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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 2, 2018 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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also the latest twists and turns in the alleged poisoning controversy in the u.k. and r t is again being targeted. cross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have victor allege he is a political analyst as well as a leading expert at the center for actual politics and we have dmitri bob h. he is a political analyst with nick international right gentlemen as always crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in in time any time you want and i always appreciate mark let me go to you first here we have president donald trump saying that it's essentially time for the united states to get out of syria kind of hearkening back to the old campaign days but apparently as i said in my introduction not everybody got that memo in the administration what's going on here will be coming out of syria like very soon. let the other people take care of it now we got to get back to our country where we belong where we want to be the that
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was that was the trump that i remember from the campaign now if people voted for the work too well i don't know if they voted on syria and foreign policy but that that is what his foreign policy platform was at the time now this was a media only met across the press led by the washington post the new york times but even from people within his own administration really trying to walk that back right there they did it did you check the mad dog mad dog that had the right what does this tell us about his administration though because there doesn't seem to be any coordinated policy there seems to be no timeline as well so i mean is this you know something that trump just says because it was like at a rally ok to energize the base because this is a kind of a test of who's running foreign policy victory that eat my lips no new. george
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bush sr doing good republican convention one of the first things he did as president was he have raised taxes for the american taxpayers politicians say you do not have sexual rules. and. you know. shortly what we did was he said something that was not true the united states is not planning to get out of syria very soon or soon or in the long term perspective the united states plans to stay in syria as long as possible even if the president of the united states doesn't agree deemer that's why the president of the nation he doesn't say so but most likely he didn't say he was that you need a reason reason why we're doing this because i think it's a litmus test of if there's a real disconnect in words and in policy and apparently there is. basically i was asked to comment on this by al jazeera and they told me it's not like in russia where the president says something he means it it's
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a democratic country you know i said yes. there's democracy i don't know about that deep state but i do or would you rather sit and according to that there you always had that states and the e.u. should never never make concessions they cannot retreat the problem with this ideology it can only move forward it can only test whether or not to repeat one of the interesting things more we have john bolton coming in and i think we all know he's long history of blunders and failed policies but he is a big booster for interventionism i mean he essentially is associated with it you want to stay in syria and day one north korea and syria are going to be on the table here here's and they say they agree on a lot of things i actually think they just agree on a lot of things yeah i think john bolton probably did a face by moment when when he heard dropsy this question exactly what he was walking into the one of the law. that of the associated press story on this was
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alarming bells went off across the state department and the pentagon again showing that trump is obviously not on the same foreign policy and military page in the pages of the washington post our favorite neocon josh rogin you know that the mouthpiece whenever the security state wants to say something he wrote an article under the title in syria we took the oil now trump wants to give it to you not not to the syrian government but to iran this is the specter we've long talk about this all the neo cons tried to shift the goalpost with trump to raise the specter of iran because of the hard disk image and this is what's going to happen this is what's going to happen is that you know because apparently trump and bolton on the same page when it comes to iran this is how he's going to convince the. his syria policy has to be an extension of the policy on iran that's how it's going to play out of course but it is hard to be of that words were. to start with he
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probably did not mean one single word but what he said about getting out of here very soon he has proved himself to be a president who says promises a lot makes a lot of problems it will do makes a lot of people under delivery. very little to do with reality or it will be even the wanting to do it why he does that sometimes bluffing sometimes believing that increases the effectiveness of it is negotiating because it would tend to agree but the problem with that is that we do least at this point in time we have these negotiations coming up with north korea and south korea. if the if the north koreans are seeing this kind of bluster coming out of trump power are they going to trust any kind of deal making a deal with the americans is hard enough let me remind us all of the american constitution says that the president determines the four important so in. if the
