tv Boom Bust RT March 30, 2018 11:30am-11:51am EDT
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henri's. takeovers mergers and acquisitions have increased by sixty seven percent from a year ago according to the financial times in the first quarter of the year mergers and acquisition m. and a activity has boomed to a record breaking one point two trillion dollars the activity which is a full third more than the previous i reach back in two thousand and seven before the financial crisis has been fuel injected by a good global economy lower interest rates and in the u.s. tax cuts proved late last year among the key mergers being discussed currently our us oil and gas producer concho which is buying r s p permian for nine point five billion dollars and the largest exchange in the world the chicago mercantile exchange group or c m a group is buying u.k.'s any x. group for what is reported to be three point eight billion dollars plus japan's leading drugmaker to keda just confirmed it is considering a takeover bid of rival irish rival shire and while the data shows those large
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increases in mergers and acquisitions one large potential murder merger has actually been put on hold ascension the largest not for profit hospital system in knighted states and providence st joseph health also a large nonprofit hospital owner has said that they will put merger talks on hold for now the birger would have created the largest hospital owner in the nation profit or not for profit while not noted as a reason for idling any merger talks some say that and i trust issues as have been looming and as a concern and we've reported here on the program front and center in some larger merger talks is and i trust issues the a.t.m. t. time warner deal that is currently being challenged by the u.s. department of justice in federal court on grounds the merger will violate and i trust laws. and american city has been under cyber siege for nearly a week and you may not even have heard about it i had until just recently. one week
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ago the city of atlanta georgia was the victim of a ransomware attack which immediately restricted access to certain computer systems and files unless the city pays cyber attackers fifty one thousand dollars in bitcoin those systems and those files within it were remained behind digital lock and key and potentially deleted we reach out to the city's director of communications asking if they had any leads on suspects and if they knew if any data had been compromised and they said quote we have confirmed that we know who is responsible for the attack however we have not provided any additional details or comment beyond that at this time there is no evidence to show that customer or employee data has been compromised however customers and employees are encouraged to take precautionary measures to monitor and protect their personal information that sounds rather is ominous and here to help us out is cyber security expert in the founder of c.e.o. of virus software todd shipley todd thank you for being with us again what's going
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on with things that's so strange that not many of the even heard of it i know you're in in this space and i'm sure heard of it right when it happened but but tell tell me and tell our viewers all about what's going on todd. sure bart thanks for having me on well i mean i first found out about it when still reaction happened when the atlanta airport turned off their wife we immediately in the industry knew something was wrong because something was under attack it ended up being a response of action by the airport they didn't get attacked but it was the entire city of atlanta which suffered a catastrophic attack in the sense that all the systems were down law enforcement had to write reports the city couldn't get taken fines the court system didn't know who was supposed to be in court so was pretty. bad attack on the city and cripple them for quite some time so i had even thought about the airport that's totally separate from from the city that airports privately correct runs ok well that's at least
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a good thing that's the bart that's the impact that this thing has had it's not just a single event it causes a lot of other things to occur which people don't pay attention to how would you rate atlanta's response to this problem right it right at first at least todd. well i think it's typical it was an reactionary response they didn't understand what was occurring to begin with and that's evident by the fact that they had employees that were releasing information about the attack that should have been releasing information but it was very typical about what happened they didn't know what was occurring they didn't have a proper cybersecurity response plan or they didn't know how to implement it and things begin to rapidly occur where they didn't understand what was happening and their systems all got shut down and they were unable to deal with it at first they brought in people to help and that has brought them back to some degree of villages to respond to community needs but it was a big impact at first and wasn't done very well i wonder and this may be sort of
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a juvenile question todd but i wonder if it's like you see on the t.v. shows where you know you get a ransom letter or the characters in t.v. or movie do it and they say don't contact the police or anything because i noted in one of the reports that there was a t.v. a local t.v. station that ran it and they actually at lana station reported the story and showed the link to the hacker is bitcoin wallet where the city would deposit the ransom and that link is now gone so even if the city wants to pay this ransom is there no way to actually pay it. well we don't know yet whether there are grants some. where people actually has recontacted the city or not we don't know that for sure but in fact that was the problem their media policy didn't include telling the employees not to provide anything to the media and in fact they had a screenshot of that exact thing where it had their bitcoin address it had her e-mail address that had the darknet site that they were supposed to go pay the
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ransom at and all of that stuff now is not there for them to do this so it became a problem because of how they end up being reactionary in this and not having a good policy about how to deal with the follow on problems that are associated with this kind of attack ok so i know your answer is going to be yes but give us some details the question is should cities and towns be where you about this and should they protect precaution and so answer about cities and towns and tell us about companies and individuals what do they need to do todd. well obviously this is important because this is not something that has changed an ongoing thing for a number of years now the tactics of change what's important to understand about this particular ransomware this is not a drive by kind of thing where somebody downloads some malware and infect their system because they opened up a p.d.f. file or something like that on their system that's kind of a thing that that occurs but we've learned to defend against this this was actually a bunch of threat actors going out and looking at systems across the country and
