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tv   News  RT  April 16, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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for eight years to come. construction sites for abandoned by the dozen and left to rest and to cave. in construction began and the peak of the list is now nearly complete. occupied in part by survivors of the the neighborhood seems sadly empty. here and with the downturn in the economy. boil prices. i can still raise more money than i can back home. just. now as much as i used to.
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i consider myself fortunate because i still have a job as talk no friend just yesterday he got laid off so he's got to go back to louisiana to find find work. because there are not too many people hiring a. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront a shouldn't let it be an arms race based on off and spearing dramatic developments only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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and. something happens in this case it was the chemical attack on civilians in syria and then the public in the media are waiting for the response i think it's very clear now that if president trump said that there is going to be a response then it will be i just think that our expectations in a way that this american response will be so severe that it will be a game changer i think this is not the case it will again be misadjusted a very careful calculation by the americans not to deteriorate into a question a direct confrontation with russia.
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this is a city of angeles when the u.s. military moved out the six tourists moved in. and now a whole generation of fatherless children is growing up here. a dad and. compassed and pull down. i think the east in general i asked i know you know. that her son. that he's in the first tank in the t.v. crew seems easy for him and takes you for a night answer is more on that now and that it's real or is this. that's a good idea what my god if. they. can take the deal is that you can't take a little girl. you know women you know. oh i love you. if you.
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it's hard. but i'm. i made him good money and i paid bills off me both to help my children out and. my children are very poor. just something that has to be good. you know that it's just like this job too you know two nights ago i wanted to go home i was tired. but. the roof was
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high tanks we had to haul the water otherwise to the well shut down and. people get upset so. you do what you have to do. in the oil. adults has slowed down but still steady and you know just well doing three jobs every day of the week. said the donor shabd it's work about sixty eight hours and then in the day for the guy doing
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construction maybe five or six. and this he's now working out three or four making the sandwiches and. i read this place to adam for only three hundred fifty dollars a month he has the whole downstairs to himself. which is a little bit messy. i claimed. he had to leave california because there's no jobs why is there no jobs there's too many
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mexicans makes good to do the same job i was doing for half of the price. you know how many donuts oh. wow. they were twenty four doesn't. have. been encouraging out of to save some money. so that he can move his family here and put a deposit first and last month's rent on an apartment he's a good father he misses a little girl. mr. forward . so. when oil reached twenty nine dollars a barrel we weren't doing anything march was a bad month but now it's suddenly picked up to forty dollars
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a barrel and we're busy again the companies have done so much cost cutting and efficiency that if the price goes to fifty it will be like it used to be eighty. the rig counts the number of rigs drilling new holes in the ground has gone way down from over two hundred to i think the thirty five rigs active in the block and . as time goes on without new wells being drilled and fret our one point one million barrels a day will go down naturally slowly in some point in the two to five years there will be a supply and demand reversal whereas now we're oversupplied will be under supply and the price will shoot up. between now and then it will go like this and at some point it will go up. and if the price go ever goes to one hundred and it will
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someday. north dakota will be crawling with workers looking for housing and there will be a huge labor shortage the companies will be throwing money at us. now we're mostly working for folks who have oil rigs oil pumps on their land and they have those monthly checks coming in from the old companies and they're spending money on their homes. or lot of people have disappeared out here gone back home i guess i know some are gone back to the bozeman big sky area because constructions doing ok there some went back to minneapolis some to idaho but yeah a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here anymore they're all gone just slow down too much they lost their jobs got laid off so couldn't put in the hours a lot of families to a lot of guys in the oil business the higher ups the guys making more money they've gone to south america in the middle east so they'll be back i guess some day but.
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so that's the general process. sort of her cleaning the litter. i could buy a house and i did i could stay in a very nice apartment but i don't need it and i have very low overhead and i like it that way and i don't have a lot of needs. so this is stuff. that is just this was a born garage and there was a snow storm and heavy snow storm about three years ago i suppose and this snow
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load on the roof caused the roof to collapse so anyway it's kind of an open air garage and. i. have a hose hooked up in there and i wash it off and rick. thank . you the oil industry has changed dramatically and i don't like to see that i see companies going out of business and people being fired and laid off and loading up a u.-haul trailers and heading out of town and it's sad. it hasn't really affected me because. we service the infrastructure that has been built and once that infrastructure is built it still needs to be maintained i'm very thankful for that sort of share here.
