tv News RT April 11, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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donald trump fires off a series of contradictory tweets first daring russia to try and shoot down american missiles over syria and then shortly afterwards calling for cooperation and an end to the arms race. the u.s. is threatening military action against damascus over an alleged chemical attack get a probe into the incident is yet to take place an international fact finding mission not even due in syria till the end of the week. police vehicles of moved in to break up an eco camp in western france on the third day of protests have been met with violence from activists. first facebook's bosses probed over election meddling and data leaks but it turns
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out those grilling the c been financially supported by him in the past the social media giant faces a fiery battle with some of its blocked uses. one. being . my name's neil harvey this is r.t. international great to have you with us. get ready russia that's the message sent out by u.s. president trump in a seven a tweet he promised quote nice and new and smart missiles will be fired at syria in response to the alleged chemical attack in duma he also said relations with moscow now even worse than during the cold war crime and spokes person to be to put
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score points it out that russia won't use twitter to discuss such critical issues. the instant we do not do twitter diplomacy we support a serious approach we continue to believe that it is important not to take steps that could damage the already fragile situation. artie's new york correspondent kelly more pain has more now on the standoff over syria. we're getting reports that the pentagon is saying that they are still gathering information and weighing their options but that they are ready to strike on the president's order now at this point people are looking at twitter and seeing some kind of a mixed messages and changing moods from donald trump within an hour he's basically threatening russia or urging them to just try and stop him and and such and then and then just shortly afterwards he's making tweets calling for good relations with russia so it's difficult to digest it's not exactly clear now this obviously did not start today let's recall the u.n.
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security council what happened on tuesday where there was two resolutions put forward one from russia one from the usa both of them vetoed the to the the two countries could not agree and the u.n. security council could not come to a resolution about the o.p.c. w. allegations about chemical weapons in syria let's take a listen to what went on yesterday at the u.n. security council the tuesday meeting. clearly explained somebody wanted this alleged chemical it's not was necessary for the massacres especially for almost all militants. because on today they vetoed for the sick time a resolution condemning assad for chemical weapons attacks on his own people the removal you have already applied to guilt in such cases bush in the room. to support the tax it would be like. and identifying that and doing nothing to put out to. colleagues the real investigation
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the o.p.c. w. is on its way to syria trying to get to the bottom of this now russia has repeatedly emphasized that they want the chemical experts from the o.p.c. w. to actually visit the site where the alleged chemical attack took place and it's been even asked by russian officials if this talk of a bombing would essentially. hender the work of the o.p.c. w.n. could in effect conceal any evidence that could be gathered from the site now we also have an interesting statement from the u.s. state department had there nauert who represents the u.s. state department spokesperson she has said that the usa doesn't exactly know what went on there they don't really have very much information this is how they're nauert now we do know that some sort of a substance was used a chemical was used we're just not sure at this point today exactly what was what used furthermore we've heard from the russian defense ministry and they say that
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they have sent their chemical experts to the site in duma and that they just don't see the evidence that that attack even took place so this is the russian ministry of defense hurt you but you're. after the incidents russian expose the road to the site of the alleged chemical attack who took soof samples and to determine which showed there were no poison the substances the sea medical institution should point it's food teach me the story of confirmed any victims or use of poison substances now at this point u.s. fleets are on their way to the middle east and the world is holding its breath wondering what will happen next and how much restraint various world powers will be able to show as tensions are clearly escalating well trump may be rushing to act now but it wasn't always like this back in two thousand and thirteen he was highly critical of the president barack obama's approach on syria saying bad things will happen if washington launches an attack but after becoming president dropped
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tomahawk missiles on syria and is now seemingly gearing up for more action is one possible reason for such a change of tune. but he ran the flag effect and increased popular support of the president during war accompanied by reduced criticism of governmental policies. any nuclear missile launched from cuba against any nation in the western hemisphere as an attack by the soviet union on the united states. progress is now being made towards the restoration of peace in the caribbean. the use of terrorism and its holding hostages. political to. seek to continue along with other nations and with the. resolution of the crisis.
