tv News RT April 9, 2018 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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in the million years i would see that. the french city of. environmental. police used tear gas against throwing rocks. at the. other headlines israel carries out a missile strike on syria's largest military base that's according at least to russia's defense ministry the incident has reportedly resulted in at least a dozen casualties. also this hour former double agent. and his daughter. while u.s. intelligence as
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a relative of the script would like to return home to russia. today thanks so much for joining us on the program. police have clashed with protesters in a town near the french city of. crowd control measures to break up environmentalist squatters caps. so did. the. world thank you for your world will you you want me to give you. the.
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real. thing was. there i was that was this land was scheduled to be part of an airport development many people were against that people moved into the land they took over they built a coal miner the many many people say that this is now the family land they say from here and they want to protect it the government said they had to be out by the end of the winter they were given into last week to leave being given an extra week's grace and what's happening now is this is the battle between the police the c.r.s. of the government and the protesters the saddest who say that this is their land and they will do anything they can to defend it if in throwing bottles they've been throwing fire at the place and the police have been responding in kind with tear gas at times it felt like the sky was raining with tear gas here and our colleagues artie's video agency will caught up in that take us. through
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because you. already are you ready for the fury i don't want you to see well as you can see now the zionists have let fly to one of these a barrier case the police are just about one hundred meters down in the distance ready and waiting for whether they going to charge forward as you can see the ses throwing foil works except the police and the police do respond in kind to that to tear gas and i just want you to just look around me and you can see all of the smoke. and that is because it literally has been raining down with tear gas a inot to down the land we are surrounded it is incredibly difficult to breathe we keep being moved on by that gas is actually chlorine at my skin because it hurt so much and the people here opera peds they are also firing projectiles in the direction of the c.r.s.
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into the police and there's understand that one of the c.r.s. offices has been injured by one of this project as a spin taken to hospital we've also seen some of the protesters here injured as they've been involved in those clashes with the police the tear gas just all around us i mean it looks like we are covered in smoke if you look behind me there's a fire up in that in the background so i just want to take you to have a look at this down this is one of the rocks that they've been throwing at the police and gendarmerie some of those have apparently hit some of the gendarmerie and i also want to take you to have a look at some of the other things have been thrown including this one person who was attempting to throw a moment of cocktail at the place but it didn't go so well. it's expected that this could take a couple of days the government is determined that it will do everything within its
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power to expel the hundreds of scientists who made this land their home the saddest say they will do everything to defend the land that they say is the home. right now protesters have been evicted from the field they've been camping in excavators a democrat abolishing the houses which the zionists built themselves they've been living for the past decade. other top headlines today israel was behind a missile attack on syria's largest military base that's according to russia's defense ministry earlier on monday a number of rockets hit the airfield with at least a dozen deaths reported and for more updates on jordan live by. patrik there's been across the story the whole day what more do you know so far details have been coming in all day again dan well first of all israel regularly targets pro iran and pro with saad militias in syria and usually they don't comment on things
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like that like they didn't this time around but the timing of this apparent strike by israel could really turn things upside down for everyone in what way what impact could this have well it's because of the buildup ahead of this now april in syria and things that are happening there for a second year in a row could have put the world on the brink of a cop like last year we remember that an alleged airstrike may donald trump use tomahawk weapons tomahawk missiles sorry that were launched against a syrian air base in the we're talking province that was the time when russia used russia u.s. ties almost completely fell apart and the syria peace process was thrown off track so it is now april twenty eighth inning and last saturday we got a report of a cloran attack happening in the town of duma which is an east
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besieged by the masses. and there was no military response obviously from the west straightaway unlike last time the missile struck donald trump threatened a price to pay what difference was that this time well there were signals that some kind of military response could be in an offing the reaction from donald trump was very strong he called president assad an animal then the leader of france emanuel macron joined in and said that the syrian government won't be able to get away with this both of them also blamed iran and russia for being involved in this as they say on the other hand last week vladimir putin said that moscow is in possession of intelligence that the militants in that area could be prepping a chemical attack as a provocation to get derailed the peace efforts following the reports of coron
