tv Redacted Tonight RT April 7, 2018 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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everyone knows that by the way perhaps as actually awful don't care hundreds of palestinians will be on the rest took place on the gaza border hundred were wounded in the un rest by walk by who they were they were just wounded you know like there's other things just tires as alleged terrorists attempted to quote in a field at baxter but you know i wouldn't sound is going to be like oh if we had murdered a few dozen pranksters in a way we stabbed them scallywags it was quite scary if you notice both of us and israel use the term terrorist to mean anyone we want to shoot or bomb but we're not you know we are not defined as terrorist when we shoot or bomb innocent civilians as the book the wiki leaks files noted about the us imprisoning so-called terrorists what the us seems to have created is a global apparatus that does not so much catch terrorists as capture hundreds of
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people in order to find ways to label them as terrorists so basically the u.s. and israel can kill or capture anyone they want because if we kill or capture them that makes them a terrorist you know here is the dictionary definition of terrorists a person usually a member of a group who uses or advance or advocates the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce especially for political purposes. well let's say you've got members of a group check clearly using violence check clearly killing unarmed protesters in hopes to intimidate the rest of the protestors to go home or give up boy that sure sounds like the israeli soldiers are the course definition of ok. yes and yes some of the palestinians did to have rocks in slingshots that is true
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but we threw rocks at each other middle school and no one ever called us a terrorist you know maybe maybe a donkey. or something but not a terrorist and there's no proof that israeli forces were shot at that's just something they say every time they decide to start killing innocent people right before they open fire they make sure to go. bang bang yes they showed us you know it's similar to the way the n.y.p.d. yells stoppers yeah standing even after they've got you hand coughed on the ground face in the pavement they're like stop resisting my boat we're going to take. this type of coverage may seem like an accident right maybe maybe the writing for c.n.n. well was very good that anchor meant to say quote tens of thousands of palestinians protested living in what the u.n. calls an open air prison without electricity most of the day without medical supplies without enough food without
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a functioning economy and without freedom remember that freedom but when they when they showed up to this largely peaceful protest heavily armed israeli troops shot hundreds of them maybe c.n.n. meant to say that but it came out as there was on rast there was wounded. this is no accident this is intentionally veg reporting meant to take the actual murderers out of the conversation the palestinians advance some hurling brock's with slingshots. israeli. and the casualties then come israeli boys and the casualties but the bullets just you know came they just showed up they were they were they were stuck in traffic where they could you have been more and more mushy open to interpretation way to describe of master girt our corporate media reporting on palestine like a verbal and see ashur painting like the bullets can.
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cause he doesn't have access. to go downstairs. say would be c.n.n. then the israeli soldiers show. and murder a bunch of people it was no. yes. is it if it helps you understand it you can say then came the up. furthermore you notice they talk about the palestinians like in attacking a horde of mongols in the clip he says the palestinians in advance some are hurling rocks with slingshots die die die and. this is the actual image from when he's saying the palestinians advance book all right child child child child these are the reason i i wonder why he didn't say the children were skipping right
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at the soldiers and a year old girl you know you know that nearly hit a guy in his bulletproof vest. there was some stone throwing learning of tires a pretty standard operating procedure as we've seen from the palestinians but things seem to have gotten out of. open fire if things seem to have gotten out a hand the why did the israeli army tweet out yesterday we saw thirty thousand people we arrive prepared with precise reinforcements nothing was carried out uncontrolled everything was accurate and measured and we know where every bullet landed ok apparently they're proud they shot people in the back or shot women carrying nothing but flags but then they don't leave at that point so i guess nothing was uncontrolled except for the twitter account it got a wired it's a life of its own we don't know. going you can't get straight for reporting from
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c.n.n. or m.s.m. b say you turn to more reliable source a fox news source yeah the situation in gaza after the two thousand and fourteen war continues to be a very serious humanitarian problem who created the problem who knows even though israel has had a crushing blockade on gaza for. years and every time the palestinians have some infrastructure to speak of mysterious missiles rained down leaving rubble in the wake look i could have spent this segment on how horrific things are in palestine or on all the human rights violations israel continues to perpetrate with tons of support from our government and our tax dollars and i know who's campaigns are funded by rich american families the most read yeah there they are. the most read newspaper in israel is owned by american sheldon adelson you know i. could have spent this segment on so much on the fact that this massacre happened on
