tv Watching the Hawks RT April 5, 2018 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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the complaints kind of started from the good yeah what michigan public rare michigan radio had kind of compiled all of the complaints and butters are three the three basic things you know it was corporate greed versus people and the environment water isn't for profit and you know the worries about privatizing water and privatizing natural resources which is serious state senator rebecca warren democrat from ann arbor had said that michigan ours no that no private company should be able to generate profits by undermining our state's precious natural resources which is what is why an unprecedented number of people spoke up to oppose this permit yeah that's what sort of strange is the complaint is always you know well people aren't involved enough you don't vote enough you don't do this enough it's always the people's fault you know the right person to get elected because the people who are the right in right to vote the right way here are people saying we do not want this here we do not want this in our community we don't want this to happen and yet their elected officials and their council members and their
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representatives said well if you've got two hundred bucks it's cool it's cool you just suck up all the water you want and you're right you're absolutely right because the response you know this to me is like those of the nature of the republic republics of we don't want there's any thousand people said we don't want this to seventy five which is probably what like the staff at the plant right in what the middle management pressure you're right and so you saw those that gamble the d.e.q. source water supervisor for the government stated last month that we don't have the power to say no arbitrarily we can't just say no for reasons that are attached to the law even if the vast majority of the public wants them to so he's kind of just saying look the bureaucracy prevents me from saying no they filled out the forms they passed the test they said they're going to do this the paperwork is done what can you do you mean the people who make the laws on our say the laws can't figure out how to protect their own citizens because of the laws yeah yeah i'd follow the money on not less. i'm going to put a twenty u.s.
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dollars bet that you're going to find out that they had connections to the company back somebody involved in that process did that didn't happen in a bottle of my fairy god so those companies were you know letters rape and pillage or we pulled jobs from you would you get married and then there are those are the rate of job loss job yeah you know that's a loser what you know in other situations with the natural resource the members of that community benefit from it this is where i have a problem and this is where i think a lot of people probably do have a problem it's not necessarily about the water although the environmental standpoint that water shouldn't be used to make phony mountain water itself water guys like and i don't know of michigan is a place you want to be by and our water from plants has a water crisis just why so anyway what seems strange to me is that you know in alaska when you take a bunch of oil out of the ground everybody gets a track when you have oil rich countries when you have you know it goes into the
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government's pockets it goes into somebody that eventually. which usually goes into someone else that i've been sent to help for the greater good so why aren't these people in michigan getting a check from not slick because this look capitalism. the slow memory recovery was a bit of that if you want to privatized it or you want to do this and you want the water maybe the people of michigan need to start acting like capital and say look if you want to you got to pay for it and then you know what it will be profitable for nestle and we'll move on somewhere else but they'll know everyone will know pay us speaking the profit will for leslie mostly gets this grove water for just paid all the up to paper to get this is just a two hundred dollar your permit. in an interview famed boxer mohammad ali once said that wars of nations are fought to change maps but words of poverty are fought to map change and in america's crumbling blue collar cities like stockton california the war against poverty is bringing progressive ideas and
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fiscally conservative logic together but can it work stockton and california central valley has about two hundred thousand citizens and a huge economic problem hit harder than most by the two thousand and eight financial crash and subsequent housing market debacle stockton has seen its unemployment rates raise from six point six percent in september twenty seventeen to a predicted to a seven point one percent in twenty eight hundred twenty is the national average and when stopped as mayor michael tubbs took office in two thousand and sixteen the city's median household income was seventeen thousand dollars lower than the national average and they were receiving criticism for the white house for stockton's large immigrant population and perceive blacks policies on immigration control but the house isn't deterred from his progressive ideals and is that partnering with local universities and trade organizations to provide education to high school students in truck driving and warehouse operations for entry level to management healthcare including nursing building trades construction clean both commercial and residential projects but in
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a more controversial decision mayor tubbs is working with the economic security project to experiment with providing. a universal basic income of five hundred dollars per month with no strings attached to me the residence much of it is based on the fact that numerous studies have revealed that fifty three percent of americans do not have enough savings to cover a four hundred dollar emergency and despite being an agricultural shipping food throughout the world over eighty percent of the residents of stockton experience food insecurity however well janowicz versal basic income be a botched one combined with welfare unemployment and food stamps already available or is that an alternative that deserves a fair shake and universal and that's one of those tough forms of slavery on both sides might have because it's a guy that we're told literally to use and you said this is like you know the progressive side of the brain says yeah we are great idea but the but the fiscally conservative side of my brain says can we really afford this you know can we really actually afford this and have the work or is it just going to be one of those
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things that just ends up being another big government boondoggle that's the that is go to fed us why materials to see what happens in stockton can they actually pull this off and the biggest question i think has the fiscal side of my brain goes who's paying is it tax payers essentially paying themselves a basic income like programs where you think how this works in stockton it's not going to be done i'm not this is an experiment it's a pilot program at the ideas that this organization is going to to try. to try to prove you know their point and sort of prove the case that you a universal basic income is a way to go so the money is coming from what's called the economic security project described as a network committed to advancing the debate on unconditional cash and basic income in the united states noting that automation globalization and financial station are changing the nature of work in these shifts require us to rethink how to create economic opportunity for all the players in this group before i kind of comment on
