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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2018 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the u.s. defense secretary admits that his country has no concrete evidence there was a chemical attack in the syrian city of dumont but might strike preemptively to defend american troops there. after a lengthy cabinet meeting at theresa may fails to shed much light on london's course of action on syria merely stressing the need to coordinate with allies meanwhile the german chancellor gives a firm no to military strikes against damascus good chance. even to end its. own money so it be known. not to need to tie leaking. also this hour the u.k.'s foreign secretary is in no doubt russia was behind the screwball poisoning after u.n. watchdog confirmed the substance used in the attack that is despite investigations not confirming russia as the source of the nerve agent. and mike pompei o nominee
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to be u.s. secretary of state promises to get tougher on russia saying the country is not exceptional like the united states. are broadcasting a lot of direct our studios in moscow this is our g international thomas certainly glad to have you with us now the u.s. defense secretary james mattis has said that america has the right to preemptively strike the syrian government in order to defend its troops that came after he admitted there is no clear evidence that chemical weapons were used in the city of duma on saturday and alleged attack that triggered calls for intervention against assad's forces. i believe there was a chemical attack and we're looking for the actual evidence the o.p.c. w this your going to station for the chemical weapons convention and we're trying
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to get those inspectors in if we get them and if the regime will let them in we will not know who did it they can only say that they found evidence or did not secretary of defense james mattis is saying essentially that the usa does not have any evidence about the chemical attack in duma they can't confirm necessarily that it took place he personally believes it took place but they cannot confirm it and furthermore when inspectors and experts are on the scene they may be able to confirm that it happened but they won't be able to attribute blame they won't be able to say who did it now that's quite an mission given that there's been so much assigning of blame in the media over the last few days and also the o.p.c. w. inspectors are now on their way to syria they will begin their work in syria on saturday getting the bottom of what exactly happened so without any evidence how is it that the u.s. leaders have been going about assigning blame for the attack and talking about a military strike well madison explained the procedure let's take a listen there have been
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a number of these attacks in many cases you know we don't have troops were not engaged on in the ground on the ground there so i cannot tell you that we had evidence even though we certainly had a lot of media and social media indicators that either chlorine or sharon were used so u.s. leaders are getting on social media twitter facebook and seeing pictures and that is the basis for threatening a country with military strike very very interesting now that congressional committee i wanted to know under what specific legal authority james madison would carry out the attack if ordered to do so and this is how you explain the justification for attack protection of our forces i don't think we have to wait until they're under chemical attack when the weapons are used in the same fear. we're operating in at this point donald trump has not yet taken a decision but he is considering all options with his generals and advisers but we're looking very very seriously believe the whole situation. we'll see what
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happens folks see what happens if. the world puts us in a position where. well this is donald trump's tweet earlier about possible strikes against the syrian government the president says military action it could come from washington very soon or not very soon at all meanwhile friday has seen another u.n. security council meeting on the use of chemical weapons it was called by the bolivian ambassador who caught up with a journalist afterwards. maybe i would send him a link for you each other for you to read to. him and. look we don't have any idea that we. are we spoke to mr laurenti on our program as well he says the u.s. threatens to undermine the very principles on which the united nations is based. the problem is that the united states believes an act it would be. of any
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any law they believe that they have their own rules and it is not the case the threat to use force or not to action the goals against the united nations charter and also we are concerned about the possibility of this coalition that this could go out of control and we might end up with why there are conflict that done the one that's already been suffer in syria it will not be an attack against syria but also an attack against the whole united nations system the claims of a chemical attack on the syrian city of duma were made by the self-styled civil defense group known as the white helmets russian experts have been to the area and say that they have found no evidence that a toxic substance was used as our correspondent mentioned at the first group of inspectors from the international chemical weapons watchdog are due to arrive soon
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and will start work on saturday syria's representative to the u.n. security council has said his country will do everything possible to aid the investigation the syrian government is ready. to grant a visa. for the second team we are ready to escort the way we want wherever they want anytime they want well meanwhile artie's rapley news agency has obtained an interview with a man held in captivity by the militant group jaish al islam in duma he was freed from their custody on monday he recounted how militants allegedly forced him to participate in a staged chemical weapons attack that they filmed in duma back in two thousand and fifteen now we should mention that so far we have been unable to verify the man's story. isn't it only clinical militants gathered us and forced us to take our shirts off and said that the syrian army was about to use chemical weapons they also said we should pretend as if chemical weapons were used against us and we