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the jewish holiday of passover which is supposedly about standing up for the enslaved and the oppressed i mean it's it's all the basic. it's amazing the sheer irony of that didn't just melt the soldiers' faces as they were. but unfortunately i don't i don't have time to cover all those aspects so i focused on the language of our mainstream media that try to avoid talking about israel and when they have to when they're forced to they somehow misplaced their action verbs and the pronouns become very squishy the truth is the palestinian people deserve freedom and equality and self-determination ok still any longer do you want to do it is a bit far. the
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a while welcome i believe can take the news from behind my greasy is alive and well in michigan where nestle requests. to begin a new and larger water extraction program but the requests attracted a record number of public comments with eighty thousand nine hundred forty five against and seventy five in favor yet democracy all for your ground as laid. down to what what what what. michigan approved of the nestle water extraction despite eighty thousand public comments against its. look on the bright side they didn't have the public
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comments like the f.c.c. did. something with the. corporations are no longer rigging the public comments they're just ignoring. and grabbing every last resource without caring what the public wants it's kind of kind of like how our political parties used to say they weren't rigging the elections but then later claimed in court they just had the rights to rig the election. that's progress and so refreshing to be done with the days when our politicians pretended they weren't bought by corporations in other words it was all very exhausting it was all the song and dance and they a big banner behind them that said we care about the people. now they met him for a gun know that they dropped the banner they put up one that just says your phrase . was called. the comfy right.
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but that's not to say people aren't still standing up teachers are striking across the country they're there they're just walking out of school there's a storm in capitol hill they are making their voices heard they're rightfully furious that our federal and state governments don't seem to have. any money for education but they have all the money in the world for the military for surveillance for subsidizing big oil projects amazon centers animal torture farming i am tons of money that's you know you want to do something disgusting and immoral we got you covered. thank. you walk up to them and say i really like some school bugs. this group are twenty who are made up by. taking the battle right now you don't need all those supplies the whole class can
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share a pencil all the way you now one kid gets the sarpanch other kid gets to raise the kid with a sharp and comes up with ideas or the kid says those are done racism right. sam we've got we got plenty of money for smart bums no money for smart kids right plenty of money for lead bullets no money for lead pencil of plenty of money for weapons contractors no money for protracted. pretty sure that's as far as that you can go. for the shit i got got it all the way to the end. but the reason these teacher protests are having a larger impact than normal is because they're not within the rules they're outside of what the union is deploy stipulated there they aren't per bit if they're there you know they're not ok for the systems in place they're actually disrupting things that's the only time. that that actually does and you know it does
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nothing to do a show up for a couple of hours with a sign that says we'll head home when the federally allotted time is over when the right of. four pm we've got to go. on doing. moving on a couple of weeks ago i meant. that the mainstream media had caught on to the cambridge analytic a data mining story a mere year after i covered it on the show then this week the corporate media suddenly woke up to the sinclair broadcasting monopoly a mere here or more after we first covered it all redacted and now also this week the fiftieth anniversary of the death of martin luther king jr a mainstream media outlet the washington post did a cover story in titled who killed martin luther king jr his family believes james earl ray was framed yet finally. at long last the washington post gave the
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story a little time in ink the article correctly pointed out that in one thousand nine hundred ninety only trial ever held about king's murder in that trial a memphis jury ruled that the the local state and federal governments were libel for king's death i imagine this is the first mainstream outlet to actually give that trial so and the theories behind the assassination some prominent coverage so that means they were mere fifty years why you can't. say yeah. i heard they're changing their motto to breaking news a shade under a half a century after the fact yes but but they still did beat all the other major outlets to the stories just because the show in the mainstream media world you can be fifty years late and still be number one they really don't do a quick break but los angeles i'm coming we. are our kid of comedy special tickets
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or something else last to show grab them every jacket or jog calm down this has predicted for dot com what arrived i go right. with lol make this manufactured. and sentenced him to public wealth. when the ruling classes project themselves. in the final merry go round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sit. in the real news room.