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united states had been wrong or when it implies that it has something to do with russia these days ok then the president doesn't on many issues sesame seed no you know the united states is not ruled by the elected president it is ruled by an idea what would you and with north korea it's the same with with me do east you know the united states could be imply there are going to be the military exercises are starting right now and in south korea the aim is to forget all of their. team and then in big games well the first visit by the eurozone to the caribbean to china their approach mom you know in the face of with these new exercise ok we're going to keep an eye on that i want to go to this poisoning case in the in the u.k. it's falling apart the official line is falling apart work i don't see that oh it's we've just had an easter miracle oh yeah i did i did way of putting it there we should call this but it seems to me we're going to go we have. the over the chalk
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this is a word created by the west that has nothing to do with the supposed program this this supposed. ten times more powerful than vx that's what we're told right so far out of the three supposed victims of it we've got a cop out walking the streets just fine talking to the press and then the double agent the british spies daughter evidently iraqi lives around us and really we should get a significant risk looking out we've already seen or do enough social media we had you know we had a headline in the telegraph. one day it was poisoned russian spy and daughter should be allowed to die says friend thirty six hours later in the telegraph russian spies daughter is conscious and talking nearly a month after coming that's what i call seasonally appropriate reception. that's what i call the seasonally appropriators resection but it's not the all. the
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strange thing about these poisoning let me just give you all of the versions that they had before that mr scruple and his daughter were sprayed by a possibility that they were contained in the drool and that somebody has inserted this. poison in his car knowing that in that there was this nearly full interview and there was a severe door we know now we heard this means now we have this because of the wrong and the beardmore did so we have no way to know whether it was outside the home to even say this is the interesting thing there is someone someone media to this group of this is the interesting thing about this door theory right because supposedly this is a contact there of poison in some type of liquid or or powder form on the door they touched it they supposedly left the house at nine o'clock in the morning and didn't collapse in the park until four o'clock so this is a nerve agent ten times more powerful than v.x. that somehow has a seven hour onset something and then you recover after
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a mob would evidently know of the damage has been done and the intention of this has been played out basically actually for what mark and the media so that it becomes very obvious why the british denied russian authorities and members of russian the russian consulate access to these russian citizens. most people as a russian citizen and by you know by international law they had to give access why wouldn't they want to give them access because they really don't know what happened to escape on his go there or if anything at all captain to them anything at all you know exactly so but he was bad sushi who knows i think there were maybe it was something else the british and the enemy expressed to them or didn't pester them and maybe nothing happened at all to them we don't know there's no evidence presented they knew where but as you correctly pointed out what matters today is perception not theology and that perception is created. the russian propaganda
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cruciform propaganda in british european as well i mean i can promise you when you're just news this is state department so what we do is we'll go we'll take the word of our british call into the atmosphere is such that you could accuse russia and russians of any possible crime of any possible violation and unfortunately the majority of people in the west where they do know the majority of the media i don't think a lot of people are buying and just real quick know it is going to get both of us are going to break well i think it's just like the arsenal price tag it's still not clear who did it you know the dutch radios aided by the jewels as it was said or he can sell the course of courses are so terrible that people know i'm not even caring about what really happened with that right stuck in fabry in one thousand nine hundred three in the same we hear their record it's like let's move on ok forget about the door the russians expel sixty american diplomats they are destroying our relations well you'll send cia we're going to talk about going to talk about that
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the next morning thirty seconds are people going to break the hell are we talking here we go. she says this is a beast from the deep sea this is she obviously a big fan of h.p. lovecraft has no norm very little russia has lots of tentacles there's a long history of others really. from all the way from the times of communist times the nazis and so on i have only this to say to her for not got enough for. one model for good in his house or dead through sleeps. dreaming. on that point we're going to go to a short break and we'll continue our discussion on some real news state.
