tv Boom Bust RT April 2, 2018 9:30pm-9:53pm EDT
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into beer and life to say it is in there as well as just the fact is that they can't avoid it farmers and beer producers in germany are saying like obviously they don't want this to be in there but it's in there still study after study is finding that this what many are saying is a carcinogen and actually even the world health organization said at one point they retracted the whole fact of the matters that you cannot walk away from this stuff the farms are saturated it soil is saturated it and this is an issue so what even when it comes to alcohol or beverages try to run away from it and you know i'm i'm a molecular biologist and francis said and this is just back in january that the products that he tested with round up the arsenic and heavy metal levels are a dangerous level so i mean this is something that people need to be aware of there's ways to speak to the f.d.a. to speak to different administrations in your country to make sure that they know that this is something that people don't want obviously a clean product is a better product and just because it's the service side kills weeds and sometimes don't really having much to do with the product itself but just to make let's say
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vineyards look prettier it's not a necessity all the time but it's become something that is everywhere party correspondent alex mahela bitch thank you as always for your time thank you. and this isn't the first controversial clash that monsanto has had with environmentalist or those who have clear concerns with the use of herbicides or pesticides or for that matter g.m.o. those genetically modified organisms like crops such as roundup ready corn and beans and here to head some light to that is spread kaufman the author of bet the farm how food stop being food fred thanks for joining us again help us out here on monsanto they've had a rough and rocky road over the years haven't they. monsanto is the gift that keeps on giving to the eternal consternation of the global food movement i mean let's look at the scale of this eighty eight percent of all the corn grown in the united states is. roundup ready ninety three percent of all the soy grown in this country
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is roundup ready it's a monsanto crop and these guys were running such insane headline risk over the past ten years being such bad players suing farmers for replanting their seeds suing everybody who dared cross them they were in such a bad position in this country bart that actually bear agro science a german company bought them out in twenty sixteen for sixty six billion dollars bringing the entire argument from this country america over to europe. just recently said that more than fifty three products made with g.m.o. crops are now allowed in the european union you're still not allowed to grow these crops in the european union what are we going to do to stop this leviathan from swallowing the world i mean obviously alex points out these extraordinary health
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risks public health risks i think the way however to really stop these got money out of it a lot of people don't realize that month santo gets their money from their half on plants they actually own their genetic modifications yet and he need to do is yeah i was attacked fred before i forget to go back so one you talked about the the monster that was because of what we call drift the plants pollinate from a neighboring field so you may not have planted a roundup ready corner beans but you did your neighbors fields and a lot of that was going on as you say led a bunch of negative lawsuits over to the e.u. i mean the e.u. used to this disc hate a genetically modified organism or hall when i used to work at the u.s.d.a. would dan glickman was secretary went to paris one time and he was protested but women were shirtless and on their chest each had a letter. b.
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and as the secretary famously says i really wanted to read their medicine they really didn't like these g m o's so it's very curious that now i didn't realize products so is this simply a nod to bare r.t.s. listen bart the key date is actually not twenty four twenty fifteen when the european patent office that transgenic crops can be worth a patent this is what this is really all about we're no longer it's plant and acts came out when we needed to really encourage adult day and digital technology and high speed computer algorithms are all coming together and the entire quotient of how we're creating crops has shifted right and so there has to be a new open source way of dealing with how these d.n.a. are interacting with crops and are going to form profit centers for anybody who makes the crop that's going to be the hit and of course. yeah roundup
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ready marijuana might be coming months getting into it and who knows there's really virtually no end to the crops in the eye and that are coming up if we don't do something about our patent laws well there's probably some good g.m.o. things out there that can actually be healthy for us really sure what the what they are i'm not sure if tomorrow and i'm going to go ahead the one success story has been the pio of the the hawaiian for pie in more than seventy five the canned fruit of yeah our g.m.o. foods and they were they were successfully defended against the virus with their g.m.o. there's nothing intrinsically wrong with trying any number of varieties and different techniques to make a preemie drought resistant flood resistant heat resistant cold resistant many people in the fallible reasons for introducing this in africa other parts of the world the bottom line is corporations are getting into this simply because of this . narry profit motive if we were going to that intellectual property or at least
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full out and making the best plan fridays and not just selling carcinogens fred thank you so much it's all about the money follow the money right and we'll have to keep an eye on what happens with the europeans just because they allow them over there doesn't mean that they're actually going to be buying and eating them anyway fred kaufman author of bet the farm why spud stopped being food thank you as always for joining us fred. thank you part. time now for a quick break but hang here because when we get back why you know of why no media and i will talk about censorship in china. trump says he wants to get out of syria apparently not everyone in using ministration got that memo also the latest twists and turns in the alleged poisoning controversy in the u.k. and our t.v.