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and there are some was so much at all of them mama. i don't mind little bit of little for a minute longer. the old riddle of the few. and the critical all of what if there could be chilcote you know don't you but you're welcome but you sort of. what i mean and you come in with the new school coach self with us from. the question as to yes but oh yes the chess but. by the west of here for everyone that is for you cox involved with the. to try to to construct all these manipulative dichotomies showing the world that
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islam is a religion and it's a peaceful religion and it's possible to be a practicing muslims who believe that the koran is the word of god and at the same time be a member of secular societies it is possible. that the scandal ridden head and angel of death scott pruitt celebrate and does what it says honest to celebrate it is this is in the end obama era few regulations with automakers this wig some say pruitt is a car industry shill but next week he's going to host a party for the oil industry so he diversified. for more on this we turn to our senior dirty arafat's you know it oh here we go.
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oh my. you're right my apologies i was just taking a quick tailpipe smoke break. these d.c. buses what's sweet diesel there. notes of. rusty steel and what does that. do with. your tail pipe smoking though it actually doesn't have as much stigma smoking cigarettes laying now but it does turn heads because i'm sucking on the back of a bus. so finally the environmental pillaging agency is rolling back fuel regulations but california standing in the way because they're clean air nazis. bunch of deep breathers look california and twelve other states have even stricter clean. they're regulation than obama's fifty miles per gallon by
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two thousand and twenty five they even persecute car companies and force them to sell electric cars. think god for wildfires or i would have no place in california to experience my mortality. second that's great that's wonderful the wildfires are getting worse because of manmade climate change you know harsh emission cuts are a good thing you have too much oxygen going to your brain. like the california attorney general who said he would fight the administration's war on the environment he's going to fight the federal government with nature ok federal tanks first as your failed actors turn sad waiters armed with quail's ok. maybe the hells angels could carpool to battle in a prius. what about states rights are republicans in the states rights they love
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there's actually something right wingers love more than states' rights and that's the pungent scent of chevy suburban exhaust. it's really exquisite i recommend a raccoon road kill perry. the g.o.p. is selling out to the auto industry i mean as the democratic party but now more than ever it's the g.o.p. pruitt is robbed even trump disapproves of his spending on others even so he spent one hundred thousand dollars on first class flights but he saved taxpayer dollars with that fifty dollar a night condo. which is you know it's an expensive rental market in d.c. for the same price you might be able to afford a night in a soup can be very true but that was a bribe that's what it is he's a scam artist was clearly not doing his job and you know actually he was so overworked one day capitol police had to call nine one one. an urgent nine one one call for you so you got
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a car since it was not responsive through its protective detail breaking down the door inside the cabinet secretary unresponsive and three medics on an earth and the e.p.a. is not commenting on the incident but sources tell us pruitt was just now being. rewarded really asleep on the job. the man loves fumes once in a while he gets knocked out from too many ether with it. it's one of the finest pollutants i get mine organic from coal food. so there were some coincidences ok that rental property was owned by pruitt's friend who just happened to be an energy lobbyist for and bridge a company that the chest now been to have a pipeline approved by pruitt's e.p.a. despite having the second largest fine for an oil spill in u.s. history oh he was just how open he just happened to be living in the building oh no
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. i just don't see the connections lay i'm way too easy from carbon loading. got this footprint race coming up the story. of corruption you must see that corruption it smells like oil spills charred raisins and decaying fish far. it'll take your breath away. new revelations about the n.y.p.d. and their life the truth call record how much we trust the boys and girls in blue let's go to correspondent john of adolfo bridge. cops be lying no not good news cops mean ion so much. police
