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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2018 8:00pm-8:27pm EDT

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moving. all options are on the table is the only answer given by the white house press secretary to all questions on syria that is after the fires off a series of contradictory to east's first threatening of russia but leader dialing back is rhetoric. british media reports that prime minister theresa may is preparing for action ordering the u.k. submarines within missile range of syria. armored police and vehicles have moved in to break up an eco camp in western france on the third day of protests officers have been met with violence from activists
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also. london's metropolitan police released a statement by the daughter of russian former spy star de screwed paul exposed with her father to a nerve agent last month in it she says she doesn't need the russian embassies help nor does she want to get in touch with a relative or. are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our to international thomas certainly glad to have you with us now get ready russia that is the message sent out by u.s. president donald trump in a seven am tweet in promised quote nice and new and smart missiles would be fired at syria in response to the alleged chemical attack in duma he also said relations with moscow are now even worse than during the cold war some treated trumps tweets
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as confirmation that it strike on syria was imminent with the white house spokesperson doing little to dispel the mystery parties came up and has more. now the daily white house press briefing took place and sarah huckabee sanders the white house spokesperson came out and took questions from the press now in response to trump's tweets the press had quite a few questions they asked when where would this strike be being carried out this potential strike or unleashing the missiles they asked would russian positions be hit in syria as there are russian forces on the ground there would they be hit in a potential strike furthermore they asked the question what kind of missiles would be used and what kind of weapons would be used however every time a question was asked sarah how could you sanders gave the same very vague answer or maintaining that we have a number of options and once again all options are on the table he has a number of other options as well the president has not laid out
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a timetable and still leaving a number of other options there are you say options on the table when it comes to russia as diplomacy. that's an option as i said all options are on the table that's right all options on the table nothing clear being specified from the white house people were tuning in to the white house press briefing hoping that they could get a more clear picture of what was happening many are probably even more baffled now than they were before meanwhile we do have secretary of defense james mattis who has come forward and said they are gathering information and indicated that something may be on the horizon some action may be looming that we're still assessing the intelligence ourselves and our allies are still working on this and we stand ready to provide military option for appropriate as the president determined heather nauert the spokesperson for the u.s. state department indicated that the united states does not have a clear picture of what happened she seems to argue that there was indeed
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a chemical attack in duma but she couldn't specify what chemicals were used about that our generation has got used to it we're used to the war clashes and threats in the past few years chemical weapons are next. used to start a war. these it postable the chemical weapons only women and children removed the bodies of women and children. that nothing happened to them what about the wind. and the neighborhoods behind chemical gas spread by the wind. now tuesday there was quite a tennis day of diplomatic deadlock at the united nations security council convened a resolution proposed by russia for how the opi c.w. would conduct investigations was voted down vetoed by the united states a resolution proposed by the united states was also on able to pass vetoed by russia so at the u.n.
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security council no clear point of agreement could be reached and as the o.p.c. w. inspectors were on their way to syria no clear mission for what they would do there was clarified at this point the o.p.c. w. inspectors have been offered the protection of the russian military as they go to syria to find out what's going on the russian military and in the russian resolution it was pushed that they actually visit the site of the alleged attack and find out the truth about what's going on however it's not clear what the o.p.c. w. will be doing as the u.n. security council could not reach a consensus on that matter at this point as we hear different voices from the usa we see one thing on trump's twitter page we hear all options on the table from the white house we hear from the state department and the secretary of defense it becomes clear that it's possible there may not be a very clear strategy and that a lot of people are left guessing about what may be coming next trump may be rushing it now but in the past he was more circumspect back in two thousand and thirteen he was highly critical of president barack obama's approach to syria
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saying bad things would happen if washington launched an attack and that the u.s. needed to focus on its own problems yet after entering office fired tomahawk missiles at syria and is now seemingly gearing up for a second round him as you're about to see there could be domestic considerations to the u.s. president's change of tune. bunny brown the flag of thanks and increased popular support of the president during war accompanied by reduced criticism of governmental policies. any nuclear missile launched from cuba against any nation in the western hemisphere as an attack by the soviet union on the united states. progress is now being made towards the restoration of peace in the caribbean. the use of terrorists and its holding hostages.
