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tv   Keiser Report  RT  April 4, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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three people are injured in a shooting at the headquarters of you tube in california police say that the female shooter has taken her own life. for the scientists say that they are unable to pinpoint the source of the nerve agent used in the poisoning of a russian double agent and his daughter. clashes erupt in the paris as a rail workers launch a nationwide strike against president drive to overhaul the state funded transport industry. over the latest on the stories you can head to our t.v. dot com stay with us now for the kaiser report looking into the facebook data mining scandal.
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i am as kaiser this is a report to show that hypnotizes you into accepting the truth. well max we have a lot of bad news a lot of people say often in the comment section that we only talk about bad stuff so first i'm going to start with the good news we're going to start with some amazing fantastic news that might make all the bad news go down better the higgs bo's'n may already be devouring the universe stephen hawking predicted so yes apparently you know certain spent thirteen point twenty two five billion finding the higgs bo's'n and they found that it didn't eat the universe but they do say that everything seemed to have a happy ending until researchers realized that the higgs bo's'n has the potential to pick a month stable and wipe out the universe in a bubble shaped vacuum that travels at the speed of light in fact that universe destroying void bubble may already be on its way those of us will also you know
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a bubble the soul universe is a bubble going wiped out by the explosive you say this is good news is so i wonder what the bet is as well this is the good news there is as a higgs bo's'n field and it could be wrong as the good news is it's just going it will just disappear we won't even know it's not like we're going to see it coming it just will just disappear and you'll be made conversation forever yeah that would be great you know also up in the media are would strike you know every time i see him is that a meteor is in the orbit between earth and the moon i'm thinking that's pretty close maybe you'll get struck you know and it will be all over and we can just pack up and leave this god forsaken you know nightmare that we call reality but it also misses so i think it's just the powers that be taunting us oh it must brought you selfish in there but no more but there's expose something could you hold promise yes if you might never have to read another donald trump tweet you might never have to engage in the street a war that threatens you might never have to engage in these world war three these
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threatening to prop pop up all over the world we have john bolton in the white house now and he's advice and basically nuclear strikes preemptive strikes on everybody who knows about that. it piers that we have an giant surveillance they all that free lunch we thought we had all that free television content all that free a social media content all those platforms all you the loading up uploading all sorts of stuff for free to you tube well it turns out we were the product and there's a lot of depressing stuff about that so i thought the higgs boson story might be a positive story for some people out there depressed about our world situation at the moment there's something very peaceful about the thought of a bloody end of that kind of state of absolute void nothingness times the power of nothingness a reunion with the cosmic leap this. i wasn't going that far but that sounds very poetic now i also want to turn to another story again on this
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wealth and income gap in the inequality rising in this discontent with globalization and how many losers there are in america to this globalization that nobody seemed to think through. until now there are opioids and bleak situation somewhere out in the middle of america well think of this poor guy well not really that poor he just has seven point five billion dollars but carty boss with seven point five billion dollars fortune says prospect of the poor rising up keeps him awake at night the multi billionaire owner of a luxury jewelry company car has revealed his greatest fear robots replacing workers and the poor are rising up to bring down the rich according to bloomberg johan rupert told the conference to bear in mind that when the poor rise up the middle classes won't be able to buy luxury goods for fear of exposing their wealth . i think this gentleman is focusing on the wrong thing about robots taking over
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jobs and then the poor rising up i think he fails to understand that the robots want to become more sente and will kill him because he's a douche ok well that bleep was an interesting conversation. point but nevertheless it reminded me of the former assistant u.s. attorney general under eric holder who said he i think it was brewer lanny breuer he said he could not sleep at night and kept him awake at night thinking that he might have to incarcerate jamie diamond or lloyd blankfein or any of these other guys wreaking the havoc that is this guy worrying about all these poor people out there and this poor guy who has seven point five billion dollars he's not worried about the mass chaos the civil war the violence he's worried that middle class people watch hop products yes amazing i remember that attorney general story former us talking about he was couldn't sleep at night thinking you might have to arrest criminals in america you know that i thought was the job description but eric
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holder was a yeah and. there was a u.s. attorney told there was a stay at lanny breuer is the one step towards this game. it's quite a low children's so so the quote from this guy johann rupert is how is society going to cope with structural unemployment and the envy hatred in the social warfare we're destroying the middle classes at the station will affect us it's unfair so that what that's what keeps me awake at night so. yeah there people are starting to worry we've been covering that sort of worry about the pitchforks for a few years now but now it's starting to reach a sort of fever pitch because a lot of people like ilan mosque mark zuckerberg who is in his own troubles right now he's worried about ai displacing everybody so you know that could have people born on third base and feeling great about themselves because they thought they had a triple comes to mind about this guy ok tell us again. and easily just
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relieve the guilt of ill gotten gains by distributing them and this was a relief some of the panic in the paranoia and sitting in this panic room like that banker in europe did was so fraught. the middle class is rising up and torturing him to death that he has in his basement and a fire broke out any torture himself so you become what you fear so this gentleman is so fearful that he's going to be tortured to death that he'll probably bring about himself actually he's not afraid to be torched to death max you have to read that carefully he's afraid that the middle class will not biased products and he won't make more money because he himself knows he is a billionaire and i want to turn to a quote that i read package for the modern age which is from jay gould who was the equivalent of an oligarch you know a tycoon of america in the eighty's and then eighteen hundreds from mid eighty's hundreds until about eight hundred ninety five when he passed away he was a railroad speculator that ended up controlling vast sways of the u.s.
