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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the children the regime used chlorine gas at least once and possibly as many as three times in the same area last november just as the joint investigative mechanism mandate expired the regime attacked its people would syrian again in the damascus suburbs in january assad used at least four chlorine filled rockets in duma and then he struck again last weekend and thanks to russia there was no un body to determine blame. but we know who did this our allies know who did this russia can complain all it wants about fake news but no one is buying it's lies and its cover ups russia was supposed to guarantee that aside what news chemical weapons and russia did the opposite. the world must not passively accept the use of chemical weapons after almost
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a century of their prohibition everything the united nations stands for is being blatantly defied in syria with the help of a prominent member of this council all nations and all people will be harmed if we allow assad to normalize the use of chemical weapons it is those who active violate the prohibition of chemical weapons who deserve our condemnation those who act to defend it deserve our support the united states and our allies will continue to stand up for truth accountability justice and an end to the use of chemical weapons thank you. letter present and visit will the united states of all your statement easily or not allow to be very sensitive of china. we're going to leave that they are watching our international and our rolling
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coverage of the diplomatic and military developments we've had in the past hour or so regarding syria that was the u.s. united nations ambassador nikki haley speaking of yet another u.n. security council. hearing which was called by russia which is concerned over a unilateral actions being taken against syria but no sign of the u.s. pulling back there although she said that. she had to make his decision she seemed also rather indignant scorn on russia's reasons for calling about meeting regarding the alleged chemical attack in duma now an update there from russia as we've been reporting for the past few hours now from the russian foreign ministry of the russian foreign minister but we've since had more detail from the defense ministry the news conference there in the past half an hour or so has got evidence that the alleged chemical attack in syria's duma stage correspondent daniel hawkins was across of that news conference that we had in the past few minutes take us through what was said of that briefing that it was certainly interesting take by the
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russian ministry of defense on those events in the last few days just to give you some background it was around the seventh of course that those allegations came forward by syrian troops on the ground the white helmets that a chemical incident a chemical attack had taken place in the town of duma killing and injuring many civilians in that area allegedly subsequently this of course led to a huge diplomatic fallout in the security council etc and considerations by the u.s. the u.k. other states a lot strikes on syria now with the o.p.c. w team is going to do more i believe is in syria already will be looking at what's going on there in the next day or so now what this statement by the russian nobody says it concerns the evidence behind that earlier the formation minister sergei lavrov of russia state and he believed russia believes that this whole incident was staged this take a listen to what the foreign minister had to say. undeniable. evidence that this was yet another staged attack that involved intelligence agencies of one of the
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countries that is rushing to spearhead the campaign. that was take on the motivations behind that evidence being put forward now this press conference in the by the m.o. do you look at some of that evidence which there was speaking about allegedly the russian experts on the ground there in duma who of course have said themselves they found no evidence of chemical attacks have actually found some participants all of the video you can see on that screen there presented earlier as evidence of that chemical incident according to the russian modi they have found some of the witnesses who were actually in that video and interviewed them to get the take of what actually happened on the ground there in duma on the seventh of april as they can listen to what these witnesses one of the witnesses is saying. in the business of the most for duma. hours.
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the. other night it's all about it all had the don't you think any end of both of. them particularly we're thought of by the heavy. lobbying within this hour. pilot then are. going to war. as it has a lot of the. head of us fourth. feels it is often. in the majority of people and it is our. ally and there are. a lot. of the. and the nationals. that are. and
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and if you have. one event two very different takes very different sides to the story there of course present my quote of france earliest days and that you had irrefutable solid evidence that there was a chemical incident orchestrated by the damascus government the russian side. that witness there that says they found alleging something entirely different that they found no evidence of chemical injuries and that these other than fight individuals effectively so panic amongst these people sharing them with water putting a gas mask with no evidence of chemicals that are what's important to remember evidence here is the crux of the issue that ever that should be fired by this independent group w. have arrived in syria they will be looking at the site examining soil samples examining the alleged victims of this air samples going about their work to provide that independent proof which will. prove one of these versions as correct so it
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remains to be seen what they will say when they are on the ground and the sooner we know that the better for now they were very much for that. for those who did report on that alleged attack into them or have some question marks hanging over their own credibility has more i guess they have now explained. reports of a chemical attack first appeared strange enough for almost the precise moment the battle had ended when the syrian government and rebels were negotiating on how to evacuate the latter reports first appeared on social media twitter facebook and spread like wildfire while my colleague kendall anian and i have learned today that the u.s. now has blood and a year in samples from some of the victims of this attack in syria last weekend and that those samples according to u.s. officials tested positive for chemicals sources the usuals why the helmets who