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their on their you know globalization financialization thing the players by natalie foster who served as the digital director for president obama's organizing for america facebook co-founder chris hughes who also worked for obama on his digital campaign i know you're seeing a lot of sort of travel through and then there's dorian or warren who is a progressive scholar and fellow at the roosevelt institute which is written extensively on universal basic and copper so clearly these are progressive you know but my question is where was this stuff in two thousand and eight when stockton needed it it's immediately instead of pumping all of that money and bailing out the banks and then pumping a bunch of money into extending member we had extended unemployment and extended you know diluted stamps and all that kind of stuff why weren't we looking at programs like this to help the most needy cities that were hit by the financial crash and the economics of it and i also think that having
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a bunch of progressives who are certainly you know obviously democrats on the democratic party saying because of globalization because of financial ization because i don't like everything the democratic party has done little liberalism little bitches on this already like so you realize that didn't work and that it hurts people at the very bottom and. the like. also i want to say that this is a. actually true universal basic and tom this is given to people who are unemployed and looking for work as are these pilot programs are specifically for people who are unemployed so it's not really universal but the idea of a universal basic income is would be everyone gets five hundred dollars a month whether you make a million dollars or you make two dollars you get five hundred dollars a month what the thing what this out really in terms of the things that i've been torn with universe began it was like when you look down the road and you see how automated of a society we're becoming i don't get it like i get later hey you know what there's
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going to be a lot of people whose jobs are going to evaporated within like a year or as technology advances are seen that throughout history what do you do with those people you know are universal basic income or some kind of basic income from the government could actually work to help those people they don't have some stability while they retrain you know and retrain themselves or go back to school whatever i'm writing and those are things i would honestly should be paid for i think by the corporations that need those people trained that need that that are either taking those jobs out that is where i think their tax dollars and an area should go i don't think this but then again if you take away all those extra the food stamps and everything else if you're bringing everyone up it stimulates the economy creates jobs the idea is that if people have more money they can spend it in the stores in place in israel and it creates more jobs in the service sector that is an easy transition for people who've been in time or money you pump into the middle class and the lower it the more money you pump into the populace the border and a siren that you hold the key all right as we go to break card watchers don't
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forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered a facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are dot com coming up we did a little deeper into the sinclair broadcasting scandal and through both heard about with mr media analyst themselves lion-el of why no media or. stay tuned to watching the whole. welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. you watch kaiser report.
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on that are the boss on the title of your mama. i don't mind the little bit of that if someone you're going to. be able to do a little for you to try another critical of what if they're going to be chilcote for you know down the. soup. tureen and you come with a nice going kids so for us to do that not skip the question as to yes but oh yes the chest but yeah i do best to stay here for everyone that is for cooks about biblical bazza. after weeks of media hysterics and official claims without
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a shred of evidence the case that russia was behind the salisbury poisoning incident is falling apart transparency in the rule of law have never played a role what happens next sadly just only too predictable. pranking gave americans a lot of new job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive truck people who rushed to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent it was like the gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and the bus station a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here in the slowdown so much they lost their jobs that laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. it's a tough reality to deal. many
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people when they knowingly commit crimes or misdeeds have a primal response to deflect accusing others of the very same wrong they know they're guilty of sins of psychology called this projection everyone else may know it as the proverbial pot calling the kettle black and that is exactly what has played out over the last week in the world of american news media where comedians like john oliver in the left leaning world of cable news and pundits pounced on sinclair broadcast group the nation's largest local t.v. station operator that it's known for asking its stations to air so-called must run segments that skew politically to the right the media giant came under fire for having local news anchors deliver a lengthy monologue on the dangers of fake news in the mainstream media largely parroting press. trump's frequent talking points but
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a much less covered story about sinclair's exploits also emerged in the fray and that's the company's reputation for the stunningly restrictive contracts critics claim prevent unhappy employees from leaving their job is to separate the facts from the fiction in this fake news squabble we are joined today by legal and media analyst lionel of my no media line on nation how are you doing leno glad to be back watching the hottest. let's. i'm not a fan of sinclair broadcasting they're a big conglomerate who works the f.c.c. to get their way and we've talked about that before on the show but the rest of the mainstream media is attacking sinclair perspiring propaganda by having various anchors deliver uniform talking points but seeing the reporting we've seen over the last few years on things like oh i don't know rush or syria or donald trump in general are the mainstream outlets all kind of already guilty of this very same practice maybe not exactly but there are in that same ballpark. t.v.