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is again being targeted. it's the cradle of jazz. this is america the america we. know and this jazz feel. the city of climatic testify is alligators on the loose of poverty and crime by the members of my family close most. of street racing in the face of the night. in new orleans. the best place in the world.
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while profits for samsung electronics the world's largest smartphone maker have reached record levels and reach it years shareholders the company is being run as a result following a vote by shareholders samsung is expanding its board of directors to include three more independent members in an effort to increase corporate governance one of the new independent directors will be the only woman on the samsung board and the only serve on the board shareholders reportedly want more. from the board and light of the de facto leader of samsung lead j. young who is the grandson of the same sun founder who recently served time in jail for his involvement in a government corruption scandal he was released in february the renaissance of vinyl well that comeback has reached a new landmark the annual report of the record industry association of america or our i a says that combines sales of records and compact disc top of those for digital downloads last year music sales totals for both formats declined but
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downloads had a steeper fall to one point three billion while physical media sales only fell one point five billion music streaming services seem to be reaping the rewards of change in the sector accounting for roughly two thirds of all revenue and twenty seventeen at five point seven billion dollars the total for streaming was an increase of forty three percent of twenty sixteen within that sector a new nice limited tear paid subscriptions sussed such as pandora plus are growing quickly and now account for fourteen percent of subscription service revenues. the new calorie counts in the u.s. are expanding to include alcoholic drinks starting in may the u.s. food and drug administration require approximately twenty different restaurant chains to list how many calories are in your favorite beer or cocktail plus health researchers and advocates say knowing that number could influence consumers to
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drink fewer calories and therefore less alcohol the f.d.a. had previously demure it on covering alcoholic drinks in their menu listing rule in two thousand and eleven but reversed course and twenty fourteen in response to public comments in favor of lifting those calorie counts as well. china is known for its censorship and we've reported that the government as even prevented the name president z and the phrase i disagree from social media in the country well now china seeks to impact what is being said about it and the chinese leaders around the world they are going beyond what has been called the great fire wall and here to explain it is legal media analyst lionel of lionel media lionel thanks for being with us explain what's going on how is china going beyond their
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great fire wall their borders to censor people and companies. well it is let me preface this by i have to say this assuming everything that i'm reading is true not that i'm alleging fake news mind you but but but being careful there seems to be what i'm what we're reading and we're hearing the most draconian lock down of anybody daring to even question the sagacity in the wisdom of eliminating. the term limitations or term limits in china and being being theoretically perhaps capable of being emperor for life my favorite you hear these stories but my favorite reference is that there are little clues where somebody will write a letter in just n n n will denote and meaning the unknown
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number of let's say terms that was subject to to crack down anything that even questions that in fact there were stories of people again assuming this to be true but it's a great story knocks on the door of being presented by someone apparently in some type of formal garb saying that you must stop these particular there is a. social media platform that was deemed to be problematic they had to swear never to do it again and blood samples were taken from our reason for it now but as they say and see it gets more and more there is more rather. there is this movement in fact variety was talking about it the and i love these initials the s a p p r f t the state administration of press publication radio film and television which is now going to be subsumed under the rubric of the cabinet as well as c.c.t.v. c.r.i. in c.n.r. so you are seeing not only
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a limitation if the stories are true of particular speech but every form every platform of collective organizational thought to be to be umbrella under the government well i mean the line oh if so i mean i get we disagree of course about the censorship within china but i mean how how are they doing it outside of china is it is that all of conditioned on economics. or are they hoping individuals or businesses self censor i mean what is it they're doing beyond their borders the impacting speech well if you are a company that deals with then in china you must be beholden you must follow their particular instructions let's say your goal and china says we want you to tell us who these people are or twitter or whoever it is who are these people who are these
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these individuals that are violating our rules. i don't know you. so that's one thing too but you know let me also remind the world part that many would suggest that in our great republic we have censorship as well maybe not as draconian is this we don't people knocking on the door but ask anybody in the social media platform about the censorship that they have received not at the hands of the government per se but dare i say quads i governmental edge providers and citizens who don't want certain ideas to be propagated conspiracy theories or calling into question official accounts of shootings or historical events so while we are in no wise. similar to what they are allegedly doing we will have to look at what we're doing in our country as well as. you know limitations of speech and also how we're looking at for example foreign as far
