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tv   News  RT  April 10, 2018 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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a violent standoff between police and environmentalists second day in france. police fired tear gas on live reports coming up from the scene. now the news group is reportedly discharged from hospital following last month's. exceeding doctor's initial assessments that she may never recover. also in a chemical attack in syria staged no trace of it says the sea so representative for the u.n. has said. in the interviews not a single local resident confirmed the chemical attack having taken place bodies of people killed by chemical agents have not been found. and also the. peter
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schmeichel talks of the fee for president. shouldn't hesitate to come to the world cup in russia despite the calls from some politicians and media to stay away. thanks for joining us here in our teens national for the latest global headlines welcome to the program. protesters have started burning barricades while police have already deployed tear gas near the french city of nod as i stand off by environmentalist has entered its second day police have been trying to evict protesters from the camp fire let's go live straight away i've got to do with this guy who's right in the middle of all the disorder there charlotte what's been happening today. but. well the focus on the clashes continue today down just take
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a look to my left hand side and you'll see that there's a group of these artists here. say twenty meters in the distance that's where the c.r.s. the gendarmerie are now they've actually been moved back and pushed from the earlier position when we sued them when they had started to bring chunks into this area because that's what they're trying to do now is to bring them in to help with the bulldozers to raise new structures in their attempts to expel all reservists from this area but the c.r.s. was actually moved back when it seemed for a moment the tides were turning and the scientists were able to really gain some ground here but the police are pushing back now if you just look at the other side we're going to see this is another barrier of the zionists the using rome beriah case some of them of even taken paris look very similar to the who did belong to the police previously but they are trying their best to hold it and that's because they're trying to save the homes that they've built here some of them have built
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them since two thousand and eight and we've been speaking to one young mother he's got a fifteen month old son he's been living here for seven years and this is what she told us about her thoughts on losing her house which looks like it's next in line to be demolished i think i'm pushing away any kind of real emotional attachment to the buildings right now maybe a cry later to me where all in this together and questioning building on the on that i discuss. in building on the sides i think i cried first on the lawn i think i. fit me it just means that we have less buildings for all of us together and that's the shame i don't think i want to particularly attach a sentimental attachment to these buildings if i happen to live here i have a fifteen month old child who lives here as well and he's not here right now because. because there's some horrible people going to gaza as. well the tear gas is continue to rain down here on day two and just behind me you can see that
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they're actually just soaring down a tree anything that they can do they're bringing tools in or anything they can do to barricade themselves in from the police to defend this land this land that they say is there to learn to defend the government has a very different view on that of course let's take a look at the events on day one he adds that. no doubt that. the world will react you will be if you will police or just about one hundred meters down in the distance ready for waiting for whether they going to charge forward. the police or not trying to push everybody away a tactic that we've seen earlier in the day whether you choice by getting rid of all of the sadness all the activists you don't see much well we've still got
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clashes going on here as the dodgers are trying to reclaim stake their hold on this land that they have been able to reclaim this morning a lot to tear gas we've heard some people injured medics are out in force and you can still see the smoke surrounding us this is reminiscent of the two gases continuously being fired it's also being sprayed directly into the faces of some protesters when they get too close to the place this is tape to the police c.r.'s have a lot of work to do if their aims to. reason this entire site is to take place it's unlikely it's going to be finished today because the zod resistance is very strong . that the force of the police is also there aren't a half thousand shunned army are here and the government is determined this will be it once and for all the end of sant well we're used to seeing those scenes obviously cities in an urban environment quite surreal though seeing those barricades that tear gas the flames in the middle of forest fields charlotte i hope
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your staying safe out there as well are to charlotte doing ski reporting just from outside not that well just. it's been reported you are screwball who was poisoned alongside her father just a little over a month ago in the british city of salzburg has been discharged from hospital the scruples were said to have been poisoned by the so-called class of nerve agent developed in the soviet union it was never called by that name it's said to cause permanent damage and even death it's believed to be the most deadly set of substances of its kind prime minister has previously said the screwballs may never recover from the attack. sadly late last week doctors indicated that their condition is unlikely to change in the near future and they may never recover fully . and the british foreign secretary boris johnson claim the government's porton down military lab has attributed the agent to russia and confirmed it was that of
