tv News RT April 14, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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ok but the rest of. america the u.k. and from this bomb targets in syria off the us president trump just strikes against assault forces in response to an alleged chemical attack. the strike takes place before investigators from the international chemical weapons watchdog the o.p.c. w. start their probe into alleged poison gas attack in dumont last weekend experts are due to arrive on the scene today saturday. washington says it is confident the assad government was behind the chemical attack in duma and the evidence comes from various media outlets and we take a closer look at those sources. hello
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and good morning you're watching on the international with me jack and kate arran and jacqueline fuko welcome to the program the syrian capital damascus has been hit by missiles fired in a u.s. led operation operation against the assad government the pentagon said it also targeted two locations near the city of homes president trump announced the military action and they are in a friday evening t.v. address it comes in response to an alleged chemical attack in the syrian town of duma a week ago well let's go to the latest on this now from our correspondent kelly more pin who joins us live from washington caleb can you bring us up to speed it's been a long night so many details pouring in tell us the latest please. while we heard an announcement from u.s. president donald trump about the pending strike against the syrian government in coordination with the u.k. and france now he used the phrase strong deterrence to describe his motivation said
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he wanted to deter the syrian government from carrying out future chemical attacks he called out iran and russia saying what kind of nation would want to be aligned with a mass murderer and from there he used some rather inflammatory language that's kind of almost trademark language of u.s. president donald trump let's take a listen to how he how he justified in that the kind of rhetoric he used to spell out his intent to attack the syrian government very terrible regime these are not the actions of a man they are crimes of a monster instead so today the nations of britain france and the united states of america have martial their righteous power against barbarism and brutality. now after that we got a military update we heard from general joseph dunford as well as u.s. secretary of defense james mattis they spoke to the u.s.
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media and to the world basically giving the lowdown on what happened now at that point the striking had already stopped they said it was fifteen minutes of sustained airstrikes against the syrian government now it's they also indicated they said this is a one time event however we're seeing elsewhere being described as saying he would sustain these kind of actions if the syrian government were not to cease carrying out such chemical attacks furthermore it's important to note that when james madison was speaking not only after the attacks but also earlier in the week he wasn't willing to go into detail about the attack it was rather vague about the kind of information that he actually had he wasn't willing to go on record talking about what types of weapons that were used he wouldn't name the chemical weapons this is james mattis using some rather vague vague terminology when talking about the allegations against the syrian government used to justify the recent military
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strike. i am confident the cherian regime conducted a chemical attack on innocent people. we are very confident that chlorine was used we are not ruling out sure and right now we have the intelligence level of confidence that we needed to conduct the attack. i believe there was a chemical attack and we're looking for the actual evidence the o.p.c. w this you're going to station for the chemical weapons convention and we're trying to get those inspectors in if we get them and we will not know who did it they can only say that they found evidence or did not now james mattis seems to indicate that there's kind of a lack of knowledge about what actually actually went on and his words also seem to you know be reflective of broader in the international community there is simply not consensus about what actually happened in the syrian town of duma we've seen
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the u.n. security council meetings called emergency meetings of the council that leads the united nations the fifteen member body and we've seen a big disagreement between countries russia's representative has come forward before the u.n. security council and said that they have sent russian experts and russia chemical experts to do imma and in duma they have not found any traces of chemicals they have not found any victims who have come forward and said they witnessed or that they themselves are victims of chemical attacks no one in hospitals being treated they did not find any dead bodies they just could not confirm that an attack had taken place now russia then went as far as to put forward a resolution before the u.n. security council that would have mandated that the chemical inspectors from the un's body that oversees chemical weapons the o.p.c. w. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons that these inspectors actually go to do go to the site of the alleged attack and do their research there they would not rely on samples that they got from some angio they not rely on some
