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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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u.s. the u.k. and france couriered strikes against the syrian government in response to an alleged chemical attack in eastern intervention came just hours before international inspectors but you too arrived to investigate initial claims. the time the nation security council earlier on last evening held an urgent meeting on the attack and rejected a russian draft resolution calling for an end to aggression against syria. the u.k. prime minister lourdes the joint military operation against assad's government is limited targeted in effect. and this morning's other breaking news to russia's foreign minister claims the international chemical weapons watch told by north of
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correctly identified the nerve agent used to poison the script files in england last month. hello there good morning just turned one of the morning here in moscow this is our international with me kevin though in one story dominating the events in syria in the last twenty four hours or so in the ramifications from it american british and french forces have pounded syria with missiles and air strikes in the last twenty four hours the attack took place in the early hours of saturday morning and came in response to the allegations that the syrian government used chemical weapons against civilians claims which a u.n. watchdog is still investigating.
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early last evening the u.n. security council rejected a russian draft resolution calling for an end to the aggression against syria it happened during an emergency session that was called by moscow in the wake of the strikes so you wouldn't be cheerleading today is a sad day it's a sad day for the world for the u.n. for its charter that has been brutally violated and for the security council that retreated from its duties. with three votes in favor eight nose and four abstentions the security council shot down russia's draft resolution now the draft resolution would have condemned the coalition's aggression as a violation of international law and it would have demanded that the west stop attacking syria it also would have urged the council to provide conditions for the work on the ground now that's the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons which is in syria right now the russian ambassador slammed the u.s.
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for violating international law and using the security council to further its own interests saying that western countries don't need any investigations to carry out their own will. but it would be stupid it is not we are already used to the fact that when doubtful geopolitical policy is conducted countries or aggressors blame asad lately they trying to shift responsibility onto russia because according to their interpretation it cannot control the dictator all of this has been based on the scheme of what's been tried and tested provocation deceitful accuse asians verdict and punishment is this how you want international affairs to be conducted no this is wholly can is an international relations. the u.s. ambassador nikki haley deflected all criticism and defended the coalition's airstrikes as altruistic so same rhetoric we've all heard before let's take a look at exactly what he had to say a large body of information indicates that the syrian regime used chemical weapons
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in duma on april seventh there is clear information demonstrating assad's culpability the pictures of dead children were not fake news they were the result of the syrian regime's barbaric inhumanity now haley dismissed russia's sentiments as part of a grand russian descent for mation campaign and then she moved on to the question of assad's culpability which she seemed sure of saying quote we are loaded if assad used chemical weapons once again which obviously hasn't been confirmed yet the british ambassador echoed halley statements adding that she will not take lessons international law from russia so it looks like nothing has changed those who carried out an attack based on rumors of chemical weapons use claim to have evidence but never actually present that evidence russia's military says the evacuation of the syrian says you do move from militants is now complete meantime the development means the area were last week's alleged chemical attack took place
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is now under the control of government forces the evacuation was part of a deal brokered by russia and syria which guaranteed passage out of the city for the rebels in exchange for safety for civilians there other developments people into all of syria's largest cities damascus and aleppo of rally the earlier today together against the u.s. led military action you can see flags there being waved in support of the syrian government even some russian flags in amongst all that so this is what residents in the capital had to say about what happened to the last twenty four hours. on the strike to does not break you shall make you stronger we are standing steadfast to syrian people feel of will in our staff that. we condemn and denounce this assault an hour. country we say long leave aside the line of assad will not be shaken these people who were steadfast for seven years will not hear a strike from an ignorant lie of drama as for donald trump in his first tweet after
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the attack he thanked u.s. allies and said the result couldn't have been better from call destroyed perfectly executed despite the syrian and russian military saying most of the missiles have been intercepted in but defense systems here are the three sites washington claims it targeted in syria and which it believes were capable of producing chemical weapons among them is a research facility located between the capital damascus and the city of duma where the alleged chemical instance said to have taken place a week ago now these next to pictures from roughly video agency reportedly showing the aftermath of the strike on that research facility for its part the syrian government says it was nothing more than a civilian scientific center here's how donald trump described the pretext and the attack last night on syria itself. very terrible regime these are not the actions of a man. they are crying of a monster instead so today the nations of britain france and the united states of