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couldn't breathe and there was also a kidnapped doctor with us he was forced to fill syringes pretending that he was injecting us to revive us militants poured water on us and forced us to pretend we were unconscious then they brought a camera and filmed us another former captive in duma a girl taken prisoner together with her family said the militant group was spreading the false atrocity story in advance. of the terrorists were counting us that the government is going to use chemical weapons to kill us but we saw nothing nor could we hear a smile and he said in. an emergency cabinet meeting in london called by the british prime minister wrapped up late thursday theresa may and her advisors have been contemplating possible military strikes against the syrian government authorities my dear tutor has more on the meeting and its outcome. well there was a lot of anticipation as we waited for the results of that cabinet meeting we were expecting a major decision to be made at the possibility of military action. but
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actually what we've ended up is quite a vague statement so after some key points here she's condemned the act calling it shocking and barbaric and that the use of chemical weapons should not go unchallenged the cabinet and greed that they should take action to alleviate through monetary and distress and that they should continue to work with their allies the u.s. and france so no mention of military action at all but that was the big debate obviously was whether to resume needed alimentary approval and it would have proved
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unpopular because a lot of people from our own party and other parties have spoken out about the fact that she shouldn't be able to do that including telling clarke he said that there should be parliamentary approval also the leader of the labor party jeremy corbyn he explains why that should be the case russia america the european union neighboring countries iran saudi arabia they've got to be in there ensure you get is real she's strong and the political play shows that the script hopes the people who see the truth. more clearly. will not save a life we just take. to school in the war and we've also heard from france micron he said that he has the proof that is needed to confirm that it was indeed the assad regime responsible for that chemical attack let's have a quick listen to what he had to say we have proof that last week chemical weapons were used at the very least chlorine by the regime of bashar assad and we've heard
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from germany. cole has said that she definitely won't go ahead with military action mrs merkel in which way would you support a possible missile strike in syria good sound good decision even to end this particular inside edition and from my. own militants not soonish to tell you can so quick recap as to the outcome of that cabinet meeting in the u.k. there was no mention of military action she condemned the chemical attack in duma in syria she said that there was a need to take action but did not specify what that action should be and they agreed that they should continue to work with their allies the u.s. and france earlier we spoke to the former mayor of london ken livingstone he told us that theresa may know the british public is unlikely to support a new military action in the middle east blast time britain was considering getting
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involved in syria there was a debate in parliament and parliament voted against it. was very bad news for them prime minister cameron but the idea that we should be getting involved in wars in the middle east without parliament being able to issue and make a decision is absolutely outrageous and i think it's because she knows there is very little public support for us getting involved in the middle east again we all remember everyone in britain remembers we were lied to by our government and the american government when we were told iraq had weapons of mass destruction the result was hundreds of thousands i think nearly a million dead many of our own troops lost their lives as well and it all turned out to be based on a line. military option is not being backed by the british public according to a national poll in fact which suggests that forty three percent are opposed to military action thirty four percent are undecided and only twenty two percent would
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back striking syria we asked people in london for their opinion. think military strikes in syria will help solve anything you know i think to be only i think the usa and the u.k. i've a secret agenda basically. the game's up the whole world knows that it's like the agenda of the zionist agenda to go into syria because it fits into their motive to get rid of your old break itself and it's looking for excuses i don't see how messed up the moment when i've been very anxious about them today and the kind of next week essentially what would she achieved by really disagree with military action against see anything happening in this syria there's already enough fighting going on as it is and there's a real danger of war escalating way beyond what we expect to be said. and the way to target them to send any sort of thing no if they. push up you know the basic
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military intervention develops i think i think we have that and five back to to you where these countries have these problems have the civil war and we try and go to fix it but we had all civil all when the americans had their civil war nobody went and bombed us and we got this side we have now they need to go through this on their own this are to international stay with us.
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you know. that. french. international chemical weapons watchdog has backed britain's findings regarding the type of nerve. agent used against sergei screwball and his daughter yulia you could foreign office in turn has seized on the o.p.c.