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some. sample of the soil or piece of dirt that was sent in the mail but they actually verify go to the ground and determine that the attack happened based on evidence from the actual site that was that was that was the request that was made that was that was in the resolution that russia put forward before the fifteen member body that leaves the united nations well the united states vetoed that resolution it was vetoed and we then heard u.s. leaders specifically nikki haley the representative of the united states before the u.n. security council we heard her coming out and saying in the aftermath of this this allegation of an attack without any investigation having been done saying what she believes had taken place this is nikki haley speaking at the u.n. security council did a chemical weapons attack happened yes the u.s. has analyzed yes it has happened the u.k. has analyzed it get it it's happened france had to enlight yesterday that three
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separate analysis all coming back with the same thing there is proof that it's happening. now there has been some criticism of trump's actions from critics in the democratic party we saw that nancy pelosi came forward and said that these airstrikes were not a substitute for a real strategy in syria and we also heard from tim kaine a democratic congressman who and he came out and he said that these airstrikes were illegal they've also been some republicans who have said that and argued that the u.s. constitution does not allow the president to engage in military actions without the approval of congress he will recall that even in previous military actions where there's not declared wars the u.s. congress usually passes some kind of authorization of the use of force or something to that effect but in this case donald trump you know he went ahead and did this and that when when the pentagon came out they invoked a certain clause in the u.s. constitution in article two arguing that this was legal so there is debate about
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the constitutionality of terms action now we understand that that the airstrikes were conducted not only not only against homes but particularly against damascus now damascus is a very densely populated area it's under the control of the syrian government and all the civilians from all across syria who had their homes seized or the areas they live in taken over by extremists and terrorists that want to overthrow the syrian government they have been fleeing to damascus because it's under the control of the government where the government has been providing them with refuge it's been protecting civilians from across the country who come to damascus for protection after they've had to flee their homes due to the fighting due to the activities of the terrorists and the extremists and then damascus is very densely populated as a result of so many syrians fleeing to that area and this was the area that was struck with the airstrikes that went on now we understand that there were british
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british aircraft that were that were flying out of cyprus we understand that there were there were there were there were airstrikes. they say it was actually twice or three times the number of weapons that was used in the previous airstrike against the syrian arab republic by the united states last year so it was this area that so densely populated that the syrian government has been working very hard to protect the recent military operations that's where the airstrikes strikes were carried out now it's also important to note that in the lead up to today's events as the emergency meetings of the un security council were taking place it wasn't simply russia that spoke against the united states in their narrative events we actually saw the people's republic of china take to the floor at the u.n. security council and urge all countries to respect syria's territorial integrity and sovereignty i mean that seems like a pretty direct call for something like what happened earlier tonight to not happen they were saying that the syrian arab republic its territorial integrity and
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sovereignty must be protected so that it's pretty clear that there is not a consensus around the world about this chemical attack and who's responsible and there certainly was not agreement with with tribes actions though he did it in alliance with the u.k. and france we know germany or was not in approval and was not cooperating other countries that have been aligned with the usa did not approve of this action so we're still waiting for a broader reaction to this this airstrike people are waiting to see what will happen next i know people were anticipating this strike because of donald trump's tweet saying telling russia to get ready for the missiles you know insulting the syrian president with certain language people were kind of anticipating something taking place there was a lot of predictions and confusions as of now we understood that there were there was fifty minutes of airstrikes against the syrian arab republic by the united states we're waiting to see what the next move is and what will happen next in the international community ok caleb thanks for bringing us up to speed on not to still
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be on the ausman morning ivan there in the u.s. it's going to be interesting to think what kind of reaction we get to see these strikes people and. wake-up speaking of criticism for donald trump's moves on this virginia state senator richard black speaking to sputnik has called the strike on syria a pretext. an obvious hoax he said the pretext for the strike on syria was an obvious hoax also details coming in that the u.n. secretary general has urged constraint on all sides to avoid any further escalation on this russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marie as the house has also reacted to the strike saying the recent claims about american exceptionalism have failed the southern state that for many years has been trying to survive terrorist aggression has suffered a series of strikes behind this are the people who claim to be moral leaders of the world and talk about their exceptionalism well you must be really exceptional to conduct strikes in syria finally got the chance for
