tv News RT April 16, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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you u.s. led attack on syria is a gross violation of international law furthermore western public still have not been presented with evidence the syrian government used any chemical weapons the new phase of the syrian proxy war is need go sleeping opened up another war of choice. well to merge two there was a real person around the. world to see the year before see of the european soldier dog and. in these new month it appears there are some who go past bad stuff by very. ill being pretty or does
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that i have both. want to stop the drug induced childish much. you don't mean you sound so female to . the next measure that jane brought up. kind of there is much to be and. now we're back with him but on klan member of pakistan's national assembly and leader of pakistan movement for justice discussing islam about its relations with the united states and their impact on the afghan peace process mr han you said that
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pakistan should fight terrorism for its own sake is pakistan fighting terrorism for somebody else at the present moment. well it started off by just one started off fighting the u.s. war i mean there was as i said there were no. pakistan there were no militant taliban in pakistan we did not have the terrorism we had six dead in terrorism but that was just nothing compared to what happened once we joined the u.s. war on terror after nine eleven and then we had a spate of suicide bombing which was more than any other country i mean pakistan suffered. the sort of terrorism which nor the country suffered and disappointed in two thousand and eleven where you know the people wondered about the future of our country we were falling apart so it was thanks to our security forces that they eventually control this fanaticism and terrorism which was because we were
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considered bridges with the americans so all the anti americanism. turned against pakistan so people were attacking pakistan's security forces because they thought we were collaborating with the u.s. so the anger against the u.s. born by the brunt was borne by pakistan afghan politicians are openly saying that pakistan is supporting the taliban it's become somewhat of an open secret and even some former pakistani officials are admitting to that like feeling how can pakistan a fighting terrorists with one hand and then supporting them with another. well the two different things one. that the so-called taliban who are jack in pakistan pakistani forces security forces who are indulging in terrorism in pakistan on the other hand of the of london. fighting in afghanistan no war. zone says that
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the resume coming into pakistan is from. of honest one no one is done is saying the . government do of one is done or that they can win in afghanistan because of the insurgents which is of. going in from pakistani borders my point is that clearly first of all there is a huge. understand some say forty percent some say fifty percent which is not in the control of the of the government so why would all these taliban have to come to pakistan if there is so much space available for them to operate from within of one is thought that's number one point number two given that the lord is going to be decent of understand and unless there is a political settlement so should the of law and government and the americans be
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telling pakistan do use their influence on the of one taliban to get them for peace talks so surely pakistan no should not be trying. and creating more problems for for a country that has taken the most beating most suffering in the war and dog dead or rather it should be helping in the dialogue and the peace process with this influence on the of one taliban is pakistan actually capable of getting its multiple militant groups under control on the afghan border in kashmir and the national community saying that pakistan tolerates militants but does pakistan have enough strength to eradicate them if if you wanted to i mean the pakistani taliban are even listing you and your family as targets can they be stopped. the pakistan taliban have their strength has been greatly reduced ever since the american
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footprint reduced and of honest on the level of fanaticism went down in our country no longer. war pakistani security forces supposed to be collaborators of the americans hence the recruitment for pakistani taliban went down and the fanaticism went down and so by just any security forces a borderless controlled. what is called the t.t.p. the pakistan taliban problem is that of honest the know if one is done is secure settled stable then there would be peace in pakistan the problem is that because of honest and as unsettled we keep having attacks from of honest on the pakistani soil right now because the pakistani forces have control of the pakistani areas more or less though there are still incidents but much fewer problem in kashmir that for the last twenty five years there are almost six hundred to seven hundred
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thousand indian troops and if there are violations of human rights the local population has turned against the indian army. the people have risen up against india in peaceful protests now in india blame spark a stand for what is going on in kashmir in kashmir it is an indigenous struggle this is not a struggle fueled by pakistan. why don't they give the kashmiris right to decide what they want what is the democratic right to decide the future but they do not give them that right they're using the forces to suppress that. democratic freedom struggle and they blame pakistan for what is going on in kashmir which again is unfair so we have two. fronts one is india blaming all what is happening in kashmir on pakistan. the other is the u.s. government blaming for the instability. in of what is done on pakistan that's the
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problem with pakistan right now unfortunately with pakistan has failed we did not project a point of view internationally or on the diplomatic level we have failed to really project what is happening and and at the same time the sec refuses pakistan has given in the u.s. war on terror. by just the un is not responsible for what is happening in afghanistan you have said that if hundreds of thousands of nato troops couldn't change the situation in afghanistan additional troops the u.s. is sending their annually only going to prolong the agony. do you mean to say that afghanistan is finished as a state and should be left alone die peacefully. no not at all i think of lot of stan as a very proud history its people have suffered more than probably any other country because they've been suffering almost forty years they've been suffering the.
