tv Cross Talk RT April 16, 2018 11:30am-12:01pm EDT
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iraqi army from kuwait. which. is president i can report to the nation aggression is defeated the war is over. you don't have to look too far back in history to see world leaders employing distraction tactics so ask us how this question what would dominate an international media narrative the possibility of a global war or the domestic troubles of a western country you want me to produce your war not a war it's a pageant we need a theme song so this will as we know it's a pageant well to ask how the media affects trump's decision is to count water affects of fish truck lives and breathes by media ratings approval there is a long tradition of president's domestic political trouble using international crises to distract the public and certainly minimum you have to be the first in the
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side of military action so in terms of the attack on the syria that we saw over the weekend it does seem it's a distraction to give the president something to talk about other than stormy daniels and the other issues that he's contending with after the the rifling of this personal lawyers offices and the u.k. prime minister to resign may is set to address the house of commons later on monday to explain why she ordered the strikes without parliamentary approval british and french fighter jets could be seen taking off and landing from their base in the region on saturday as they joins the u.s. led operation french cruise missiles were also seen being launched from the mediterranean and as the sea a check in a report is now in the upcoming debate on the u.k. prime minister's decision to join the attack on syria. we are certainly expecting a day of heated debate here in westminster at the house of commons as in fact
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m.p.'s will be gathering to debate to rescind may's decision to go ahead and strike against syria along with the us and france this weekend without getting parliamentary approval first despite there haven't been quite a handful of calls not just within the opposition but also inside the conservative party to allow parliament to be able to vote and weigh in on these potential strikes at the time first and of course that didn't happen and we did see theresa may go ahead an act seeing it as justified and necessary talking again about evidence and using the word that seems to have become quite popular over here in britain highly likely i cannot tell you everything but let me give an example of some of the evidence that leads us to this conclusion open source accounts allege that a barrel was used to deliver the chemicals. multiple open source reports claim that a regime helicopter was observed of both the city of duma on the evening of the seventh
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of april and reliable intelligence indicates that syrian military officials coordinated what appears to be the use of chlorine in duma on the seventh of april we judge is highly likely both that the syrian regime has continued to use chemical weapons since then and will continue to do so well we have heard from the leader of the scottish scottish national party she has tweeted saying that the u.k. foreign policy should be shaped by parliament instead of the us president we have of course of course heard from the leader of the opposition labor party leader jeremy corbyn who believes that parliament should have been consulted on issues like this there's even been some talk inside the labor party of potentially reforming the laws when it comes to this this is what corbett had to say she could have come a problem until monday to discuss the whole situation instead it will strikes she claims there is a legal basis for it i've asked to the letter i've just sent to this morning to publish in full the legal basis and justification for it well let's keep in mind
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that back in twenty thirteen we saw then prime minister david cameron set up a vote in parliament on similar kinds of strikes in syria and that was voted down this was of course because largely people were not convinced that it was a necessary step to take especially following all of the if you can put it that way running the iraq war that kick started in two thousand and three under false pretenses so it is widely understood here in westminster that that kind of repeat vote against these strikes could have taken place as well and possibly that's why a vote on this was avoided by the british prime minister and it has to be made clear that she's not under legal obligation to have to put in this kind of vote against parliament however this has been common practice exactly following the iraq war and this was understood to be sort of traditional after the years that followed however this did not happen this time around so we're certainly expecting lots of
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questions raised here in westminster later on today. we spoke to a number of experts who say the u.k. prime minister didn't ask parliament because she feared she would have lost the vote on taking military action this passing strange that a parliamentary democracy wants to bypass parliament and go to war only twenty two percent of british people as a whole were in favor of getting involved in the war in syria and if you look at the data beneath can see a very significant sector of conservative opinion was very unsure indeed it may be. substantial defections from her own side the war in history will have started with little support not even a quarter of the population supporting it before a shot is fired there's always been
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a vote of them. and their leaders that need to buy. the evidence if there isn't a problem or. discussed improbable openly and transparently. obviously we know why the reason is because there is no evidence of truth in my original starting which what she calls open source is we know who these are sources. on law and. so they could actually take a vote and publish that evidence because it would have looked absolutely ridiculous . i tell you and journalist polyp aromatic claims he's living in fear for his life that save his work to expose an infamous now fear clan last week italian investigators say they obtained a phone conversation between members of the gang and on it's one of them allegedly tells his son to murder they were puerto. always. the.