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so tonight we'll. do. one of the last minute rush. but it's nice to have the company and i actually enjoy . as i said before i've if you're really outside of. the former girlfriend kamal difficult times oh you're like the only visitors that i've had here. in the over forty years that i've been and will most. used to be are are or who are interested in girls. that like politics i've come to realize
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well politics is a scam girls are just problems. i mean. so i stay away from both of. you. for. this gas station over here we used to deliver to them. three four dozen donuts last week they quit the order altogether because nobody was coming in to i don't so. it was one more. it's always get this one and keep on going around the corner.
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because you're going to go on out to get the best that. you should pay for they said. cindy the owner of the other manager of the store there. her business is down so far that she's had to. take on a second job now so she soles cosmetics to women here in the oil field. we gave a lot to come up here but we thought it was going to be best for our family we talk to the oil boom would be here for at least another fifteen years and that we would
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be able to. be able to make enough money to pay for our kids to go to college. they were can dream is changing is not what it used to be. and. it's a tough reality and new york. is still a boom will come back but if it does it'll be much much more shallow
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a growth curve. and i won't be nearly as. much money and. i'm not. going to try optimist. i think it's going to come back. from.
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because of the slowness of the mood of them so a moment. of good you those who are local was before. much of those who heard the preview or most few of them do so see him with the north we will forgo. the move. move when it's.
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all show you that look beautiful live look i mean it's a it's a look or a good. movie most of these girls will give you films for good govt. the british will say look i'll do the same you bore me if you show the story moves or you should go. to starbucks to. get to me to do it with the lid of the mist makes you look it is it's. just ashton understands the story of the mashed old truck to stop the president and please control this project until. those we have produced a toast in this world to snoop on what i knew of because that was the girls who were to swear his supporters to your machine station shouldn't for you should put door for one whose job is the ripples to.
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crush. maximizer financial. survival guide stacey let's learn us out fill out let's say i'm not so i can hear cleese. of the fight well straight shot thank you for something. on the story that's true if you looked at slavery. four men are sitting in a car when the fifty's get shot in the head. all four different versions of what. one of them is on the death row there's no way you could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. of
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. the week's top stories america the u.k. and france launch an assault against the syrian government in response to an alleged chemical attack in eastern gouda the strikes were carried out without un approval and hours before an international team arrived to investigate the claims. russia's foreign minister says an independent swiss and lab identified a second toxin used in the poisoning of sergei and yulia screwball but that is findings were ignored. and tensions are running high near the fringes city of knox where people activists and police have clashed throughout the week over forced
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evictions from a woodland site. but as you can see behind us the sea all rights and the police have come into another sad despite this is a point where. a couple of dozen people were trying to hold office. you can see that he said pushing the way. broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our international recapping week's top stories with our weekly program. now in the early hours of saturday morning the u.s. the u.k. and france hit syria with a series of coordinated missile and air strikes the attack came in response to allegations that the syrian government used chemical weapons against civilians claims that international inspectors are still assessing.