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america have martial their righteous power against barbarism and brutality and indeed the pentagon pushed ahead then with the military action despite its chief just a day earlier so admitting that evidence only alleged chemical attack was still being looked into. i am confident the cherian regime conducted a chemical attack on innocent people. we are very confident that chlorine was used we are not ruling out and right now we have the intelligence level of competence that we needed to conduct the attack. i believe there was a chemical attack and we're looking for the actual evidence the the o.p.c. do this your goodness ration for the chemical weapons convention we are trying to get those inspectors in if we get them and we will not know who did it they can only say that they found evidence or did not. discussed moscow's reaction with
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correspondent he goes down oh well president putin has condemned in the strongest words as to what happened to these strikes conducted by the u.s. the u.k. and france he said that they targeted not just to the military facilities but also civilian infrastructure as well as saying that this goes against and in violation of all international norms and in fact it wasn't sanctioned by the u.n. security council has also said that as pretext for the strikes the u.s. and its allies used a fake used a staged chemical attack he said that in a statement he said that he did not believe that the chemical attack took place that in fact the russian military that entered the city of doom of the sites of the chemical incident could not find any traces of the of any toxic agents or anything of the sort not even any eyewitnesses of the attack could be found apparently so
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here's what how vladimir putin described the situation right now the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has deployed its specialist on a fact finding mission. but a group of western countries cynically ignored this launching a military attack without waiting for the results of the investigation russia emphatically condemns this attack on syria where russian servicemen are helping villages government fight terrorists with its actions the united states only exacerbates the humanitarian disaster in syria bringing suffering to civilians essentially abetting terrorists who have been tormenting the syrian people for seven years and provoking a new wave of refugees from this country and the region in general mr poe to mention the o.p.c. w. investigation there any concerns the that might be in jeopardy now yes of course because the o.p.c. w was supposed to begin its mission in syria on the ground in syria its
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investigation on saturday at the us launched its strikes literally hours before the that investigation was supposed to kick off so obviously a lot of questions were raised by whether or not that mission is jeopardized whether or not any objects of infrastructure that were supposed to be examined by the experts over your p c w were hit or damaged now the body has issued a statement it's rather brief one literally just two sentences outlining the current state of events and they're saying that they will be going forward with their mission in syria no details as to whether or not they feel affected in any way by the strikes the white house says it's confident the syrian government did use chemical weapons against its own people but belief of a still appears to be based largely on media and geo reports. this conclusion is based on descriptions of the attack in multiple media sources the reported symptoms
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experienced by victims videos and images showing to assess to barrel bombs from the attack and reliable information indicating coordination between syrian military officials before the attack some of the groups that originally made the claims and which first circulated the images showing the aftermath of a supposed attack have dubious reputations one of them the self-styled civil defense group the white helmets although it's been widely praised in the west for its rescue work its members of repeatedly been accused of having links to extremist groups another source of the claims is the lesser known syrian american medical society of sams it's funded by usaid which works closely with the state department sam's band of multiple countries and has been accused of interfering in domestic politics and promoting regime change the russian defense ministries and laws one of the videos purporting to show the aftermath of the alleged chemical attack in doom or a week ago it says it managed to identify in fact some of the people who were filmed
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in the video one of them claims to be a medical student who says he was working in the hospital at the time those victims were brought in this is more of what he says he witnessed about that incident. my name is. i am a medical student i work in the e.r. department of dumas central hospital on april eighth a building in the city was bombed the upper floors were destroyed and the bottom floor is caught fire at the bottom of the injured from that building were brought to our hospital at the. the residents from the upper floors were suffering from smoke inhalation. and that is what we treated them for based on the symptoms they exhibited during treatment some person came in i don't know who that was and said that it was a chemical attack people got scared a fight broke out the relatives of the victims started pouring water on one another others began to give inhalers for asthma the children even though these people were not medical professionals we did not see any patients exhibiting symptoms of
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chemical poisoning the video which the medic can be see was picked up by a number of news outlets and treated as evidence of a chemical attack but security analyst charles shoebridge told is that given still the lack of clarity surrounding the incident the u.s. and its allies should have waited before striking syria. so we've got a situation where again with the timing of this strike. if you like from politically all of one message is first of all from the perspective of the o.p.c. deb you inspectors going in on the ground on saturday that was well signposted in advance and again the fact that the strike has taken place just before that. america france and britain are interested in waiting for the results of that investigation which might have proved or shown that there was or was not a chemical incident this is where as people can say this is an effective strike i would have very very grave doubts from even from the western perspective this was
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effective in any way other than sending a message and that message is largely must be said i think in america to trump's domestic audience particularly the media and in britain of course. very important local elections coming up right ahead we'll look at the british and the french roles played in last night's serious strikes plus russia says crucial details were overlooked about the nerve agents caused in the script of cakes both those stories after the break.
