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tv   Keiser Report  RT  April 14, 2018 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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well why. end of the caveman acts max kaiser this is the kaiser report i love nature i love spring i love these twigs and rocks sometimes cones it makes me feel like i'm one with everything that's holy and pure innocent and lovely speaking a lovely let's talk to stacey speaking of holy this is unholy the unholy sneak you say you love nature true i don't see where that flag with the stink on it there's something american about that i forget exactly the details but i learned about in social studies class back in the one nine hundred sixty s. i believe is what the modern new hampshire protested against the vietnam war when i
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was sixteen years old when you were there in washington i heard martin luther king's speech in person on the plaza i was there the moon landing in one nine hundred sixty nine i lose their don't assume or first performance studio fifty four everywhere. everywhere ok every day i remember. saying because that's the one that is the copyright terrorist of the world and they ruin all concerts my cover you know i want to talk about a few tweets that they're interesting charts that we have here to go over and they're both of these charts that i'm going to look at that are the content of the episode are from adam to maybe it's too easy to say floozy to say it's rubbish to say well anyway he's a professor at columbia university teaches history and he's a director of the european institute and he had some charts that i found quite interesting and i retreated them this week the divergence of prime age labor market participation between us and other key economies is striking what is quite
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striking about that max do you see this this is from the blue line. united states has participation from twenty five to fifty four year olds in the u.s. labor market versus the united kingdom canada and germany up there you know they keep on rising their employment rate keeps on going up while the u.s. under clinton towards the late ninety's just started plummeting because all those other countries weren't plus we're tired we're just picking up the rent on all these other countries slaving away particularly in britain that could be one solution and i'm going to look at a possible solutions i found a bunch of charts to go with this one chart to try to find an explanation of what happened in the late ninety's that could possibly explain why so many twenty five to fifty four year olds just dropped out of the labor market and decided not to work in the united states despite the fact that our you know developed country competitors in germany canada the united kingdom continue to rise as participation
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rate so they were increasingly participating in the economic system in the globalized economic system and we were increasingly not so i want to look at i thought perhaps it could be you know the economist did bring it up is that the quantity the mass of quantity of especially black men in prison so if you're in prison you can't participate in the official economy they do do a lot of free labor for certain corporations but that doesn't get counted and participating in the. jobs market so the united states leads incarceration rates this is a chart i look i found and this compares it to canada england which to merican zz means the united kingdom we call it england often here france germany italy japan and china so you see the united states has a huge percentage of their population in prison so perhaps that's a reason why but now i do know this was going to come back to the black man the
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plight of the black man in america a mention of martin luther king the top of the show and of course you knew mention . and some of the things have been going on in prisons and abuse and all manner of of open air prison like situations one might find at the airport for example the t.s.a. . i don't want to mention what happened to me at the t.s.a. do as i was i was abused a lot. of my private parts poked and in a way that made me feel violated and i made it known at the airport quite vocally anyway so the prison population problem in america the p.p.p. as i called prison population problem is one that is deep rooted in america's history and when i say that referring of course to racism which in my view is still in cold in the deepest possible roots of the american experience
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despite everyone's denial of it well let's look at data instead of like these crazy opinions perhaps you know tainted by your experience at the t.s.a. so you know we're going back to that first chart that we saw where u.s. labor participation rate has plummeted since you know late ninety's and here's the incarcerated americans one thousand nine hundred twenty to twenty fourteen and as you see it was basically from the beginning of the war on drugs under nixon that it started to rise a bit and then it's shot up of course under reagan when he started a real war on drugs but started to also privatized some of the prisons and then under clinton of course about here you know it started to shoot up and he did all that welfare reform and all sorts of extending he introduced the extreme sentences on crack cocaine for example versus just ordinary cocaine for some reason you got
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like five times the prison sentence if you were i black in. hood and had more crack cocaine then versus cocaine so there was a discrepancy in sentencing that happened under clinton perhaps that is part of the reason it took on bridge. the. trafficking in quote crazy theories when i'm doing is repackaging and rephrasing the same data is the same data it's not outside of what you just said i just said it in my own way now crack cocaine you know it's about on entrepreneurial ism in harlem when i was living up there you know they figured out that crack is a lot more profitable for the drug dealer than powder does and to put those on the ok well that's an idea but let's move on to another possible scenario that i looked
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at because of course i want to compare the us to the competitors that there are you know that the participation rate is not as high united states down germany canada and the k. higher participation rate and the other idea i came up with is health care health care spending you and i have talked about obama care you know after twenty years overseas we return here and it is quite a sticker shock to see that we were able to be treated fairly equally to all other members of society in france or united kingdom at the same rates we pay the same tax rate and we receive the same treatment here states there is not only a massive bureaucracy but a massive imbalance in terms of justice and injustice there so we'll pay we pay this year twenty six thousand four hundred in premiums but we still have five thousand dollars in deductible to even receive any treatment it seems like a lot of money right add that up because that's twenty six thousand four hundred