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a peaceful future. we cannot cross live to see who is a local journalist in damascus now four hours after the first strikes targeted the syrian capital what's now happening there in the capital and i must to see it hadar it's nicky and jackie in the studio can you hear is ok. ok great. ok let's continue. let's continue with our questions there is a slight delay on the line here what do you think about the timing of the strike here. well. it's actually sarcastic in a way because of the. the chemical investigation team is supposed to enter duma and investigate the issue of the presumed. chemical attack that took place last
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week which is the reason for all this aggression so it's supposed to investigate start investigating today as an international organization not just as an independent you know organization committee so in a way to sarcastic that the americans the french and the british didn't really need to prove all you need to wait to see if this. actually happened wait for evidence wait for you know for the usual procedure to happen they just took their decision and maybe they wanted to act before the investigation actually started because there they have suspicions about the whole incident. in a way we were all is expecting it to happen we didn't related much to the investigation because the americans have their own way of doing things and in. the way mr trump has been has been reacting to this. made very clear
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that he is serious about the aggression is serious about using his arms against syrian bases here serious about sending certain messages towards iran and towards russia and the french and the british were on the same. wave as mr trump was so in no way to start casting that then the whole investigation hasn't started yet supposed to the team is actually supposed to enter the duma around this hour to start the investigation and now you are a local journalist in the syrian capital at damascus. that it's been a matter of hours since those strikes targeted the syrian capital can you give us a sense of the atmosphere there right now what's happening how are people feeling. it is the usual atmosphere that we get after every strike and even before it is
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just normal life today saturday it's the second. day in the weekly weekend which is the friday and saturday hilarity in the morning but life is normal people are out in the streets well i mean they did wake up earlier than they used to on a holiday. aggression started at four am here timing lasted about fifteen minutes but we kept hearing the launching of the silence and the aircraft at least in my name where i live near the center that was hit in. ventured area we kept hearing until five fifteen the launching of. rockets but the official media said that this strike lasted only for fifteen minutes i think fifty rockets were shot according to the. scene of them were shot down according to the official agency here and says three casualties only injured in the center of the country and
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how most were. another base was supposedly was supposed to hit but i think the syrian made that said that they managed to. head directly before they actually reached the base but the atmosphere back to your question is quite normal life is it is again normal this has been going on for seven years as we have talked about before and in a way people are used to. this fear of war they are used to. starting their life all over again every morning go to work and just live. have their coffee in the morning of their breakfast and then go to work it's just normal life it continues no matter what happens it continues washington has are also indicated that there's the possibility that there will be further strikes on syria are there concerns about that in damascus or are there any perpetrations being
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taken from. where the preparations were made for this strike i think. that's going to be considered in the same way. the pentagon said this might happen again depending on what the american president decides and the american president is impulsive we it's very difficult to know what he has in mind for you know the day after he can be judged by the day but not by we by the by a strategy so we know what yes it could happen again but again if you look at the way that you know his policy worked with more for example one night he was going he was sending his chips and warships to the to the borders of north korea the second day his meeting with the with the leader so you never know really with
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the american president but his policy is going but again he is impulsive and it could happen again and there is always a concern about the americans backing up the. allies in syria such as do you radical islamic groups that exist in different. pockets in the country mr haidar you were saying just there about how people in syria are used to getting up in the morning and starting their lives over again they used to this is the atmosphere of war of as strikes but you know the house being all to miss them in the past week the possible especially with the the russian monetary. and cora doris you know people thought some people thought that the worst was over do you think that these strikes have shattered those hopes and dreams or do you think they never really believed that you know it was all over and done with. so definitely the atmosphere
