds very a measure that was taking will be mad mero measure in response including the shutdown of the russian consulate and the u.s. now shortly after at this news that a number of countries are expelling russian diplomats broke the russian foreign ministry released a statement and in this statement. expressed protest these expulsions calling them an unfriendly stab that will not find any answers and these script case and the statement also goes on to say that the exposure and are being seen as a provocation adding that such
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a hostile move on part of this group of countries will not be allowed. and indeed we've heard from a number of high level officials in the russian diplomatic society now an authority on tone of course the russian ambassador to the u.s. has protested against what he called a wrongful decision by the u.s. to expel russian diplomats all to fit in for a month on learning about the expulsions are expressed a strong position to the move but i pointed out today there's not been a single shred of evidence of russia's involvement in this tragedy the most productive way to address this case would be a calm and professional investigation by the o.p.c. don't know where to go and not only the russian ambassador to the u.s. has expressed his outrage to the move but a number of has of other russian diplomatic missions in different countries lashed out at the use of recent expulsions. we think this is an unreasonable
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decision and that's undermines russian german relations we can. and a regrettable that they won't give us any evidence and we just hear that it's highly likely that russia is responsible for this tragic incident we believe the you shouldn't fall for this dirty british broke cation all the talk about to use solidarity is laughable as there can only be solidarity in the fight against real threats but not in support of dirty insinuations and over all we've heard from different high level officials here and russia expressing disappointment and even at times this believed to this recent move by the us a number of other european countries to expel russian diplomats jim jarvis former u.s. diplomat believes that there is more to these moves than meets the eye. this is a coordinated political warfare against russia it's global in scale it really has nothing to do with solsbury this is a political pretext just like the cut like the kind of accusations we've seen
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against syria on chemical weapons to ratchet up the pressure on moscow to discredit the recent russian election and also i think it's aimed at the world cup this summer theresa may a failed prime minister who had suffered a humiliating re-election recently somehow is pulled a rabbit out of the had it is trying to present herself as some kind of churchillian world leader by five whole helping to pull the world down into this this morass that i look i don't think we go under and underestimate the degree of danger we're talking about here this is not just tit for tat this is just not the are we in a new cold war or not this is extremely dangerous that with the crisis that is brewing internally within the e.u. i think there was the necessity to to somehow shift the terms of the debate to say it's not about what's wrong with brussels what's wrong with the e.u. it's what's wrong with the russians and i think this will simply increase the pressure on countries like bulgaria like austria who don't don't want to go along
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with this. one man's act of kindness in the french alps has landed him in trouble after you helped the heavily pregnant migrant woman reach a hospital but why do cole who is a member of a volunteer migrant patrol group spotted and the woman and her family which included two small children near a dangerous pass high in the mountains of team managed to get them down to a car and were driving them to the hospital when they were stopped by french police to cole was told that he had broken the law by aiding undocumented migrants to cause now awaiting trial and if found guilty under french law he could be jailed for up to five years and get a thirty thousand euro fine he says you have a humanitarian duty to do what he did. all the while on patrol we spotted a group of people walking through the snow we saw there was a family with two young children and a pregnant woman all we did what we always do we gave them food and drinks and dry
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clothes we saw that the mother was not well at all we learned she was eight and a half months pregnant so we decided to act quickly we understood she wasn't feeling well she was about to give birth we had to immediately take it asked her to . review and you would usually muscle it when we arrived to the bottom of the valley we were arrested by border police we were not able to convince them that the situation was serious and the woman was about to give birth the border policeman only told me that i was not able to judge whether the situation was serious or not at that point a family was separated the mother was taken to the hospital and we were brought to the police station with a dad the children and the two accompany people i was said immediately they are small documents and they catalogue my personal belongings they notify me of a hearing on wednesday and released near midnight. the lawyer assisted me with interrogation and developed a strategy to follow for the hearing i've insisted i was doing my humanitarian she
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teacher in the mission at the moment my file is in the hands of the prosecutor he will be the one to decide what will have to happen if the situation repeated itself tomorrow i would not be able to act differently is a totally acceptable thing to do. around a hundred people protested over the incident outside a police station in a town on the french italian border they claim the policy against migrants has been shown to be illegal and inhumane european history expert paolo bernardine says rescue team did the right thing by breaking the law to save lives. the act of a room away and i think is just one of the many apples of which someone acting against the laws will say a lot so someone else in this case my grounds of so is just tossing up on the issue. and i think yes i think it should also be released because of humanity and
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the love for mankind of the love. baby boom born to be superior should be also the state the opposite of what we should all bought one migrant once a model and so there they just lost respect because they are human beings so they must be tweeted like human beings he says he had a humanitarian duty to do what he did say that five times fast international will be back with headlines atop their stay with us. fundamentally the united states and russia are have been for decades two scorpions in a bottle each capable of destroying the other but only at the price of being destroyed
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itself. and said well these weapons will overcome u.s. missile defenses u.s. missile defenses were totally ineffective against russian forces already so they'll be more effective against russian forces. but politicians. who put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some who want. to go on to be for us this is what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters and how. this should.
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greetings and salutations spring is here hark watchers as we grow into summer you can feel a great energy charge in the air you saw in action over the weekend as roughly eight hundred thousand protesters took to the streets of washington d.c. demanding an end to the uniquely u.s. nightmare school shootings and gun related violence but as the old saying goes the more things change the more things stay the same you see as these kids teenagers parents and teachers applauded the powerful speeches demanding an end to violence their elected officials both democrat and republican went about business as usual and guaranteed over seven hundred billion dollars worth of violence worldwide i present to you the great one point three trillion dollar omnibus spending bill ladies and gentlemen a good place to see where your congressmen and president's moral values truly lie seven hundred billion more than half for the war department including sixty five
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point two billion specifically set aside for the o.c. o. the overseas contingency operations the actual budget specifically for waging war. and while the defense contractors bank rolls boom and their c.e.o.'s portfolios quadruple platinum that what joyous prizes await us behind door number one what do what do we get out of all this well besides incineration of but wounds how about a good old helping of warfare and do starvation. yes according to the world food program or w f p sixty percent of the eight hundred fifteen million chronically hungry people of the world those who do not know where their next meal is coming from those people all live in areas of armed conflict you have to executive director david beasley noted wars and conflicts are driving hunger in a way we've never seen before change change may very well be
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coming soon but in the meantime we'd better be watching all. the. way. to the bottom. like you that i got. this. week so. welcome aboard to watch the hawks am i wrong.


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