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a chalk something the lab itself later denied we all spoke to all of from the foundation for strategic research who believes if such a nerve agent was used it will be extremely likely to kill. to be very toxic highly toxic five to eight times more toxic than the x. which is already very very toxic so a small amount should have killed. for sure but what is still very. difficult to assess today is the how do know wieczorek was delivered to the victim so before we know exactly how the novi joke was delivered to the team it's very difficult to assess the amount of the chemical agent that was in contact with the victims. fake and staged was the verdict of russia's envoy at least to the u.n. over the latest alleged chemical attack in syria reports on saturday claimed dozens
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of died in the city of duma after chlorine gas was dropped on the area russia's envoy however failed to convince some members of the u.n. security council with the u.s. said to be considering a tough response to the attack. do you worry yourself just as much in the dark because the rest of us rely on. you know where you are that was issued at this point to independently verify the allegations history will record this as the moment when the security council either discharged its duty or demonstrated its utter and complete failure to protect the people of syria either way the united states will respond. which said it's ready to in with us to get this matter should be tomorrow is going to damascus iraq a. few years ago literally it. will be letting you know
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british people. it was obvious to come certain communication channels with. full actions on the fourth pretext against russian troops not only created legally could lead to consequences no one gave the powers to be world police. prosecutors and executions. these are the pictures from inside duma at the scene of the alleged attack russia's military and chemical search the area but no traces of substances were found as russia's envoy to the u.n. details russia said it wants an independent body set up to investigate reports of the attack the move won the backing of the u.k. . and has more now on what was said during the session. as the fifteen member body convened and we had a meeting of the u.n. security council we heard first from the representative of the russian federation
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he went on to talk about the fact that anti-government fighters terrorist groups like al nusra and others there have been occasions in which the territory has been liberated from them and it's been discovered that they are stockpiling chemical weapons and that they have in the past used chemical weapons against the positions of the syrian government. but you consciously good moved them because they didn't correspond with the no rain bands of those who sleep in the liquidation of the official government control from there we heard from nikki haley the representative of the united states she went on to blame the syrian government for the attack and from there she said that the united states intends to respond to this alleged chemical attack regardless of whether the u.n. security council approves of that or not she she says that the usa intends to take action now her remarks come after donald trump said the usa was in the process of
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making some big decisions regarding the chemical attack and. that. militarily. will be letting you know pretty soon as. well as that nothing's off the . nothing's of that is he ruled out take action launching if it is going to so. that the bans you have pointed out that when donald trump said that nothing was off the table in regards to syria an action that he might take these words sound very dangerous the implications of possible aggressive action from the united states in syria could be very severe and that the whole world should be deeply concerned about this kind of rhetoric and this kind of language coming from the commander in chief of the united states on the u.s. delegation echoed the statements of president trump during the security council meeting and you. left the hole was void began to speak. media outlets
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don't seem to be holding back and giving no advice to presidents trump on micro we spoke to former u.s. presidential candidate ron paul who's the chairman of the institute of peace and prosperity. in the time when a crime is committed in this country the stations when they're not sure they're careful they say this is allegedly but they never do this under these circumstances they have zero bits of information it's only and over again they had to the person is guilty and that is that person is you know the russians and the syrians are guilty of a crime and it goes over and over again you know did that is the script and then they finally had to give up here know that nothing can panned out so they had to go on to a new one so it's one runs out of steam they create another fake news program. i think the least likely would be his saw this whole idea i saw it's over and over again ten times today assad is gassing his own people and i've said every time i have been a son in a month or two later they prove that was absolutely wrong so i cannot see any
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reason why assad would do this there's no reason for a russian have done this there's somebody who wants to serve up trouble and the people who want to stay there. the script of poisoning and the subsequent diplomatic fallout have given rise to a number of voices telling football files to think twice before visiting russia for this summer's world cup if this president says the action on the pitch not what's happening off it should remain the focus johnny infantino open up to be just michael the danish football legend who's got a new show right now here on alt. it is no secret a lot of tension between the world and the world cup host nation. how how afifa how are you dealing with that i mean how are you sort of. coming in making this the best event in the world with all that's going on at the moment by focusing on football i think that's the key and that's the secret we have to focus on full but i think there are enough sadly people around the world to try to just
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you know divide or argue or dispute or whatever we have to try to unite football easy and i think some of the spin from western media is that it's not safe to go to russia you know security is not good enough don't go off scene you know in england they're basically saying to the fans don't go it's not safe what what would you say to that is it safe to go to russia of course it is safe to go to russia. for this and it will be very safe but it will be even safer the world russia during the world cup because the authorities in russia very much aware of what the world cup means and they want to show as well and welcoming country and preparations in terms of security for the world cup beyond any other.
