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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2018 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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i. am. the u.s. the u.k. and france carry out strikes against the syrian government in response to an alleged chemical attack in eastern the intervention came just hours before international inspectors were due to arrive to investigate the claims. the united nations security council will meet in an hour from now to discuss the attack which russia says was a clear violation of the organization charter. while the u.k.'s prime minister lord of the joint military operation against assad's government as limited targeted and
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defective. five pm this saturday here in moscow my name's colum bray and this is the news from r.t. international just one story dominating awfulness in today american british and french forces have pounded syria with missile and strikes the attack took place in the early hours of saturday morning and came in response to allegations that the syrian government used chemical weapons against civilians claims the u.n. watchdog is still yet to investigate. the two. as i said in an hour's time the u.n.
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security council will hold an emergency session of the request of russia which calls the strikes a violation of the u.n. charter i got more of moscow's reaction from correspondent dan of well president putin has condemned in the strongest words as to what happened as these strikes conducted by the u.s. the u.k. and france he said that they targeted not just to the military facilities but also to civilian infrastructure is world saying that this goes against in violation of all international norms and in fact it wasn't sanctioned by the u.n. security council has also said that it's pretext for the strikes the u.s. and its allies used a fake used a staged chemical attack he said that in a statement he said that he did not believe that the chemical it. let's cross to the russian foreign minister who's speaking live to senior members. let's teach gave the order i would like to remind everybody that this is exactly
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what they said a year ago or a little over a year ago when this same white helmets reported that. in province that sarin was used and. there's a well most of it was again incontrovertibly in our western partners immediately seized up on the z. rumors. published very dubious. as incontrovertibly dence we insisted. on o.p.c. w experts being deployed to the area they told us this was impossible because for security reasons and eventually it came out that the old p.c. w. received information from the french and from the britains that they had samples from hunchy hone and those samples were studied. labs
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in france and in the u.k. and they said it was sarin. we're serious people so we naturally contacted the prince and the british asking how they got hold of those samples and if. these samples are in london and paris this was done by people who are capable of operating. notwithstanding the security concerns that existed at the time before so we said why wouldn't you use the same people for writing security for all p.c. w experts so they can travel. to the ground and gain access to these samples according to the procedure specified in the chemical weapons convention. our partners declined to do so they said this was totally on their surgery because . their evidence was in controverted buildings and well we said could you please
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share your evidence with us we would like to look into those facts and make sure that it is all. true and then they refused well the rest is history now as regards do make again they say they have incontrovertibly facts. and that's what they claim. to justify the airstrikes they launched. but all they have is posts on the social media and this short which is actually funny for real experts still president macron who publicly said they had incontrovertibly evidence. proving that chemical weapons were used by the regime by the assad regime as they call it in duma and the day before yesterday he talked to the president and then their conversation president putin. referred to the public statement by the french leader about this evidence and asked him to share
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this evidence with russia because if this really did happen we would be the first to stop such. activity the use of chemical weapons what he said in response was we are unable to provide you with this evidence because it's secret it's not our secret. well. we should still these people who don't want to share their intelligence used it as grounds for launching an attack and this happened one day before all p.c. w experts who were already there which were to go. to the incident site to establish facts whether chemical weapons were used their own not by the way they still say they're ready to go to do mark. in order. to accomplish their mission there we should be sure that we will get back
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to this i hope that this time will they will be allowed to go there because of officials and then there are a few episodes what happened a year ago like i said and in addition what happened recently they have one more thing in common on the april fourth last year when the white house that circulated the. report i got a call from rex tillerson who said we know that chemical weapons were delivered by an ear bomb the airplane to. air base and we ask you to insist that the syrian government agrees for inspectors including american inspectors to visit this airbase. to see if this was truly so we got this permission but by the time we contacted the washington they already have launched their air strike which this time
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a representative of the u.s. embassy visited our ministry and among other things. he presented the american position he said they were confident. we replied to him that our military experts and our chemical weapons experts should. have inspected this site when they were talking about what they showed in the video this hospital and other things and did not find anything there and he said it would be possible for american experts to go there we said that's a great idea let us talk to damascus and the daily mirror again president putin the when he was talking to president macron president putin responding to the claims by his french counterpart who said that there is no doubt that this was done by the syrian government asked him if france would like to do. lloyd french experts who would work together with russian experts and american experts and examine the
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situation on the ground you know. we have contacts between the defense ministries and then nine of the french colleagues contacted the defense ministry or the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation and again as you know they launched their airstrikes instead so it was. look. we. really want to establish the facts very often they tell us that they have all the facts they have incontrovertibly facts and evidence but when we have them to share and they said you know why your intelligence services know everything very well themselves so we would like to focus in this particular incidence and in other incidence as well on facts. including the so-called screwball case. because you know in this particular case
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are used to purchase. counterparts refused to answer dozens of questions that we asked a different times which. always sais that this was the work that you did not answer any of our questions well i would like to remind everybody that the questions they asked was only one question and this question was about us they wanted russia to acknowledge. how we took was deliberate to london whether it was done by the order of president putin or it because russia has no control over its chemical weapons stockpile that was the only question well our questions were extremely specific. that it is not our questions were based on. but it was more difficult going. based on the chemical weapons convention.
