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tv   Keiser Report  RT  April 13, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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genda basically. i just think the game's up the whole world knows it's like the agenda is the zionist agenda to go into syria because it fits into their motive to get rid of you or break itself and it's looking for excuses i don't know somehow mess at the moment when i have this area and she's considering any kind of military essentially what would she achieved by really disagree with military action against anything happening in this syria there's already enough fighting going on there as it is and there's a real danger of war escalating way beyond what we expect the scenario and the way to target it to send any sort of thing no if we. push up you know the basic military intervention that outsetting i think we have that and five back to choose where these countries have these problems have the civil war and we try and go to fix it but we had our civil war when the americans had their civil war nobody went
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and bombed us we got the side we have now they need to go through this on their own with washington leading the strikes against damascus it is worth noting that in the past taking military action abroad has often increased support for u.s. president at home. you around the flag effect and increased popular support of the president during war accompanied by reduced criticism of governmental policies. any nuclear missile launched from cuba against any nation in the western hemisphere as an attack by the soviet union on the united states. progress is now being made towards the restoration of peace in the caribbean. the use of terrorism and its holding hostages. political demands. to continue along with. the resolution of the crisis.
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therefore directed to reject the iraqi army from kuwait. its president i can report to the nation aggression is defeated the war is over. american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. the united states and around. have prevailed. and i ordered a target new jersey. airfield. i think. became president of the united states i think this was actually
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a big moment. just to recap our breaking news if you're just joining us speaking from the white house president donald trump has announced that the u.s. france and the u.k. are launching strikes against syria trump says that the attacks will continue. until the syrian government stops using chemical weapons he also called on russia to take responsibility for not preventing the chemical attack in syria according to several media reports there were explosions in the mascot's heard right after the us presence beach arabic media said six powerful blast occurred in the syrian capital's district where scientific centers are located and sources say that strikes targets included a research center the airport and special units barracks the syrian military claims it has intercepted more than twenty missiles in london u.k. prime minister theresa may said that there were no alternatives to striking syria since all diplomatic means had been exhausted while at the pentagon u.s. secretary of defense jim mattis and general joseph dunford said no additional
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attacks are planned at this time he also said it was difficult to get evidence of chemical weapons attacks out of syria russia's ambassador to the u.s. has slammed the attacks saying that u.s. actions in syria will have consequences. we're now joined live by richard becker who is a member of the antiwar answer coalition richard when situations like this break you're one of the people who i want to talk to you to help me get my mind around the situation so thanks for being with us here. russia's foreign ministry says that the strikes came at the very moment there was a chance of peace in syria do you think that this is the case. yeah and i don't think good texan dental i think that the united states and its closest allies britain france are two of its closest allies and you have to point out that britain and france are the old colonizers of the middle east back again and the united states is more the new coloniser but they are uniting in
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a campaign against syria as a country it's you know that we in the united states have experience from remember the main to weapons of mass destruction to the stories about libya right up to the present. really falsified cation after fossil vacation the kind of war propaganda which is deemed to be necessary in order to rally the population when it doesn't really want to go to war when the people don't really want war and there was certainly this is not a step toward peace i mean we see syria has suffered so much i visited syria it's heartbreaking to see what's happened to syria but will more bombing. this kind of bombing and missile attacks exactly to help the people of syria it's not and there were the words no investigation at all about what really happened there so it was shoot first and ask questions later. that this is jacqueline in the studio here as
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well u.s. defense secretary mattis said that it's highly likely that the syrian government used chlorine in dumas and that they don't exclude the usage of theron though because they're not exactly sure what do you make up washington launching this operation without even a one hundred percent certainty about what did happen. i mean they have zero percent certainty unless it's something that they carried out themselves and i wouldn't completely rule that out. the the rebel forces there are these extreme terrorist forces in duma i the ones who had an interest a material interest in having this happen not the government of syria which is you know that whole eastern go to area was largely free of the insurgent forces and the forces fighting against the government why would the government of syria do this at this time why would they carry out their kind of attack it really makes no sense whatsoever but it does make sense from the point of
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view of those who want to continue with the war and the united states trump administration and pentagon seem determined to maintain some kind of a presence contrary to what trump said last week although you can't tell one week to another but the military definitely wants to maintain a presence and has a considerable presence in the eastern part of syria i think that we also have to consider that what we're seeing in the middle east is a continuation of what we saw in yugoslavia when we had a reebok in his nation of the balkans now we're seeing the balkanization of iraq it's not one united country anymore the balkanization of libya and now the balkanization of syria the breaking up into smaller pieces for the benefit of the outside powers. now it comes as no surprise russia has already reacted with their ambassador to the u.s. saying that there will be consequences to this what actions do you think russia might take in response to the strikes that we saw. well it's of course impossible