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service rescue is islamists and syrian rebels also the somewhat less known syrian american medical society sounds together with the white helmets they were cited by the washington post the new york times c.n.n. virtually every western media outlets reporting on this chemical attack on saturday april seventh amidst continuous bombardment of residential neighborhoods in the city of duma more than five hundred cases the majority of whom are women and children were brought to local medical centers with symptoms indicative of exposure to a chemical agent sams that self is funded by u.s. aid six million in two thousand and fifteen usaid is widely believed to be an arm of the state department and is banned in multiple countries accused of interfering in domestic policies and promoting regime change it even has an office of transition initiatives the management it sounds also believe it or not former usaid
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stuff for. salves who reportedly provided the u.p.c. w. with samples of the alleged siren gas that was used them hunchy hulu the site of a chemical attack last year after we. donald trump sent fifty seven cruise missiles at the syrian airbase o.p.c. w. is on its way to duma to investigate we've contacted various groups including the world health organization they've cited but have refused to go into any details but for the u.s. there's already enough evidence we definitely have enough proof but now we just have to be thoughtful in our action the national security team is trying to give him as many options as we can and will be thoughtful about it and see what happens what comes next no one can say whether the u.s. will go ahead with
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a preemptive strike or whether cooler heads will prevail. but reaction now live to london and international affairs commentator jonathan steele thanks for coming on party again i don't know how much you know of the detail of this russia's defense ministry has interviewed people who were featured in that widely circulated video from duma hospital last week of people pouring water over what was said to be people suffering from chemical weapon injuries those people now say that was staged those people weren't suffering from chemical attack injuries there do you think this might take the heat out of the situation. well not because probably the worst government will actually maybe just use what you just discussed . which under pressure it will not telling the truth and all the rest of it so it will be the same story as before one so. strong. i don't
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think it's going to stop. taking military action some kind of. u.s. u.n. ambassador in the past few minutes remain bullish nikki haley's saying that the u.k. and france of all arrived at the same conclusions about the alleged attack to try to play you a few seconds of what he said a few minutes ago. did a chemical weapons attack happen yes the u.s. has analyzed yes it has happened the u.k. has analyzed it jested a tap and france has analyzed yes it has happened three separate analysis are coming back with the same thing there is proof that this happened. although still a little scant on the details there jonathan she doesn't say exactly what was analyzed there what would you think she was referring to well i'm not sure that she is being very clear about it i mean the main point is that local g.o.p. c.w. inspectors are going to do men will be there probably tomorrow and can work quietly and get some evidence that's fairly important and it's very good to the syrian
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government is allowing them in we mustn't forget that last year when there was the can share current scandal which happened in a rebel area the rebels who fused to allow inspectors in even though they were claiming that it was a syrian government attack you say it is it was clear that it was the syrian government why wouldn't the rebels want inspectors to come in and see the evidence sir it's used to do what we are it's a. nice twenty four hours or so when those o.p.c. w. do get right in there to take samples on the ground what we've been hearing in the past couple of days though are people drawing parallels with the buildup to the iraq war in two thousand and three a couple hours ago the british ambassador the russian ambassador in britain was saying just that going in gung ho on a false premise into war is a fair comparison. well it's interesting in the sense that we're relying on intelligence which. obstructs. us. and it isn't before the iraq war that it was not true and it was very cute and
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generated so in that sense it's true i think it's not true in the sense that we're not talking about the united states britain france and trading syria like they invaded iraq at least the british and americans in two thousand and three you know this is going to be airstrikes of some kind or another maybe over several days maybe just one day it's a long way from an invasion since in that part of the comparison isn't true valid what need to happen in order to put a stop to anybody doing something they might regret further down the line if russia says it's got people who are in that video saying no this was all staged inspectors have already been said they found the nerve agent they've opened it up to the o.p.c. w. and yet still nikki haley is pretty convinced that it's more of a when rather than an effort donald trump is going to move in with his allies. well unfortunately it is the opposition in syria which has been backed by rest of the arguments in terms of age and dropping really and finance and equipment ever since
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the beginning of this conflict have always been trying to get a massive american foreign intervention on the ground or in the air lock out the entire force of the syrian government and they haven't given up that even seven years later when they're on their last legs the rebels and their government is pretty well one control of most of the country they're still trying to push through a massive intervention by the restless think public opinion is not in favor of it only about twenty two percent of the british public seem to be in favor and interest rates so i think if there were be anything more than essentially symbolic attacks over the next few days it will be hard for them and donald trump and his own friends to back off a distaste sure it's still possible he's a very unpredictable map what was it say about the global diplomacy in all this that many a days gone by without the u.n. security council meetings all in vain if western powers still go ahead and strike syria that old one was just really needed and is very short order