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investigators believe there was an imminent plan to assassinate hayes now under around the clock police protection but journalist himself sais mafia bosses have made numerous death threats against him as he runs an anti mafia website he told us what it's like to live with a price on his head. first i received warnings then letters containing bullets and then anonymous phone calls and then one day i was attacked i was assaulted by two hooded men since then i've had an injured shoulder so. i've now been living under the protection of the caribbean area for four years i have launched fourteen criminal cases against almost thirty mafia bosses in these mafia bosses tried to kill me anyway i managed to save myself from an attack thanks to the skill of the carabineers. i know that at the moment there are five mafia clans the woman i live with five men five caribbean area you follow me day and night we
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will i live far from my family from my loved ones these five carabineers first people i see in the morning and the last i see at night before i'm left alone with my conscience. baron met a has been investigating details of the clans illegal activities and then publishing them on line he believes the mafia influence is spreading across the globe. many journalists do not publish names or photos of mafia bosses many of my colleagues do not do investigative journalism i do i publish names and surname i publish photos and above all i try to follow their business schemes their money this is a business worth billions not millions we're talking about billions of euros the journalist has a fundamental role telling the truth talking to people and doing investigative journalism. i don't have all been saddled with all the mafia was defeated
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we thought this because the bombings were over because arrests were made we did not understand the mafia was radically changing it infiltrated the state and public bodies something of the matter is just an italian problem but unfortunately that's not true the mafia has spread from italy to europe in the world. a top german music award is handed to rappers best known for their anti semitic lyrics i have that story and more after this break. when lawmakers manufactured and sentenced him to public wealth. when the ruling classes and project themselves. with the primary go around the lives only one person told. to ignore middle of the room sick. to. relieve his.
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child's name wrong all but all roles just don't all. the old get to shape out just come out to play and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground the. oh welcome back now there's outrage in germany after two rappers known for using anti semitic lyrics in their songs when a top music prize their controversial lyrics include comparisons to auschwitz
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prisoners and hints at another holocaust despite that the rappers won best hip hop album prize in germany's top music awards last week their latest release sold more than two hundred thousand copies after initially defending their decision the organizers of the award have now backtrack backtracked germany's foreign minister has called the award repugnant while a group of holocaust survivors have also voiced their outrage political commentator on the oren says artists should not use freedom of expression as a free pass to say anything. of course freedom of expression is a blessing think we shouldn't restrict the freedom of. the store did creator to break any old mold because this is how men kind of progress us but having said this there are a few sacrifices things we should be kept as such and of course for
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israelis or for jews all over and for people of conscience regardless of their faith or nationality the holocaust shouldn't be broached in such. a cheap manner. when it's less than two months now till the twenty eighteen world cup kicks off in russia preparations are almost complete in the host cities and mantissa patient is growing at twenty eight hundred feet the world cup is also going to see the first russian referee to oversee the games in twelve years so again caris all spoke to us about his excitement at being a part of the competition. you see those pictures i can't even describe my emotions because the shortlist process started four years ago and it's been a long wait for us so when we found out our brigade had been chosen it was just tiredness and relief how you would feel after finishing a very difficult task with
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a. thank you for your as a rule at tournaments like this one your second wind kicks in and there are no thoughts that millions of people are watching and if you're thinking about it then you will definitely fail our work is to walk out and get into the zone which you should. practice what you need all starts when you get inside football and life is a referee for sure players start to probe you especially young ones checking how you behave in certain moments if you position yourself in the right way you won't have any problems during the game. and we have our own star studded lineup for the football extravaganza this michael dunn cullimore and joe is a marine e o o l and they are they just michael has already been checking out the host cities for you his latest stop is about seven hundred kilometers east of moscow and so around.
