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tv   Sophie Co  RT  April 16, 2018 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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with the economy in recession the goal for these states his approval ratings. therefore directed to reject the iraqi army from kuwait. which. is president i can report to the nation aggression is defeated the war is over. you don't have to look too far back in history to see world leaders employing distraction tactics so ask yourself this question what would dominate an international media narrative the possibility of a global war or the domestic troubles of a western country you want me to produce your war not a war it's a pageant we need a theme song so this will as we know it's a pageant well to ask of the media of trump's decision as to how water affects of fish truck lives and breathes by media ratings approval there is a long tradition of the president's domestic political trouble using international
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crises to distract the public and it certainly does appear a minimum you have to be the first in the side of military action so in terms of the attack on the syria that we saw over the weekend it does seem to destroy to give the president something to talk about other than stormy daniels and the other issues that he's contending with after the rifling of his personal lawyers offices well the u.k. prime minister to resign may is set to address the house of commons later on monday to explain why she ordered the strikes without parliamentary approval let's discuss this further now with our correspondent on the said check and he's in westminster for us now to our m.p.'s have their chance now to grill may on her decision was the thinking. well that's right make it looks like we're going to have a very intense day of debate ahead as theresa may doesn't factor the m.p.'s that
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are going to be debating the strikes that were carried out this weekend along with the west and france against syria despite plenty of calls here in westminster not just from the opposition but as well as the tory m.p.'s who are saying that it's essential to allow parliament to have a say in this situation which of course had not happened and we are expecting the british prime minister theresa may to talk again about how this was important for issues of national security over the weekend she used the opportunity to talk about evidence and a term that seems to be becoming quite popular in british politics these days highly likely and secular. i cannot tell you everything but let me give an example of some of the evidence that leads us to this conclusion open source accounts allege that a barrel bomb was used to deliver the chemicals multiple open source reports claim the regime helicopter was observed above the city of duma on the evening of the
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seventh of april and reliable intelligence indicates that syrian military officials coordinated what appears to be the use of chlorine in duma on the seventh of april we judge it highly likely both that the syrian regime has continued to use chemical weapons since then and will continue to do so. well just by teresa mayes decisiveness in the situation with going ahead with strikes along with american and french allies certainly here at home there have been lots of questions raised to her we've heard from the leader of the scottish national party tweeting that foreign policy of this country should not be determined by the american president but rather by parliament certainly opposition leader the leader of the labor party jeremy corbyn has spoken out over and over again about the need to consult parliament on this issue this is what he had to say. she could have come to a problem until monday to discuss the whole situation instead go to the strikes she
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claims there is a legal basis for it. in the letter i have just sent to this morning to publish in full legal basis and justification for e. well let's keep in mind that back in twenty thirty in the prime minister at the time david cameron tried to put a similar vote to parliament on striking syria and that did not go in his favor whatsoever so there's been lots of questions here about whether or not a similar situation could have unraveled were the decision to strike have been put in front of parliament if you remember back at the time people were not convinced that another military action by britain would make sense especially following some of the. outcomes of the iraq war that was launched back in two thousand and three so certainly lots of questions there so we are expecting to resubmit to keep our tarried retaliating that striking was an important thing to carry out but it is going to be a busy day of discussion inside the house of commons house of commons for sure and
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we also know that today e.u. foreign ministers are meeting and we've heard from the belgian foreign minister talk about how a military solution to the syria situation is not going to work we've heard from the foreign policy chief frederica ma greeny say that the european union would invest in rebuilding syria only under conditions of a productive political dialogue so certainly still a very burning issue lots of debate surrounding the situation and certainly will be watching what happens here in london today thanks for those details and be hearing more from you in the coming hours as that a six hour long debate plays out in the house of commons today for now it is on to see a check and i thank you well we've spoke to a number of experts who say the u.k. prime minister didn't ask parliament because she feared she would have lost the vote on taking military action. this passing strange that a parliamentary democracy wants to bypass parliament and go to war only twenty two
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percent of british people as a whole were in favor of getting involved in the war in syria and if you look at the data beneath i can see a very significant sector of conservative opinion was very unsure. it may be what it about substantial defections from her own side the war and history will have passed with so little support not even a one of the population supporting it before a shot is fired there's always been a vote of all of them. and exactly to buy. the evidence of the recently published or. discussed in parliament openly and transparently. obvious to me why it was written in the original as it is true to my original starting with what you