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being released the russian foreign ministry said that anyone who intervenes from the west with some sort of military action will face the most serious consequences but then suddenly boom it's israel that launches this apparent airstrike we've got the security council meeting coming up later what's next in all this latest scandal well first of all let's see what the envoy of these countries that are involved in this scandal in the tensions will have to say during that security council meeting but now with israel having launched this strike we don't know if there will be a follow up by the likes of the u.s. and france and also watch out for the response of russia four of the response of the syrian officials but again this latest round of tension is due to these allegations of the chemical attack and dumas and for you to understand this in context let's take a look at
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a report by my colleague mark is due. east ghouta is almost over nine. the percent has been liberated by syria's government the army of islam nusra the al qaeda affiliate in the mists they've lost opting to take the busses to rebel territories . the vast majority of rebels surrendered and negotiations are underway for the
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handover of the last weddle stronghold on the cusp of victory as is now tradition assad goes against all reason and logic he's won this battle and launches chemical weapons at civilians according to his enemies he contact helped put the united states continues to use all efforts available to hold those who use chemical weapons in syria and otherwise a cannibal the regime's history of using chemical weapons against its own people is not in dispute. russia warned repeatedly that this may happen they had intelligence a month ago that rebels were preparing to stage these attacks why not if they can't fight if they can't win why not try to provoke an international intervention it's worked before that is not to say we're jumping to conclusions. meanwhile in the besieged enclave of eastern serve rebels are continuing to leave the last group has
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finally agreed to be evacuated to the north of the country there's been some emotional scenes of people who marched to escape doom are being reunited with their families in the enclave the detainees were taken to a sports complex those in the community crying as you can see very emotional video trying to spot their loved ones who just arrived we also spoke to some doctors who worked in do monitoring previous reports of chemical attacks in the area. there was one case i faced on january thirteenth at six am reports came in about the strike and the use of chemical weapons six people were hospitalized we examined them and found no problem. they were just scared and i think they're going to do it and it was impossible to talk about it even after analysis of blood and clothes. there were. there were also cases on january twenty second of february twenty fifth
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during the medical examinations nothing must found people had the symptoms of panic and fear poisoning. we discussed the latest situation with max abrams assistant professor of public policy in the department of political science. because he determined for attacking civilians is weakness when governments are losing him when it looks like regime changes the structural conditions in this scenario are you just here so she hasn't been a secure in yours. it makes absolutely no sense for the assad regime to jeopardize when all of the incentives go in the opposite direction that the rabbit would like to hear this kind of an attack on the regime i don't think that we should be. strictly either sort of white of these are the. first time readers if you will you have
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a political agenda independent evidence certainly needs to be gathered. as the tornado of media speculation over the script continues to swirl it's now being reported that a new era being offered new identities by u.s. intelligence that has both the former russian double agent and his daughter appear to be recovering that follows that nerve agent attack last month in the english city of salzburg a family member however believes there would be no reason for you to abandon their home in moscow victorious cripple spoke exclusively to roughly video agency after she was denied a visa to the u.k. . yes it is a very i ask and you personally to reconsider the decision to refuse my visa and they are scared that i will find out something more that you will tell me something yes they try to me please when you are not the crime one but m i five the first i was happy that you were called but it was clear that she wasn't speaking her own
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words she was being prompted you can hear it in the recording but that's a start she was told yes you can talk which meant that she was being guided meanwhile the british foreign secretary johnson has branded the opposition labor party leader the kremlin's useful idiot that softer german called and refused to blame russia outright for the poisoning i mean she certainly takes a closer look at the foreign secretaries recent statement. boris johnson's been caught out a fair few times in his role as british foreign secretary sometimes doing the wrong thing other times saying the wrong thing and this time his blunders have taken the form of the written with after a series of unfortunate events at the u.k. foreign office having to delete their old tweets and post new ones boris johnson felt it was time to get the facts in the script case traits once and for all. boris writes that britain's porton downs chemical weapons the tide densified the substance used have been developed by moscow well we remember the porton down
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interview slightly differently we have not verified the precise source you have not been able to establish that this was made in russia as i said it's our job to provide eight you know the scientific evidence that identifies for the particular nerve agent is typically you're not able to say where it is from we haven't yet been able to do that. within the last decade russia has investigated ways of delivering nerve agents probably for assassination and as part of this program has produced and stockpiled small quantities of novacek hold your. if the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has confirmed the destruction of all chemical weapons in russia actually the elimination of weapons that the last facility to hold such chemicals was in fact a knowledged by the international watchdog last year. boris writes that russia has an obvious motive for targeting sic