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conflict strive instability and so if any people deserve peace it's people over what is done and the only where that can be achieved is of all the neighbors said sit on the table and bring the taliban and the of one government on the table that's the only way unfortunately that is. until very recently the americans were not willing to talk to the avant other one only knowledge that is they have accepted that they should be dialogue but this one dimensional policy of of just using military beans to achieve peace it had fared a long time back there was a time when obama came to power and there was a holbrooke was the the rep and of honest on and he almost got the talent to sit on the table for a dialogue but unfortunately this. spearheaded by. betrayal
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that. is what is this peace talks and actually that led to more bloodshed no trump initially tried the same thing again hoping that you know by attacking the taliban they would bring them to the table but that's failed and now i think there is a consensus everywhere that the only way peace can be achieved of one is done is through dialogue and all the neighbors sitting on the table but that's the most important thing to save a to help the people of honest on so. how many cars i tell me in a recent interview that pakistan's policy towards his country is defined by its rivalry with india why is it so bad for pakistan and afghanistan becomes india's friend. well it's because. the signals coming from india are extremely aggressive ever since mr noir in their modi's prime ministership india has stance towards pakistan is not only aggressive but the whole
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. their foreign policy is to isolate pakistan and some of us in this country think that they even would wouldn't mind pakistan splitting you know breaking away baluchistan from from the rest of the country so clearly pakistan is watered that if india on if their face in don't do france meaning you know along the eastern border and then if a honest on becomes an indian satellite which is the big fair with the pakistan security to security forces then pakistan is struggling on two fronts so it's out of this insecurity that one hundred guards eyes right the policy is. is determined by security issues yes. so both countries india and pakistan saying
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how tense their relations are have military plans for a conflict where certainly pakistan adopt a doctrine of using low yield nuclear weapons in case of a major war with india is islam about really ready to use nuclear weapons on the indian subcontinent. that is the nightmare scenario and that's why it's very important result differences india and pakistan to sit on a table and have some sort of roadmap to resolve the issues problem is i repeat again the prime minister narendra modi has policy ever since he's come into power it's extremely aggressive and it is hostile towards pakistan which obviously pakistan being much smaller than india it has made the country very insecure oh the governments are insecure a security establishment isn't secure bed in mind that we have two nuclear armed countries the best way is that we sit down and resolve our differences but
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unfortunately so far india in their response as being arrogant and very aggressive and whatever happens at the moment any sort of dog start or have in the bost one deadliest incident then did is the whole process we're back to square one what we really need is a strong determined leadership in both the countries. a leadership that has the ability to take the pressure from that from that small lobby in both countries which does don't want peace and come what may whatever happens with whatever little incidents happen the two countries stick to a roadmap of peace and the peace has to be a resolution of the kashmir issue so unfortunately at the moment i don't see the dialogue happening. but in the future it is the only solution the two countries
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have to go the. issue of so that we can live side by side. all right mr han thank you very much for this interview good luck with the elections were talking to. my member of pakistan's national assembly and leader of pakistan movement for justice discussing their rift between islamabad and washington and its implications for the peace process in afghanistan that's it for this edition of sophie and call see you next time. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of the global wealth you long to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent i just want to secure some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember one one does not show you can afford to miss the one and only boom but. this is a pain city of angeles when the u.s. military moved out the six tourists moved in. and now
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a whole generation of fatherless children is growing up here. hi dad and within one month a couple simple dangle. i bake day is a general idea like that i knew. that her son. sat using the first tank in the t.v. crew seems you learned and takes you were no don't answer is a little bit now and that if you are. that's it the better you what my god found it . a little bit to you can take the guillotine above that you can take the butt of a girl and discuss filipino woman you know. oh i like the feeling that you get if you.