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but little in the military do seem to be have encountered some russian in the american military have their hotlines and they've had them for some months now since the americans started to bomb in syria against us two years ago so there may be more going on other quiet level it's as professional level and then we realize and so a lot of this rhetoric of the u.n. from nikki haley is really kind of theatrical it's not it's not really where the action is perhaps going to say wait a gut instinct on this that because in the immediate aftermath of these claims india coming out everybody felt like here we go again we're on the verge of world war three it's going to happen it's going to happen and since then a western allies of the u.s. have been pulling back a bit saying they condemn what may or may not have happened there but they're not going to commit their military to any of it what's a gut feeling on where we're going next. well i think it's forty unsavory of military action when i say unsavory i don't mean i'm going to say that i mean there's a very it will be sixty percent chance of military action forty percent chance of
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none because it's hard for them to go back there goes up such a case knowing where i don't know i was and it's guilty by military action of stripes and any minute now and all this kind of seemed to back off through to a corner due to political coverage it may have been in due course as i just said that donald trump is very unpredictable is very wild so he doesn't worry about the backlash if he were to announce which i hope people would get off tools he's not going to take any military action ok for now appreciate your insight on this jonathan steele international affairs commentator in london good to see you again thanks for coming on. here with r.t. international all of developments from the u.n. in new york our from the russian ministry of defense here in moscow we'll be bringing all that together for you with our headlines stories on r.t. international in just a couple of minutes altogether. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront
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dacian let it be an arms race is on all sides here in dramatic develop is the only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful in a very critical time time to just sit down and talk. because the slowness of the mood of them samoyed. to build us over local was before. much of those who heard the preview there was fear they would use to see him with the north we both were going to. move don't move
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through anything. much they didn't look beautiful the mutants from the look or it would. move muslim also used also a good few films for good goof. to go to school so look i do the same you belong here to show your story to the issue go. to starts to. get to me to fill it with the lid of the mist thanks to look it is it's. just testing understand just need the mashed up truck to stop the president and please control this project until it's. the three of producers to post this for to snap them up when you look as good as the girls are with you sir your supporters to your shoe station shouldn't throw you
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should cook door for one whose job is the request. so take you had to take matters into its own heads to provide job security and securing the border radius now this is a very vivid image of a close however who are the bridge to be there for the americans to be there who are the british to be.
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archy's headline news and six witnesses of the aftermath of an alleged chemical attack in the syrian city of duma claim in video released by russia's defense ministry that the victims were only showing symptoms of smoke inhalation. the other developments in the past hour syrian rebels are poised to assess any possible u.s. strikes against syria according to the russian ambassador to the u.n. speaking in new york within the past hour. and this is your world update from r.t. international dominated by what's been happening regarding the situation in syria in the past couple of hours russia's defense ministries released
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a video showing witnesses the aftermath of an alleged chemical attack in syria earlier russia's foreign minister said that moscow has undeniable proof that the incident was staged. undeniable evidence that this was yet another staged attack that involved intelligence agencies of one of the countries that is rushing to spearhead campaign. more now from correspondent daniel hawkins with a lot coming in the past hour daniel what's the detail well one event two very different versions of it all essentially what's happened just ramadi that incident on the seventh of april in duma was claimed by groups on the ground in syria subsequently by france the u.k. u.s. to be a chemical attack by the damascus government on civilians in the area killing and injuring dozens if not hundreds of people the russian side has denied that they've effectively said that the whole incident was staged that it did not take place now in terms of evidence of course again we've got two very different differing
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versions of events that day we had a statement by the russian side from the russian m o d claiming that they have found one of the witnesses who is on camera in the video which we can see there of the incident in duma used as part of the evidence for that alleged chemical incident saying that this medical student this medical doctor who was in that video has denied that the people there the victims were suffering victims were suffering rather symptoms of chemical poisoning rather suffering symptoms of smoke inhalation let's take a quick listen to what you have to say. my name is. i am a medical student i work in the e.r. department of dumas central hospital. on april eighth a building in the city was bombed. in the end of. the upper floors were destroyed and the bottom floor is caught fire. all the injured from that building were brought to our hospital. the residents from the upper floors were suffering
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from smoke inhalation. and that is what we treated them for based on the symptoms they exhibited during treatment some person came in i don't know who that was and said that it was a chemical attack. when the. people got scared a fight broke out. relatives of the victims started pouring water on one another. then others began to give inhalers for asthma the children. even though these people were not medical professionals we did not see any patients exhibiting symptoms of chemical poisoning. but the latest evidence from the russian army at least it's important to remember of course evidence is the crux of the issue here president. stating they had had solid evidence of this chemical attack by damascus the russian side claiming their specialists have visited the site which russia