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for us to say what actions they would take but we have to say that the actions taken by the us britain and france constitute war crimes by definition they are war crimes that syria did not threaten the united states or britain or france nor could it and so a war of aggression is called technically a crime against peace an aggressive war is that is considered the highest form of war crime where the worst type of war crime and you know the assyrians have a right to resist that the russian forces are in the country at the invitation of the duly constituted government of syria and you know the idea that they can just be attacked with impunity i think is one that is highly dangerous and the possibilities of a crack climbing an escalation letter i have a real regardless of what madness and done for it said tonight. now richard this shot here you bring up a good point that the russian forces were invited by the government of syria are
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there in the country in the past we have seen proxy wars of sorts between the united states and back then it was the soviet union during the cold war times. we also know that general dunford at the pentagon stated that the u.s. took measures in case of a response from the russian side. what measures might they have taken and are we worried that this could develop into a more than a proxy war in actual conflict between the united states and russia well of course that is worry because of the highest form because such a war could lead to the end of the human race these are the two leading nuclear weapons powers in the world and so the game. that the united states that the trumpet ministration is playing there and it's not really a game at all it's much more serious than that but what they're doing there runs the risk of
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a kind of escalation that can lead to really incalculable consequences and you know if we look back in july of one nine hundred fourteen. a month before world war one again most of the governments there and the people one of the out there what was coming was was beyond the pale it was unthinkable and yet the escalation letter was climbed back and forth and it led to what was up until that time the deadliest war in human history richard it's six forty in the morning in damascus right now on saturday the o.p.c. experts were supposed to start their work today in syria on the ground what about the timing of this all i mean why would you launch a strike before an investigation. well you can i think that's a very important question and you can see the utter hypocrisy of the statement that came from trump and also from a and also from mccrone all of them because i knew
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that they were doing this out of their deep concern for human rights and suffering in the world they do and they inflict enough of their own suffering and people all over the world and have for a long long time but the. defect didn't start the investigation was about to begin and the attacks were launched show that the intention had nothing to do with human rights or the facts of the matter the facts of the matter are completely dispensable to trump and to the generals what their intent is is to carry out a new attack on syria and they wanted to find the grounds or develop the propaganda to try to win the population over to supporting this new war. now we've seen in the last few days the u.n. security council failing to adopt any sort of resolution when it comes to syria what do you make of these strikes being conducted without any sort of approval from the latin. well i wouldn't support that if there had been approval from the u.n.
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but of course there wasn't there wasn't anything close to it and it wasn't just the russian veto of the libyan spoke out very strongly against military action and other countries in the security council the but. it's so there's no justification whatsoever as i said before what even the term retaliation is a run is it is an unfortunate term to use in regard to this because syria didn't do anything to the united states or branch or france or britain and yet you know once again this only argument is brought up in that there's retaliation it's like would be the israelis always retaliated against the palestinians too you know even though they you know they can kill dozens and suffer no casualties but they're always retaliating and that's the same thing that's been played here. now the british pm
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theresa may has involved the u.k. without parliament's approval as well was that decision correct for her or could it lead to trouble. well and the reason that you didn't go to parliament i think was because of what happened back in late august and early september of two thousand and thirteen when it came very very close to character in syria and then the british parliament the house of commons go to them against the war so this time may just went to the cabinet and got the cabinet to approve it but clearly from what was said earlier in your newscast. bustin a quarter of the people in britain support this and yet it was carried out which shows you know really i'm the most important question of all which is the question of war and the question of peace those questions are the most critical and there's no there's really no democracy even in these countries which proclaim themselves to be great democracies i don't think most people in the united states support this
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and tomorrow in the following day there will be demonstrations protests and there were protests all over the united states richard we get some information coming in from reuters that all of the targeted locations were evacuated three days ago after the russians told the government that they had intelligence that bases including the research centers would be had we also heard from the pentagon that russia was not warned but mattis and dunford said that they took all precautions to not have any russian casualties on the ground we also heard that even though there were no warnings to the russian government forces trump actually in a tweet yesterday said you know hey watch out you know russia you know take a look or comment. so lots of conflicting messages here what do you get out of all of this kind of conflicting messages mixed messages coming from washington when it comes to strikes like this. well i think that it's pretty clear that there was
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a big struggle in the core of the national security state here. with with dunford in madison arguing for a more limited attack which is completely and making the point unjustified to about i think bolton trump when it trump was quoted this afternoon in a short wall street journal piece news alert that he wanted a big strike so we don't know what you know what they say in public is very hard to evaluate and certainly hard to give too much credibility to. you know they want to look tough so we didn't tell russia we're going to do well we don't know that there's all kinds of bacteria does that exist but i think that it is it's clear that. there was a white over how far to go and what would trigger a major conflict with russia and the forces that wanted to avoid that at least at