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let me tell you something you have hit it out of the park a couple of things i call it the r t effect to wit two years ago with all due respect if i told somebody hey i'm going to be on our team that oh oh. is that a frequency no r g r r this is this was this was before today where can i get it i don't know i get it i can't wait what is it it's everywhere it's the forbidden fruit it's just i do love it thank you negative publicity no such thing now years ago i didn't know sinclair i didn't know what it does now there are basking in this notoriety but i must say something the other day when everybody put together you you good friend saw this hodgepodge of this mine a bird nattering neighbor of negativism conservative tripe i guess because we
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never heard what they said we just saw all of these little little pixels of people these mosaics apparently saying something in unison but nobody ever heard what exactly are they saying they just assume there was something it was one of the best written please to which can i just read this one thing very quickly i mean i'm going to win the time but this is this is just one phrase it starts off you know certain media people publish fake news stories of members of the media that we're trying our best this is from k o m o in the and the northwest area same content but this fashion listen to this horrible we're right wing propagandist blather listen to this but we're human. and sometimes our reporting might fall short if you believe our coverage is unfair please reach out to watch by going to k.o.l.o.
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news dot com and clicking our content concerns we value your comments we will respond back to you it's this treaty this we're going to try our best nobody bothered to listen who didn't know her does that have you ever heard c.n.n. say is there anything wrong to think mother snow nobody bothered and now here's the irony they're claiming they're claiming that sinclair is not a good journalist when the journalist don't even report what the how they said. you know maybe it's me but i'm wacky that way but yeah it's sort of crazy one thing that got me about this is that critics get so upset and you know i'm not a i'm not a fan of right wing media obviously it's not my my my steak it's not my cup of tea but you know that i you know i know it's weird but yes you know we have options so
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many knots and so it seems weird so you know it seems where the critics get upset about cable networks like fox our own way and that they have a clear right wing bias but at the end of the day viewers can always pick what they're what to pick up the remote and turn on c.n.n. or m s n b c or a local station so do you think it's you know is it fair to regulate local news differently than they do cable news because cable news sort of has a free rein that they don't have to follow any of those rules well you know the argument it's a great question the argument is whether sinclair has too much of a. market penetration if one hundred and ninety could be two hundred thirty three and in the u.k. they're going to the same thing with sky and disney so i like the idea that they're saying you know is there a monopoly is kind of like the old roosevelt of trust busting it or do you want to live in any country that has just one me i think we do i mean one company that owns
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everything so i think that that's a separate argument but the part that kills me and you know this look you know to seasoned professionals never read your contract i don't know what you're our t. contract will say but do you ever read this stuff you thought some types who wrote this is haro for example this is how bad it is now what sinclair is doing and i do like liquidated damages if you quit now that's a new one you know may i explain the notion of doubly or liquid dick liquidated damages doesn't sound like those unsound goods. and it's not like it's full bore it's constant versus concentrated damages it's liquidated the idea is that during a contract if you know if if we the three of us have a deal and we're unsure as to what exactly this is the lawyer coming out if we're unsure as to what exactly the damages would be in case of
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a breach we can agree on something reasonable ahead of time so long as there is the magic word it's not a penalty penalties are void for public policy ok that's a new one to think. tyrrell and have been that we want you out our place so bad don't quit free love you and if you quit will sue you for forty percent of your base calories say times twenty five percent don't leave us now is that nice know that a god you know that's what got me that's you know the other side of the story that came out of the sinclair brightly ok we're dealing with you know what i think many would call as a monopoly you know in the movies which i i prefer there not be i like read you know i like local news being local news not just doing orders from up down on high but when you look at like that kind of language in not just like on air talent you know but also other members of the you know from what we're hearing out there other members of the staff that's ridiculous anybody looking about say so what if i
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choose to quit and let's say go off and you know go run a farm and no longer be in t.v. i got to pay you forty percent of what would be my salary and if you're right if you're let's say a god forbid a per d.m. line producer somebody who i am and if i'm an internal you lied to me so sometimes you know anchors are one thing see because when you talk to you to the best in the beds hey we put a lot of money in for you building this career this nation know this people love you what do you laughing at and you know you have your your of the your the the the the adam and eve of what i don't know what they're good whatever but you're it so i can see our team for example saying listen we're putting a lot of money in your and investing elevating you so ok fine but liquidated damages and normally they want to say get out right we don't want you to stay you know no go but but here's the best part to show you the again the under the gated
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hubris of these people writing about this now you know and i know that in your contract you've got morals clause or moral turpitude if you do something that brings it to me in chaman opprobrium a false light and scrape you going to copy the home game you're out of here but i'm . the want to is if you lose your voice if you're disabled of god forbid you go through a windshield if you're on able yeah this will terminate you're an anchor and they said oh allowed me oh i have to do that i got to pick up where have you been rice is nothing non compete clauses some states won't allow that but if you leave if you try many early you've got to wait one hundred eighty days six months whatever it is that's this is part of this is the way it is also here's my theory if you change your appearance drastically and let's assume god forbid you want tyrrel or doing a local big action news and. t.v.
