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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  March 29, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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some specific on sequences which could be resumed after this tragedy. it's a descent just to stay communication stuff visuals shown to some politician in local and regional level like the governor of a region for example was not very successful. i guess this kind of victim blaming him for trying to find some kind of external enemy is not very effective because that's a real tragedy i really want to pursue that angle of crisis communication a little bit later but let me ask you one question about which and specifically because i think the most difficult thing about this particular tragedy to process is that it was totally man made and putting himself said that this children died not because of terrorist attack not because of a gas explosion but because of a formalism corruption negligence and all of those things they have become
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archetypical trait of the russian state the state that he himself helped to create do you think is it fair to describe that tragedy as his own personal moment of reckoning i can tell you that unfortunately there is no. complete insurance for cases like that unfortunately that yes that was a tragic mistake but i don't see a reason to blame him personally also i don't see that someone has to bring condolence historian of putin not to the thermal as well as they govern there that the sheer not only he not only him a few of them and actually i guess that's a great mistake and. you can doesn't mean it my point was not of which it was to blame but whether you think the russian state is to blame because it's true in a fire it can happen everywhere but the response to the fire which was absolutely
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horrendous the observance of fire protection standards which was nonexistent and many many other factors whether we can indeed as all russians and we are all going through a very painful period that we can recognize that this is ultimately the mistakes and they are the consequences of what our state is like. the wolf state maybe they have to blame some specific minister is in charge of sponsible order in this fear or local and regional level but i don't see a reason to blame the state is itself well i think my impression was that putin himself was doing that because he actually said that what is to blame for this tragedy is the lack of. good performance on the part of the state and i think that was that he was the perhaps the only official among all the very large
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group officials who actually communicated that clearly. because he feels people's emotions and they actually see sure of that so you know. it was his smiting that and officials and some of the. dalt to things i would see inappropriate like victim blaming in and talking about so or not those people on the street is. not. someone from here are some kind of israel's over or emergency this year c.s. as a broker source so i guess that's a shame and the saw that putin filled himself a different way i guess that maybe the have a lick of direct elections come back as if elections and maybe if those officials. could have an experience of competitive elections maybe they could be more
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flexible more or maybe it would not have ever heard it ascended to such power after all because if you have to go through a competitive election for complaining in a year or sensually you're putting yourself objecting yourself to a lot of scrutiny and it seems from at least the camera experience that these people are extremely uncomfortable of this even facing their own people supposedly for whom they they work can i ask you a question about reforming the russians they because this was explicit complain promised by putin himself he said that the goal for the next six years is jill make a technological breakthrough but also to make the russian government more effective more humane more responsive what does the camera tragedy here say at or tell us about the this called of that challenge. you know there is some kind of contradiction because putin said that they have a bet on
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a young don't know krauts actually mostly there are a few shells reached did walk in executive branch of power and actually most of them. never had any experience of public politics day in never been elected in a few exceptions but to most of the new governors they never had any experience of capet a competitive politics and i see that they needed actually they have a few very serious problems like. environmental issue or. such a tragedy has legs it could happen and fortunately. those new people those new persons in a power they need to have those stew and scheme use to communicate to the people directly and also in such an uncomfortable circumstances
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like it happened in camera and before it happened and most poor region and so on and i'm afraid it's most of them are not ready let's talk about camera specifically because. to me at least personally dad was a manger a sort of highlight of this tragedy apart of course from the huge death toll the fact that that many officials at the local and federal level totally incapable of doing any kind of communication there was one of the most outrageous examples of a local official blaming a father who lost five family members for trying to score p.r. points on that tragedy. do you think that is is that just emotional death deafness the lack of empathy or is that indeed the lack of skill can something like
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that be correct ideas the lack of skill unfortunately and of course this. deputy governor has to the father who lost all his family just trying to score the p.r. for and he did not realize who stays with him and after of course the soul that this lieutenant governor he understood that he did rule and he kneeled. the fully grown but it looks he was not the only one for example there was another meeting of each year already a reference during which they had of the investigative committee had a very very close put in confident alexander but stricken practically accused parents of leaving their children on attended in this anymore or at the playground because they wanted to do some shopping and he said that you know in our times it wasn't like that parents were supposedly more responsible that's his leviton it's only to. visited seema the law of the dough children though the doubt
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it burns so he is not and there is no interior they were in no more that time but in any case it's an extremely insensitive thing to say and thankfully put in actually cut him short but he also said mr stricken said that. you know in our times it was like that do you think that's a generational thing do you think that will change as younger officials come to the reins of power. is not always better and this isn't bad maybe they're more emotional at you and i don't know. i'm not quite sure of course if they are talking about the health of investigative committee does not need to be very empathetic actually he needs to find a thick dually who really has to be blamed so who is a response of you found already to parents who have their children in the cinemas i guess it's it could be some kind of emotional reaction and so it was room by
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descent. have about one hundred in this to get a racin camera region who has to find out who really is responsible for this tragedy is so i guess it's true but it's not all the truth about investigative committee. but. of course it was a mistake what he said. this all actually pushes reaction so guys don't don't this is the laying out there yes absolutely and actually what is in the reality that's an empathy to the people you know you mentioned this is victim blaming factor and i think it was also very prominent in another recent example of botched communication in their lower house of the russian parliament stadium which involved allegations of sexual harassment the deputy who was accused of that he was cleared of all the allegations but i wonder if you think it's a end of the story
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a. few aspects. first of all there is no proof well this was a tape yes. yes it was a transcript there was no tape they didn't bring the tape and also it was no any group or expertise and also i would say that they do my commission. does not have right to arrange this expertise so i guess the deceased right move would be to go to police they didn't do this and of course what was strange and what members of a parliament a disc and mission not is that it happened just. in just before the election and dismay they're trying to suggest a p.r.