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report claiming it leaves no doubt that the russian state was behind the attack and given the purity of the substance and that is despite the fact that the organization itself is not in a position to port blame now go and report. well it said that its team can confirm the findings of the u.k. relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in souls the summary doesn't actually name the specific nerve agent used but the u.k. government lab porton down had identified it as no of a very student off to this script files were taken ill five weeks ago novacek originally developed in the soviet union by soviet scientists in the late eighty's so the summary that we've got confirms the u.k. labs identification it also says that its conclusion is based on the work of four independent laboratories around the world they all came to the same results and
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they also know that the nerve agent was of high purity and what we've got to see is just this executive summary there is a deep are supplied reports where it's said that the nerve agent is a and that's been sent to countries that are party to the chemical weapons convention russia is of course a member already confirmed that it's received its core of it what the summary doesn't mention is where the law of the child came from and by the way the head of that u.k. in the forestry cool down has also said that he can't confirm where the nerve agent came from the u.k. has already called for a u.n. security council meeting following the o.p.c. w. report and we've also had a line from the foreign secretary here boris johnson he's already said that there can be no doubt that russia was behind the attack although there's nothing to that
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effect in this p.c. w. summary at least in fact the information that we have isn't particularly new nor is it sensational it's simply independent verification of the facts that we already had about the specific. weapon used but where it came from is still very much the source of debate throughout the scandal over this square pile attack the british government hasn't revealed many details about why it's come to this conclusion that the blame should be laid at moscow's door certainly we haven't seen anything to confirm that in this document today and as a ghastly if explains fear of the questions surrounding the case have been answered there was no trial no discussion no evidence no proof there was only judgement and punishment it's highly likely that russia was responsible to hold russia culpable culpable culpable for the attempted murder the pundits needed even less
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the name nuvi chalk sounds russian means russia did it establish that it is not a chalk and that is by definition of the translation of the name which means newcomer part of a program in the soviet union in the late seventy's and eighty's the points made there are a lot of questions to ask of this whole mess but over the last few weeks we've interviewed dozens of chemists experts and military specialists and hear their biggest gripes. the new nerve agents a new she quit they haven't been so in decades here they are exerts from the books and studies available to the public neither the formula know the chemicals any more russian than self for years now researchers have published studies
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and theses on the nuvi chocks which there are dozens and dozens of many developed in different countries this is one good tool in twenty zero seven the us or the publish to people numerous chemical compounds we were interested because of the toxicity the author inverted them under the system there are more than sixty compounds here and they've all been indexed that means someone somewhere synthesize them and shared the information since then these formulas or some of them have appeared in various publications constantly you simply cannot see they are secret. there's more to it if you suspect a potential adverse arena has made a new discovery you have to do the same in order to study the new substance and make antidotes it's true to say that russia is not the only country being able to sympathize
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a few grams of no beach up in the late ninety's all intelligence services in the west worked on of each other because there were these rumors about a new military chemical agent produced in russia so so i'm not surprised that in france in a new king in the united states you have this kind of information that could explain this speed in which the product was identified that's the purpose and that's the job of this kind of laboratories and there's a whole lot of nerve agents to go around with more being discovered undeclared nerve agents. and. and it's a country and there are many discovers the properties of a new chemical structure it's taxes it's a chemical weapon potential they must immediately according to the convention fragile it with the obvious e.w. but no country does so despite having created many such chemicals.
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and it really isn't as difficult as it may sound if it's really an overture we're dealing with it's not a real problem to synthesize that kind of nerve agent or the necessary components are easily available on the open market the synthesis does not require sophisticated procedures any specialist in organic chemistry would be able to make it though every expert we talked to said that you need serious expertise and substantial funding to make pure nerve agent. of course you can't make this in any basement the chemicals are highly toxic and the lab has to be well equipped with ventilation detoxification equipment and the chemist themselves have to be educated not every concern for such as this but there are twenty or so labs that counter. the argument that there is no alternative explanation because only russia has made new rich ox sales. britain's decision to
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classify almost every aspect of what happened and the investigation is called the room and mill running but there are tidbits that have leaked out tidbits that have the scientists scratching their heads is supposed to be very toxic highly toxic five to eight times more toxic than the x. which is already very very toxic so a small amount should have killed mr creep out for sure but again it's very difficult to assess and evaluate this kind of question before knowing exactly how the product was delivered the interesting thing with nova chalks is that there are so many of them and they come in so many different forms they can come in a powered as solid as a crystal and even as a liquid but just to give you some reference if this was
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a variety of the nuvi chalks a single drop is enough to kill ten people ten people within minutes if this was in the hailed even more units on putting it we can tell you symptoms that we and the fellows in minutes if it gets in the skin symptoms and can take from minutes to. at first one might think that the script could only have survived because the doods had to be very small but the reported symptoms don't match they simply missing a little bit when witnesses found them they said cyril gaze cripple was rocking back and forth waving his hands it seemed more like the effects of narcotics if it was a small dose as they claim then first would come meiosis then the rest of the symptoms convulsions uncontrolled urination but we didn't see that in photos or hear of it
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in reports there are many questions if indeed this was a new ritual could nerve agent at work the script bells were very fortunate british medics must have realized quickly what was at work here or else have a miracle cure of a new nerve agents there's no other explanation. donald trump's new pick for america's top diplomat might pump a zero has gone through a required senate grilling while outlining his view of u.s. foreign policy here's how he explained the difference between russia and the u.s. and their roles on the world stage this is a unique exceptional country russia is unique but not exceptional i don't use american in washington has been following of one nearly five hour long hearing for us. regime change was discussed at my pompei as confirmation hearing for the position of secretary of state and he was asked why it would be ok for the u.s.