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rail system and he had problems with strikes because there were many socialist sort of movements back then and that era and he said and i'm going to repackage it is that this is what this guy yohann from cartier could do i can hire one half of the working class to imprison the other half he was talking about actually he could hire one half of the working class to kill the other half who are striking and causing chaos on his rail system but facebook right they are using psychographics and data manipulation to get one for the population to go to war if you don't have the population and vote against their own self interest so it's just a goal made to mark zuckerberg in this dystopian nightmare as we wait for the expose them to obliterate us that can't happen soon enough well and let's apply it to kentucky kentucky is a red state it went for trump trump was targeting those disaffected with globalization and how much they have lost and indeed kentucky has lost a lot and it's lost a lot because of natural gas and fracking and all the free money that led to all
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that fracking oversupply the merc with natural gas which made it cheaper than coal and so they've been hit hard here's a tweet to which i was responding with that you can get half the work in class. from prison the other half as the coal industry dries up this kentucky county's bid to be the home of america's next federal prison stems from its willingness to try something anything to save itself they no longer have coal they don't have industry there and what they're doing is they're they're lobbying the u.s. federal government to put a prison there or to put a federal prison in their. state yet american girl well that the pitch always is and this is something that liberals do as well in the progressive the left is think about these people they need jobs do you want to harm the speed the and they need to feed their families they need to but they don't look at the goo are involved with it the gory reality is that you have to come up with laws to imprison people because there is
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a problem going on anyway across us at the moment is not enough people are committing crimes so we are at the point where we're going to have to create some new crimes to incarcerate people because otherwise think of these people who have jobs do you really want their jobs to be lost let's imprison some people that we don't like well they've run out of black people to imprison and so they're going to have to come up with some way to imprison more white people in kentucky and in other states to keep the prison industrial complex going so here's a quote from the story that from n.b.c. news doesn't merican need another prison maybe this rural counties only chance of survival around the country impoverished rural communities have pursued prisons in the hope that they will deliver them from economic hardship this began three decades ago when america's rush to imprison coincided with the loss of farms factories and other traditional sources of work that bolstered rural life the need hasn't diminished as we're all america still seeks a path out of the great recession but the exchange of land is no longer as
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promising as what it once was so again economic hardship farm income decline and the fact is that all we offer them is hey why don't you corrode. wouldn't corrupt your moral character by like locking up people for decades you know america's prison sentences of one hundred often hear of somebody sentenced to three hundred sixty years for a crime here like well that's pointless but i guess it's that good prison you know it guarantees a few jobs the great recession already talking about there was the great recession that is being felt by the top one tenth of one percent it's not about not having jobs it's about making money available at zero percent interest rate to a few folks and making money available to everyone else at sixteen percent or two thousand percent of the payday loan interest rate apartheid america's become a an apartheid state so prisons are a great way to make money in an apartheid state and as i said they're running out
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of folks that the general go to population to imprison that they've got to widen it so they've got to change the laws they've got to increase the corruption at the top to put more people in jail to feed the kleptocracy in pennsylvania i believe this philadelphia guy running for mayor is running on the fact that he's a former attorney general of the area so he's saying that. look at the numbers the average household income and in philadelphia is forty one thousand dollars the average cost to incarcerate somebody is forty five thousand dollars why are you voting to lock up all these people does it really make you feel better doesn't. like one or two jobs like this i mean if you look at america's as past week had to roll over three hundred billion dollars in debt they've got to sell that to foreigners that means i've got offer an interest rate or a coupon desirable by foreigners that can only be backed up by the prison industry is the only industry that routinely and consistently provide returns on the debt
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that mary is trying to sell to keep goldman sachs and j.p. morgan from having a clear insolvency because technically that's what they are but to keep those debts rolling got to build prisons. is that guaranteed income repacking the security cell the chinese america's an apartheid state driven by wall street financier's and jay gould's of the twenty first century again does america need another prison i think not already has two million people has more than anybody else in the world as a relative and an absolute basis well you know we got to take a break so it's not a higgs bo's'n that's a blitter rating the show of the time between now and when we come back from the break is just a normal break so don't freak out stay right there we're coming right back with much more. threatening actions can be very dangerous this is the atmosphere engulfing the west