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call open sources we know whose open source is. on law and. the waterways so they couldn't actually take a vote and publish the evidence because it would have looked absolutely ridiculous . and italian journalist paolo baron met a claims he's living in fear for his life if the his will to expose an infamous mafia clan last week italian investigators say they obtained a phone conversation between members of the gang on it's one of them allegedly tells his son to murder they were puerto. well with. the. you're here. and investigators believe there was an imminent plan to assassinate baramidze he's now under round the clock police protection but journalist himself ses nafi a bosses have made numerous death threats against him as he runs an anti nothing
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a website hey told us what it's like to live with a price on his head. first i received warnings then letters containing bullets and then anonymous phone calls and then one day i was attacked i was assaulted by two hooded men and since then i've had an injured shoulder so. i've now been living under the protection of a caribbean area for four years i have launched fourteen criminal cases against almost thirty mafia bosses these mafia bosses tried to kill me anyway i managed to save myself from an attack thanks to the skill of the carabineers. i know that at the moment there are five mafia clans the woman i live with five men five carabineers are you following me day and night i live far from my family for my loved ones these five carabineers me in the first people i see in the morning and the last i see at night before i'm left alone with my conscience. he has been investigating details of the clans illegal activities and publishing them online he
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believes mafia influence is spreading across the globe. many journalists do not publish names or photos of mafia bosses many of my colleagues do not do investigative journalism i do i publish names and surnames i publish photos and above all i try to follow their business schemes their money this is a business worth billions not millions we're talking about billions of euros the journalist has a fundamental role telling the truth talking to people and doing investigative journalism. i don't have all been saddled with all of the mafia was defeated we thought this because the bombings were over because arrests were made we did not understand the mafia was radically changing it infiltrated the state and public bodies something of the matter is just an italian problem but unfortunately that's not true the mafia has spread from italy to europe in the world where trouble is
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brewing for starbucks in the u.s. city of philadelphia where it's at the center of the racism scandal i'll bring you the details on that and much more after this short break. when lol make this manufactured to sentenced him to public wells. when the room in closest protect themselves. in the final merry go round to listen to the one percent so. we can all middle of the room six. million real new. american sanctions would be damaging but i mean is this justice is
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a threat is this all us or more jews a country like a tissue paper and when it thinks it doesn't need it anymore it just costs the way i think it's very immoral. welcome back now there is outrage in germany after two rappers known for using anti semitic lyrics in their songs won a top music prize there the controversial lyrics include comparisons to auschwitz prisoners and hints of another holocaust but despite that the rappers won the best hip hop album prize in germany's top music awards last week their latest releases
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sold more than two hundred thousand copies after initially defending their decision organizers of the award have now backtracked germany's foreign minister has called the award repugnant while a group of holocaust survivors have also voiced their outrage political commentator amir oren says artists should not use freedom of expression as a free pass to say anything. of course freedom of expression is a blessing i think we shouldn't restrict the freedom of the obvious toward the creator to break any mold because this is how men kind of progress us but having said this there are a few sacrifices things we should be kept as such and of course for israelis or for jews all over and for people of conscience regardless
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of their faith or nationality the holocaust shouldn't be broached in such. a cheap manner. but it's less than two months ago now to the twenty eighteen world cup kicks off in russia preparations are almost complete in the host cities and anticipation it's growing the twenty eight hundred for world cup is also going to see the first russian referee to oversee the games in twelve years i think it carries the uk spoke to us about his excitement at being part of the competition. you'll see those because i can't even describe my emotions because the shortlist process started four years ago and it's been a long wait for us so when we found out our brigade had been chosen it was just tiredness and relief how you would feel after finishing a very difficult task. but you for you as a rule at tournaments like this one your second wind kicks in and there are no
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thoughts that millions of people are watching and if you're thinking about it then you will definitely fail our work is to walk out and get into the zone which. it all starts when you get inside football life as a referee or should players start to probe you especially young ones checking how you behave in certain tense moments if you position yourself in the right way you won't have any problems during the game in which we have our own star studded lineup for the football extravaganza peter schmeichel stan collymore and joe is a marine all on the r.t.t. page that has already been out checking out the host cities for you his last stop was set around squishes about seven hundred kilometers east of moscow here's his report.