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this point appear to have. prevailed i richard becker member of the antiwar answer coalition thanks for being with us here on r.g.p. international to try and wrap our head around this entire situation thank you. i now the united kingdom has also joined in u.s. military action against syria in an official statement british prime minister theresa may said the aim of the strikes was to prevent the use of chemical weapons in syria this evening i have authorized armed forces to conduct coordinated and targeted strikes to degrade the syrian regime's chemical weapons capability and to deter the use we have sought to use every possible diplomatic channel to achieve this but our efforts have been repeatedly for change so there is no practical alternative to the use of force to degrade and deter the use of chemical weapons by the syrian regime. russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria's
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a horrible has reacted to the strikes claiming the u.s. u.k. and france have disrupted serious chance for a peaceful future is sovereign state that for many years has been trying to survive terrorist aggression has suffered a series of strikes behind this are the people who claim to be moral leaders of the world and talk about their exceptionally well you must be really exceptional to conduct strikes in syria finally got the chance for a peaceful future or we're getting some information just in from syria now a response syria will demand the u.n. to take action against the aggression of western states but it has no illusions and that is from the syrian ambassador to beijing so some information some response coming from syria across this area now once again if you are just joining us speaking from the white house president donald trump has announced that the u.s. france and the u.k. are launching strikes against syria our correspondent and from new york joins us live with details kaleb give us the latest. well we heard the
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announcement from u.s. president donald trump he spoke to the u.s. public and to the world announcing that he was taking action against the syrian arab republic in the al in response to allegations that there was a chemical attack in duma he was going to attack syria and he would do it to be a quote strong deterrent against them using chemical weapons in the future in his speech he also specifically called out iran and russia for being in alliance with the syrian government he said what kind of nation wants to be aligned with mass murder this is some of what donald trump said in his announcement of u.s. military action. short time ago i ordered the united states armed forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of syrian dictator.
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a combined operation with the armed forces of france and the united kingdom. is now underway. now in the aftermath of trump's decision there has been some criticism of donald trump from across the aisle nancy pelosi her response was she said these strikes don't substitute a substitute for an actual policy in syria we've also heard tim kaine the democratic congressman now he has said that these strikes were illegal now there were of there was a lot of talk about the possibility of of does donald trump need the permission of congress to engage in this kind of activity there was no there was no approval for such a strike or authorization for the use of force from congress or the legality is being questioned by many democrats now furthermore in the aftermath of the strikes we then got an update from the pentagon we got general dunford as well as u.s.
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secretary of defense james mattis and they came out and explained exactly what went on they said that double the number of weapons that were used in last year's strike against the syrian arab republic were used in tonight's strike and furthermore they talked about how it was a fifty minute sustained attack fifty minutes of attack furthermore they wanted to specify this was what they called a one time strike this is james mattis. but right now this is a one time shot and i believe that it showed a very strong message to dissuade him to deter him from doing this again. now on thursday we heard an announcement from the pentagon that's the central command of the u.s. military saying that they had proof that the syrian government was responsible for a chemical attack in duma however the international community has quite a different opinion there have been quite a different lot of disagreement and the u.n.
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security council here in manhattan this is been the site of these disagreements about what exactly went on in response to the allegations there were emergency meetings of the u.n. security council meeting that were called and at these meetings russia got up and proposed a resolution that would have mandated that the o.p.c. w that's the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons the u.n. body that it actually visit the site where the alleged chemical attack took place russia's experts visited the site they did not find any traces of chemicals they did not find any eyewitnesses to an alleged attack they didn't find any bodies or any people getting treatment and they put forth this resolution saying that they wanted the o.p.c. w. to actually visit the site and confirm that the attack had taken place now that resolution put forward by russia was then vetoed by the united states the united states did not want the o.p.c. w. to actually visit the site where it took place now with very little investigation
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in the almost immediate aftermath of the attack we had nikki haley the representative of the united states saying with absolute confidence that she was convinced that the syrian government was responsible this is nikki haley. did a chemical weapons attack happened yet the u.s. has analyzed yes it has happened to you say has analyzed gas to tap and france has been life yes it happened three separate analysis all coming back with the same thing there is proof that this happened. now it's also important to note that a lot of the statements we've been hearing from u.s. officials such as madison dunford are a little bit vague they haven't specified exactly the weapons that were used they have been able to confirm different statements and we've heard you know some mix statements throughout the week from james madison from others to the effect of they haven't exactly seen very much evidence and they aren't completely sure of things there's been a mixed message even from u.s.