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was very different. after the process started and just before. that and the atmosphere was extremely different because it was people who were relieved they felt that the capital is safe again thanks to the russians and thanks to the syrian army and thanks to the efforts that were done in terms of voiding some big battles such as the one in duma but on the same on the same track the syrians also know that it's the conflict in general is far from over and the americans and their allies will try to. or they're going to try to steal every possible optimism that they can find the syrians are you know gaining. they will not allow and this is what you hear in street not just from. this is you know our political analyst or this is what the normal people are saying
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that they would not going to let us you know enjoy this victory in the eastern water they're going to try to destroy it or just are just going to try to put an obstacle and this where there you go back to the aggression on. homes is a way of stealing that optimism that took place in the past few weeks. but haidar who is a local journalist in the syrian capital damascus there thank you for sharing your thoughts with us on this day now we want everything in the way hearing in the west immediate protesters on the streets of damascus waving russian and syrian flags that of course the morning after those u.s. led airstrikes hit the capital so we'll try and get some images from the capital there for you later today. ok let's bring in another guest now to discuss it further let's cross live to former u.s. presidential candidate far this fast welcome to the program what do you make about
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what do you make of the timing of these strikes especially like just hours before the o.p.c. w team were due to head into syria to start their investigation is that just a coincidence do you think. honestly i'm very embarrassed as an american citizen to see how. this situation has happened also gather i mean the ideal situation would have been to wait for the investigation to see what the results would have been i think i'm confident enough to think that it was a woman other white helmet hollywood shows what they were really putting on unfortunately because it just really doesn't make sense if you take a look at the images you can see how is it that it was a chemical attack at the same time everybody who seems to be in those images doesn't even have gloves on i mean what kind of chemical attack is that that's more like common sense anybody would be able to see to see how that is fake. the you and as you know has also presented evidence
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a long time ago saying that this might happen why is that the nikki haley and all the other foreign officials whether it's from france or britain walk out every time they try to present some sort of evidence and proof of this this is really sad to see the united nations was supposed to be fostering peace and every time you hear nikki haley speak she's always certain under no pretense whatsoever that they're going to go ahead and they're going to strike i mean trump said he was going to do within seventy two hours we started with him forty eight i think the syrians were expecting it this is a legitimate syrian government let as said is and power by the syrian people's choice the u.s. and nobody has any right to make any decisions as to what should be going on in syria other than the syrian people and the government that is in place right now and we need to respect that it's a sovereign nation who has representation in the united nations and it's just
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ridiculous to see how is it that international law can apply to them and it doesn't apply to others. so i and this is jacqueline also in the studio with nikki i just wanted to say during his announcement trub also cast a shadow on russia we can take a quick listen to what exactly he had to say the nations of the world can be judged by the friends they keep no nation can succeed in the long run by promoting rogue states brutal tyrants and murderous dictators russia must decide if it will continue down this dark path or if it will join with civilized nations as a force for stability and peace so there we have the u.s. president suddenly saying that your allies define you but the us friends are questionable as well for example thought he arabia they're having a deadly bombing campaign in yemen and they're accused of human rights violations
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there in yemen so where's the contradiction there. i mean of course where we're all disappointed here in the united states i mean trump ran a campaign a presidential campaign stating that he was going to fight terrorism alongside russia and the syrian government and then to see this happening right now it really makes me wonder you know what made him change his mind it's sad to see because as we all know saudi arabia even had to do with nine eleven here they were never held accountable and what they're doing in yemen is another genocide i mean you're talking about the timing and how it coincides it's the reverence of the holocaust is what we had yesterday and to see you know this genocide that's happening after ninety percent of the territory of syria was liberated off of terrorism thanks to the syrian president and government in place right now the shuttle and who in alongside with iran i mean whether or not we had issues in the past we really need