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who would seek to continue along with other nations and with. the resolution of the crisis. i have therefore directed to reject the iraqi army from kuwait. as president i can report to the nation aggression is defeated the war is over. american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. to the united states and around. have prevailed. but i don't order a targeted military strike or airfields in syria.
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i think. became president of the united states i think this was actually a big moment. well in the wake of president fiery rhetoric u.s. media is speculating about the country's possible actions over syria highlighting that none of them are ideal correspondent you've got john of looks into those options. it used to be all options are on the table for syria well now it seems that this donald trump promise of fire and fury has all but taken a diplomatic resolution off that list from the looks of a trump who doesn't have many doors left open to him anymore but one of them is actually the one he's already tried the same time last year a parallel situation an allegation of a chemical attack blamed on president assad's forces without even waiting for an investigation trump goes in with guns blazing.
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back then the u.s. president gave the russians an early warning so that its troops could leave the area hawks in washington ripped from for it saying this is exactly why the airstrike turned out to be a waste of time a nother potential option for trump this time is to go full on forget the warnings forget all caution and just unleashing a unilateral military campaign where could that go wrong well where shall we start it would force russia to consider its own military options evoking memories of the one thousand nine hundred sixty two cuban missile crisis when washington and moscow
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almost started a nuclear war reports suggest america's closest allies might not be even in on this finally from could backtrack on the threat and take more of a co-operative stance like the one indicated by his second to eat by some say this would be as good as committing reputational suicide for trump this would be you not simply reversing on a promise but also getting soft on russia as the critics would put it after all trump sold ready being called out over of numerous major inconsistency is in his syria approach. fifteen months and the trumpet ministration has no serious strategy threats tweets one off strikes are not a strategy they tell you russia is not a strategy this is why congress needs to reassert control over the war powers so whatever action he chooses a strike or no strike trump may have just tweeted himself into something of a corner steve malzberg
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a radio host and political commentator says trump typically does not publicly announce his military plans in advance reportedly on thursday morning the president is going to meet with his national security team and there are several options on the table several plans on the table the president has not picked one yet but without much doubt i would imagine that after the meeting tomorrow he will decide on a strategy now earlier on today back on on wednesday the president caught a lot of criticism from some for tweeting out the warning to russia that you know watch out the missiles are coming a lot of people said that he should have done that for various reasons including he's always said he would not telegraph in advance what he was going to do so i think there will be some response and i think that response will be decided on thursday morning after the national security meeting and i think it's going to be
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probably more than some would want and probably less than some would would would expect meanwhile british media is reporting a tree some may has ordered british submarines operating in the mediterranean to move within firing range of syria it is also claimed an emergency cabinet meeting has been scheduled for thursday afternoon now we cannot independently confirm those reports but earlier today it may said that she believed assad was responsible for the duma attack on his own associates are going to has details. we do know that british prime minister theresa may has initially made it clear that she's not a fan of any rushed action when it comes to this and that she would like to see proof of assad's involvement and this at this point seems to have shifted somewhat all the indications are that this was the responsibility of the syrian regime we would. close his eyes to see how we can ensure those responsible are held to account and how we can prevent deter the humanitarian catastrophe just the use of
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chemical weapons in the future because the continued use of chemical weapons cannot go unchallenged well here in westminster right now debate is right about whether or not parliament needs to be involved in this discussion with many m.p.'s saying that britain has been here before and they need to be able to vote on any major decisions like this of course let's keep in mind that westminster saw something similar when back in twenty thirteen the parliament did not go ahead with supporting a similar strike in syria along these lines and among those voices we've seen opposition labor party leader jeremy corbyn who has said that parliament needs to be consulted we have seen the same message come from the defense committee chairman who has said that parliament certainly needs to be consulted on these matters we've got in syria is a choice between monsters on the one hand and maniacs on the other while those are voices that are obviously calling for parliament's involvement on any major steps like military action on the other side we have people like former british prime