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well as for donald trump in his first tweet after the attack he thanked the united states allies describing the strikes as perfect and saying that there could not have been a better result but despite trump's enthusiasm there is no doubt over the legality of the move his arteries you go down off explains. a perfectly executed strike if we've learned one thing from trump's tenure so far it's that he feels he can do as he pleases this week strikes on syria are a textbook example of how far this can go to batter a sovereign country with over a hundred retaliate three missiles in response to a chemical attack you have to be a hundred percent sure that that attack happened instead america's conviction was
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built basically on online video and sources this conclusion is based on descriptions of the attack in multiple media sources the reported symptoms experienced by victims videos and images showing to assess to barrel bombs from the attack and reliable information indicating coordination between syrian military officials before the attack while my colleague kendall anian and i have learned today that the u.s. now has blood and urine samples from some of the victims of this attack in syria last weekend and that those samples according to u.s. officials tested positive for chemicals toxin samples very fired witness and victim accounts provided by a u.n. backed chemical organization would have served as rock solid proof but trump apparently figured why bother launching the strikes just hours before the your p.c. w. probe on the ground was sure jule to start experts abound to proceed with the investigation
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anyway but in the face of the strikes they are presented with an additional challenge now holding up the very relevance of the probe another obligation for an attack of this kind u.n. approval but that's not a chapter of international law for trump just a nuisance does my duty to remind member states that there is an obligation but equally when dealing with methods of peace and security. to act consistently with the charge that of united nations and with international law in general the un charter is very clear on these issues but even with the un brushed aside the us congress has to give the green light for the attack on paper it turns out the defense secretary is promised to run the decision with the lawmakers was empty it is hard to find a legal justification for that military strike in syria absent congressional
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approval so whatever you decide to do i would hope you would include the legislative branch we will be reporting to congress and finally allies in ideal circumstances they'd be rallying on mars beside washington unleashing their joint erath on the enemy this time most u.s. partners while giving their verbal support have sought to avoid complicity ability it we must say as we tell you and so always have that if we need a long term solution to the syrian crisis we not only need to respond to crimes but first of all work towards peace stunt germany will not fight to possible military action and want to make it clear again that there are no decision it's just between c. and c. word this that everything is being done to send a signal that this use of chemical weapons is not acceptable to say none of the formal boxes checked but the mission is accomplished and ignoring all the legalities and almost deliberately rushing headlong into war trump has once again
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shown the only right way is his way. russia lambasted the u.s. led strikes on syria as an act of aggression and requested a meeting of the un security council at the emergency session moscow proposed a draft resolution calling for members to condemn the attack as a violation of international law it also demanded the u.s. and its allies cease their aggression against syria and allow the o.p.c. w. to conduct a thorough investigation but after a heated exchange the draft failed to pass. the governor as washington and london but chose to ignore all calls for sanity you have nothing but disdain for the u.n. charter and the security council which you're using in your illicit aims but the un charter wasn't conceived to protect criminals our action absolutely corresponds to the goals and values of proclaiming in the charter the us and its allies continue to show blatant neglect of international law i will take no lessons mr president in
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international from russia. any unilateral military action violates the basic norms of international law was the time for talk and did last night you don't treat the security council seriously you don't work to its guidelines don't talk to us and you don't consult us the united states is locked and loaded. when our president draws to a red line our president enforces the red line you have sensed it is really due to shoot and its long. standing concern to here we are going to have aircraft several hours old smart new sorrows and a nuclear weapons arsenal now we also know they have this damn point a national law we are prepared to sustain this pressure if the syrian regime is bullish enough to test our well you could use dimmers model is this how you want. to be conducted now this is hooliganism not minor hooliganism super bowl since
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we're talking about a major nuclear powers. people around the world express their anger at the actions of the u.s. and its allies hundreds marched in britain germany greece and america to denounce the intervention. go from the germany's left party told us many in his country oppose any involvement in the syrian conflict we clearly condemn the strike left party in germany we say it's a breach of international law the majority of the people in germany they don't want to be involved so i think we should keep out while there are still. planes in syria the tornadoes and the objects they make pictures we don't know exactly which kind of picture they are they make there's one of germany a company. strootman so we are calling to bring back these.
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these planes and. to bring back the soldiers which i enjoyed on your turkey and are involved because we don't want to be. involved in this war. russia's foreign minister claimed on saturday that an independent swiss laboratory concluded a second talks and was also used to poison a former spy and his daughter in the u.k. last month by sergey lavrov expressed concern that the discovery of the be the agent which russia says it has never produced was not mentioned in the international chemical watchdogs official report on the attack. leash to go to in the bushes in allah says is more consistent with the use of the poisonous substance be said none of these facts and nothing at all about it was mentioned in the final report which was presented to its executive board we request that the a p c w explain why such information and the conclusion the spears laboratory was emitted from the final report the laboratory in question has not addressed in the claim and
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says only the o.p.c. w. can comment but it did stated that it supports the u.k.'s conclusions about the use of it on the chalk nerve agent now be which scientists allegedly found in the samples is a toxic powder that was developed by the united states military back in the one nine hundred fifty s. now moscow says b.z. as a weapon that could be in the hands of the u.k. or the united states but one that russia does not in fact have the u.k. was quick to blame moscow for the attack and salisbury claiming that soviet origin is a clear indicator of russia's guilt and the international chemical weapons watchdog said in that now controversial report that it supported britain's findings concerning the identity of the substance which is what i have now takes a closer look and comments about the growing controversy there was no trial no discussion no evidence new.


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