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event. or any other situation so the conditions will be there for a very safe world cup and obviously those who want to enjoy football and enjoy a part of the summer they should go to russia those who want to go to have riots or whatever. exactly goes home with. you could governments found itself accused of playing to teach palestinian students about martyrdom. i'm nuts and other stories offer this short break.
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join me every thursday on the alex song i'm sure and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics. i'm sure. i'll see you then. you know when you. said. to me that. you speak french. continue. to.
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come back to the program there's been anger in the u.k. amid claims of british aid money has been used to buy books for palestinian schools which could promote violence the books are said to contain questions such as how many martyrs that it take to destroy the enemy it's led to accusations the u.k.'s damaging peace prospects by promoting semitism these are examples of the tasks that children in my students must find the number of martyrs who died during two palestinian revolts against israel in physics a picture is used of a boy with a slingshot targeting israeli soldiers the government says it's against all forms of violence and tries to have dialogue with both sides of the conflict to promote a positive portrayal of each other harvey put the issue up for debate. it's a huge tragedy that the hardworking british taxpayer is funding and
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subsidizing palestinian terrorism huge amounts of the money from the projects taxpayer unfortunately goes into inciting violence against innocent israelis or is outrageous is actually typical of people like richard to our apologies for the israeli the zionist occupation and now he's saying he is trying to make us to believe that those who are occupied should not even defend themselves i cording to their right on their international law it is actually a right to resist illegal occupation and indeed it is their right and is their right to teach their children if we see in a physics task a picture of a boy targeting israeli soldiers can you not see that there's a great danger that that's promoting an aggressive viewpoint in the children promoting violence in their minds you know what i mean you know look at the reality
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that child is being brutalized by those soldiers on a daily basis their whole lives their family their culture you know you look at the time you think you know she didn't just as. she was in the she was in the cult of who was shot in the face these people are going through brutality which is unbelievable by ourselves richard would you be happy to see books of a different type in their sport promoting something more diplomatic. yeah of course that would be fantastic but it's just not the reality because the palestinian authority how mass massud very well allow the state of israel to exist very widely lest they don't want any peace they're happy to see the bloodshed continue while he's living safely in london he can talk all there was he's
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encouraging the vard and that we're seeing in sergeant by these textbooks. recipe for disaster brewing in italy all over the humble artichoke follows claims within the jewish community that the vegetable is actually not kosher and is therefore not fit for consumption rouse leaving a bitter taste in some people's mouths.
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the leader of the lebanese political party and militant group hezbollah has revealed washington offered to remove it from the terror watch list and give it financial aid if it dropped its resistance to israel auntie's a nation sethi has this report. the u.s. terror list arguably the most dangerous list in the world and if you're on the database you just seem there's no way out of big brunton international threats right wrong if you want your name scratched off for good harry options you could become a friend of a friend the chief of hezbollah that any share political and military movement with links to iran says the united states offered the group the chance to be removed
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from its national terror watch list but there was a catch j.-a billy salim indicates you need a good message from the u.s. was president saying that the u.s. is ready and that will be a part of the lebanese government billions of dollars and be removed from the ter list but on the two conditions the first one is that would work for the americans and the second is that will stop resisting the israeli your patience israel's are very firm a strong ally so basically as long as you're nice to washington's friends i'm for fair the proof that money talks look no further than the peoples moshe dayan organization of iran doesn't matter that you killed american personnel and civilians during top notch lobbyists will do the job politicians will back you at rallies people who are islamic but what martin and secular t.v. ads will proclaim your innocence from t.v. screens. any k. is iran's democratic opposition working for
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a nuclear free iran founded on human rights unjustly listed a terrorist group and the case the victim of. this human. rocky allies this next option is simple just sits and waits until the tax for me if noble peace prize winner nelson mandela waited till days before his ninetieth birthday what a nice present from washington and five years later at his funeral all was forgiven and forgotten to the people who said that the world thanks you for your notes and modelling with us. his struggle was your struggle. but the boat the birds and those that were right the greater the drought is the. same mentality now widely seen as an international hay right was branded as an international threat the decades off even though they tend. to be easy to think. you have. i think is just like a red line for you that you will not designate russian journalists as they're going
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to you know on the battlefield there are groups that meshed together individual fighters or groups of fighters it's not a clean situation all the time so it's apparent that being on the u.s. terror list may have little to do with that big terrorist however it is using what you might call the carrot and stick approach and rather handy way for a government to achieve its strategic goals if you look and see who has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the united states they are always the governments that seek to be independent from the united states or have challenge us hegemony in their area or in their country thus the label is purely political it doesn't really say anything about terrorism or about the people who are saying under the f.b.o. foreign terrorist organization label it's a form of bullying on a grand scale. now the u.s.