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to put that aside who's to say that we always have to be enemies with russia why can't we work together foster better war i mean here in the united states nobody's happy with what's going on our taxpaying dollars are going to fight wars that aren't even ours. trump is not facing criticism from the democratic party and even from his own so not authorizing a strike to the congress why do you think he would do that i mean some are even saying he's breached the constitution what are your thoughts on the. i mean he's using the fact he does have executive power at the end i mean i feel it's more of a declaration of war is what's going on i think the fact that brin started and along with friends and they just kind of followed suit there is no no basis whatsoever for them to even gone in to do those attacks the whole idea of having the best a geisha to go in is just to confirm the fact that you are in the news is the big news he's been talking about it he's all in poor unfortunate because as you know
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a lie as much as you repeated even the person in line becomes begins to believe it himself so i just i don't feel there is anything great any basis from the beginning i mean we've heard other people talking even as secretary of defense that and many others the former ambassador of britain to syria also spoke about the issue many people many people commentating vanessa bailey many others who are actually there and have accounts we really need to start asking ourselves questions you know what is it we're seeing whether or not we should believe it we have to do our own investigation to look at both sides of the story and it's really unfortunate for those syrian people after they went back basically to normal life to have to deal with this and worry now you know what's going to happen why do an aggression on the syrian army if they're the ones who are defending their country from terrorism whose side are we really on that's something we really need to consider. now we've
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also already heard that there are protests taking place on the streets of damascus where demonstrators waving russian and syrian flags what do you make of that and do you think that that could possibly grow in the capital. it's because the people are for in support of what's happening i mean who wants to live with terrorism we sure joe wanted here in the united states i mean the syrian refugees that are coming in the vast majority of them are those terrorists and extremists that are fleeing because you know they they just and they're not even part of them they're not even syrians are coming to the united states or going all over europe we've seen all that is that they're causing how come is it they're not facilitating visas to christians canada's doing it through the churches but here in the united states they give priority to the extremists before they would to a christian. for of us now there's some pictures on our screen all of those protesters gathering in damascus. a year ago the u.k. parliament rejected joining the u.s.
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so this year to reason may didn't even all scams and pays for approval what you think back to his own what kind of backlash to think she's going to get about. look honestly there's a lot of interest behind this is we know there's the oils that we'll discover in the pipeline that they're negotiating it's unfortunate to see how people instead of really for example with us what happens make america great again why don't we focus on our own nation we have homelessness we have issues that we need to resolve britain has their own issues why don't we let the syrian people continue doing what they're doing solving their own issues i mean ninety percent of the country over the seven years that they've been able to quite out of terrorism why didn't we help them from the beginning it would have been done within two weeks rather than take this long they just keep on rearming they just we are in saudi arabia again they are the terrorists they are the extremists how come they're not being held accountable for what's going on in yemen you know those are things that we need to
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be asking ourselves before any of those protests are they didn't that the people showing their support for their government we need to respect that and we need to stop calling it an as said regina ok because he's the one that's in power we don't call it. trumpery gene here you know and the fact that they're even using the word regime really has me worried and concerned but there's other hidden interests and motives to want to remove them. i mean the guy is not what you guys think he is he not a monster you guys can do research on him he's actually studied abroad and he's an ophthalmologist whose wife i consider an admirer an equivalent to lady that had to diana if you take a look and see what she's done in the country i mean you guys don't know i really feel that with the united states should be doing more than anything other than speculation than finding you know their sources who are their sources the people who have their own interests this is a cultural language barrier i would really like to see president trump or send some really officials with nikki haley where is our secretary of state why are they
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going to theory on the ground war and they visiting doing diplomatic negotiations with the syrian government they've asked them to come in and do the inspections even before you know and i don't understand really what's going on all i can say that it's very unfortunate not just for the people of syria but for the american people here who are just left torn apart not understanding what's really going on for us presidential candidate soraya fos thank you for coming a lot say and sharing your thoughts with us we appreciate it we're also going to be keeping you up to speed on the demonstrations in the syrian capital there is probably about forty or fifty people seem to have gathered. waving syrian and russian flags there in protest at the strikes that struck that country about four or five hours ago now we're showing you live pictures on your screen at the moment as well as i said we will be keeping you up to speed on those protests as they
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