tv Worlds Apart RT April 1, 2018 2:30am-2:58am EDT
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hello and welcome to all the part of the british authorities explicitly side the poisoning of the former half as b agent alexander litvinenko in london as the circumstantial evidence in this case the russians did it before they will do it again that's the essence of the u.k. allegations against russia but doesn't london itself have capability in time and motive for this kind of national character assassination well to discuss that i'm now joined by the father of alexander litvinenko. mr singh by thank you very much for a time you for coming to our program the only way this is going to be if you break the difficult conversation probably so i'm sorry i apologize in advance if some of my questions might seem insensitive as far as i know treasonous in the days of your son with him at the hospital he basically died in your hands but i will post in your arms and right after that you publicly blamed russia for his death for the who
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or what made you change your opinion on this issue. i kept on i was in this situation i kept thinking. surely i came to a conclusion you know nothing can change my opinion and would never do anything like that. to put it right was and i'm sorry for interrupting with your go but when know that your son or should we blame accused putting up with the there were some serious accusations he said that putting was behind the russian apartment bombings that we see behind the nine eleven attacks in the united states these are serious accusations why do you think that russian intelligence services you or maybe politicians could not have. done something like that. you know perhaps. some in the russian leadership would want to do any such thing but we have
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one person in charge of everything and that's the way it has always been and it's the same these days the president is on top of everything and i can see he is a decent person at the glow he doesn't do such nasty things just get so i read jet all those dia's. understand he's smart he's a smart guy he would never do something so who is xander he was just a regular agent he loved his work he was almost fighting criminals. primary job he was going after criminals not just like your own which may go well in put as i guess he was a trader. so he was not a traitor alexander was never a traitor he could not be a traitor and putin's actually put a new king personally. to putin's office
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a couple of times at least that's what he told me what i know from him and i have heard about it more i don't know whether it's true or not maybe it was just his intentions even though i doubt it is very simple go to the well let's not talk about putting but some of those your son's case thank you because our british many of our british colleagues say that there need to be doubted whether you trust putting are not whether you trust the british authorities he meets there is a chemical trey's it is that leads through lugovoy to the airport you know about now and then back to moscow the age of egypt or just move through yeah i heard about that term to libya continue to you know it's not like it was something that one person did it was a group of people and not just three people dozens of people involved there were traces on the airplane they were traces. this. toopid.
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you go there to poison. there would be traces if they were does no but if they sent somebody with a colonial. one person. alone immediately first they just said something and then they said it was dahlia and then they said it was polonium polonium they found it after he died thirty minutes after he died they started saying that it was polonium two plus so soon and you know doctors are so stupid and they never figured out what they should treat him for i know i'm a doctor myself i know first you get the diagnosis ride and then you go for treatment your opinion about the cause of death of your son is different from what his widow might or in a says she still public and i think sincerely excuses that. as a mission. while marina remains in the u.k.
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she's controlled by the intelligence services in trochu this case i could have stayed there as well but i realized that i had to leave as soon as i could because i would never survive there the new good. for a couple years you know and when i fled to russia i told him you have to hide me if you can hide me i would never go back yes that's the release. of i know that he personally think that they took his for my friend. is connected to his death he's a cia agent characters general is a cia guy. my son was his motive why are you so sure that it was him don't wish to know to you but i will i think he would have left to just lie. he was as smart as we deal of.
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you know. as soon. as long as you're immune to beat in fuel live it will go as soon as you rebel. you get killed this is what happened to better itself ski this is what happened to this lady said. the wife she had cancer why don't you. sit in have cancer so young woman they just killed her but don't because she knew too much and she spoke too much and when she was saying that they told me she was a drug addict and now they say she had cancer they lie all the time but much it's obvious that there are a lot of russians in the u.k. still have an axe to grind with a new russian who didn't. just look at the xander they're all they're all under
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control zoe leo depend on the british authorities. they're all on the payroll what them did it is an interesting coincidence in this case to resign me that when she was home secretary at a new deal see classified. case the one year old investigation materialists and she said there was a matter of national security you're a family man on a broader sure and that was the right thing to do because if they actually reveal all this information. it's not just the national security field or it's basically the cia that's involved brits and the americans they're very close and. he's really intelligence services as well because alexander went to israel then to italy and then he went to london and then he was killed soon after that.