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a scrip oh well it appears this obvious motive has zero value russian it's the double agent wasn't of any importance after moving to be ok as part of the spy swap . he was and did in britain as a result of exchange so why russia and in a manner that is of any importance or that is of any value it's unimaginable why not take the death of one spy into another that seems to be the firm favorite for boris the fate of alexander litvinenko murdered in london in two thousand and six demonstrates the kremlin's willingness to kill someone in this country the russian duma has actually passed a law that allows the assassination of extremists overseas first of all it's never been proved moscow was behind slipping in case death and secondly former spies are not exactly stream ists but to follow boris is logic the kremlin is simply willing
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to kill someone in person often listing these facts boris comes to the same old conclusion that only the russian state has the means motive and the records to carry out this crime and lengthy and thorough investigation carried out by the best scotland yard detectives military and come to expect it awaits now if by the man becoming more than notorious for his gaffes or restraint we've also spoken to james tory chemical weapons expert he believes it's extremely easy to make nerve agents if the structure of the chemical compound is not. it is not possible to know where nerve agent has been produced whether it's whether some one country or another it's not possible to to identify that to a certain country that there's many well published formulas of nerve agents and the structures are known and the toxicity profiles are known so so many people can make nerve agents they know what structures to go to go to work but the only way you could get the exact source is if the nerve agent were not very pure so if it were
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not very pure and you found at a particular site the same impurities in the sample as you're finding it some other location then you could say there's a high probability it came from from that source but unless you've had samples like that it's hard and if if it's made by a nation state that knows what they're doing and the purity is there then you don't have any impurities to mark against it would be very hard to to name it to a specific location or a particular laboratory. go back to our top story police clashing with environmental protesters near the french city of non straight without further ado. very much in the thick of. it what's the latest update you have for us. well daniel they've been destroying some of the houses are what we realize is the c.r.'s were actually pushing people away so that they could come and destroy the
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houses we've just come to another is that this site as you can see the c.r.s. are now trying the same tactics here pushing everybody away they're using a huge amount of tear gas that is at a police helicopter over board and they what was meant to be a very peaceful protest here people wanting to just stay at their home they've actually surrounded a home just about a hundred meters away from me what they want to do is to try to have a peaceful protest dami have come in and they have literally used brute force. to move people away we were just over where the hangar is you might build see some people who are having a protest on top of that at the moment they're hoping to remain but the c.r.'s are pushing people and the whole point behind this is to push people away from the side structures and then they bring the construction and the bulldozers in and they getting rid of them as you can see these are some people getting in some clashes
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you can see some tear gas being sprayed some is also is being shot out there and they are actually spraying people directly in their eyes if they get too close to them daniel it is very hot here and this is very far from over. a lot of you can see what's going on obviously in the background people being being pushed back presumably police have made some arrests as well have there been many arrests of the many many injuries perhaps on either side we saw brock's wallet of cocktails being thrown was the situation there in terms of injuries and arrests that you know of. it's difficult to know the exact figures we have seen some people who have been injured in the clashes both on the processes i don't know so on the police side you have to excuse me john it's here gas which is spreading around us is getting quite clearing that's right if you look over that they are absolutely blasting people who get anywhere near them as
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a tactic to move people away but going back to those injuries daniel people there as you can see as suffering the effects now all of tear gas something which i've experienced myself and it's pretty horrible it close your neck and so i just really makes you skin. and they can be difficult to talk as well as of course making you cry and your eyes burn out we know one gentleman was injured in the clashes this morning we understand that they went to hospital in terms of arrests we understand six people have already been taken away from the site but this is all very active in the numbers at the moment it difficult to come by because the police are not giving journalists any access whatsoever in fact we're being treated as if we're part of the protest group. appreciates difficult conditions the know it's difficult to breathe stay with you though perhaps power now and show some of what's going on behind you as well the police are trying to to push those protesters away what one