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we're competing like the insurance industry why for about six dollars a year can i be protected against all these medical emergencies that take place in my car therefore we know that the price of having met. charger be a thousand dollars a year now thirty thousand dollars a year they're overcharging about forty thousand dollars we're going is going to oligarchs america all of our. u.k.'s prime minister treason may praised last night's joint motor action against syria she called the strikes a limited targeted and effective measure and i outlined why britain believes
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assad's government used chemical weapons i cannot tell you everything but let me give an example of some of the evidence that leads us to this conclusion open source accounts allege that a barrel bomb was used to deliver the chemicals multiple open source reports claim that a regime helicopter was observed above the city of duma on the evening of the seventh of april and reliable intelligence indicates that syrian military officials coordinated what appears to be the use of chlorine in duma on the seventh of april we judge it highly likely both that the syrian regime has continued to use chemical weapons since then and will continue to do so. british and french jets could be seen taking off from landing at their bases in the region in the early hours of this weekend with a view next from correspondents in paris and he said rally in london we've heard from to reason made this morning she's been holding
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a press conference here in london at downing street and confirming that for already f. jets took parts in that they launched a series of air strikes how successful those airstrikes have been remain to be seen we're seeing reports from the russian foreign ministry that the vast majority of those of those as strikes were shot down so it's reason may not speaking to the success of them but very clear to make it to make the point that this is not an attempt at regime change but merely in her words trying to deter any future use of alleged chemical weapon we've also been hearing from the opposition the leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn he's the labor party leader and he called into question how legally sound these asteroids parliament should be consulted problem it should take a view on this but instead the strikes were launched last night parliament is in
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session on monday she could have come to parliament on monday to discuss the whole situation instead it launched the strikes perhaps she has about two thousand and thirteen vote in mind when david cameron wanted to also go to war with syria but lost the parliamentary vote and perhaps she was looking to avoid a similar embarrassing defeat there are a number of m.p.'s not just in the labor party but in her own conservative policy her own backbench m.p.'s who potentially were getting ready to rebel against about this attack on syria in polls in the country which. vos majority people are in support of this military action in syria so remains to be seen exactly how dire . politically this could be for to what we've actually been hearing from the french foreign ministry on saturday morning let's listen in directly to what he had to say about france taking part in this coordinated action by the u.s. france the u.k.
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actors in accordance with our responsibility but the use of chemical weapons in syria is an acceptable because it's a violation of international law and basic human rights morning france also released a document outlining its case for why it believes that a chemical attack took place and why it believes that the assad government was behind that attack it says it unless it has had analysts of the photos of testimonies and videos from do you know where the alleged attack took place and it says that after analyzing it has a high degree of confidence that this was not manufactured all recycled and it says that the symptoms they believe all characteristics of chemical weapons there's also been criticism here in france from some opposition leaders including marine le pen this is a major mistake for us and that is one of many mistakes we are mainly through
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resistance thousand and eleven we never stop making mistakes and interfering in foreign countries and affairs we see today the consequences of military actions in iraq where we were wise enough to reward our good and in libya the intervention without any u.n. they would remain or is illusion seemed to me like something that might have serious consequences for the french france itself you don't want to french you have to remain independent and i got a little caution and. we did. because i have this feeling that everything president and once the house on this morning war also some reaction from neighboring country luxembourg this morning suggesting that the strikes can only be conducted based on a u.n. security council resolution which clearly. they do not have. no way from earth to another breaking story this morning russia's foreign minister has claimed the international chemical weapons watchdog the o p c w may have misidentified the type of nerve agent used against the scruples and souls brain
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england last month and he has set these got the latest on that then. key information may have been a metes by the u.n. chemical watchdog from its analysis on the agent used in the poison attack against the script of that's according to moscow findings from a designated look for a tree used by the a.p.c. w. allegedly show another agent a toxin called bees that during the police investigation samples were given to four labs for an independent study and it's now claimed one in switzerland found traces of the substance the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov is questioning why the presence of bass that wasn't mentioned. in the border. is more consistent with the use of the poisonous substance be said none of these facts and nothing at all about it was mentioned in the final report which was presented to its executive board we request that the a p c w explain why such information and the conclusion of the
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spears laboratory was emitted from the final report the talks in baghdad as extremely harmful side effects include confusion lead fission and the loss of motor function this can happen an hour after exposure with severe symptoms lasting up to forty eight hours the toxin was festival that by the us army back in the fifty's and official say it was never produced in russia or the sapient union instead of including these findings by the swiss up the u.n. chemical watchdog focused on confirming the u.k.'s analysis this tape has prompted many questions from russia with the foreign ministry stressing up to twenty other countries could have produced the notorious novacek chemists have also questioned the potency of now we talk saying the consequent his could have been much worse for the victims but having symptoms that for those in minutes if it gets in the skin symptoms and can take from minutes. to be very toxic highly toxic five to a dime's more toxic than the x.