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minister tony blair who seems to be much more in favor of taking action instead of consulting harlem and despite having a reputation that was marred because of the iraq invasion let's take a listen to what he's been saying if you don't respond to this to the use of chemical weapons against civilians then obviously you know we're ignoring what the international community has said which is this is unacceptable and those that use such measures methods should be held to a. well that meanwhile across the channel in france we've been seeing a man who had mark all of this of course coming following discussions between himself to reset may and donald trump he said that he believes that there should be a strong and joint response and that some kind of decision will be announced in the coming days however it's also not so simple in france with some opinions being different from his approach that everyone knows perfectly that in wartime the first victim is truth what happens on the ground is almost unknown to us the chemical
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attack which evidently took place is abominable we must condemn it but we still have to find out who committed it it sounds a lot like an excuse for the united states of america and their allies to get back in the game and to engage in an armed conflict i think that currently france is contributing to the creation of the recreate a certain form of the cold war with russia it's pointless because it doesn't benefit france or its economy or international relations to let the u.s. seeking to stir up a conflict with russia boss around well so while france and britain are now weighing their options in terms of exactly what they're going to be doing next but it's obviously clear that events are going to be unraveling quite quickly from here so we'll be watching what happens next facing possible imminent escalation in syria members of the british public were asked if they would support or oppose a military option and the results show britons are split on the issue with thirty six percent supporting military action and thirty seven percent opposing it but the
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numbers change people are asked about possible conflict with russia those opposed rights to almost half while support falls just twenty eight percent but a mere putin says foreign ambassadors have a crucial role to play in the current chaotic world situation he made the comment meant that welcoming ceremony for a new envoys to moscow on wednesday. and you stupid you immediately to the world affairs invokes nothing but concerns the situation in the world is becoming more chaotic nevertheless we still hope the common sense will eventually prevail and international relations will enter a constructive course the entire world system will become more stable and predictable middle east expert i risk thinks that a president trump wants to avoid getting russian positions in syria so this time there is pressure for trump to go ahead with an escalated response now with a will he go ahead and do that and risk war i'm not sure i think that trump is very
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intent on not doing anything which would cause the loss of lives of russian soldiers in syria that is something completely sure of that but what they go ahead for example and target some a rainy and personal syria likely israelis that just a couple of days ago that's a possible scenario of some attacks maybe in damascus some. sensitive locations that's also something which is possible as i said to the juice of the pressures which are piling up on the trumpeter ministration not just to do something but to do something which was more than what he did last year when he launched those tomahawk missiles. police have used armored vehicles to demolish structures at an eco camp in western france. was. how activists are gathered again on wednesday to try and prevent police from entering the site near the city of nanda they clashed with officers flowing stones and bottles authorities responded with tear gas against the activists clashes have
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now been raging for three days. how the surrogate house showy house was crushed was how was her the daughter of poisoned
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spy sergei screwballs says she wants no contact with her family or russia at least according to u.k. police we'll bring you the full story following a short break stay with us. with this manufacture consent to stick to the public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the crime larry go. to ignore middle of the room sick. leave. the office sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken
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hawks forcing you to fight the battles they still. produce talk to try to tell you that what we gossip and tabloids are files for news. off the bad guys and tell you all enough to buy their products. all the hawks that we along with all of what. the metropolitan police have issued a statement by yulia screwball the daughter of russian former spy sergei screwball both exposed to a nerve agent last month in the u.k. city of salzburg twitter as more. number of things have been said in this statement and from the russian authorities perspective it is rather worrying and some key point here she has said that she doesn't want to be contacted by the media she knows that she has the support of the russian embassy but she does not wish to have
