tv News RT April 17, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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actually the boss of a lot of factories every week because we're great britain. members of the european parliament voiced their anger over the bombing of syria as the french president gives a speech and in the u.k. the government is also facing a backlash over its role in the u.s. led strikes but members of this house seem top let's say you foreign policy in this country the president. and those doubts grow over the alleged chemical attack in syria that led to the strikes the british media runs on critics accusing them of spreading conspiracy theories. also this hour should robots have rights as experts call in the e.u. not to grant machines legal status we debate the issue with a full.
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warm welcome to the program for me and all the crew here at r.t. international thanks for joining us this hour. trees in may and the manual mccraw in the have come under heavy criticism from british and e.u. lawmakers the u.k. and french leaders were defending their decision not to consult their national parliaments before bombing syria on saturday these are members of the european parliament during president mccrone speech several of them held signs calling for an end to military strikes on syria the dear tutor has been following the key developments france's emanuel micron and the u.k. xah to raise a may a facing a pretty tough time retrospectively in trying to justify the astros that they carried out in syria over the weekend here's how the european parliament members met with mccraw and you can see that they were protesting against the action taken in syria. is something to be for. honor of the international community in the
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legitimates multilateral framework you know it's all gets a. little political mr marquand speech was a monument of political cynicism. when we went without any approval. over the past months when you were hidden the fact that the area of eastern ghouta where the alleged chemical attack took place is controlled by radical islamists not jewish islam or you'd be but it's been done already in iraq and libya why should we be and in syria to the list and he has faced a major backlash domestically as well when he was grilled on monday by parliamentarians for not consulting them before those airstrikes were carried out these strikes demonstrate the irresponsible behavior of the three global powers that yet again gave into the temptation to play the role of world's policeman now over in the u.k. theresa may the u.k.'s prime minister has also faced a group of parliamentary is led by the opposition leader jeremy corbyn that was
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a bit of pool table tennis it went on for over eight hours on day one and pretty similar day to parliament should have as an absolute minimum in trying to in law the opportunity to ask questions with full the government can order planned military action but that does not mean it is always appropriate the executive must be the servant of parliament not the other way round members of this house seem to have less say in foreign policy of this country than president trump that no one in this house be in any doubt that neither i nor this government take instructions from any press was i. the u.k. the us and france decided to carry out strikes in duma in syria based on the alleged chemical weapons attack that they did this before and invest. completed the only
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known official sources that we've seen circulating around is video footage taken by the white helmets. and syria have said that inspection they have not so fall found any evidence of chemical weapons. a fact finding mission in syria's duma by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons is set to start work on wednesday that's according to a russian defense ministry official the watchdog says there are security issues that need to be addressed before its experts can head to the site of the alleged attack meanwhile many britons oppose the rush to military action a poll by the mail on sunday newspaper found most condemn me for her decision to bypass the house of commons but we went to the streets of london to find out if people think parliament is being undermined if there's an emergency situation where there was no room for maneuver how do you think that this is not. going to do more . i don't think it's something she should have made
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a decision on her general principle about going to war. i think in this particular instance it wasn't a situation. discussed you know you're coming you know take anywhere you should be possible consideration. when it's important decisions like this everyone should have a. represent everybody knows that you are actually just doing it. to me this is not a constitutional. democracy that you. can still everyone in power and yet she's experienced three hundred. the information war over syria has taken a vicious turn with dissenting voices now facing furious attacks from u.k. mainstream media archie is ally has the details there have been some in the u.k. who have said that the discussion around the u.k. policy to syria in particularly in particular with regard to the recent strikes
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over the weekend resembled something of a mccarthyite witch hunt in the mainstream media and the most prominent example has been an article written in the times newspaper which has targeted a number of leading academics in the u.k. and accuse them of being apologists and other unfavorable epithets and one of the people pointed out or singled out in the times article is louis all day he works out so us university and during the course of that article the times said that he had written the tweets calling into question the account of previous chemical attacks mr all day has since gone on twitter and shown that he never sent the tweet and has demanded an apology from the times another example is tim hayward he's another academic here in the u.k. and he's been seen as being guilty of association because he's written for.