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to sightsee get kind of like mike tyson you know that some moment they go to the face paglu good. i think so i think right i've got one but back here with the famous they have a way to say you know so unfortunately some or some of these things are kind of par for the course we go to show you how brutal the whole business is but this goes to show you and i ask you this question does anybody really honestly truly care about sinclair broadcasting i mean really or do they care that it's trump related that it's what it meant but i wonder did you see jimmy kimmel mocking malani or trump now let me ask you something i'm just saying nobody's complaining about that when i went to work for a.b.c. and i said no no i want to mock hillary clinton falling that's
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a way to be out of you know what i'm. so these people who think that i kid goes someplace and that there is no party lines at a network are you kidding me do you really think i can go someplace and that is truly the fantasy of it and thank you very much for coming out a very light always a pleasure hearing you talk about it and get the good your two cents of these issues thank you so much like a lot all rounder watching the hawks. life could be found in the most unlikely of places living microorganisms have been found in the boiling hot springs of yellowstone national park or or in the depths of the siberian permafrost now according to a new study from the university was comes in madison published recently in the journal astrobiology the planet venus may be hiding living microorganisms in the dark mysterious passage patches of its atmosphere see how well the new season surface is normally a ghastly five hundred degrees celsius or nine hundred thirty two degrees fahrenheit for americans the clouds of venus read about
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a cool sixty degree celsius or hundred forty degrees fahrenheit and with an average air pressure of about fifteen pounds per square inch the venue seen clouds have a similar atmosphere of sea level on earth and while scientists don't have definitive proof that the bacteria sized particles and they have an issue and clouds are actually a bacteria it proves that the area is a phenomenally excellent target for its exploration with high altitude probes you know bacteria is a form of life and on venus it's extraterrestrial life that has survived volcanoes acid rain and murderous temperature so if there is life on venus billions of years ago they then might prove that they left a little culture to remember them by a little culture of us. all right we'll leave you with that culture is out of there sure do they remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved and so i tell you all i love you i am i robot and on top of the law and keep on watching those hawks number great day and night.
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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside dives. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill you narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy was great so one more chance for. and thinks this minute. then what by wagon that he will get back to life. or yours will pull you out of the . pit and him off in the sea and what about and i didn't do
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it will always be good if it also. or no i'm going to offer house hold. on a promise he said. to him. keep it or don't or don't let you people come up to the group to. keep on going about all i knew of and i'm abbott that graham and the minimum time because i'm. not bad with the internet but oh november creative i say i haven't met a janitor like in about on it but i'll be all beings has it and is about. once people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest race in truth to
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stand out of the news business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer. questions there. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you were a south and taken your last wrong turn. to caught up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave
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a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. i would need to make this manufactured consensus instinctive public wealth. when the ruling classes project themselves. with the primary go round lifts only the one percent told. to ignore middle of the room sit. to lose millions more unionists ruled the world. was.
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god. russia's u.n. envoy describes the u.k.'s allegations of the screwball poisoning case as absurd during a tense meeting out the security council. called too busy. it's a district of paris where the soaring crime rate has been blamed on gangs of migrant teenagers. plus a campaign for israeli women to keep their seats on airplanes instead of switching with ultra orthodox jewish man is blocked by the authorities. are broadcast live in moscow this is our chief international tom certainly glad to have you with us now world powers have concluded a meeting at the u.n. security council on the screen paul poisoning case the russian ambassador of.
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