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relations with russia the poisoning incident in the u.k. has yet to be explained to the public but this is not stop the british and american governments from playing the role of judge jury and executioner. it's the cradle of jazz. is america the america we. knows this just feel. the city of climatic contrast trophies of alligators on the loose of poverty and crime by the at least twelve members of my close most. of street racing in the peace of the night this is new orleans. the best place in the world. what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president. some want us. to go right for the cycle before you know more people. interested in the lives of our. welcome back to the kaiser report guys are time now to go to niceville florida and of course whenever you say niceville florida it can only mean one man karl denninger welcome back to the kaiser report thank you max all righty so carl denham
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you were in the internet business for a long time what's going on with facebook. oh something i've been raising a stink about sense started publication of the techer in zero seven you know when facebook was just agreement people's i. but nobody cared and that is that it is trivially easy to abuse ordinary internet traffic for personal tracking it everybody's making a stink about what facebook's doing with the data that they get from you being on facebook but that's not the real scandal the real scandal is that every time you go to a website anywhere on the web that has a like button or a facebook sign on but doesn't matter whether you signed it or not doesn't matter whether you can sign or not you can't consent because you can't know it's there until after you read it that data is being sent back to facebook and additionally it's trivially easy for them to abuse it rather common function within the protocol
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called an e.t.a. to generate unique identifiers so not only do they know that someone's there they know that it's you and if they managed to link one of those to actual logon or an actual person over another time that will always happen if you there's enough data collected then they now know exactly who you are and they get to link everything both prospect of lee and retrospectively back to you as an individual this is how the company manages to generate a lot of hundred dollars a year per u.s. user in revenue because you think about it most advertising is worthless you see ads all the time you see billboards you see them on television you get them on the radio yet they very rarely result in actually influencing your behavior so if they spoke as actually getting a hundred dollars per person and they claim they are i mean there's they're saying the a.p.r. you every russian revenue per user in the u.s.
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about twenty five bucks per quarter their quarterly reports then that means that. they somehow got to be screwing you either directly or through things that you bought i. saw thousands of dollars because otherwise i would you get one hundred books right so you point out some excellent things there and the advertising model as such is not where facebook makes money they make money on collecting data and then essentially reselling that data now car i'll assign actually what facebook sells is a profile of their users they have a an idea of your demographic or psychographic and then advertisers and other entities can use this profile of you to manipulate you i think this is the part of the equation that people are just now starting to understand if there are millions of users and there are millions of data points and the data shows that users are
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susceptible psychologically to be coerced using certain pushbacks from these folks like cambridge analytic that is now subverting. the idea of free will in a lot of ways and can be used to manipulate quite easily as we've seen in the u.k. and in the u.s. and ken ken is speak a little bit about that other words i get the fact that the data is being collected and people say ok i get it facebook collects my data but what they're suggesting now is that that data is being repackaged in state and fed back to users in a coercive manipulative way that's not speculative. one of the fall of facebook is stated that the goal of the design of their system was to do this to essentially give you little hints of dope which you seek pleasure chemical that
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your body. from time to charge me to order to coerce you would be doing things you otherwise would not do so they reinforce. it's things that give you pleasure and they try to withdraw from you things that would give you pain and by doing at least your behavior and this is the thing that people need to understand is that you can consent to this kind of data collection when you go onto a website because you know there's a there's a give back right and in that if something's free it's not really free you're going to charge somehow and so when you're on facebook it's one thing what people do not understand is that this data collection and this profiling goes far beyond the reach use facebook site or app it is everywhere the local newspaper here as a sign on to use facebook as a logon instead of creating your own account with them and in fact they don't even offer their own account management and on top of that there's like what was all over the web you don't think that facebook is actually allowing people to put load
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on their servers to transfer those those graphics without getting back out of it to you right so let's explore the moment more because there isn't the fairest element to this and i think immediately of the casino industry that for years has collected data on people through their credit card usage and through other data they collect from other sources and then once they're in the casino they use that data against the is or to make and they know you have a certain threshold for playing slot machines and how many corners it takes before you give up they know to nudge you that the term and they interface to nudge you in some way to keep you at that roulette wheel to keep you in the casino and it gets down to the granularity of even pumping in certain sense into the casino because they know as you say it has a dope i mean it has a kick against people psychologically to do things that are against their own interest and now what we're seeing in the u.k. and in the u.s.