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publication called twenty first century wire whose deputy editor has also come in for criticism by the times. bt so all of these kind of examples showing that to stray from the dominant narrative of the war in syria will lead you to being accused of being an ass of apology apologise that's been the criticism of some here in the u.k. and it's not just the print media we've seen an interview on the b.b.c. with lord west now he's an individual who is part of the military establishment not somebody who could perhaps easily. dismissed and apologise and he went on the b.b.c. and we can have a look now about the clip obvious interview which has been added to a bias here to shorten it down but we can see the kind of tone of the discussion which has been going on what benefit is there for his military most of the rebel
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fighters this disparate group of islamists. would draw given that we're in an information war. with russia on so many fronts isn't there a danger that you're muddying the waters and there are those who say that this current environment again resembling somewhat of a witch hunt isn't conducive to free speech and to free investigation and inquiry over the events of not just the weekend but the past seven years of the u.k.'s policy towards syria and its support of the opposition groups there and that is leading many to question whether the u.k. will continue to make the same mistakes in the future. dr tara mccormick a lecturer in international politics at the u.k.'s leicester university told us what it was like to be one of the academics on the receiving end of the times' attack well i mean it's not a ridiculous you know within the working group we have
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a range of different opinions. on international relations and so you know so. clearly i have tweeted various things about alleged chemical attack but really the whole family. actually. you know. this sort of bizarro attempt to smear guilt by association you know the social media. it was so ridiculous that the day that american drone. strikes on syria. without them. in the face of cooking or opposition in the u.k. the fact that the times front page. spread inside and that they did it for you was attacking the sort of forward followed by the bunch of i. think i think actually
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the time was going to show itself in the pacific because that is just so preposterous the u.s. military action in syria has left many analysts questioning whether an early exit of american troops from the country is still on the table the white house insists its policy has not changed but as he goes down of explains it seems there are still some room for maneuvering. mission accomplished more than a hundred missiles rained down on syria on donald trump's orders and now his message is clear a job well done except syria is in a reno where the world's major powers including the u.s. are pitched against each other wrestling for influence so what mission exactly is trump talking about while the pentagon translated it simply accuracy isn't actually impossible at this stage militarily to know whether that mission as described was accomplished last night's. operations were successful we met all of our objectives
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we hit all of our targets successfully russia says syria's soviet era air defense systems show down roughly seventy percent of the missiles fired while the us military stress their success but obliterating a few sites barely touches on washington's greater game plan and syria and when tasked with spelling out what does its overwhelmingly unclear american troops entered and gained a foothold in syria under the pretext of fighting eisel and now it is indeed difficult to see where exactly the us stands on that i am proud to report that the coalition to defeat isis has liberated very close to one hundred percent of the territory just recently held by these killers in iraq and in syria and in other locations as well we are in syria fight isis that is our mission in the mission isn't over and we're going to complete that mission so in
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a matter of a few months islamic state went from almost extinguished from the face of the earth back to a plausible threat and defeating isaw is one of america's more concrete missions the countries you and who for example indicated that cleansing syria of terrorists per se is a start but not the only thing being pursued we want to make sure that the end. of iran doesn't take over the area and they continue to cause problems throughout the region and we want to make sure that there is a hold where the nikki haley likes it or not iran is a regional powerhouse and it won't go down easily if that is what america is off to here here syria is apparently adding to the list of conflicts the us has troops bogged down in but possibly the most ironic parts the above couldn't be further away from trump's own mission statement for syria just weeks ago i want to get out i want to bring the troops back home i want to start rebuilding our nation critics
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have been on trump's back for a lack of a coherent plan on syria but it's a strategy that works wonders for keeping their food in the door indefinitely there's also been public condemnation in the us with thousands rolling across the country on sunday in protest against the syrian bombings we spoke to two political commentators who are usually on the opposite sides of the debate about their thoughts on u.s. military action some from supporters are disappointed i have one of them i like the trumps position during the election but i think a lot of people on our political left and people like me on the right think we should not be the world's police any longer that was one of the issues and main points the trap made during the campaign you know nobody likes to ascribe to any president whatever their political party killing people using munitions like this just it's a distraction that's said i mean you can't deny that the walls are closing in on