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point think as a senior yes but i would say that that's a problem and i would say sometimes it's a gear between the dinner a shan's because of people from that older generation they think that some things are normal and to people from younger generation they think they know they are not isolated here that there is a value. obviously taking place that and. you know that voters but i think what they reach mania is not only the harassment story itself but the reaction of the deputies and they said gesturing by the ethics committee that for example women have have to trust more modestly not in a row. that's wrong yes absolutely i mean i think we would all agree that it's wrong but do you think there is any chance of bringing to those people that that value shift has already occurred or do you think it will only. get registered once
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the new generation of politicians come. i guess that they just need more time bought some time i guess that's the problem is if your guru in to blame some you need to bring in some proofs so that i do understand them they felt it like some. if you can also avoid saying stupid things like for example women dressed modestly i mean if else like any sufficiently i do understand and also to say that i have been much more beauty a than those girls in. the rest yeah yes this is where one of the deputy deseret that's right it was a mistake as well and i guess that's the sea. disemployed limbs. the leg of communication skills dellec of empathy and the lack of accountability
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i guess tears as. she said that was a thirteen i was going to say about the same time. it's not everything is bat in russian power there are some people and then party so for example i did like we were in a behavior of a governor led nikitin who in the days. and the days of condolences he just came as a simple citizen just brought to. the flower. stayed quietly in and out well and it was there it was an added diet of a just then the you are not a big fish oh big cheese then the you are just that them then you share they
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condolences it's a different. disguise much more young yes well i missed a mention going to have to take a short break but we'll be back in just a few moments they chant. the russians are coming for well over the last year and this is the message western audiences have been served up twenty four seventh's what is behind this hysteria what does this message aimed to achieve always russia is supposed to react important are we facing a possible conflict. with the boss and that's all of them. i don't want little bit of zero.
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to do with the few. i'm not critical of what if there could be chilcote you know what. sort of. to him you know newcomb witness can catch stuff but mostly to do that not still the question is to yes but all yes the chest but i saw with. everyone that it's clear of the court but. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside i. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch pull the final school it's about the passion
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from the fans it's the age of the super manager kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy a great so well more transfer. and thinks this minute. welcome back to worlds apart you mentioned kind of russian political consultant mr minchin come before the break we were talking about the. deficiencies of the russian political elite but obviously the president himself promised a new style of governance over the next six years there are lots of discussions in
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russian and russia about putin four point zero he's been talking a very passionately about the need for a technological breakthrough but his critics would say that for that he lacks that knowledge and he likes the fact financing i feel like well lacks the people. what do you thing of course there's a this is a very difficult task and of course if you're talking about technological breakthrough the question is why they didn't do this before the special live in the heard of such good. prices conductor but i dissent. or bruce lee have a. very good positions for example in militarist sector and. you know how the conversation of the some people. prominent expert in militarists and ask them is it true all those things put in gold in his state of the union
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and say yes one new theme in many put in speeches is we the people they say do you have civil engagement of both personal and shared responsibility do you see that as populism as paying lip service to democratic institutions or is there something more to it i think that he's a genuine. do so thing. to name that actual it's true because people who now march more involved. in some serial activity in some volunteer remove and so on so i guess that could last few decades people in russia because more friendly more empathetic. more open and i think they've also started to demand more
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from the public officials and they mostly into less than part one is a good example of that because. i cannot imagine they harass men scandal like we had and they don't let's say five years ago people it would just register but apparently. this values shift is indeed happening just the changes that chile just that's right people demand more from officials at the same time especially use in some of internet blogs forums. because it would have people so for example. in more school they have this internet blog from like it if citizen i live not for far from the place we have an interview right now now and it was. it was a hole in the road. and just sent a photo for a disservice and it was fixed in
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a few days so the lesson for everybody if not always as efficient and at the end of the day what we would expect from the government is not patching some holes but actually allaying good growth in the first place i know that in one of your articles you said that put in is an experienced populist you actually said that he became a trunkless long before the political emergence of trump himself and trump with a divider you can. ever imagine him as an actual consensus candidate whereas put in the whatever you think about him politically is a unifier and the latest election show that he not only preserve his core base he actually cheap voters away from you know marginal and oppositional parties are they release or similar i would not say because i guess. putin is more cautious more empathetic. less extravagant so i would say that putin in reality is