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there was the first attempt in a tube or maybe it was the beginning of the poisoning but on the first he felt there is sick and. purged his stomach if this was they would have diagnosed that straight away i'm a doctor myself i know about these things now or i'd be seen you're right but it does give the british authorities say that it is such an unusual poison so nobody could even think that somebody would use it but what about let's go back to but. the reason they say this was born in me is because they want to blame it all on russia that's what they did. i don't know they didn't show me any documents nothing . that i would like to ask you as a family member you have you should have. no access whatsoever have you tried to maybe take it to court it would go to some british court and it would cost for
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access to these documents as a father as a victim. you know when i was there nobody would let me have any ex's you know they would just kick me out. mention the fact that there are of them a lot of former russian citizens in the u.k. they had a relationship with the right so i talked to some of those people i can give you their names but i don't want to set. up what did you talk to some of them blamed in the first and then they told me openly that this was mafia meaning there is all ski and goldfarb. all those people. and so people who told me about that they could not accuse. just because. everywhere and these people they don't want to get killed so it was easier for them . just see instead there is off ski himself was controlled by the cia.
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used the fish noticed that i knew and there are many of you look up and maybe in the u.k. think that the british authorities did not really wanted this tension in the relations in their relations with russia so after. the death there were no serious diplomatic push. to finally come up with i'm sure they're fed up why do you think they are taking these threats right now and i knew i knew but what do you know they were it would mean one looking to find something on put him back then as soon as he gave his speech in munich and they started trying all sorts of nasty things against putin it's going yes no and that they will just want to listen when all those things happen i remember how called for they do so they only can expel our diplomats but actually they are at risk here dare afraid of russia well if you're
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afraid of russia human we don't want anything we're not imposing anything and when you come so you know you. put all those new weapons and it's just because we don't want anybody to make jokes about us well we have to take a very short break now but we'll be back in just a few moments stay tuned. for some it's all of them but i just i don't. know. you know we do a little kid. i'm not critical of what if they're going to be chilcote you know.
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salute. to him in any commitment that he's going to get so for us fully in charge of it not skip the question as to yes but oh yes the chest but us know with by the rest of what i'm here for everyone that it's for your cooks involved with the. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last wrong turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry. so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i
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never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each day. but then my feelings started to change you talked about more like it was a game still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question are are. just there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. welcome back to worlds apart with walter litvinenko the father of the poisoned format half as b agent alexander litvinenko was there in a french nor spotted near me at the sub sheen you know or the latest news is that. is getting better and it's a miraculous recovery because the british media kept saying that. they had no
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chance to survive nine years but now we're learning that she's conscious of it that she's eating it she can talk is it because the health care in the u.k. so wonderful wrote the story of them was just because the guy who poisoned them is not standing next to them so they may survive you know but alexander that had the guy who poisoned him but just standing next to him at the hospital so i would see he survived he had three poisonings of the first time you was taken to hospital and they thought he ate something. i don't know it was dark i don't know if it was doctors just somebody who visited him in hospital and boys and him further with such a good hour. the must speak to your son's death was very public and the picture of the photographer at the hospital with his shaved head and he
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looked very tired but it was a very emotional picture and it was just everywhere but in this current case in the script by case nobody has seen the victims ever says the suspected poisoning do you have any theories as to why the doors were open for visitors back then anybody could take a picture of him whereas now there's such secrecy emerging from below i'm telling them that every last search room you know when alexander was poisoned will go it's a lake and this was. something they wanted to show to the whole world how cruel russia is how brutal russia. how russia it's enemas. today. but back then when they realized. that they were in trouble they decided to change it around
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a little bit so this time they took a different approach so this time they don't put things on display they just keep it secret or they're just waiting to see how russia response will little. if this were rush's and they would pursue this track. on and on but scotland yard did not look for the perpetrator they were covering up their tracks what they did with xander is they covered up their tricks and know they're reluctant to reveal those things because they know that again they will have to cover up their trucks but i like to argue with you a little bit and you may be here because they realized that russians are smart and russian scientists would be able to establish what this substance was but if we accept that theory which is very popular in russia that it was all coordinated in
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any ceded by the british just by us they're scared they're scared they get their predict russia would find out who did that and personal i think it was ukraine why did you say yes yes because ukraine once russia to clash with the rest of the world . but if the british knew that russia had nothing to do with that then. you this. recovering view is not going to work for them because right now you like it doesn't really make sense to me because i first heard that they said they was a deadly agent and nobody would ever recover from that but now we know that this young lady is actually recovering and so that's not in their interest. it's not in their interest if sergei screwball survives the girl she does. you know anything screwball knows a lot no i don't like but they're still now that i've read it's a big question where they actually boys and maybe choke because we're told that
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it's a very powerful voice and it doesn't look right that somebody is able to recover from it so much later you know they say there is a place thirteen kilometers away from the spot where they were found where they manufacture these newer agents and manufacture and to do. it over and over but russia was done with him a long time ago russia let him go a long time ago and that russian citizens from what i understand. i think the still have relatives and all those relatives are in russia from your own experience. british doctors do they respect their patients rights like visitation rights to dealers but doctors just do their job but there's always somebody in the back controlling them. i don't know. six
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we don't know we don't know who is in charge of all this operation maybe. it's just some people who are cooking up for the rest of the world i know that old those nerve agents. we used to have those during the soviet time but then we abandoned these program and. all those chemical weapons we have other weapons we don't need chemical weapons just didn't use it. in any case if the soviet union by the end it was developing the site substances in order to determining where this substance came from we need access to some biological materials water ice sheet. and russia still has no such axis pretty boy of some move but if i go what do you think. will this axis be ground to look at that or do you think the u.k.
