tv News RT April 4, 2018 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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and. british scientists admit they are unable to identify the source of the nerve agent used poison or form a double agent and his daughter in the u.k. this after weeks of the u.k. and its allies it squarely broke blaming russia. we know verify for so you source but we provided the scientific information to the government and the international chemical weapons watchdog the o.p.c. wu is expected to shed more light on the case as it meets in the hague. and american photo journalist who was once held by al qaeda in syria says he was betrayed by the f.b.i. he claims the intelligence service used him to track the terrorists and didn't try
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to help him. a very warm welcome you are watching r.t. international with me and good to have you with us this hour now countries around the world are looking to the international chemical weapons watchdog today for answers in this group power poisoning case the o.p.c. w. is meeting as we speak to discuss the attack on the former spy and his daughter in southern england a month ago ahead of the talks the chief of a british military laboratory may have partly debunked the u.k.'s core assertion that moscow was to blame he said that they couldn't tell where the nerve agent used was produced. we have not verified the for say source but we provided the scientific information to the government but you have not been able to establish porton down that this was made in russia as i said it's
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our job to provide eight you know the scientific evidence that identifies for the particular in their view is that it's not our job to see we are actually was manufactured so to be clear you're not able look all down to say where it is from we haven't yet been able to do that but when i look at the evidence i mean the people whom important they were absolutely categorical and i asked the guy where so i said are you sure and he said i was medart. the u.k. defense research laboratory however maintains that the substance used is not a chalk a military grade nerve agent the british government swiftly moved to defend its position by claiming this accusations against russia were main valid despite this latest revelation from porton down is that it's working from a larger intelligence picture and there russia has a record of state sponsored assassinations and views its former intelligence officers as targets were also says there's no other explanation plausible
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but with scientists unable to verify the source it's possible london may have jumped the gun as more ghastly expletives. scotland yard said it first they need time this was a professional assassination attempt whoever did it made sure to leave as few traces as possible and it was a geisha of this complexity in size will understandable take some time and you ask for the public's continued support and patience the media didn't need much time pundits for when the whole boring get no investigation part but that's the media no surprise they need their ratings politicians they only needed a week it's highly likely that russia was responsible between the poles russia culpable culpable culpable for the attempted murder is k.
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is culpable our quarrel is with putin's kremlin and we could overwhelm you likely that it was his decision what's remarkable is the detectives silent technical experts silent no details at all russia is asking for some any information in fact a sample of the nerve agent perhaps so far nothing instead downing street gets down to the punishment with its allies keeping the whole innocent until proven otherwise likely is good is guilty. we are with dos that russia is responsible the reason no plausible alternative explanation need to one hundred diplomats expelled by britain myths allies and russia diplomatic relations hate rock bottom and then we get the chemical expert see from britain's own laboratory we have not verified the precise source you have not been able to
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establish at porton down that this was made in russia as i said it's our job to provide eight you know the scientific evidence that identifies what the particular ne'er a feature. it is you'd think that would at least slightly embarrassed those shouting loudest about russia's guilt now really it comes down to one particular job certain scientists now porton down say their job is to work out what the substance was never stablished that it is not a chaka matter is by definition of the translation of the name which means newcomer part of the program in a soviet union in the late seventy's and eighty's the movie trucks dozens and dozens of different nerve agents have been synthesised not just by russia the head of porton down refused to clarify whether his own lab oratory had its own stockpile for the snow we had anything like that would ever have come from mars or you know
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leave the four walls of our facilities we deal with a number of very toxic substances as part of the work that we do we've got the highest levels of security in controls the new virtual formulas have been available in public books for nearly a decade now and pretty much any specialist with solid knowledge of organic chemistry can create it. the food bills if it's really a novacek we're dealing with it's not a real problem to synthesize that kind of nerve agent all the necessary components easily available on the open market this insists does not require sophisticated procedures any specialist nor can a chemist you would be able to make it the fact that the experts can't determine the russians did it doesn't mean that u.k. authorities will change their mantra it is our assessment that russia was responsible for this brazen and reckless act and there is no other plausible