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a politician of compromise much more than donald trump and i would explain it not only by a personal history. i would say that. those angry white men. are much more numerous in russia in the u.s. so debase is much worried about some of the various they have very similar that's where for example for example. national industry national in their interests above anything. now i would say some kind of the values of traditional society much more them to values of the new globalist equal world like so traditional family. religion. chums family is far from traditional i mean it's traditional
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by composition is there but his electorate his electorate you know i just finished my book my new book about donald trump and i can tell you that. interesting theme. that. why the religious the moon voted for them. even after this scandal hit something so on now i know that immediately after trump's victory you were modestly optimistic about the possibility of the relationship between our countries improving but it just had the largest expulsion of russian diplomats from the west and what's interesting is that the united states is send out even more diplomats than great britain. what what's your sense of where the relationship is going right now. new called.
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new cold war the so are illiterate what do you mean by that i mean that. relationship between our countries so i would say more be true breeds in russia and this will do worsen in. in a few years that's my brokenness is would like to mistake to make a mistake but. fortunately. strategy of the collective best. to i salute to russia. and to. shows to describe it is a real state so as a pariah you made a point earlier that you believe that this decision this idea to marginalize putin and by extension russia predates the conflict in ukraine it was made before that immediately after his putin's election in put an election in two thousand and
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twelve what is it about that irritates he's haters in the west so my so much and is that person no or is it more russia related ideas the main problem. cuttin. he's the most professed politician in russian history for the last century. and to main problem is that he is a disappointed brewster and politicised because his idea of when he just became russian president in two thousand was to make russia is a part of a big west. and unfortunately he didn't succeed if russia can be a part of the big west russia is going to be the real best.
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based on the really is the church helped to historical west to prosper and to develop of self. and those those elections told about religious. traditional family and nation as a center so i guess that's putin's ideology. he's a dear he can construct you. a term and too poor of power in the world of course is quite uncomfortable for the or only superpower in the world and finally i want to ask you as a political consultant one of the strategies that the west employs a lot versus russia is the strategy of shaming and. staining its reputation and i think it was very. well demonstrated in the united kingdom that
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this crippled case because area the british government is very. apparently shifting from concrete evidence the chemical evidence from the tories the larger debate about you know russia has such an awful reputation that means it did it as a political technologist how would you manage. that issue from the point of view of maintaining as good of a reputation as possible. is the most important is to the call because russia might be in my opinion. in the last year is too emotional in the response of all those accusations so. hard a situation. they call me you have to be self confidence respect to the corner and even if they will call in and is rude you just
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have to be calm and bring your reason for just like to say keep calm and carry on is there mention going to have to live in there i really appreciate your time with us today and terrorists please keep the conversation going in our social media pages as for me hope to see you again same place same time here and all the party. you understand how big client trades just put two charts overlay them one is the u.s. dollar what is the big prize as the u.s.
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dollar has moments of strength in the otherwise long multi decade bear market to oblivion you say pressure on big going as dollar would assume this bear market and its new all time lows on the dollar index below seven they will see big going adding new all time highs but the dollar is the devil's currency the dollar is different currency that supports the establishment that supports the charlatans and you know it does have a strong days but the trend is does iraq. time but he made a bet of the entire you might even want to get it. but again. we're going to die i mean by my my money i mean god. needed to be. made into a move to india that in full in the independent it consists of the fear. that
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it will buy up the natural again that he may as well to go toward the city to get a. patient in the n.c.a.a. hopefully able to cool using tables allow no. let up. well that's. our sort of. talk so.
12:00 am
the. pressure expel sixty u.s. diplomats and shuts the american consulate in st petersburg copying washington's move over the spitball case while the state department says it reserves the right to respond further. sources close to wiki leaks say the ecuadorian embassy has long julian assange has internet access to stop people tweeting about catalonia and designer vivian westwood says you must get back on line. it's really important that he's got access to the world by all the expose your t.v. manages to do. and netflix users threatened to boycott the online entertainment giant or is it a point of president obama's former national security adviser who is poor.


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