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does not want to investigate this case or should they know just where they're on they'll just keep hiding all those things deeper and deeper and deeper in. what the british are thinking about is how to turn this whole situation against russia are they realised by now that the themselves into a mess with the recent me should be a bit i don't know maybe. there's a range this whole thing on purpose before the presidential election in russia and then this whole thing blew up in the political issue and i think sure they were hopeful that but they were a little you know when other. they thought they would get treat of putin's. boss i want to compare these two cases again because the. there was the sense and logic in the chain of events that meeting at the hotel the polonium and the. thank
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you felt worse he was taken to the hospital near to you know that's not how it started when you said there was some preliminary poising and some attempt. to discover. you know it's going to get there when they started this whole thing there was this italian guy's carmelo and they brought him in they brought him in but don't go to denials of those things and later when this whole thing started. they started talking about the lugovoy. they started talking about the don't and. and then they started developing. this theory what it was but you know what it first if those three guys did it first but then. there would be more three is more than one listen. it's possible for one person to
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cover his tracks when he poisoned but it was a group it was a group of look in the us you look at those trees is there was a person following the trees leaving alone you know there was polonium on the other xander and there was polonium all along their truck. or whatever they were lugovoy in those other people to stay on the plane. one person would never leave such a trace they left traces that are on at the restaurant. in other words so they wouldn't done it themselves but i'm not even asking about. you know how much polonium they spent it was worth thirty eight million dollars thirty eight million dollars to poison some guy lived in the. thirty eight million
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dollars that's a great hit the big question this is actually similar to the. theory because if we believe that the but what is it about the navy chilcot would have cost several million. dollars as well because that's not a cheap program. all those provoke a tours they have lots of money to live on in any case no matter what happens and no matter who is behind those murder and they attempted murder of the escape eyes of the u.k. is going to use this as a pretext to escalate the tensions in their relations with russia but. yes they would love to do that but no eventually they will be exposed they will be revealed they will be caught red handed and three so many will be shamed for saying the things she says today and this their foreign secretary what is your guy boris
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yes poorest yeah he will be there as well the most though and i think you'll survive he'll be ok he couldn't care less what he's in a serious about that would like to ask a different question how do you think the russia act in this situation. they don't have countries do it russia does the right thing russia doesn't pay attention to russia just does its thing. and that's the right way to go like putin said we're strong enough no we've got missiles we've got everything we need to respond to support all those guys seeking global domination name we know what global domination is but we would never do such thing. does the right thing and europe is now on its knees. and there's nothing you can do about europe i feel sorry for europeans but we've got putin so let's follow him well
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walter thank you very much for your time our viewers can keep the conversation going in our social media pages as for me this year again same place same time here on the wall to par. time about e-mail bag of the entire you may need my death. but again. pedal going to die me buying them my money and i may god keep walking me to the beach.
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making such a move to india get him in the a disadvantage it consists of if you want. to get a job i love and actually get that be made i suppose you get a life saving because the. patient is a hopeful and i think kid plays into this oh. it's the cradle of jazz. this is america is the america we have to put knows this jazz feeling. a city of climatic contests trophies of alligators on the loose of poverty and crime are used by the least
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swell members of my friends close most. of street racing in the peace of the night this is a new orleans self a man who knows the best place in the world. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they did accept the reject . so when you want to be president. or some want to. to going to be for us it's like well before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. city.
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