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been tumbling ever since this find someone. to listen to. this is where. i'm from. and my son claims. that this is for the world cup starts. that i think that you can have your say on all of our stories by following us on social media but the latest news headlines my colleague colleen bray will be with
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you at the top. of the plate for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the shaper money billionaire owners and spending to get to the twenty million one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so what chance for. peace. four man are sitting in a car when the feds get shot in the hand. for
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a different version of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he can and there's no possible way because do not shoot around a corner. i'm action or attention we're going underground as minority u.k. leader tereza may bomb his targets just hours before the o.p.c. w. goes into syria to defacto assess british culpability for the alleged chemical attack in duma we look at the wider issues coming up in the show. president us out victorious against the islamists who would wish to do nato capitals home under attack for alleged w m d can you gave minority government leader to raise them
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a really take britain to war and u.s. veteran and virginia state senator dick black tells us why a u.s. attack on syria is the wrong thing to do plus with the more threats of war from washington a variation on what einstein said about not knowing which weapons will be used in world war three but that world will fall will be fought with sticks and stones we investigate lethal autonomous weapons all the support coming up in today's episode of going underground but first to more of the united nations security council receives a briefing on british backed fighting in the poorest country in the middle east yemen where the u.k. arms and trains war plane pilots allegedly threatening twenty million people in a conflict that has killed thousands of may recently lobby to sell even more killing machines to saudi arabia which is. bombing the children of yemen the two countries have moved a step closer towards completing a multi billion euros arms deal they've signed a letter of intent to finalize talks on an order for forty eight typhoon planes.
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systems typhoons that are being vigorously marketed by the u.k. titan is the proven multiple aircraft in service the current generation of fighter aircraft in service with five air forces across europe and nato it really is the backbone of european and nato air power not that the use of nato air power always kills every child in airstrikes on yemen the irony a lot of a bizarre little man that a little. while as human a lot. and as one of the. southerners one of the months i was one we've got to learn is that and i would then i'm going to penicillin. we have a salad and because. a lot of it on the level on it. so how do we know we're always in of the. desirable and. it was some of
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that. but how many in britain will survive asymmetric warfare for british islam is returning from their failures in syria and if donald trump's reaction to a russian diplomat threatening to factor retaliation against u.k. and u.s. military assets in the mediterranean we're now back to this the. if you have taken the advice we've been giving you recently you will by now have chosen your room and gathered your materials in a refuge. the time has now come to make everything ready for you and your family in case some air attack happens joining me now to talk about being prepared for the consequences of any u.s. a russia war. when editor in chief of royal your thanks out of coming back on let's just start with whether chemical weapons allegations have become the political
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weapon of choice for western or to excuse western expansionism if you remember saddam hussein used these chemical weapons he wasn't an american and the british side of that time nobody said said a single word about him so it tells you it is a political weapon the use it against the people who are against them but if you are in their camp you are immune from this political weapon and that is what is happening in syria now look at they are accusing of using this why should he use it for example he is actually he was winning the war there. or the armed militia are leaving because donald trump is very unpopular in a european nations but arguably could he actually be being very clever here trying to triangulate between his base that voted him in as a. peacenik who didn't want western interventions and people like john bolton there
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as national security adviser in the so-called deep state that is part of makes a lot of money out of wars i see it differently i believe he lost the plot in syria he is defeated completely this man actually talking. through his calculation his calculator. and judging from you know the profits and losses so this is this is how he actually behave and how he runs his policies you remember he received that chinese president about three months ago or four months ago as a hero and he was praising him and praising his government praising his country for doing trades with the united states now. you know he changed the whole thing he's he wants to impose about a hundred billion doxes on the jail in china made a degree of concession isn't this is big art of the deal making talk whether it be
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on trade whether it be on all out war in the middle east you know the chinese are very wise and they are very clever they know he is like a raging bull and they don't want actually to enter a trade war with the biggest customer. talking about the chinese export to the american working class is arguably the would want to get back there maybe to britain and britain strange role in here do you think britain is stoking this conflict up in the u.k. of course being a key backer of the white helmet linked to islamists in syria we know those people are part of the armed groups in syria and there are financed by the west in a way or another. for britain actually to go. bang the drums of war i think this is very serious but we haven't forgotten the large of mass destruction