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with this in this is have a note here saying that the pentagon justifies the near strike against syria before any conclusion by p c w. well this is not true we followed the situation minute after minute in the syrian government was really they were waiting at the border and they were willing to let experts go there immediately. so they would see mediately this was an official statement and the o.p.c. w. is aware of that so americans also should have known the buzz this ok let me get back to what i was saying earlier is you know. the british invited a group of. experts. this was done by a law to really they said later we will inform everybody but their conclusions
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and their reported by this group of experts was circulated first in the form of a resume. for a public consumption and then they circulated a detailed confidential version of this same report which was intended only for members and this report. goes in with these that. said we should. all only talked about the chemical formula of the substance that was provided by the british. and all p.c. w. experts also took their own samples they this doesn't contain any names to novacek or unclick that they just give a long chemical formula. and you know she's in the cording to our specialists at this formula. about the points to a substance that has been developed in many countries. and there is no particular
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secret about this formula. well. i'm going to give you some examples like colleagues say that we have someone tell interests we have some secret data but we can't share it you know we also have our ways of getting confidential information and sense of this information has to do with the issues. we completed to life and death and we will not make any secret of this information that we are aware of the threat. is based on information from a swiss from the swiss center of radiological and bacteriological biological analysis this information was obtained confidentially their experts of this center on march twenty seventh have concluded their examination of the samples that were sent to them from by the your p c w these samples of. that were taken by all
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p.c. w experts in salzburg. and this lab in the town of. professional . professional scientists least these are the conclusions that they gave i'm going to quote literally what they rolled back to the o.p.c. double years their conclusion is that of course this is a translation but i will read it out to you in russian so. after this study the samples of the beans substance and its precursors which are belong to the second category of chemical weapons under. the chemical weapons convention to be. chemical substances to get their states human being temporarily within sixty minutes after the use and continues then forty
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days. the substance has been used by u.s. army u.k. army and other need to. countries russia has never. produced anything like this substance also. this substance contains. two thirty four. significant concentration which physically. it's so according to the spirits. there is a high concentration of e two thirty four which would cause. immediate. and since it's highly volatile it would just love the support in the system. because of that i would be impossible for speed. to protect spirits who are able to establish. this substance because. the
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period of time that happened was that. the took place was quite substantial over a week and there your description you know. has been discharged from the hospital and the condition of surrogate script polish improving which is this looks more like. the substance was used well none of these were sure you know with the facts were mentioned in the final report that. was circulated by the or p c w this is. because of that we will reach out to the your p c w n n we were asked them why and it's important information what i just to read out to year that we have this information that reflects conclusions by experts from this pizza lab was.