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to adopt a regime which is official policy but not russia for example and apparently it's because the u.s. is quote exceptional and russia is it and he also said that soft policy on russia will and once he becomes secretary of state but it's not clear what this all policy is exactly considering a trumps tweets and recent sanctions imposed on moscow just last week and pale seems to be proud of this as saying that the u.s. has expelled the most diplomats at any time since the cold war and he also said that he would make sure that the administration continues this policy would take a backseat to no one with my views of the threat that it has presented to america from russia and if i am confirmed as the secretary of state i can assure you this administration will continue as it has for the past fifteen months to take real actions to push back to re set the deterrence relationship with respect to russia
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and on other issues pompei repeated the establishment line and you still agree that far from being a great public service wiki leaks is more like a non-state actor hostile to the interest the national interest and security of the united states so really i do believe that and i think you still agree that but i'm sure putin's government actively interfered in our presidential elections and that written elections at large and twenty sixteen yes or that's correct voting the marker see is in the vital national interests of the united states. yes indeed. effect of this doing that is an important tool of american foreign policy but looking at his nomination through a wider lens a trump also appointed a bush era neo-con john bolton as his national security adviser so it won't be too surprising if we see a more hawkish foreign policy from the u.s. in the future these are two international.
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algorithms that guy the product google also guides the actions of the employees within a google and they can stop the algorithm isn't this just like fantasia the disney movie with mickey mouse worry goes to war with the dancing groom and he tries to chop it down that creates more dancing from a flood within the wizard's palace i mean these are algorithms that are out of control and employees within the company can't stop them now war driven by algorithm who's in charge of the algorithm or the head of google who's running the show. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy going for indication let it be an arms race is often spearing dramatic development the only move really i'm going
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to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. the swap as it were i'm partial to. coming up we talk local markets and economies with danielle mark you know food and r.t. correspondent dan cohen looks at the principle that palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity and that the economics of the boycott divestment and sanctions movements or b.d.s. movement in the middle east plus we take a little t.v. trip to figure out what's going on at the border wall with mexico as miller author
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of storming the wall joins us all of that on our site but first let's get right to some headlines oil prices continue their rise fueled by increasing tensions in the middle east the key culprit conflict in syria where president trump took to twitter yesterday to make threats of missile strikes russia in turn said they would not take part in twitter diplomacy and rather favored a serious approach this most recent round of saber rattling was spurred by the controversy over suspected chemical weapons attack which the west blamed on syria the syrian government while the russian ambassador to the u.n. denied there was any evidence of such an attack president trump muddled the outlook today with yet another tweet which said the u.s. attack on syria get this could be very soon or not so soon or at all or fairly soon you can't make this stuff up folks but syria isn't the only hot spot yesterday
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yemen's hooty rebels fired missiles at saudi arabia both at the capital city of riyadh and at the city of jizz on a key oil producing site which produces four hundred thousand barrels of oil per day that's a lot even in saudi arabia while the saudis say they intercepted seven missile missiles both who with the statement and the official saudi press agency statement said that one person was killed by shrapnel in riyadh and the increasing tensions have been sufficient to in. recent certainty about the future of oil supplies and move prices up the global benchmark brant crude traded at ice futures europe in london has shot up nine percent in the last three trading days to over seventy three dollars per barrel although prices went down just a little bit ago to seventy two dollars late in the day w.t.r. west texas intermediate the u.s. benchmark traded at the new york mercantile exchange nymex continues to trade in the upper sixty dollar range around sixty.


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