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i have therefore directed to reject the iraqi army from kuwait. is president i can report to the nation aggression is defeated the war is over. american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. the united states and around. have prevailed. but i ordered a targeted military. airfield. i think. became president of the united states i think this was actually a big moment. in the wake of president trump's fiery rhetoric here as media
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speculating about the country's possible actions over syria highlighting that none of them seem ideal auntie's correspondent is there enough looks into the options. it used to be all options are on the table for syria well now it seems that this donald trump promise of fire and fury has all but taken a diplomatic resolution off that list from the looks of a trump who doesn't have many doors left open to him anymore but one of them is actually the one he's already tried the same time last year a parallel situation an allegation of a chemical attack blamed on president assad's forces without even waiting for an investigation trump goes in with guns blazing.
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back then the u.s. president gave the russians an early warning so that its troops could leave the area hawks in washington ripped from for it saying this is exactly why the airstrike turned out to be a waste of time a nother potential option for trump this time is to go full on forget the warnings forget all caution and just unleashing a unilateral military campaign where could that go wrong well where shall we start it would force russia to consider its own military options evoking memories of the one thousand nine hundred sixty two cuban missile crisis when washington and moscow almost started a nuclear war reports suggest america's closest allies might not be even in on this finally trump could backtrack on the threat and take more of
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a co-operative stance like the one indicated by his second to eat buy some say this would be as good as committing reputational suicide for trump this would be you not simply reversing on a promise but also getting soft on russia as the critics would put it after all trump sold ready being called out over of numerous major inconsistency is in his syria approach. fifteen months and the trumpet ministration has no serious strategy threats tweets one off strikes are not a strategy baiting russia is not a strategy this is why congress needs to reassert control over war powers so whatever action he chooses a strike or no strike trump may have just tweeted himself into something of a corner. the entrance trying to drum up support in europe place push to strike syria parties and the theatre can a has details. we do know that british prime minister theresa may has initially made it clear that she is not
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a fan of any rushed action when it comes to this and that she would like to see proof of assad's involvement and this at this point seems to have shifted somewhat all the indications are that this was the responsibility of the syrian regime we will now work with. to see how we can ensure those responsible are held to account and how we can prevent and deter the humanitarian catastrophe just the use of chemical weapons in the future because the continued use of chemical weapons cannot go unchallenged well here in westminster right now debate is right about whether or not parliament needs to be involved in this discussion with many m.p.'s saying that britain has been here before and they need to be able to vote on any major decisions like this of course let's keep in mind that westminster saw something similar when back in twenty thirteen the parliament did not go ahead with supporting a similar strike in syria along these lines and among those voices we've seen opposition labor party leader jeremy corbyn has said that parliament needs to be
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consulted we have seen the same message come from the defense committee chairman who has said that parliament certainly needs to be consulted on these matters but we've got in syria is a choice between monsters on the one hand and maniacs on the other while those are voices that are obviously calling for parliament's involvement on any major steps like military action on the other side we have people like former british prime minister tony blair who seems to be much more in favor of taking action instead of consulting parliament despite having a reputation that was marred because of the iraq invasion let's take a listen to what he's been saying if you don't respond to this to the use of chemical weapons against civilians then obviously you know we're ignoring what the international community has said which is this is unacceptable and those that use such measures methods should be held to a. well that meanwhile across the channel in france we've been seeing
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a man who will mark all of this of course coming following discussions between himself theresa may and donald trump he said that he believes that there should be a strong and joint response and that some kind of decision will be announced in the coming days however it's also not so simple in france with some opinions being different from his approach that everyone knows perfectly that in wartime the first victim is truth what happens on the ground is almost unknown to us the chemical attack which evidently took place is abominable we must condemn it but we still have to find out who committed it so it sounds a lot like an excuse for the united states of america and their allies to get back in the game and to engage in an armed conflict i think that currently france is contributing to the creation of the recreate of a certain form of the cold war with russia it's pointless because it doesn't benefit france or its economy or international relations to let the u.s. seeking to stir up a conflict with russia boss around also while france and britain are now weighing
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their options in terms of exactly what they're going to be doing next but it's obviously clear that events are going to be unraveling quite quickly from here so we'll be watching what happens next and while vladimir putin has said that foreign ambassadors have a crucial role to play in the current quote chaotic times he made the comments that welcoming ceremony for new envoys to moscow on wednesday used to. be world affairs invokes nothing but concerns the situation in the world is becoming more chaotic nevertheless we still hope the common sense will eventually proverbial and international relations will enter a constructive course the entire world system will become more stable and predictable. at least expert alley risk thinks that president trump wants to avoid hitting russian positions in syria. so this time there is pressure for trump to go ahead with an escalated response there are a will he go ahead and do that and risk war i'm not sure i think that trump is very