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donald trump legally from the special prosecutor moeller from the united states attorney in new york with his lawyer cohen so do i think that down trump is that craven as to launch strikes to distract attention. no but the mere fact that it's a question that's troubling i would diminish that he has major issues as just described as a higher approval rating than did obama at this time in his presidency in some polls the economy is not credible jobs are coming back in the economy's growing great you have well that is it is true in america right now small businesses for the first time look at the decade are excited if you look at the average of all the polls there's one poll that's been consistently and donald trump rasmussen in his camp every other poll if you average them out he is at historic lows for any president since the advent of polling in the united states of america democrats their complaint is what's the broader plan you say mission accomplished mr president what's the mission they see this as not pursuant to any particular plan
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and on the right it seems inconsistent with the the promises the president made during the campaign to withdraw so as a result there's just not a big constituency in favor of what he's done mission accomplished was a popular phrase that turned very notorious with iraq and look at where we are now listen i i i find it interesting you have someone on the left and someone on the right politically in america here on r t and we sort of agree the worst case scenario is is assad gets toppled or killed and then we have another iraq for the next decade and then we really get engaged in a war because isis then overwhelms and takes over the country. meanwhile the u.s. state department spokesperson the house questioned the need to wait for the findings from the o.p.c. w on the syrian chemical incident but we have our own intelligence we have our own to how it is the o.p.c. of you is something that we back strongly but it can also take quite a bit of time for the o.p.c. of you to gather its information and compile the report so i would ask you should
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the united states and her allies wait around for bashar al assad to use more chemical substances honest people should we wait around for that formal investigation that could take months and months or terry jim maddest said of the briefing several days ago where he didn't have solid intelligence on any chemical attack and do know what he did have were social media reports people saying stuff on the internet and who were those people the same people that state department spokesperson heather now we're referring to there the syrian white helmets which has been funded to the tune of at least twenty three million dollars by the state department and the trumpet ministrations intelligence is coming from sources that it funds so this is you know actually scandalous that the u.s. has launched a strike based on insurgent tide social media sources that it funds rather than actual concrete evidence of course congress isn't going to debate this but it
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should be the stuff of a national scandal in the wake of the alleged chemical incident the trump administration threatened to impose new sanctions on russia for supporting syria however on monday the white house said they had been put on hold and he said he has more on moscow's reaction to the latest developments cremin spokesperson dimitry peskov has spoken out on the fresh set of sanctions set to be imposed on russia the president some basta to the u.n. nikki haley sent a strong message after the trumpet ministration repeatedly said it will play sanctions on russian companies thought to be assisting syria's chemical weapons. but president trump has shifted course and rejected for now the fresh set of sanctions dmitri peskov has said that he's not been surprised at such measures imposed on russia but this commented saying that these foreign policy practices russia simply can't agree with. the only legitimate sanctions implemented by the
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security council or in other words u.n. sanctions sanctions have been announced one hundred seventy four times in the twentieth century amongst its own by the us this is the practice of u.s. foreign policy which we don't agree with and consider illegal the sanctions are fair the option on the less stuff to the u.s. led air strike in retaliation by the u.s. to the suspected chemical attack in syria but it appears that tensions are now fair the mounting and the u.s. and the u.k. issued a joint warning on monday raised accusations that russian hackers are conducting cyber operations allegedly targeting governments and businesses as well as well as individuals homes and offices dmitri peskov also responded to this saying that it was unclear what the basis of these accusations were and in retaliation to this statement put out by the u.k. in the u.s. he says usually accusations are easily voiced but no one is willing to present real evidence here. all the protesters detained on the second day of
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anti-government rallies in armenia have been freed by police the demonstrators were denouncing what they call a power grab by the former president who has just been appointed prime minister. serge starts soon became president in two thousand and eight stepping down this month at the end of his term however as the country recently switched from a presidential based system to a parliamentary one the opposition claims he is trying to cling to power minister the head of the opposition insists that people do not back parliament's nomination of sixteen as pm a large role. his appointment has ended but the opposition leader warns will continue on wednesday. russia's security service has broken up a cell of suspected iceland members who are said to be planning terrorist attacks in the rostov region a statement from the f.s.b. says the cell had been acting on instructions to carry out attacks from emissaries
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in syria three people were arrested at the scene while the group's leader blew himself up firearms improvised bombs and electronic devices were found at the scene . now the rising problem of jihad us around the world are increasingly being blamed on prisons a report by the international center for the study of radicalization and political violence claims many terrorist plots have been drawn up behind bars who are trying to has try to find out whether this is the case in russia.