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which is already very very toxic so small amounts. should have killed. for sure but again it's very difficult to assess and evaluate this kind of question before knowing exactly how the product was delivered nearly a script power has since been discharged from hospital but a father still remains that now in a stable condition moscow has repeatedly are slanted for joint investigation and after a series of specific questions about the case they have been refused but with new findings beginning to surface and many questions still unanswered the case continues to unfold you know a short time ago i spoke to a former u.n. inspector in iraq chemical weapons specialist dr kenneth told me the more details come to light about the script problem best occasion the more questions being raised about london's account i believe that the u.k. made a mistake. by releasing these detailed report to the other state
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parties to the convention why because the more information is released the more questions will be to i believe that russia so that detailed report. from their report that swiss laboratory. identified. these. chemical agent in the samples brought from salisbury the death from bees that. is quite rare the lethal dose is very high but at the same time the bees it actually affects the nerve system of a human body not that states had. a chemical agents from nine hundred sixty two and nine hundred sixty five because it russia didn't have busy. in its arsenals.
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without the slightest montes so far this is the sunday morning here in moscow is kevin i mean sunny also in france watching and letting you know that thomas is safe for the coming hours with any breaking developments of good also.
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for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star among us and a huge amount of pressure come after you have to go meet the center of the beach but how would you and you show the great gate bridge you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the doll going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join that for the thousand in the in the world cup in russia meet the special one come on top of. me to just say the review the aussie team's latest edition to make up is because i need to just say look. american sanctions would be damaging but i mean that is the. justice is
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a threat is this all of us would use a country like addition and when it thinks it doesn't need it anymore it just costs the way i think it's very immoral. yes. yes the welcome wagon redacted announced the comedy show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents as you know all of congress them selves this week for the testimony of mark's doctor berg the little the no boy gave us concerning concerning the cambridge analytic a scandal facebook is facing a fierce backlash after news broke that cambridge analytic a company that worked with the twenty sixteen trump campaign obtained information
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about tens of billions of users a company of change info about tens of millions of users what what what why. well wait isn't facebook a company and told they have all of the data of all of the billions of people and that's ok because they're the good guys rights you know they're the good guys because facebook has donated to them most of the senators at that hearing so that makes them the good guys you know that was a good kind of data step but senator bill nelson is worked i think if we don't get our arms around this world none of us are going to have any privacy anymore have we don't get our arms around this none of us are going to have privacy in terms of what we have our arms around behind closed doors right. i got bad news for you senator nelson we gave away all of our privacy law going to go to
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obviously there is a lot of private data that is being utilized that people are willing to give up so if i happen to communicate with a friend on facebook i want some chocolate. so an advertisement for chocolate pops up now are we willing to give that up life is like a boxer cha. so far during this interview senator nelson has talked about having his arms around her bird and also wanting to. i think mr nelson might be into boy genius is i think. he's got i got her before i. could take his discussion with dr bird wasn't a whole load or had could have gotten ugly it was a lengthy meeting and i ask all of the staff to step out show despite you won
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awards oh my god. they said what are consenting adult social media cyborg guys with consenting taxidermy raploch of a us senator is none of our business all right but back to the point reading your conversations and advertising chocolate or whatever that's facebook's entire business model they read all of your information and then manipulate you that's why it's free to be on facebook you pay them by handing over your thoughts dreams desires fetishes quirks fears pole pods pet peeves and eccentricities that's what you give them and bill no sin admits this that's their business model and facebook but then the question is when people bad actors like the russians start using the platform to undermine.


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