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intent on not doing anything which would cause the loss of lives of russian soldiers in syria that is something i'm completely sure of but would he go ahead for example and target somebody rainy and personal in syria likely israelis that just a couple of days ago that's a possible scenario of some attacks maybe in damascus some. sensitive locations and that's also something which is possible as i said to the juice of the pressures which are piling up on the trumpeter ministration not just to do something but to do something which was more than a world with what he did last year when he launched those tomahawk missiles. a media company started by a palestinian journalist killed last week while covering protests that these israel gaza border has received a grant from the u.s. government on its pulis lee has the story. well a palestinian journalist was killed last week during the clashes along the israel gaza border between israeli soldiers and palestinian protesters yes it was thirty
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years old he was a camera man and also the co-founder of a palestinian production company in gaza known as the palestinian media he was just a few hundred meters from the border. shot in the torso and it was very clear from the pictures we've seen that he was wearing a bullet proof jacket with the word press in blazoned across it we have subsequently heard from the israeli defense minister avigdor lieberman that he was a member of a must which israel guards is a terrorist organization and therefore a legitimate target his colleagues of course deny this saying these claims are ridiculous but this is what israeli defense minister had to say. this is a veteran terrorist of the hamas military wing he was the rank you quivering to account to he received a regular salary says twenty eleven those remarks from the defense minister confuse the situation a little because we have heard from the israeli army that it does not intentionally target journalists at the same time it also contradicts statements that we
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receiving from the united states which provided him with a grant of nearly twelve thousand dollars now this is under a program that supports private sector development and wants to help his production company in gaza the u.s. state department does not deny the claims my understanding is that he was that it according to u.s. government guidelines but i don't have anything more more tougher was shot last friday and died early on saturday morning he was buried later on saturday and at his funeral the home us political leader ismail haniya spoke saying that he was a martyr and quickly as well that there would be more martyrs who would rise up to take his place all of this comes amid growing tensions on the ground we expect that this friday yet again there will be clashes between israeli soldiers and palestinian protesters. us social media sensations dominated
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silk's a facebook still hasn't inform that whites are not restricted their viral pro trump age. media question your idea that we thought people would have thought because we haven't met that one. and they're here more to be decided by the people and i see these two on talent. i say they are the greatest. thing is not. the job became the web sensation after comments on the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election this is the first time that they've been blocked online you tube the monetized almost all of their content a year ago meanwhile this was facebook's response we have communicated directly with diamond and silk about this issue the message they received last week was inaccurate and not reflective of the way we communicate with
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our community and the people who run pages on our platform we have provided them with more information about our policies and the tools that our political to their page and look forward to the opportunity to speak with them however the g.a.o. say that the social media giant cut notifications to their millions of subscribers without explanation the company claimed the content was unsafe for clarifying that it was due to inappropriate behavior we spoke to the pair who accuse facebook of discrimination. i didn't understand it and when he said that our car kit and our right hand is unsafe to the community our brain is that i'm innocent guy i'm in the circus to black chicks that's down with politics right now only of that we are conservative we love our country we love our president ok so when i said that i was offended by it we with our part by it we look at this has been sister ship discrimination defamation of character and even a byelection of our civil rights to black women as if we are some type of animal or
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limbs or somebody just out there just get out and say that is appalling to me your face book is going to have the answer to that why what was the reason because we don't know that's right and we can appeal that they said that we could not appeal that and this was final but it's because a big huge entity ok it is an entity that people from around the world join facebook so we don't want to get into this here our are lying where you have one person dictating what people can see and what people can hear on this platform when a star has millions our roud the world not just in the united states but millions around the world because that's where it gets dangerous that's right do not drive or silence people's free speech that's where i stand is that you've got to be balanced and we know that they want to say that they are private entity but you are open to the public eye when you are open to the public you cannot discriminate
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facebook chief mark zuckerberg was questioned over the incident with dominance or because he testified to the u.s. house of representatives. do you subjectively manipulate your algorithms to prioritize or censor speech congresswoman or we don't think level for doing a censoring speech out there or. there are types of content like terrorism that i think that we all agree we do not want to have on our service let me tell you something right now you down an instant is not terrorism today's the second day of facebook hearings in the us congress in the wake of a massive data breach scandal on the social media platform the first q. and a session was dubbed an utter sham though with lawmakers accused of being soft on the websites chief hearings revolve around political research for him or journalistically which improperly harvested data from eighty seven million facebook