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up. with fourth trip up shots of the mail through doing them a few journalists to feed the news queue up for the first seventy that at least i'm fed up with what has got i'd done ease of the flow i mean you think you're just a little closer to the needs of. those that share those that's honestly this is the whole thing for where one of them could come with much moment also include also all formulas from the local
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difficulty to get us there from the so that is a good. solution. still seems even a little to the good and school to focus on the schools because i believe very little. of the skill of the. sudden dome of the screen will be a stone more commercial careful small percentage of shot when they go on so this is no or. but there's. still snow research going to. school just told his friends he'll be on the beach. if good. football so well for the votes of those that know. the sort. of this is what you have to remember to call one so much of
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motors. iraq might. be but this will be floats you know. i guess it just feels like a regular small mosque doesn't feel like we're in prison and the people are very friendly oh you mean you deal with the problem most will visit because it's the business of the that you live with. the consequences none. of us know the strength of this industry that's not a muslim problem didn't exist well thank you. and this prison mosque they've been trying to convince me that any radicalized muslim who ends up behind bars here gets rehabilitated very quickly.
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but if you when you mind. will that you will. the colonial problem with states. when it. was known. not to. be true if you don't believe that i beseech you to think through with. to have me feel it. in the house knows i didn't. do that in church for you know i don't claim to. be sure that you do click on talk to you did not she knew i knew you could end up in shock over the next twenty. sedition to know him in your day into the david and even sometimes of c.b. is
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a story needed to should fix this with the mystery perhaps i just. used to be too unusual which with. a group of artificial intelligence experts has written an open letter to the european commission it says that robots should never be given legal status which would make them responsible for their own actions the rights issue sparked some concern after a number of cases made headlines. thank you we've.
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we've. we should at the next most fundamental. not just escape into these easy you might need them almost like intelligent beings surely even human that i might be but that is selection of a whole new era that we have entered in that we are entering a new zone and we cannot simply because. you have the right last year european lawmakers passed a resolution to grant legal status to electronic persons that move is now being considered by the european commission politicians claim the change in status would make robots responsible for any damage they cause. again warns that in the robot
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era more attention needs to be given to the rights of humans we should really balk how we sort of value. the unique we interact with our own boat any day out of human beings or that there is a vent a little time later we know that they are not these we are here effect that what worries me is not that it won't give really these or little. robots but our own fate will be still be human in this day in which we have a few of them out. that's a wrap up of today's top stories for this hour but i'll be back with another global update in about thirty minutes.
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to my studio was on the upper some of that. plant the seeds and all the other books the other european soldier dog. in these new montana players are some go past bad stuff i think. you'll be in for the forward as a fair follow powerful. want to start a job in the cia flush. he told me i mean you sound so female to ballet she challenged also says she really. didn't matter that a modern kind of there is much to be and.
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how i am as good as or this is the cows are part of our news i'm gittin the kids you know they british people. special deal american chicken nuggets with chlorine that's right real organic or am the economy low. right max yes henry those chicken chlorinated chicken pieces these are pieces of chicken and they are chlorinated yum yum yum apparently it's something only that is a big hit in america because americans are price conscious and as long as it we can get you know you'll see in the supermarket often like thirty five pieces of chicken for only ninety nine cents and you're like ruling going to save me some money it
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doesn't even enter your mind to think how do you get thirty five pieces of chicken for ninety nine cents doesn't sound right well apparently the brits are a bit turned off by this and you know they've done that breaks that vote you know they're supposed to leave the you and as part of that. basically selling it to the population of britain that how great this is going to be trace a maid is working on some sort of trade deal with trump for united states and destroy a deal with trump rather than accept chlorinated chicken britain say the british public are overwhelmingly willing to ditch plans for a post breaks a trade deal with the united states in order to protect the u.k.'s high food safety standards new polling seen by the independent shows it's not actually high u.k. food safety standards they were european food safety standards that the u.k. had and thus save their.
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