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of the what is the police i am here to move them out of that field to move out of that location what's going on. well don't know if if your correspondent can see you know what you're seeing live pictures of these protesters from the. from this environmental company the city over. not near those forests there short of the correspondence on site there you can just see here in the corner of the screen we understand police have deployed gas large amounts throughout the day it's made it very difficult to charlotte to give us the updates of what's going on as far as we understand from what solid was saying there six arrests have been made of potential injuries on both sides to police and protesters camera just moving back there now and those
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live pictures as protesters are pushed away we're going to try and get back to charlotte just when the situation calms down a bit there's a bit more there thick with the fumes from those that gas will try and get back once things perhaps of calm down a little bit more. for. you guys. and other headlines hungriest prime minister viktor orban is celebrating a crushing victory in the country's general election his ruling coalition managed to secure a two thirds majority in parliament the record turnout was almost seventy percent addressing supporters or when said the result gives him the opportunity to defend hungary. many of you know start regarding the results so i can tell you dear friends that it was a big battle and we've gained a decisive victory we've created the opportunity for ourselves to defend the country our country hungry is still not where we would like it to be but it's already started along the path it shows for itself we're going to move together
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this way. strong and gratian starts as one support from anti establishment parties across europe not from e.u. officials though they'll be voting shortly on whether to strip budapest of its e.u. voting rights political unless the large told us tackling immigration is proving a vote winner. telling the truth the last majority of the congo army m.p. for war i'm doing is standing by to defeat this campaign for some messy change and decor and it will be a messy keys that the immigration the stove and eat towards be nor allow for mike the answer to enter hungary and. the fetus messaging of course i can expect to. new tensions between grass so
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that you will be a uni on and hungrily and government because or by has already said. leadership will do your european union on one t. to implement you will measure us on immigrations barely see him at death's. door she's the hunger the i got him and that set from myself for today a thanks for all the team here at our tears well for staying with us my colleague on a father will be with you at two pm moscow time about half an hour if you the latest updates on all those key global headlines.
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one else seems wrong all all just don't. get me wrong get to shape out these days become active. and engaged equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. lemme warhawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles they don't believe to stop spreading to tell you that will be gossiping less files of the most important news today. telling me you are not cool enough to buy their product. these are the hawks that we along with our audience will walk.
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kentucky. over all of this move them to the border in st fanny's. a co money city it was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal miners the said i'd. love to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that is anything ever happened to the coal mines here and that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happening it's happened.
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i'm after a country it is time for one of your favorite episodes from the latest season of going underground coming up today from the u.k. lords international relations committee lord valve tells us to raise a may as north pulled out all the angles on the response to the atrocity and will tour in the southwest of england and is cold war rhetoric freezing diplomacy in britain we speak to award winning author and rolling stone journalist matt taibbi about how and two russian hysteria could lead us to a nuclear winter plus the consultant editor for the would rather be a road game email that drew p.s. predicts the fallout from will china will lead to the end of jeremy call been in the tickle to be the symbol coming up in today's going underground but first british labor leader jeremy corbyn didn't even use one of his questions of prime minister's questions to goad minority government needed to raise them
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a into war because of weapons of mass destruction he wanted on says about a financial stake. went on monday the n.h.s. is clearly in crisis so why wasn't there a penny extra of the n.h.s. in yesterday's statement by the chancellor the prime minister told coleman to look at the arguably blairite labor party in wales perhaps you might look to see what what the labor entering in wales. that the latest annual data the next on your data shows by looking at twelve hour waits in any three point four percent of patients waiting over twelve hours when compared to one point three percent in england he wants to talk about meeting targets he should talk to when they have a government in wales kuhlmann would hear nothing of it and a chance to england abandon its eye in the targets until april two thousand and nineteen it's a bit rich for the prime minister to be scam on me about why i was he was he's
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a fun time here in england but was it scaremongering he talks about scan on bring in wales i was pointing out the facts and i want to thank. god i am not sorry we do see where that is why we do see people in wales often trying actually to get treatment in england rather than in not rather than in wales people the dying said coleman people are dying because of overcrowding and long waits in our hospitals i think the prime minister should get a grip on it and ensure the n.h.s. now has the money that it needs to deal with the patient came on and then called in reference to everyone's favorite scientist stephen hawking who died this week we started with professor stephen hawking and he said just a few months ago there is. there is overwhelming evidence that any chance funding on the number of doctors and nurses are in.
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