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leaders about about how confident they are we heard james mattis before the u.s. congress when he was speaking before the u.s. house armed services committee before the u.s. congress he said he did not he did not have any proof that the syrian government was responsible but he believes that they were so so we've heard a lot of mixed messages this week now in the aftermath of donald trump's remarks the attack came we heard explosions in damascus the syrian capital of damascus now it's important to note that damascus is a part of syria that is under the control of the syrian government and there are syrians from all across the country who have had to flee their homes during the course of this war as extremists and terrorists that want to topple the syrian government have been gaining ground and seizing area people have fled their homes and taken refuge in damascus receiving protection from bombs from the syrian government the syrian government has been offering protection to its citizens in damascus a lot of the military operations in recent months have been the syrian government
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protecting damascus because it's so densely populated there have been shelling of damascus by terrorists terrorist forces there have been efforts efforts to make sure that damascus because it is so densely populated with syrian civilians who have fled from all over the country there been efforts to make sure it is secure well now we have confirmation that it was in damascus that the airstrikes from the united states with the support of the u.k. and france that that's where they targeted they targeted this very densely populated area of the syrian capital of damascus now a lot of ques. remained the o.p.c. w. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons was supposed to begin its research in syria in determining what happened it was supposed to get its research today however at this point it's not clear what their next move will be they were they were supposed to continue their mission but now there have been strikes and furthermore there was not a clear resolution from the u.n. security council about what their work would be so the world is not in agreement
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about whether this chemical attack even happened but as of yet we have seen the united states conduct an air strike against a densely populated civilian area fifty minutes of air strikes in damascus in response to this alleged chemical attack that is not confirmed is subject to wide disagreement in the international community should be noted that china when speaking to the u.n. security council in the lead up to today's events china very famously very loudly called for the international community to respect syria's territorial integrity as well as its sovereignty and that that statement could be interpreted as opposing the kind of thing we saw from the united states so we're still waiting for broader reactions from the international community but at the moment at the moment there are new developments it's very late at night here in the united states but we have heard some criticism of trump's move from democrats we're waiting for more information. our he's the carom up and we know there's going to be
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a long night for you we just heard from russia u.s. ambassador from reuters he's warning of consequences for syria strikes so we know that it's not going to be a short night for you they're saying across intuition for us where you're watching artie's continued coverage of breaking news out of syria the u.s. u.k. france have said that they will they have struck syria and damascus they said that they're prepared to go against them militarily economically and diplomatically until they you stop the use of chemical. weapons there they also directly addressed iran and russia saying why would these two countries want to be associated with a murderous regime and saying donald trump specifically saying that they have marshaled their righteous power against barbarism watching arch international my name is sean thomas with jacqueline vogel and we will be continuing our coverage right here on our two international stay with us.
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because the slogan see the blood of them so a million. viewers who are local was before. much of those who heard it's a preview. you should see him we will. we will. move. move. move show you this new video of the liberal media look very good. just like most of these girls did you feel mr good good good. good good issue also look i do the same you want me to stroke extort to go. to starbucks to. get to meet until it was the littlest let's see look it is it's.
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your stuff's not just chance to just meet the mashed on the truck stop the president and please keep trying to do. this we have produced a toast listening to snippets almost from you of course that is the closer with you for your supporters to your machine station shouldn't be for you should cook door for the one who's doing. zia's says harlan kentucky. all of these moves the employees the people ministry families leave. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal
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mines are said i'd. love to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened. before man are sitting in a car when the fifty's get shocked the men have. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way you could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. right
12:00 am
welcome back broadcast live from our studios in moscow this is art international i'm sean thomas with jacqueline will go. just to recap our breaking news speaking from the white house president donald trump has announced that the u.s. france and the u.k. have launch strikes against syria trump said that the attacks would continue until the syrian government stop. using chemical weapons he also called on russia to take responsibility for not preventing the chemical attack in syria according to several media reports there were explosions in damascus heard right after the u.s. president's speech arabic media said six powerful blast occurred in the syrian capital's as far as a district where scientific centers are located and sources say that destroyed could targets included a research center the airport and special units.


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