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just to get medical care and then five thousand on top of it's a thirty one thousand dollars. well if you earn under a certain amount you get it all free so that goes into your calculations of should i participate in the jobs market and earn forty thousand dollars but then i have to come up with thirty thousand thirty one thousand for health care some only up ahead eight thousand one thousand dollars notice like drop out and get medicaid right having a job is bad for your health it is it makes it so much easier when the huge massive cost the ridiculous cost i'm going to show you two charts here so you how ridiculous the charts are in the united states health care spending as a percentage of g.d.p. . just looking at the chart this is only going up to two thousand and seven actually gets worse it's now seventeen over seventeen percent of g.d.p. in the united states remember it was i think john mccain who called russia you know a gas station operating as a nation where health were hospital pretending to be
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a nation so all of our cost seventeen over seventeen percent of g.d.p. is just health care spending and it's totally right it's an emergency care unit masquerading as a country that's america so you're saying that the work to do the work and the participation rate huge contributors to this corning to what you're pointing out here would be the incarceration rates which are very very high and health care costs which a disincentive people from working because the costs are outrageous you know to put this in the context you're saying that we pay twenty six to thirty one thousand dollars a year for health care when we are living in france you know the average wage for french worker is not much different than that so the average french worker they would make in a year their total gross income just what we pay for this health care which actually doesn't provide health care because of the deductible and as i have explained it to a few people imagine this this is the way health works in america it's a it's
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a protection racket so the actual cost for procedures they quote the and. servers tens of thousands of dollars for a broken leg or some other procedure and then you buy this extortion ery rate health care to insulate yourself from the mafia from the mob and you are a big if you don't have to protect you don't pay the protection you're exposing yourself to these exorbitant costs that are five six seven eight times what other people pay in other countries for the exact same procedures so they take the basic costs multiply eight or nine times then they threaten you with that cost to bankrupt you and this you pay this extortion every health racket cost at a price that is beyond anything that would make any economic sense and is driving people out of the workforce bankrupting the country and disenfranchising the collets more than that because let's look at this other char i had i said i had two charges related to health care this is annual per capita health care cost by eight
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all these other countries are those competitors of ours spain sweden u.k. germany red is the united states notice that that is all from especially sixty sixty five years old when people go on the free medicare the taxpayer the government pays for your health care once you are retired and then people start consuming it out of control because those prices are also based on these so-called free market prices of the thirty one thousand dollars a year as you see by the time they're ninety the average per capita spend here ninety years old person. forty five thousand dollars a year the government spending on them we pay thirty one thousand seven vent a lot doctoring years but here so it's all going to the upper you know age groups and that is another unique trend in the united states is those post-retirement post sixty five year old working they're entering the workforce at rates higher than the
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twenty five to fifty four year olds why because they already have health care they don't need to worry about shoddy health care products being offered by retail sector jobs and then also the employers especially if they have over fifty you know they have to buy obamacare standards they have to provide these the shoddy products as well so it costs them less to hire somebody who's on the free medical system that the taxpayer is paying for right so the total economics of it are. a dictatorship or a socialized system or free market capitalism is is not in evidence whatsoever in other words are there fixing the price in distorting the market there's not free market havel's and there is if the insurance companies are competing like the auto insurance industry why four thousand dollars a year can i be protected against all these medical emergencies that take place in my car therefore we know that the price of having medical insurance will be a thousand dollars a year not thirty thousand dollars
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a year they're overcharging me by twenty nine thousand dollars where is that going is going to oligarchs american oligarchs yes and of course they are socialized systems in germany france and i can which are it's like a third of the price of our system but i did say i have a two charts from adam tooze and this is the second one the disconnect between today startup euphoria and actual rates of firm formation in the us economy is striking this is from powell this report by the roosevelt institute and you know just a quick chart startup rates are actually declining rapidly since the seventy's and despite all the zero percent interest rate despite all the free my. the spite the claims that this is the help jobs and and corporations floorman all this stuff there is actually a lower start up right now all right well i welcome one capitalism comes back into the system i got to take a break well me back right after this don't go way. franking
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gave americans a lot of new job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year trucks or chose to drive truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like the gold rush is very very similar to. this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here and just slow down too much they lost their jobs got laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. it's a tough reality to deal with. something happens in this case it was the chemical attack on civilians in syria and then the