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explanation remarkable how quickly things escalated and all are nat faith based likely assessment. well russia has always strenuously denied involvement in the poisoning despite frequent accusations against the country and even the president's russian presidential spokesman dmitri peskov says boris johnson will have to apologize for his inflammatory statements against russia. the case foreign ministers have been. have to look as if the u. colleagues have to apologise to russia somehow this is a classic mushy strategy of trying to conceal the evil of truth. based. on the station for him i believe this is a resigning matter because he didn't just join in the chorus of blame
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russia he lied on national television on the broadcast of the b.b.c. he said i have spoken to. the various guy who made the statement on behalf of portland and he said. that it was russia that did it it could only have been russia that did this was what's known a mistake it was a lie. lie your correspondent piece all advice following the meeting and we can cross to him live in the hague now peter good to see you can you tell us more about the meat question. yes all delegates and representatives from the member states of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons a locked in the building just behind me they're taking part in this extraordinary meeting that was called for by russia to discuss the fallout from this going to
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poisoning case we well it certainly had been given an incendiary boost in the arm by that news coming out of the u.k. on tuesday evening from porton down that they can't link the nerve agent that was used to poison. to russia they did however confirm that it was that. chemical nerve agent that what had been produced in the soviet union now speaking about this meeting we heard from vladimir putin the russian president who said that he hopes what came out of this gathering would put to bed some of the allegations being made by london. do it amazes me how fast this and see russia hysteria has come about we're calling it o.p.c. w. meeting to get the facts straight on this whole situation we have proposed at least twenty questions for their consideration we hope a final conclusion will be reached there as to what happened in sos pre but of
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course we're interested in a comprehensive investigation. well the reason behind russia calling this big thing is they say they've been on the receiving end of an information blackout they say they sent questions to the united kingdom that were responded to they requested to see the yearly escape ali was of course a russian citizen that's been denied by the united kingdom and they've asked for a sample of the. sample from the poisoning site which is also being turned down now that last request is interesting considering that both the united kingdom and russia are members of the organization just behind me the old w. . under the rules of being a part of that club information is supposed to be shared and it's also free stay on that notion of sharing information just starting to peter out away from this meeting here in the hague and over to germany as well where we've heard from a senior figure within angle of the calls christian democratic union party army
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last shared said that whatever the opinions on russia the international law to be followed and that the onus at the moment was on the united kingdom he said that britain had. asked its allies in nato and elsewhere to also take action against russia and that's being done in good faith of britain's word however now it was time for the united kingdom to show at least its allies in nato some of that information that it claims it has to which resulted in pointing their finger at russia. when it comes to russia getting an says to the questions that it's put forward when the sunday thirteen questions were initially sent back and then some more as well and says have been forthcoming in the russian delegate are currently going through those answers but as i understand it only one of those questions really has been. waiting to find out any more information that comes out of this
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meeting they are dribs and drabs spilling out if it's blocked to the press to get in that way. we're doing this through outside what we have heard from the british side though they've been tweeting out from inside there saying that they find it quite strange that russia would want to take part in a joint investigation to try and get to the bottom of who tried to kill it. solves so a lot of questions being asked and a lot of people looking for this building just behind me for answers the meetings that to continue all the way through where they will be looking to see if we do get any answers when it finally comes to a close. piece here we appreciate that artie's piece of all of it there in the hague bringing us all the latest from that meeting as it continues well i'm now joined live in the studio by dr anthony can a former u.n. chemical weapons inspector in iraq he's also been instrumental in developing ways to destroy chemical weapons dr ken welcome to the program it's great to have you in
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the studio with us what do you make as an expert in this field what do you make of the revelations from porton down that they were unable to verify the source of this nerve agent is fast uprising see you well it's actually the most frequent question that i was asked during the last four weeks and my answer to this question ees there is no. assurance that you can determine the region so for chemical. everything that we know about a chemical comes from its composition so the chemical is never hundred percent pure it contains some impurities where do those computers come from the come from the production at every stage reactions produce some byproducts and these byproducts can carry up to do a final chemical no matter how hard you try to purify it. after every stage