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make it. you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you're going to walk into a nice excitement it's that move now and that's where the adrenaline in much comes from. and you get is a move by definition and the extremes who will support. the violence is a part and it's almost a schizophrenia gang where you can do all these things and behave badly. they're going to be full of hospital that all. of us both also focus on the last. punishment and infirmed. role we did on policy in the start. of
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a broader way and not by figure out really did a poll down down went up a little get. the meaning in reason is that at least if you don't involve these constantly evolving. to maximize or financial survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain don't let this happen you watch kaiser report.
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the. i am. making the case for intervention the british prime minister is expected to explain to parliament why she chose to attack syria without seeking the approval of m.p.'s . he speaks exclusively to an italian journalist who says he's facing death threats from the mafia over his investigations into organized crime. i know at the moment there are five mafia clans the woman. i live with five men five carabineers are you following me day and night. i'm the german music industry is slammed for handing out the top award to a rap duo infamous for their anti semitic lyrics. news
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twenty four seven is r.t. international from moscow on calling bret welcome to the program is monday afternoon at five first for you this hour the british prime minister will soon explain to parliament why she ordered strikes on syria without getting its approval first the commons is holding its first session since the easter break macross live to it went to read a maze expected to face m.p.'s meantime though this is video of british and french fighter jets taking off and landing from their bases in the early hours of saturday as they join the u.s. led attack on syria french cruise missiles were also endorsed from the mediterranean as to see a church going to report on what kind of grilling to reason may might expect. we are certainly expecting a day of heated debate here in westminster at the house of commons as in fact m.p.'s will be gathering to debate to rescind may's decision to go ahead and strike against syria along with the us and france this weekend without getting parliamentary approval first despite there having been quite a handful of calls not just within the opposition but also inside the conservative
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party to allow parliament to be able to vote and weigh in on these potential strikes at the time first and of course that didn't happen and we just see theresa may go ahead and act seeing it as justified and necessary talking again about evidence and using the word that seems to have become quite popular over here in britain highly likely i cannot tell you everything but let me give an example of some of the evidence that leads us to this conclusion open source accounts allege that it was used to deliver the chemicals. multiple open source reports claim that a regime helicopter was observed above the city of duma on the evening of the seventh of april and reliable intelligence indicates that syrian military officials coordinated what appears to be the use of chlorine in duma on the seventh of april we judge it highly likely both that the syrian regime has continued to use chemical weapons since then and will continue to do so well we have heard from the leader of
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the scottish scottish national party she has tweeted saying that the u.k. foreign policy should be shaped by parliament instead of the us president we have of course of course heard from the leader of the opposition labor party leader jeremy corbyn who believes that parliament should have been consulted on issues like this there's even been some talk inside the labor party of potentially reforming the laws when it comes to this this is what corbett had to say she could have come a problem until monday to discuss the whole situation instead of going to the strikes she claims there is a legal basis for it i've asked to the letter i've just sent to this morning to publish in full the legal basis and justification for it well let's keep in mind that back in twenty thirteen we saw then prime minister david cameron set up a vote in parliament on similar kinds of strikes in syria and that was voted down this was of course because largely people were not convinced that it was a necessary step to take especially following all of the if you can put it that way
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running the iraq war that kick started in two thousand and three under false pretenses so it is widely understood here in westminster that that kind of repeat vote against these strikes could have taken place as well and possibly that's why a vote on this was avoided by the british prime minister and it has to be made clear that she's not under legal obligation to have to put in this kind of vote against parliament however this has been common practice exactly following the iraq war. and this was understood to be sort of traditional after the years that followed however this did not happen this time around so we're certainly expecting lots of questions raised here in westminster later on today meanwhile british foreign secretary boris johnson has welcomed what he called an international endorsement of the attack on syria that's despite massive rallies in several countries protesting the military action is very grateful to see pretty strong