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public in the media are waiting for the response i think it's very clear now that if president trump said that there is going to be a response then it will be i just think that our expectations in a way that this american response will be so severe that it will be a game changer i think this is not the case it will again be misadjusted very careful calculation by the americans not to deteriorate into a clash a direct confrontation with russia. welcome back to the kaiser a part imax geysers i'm not a go to crank can't give t. f. medals
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a par krag welcome back i'm max hi stacy. we've been tracking the server market for the errors and we've been tracking j.p. morgan of course airlines crash a p morgan by summer camp a few years ago drive the price up to fifty right here on this very show you are a big part of that now j.p. morgan is big position from two billion short ounces of silver to now there are huge buyers there long sober and some big way craig tell us what's happening well max i think to fully understand what you just mentioned you've got to go back to your buy silver kraft u p morgan program if you will from two thousand and eleven because i think that's the genesis of where we stand today yeah you're right it met max if we go off of the c.m.e. silver stocks report which come out every night and again now they have a disclaimer on them that says this may or may not be accurate but we'll go with it you go off those reports j.p. morgan now has in their ball at the comix about one hundred forty one million
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ounces of silver which is about fifty four percent of the total but again to understand put that in context you got to go back to two thousand and eleven with what you mentioned the buy silver kraft j.p. morgan program. if you go back to two thousand and eleven there's kind of a misconception out there seven years later people that say that was all this this massive speculative bubble where you know every shoeshine boy and taxi driver was buying silver futures that's isn't that not even remotely true in fact if you look at the data and again now this comes from the c.s.a. but if you look at that data the last month of april of two thousand and eleven when price moved twenty five percent higher from thirty eight to forty eight was all on the backs of bank or commercial short covering it wasn't specs buying the specs were getting out it was the banks that were short covering so going back to two thousand and eleven with the crash of p. morgan by silver idea right then we thought ok see this is j.p. morgan with naked shorts getting squeezed and having a buy back their shorts in
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a higher price and against spiking the price twenty five percent in a month then we know what happened next with the may day massacre we had five margin hikes in nine days all of that stuff to help j.p. morgan out well back at that same time in march of two thousand and eleven j.p. morgan got a rush rush approval to open their own comix silverball because back in the day they didn't have one they didn't have any silver they were just naked short lease that's what we were speculating and his price was rising their risk of loss was was basically infinite to be short you know maybe twenty thousand contracts a silver that's going up a dollar a day. so they rectified that day they got this rush rush approval to open their own ball they started with nothing obviously in two thousand and eleven and now they're up to one hundred forty million ounces lot of folks wonder why is it their own silver that sort of thing all we can go off of are these again the c.m.e. reports showing that in the period if i go back to two thousand and fifteen fifteen
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through seven thousand that three year period j.p. morgan took delivery of about fourteen thousand comix silver contracts at seventy million ounces into their house account ok so while they are the custodian the s. will be in the prospectus yes if he says they can hold. the silver in new york pretty easy to say that at least half of that hundred forty million ounces is j.p. morgan is their own and now going forward as they sure are still are minit be late managed the price they've got these i don't know maybe one hundred million ounces backing their contract allows them to be short twenty thousand contracts of price ever goes up they can just physically deliver it out and be out of the game entirely and not have this open ended risk that they had in two thousand and hope that kind of sums it up at least that's how i see it yeah yeah it's grave and i want her out close he came to bankrupting j.p. morgan and putting jamie dimon out on to the stray we know that when they acquired
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bear stearns i inherited this enormous short position our investigative journalism kind of uncovered this vulnerability to their balance a we encourage the world to buy ounces of silver it's a cross j.p. morgan and there was some collateral damage bligh's masterson was kind of the arcus trader the whole thing lost her job she kind of has buried ourself in the crypt of as us now jamie diamond of chorus has had to issue a mic culpa on the wall on the ethics of the financial times they add him to account for this massive vulnerability on his balance shape and now they're in the . business of acquiring sell for which is great for silver it's august money it's real money and you know they've had to take an enormous hit to their balance sheet if they didn't get a free open the spigot from the fed what's free money at zero percent interest rates jamie diamond would be selling hot dogs in central park right now because they've got that relationship with the new york fed and the primary dealers and the
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system is rigged to support the dollar in a way that unconscionable we know they're still breathing sadly now tell us about the revelations of some of the manipulations that have been going on the so-called the legend what's been revealed so far krag well know that now we're getting to the heart of the matter and how price is manipulated indians you know i'm glad you brought that up max because i've seen several i guess theories put out there now and they're kind of a revisionist history about what happened to the price of gold when it peaked out in september of two thousand and eleven and maybe we can we can touch upon that because i which you're pointing out is this article that came out late friday talking about the spoofers that andriy flow trying to guy from u.b.s. and other guys that u.b.s. and do it your bank that were caught now red handed spoofing manipulating massaging managing whatever you want to say the price of the precious metals acting