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trying to find weaknesses and then breaking into those systems that are weak and then complaining those that malware within that system so it's a very different kind of attack so cities counties even individuals have to pay attention to make sure that they've got their up to date security profiles going on that they're paying attention particularly cities and businesses because we know that boeing is one of the ones that was attacked with the same malware that they've got to be able to go out there and understand what the threats are and put a plan together to respond to it we're never going to be one hundred percent secure but they have to be able to respond when the attack occurs in an effective manner making sure that they've got the right backups and systems in place so that they can really establish themselves fairly quickly after the attack and not be put down the way we've seen in the past where the way sony was and so many others were because they didn't have a plan in place that properly addressed this great advice tod as always todd shipley the founder and c.e.o. of various software thanks for your expertise thanks mark.
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and home sales begin to take off around this time a year but this year looks to be a little more interesting than others and longer term fundamentals of supply and demand may boost home prices housing markets in san francisco seattle las vegas have already seen some increases in home prices although last week following the federal reserve's open markets committee meeting in this subsequent raise of interest rates freddie mac. reports mortgage rates have reached four point four five percent further increases are expected later this year and will undoubtedly impact home purchases and here to discuss housing is cathy fifty the co-founder and co c.e.o. of the real worth the we're real wealth network i'm sorry and she's also the author of retire rich with rentals kathy thank you for joining us do you agree with the fundamentals that perhaps we are going to see higher home prices this year across
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the country there is a lack of inventory a lack of housing inventory because during the great recession which remember was only five six years ago at the depth of it builders got wiped out it's taken a while for them to get back up and running builder fees are enormous and they've increased builder costs are up thirty percent so it's and there's not really a solution in sight yet to increase the inventory levels it's getting better but with that so much so much demand from new households of the millennial is coming of age and yet not the supply so yes i do think we're going to see continued increases in housing costs and are there for specific geographic areas where you know we're going to see this more witness than others are some of the metropolitan areas or is it all over. it's really well there's two generations that we have to look at their someone else they are the largest generation today and then there's the baby boomers who are the second largest they used to rule the the economy and now it's
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really the millennial because there's more of them so what are the baby boomers doing they're retiring ten thousand a day are retiring and they're moving somewhere where they can afford to retire and that hopefully has a nice place for that is a vacation type place so florida will continue to move there and texas as well these are the two top states where we're seeing migration but then you've also got these millennial who are just starting out in life and so they're going to be going where the jobs take them and we're seeing massive growth of course in seattle portland denver san francisco l.a. new york miami these areas will continue to boom until it just becomes so one affordable that that companies and those people begin to move out of town kind of like what's happening in california there's more people moving out. you know but we just had a guest on top shipley and he's in reno and reno is actually a place where people are moving from from what palo alto and that area to reno is
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that correct yeah that's right our company is actually building two hundred fifty homes there and we're not even close to the number of homes that are needed there's about sixty five hundred new homes needed every year in reno because so many big companies are moving their google amazon you've got tesla battery facilities there and and switch so and lots and lots of high tech companies because we're only three or four hours drive from the silicon valley but in reno it's a whole different whole different economy much more affordable i'm just curious it's changing it seems like a double whammy one you got the supply and demand fundamentals of less housing available so prices will increase and we're seeing interest rates getting higher so is there anything to be optimistic about as a potential home buyer kathy. well if you're a homeowner you're seeing your prices rise so that's always nice but a home buyer they're getting squeezed and both the both sides the home prices going up and interest rates going up we have to remember that a four and
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a half percent interest rate is still really good and historically very low so lock it in while you can and home prices while there are a ball of it in many places there above the last high the last peak of two thousand and six if you adjust for inflation inflation it's really more like two thousand and four levels where we are today so in many parts of the over the country it's still believe it or not it's still cheaper to own than to rent and you lock in that payment for thirty years whereas we know that rents are will continue to to rise so if you can do it do it great kit kat the i want to thank you would love to have you back again to talk about international housing and also about air b.n. b. and some of the home away etc lots to cover in the future kathy fact the c.e.o. and co-founder of the real wealth network thanks for joining us. and time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return we'll talk about how blocked and
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crystal currencies argue centralizing the financial sector with your wanly the founder and c.e.o. of next age the financial social media site and as we go to break here are the numbers of the closing bell three green arrows one stock and good point is down by roughly seven and a half percent over the last twenty four hours will be right there. this time insurgent or terrorist group enjoys long and sun two of the no matter how much mood to put a show you put on them do will be in the one. to read hibernated themselves come. i made would be like counting. on to take you know loops to all. the most expensive fish in the
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world each one selling for tens of thousands of euros it continues to grow its entire life if it was thirty years old you might have a two ton fish out there and yet they don't get that big today because we're way too good at catching me. it's only when i'm themself a much larger mission was once there and that was much more widely distributed we have politicians that are in office for a few years they have to get reelected everything is very very short term our system is not suited and is not geared for long term survival and that's why we have the catastrophes oh you know. our.