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which syrian forces are in control now alongside their russian support claiming they have found no evidence of this chemical incident now the team has the believe in syria now they will be examining the site over the next twenty four forty eight hours and they are the ones who'll be able to provide more solid evidence as to what exactly happened there throughout this of sort of soil samples for air samples looking at the victims who attended the hospital they're the ones who'll be able to prove what happened one way or the other because right now we're getting two very different versions of what took place in duma although some of the number of april a lot resting on what the o.p.c. w. finds in the next forty eight hours from now they're done hawkins thanks very much for that. all those who reported on the alleged attack in dubai originally have some question marks hanging over their credibility when i guess they have explained . reports of a chemical attack first appeared strange enough it's almost the precise moment the battle had ended when the syrian government and rebels were negotiating on how to
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evacuate the latter reports first appeared on social media twitter facebook and spread like wildfire while my colleague kendall anian and i have learned today that the u.s. now has blood and a year in samples from some of the victims of this attack in syria last weekend and that those samples according to u.s. officials tested positive for chemicals sources the usuals why the helmets who service rescuers islamists and syrian rebels also the somewhat less known syrian american medical society saddam's together with the white helmets they were cited by the washington post the new york times c.n.n. virtually every western media outlets reporting on this chemical attack on saturday april seventh amidst continuous bombardment of residential neighborhoods in the city of duma more than five hundred cases the majority of whom are women and
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children were brought to local medical centers with symptoms indicative of exposure to a chemical agent sams itself is funded by u.s. aid six million in two thousand and fifteen usaid is widely believed to be an arm of the state department and is banned in multiple countries accused of interfering in domestic policies and promoting regime change it even has an office of transition initiatives the management at sams also believe it or not former usaid stuff was silence or to be provided the u.p.c. w. with samples of the alleged serin gas that was used in hunch a hoola site of a chemical attack last year after we. donald trump sent fifty seven cruise missiles at the syrian airbase o.p.c. w. is on its way to duma to investigate we've contacted various groups including the
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world health organization they've cited saddam's but have refused to go into any details but for the u.s. there's already enough evidence we definitely have enough proof but now we just have to be thoughtful in our action the national security team is trying to give him as many options as we can and will be thoughtful about it and see what happens what comes next no one can say whether the u.s. will go ahead with a preemptive strike or whether cooler heads will prevail. live now to lord west of the former first a lot of britain's royal navy have really appreciate taking the time to talk to us a soft in the witness testimony from the video we've just seen from the russian ministry of defense which somewhat refutes the original video suggesting that people were being treated for a chemical attack do you think that will be enough to take the heat out of the situation now. well i think what's very important is that we get
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unequivocal evidence that there was a chemical attack by assad's forces and and if we're not sure of that then i think it would be rather foolhardy to make a response if we find unequivocally that he has used chemical weapons against his own people that is a clear breach of the chemical weapons convention and i does that mean he deserves a slap but at the moment i have not by personally have not seen definitive evidence probably i wouldn't see it but i'm not at all sure that that definitive evidence is there so speaking as a military man i find it extraordinary that assad's military are stupid enough to use chemical weapons in an area that they're just about to take charge of anyway that seems to me extraordinary whereas if i was advising the opponents of assad i
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would very strongly suggest putting a barrel of chlorine gas and setting it off because hopefully then the allies would come and do something to assad so i am very nervous at the moment and would like to be sure absolutely that assad has done this before any action is taken so what proof would that take then does it need to be the o.p.c. w. who are there at the moment because we're twenty four hundred forty eight hours in from the french president saying he's got a refutable proof haven't seen any we've got as well or it. well i was going to say i would i would hope that if he has got irrefutable proof that he is able to give that to all of the countries involved and then action can be taken the o.p.c. w. will clearly help in this in what's going on there i think it's a messy situation the way we need to be much clearer before we take action but there's no doubt that both sides have done horrible things but there are no good guys in this assad is is a bit of
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a monster the people he's. against the monsters it's a civil war and civil wars are merciless bloody and unpleasant did you said you're troubled by the way things are panning out now and a lot of people are comparing this to what happened when western forces started rolling towards iraq and the likes of tony blair convince parliament that there were weapons that weren't there in reality do you see any similarities with what happened in iraq to what's happening in syria today no i don't i mean i think what is being talked of a monks' the banks the americans british and french and possibly some other allies is very much a a punitive air attack how large or small it is i don't know which is designed totally assuming that he has used chemical weapons to say this is not acceptable in the in the world we live in this is what happens if you use chemical weapons that is not the same as an investor is no invasion there's no intention.


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