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a in other types of things the how we look at a foreign speech as well right so glass glass houses let me ask you what do you think their fear is specifically i mean here we have china with great growth. six point eight gross domestic product they've been widely considered you know just a powerhouse of economic prowess for the last ten years or so i mean what is it they are afraid of why do they want to expand their censorship is it isn't just about human rights about tibet about taiwan or about all of the above what you're what your take why no the answer is yes you know everything all of the above every culture i'm sorry every culture every every country everybody wants to limit the ability of the population to fight back and i would
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also submit. that the larger the population the larger the mass the greater the potential for calamity if everybody gets the idea that they can speak i mean it's one thing for boise idaho to have idahoans upset is another thing to have china you know rising up i think what motivates any governmental censorship but what's interesting to note is how and i say this with all due respect how americans will look at other countries and say isn't that something look at how they have done let's look at our country let's look at our history albeit not as bad but certainly we have our own particular. over you sometimes of of limitation of speech as well so it's very simply free speech is a is the biggest bugaboo of any organisation or any government for that matter
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let's talk a little bit you referred to it when you talked about the size of china and there's a potential for seven hundred million new customers for some of these large tech companies and it must put them in a quandary whether or not your your alphabet which are on the google or facebook which isn't really being be used in china but these big tech companies that are all around the world and want to have access to those seven hundred people in the chinese market it must put them in a quandary line or where they they don't want to say something at all upset the government because they want to get in and have access to these people these customers and they want to advertise that's how they make their money so i mean how do they thread that needle why you know well it's a great question here here is the situation let's assume that that company x. goes to china and we in this country we work ignites the fact that we enjoy
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a certain degree of freedom and even though we give up a lot of. well our phones and that sort of stuff we still don't like the idea of our personal information being handed to the government here in this country now let's assume they go to china or any other country and china says we want you to understand something before you set up your structure here number one we want to be able to find anybody on your platform number two we want there to be safeguards are limitations and algorithms that throttle this particular type of speech and over three more important we want you to be able to tell us who these people are there were this when you cannot allow the sanctuary for anything that we find to be contrary to our way of thinking and life now how do you then go back to this country when let's say could be google could be anybody alphabet when an american group especially in view of trying to reach an exam recent executive order that deals with human rights and the like how do they balance it how does a company say look we're your friends in the u.s.
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but when in china do is the chinese do it's a different world we have to be more draconian and will that sit with stockholders with americans who are going to demand american sense of freedom in countries that don't necessarily reflect it i mean that's going to be a fascinating story and many have suggested that in fact google years ago was was asked are you giving up are you providing the information of dissidents are you are you perhaps aiding and abetting let's say authoritarian regimes in finding people who dared to speak up because they always had the idea of the tiananmen square man in front of the tank you know the story that's going to be faceted you know well you know it brings up the quintessential question and we don't have the answer right now but whether or not some of these companies large or small but in this case large companies are putting their principles of profits or the other way
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around and too often we've seen it go and more in the favor of. profits anyway thanks for sharing your views really appreciate it interesting subject media analyst lionel one old media appreciate your time thank you sir. that's all for this time thanks for watching be sure to catch boom bust on you tube at you tube dot com slash boom bust we'll see you next time. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers available to us but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and the huge amount of pressure come out you have to meet the center of the pole with you and do the great british you are the rock at the back nobody
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gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet this special one come on both appreciate me to just take the reader beyond the team's latest edition to make up as we go i need to look. prison industry is the only industry that really rigidly and consistently provide returns on the debt that money is trying to sell to keep goldman sachs and j.p. morgan from having a clear insolvency because technically that's all they are but to keep those tanks rolling gotta build prisons because it's a guaranteed income reback is a security selden chinese america is an apartheid state driven by wall street financier's and the jay gould's of the twenty first century.
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russia's foreign minister demands answers over the poisoning of a former double agent and his daughter in britain. going too far with its allegations. the white house reels of donald trump putting recently discussed plans for a meeting in washington. some are on the move in the syrian city. russia says over a thousand people have left the area since sunday following an evacuation deal with noble. and israel suspends a deal with the un to resettle african migrants to western countries while italy and germany say that they are unaware of any such agreement.
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