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in iraq we haven't forgotten also other lies about using chemical weapons in syria it is you know we need proof ok this country is supposed to be a national country so they almost literally and the third world that look you have to be rational you have to look for proof you have to document the document your evidence and before your issuing any judgment the same thing about the poisoning of this russian agent russian spike or decision agent. ok so look what happened in his daughter is she was actually cleared from any any problems health problems and she's safe and he's progressing without even this man . being killed by this poison you know they kicked out one hundred and fifty russian diplomats so this is this rational diplomatic moves for example
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without evidence even without listening to the british which said clearly that this this this nerves guys is not coming from russia there are sixteen countries and the word who produce these kind of poison so i don't know there is a me i believe i believe actually is committing a grave mistake she is a problem because of bricks and definitely she would like to think that the nation from her internal problems she didn't go to the parliament actually to consult with them about her moves whether toward peace or war he may do this week but it is just i mean without getting too conspiratorial and i'm sure the government does deny this is a means to distract the public away from bragg's that there are british islam is the rebel groups in syria. many of whom may wish to do us harm here in this country what this at least stop them from coming to this country of the war is fought over
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in syria you know in the beginning of the crisis in syria who supported the book who encouraged the british to go and fight muslim bridges to go and fight in syria it was david coming and it was sad to see you know they encouraged them to go there and actually they knew they were financed by you know arab countries like saudi arabia like qatar who are very close to with. this crisis and adopting that the aim of this you know were to topple bashar assad from his presidential palace so we know that so definitely those people now there is going to say it did not actually disappear completely ok may be a state or isis was defeated over the ground but now there are going. underground and with that an arche american spreading in the middle east they could come back any time you could come back here yet you could come back in iraq they come back
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they are already there in libya they are already in afghanistan so who created this crisis because the west actually they want to topple assad on the double qaddafi they want to topple ali abdullah saleh in yemen so they created fayed states and instability in the whole of the middle east as british foreign policy become really an adjunct of saudi and israeli foreign policy i but if yes i believe you know the foreign policy of britain is many pleated by the israeli first by the money of the gulf states to be honest it's it is to create havoc instability in the middle east so they can actually milk these weaker or weak seats in the gulf region in particular who are fully dependent on the west for protection when president said we must actually be paid for the protection of those people we are protecting them they cannot survive for weeks without us. of course
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with syria as you said as won the war no matter what happened even against the let's say four hundred units or whatever is that the death throes of the these kinds of nato powers doing this in the middle east because they're getting some observers being seen as aggressively desperate as they cope with their own what relations obviously austerity. the western economic crisis i believe that american will lose and they will be in trouble there are two thousand american troops in syria and there are six thousand troops in iraq itself there are a lot of signs of a lot of reports that they will be work for against these troops in syria and iraq . but we layered for a minute and advisor of the ground motion of iran the grand ayatollah he was in syria and he said clearly that we are going to five
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american troops on syria and iraq and also he said clearly we are going to actually recapture eclipse which is the biggest city in the north west of syria we are going to capture it and bring it to the syrian sovereign government so this is this is how the situation is developing now and i believe when the. prison term said we are supposed to pull out all our troops from syria i believe he was correct he was rational here for the first time because if they stay there they will face the guerrilla war the same thing we did when they occupied iraq. thank you after the break. we ask us veteran and virginia state senator dick black what has got into donald trump such a vocal opponent of war on syria before he became president and how easy would it
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be for peace activists to hack fully autonomous nato killing machines now being prepared for the battlefields oh the twenty first century old them all going to up going underground. for twenty eighteen coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and a huge amount of pressure come out you have to be the center of the beach hotel with you and do all the great britain if you are the rock at the back nobody gets to you we need you to get the ball going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join for the two thousand and three in the world cup
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in russia. the special one was also appreciated me to the reno theology team's latest edition to make up as we go. u.s. led attack on syria is a gross violation of international law furthermore western public still have not been presented with evidence the syrian government used any chemical weapons a new phase of the syrian proxy war is needle sleeping opened up another war of choice. well. there was a healthy person might. like to see others and all the other folks say of the european soldier the.
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