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so by learning about the those impurities you can tell what the two. knowledge was used to produce the chemical but if you have to board troops in different countries of the world that produce the same chemical with the same technology with the same religions you have not chance to tell exactly which sample came from which laboratory. talking about. a statement of. porton down laboratory had i have to say that we have two things first the only technical evidence do you. were talking about. was based on statements. from porton down the bridge story because a couple of weeks ago boris johnson assured that. he received the information from the people from that laboratory that
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gives the region of. the chemical agent as russian. so but now after the samples were taken. present the tubes and are analyzed right now. does it mean that laboratories we understand that in the matter of these there will come the results from those aboard and they will see. those samples taken from those sites we found those chemicals that see nothing about the regions and when they will test. they will see no we can't determine that in the head of porton down. all only person who provided the technical evidence but of course it's impossible because the full bore tree. was rushed to make sure that he that everybody understands that he
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didn't actually provided. didn't provide. this technical expertise a solution the meeting itself still going on as we speak leaks in our correspondent also said that russia has requested once again for a joint investigation they want to be in on this they want to help the u.k. come to a conclusion on this poisoning the u.k. has responded calling this strange and just a way to detract attention what do you think what would you what would they do that is not your p.c. w. is supposed to be transparent organization open to everybody why would they refuse russia's participation in this of course it is strange to hear from the u.k. that the desire of russia to nor. why russia is blamed strange. in talking about the. w
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involvement actually russia follows exactly by the procedures of the convention. so on the thirteenth of march russia requested the u.k. to provide russia with all the formation this is article in paragraph two and within ten days the u.k. was supposed to deliver that information. do you keep failed to do that so now russia requested the executive council to provide all information that exact two for council process so. the next step. is supposed to do right now is to. make sure that the executive council requests that the u.k. provides all the information about the. screwballs issue because. the executive council is obliged to do
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that so now we're talking about the situation when forty one country requests this information from. it's not just russia and you've the u.k. fails to provide this information so russia isn't in its right to request. a special session of the conference or with the one hundred and ninety countries and then that conference to make the request from the u.k. to provide this information and this is a written in the convention after the conference requests the uki will be in protective position. each would be not clear why the uki hides this information just let's look back. during caribbean crisis. the president of the united states john kennedy provided the world with.
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russian rockets set up. so why wouldn't the u.k. provide the world with the same information it's not clear and this reason is much more coalitions for me especially towards johnson in how the really established fault of russian federation in the screwballs issue so transparency is key when it comes to this a.p.c. to the meeting this whole scandal involving script and his daughter it's dragged on for a month now we're hoping that today everyone's hoping today that this meeting will clear up all the unanswered questions and russia has gone in there with this list of questions do you think that those questions will be are we are hearing that russia has been supported by fourteen countries on this case do you think there will be any big revelations come out of this meeting today well first of all the. executive council to provide certain information there was no way that the opposite
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w. can reject that request so it's written strictly in the convention you for. starts to break the rules written in the convention so it will break the whole mechanism of chemical weapons and i have to remind that this is the really unique instruments. unique regime of. weapons of mass destruction there is no other one like that and it's very risky for organization to break this rule especially from technical secretariat which is supposed to stay out of politics in a lot of countries or wouldn't like and actually do not like the united kingdom brought disbelief issue pure political issue. was going to.
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thank you for coming in and speaking to us on this matter it's great to have your expertise where there's a doctor and i can form a u.n. chemical weapons inspector in iraq thank you so much. we're back after this short break to stay with us. what holds us. to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to be preached. to the right to be close to see what before three of them or people. interested in the lawyers. should.