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their help right now and also she doesn't want her cousin victoria to visit or now victoria has spoken out publicly and she's run the frustration because she tried to get a british visa which was denied and she says that she wanted to visit yulia and she feels that the phone conversation she had with yulia wasn't genuine is a very i ask the u.k. and you personally to reckon siddur the decision to refuse my these or they're scared that i will find out something more that yulia will tell me something yes they try to manipulate me not the kremlin m i five at first i was happy that yulia called but it was clear that she wasn't speaking her own words she was being prompted you can't hear it in the recording but at the start she was told yes you can talk which means that she was being guided. by the russian embassy statement as well they are genuinely happy for her recovery but offered an american identification and she a concern that she's isolated from the public we can have
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a lot. of british surety as continue to refuse to provide any verifiable information about you lose health and confirm our request and intention to meet her and. in relation to you being taken in strict observance of her free will. there are a number of points that the russian authorities are sticking to they are still asking for access to the investigation they are denying any involved in fact they're upset for a number of the definitive blaming of russia on they've heard like highly unlikely or here as details what a palestinian journalist was killed a palestinian years old he was a camera man and also the co-founder of a palestinian production company in gaza. known as the palestinian media he was just a few hundred meters from the torso and it was very probably god as a terrorist organization and therefore a legitimate target deny this saying these claims are sound ariss twenty those
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remarks from the defense minister confused at the started states which provided him with a grant of nearly twelve thousand dollars now this is under a program that supports private sector development and wants to help his production company in gaza the u.s. state department does not deny the claims my understanding is that he was vetted according to u.s. government guidelines but i don't have anything more and more caution was shot last friday and died early on saturday morning he was buried later on saturday and at his funeral the hamas political leader ismail haniya spoke saying that he was a martyr and quickly as well that there would be one hundred thousand more martyrs who would rise up two times and the growing tensions on the ground we expect that this friday yet again there will be clashes between israeli soldiers and palestinian protesters. there does it for me i'll be back in just over thirty four minutes.
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as usual conclusions are drawn at the morning independent very dangerous time. franking gave americans a lot of new job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive trucks people who rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent it was like gold rush is very very similar to this beautiful story and a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here in the slowdown so much they lost their jobs that laid off that's not what it used to be now if you do your.
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ratings and salutations so after spending tuesday witnessing how frighteningly computer illiterate and out of touch the united states congress truly is while at the same time confirming our long held suspicion that the emperor of silicon valley of the dolls one mark zuckerberg doesn't actually understand what his company does the un making him piles of money wednesday morning opened up a whole new social media door opening salvos of world war three fired from the company confines of twitter as the world was put on notice wednesday morning when president donald trump tweeted out russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at syria get ready russia because they will be coming nice and new and smart you shouldn't be partners with a gas killing an animal who kills his people and enjoys it given the tensions and multiple state parties involved in the syrian situation many are now fearful that
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this kind of rhetoric can escalate very quickly into a united states versus russia conflict by way of syria for example what if syria and russia shoot down president tribe's missiles before they hit a target like they said they would how in the brand name chief react more bombs more soldiers what happens of trumps missiles kill russian soldiers that we need to be asking. russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marie has a car a soccer only for several years. ladies and gentlemen this is a world war of words that's being brought to us on twenty first century technology welcome to geopolitics and twenty eighteen let's start watching the hawks. what. it looks like. it's like. at the bottom it. looks like this. is.
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going on what are the hawks i am the robot and i'm tabitha lawless and joining us today to discuss lation and political pitfalls is the host and you say that the one the only mr trump thanks to end of the thank you carol good to be with you always a pleasure so so that i think the question are as president donald trump to do this and do this potential war three so with it's interesting senator edwards today tweeting out his own tweet saying promising promising war by tweet insults not only the constitution but every soldier who puts their life on the line what's interesting out is that person in congress i've really heard truly respond to what's going on.
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