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our method was not included in the final report you. should use of course if the p.c. w. rejects so fuck the very fact that they contacted the speeds lab then we would be interested to listen to their explanations as well so i will stop here with my introduction. regarding the recent events so i prepared a totally different speech earlier and i hope we can discuss other matters as well more eternal subjects than the things you know such said incidents what happened to di and me year ago i would like to think our colleagues and journalists. for us. and i really see it's right that was the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov speaking at the meeting
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of the council of foreign and defense policy just outside moscow it's been quite a bit of time talking about the script script poisoning the mentioning about the reporter only talked of a formula and it was a formula that's available to a number of countries. and there's no particular secret about formula before body was for talking about the syria attacks overnight of course the joint attacks from the u.s. france and the u.k. . they've been justified only by media reports that the people who had intelligence that they said led to those strikes being ordered weren't being shared with people who could have done something to stop it if indeed there was anything to stop in terms of chemical capabilities and serious of the russian foreign minister addressing a gathering near moscow in the past few minutes. right next in his first tweet after the attack overnight donald trump thanked two u.s. allies and said the results couldn't have been better he called the strikes perfectly executed despite russian and syrian military saying that most of the
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missiles have been intercepted by defense systems. these are pictures from video agency showing the aftermath of one of the strikes you can see what syria says is what's left of a scientific research center near damascus where those pictures of the moment we were showing them to you. of course it was the rubble of the research center one of the free that we heard a pentagon talk about last hour the pentagon claims it centers like this for providing the syrian government with chemical weapons capabilities which could be knighted by damascus more than has more on how the attack unfolded. but we heard an announcement from u.s. president donald trump about the pending strike against the syrian government in coordination with the u.k. and france he used some rather inflammatory language it's kind of almost trademark language of us present a very terrible regime these are not the actions of a man. they are crimes of
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a monster instead so today the nations of britain france and the united states of america have martial their right to use power against barbarism and brutality now after that we got a military update our we heard from general joseph dunford as well as u.s. secretary of defense james mattis it's important to note that when james mattis was speaking not only after the attacks but also earlier in the week he wasn't willing to go into detail about the attack and was rather vague about the kind of information that he actually had but i am confident the syrian regime conducted a chemical attack on innocent people. we are very confident that chlorine was used we are not ruling out certain right now we have the intelligence level of competence that we needed to conduct the attack. i believe there was
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a chemical attack and we're looking for the actual evidence the o.p.c. w this you're going to station for the chemical weapons convention and we're trying to get those inspectors in if we get them and we will not know who did it they can only say that they found evidence or did not broader in the international community there is simply not consensus about what actually happened in the syrian town of duma we've seen the u.n. security council meetings and we've seen a big disagreement between countries russia's representative has come forward before the u.n. security council and said that they have sent russian experts and russia chemical experts to do at it in duma they have not found any traces of chemicals they have not found any victims who have come forward and said they witnessed or that they themselves are victims of chemical attacks no one in hospitals being treated and we then heard nikki haley the representative of the united states before the u.n. security council did a chemical weapons attack happened. yes the u.s.
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has analyzed he yes it has happened the u.k. has analyzed yes it has happened france has analyzed yes it is that three separate analysis all coming back with the same thing there is proof that this happened people were anticipating this strike because of donald trump's tweet saying telling russia to get ready for the missiles you know insulting the syrian president was certain language are waiting to see what the next move is and what will happen next in the international community. see how things are right now in damascus to enlist . the twelve hours or more from these attacks how are people in damascus reacting and what's life like there right now. what initially it around four thirty in the morning the reaction was very it was very surprising you know it was one of one of surprise that the u.s. had actually what struck damascus for the first time in seven years and after the
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initial one hour long bombardment of different sites within damascus and in hama and in homs the reaction that kind of go back to normal if you like it's one of defiance one of showing the united states france and britain that life will continue as normal in damascus we've seen numerous pro. syrian military protests pro-government protests today and in damascus in the end in other areas we've seen rallies denouncing the decision of donald trump and enco to strike syria in the early hours of yesterday evening and we've seen this syrian president upload a video this morning of the president assad going into work at nine o'clock as i asked the usual last continuing is normal so it's a very strong message from damascus one of thursley defiance to these attacks which occurred yesterday and the second one is that regardless of whatever you do you will not break the will power of the people in this country. and that's been something which has been very present around damascus throughout the day even at