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anyone else seem wrong why don't we all just don't all. get to shape out just to become educated and gain from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. with. welcome back a summit with russia turkey and iran is now underway in the turkish counter so the main focus is a peace settlement for styria person arrived the day before the gathering for talks with the president of turkey it has the details. first of all on tuesday we listened to vladimir putin and top aired on the here in ankara and i'll tell you
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what they sounded like they totally know what they're doing together in syria as if all the conflict obstacles on the ground are easy to overcome cease fire violations ankara's all of french offensive in the north to syria and the kurdish resistance to what the message is that everything can be sorted every general powers even if they're backing opposing sides genuinely work together if words are followed by specific actions on wednesday as you were saying the president of turkey and russia will be joined by his son will mani the leader of iran and the three guarantors of the peace process in syria will come together again they do that once every few months to have a look back at what's been done and also to think of the next steps in soon we will hear what the trio will have to say about that
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a party that's not been working with the trio but still remains in syria is no surprises here the u.s. but lately the americans have been sending mixed signals about their future role in the war torn country and their presence in syria will become another syria like very soon very soon very soon we're coming out of saudi arabia. is very interested in our decision and i said well general you want to say maybe you can have to pay there still are some children some areas where they are there are present and that we will have to continue to operate on coming back to what we expect from the trio what we will most likely hear is the leaders of russia turkey and iran praising each other for the commitment but we as journalists will definitely be looking forward to hearing something about the few. role of america in syria they might say something about that they might not soon will find out. an american
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photojournalist says he feels betrayed by the f.b.i. that's off they spent seven months held by terrorists in syria he claims the f.b.i. used him to track the hardest instead of trying to rescue him ok the paid off my discover card me that's what it takes to pull the f.b.i. and the levy of the started to look at me as an enemy of the state to lead to a siege unless you prove you should do this to me but i'm sure if there are some time went by they realized that it was just me and by that point they were buying show me laptops tablets which created intelligence gathering dream come true for the f.b.i. if they enter into if they intercepted these laptops and tablets which i know that they did and then delivered them into the hands of al qaeda it really matter if i was with them or not well i mean more was gone by the time i discovered all this change told me he's basically he's
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a coward he. ignored me ignored my emails she ignored my message on facebook. not sure it was attempting to cross the syrian border into turkey when he was captured by al nusra which was about time affiliated with al qaeda he spent a month and different rebel held prisons in aleppo than in twenty thirteen he managed to escape becoming the first westerner to do so has now written a book about his ordeal called the dawn press describing the not of his captivity. we were able to catch up with much again ahead of the book's launch later this month. i wrote in syria eighteen these before my abduction during the time i was photographing the war from the free syrian army. i was the air force intelligence and come out to bell which were two of the most dangerous parts aleppo at the time and on new year's eve after i got the photographs i went there for i was on my way out forty five minutes from the turkish border when i was abducted by the only sure
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front ok in syria i didn't want anybody coming to rescue me there was no way you can leave and seals in the areas that i was in one prison yes it was out the country every other world is in a lot of folks there's just no way to fly blackpool it's low enough we were going to get shot down so i didn't want anybody coming to get me but i did want them doing the best that they could to keep me safe and then that was done. when i was thieving news that a fire has broken out in a shopping mall just in the east of moscow we do understand that the fire is now under control of visitors are said to have been evacuated but reports say just a few people have been injured the fire in a shopping mall in the city of canary a member of a just last week claimed the lives of sixty four people forty one of them were children. these are live pictures we're showing you know.
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while to get in touch if you have any comments on all of our stories that we can follow us on social media and let us know i'll be back in about oh my colleague colleen bray will be back in half an hour with the latest headlines here talking about. they've been waiting. for a long time because it talked about the dollar back to this world reserve currency countries are tired of funding and america's wars because there are there's got to be a trainer in dollars including oil to buy oil. gotta buy dollars first that means america gets a commission to use that money a wage wars all over the world. on
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the shores of the mississippi river new orleans louisiana. the city is known around the world for its jazz. the famous musician louis armstrong and sidney bishop born here. in treme an african-american neighborhood. the bethel church is packed this morning . if you're a. hero right on thirty five was shot and killed during what appears to be a revenge that. they're fairly common in the area. the mother of the victim has
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already lost a relative in a shootout. should guns kill almost one person every day within the black community. leaving me so never. to remove the victim's brother his visit. here was murdered and out sound of course you know i mean it hurt a racecar know it arrives to sit in the united states but. you know that's not for it's always what in a better place doesn't help. putting to caribbean tradition if you must be joining. a funeral march turns into a celebration of. dentists jazz and alcohol companies good to see this town is less.
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