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child's name wrong. roll just don't call. me old yet to say proud disdain comes to educate and in games from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. max kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is. a device used by professional galley legs to earn money. that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and we're just. like the stabilize the global
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economy you need to protect yourself and get informed as we. welcome back across like we're all things considered i'm peter remind you risk of getting some real news. ok gentlemen switch gears here you know we have we live in the age of something gate ok so i guess we have to for tat gate in the united states based on what the british claim we previously talked about in the first part of the program about this alleged poison in the united states is expelled new probably the largest expulsion of diplomats i think on record here and they also expelled russians from
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the united nations mission which is from what i understand is against international law which is why victor where is it going he will first of all. the action in exposing forty eight russian diplomats from russia and. consul consulates in the u.s. and twelve russian diplomats from the russian mission to the united nations was prepared before this group. and in britain also there is evidence that. there is of the state department crisis center and members of the british department of the state department traveled to russia before the script. didn't actually happen to visit the talks with american diplomats. moscow there is evidence of. premeditation of that this is a clear provocation that was. coordinated via the london and washington now as far as their action is what drives them so we see that we are in the new cold war
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effectively we are in the new cold war with the united states what are they trying to accomplish with this first of all they want to consolidate the european lesions around them and of course britain as america's. closest ally spanish really. frequently uses to impose its policies on other european states but to same time you know this i agree i think you know consolidating the north atlantic alliance is really poor because freeing ok we want to use the work again but there's so much going on domestically in the e.u. domestically in the u.k. likelihood brigs it in the european union you have countries like poland in hungary that are are pushing back against the of this this post modernist image of what the european union should be and then of course you have blame russia
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for everything that the democrats and liberal to singled out in the united states you see what happened here with some countries like. ireland. then they do try to. not take these measures but. they were forced. the issue was to show the north atlantic unity but marcie didn't actually show that it's actually showed the opposite yeah i mean they tried to twist and poor but obviously there were at least a handful of the cartridge the. worst in the irish i think you're right there is a domestic element particularly for the united kingdom behind all of this and that's destroy. action from bragg's it and trying to take down the left labor party leader jeremy corbyn at the same time there is a british comedy skit show aired thirty years ago yes prime minister that has a skit that seems almost to foretell this exactly and it goes along.
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one of the prime minister aide says to him we should give them a story what start a war that sort of thing where they decide on a war is too much why don't you expel seventy six soberly soviet diplomats that has been our practice when we wish to ensure the press loses interest in something . a great headline for you government cracks down on red spy ring. very patriotic it must be a story that nobody can disprove and which will be believed even if it's not perfect i think hey i could not handle the love and the yes prime minister could not and will make sure we get the link at the bottom of this so for everyone to see go ahead. our doubts that the new york columns report on all of these what that they are fighting they found out let me quote i tickle written by the veterans by peter baker and steve winter. the us has found out that
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a year of attempting to cooperate with russia had not that much success we hear of attempting to cooperate when in the russian olympic games accusing russia all of putin mr trump in place great could lose it you know no trump is expected in sixty russian diplomats and that's a great age of the russian made bread is it possible it was incessant result as a result of the rocks it brought is drawn the sun is in power in that you can't or as an accident actually accident agent so i just feel you know it really hurts me that all you know people. who had the courage to could predict that official. and in the u.s. on their course of a think you know on the invasion of yugoslavia he's no right in this it's about the year of attempting to cooperate with russia. it's simply that the those that want to stay in the american mainstream media they have to go to the line they
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have to see these things the understand it's not just us. i talk to european politicians lawmakers they and the extent they understand the. provocation but of course many of them simply cannot see it they cannot see it because if they do see it they will be immediately be accused of being unpatriotic they will immediately be accused of being treated us and they will lose their political position so they see what they have to see that this this prohibition has nothing to do with the elegy that russia has nothing to do with its people case is to me we begin this is one of the best examples like and think of where the the real casualty here mark is the truth the russian minister. lavrov he said that privately. particularly european leaders are apologizing to him for what's going on they say
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we know this is all essentially feigned also about a hoax that it's been but the americans are forcing it to us we don't have a choice in the matter and what they have here is also over and we're going to have one or two was last year that will be pleased to see i would argue are good at they'll be the key to this because that's what the russian public also wants to be if you know in the russian news because they write that. of the russian diplomats because she bowed to pressure from the u.k. germany as to time to be there i don't i don't want the police i don't i don't buy that i don't know as i said i think she sees her political career on the line and she is tearing a page from the liberals in the us saying this actually works ok and i think that the issues weaponized. original you know really really important to talk about is that our team is being targeted again in the u.s. and when it was forced to be to. register as a foreign agent at the end of last year you were promised that its operations would