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of them was so much all of them mama. i don't mind. a bit of a little. longer we'll. be able to do a little for you to try i'm not critical of a lot of the chilcote you know beyond the. sort of. to henry nccam with the nice concrete stuff for us to do that. yes fill the chest but us lewis. there for everyone that is. the core but.
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welcome back president donald trump criticize amazon on twitter today saying the online retailer pays little in state and local taxes exploits the u.s. postal service and puts retailers out of business that was nice amazon used various tax break to pay no net federal income taxes on five point six billion dollars in profit and twenty seventeen according to amazon securities exchange commission filings cited by the institute for taxation and active over there but you're one look into your crystal ball and how do you think finance will be changed through
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decentralization except if you look for example i don't know three or five years from now what will look like. well i think it's going to be varied and let me start with just financial inclusion it's not just about the sophisticated technology financial clues in is a very important part of block chain because this is a three hundred m. billion three hundred eighty billion dollar industry where it's about closing the critical app for small businesses and also bringing adults that are not a part of the financial system into the financial system and elevating their spending so that's a very important part of what's happening with large chain they will not the people in the emerging markets will no longer need branches they will be able to do everything on mobile phones and have settlements very quickly while i also see is evolution in terms of the actual cryptocurrency market ameri bodies talking about
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can crypto currency beefy our currency there are number of examples of of this already but mostly are in token form we saw what's happening in venezuela with the peytral but what we're going to see i believe in twenty eighteen and probably twenty ninety a major central bank a crypto currency as the our currency not because our economy is in demise but more about the fact that it is a currency that is going to be use because it is cheap to use you can control crime and it's accessible to everyone you want to lead a founder and c.e.o. of next the financial so studio media site we're glad to finally have you on we hope you'll come back thanks for being with us you won thank you bart. and thank you for watching be sure to catch boom bust on you tube at you tube dot com slash boom bust r.t. and we'll catch you tomorrow good.
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times about email bad of the attack you might even want to get it. but then again. i don't and i mean by my mind i'm a god. intended . to do exactly. those things just like images consistent if you want. to know who to buy up and actually get at the me i've got to get a live cd because the. patient is. hopeful think. oh.
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how does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is a good business model helps to run a prison now we just do or don't like is there nobody you know visitation they don't no one comes anymore we don't have to serve them anymore is cost effective that's what they want to do that at the moment they don't give a damn if you do the chores or not they're going to be paying to put it back into the good the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the u.s.n. bridge what secret is behind such success. the russians are coming for well over the last year and this is the message western audiences have been served up twenty four seventh's what is behind this hysteria what does this message aim to achieve always russia is supposed to react importantly are we facing a possible conflict. ten
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people are killed and over a thousand things to this israeli soldiers use live bullets and tear gas in clashes with palestinians on the first day of rage on the gaza border. the mother you read these a very good weekend maybe the ten year old and he was close to the fans also this hour in our russia takes action to expel foreign diplomats in a tit for tat measure over the script poisoning escalates and german authorities can't deport some sixty five thousand illegal migrants as the asylum seekers don't have valid id papers.
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