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department of homeland security says ing up a media monitoring service part of the scheme the d.h.s.s. plans to keep on more than two hundred ninety thousand global news sources and social media as well it will monitor data in more than one hundred languages and also set up a database to include all people involved in news critics. surprised though given president trump's much publicized lack of love for the media. you know i have a running war with the media take news media or press the crooked media as a failing pile of garbage fake fake they are among the most dishonest human beings on the plans have sparked a strong reaction on twitter maybe the trump homeland security forces would like dissidents we're monitoring bracelet and submit themselves with tattoos to
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cool the office of homeland security wants to docs all the journalists in the country this isn't bad at all when you have a president who has called the press the enemy of the american people i think in sunder standard for people to be concerned when the h.s. announces that they want to create a media monitoring platform journalist chris hedges believes the u.s. is acting like a rogue state. first of all i would say they probably already are monitoring. you know this may be a more concerted effort or this just made it public acknowledgement of what they've been doing but you know they're very worried about their international. image and reputation and ability to control the message both domestically and internationally the united states much like israel is becoming a pariah country. in much of the world and i think that rather than address or even acknowledge the reason for this they are tempting to impose drac wholly and forms
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of control on systems of information. as a boy unit shaking and looked up into the night sky and dreamed of one day becoming . three decades later that dream has become reality you cannot more about his journey on this channel beginning from tamara. see the blood of them someone. said good deal is. one of the. missionaries who heard it's a particular you know the name will. go. but it. will show you the snip and you will pull the elites and the collector who the. whole muslim also who is also good you were going for a good pool. to go to shows
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a look but to distribute belonging to show your story should go. told to hold him to leave until it was the end of the mission they say look it is it's. best not to test. the match don't try to predict. i'm trying to. be of interest because listening to some of them what do you approve of as the girls who. are his supporters to you i'm sure this nation shouldn't do you should look to for the one who's doing. the news coming in it's being reported that he was poisoned alongside
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a father little over a month ago in the british city of salzburg has been discharged from hospital scruples were said to have been poisoned by the so-called class of nerve agent developed in the soviet union it was never officially called by that name it's said to cause permanent damage and even death it's believed to be the most deadly set of substances of its kind we can go now i believe to some live pictures just in a second we get the camera there that is a press conference by the doctor involved in the screwballs treatments take a listen to director here at salisbury district hospital i'm joined by lorna wilkinson our director of nursing. i want to give you an update on the progress of the two remaining patients that we're treating here at the hospital circuit a a new script. i will not be taking questions following the statement. following the incident on march the fourth so sweet district hospital received three people who
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required in-patient care circa annually a strip how and detective sergeant nick bailey nick was discharged on march the twenty second. all three had been exposed to a nerve agent a highly toxic chemical which aims to prevent the nervous system from functioning. in the four weeks since the incident in the city center. both have received round the clock care from our clinicians who've been able to draw on advice and support from world leading experts in the field we've been keeping you updated on the condition of you larry and sergey whilst respecting their rights to privacy to which they and all our patients are entitled. while i won't go into great detail about the treatment we've been providing i will say that nerve agents work by attaching themselves to particular enzymes in the body which then.


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