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in particular and reference to the bricks and found or the election of twenty sixteen at people are suggesting that this data. is is oh get oh a casino operator a guy who runs casinos wow i wonder where he learned this trick to get people to maybe vote in a way that was subconsciously manipulated but it's done on a wholesale industrial level car fifty million accounts data gathering on this industrial scale and used in a way that's quite nefarious in this way can you talk a little more about it or sure but max let's remember this just didn't start with roxette or with trump's campaign during the two thousand and twelve presidential campaign when obama was reelected facebook is aids the democratic process that party access to everything. now why because they wanted obama to win ok the problem with that is that's illegal because
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corporations cannot give anything of value to political campaigns and that's an inclined contribution i was the treasurer for eight congressional run i know what the laws are campaign finance corporations can't give anything of value to any political campaign and yet facebook very clearly did there was no outrage over it then now it was sudden because one and cambridge analytical supposedly siphoned off this data oh saunders a huge problem where was the problem four years earlier when the obama campaign not only did that they didn't even pay for at least team bridge paid for the data and the trump campaign paid cambridge that's legal because they bought a service what facebook did with obama's campaign is another thing entirely now the statue of limitations has run on they actually probably can't be prosecuted but it shouldn't be and and this kind of manipulation goes on every day in much more
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monday ways it's not just about the political process it's about the fact that these companies only have a marketable product and only have a mark cap because they managed to screw you out of that amount of money lost something because everybody has to make a profit right you know there's a saying that goes around if the service or signing up for is for a then you are the product and i thought exactly know that that's what we're saying here let's talk a little bit more about this cloud actus recently passed in the spending bill the cloud act which allows us law enforcement to share your online data more easily this obviously is a step in the wrong direction i would think already thank you lou different view of it we need to legislatively fix the problem with how this data is acquired in the first place there is no way that you can stop this. with as an individual in
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a general sense the only way you're going to stop it is legislatively and the legislative fixes have to be criminal offenses not civil because if you start fining companies for doing this sort of thing there's no pay the fines and add that into the cost of whatever it is they sell so that's that's not going to go anywhere we've seen oh that's how all this work with banks right we simply find these guys and it never stops because they just add in the price that the cloud act problem is a little more severe because essentially what has happened here is that we have it be called this nation where we think that sticking data up in these public clouds that is either accessed. locally on that machine or is just an encrypted to begin with is yes and in some way can be made secure and there's always been a lot if you want to have secure data it has to be on a machine that you have immediate knowledge job if it is physically or
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administratively compromised and that means it has to be on your premises so for a person that means that computer has to be in your house or in your hands and if it is a corporation it means it has to be in your datacenter and as soon as you violate that then you may as well publish that information because it is trivially easy for somebody to steal it and the fact that it's done supposedly now with cores oh gee crimea river you're telling me that the people that work for amazon are eight zero yes department can't use their administrative access to the hypervisor that runs on their hardware just kill all the encryption keys of every machine every mercial machines running i have boxed that's a lot they can now whether they have i don't know but that they can is proven it's like having a t.s.a. lock on your luggage or else all right there's another saying comes to mind that there is no such thing as the class. out there is only somebody else's computer
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that's right and addresses that point now now the f.t.c. investigation will not go anywhere and i see that m.p.'s ministers of parliament want mark zuckerberg to fly to london and testify at a some kind of committee hearing there and is that going to gain any traction these regulatory actions karo well the f.t.c. very well may because there's an existing consent decree there goes back several years with facebook regarding data collection and use it appears they violated. they on the other hand can only issue fines they can issue criminal referrals which is where the problem isn't we're asked to go this far is the british go. is our has always said it is not growing so if the british want to do something or they could do was a shooting and then there were preclude him from traveling anywhere that a reporter came up there to do that i frankly think there's a clean sort of questions that need to be answered especially in countries that allegedly have personal data protection rights the united states pretty much does
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not but you don't write we only have a few seconds left and finally the stock of facebook and other social networking companies are down is this a mortal wound or are they going to weighs all the way out of it karl we've got about ten seconds i think the weasel their way out of it but they all of the syrups . all right fair enough carl thanks for being on the kaiser report thanks all right well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and say there are like i think our guest karl denninger and you can find carl at market hyphen ticker dot org if you want to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report and the next time. the war zone you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police. the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles of big stone and. the new socks for the tell you
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that will be gossip and probably less trials of the most important news today. on the box of advertising telling you are not cool enough and that's why their products. are the hawks that we along with our audience will. join me every thursday simon show and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics sports business i'm sure. i'll see you then. on the shores of the mississippi river new orleans louisiana. the city is known around the world for its jazz. the famous musician louis
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armstrong and sydney bishop born here. in treme an african-american neighborhood. the bethel church is packed this morning . if you're a. hero right on thirty five i was shot and killed during what appears to be a revenge that. they're fairly common in the area. the mother of the victim has already lost a relative in a shootout eat. guns kill almost one person every day within the black community. leaving me to never. tureen the victim's brother his visit. there was a bit of doubt.


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