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not be hindered by. pollution but it's not true it's happening thank you yes we started this program with thomas words about syria which are now to the words about fair and not effecting future not to rule their words about the coming summit between tampa and the need that. we are likely not be to also and it was pretty obvious from the start that the reason that the they say to use for against to try to shut it down to hinder its parishioners to hinder their make a speech people's access to see the american government simply does not want a meeting restrictions on the freedom of the do not want american people to have access to alternative sources of information of their own that they're on the wrong side of history go ahead people i mean we keep hearing it from the united states
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from the e.u. we need to maintain dialogue with russia what sort of dialogue surround that or else that's the secret of their work that they have they don't want to hear the voice that's why they are basically prohibiting their tea basically silence in it at least in that washington region this is the kind of dialogue that they want to have i talk to you and you listen this is the kind of dialogue that they want to have in this situation you know mano mcgraw is going to visit more score and he expels to the russian diplomats simply because something happened something that looks very much like a provocation now france is helping the u.k. to investigate this with russia is part of this. international convention on chemical weapons it has a legal right to be involved in that but it's the french are not involved in the unlikely event but they're involved in investigating and it doesn't make any sense to just imagine what would happen if a british citizen was poisoned by some substance in russia and the british
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diplomats would not be a well he would visit he will cover even to have a if he can talk you know if you would ask republican talk. you know say if you what's with there would not be possible you know there would be an outcry they would view it as a goal and then only now if your relative from russia victorious people actually traveled to great britain to see here and the british authorities know so that they will think about letting her see your close relative and another lie by the way is what was said by the state department about the expelled russian diplomats that russia and the police them what we have seen over the past year is that despite these claims by the state department when these are being asked for for the diplomats when they cannot get a critic so they simply say well yes you can replace them but they won't give you know they're going to ask him to give him. more. now or you know state department
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spokesman again she made it quite clear that if russians want to improve relations what they have to do first is acknowledge responsibility for the attack confess confess that you know you. know this is. and then you know they're scared i mean this whole thing with r t and the thing they question our tease slogan that question more means that they're just trying to confuse the truth which of course these are all that all the others the only the other side of that of course is the assumption that what they're telling you you know remember the iraq war the destruction of libya and so on so on is the complete. unvarnished objective truth enos and ever i can i just know when it gets down to it's really unfortunate is that it's r t against the ministry of truth that's what it's getting down to probably and it was the demons absolutely right the biggest problem we face
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right now in journalism is there is no dialogue don't dialogue is permitted if there is dialogue that means you're committing appeasement or no peace appeasement is a war of attrition they just say that you don't qualify could be a drone yes that's right you could only see about that because of the professionalism and secondly to take in this whole the war before that down to and we are getting back into that we had dialogue during the cold war gentlemen we had treaties signed an arms could have been there do i mean i don't know that that's not my general going to jump in here many thanks my guest here in moscow this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with us for the expanded version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember cross talk rules.
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that are the boss and it's all of your mama. i don't my little bit of stuff. you know read a little critique you took a look at it well what if there could be chilcote you know. sort of. what i mean yanukovych with that he's going to get so for us to do that that's a question as to yes or no yes the chest. there for everyone that is for you. but. global war hawks sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings produce to the
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chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle of the stone and. the new socks for the tell you that stuff because of the public but i fell for the most important news today. while the author of advertising tells me you are not cool enough and let's fight their products. leaves all the hawks out we along with all will walk. down with my wagon anywhere but i'll go on. or yours will pull you out of the. good obit and good mouth and say what about and i didn't do it will always be the good is it that's the. or no i'm going to house hold. on a punishing. me. day for that or don't or don't let you people
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come up with you through to see. you come on then you're not going about the law lani haven't i'm mad at them and the money i'm because i'm. not bad was the intended but oh november creative i stick by them that down to the point about on the limit al the only thing is isaac and it is about.
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israel is slammed for how its military is handling protests at the gaza border have left seventeen killed and more than a thousand injured. hey good to know you're an occupier and it is as an occupier that you are on those lands at the same time you're a terrorist. the american anti gun views movement affectively forces the fox news host of after the conservative pundits and locks of florida shooting survivor online. italian politicians are outraged and call for french diplomats to be expelled after an armed french police patrol trucks a migrant into an italian town.


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