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coercively collusive lee to get that done. that's kind of a it's not a bets not a big scale thing though a lot of time to just traders at these banks manipulating things back and forth and in and working together to get it done back in september of twenty eleven though it was that there was a much bigger picture going on because when the price of gold peaked out and nine hundred twenty dollars an ounce on september the sixth of two thousand and eleven that was the same day that the swiss announced they were paying the franc to the euro. and prior to that through august of two thousand and eleven there was rushing to safe haven because the us had budget crisis in the debt level was soaring and all this kind of stuff in the us is debt rating and the only two save even is left where the swiss franc and gold and both were soaring on the same morning that the swiss went all in and pegged their currency to the euro going forward where this massive dump of like fifty thousand contracts in about two in the morning new york
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time and smashed gold for sixty or seventy dollars and down it went from there and the rest is history and again to now people are trying to conflate that. with the. lost my train of thought they're trying to conflate that to the gold forward rates and then the live or rates and whether there was backwardation in london and whether it was these triggers that response thing yet at all probably had something to do with it when gold was smashed on the heels of silver getting smashed it was definitely a central bank operation to keep gold price in check and to avoid a total loss and faith of global fee got because there was no fee left that deserved to have any faith in it just to keep on the same f. spoofing for a second you know the market has buyers and sellers and a spur for a while show up with a huge selloff it or you know that would cost us both her hundreds of millions of dollars to execute it and they show the market this author that they are claiming
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to be a good auditor and they scare all the little guys into selling because they're like oh my god this freight train of a sell orders coming we better get out now and then they sell they take the economic loss and the spoofer just cancels their off or they cancel the sale they never had the intention of making good on that sale and that's not a well documented hundreds of times as now debate as to why this boat thing goes on high frequency traders use it to bilk markets and to. steal cash from many heirs but no one doubts that no one questions that and people believe that the markets are made up of buyers and sellers on a cash basis and that the price is purely a reflection of supply and demand what we know now conclusively and will say this emphatically once again that these prices are the result of santa maters that represent no money and the regulators are clearly and on it they simply have looked
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at it you know they regulators over there at the c.f. to see looked at plain evidence bill murray over and gather showed them trade by trade tech for tech exact examples concrete smoking gun evidence of manipulation and they were like the guy from the movie cars a blogger who said i see no gambling going on in this establishment and then the guy another guy comes around says oh miss you here are your winnings you know it is such a clear example of a captured regulator that we've never had it such an obvious example but they claim according to alan greenspan going back to some of his testimony when he was federal reserve chairman back in the day he claimed to congress that manipulation spoofing and and crookery was necessary to keep markets liquid so you know that's his rationality for maintaining a status quo of crooks is that while we need it for liquidity krag your thoughts
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max s. is such a nonstarter i mean h. if he's control everything all markets now and this claim of the end liquidity is a joke i mean the liquidity ad is a mile wide and six inches deep because it can all be cancelled in a microsecond by these computers you know but getting back to the sea if you see you know they had this this investigation allegedly for five years and whether silver was manipulated and as soon as the whistleblower showed up to give them the absolute proof they swept it all on the rug and closed it and then oh i don't know what about two years later three years later there was class a. ass action suit in two thousand and sixteen that finally was allowed to go through again get into the legal discovery phase and that's how we found out about these chat rooms and the e-mails and everything else of these spoofers and the other manipulators and it was only through that evidence that then the c.f. t.c. came out and find these guys about six eight weeks ago maybe a little more of them have been late last year regardless the c.f.d. see with five years somehow in their inspector clues oh fashion couldn't find
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anything but then assume they have a percentage of the as you say the contracts are cancelled and a microsecond saying you're not exaggerating there are talking about a million trades per second and the technology far more trades per second keeps going higher really trying to defy the laws of the space time continuum one can only think that as far as goldman sachs is concerned they like to take time and go backwards so they can commit fraud in the past and book it on their balance sheet craig we've got to take we got to leave actually can you stay for another segment journo problem right well thanks that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with max kaiser and stacy herbert in real time not in microseconds little spoof they give you the real deal by catch it on twitter it's kaiser apart and so on. but you know.
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with all make this manufacture consent to the public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round listen to the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. you. see this is harder than kentucky. ministry fanny's. a co money city with no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the pay rises
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that. sees people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's how it's happened. what it looks. like. to. fix much of the coast of.
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russia slums america and its allies over the strikes against syria saying they have violated the un charter mosco is also calling for an emergency security council meeting over the aggression. president trampled of the strikes in response to an alleged chemical attack last week the allies that struck just hours before experts from the international chemical. weapons watchdog would you to arrive at the scene of the poison that tom. parsons prime minister justifies the attack on syria limited targeted and defective the leader of the u.k. opposition party denounces the operations thing the bombing wouldn't save lives.


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