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officers lie under oath in court so often that they've even given the practice a nickname behind closed doors we call it test ally new york city police officer pager serrano told the new york times you take the truth and stretch it out a little bit yeah test the line to try and put more people in prison that's unconscionable it's even worse than what i do have parties which is testy lying that's what i claim to have five testicles just to get people to like me more it never works. except one time. but everybody was disappointed. anyway please be. nice cases all these years of lied about the whereabouts of guns putting them in suspects ands or waistbands when they were actually hidden out of sight barged into apartments and conducted searches only to testify otherwise later under oath if given first hand accounts of crimes or arrests that
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they did not in fact witness maybe this is why when it comes to cops vs firefighters i am so on team these guys. what a bunch of peeved cakes interested in some five testes fun fella is no understand the boat regardless i'm willing to bet that unlike police in baltimore those guys were involved in the theft of more than three hundred thousand dollars at least three kilos of cocaine forty three pounds of marijuana eight hundred grams of heroin and hundreds of thousands of dollars in watches from suspected drug dealers and civilians which sounds bad until you learn that baltimore cops carry toy guns to plant on people they shot. that heinousness makes the cops thievery sound super. i'll do you one better twenty one times cops weren't held accountable for the death of black victim man this twisted
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game i'm playing of police officer sliding scale moral depravity sucks rather play anything else like the game a life bomb a self or god. i heard. him among many solutions worth implementing police need independent boards to assess all uses of force policing for profit in america must be banned and the police should be routinely tested for drugs and steroids is hard to argue with any of that especially because the police one thousand one hundred twenty nine people in twenty seventeen that we know of seven hundred eighteen of which were suspects involved in nonviolent offenses stopped for traffic violations or who committed no crime at all it only twelve officers were charged let alone convicted that's one percent chars. hey how come everything as one percent is awful it's either inadequate police
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accountability wall street investment bankers or a weak ass gross version of milk i'm an almond man myself also crucial combating police brutality needs to happen on the local level it certainly does because guess who's steering the ship at the federal level yep it's evil human oatmeal cookie himself jeff sessions law enforcement as a whole has been unfairly maligned in not going for the gun except the bill actions of a few they're bad actors a few bad actors do you think this is the cast of the ridiculous six we're talking about a culture of violence amongst police that needs to change we're talking about a criminal justice system designed to kill people of color with impunity we're talking about militarized police treating communities like a war zone we're talking about me being a really bad spokes person for the police i can't believe they gave me this job and
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doing terribly at it is not going to last. three weeks. back i don't see which i found damn. good i. don't want my work in that what i call go on. bush will pull you out of. it a bit and him up and say i'm going to bed and i didn't if it will cause but the good is it also. still going on going to his house. on apache. keep it or don't or don't let you come up with.
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as a sign it will survive they say money the delegates pledged to use it this is the central plank support diagram is going to call them right now and say stop the. franking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money twenty five thousand dollars was a teacher fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive trucks people who rushed to a small town in north dakota was among them. like gold rush is very very similar to. this beautiful story ended with. us. a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here and slow down too much the
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about driver rams into a crowd in the german city of minster killing two people and injuring twenty before taking his own life. victorious profile the niece of former double agent sunday i ask the british prime minister to let her see have poisoned relatives after being denied a visa. a former head of the global chemical weapons watchdog talks to r.t. about the script al case and describes how he was forced from office for opposing the iraq war. i got a phone call from john bolton from washington said that i had instructions to tell me that i should resign and said your management style was not agreeable to washington. and journalists voiced concerns over a plan by the u.s. department of homeland security.
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