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profiles with the social networks permission the data was sold to third parties and used in political campaigns it's reported cambridge analytical may still have the information it gathered however many members of the two senate committees holding that hearing are long time recipients of political donations from facebook some of them have received as much as tens of thousands of dollars already this year and perhaps that explains why lawmakers were not particularly king to go hard on the social media giant. and were these people eighty seven million people users concentrated in certain states are you able to figure out where they are from do you think we need consistent policy protections for consumers across the entire internet ecosystem and have you heard of the total information awareness i'm talking about. you know i don't know ok as we discussed in my office yesterday the line between legitimate political discourse and hate speech can sometimes be hard
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to identify i think you're genuine i got that chance and got a conversing with you you want to do the right thing you want to reenact your feelings. are you willing to go back and forth on on giving me up the right or right to erase my data. center you can already delete any of the data that's there order you know intuition i am at work on expanding that. center i think we already do what you're referring to so how many data categories stored this space but stored on the cabinet or is that you claim senator i'm not actually sure what that is for how do you sustain a business model in which users don't pay for the service. center. i say. police have used vehicles to demolish structures at an eco camp
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french president among your micron has defended weapons sales to the saudi led coalition fighting in yemen that despite the thousands of civilian casualties in the four year conflict depleted the small you can flee since the start of the conflict in yemen france has adopted a very specific process whereby all sales of military equipment are analyzed on a case by case basis and on the basis of reinforced criteria that reflect respect for international humanitarian law the risk of harm to civilian populations. france is one of the biggest arms exports to both riyadh and the united arab emirates to all fighting in yemen most of northern yemen and the capital sanaa are under the control of the u.n. calls the war the world's worst humanitarian crisis.
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to. cover didn't do anything to do way of money. that's where it is because in all honesty france is in there working with the united states and the united kingdom. you know as far as as long as the money is made up. you know they will keep this war alive for as long as it takes and it's already taken three years and this is the fourth year now and there is no end to it and they know it is an unwinnable war. and they do know that you know in spite of all these countries
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bombing yemen left right and center they have never been able to break the will of the yemeni people and they're still going to supply those arms because he really is ready to buy them so you know we're going to support them until the well runs dry and then we'll look at something else after that. briggs's right up to date i'll be back with the latest news headlines at our top stories in half an hour see that.
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strong pressure by the security cabinet and by the pentagon and by the media on down donald trump to do something about c.b.s. probably at some stage she might give in to this pressure but i don't think it is his intention what i consider more likely than another u.s. military attack on syria is that united states policy bill beat to recognize any effort by the russians to turks and the iranians to find a political solution. we're back on after a time three and you're watching the first episode of a brand new season of going underground as israel stands accused of conducting air
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strikes on syria and killing or wounding thousands in palestine coming over the show twenty years to the week of the signing of an agreement to lay down british and ira arms in the knowledge be able hey would speak to us about one that you would write to fall for those maintaining to raise amaze grip on power and with u.k. labor leader jeremy call been calling for an. very into arms sales to israel after it kills thousands in palestine the grandson of a signatory to the israeli independence week of the lead talks to us about injustice the story of the holy land foundation five plus from this week's headlines war on syria shooting unarmed civilians by israel and palestine told us the more coming up in this first episode of a brand new season of going underground but first while we have been away it is arguably become obvious teresa mayes case against russia is falling apart could only russia really have been responsible for attacks on british spies scribble and
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his daughter no one is still really given a satisfactory explanation for this statement from the boss of britain's top secret chemical warfare lab after foreign secretary boris johnson claimed porton down told him russia was responsible for the chemical attack on british soil we haven't yet been able to do that and of contradicting boris johnson who still remains foreign secretary at the time this show is being recorded isn't bad enough there was this it's not our job to see where actually was manufacture not our job many thought it was exactly bought and downed o.p.c. w remit to find out where the chemical was manufactured after that interview the u.k. foreign office deleted a tweet alleging porton down support for the certainty of to raise them is government but then even the n.h.s. hospital treating this cripples had to be bounced by a russian t.v. channel into admitting that the deadliest of nerve agents could actually not be deadly at all following intense media coverage yesterday i would like to take this opportunity.
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