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international support to speed. the p. three u.k. france and america have done. this passing strange that a parliamentary democracy wants to bypass parliament and go to war only twenty two percent of all british people as a whole were in favor of getting involved in the war in syria and if you look at the data beneath. a very significant sector of conservative opinion was very unsure indeed it may be. substantial defections from her own side no war in history will have started with so little support not even a quarter of the population supporting it before a short is filed and just to remind you in the early hours of saturday morning the u.s. the u.k. and france carried out joint strikes against the syrian government the three allies
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say the operation was launched in response to an alleged chemical attack in the city of duma a week earlier although many western governments have blamed assad's military for the out assault no clear evidence of that has yet been put forward. one of the targets of the u.s. led attack was a research facility near damascus the syrian government says it was a civilian object we spoke to a technician who worked there who said that the international chemical weapons watchdog could check the center several times and found no signs of any violation. of the well you can see that nothing has happened here i've been here myself since five am there are no signs of chemical warfare agents this is
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a civilian facility and drugs and chemicals production technology was developed here for peaceful economic purposes o.p.c. w. visited this facility several times carrying out several thorough inspection the organization received a lot of help in its work and so did the members of its team so there was even a special place on the site allocated for the o.p.c. w.-o. so they could collect and package samples taken from places that had to be inspected and the u.s. envoy to the global chemical weapons watchdog says russia might have tampered with the site of the alleged chemical attack that's according to the reuters news agency which obtained a statement from a meeting of the organizations executives inspectors from the o.p.c. w are currently in syria to investigate the claims made by the assad government russia's foreign ministers denied the suggestion that his country's experts meddled with any evidence. well he flat out denied those accusations coming from the u.s. envoy saying that he guarantees that russia did not in any way tamper or manipulate
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the site of the alleged attack the u.s. envoy is referring to the fact that just a few days after this alleged attack took place russian military did send specialists to the site and searched the area and they said that they could find no traces of chemical weapons there and since then of course russia has been calling for an international independent investigation to take place on the ground especially given that the initial reports of this alleged attack were coming from groups like the white helmets which has a very questionable reputation now the o.p.c. w. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons did arrive to syria already on saturday but it seems that they have yet to begin their investigation a senior russian official has said that the mission doesn't actually have the appropriate permit from the u.n. in order to access the site now sergei lavrov also called out the reliability of the evidence that the u.s. the u.k. and france from are gone before carrying out the strikes in syria. you. believe
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there is a from the u.k. and the united states and through the speaking. of the quote it was based on the media reports in the social network he also added that the firing of more than one hundred missiles into syria by those powers will not go on answered. then went on to say that russia is really losing what little trust remains between russia and the west saying that relations between the two really are worse than they were during the cold war which is a phrase that we've been hearing all too often as of late donald trump strikes have drawn anger at home too with thousands across america rallying against the is sold but as a nation says he explains the president i don't need public approval but a distraction instead. big in the public eye as a world leader is no easy task especially when things aren't going your way one day you know is home is being raided by the f.b.i. the next you are trying to hush up books tools which could threaten your reputation
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but in times of means that always to divert attention then sometimes the best ideas are right in front of you on t.v. if the president and france and the u.k. decide to strike syria don't you think that story would be a bigger story than colmes book gets released on tuesday. a short time ago are you ordered to launch precision strikes or targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of syrian dictator for sure. it can be so effective few people will actually see through it but i want to say this raid is meant to distract from his other problems but it's called operation desert storm e. president trump ailed the missile strike in syria is perfectly executed but it could be argued this was instead petty timed and that's what's for him before the media branded trump as.
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