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sure this. is where the cameras are. in the sun. this is where the world starts to me perhaps thanks. to a race ra is brewing in the us city of philadelphia that's off to the arrest of two black men in a stop at a cafe black lives matter activists gathered at the coffee shop demanding a quote i say and that the manager be fired police say they responded to
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a trespassing complaint from starbucks and were told the men had wanted to use the bathroom without making a purchase the men refused to leave the cafe saying they were waiting for friends there they were subsequently arrested handcuffed and removed from the premises as you can see the whole incident was captured on a video by another customer will stop folks to issued an apology the chief executive kevin johnson assured that they stood against discrimination and vowed to meet the men personally to offer an apology the incident though has infuriated the internet community with some saying words are just not enough. sorry apology not accepted until you file all that stuff and make the person apologize in person to them you ain't getting me one step in your place so the c.e.o. of starbucks apologized to these men the real question is why hasn't the employee who called the cops been fired yet i think all of us white folks should go to
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a starbucks today used a bathroom and sit at all of the tables without ordering anything there were other patrons of the starbucks there were just sitting there who hadn't ordered anything do you know they were engaged in it the identical conduct and they were not arrested and forced to face the indignity of being dragged out of a place and hand costs the idea that they would be even a whole these men for eight hours when it was quite obvious that they had done nothing wrong you know i'm really speaks to something important the police have a responsibility not just to do whatever a manager says for them to do they have a responsibility to do an independent investigation of their own and they clearly didn't do that they walked in they found two men who were sitting at a table doing nothing disturbing whatsoever and yet chose to arrest those men anyway. while here with us here we love to hear your thoughts on all of our stories so do get in touch by following us on social media but we're back in about thirty
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minutes with the latest headlines a figure that. one else seems wrong. but also just don't call. me old yet to shape out this day comes after. and in detroit it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when just of the common ground. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw
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a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember in one one business show you can afford to miss the one and only boom bust. a plate for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill you narrowness and spending so you didn't twenty million one ply a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy
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a great so one more chance with. the face of this minute. four men are sitting in a car when the feds get shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way you could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not share around a corner. there
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so miss only. in the philippines city of angeles until one thousand nine hundred one they used to be a u.s. air force base these days though many men who are mostly retired flocked to the city of fallen angels to make peace and love. as a result a whole generation of children is growing up in the philippines as though it was a post-war country huge numbers of children the fathered by foreign sex tourists they have never and in all probability never will meet their dads. hey dad and not been one month the compass the other angle. was then among. them was well you know i know a lot that goes something like. this make me well.
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good like. i woud. know. and he just will not. do. one to. three. go. by you. and cook them and. i that i'm here i'm only to the us i think. i bake gen-y. you like that i mean that sound hopeful for the first e.p. the sky sound i don't want us out on i'm in the sound a lot of the nights feel like this son of a summer perfect that i highly doubt my dad am. i mad that i now. have. the sense
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that. sarah charged us one hundred dollars for the night she's twenty and this is the day that her daughter turns two months old she continues to work in the bar so she can
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afford to feed her baby who's biological father has returned to australia. the fact is that the first back to the t.v. crew use you or takes you for a night. thinking. i'm sure. i know most of the because. at that one really so who are tough and so i would i'm running out of sacking. almost zero zero zero in that if all modern personally for this now because i'm sorry nation and some because only one. hundred seventy. five human will see. that. english and us i mean i first went. to
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small malik the number one man did the log out that the wall you know might be a tough thing missing and we will bet on the sun and moon we don't. go. two hundred that hand lead. but us then you have fun making me getting stuff only. one overcard piece of. the first time we met sarah wasn't in the hotel abroad but her home would visit it to film her. and also be in will start. boxing again i'm not going to let you know i'll still be in line up for sale with. the navy has a daughter too from a scottish client and leaving that bone and the police are. here out with the one
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that i got that's the one where you are lying on the promotion of the one from the bar which only got the old guard name of one really nice. guy don't you write about going. by. he would have been sunk. into working without a lawyer. and. then he had to quit six trades because the bar didn't want to hire her anymore. youth is the only commodity that's a good mom here. in brooklyn in the uk my extra money want to climb into a lot of my money. into them get a robot on bikes make some of them and feel love. with every animal was useful to us and bought one. belongs to everyone bottom up i feel i not . feel. you. i. gave. you
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that judge that said father over. them all of those. basic that we don't know what these. music that we don't listen to what i'm in the one about i'm. about was as a war on the bigness of this up and down of the longboard one of which i don't even look silly in. as your funk and so i thought you were going on a show. and i'm very i'm on a memorable. one of. which i thought about how to cook so well by george you cannot think of the by george in the you know use of the. by george was to get the money and possibly will allow anyone about what it was like and then it would seem to look a lot of one another we had to go there you. won't get the means i will not.
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if you wish it was going to meet with you. not a thing that you. see. that it is really if you look at. it and i say go ahead and. now. it's a go. no. this is no no no. except. i think ok. we're all here see these mounds. oh. really did you give me the sun just don't sit next to. we don't. want to. see you dr expect to know these. people. tomorrow you know look out and so much you know.
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this. is me. this will be taking. it easy. c. j. j. guess it's a done tory. ma you know i know all. my head up. you know thank you. so no you know no no well you know me and i was sort of funny when i don't know what you think will know. but opie lumbermen me it's ok she thought the boy would come up you say i know some of that
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by the looks of it but i mean about you know what they are nickel items are not all . you. know i mean this is a really cool they are models someone has muslims and one is in the b. . c. group all of the listeners are going from one of the lower we three. to may not be able. to. be lethal.


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