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the current moment of time as we speak now in a maureen square within the center of damascus pro-government rallies are continuing and have continued throughout the day just to show the world that life is continuing as normal and it's and it's something which we've grown accustomed to here in syria after seven years of very vicious and very brutal war these strikes there richly literally only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to suffering of people in this country and their ability to become accustomed to these developments in. the echoes of war and to show that they're more powerful than the strikes and yet danny an hour ago we were hearing from the pentagon joint director of staff about the three supposed chemical sites that were targeted there and they were very specific sites that were taken out there and that it was successful it's a no concern then where people where you are that if they hit plants that had chemicals in that that there might be toxic repercussions. well i can absolutely unequivocally confirm there are no toxic chemicals in chemicals in the sky in
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damascus or anywhere in syria at the moment. for that matter of fact this three areas which were targeted was and but is it a military research laboratory in the east of damascus miserable etree airport in this in the center of damascus and reportedly research facility in the west of damascus and it's quite a close location where i'm i'm currently based i mean my neighborhood should completely or the attack itself happened just to show the level of impact of the strikes in the in these areas and thus far that hasn't really been much coming out of these locations a bit is the imagery by state media showing some of the destruction there are think shown in r.t. at some point today as well in the sea off where there's also research facility which is also been struck evidently this destruction there but no one has shown images thus far so this goes hand in hand with what french president suggested a few days ago that they would strike the syrian chemical weapons capabilities
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around the country now as we've seen there are many issues regarding the chemical weapons alleged use first of all you've got the international delegation ready to enter duma today and there has been for the last two days so attacking syria was there is a u.n. delegation which has. officially entered to investigate these caves in very fired internationally attacking before waiting for that particular claim to come out in its first of all it's not even it's not giving international verification ok and they claim is in russia they have the evidence or we have to leave it there but o.p.c. w team due to get going in the next couple hours we have not far from where you are for now danny makki indian massacres thank you very much for that. the main details once again the u.s. france and the u.k. have bomb targets in syria president trump announced the military action in a white house address late on friday as he spoke explosions rocked damascus the air a missile strikes will most and response to an alleged chemical attack in the syrian city of duma last saturday washington says it's confident the assad
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government used chemical weapons against civilians but the white house has admitted the evidence it has largely based on the media and to go to the polls russia's foreign ministry be in any criticize the strikes saying they came at a time when the war ravaged country finally had the chance for a peaceful future bombings also took place hours before inspectors from the international chemical weapons watchdog the o.p.c. w would you to arrive in duma would isaacson's experts are still expected to carry out that work. that's it for now you're up to date i'll be back to give you the latest on the syria situation in just over half an hour from now if you can join in . the slogan see them so moving. to good use who was before. much of those who heard it's a preview. soon we will. we will we will. move
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. move really. move to show you this new video of the liberal media good. move slow most of the news go through we do films through good good good. good good issues a look why do you assume you want me to slow the story to go. to starbucks to get it to me to do it with the little mist they say look it is it's. your stuff's not distance just me. the mashed old church just for the president and his interim is right until. the view of additions to god listen to snap them up on your good as the girls are
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with you for your supporters to your mission as the nation action for you shook the door for what was your business. kind of a cave max max kaiser this is the kaiser report i love nature i love spring i love these twigs and rocks and pine cones it makes me feel like i'm one with everything that's holy and pure innocent and lovely speaking a lovely let's talk to stacey speaking of holy this is unholy the unholy sneak
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you say you love nature to be true i don't see where that flag with the stink on it there's something american about that i forget exactly the details but i learned about in social studies class back in the one nine hundred sixty s. i believe it's what the modern new hampshire protested against the vietnam war when i was six years old when you were there in washington i heard martin luther king's speech in person on the plaza i was there the moon landing in one nine hundred sixty nine i was there first performed at studio fifty four i've been everywhere. everywhere. every day i remember. saying because that's the one that is the copyright terrorist of the world and they ruin all concepts my cover you know i want to talk about a few tweets that they're interesting charts that we have here to go over and they're both of these charts that i'm going to look at that are the content of the
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