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tv   Keiser Report  RT  April 17, 2018 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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and you're like the ruling going to save me some money doesn't even enter your mind to think how do you get thirty five pieces of chicken for ninety nine cents that doesn't sound right well apparently the brits are a bit turned off by this and you know they've done that breaks that vote you know they're supposed to leave the you and as part of that. basically selling it to the population of britain that how great this is going to be traced and made working on some sort of trade deal with trump for united states and destry deal with trump rather than accept chlorinated chicken britain say the british public are overwhelmingly willing to ditch plans for a post breaks a trade deal with the united states an order to protect you case high food safety standards new polling seen by the independent shows it's not actually high u.k. food safety standards they were european food safety standards that the u.k. had and thus saved them from chlorinated chicken but now under this whole. we're
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doing tree deals with the likes of big guys like the united states and china directly well it turns out that the u.k. doesn't have much power over while the junk they now have to take down saddam hussein the e.u. provided some protections to u.k. from deals like having to take chlorinated chicken parts which are now going to be removed and the british public are going to be eating these corny chicken parts us because the chicken parts reminds me approval work cryptocurrency let me have the chicken for a second talk about this for a moment proof or stick proof will work you know if the encryption crypto currency like big caught in mexico and is working in the following matter the amount of energy required to turn a chick in to a chicken nugget i would call it chicken part those are chicken parts or pieces yeah ok chicken part is infinitely smaller then the amount of energy required to turn. a chicken apart back into
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a chicken and that's basically corruption as it works in the proof of work crypto currency arrangement operates going back to the story about the trade deal that is being about to be imposed upon the united kingdom as a sort of escape mechanism from the post breaks a disaster well american trade negotiators are expected to demand britain opens its markets to u.s. foodstuffs that are currently illegal under e.u. rules as the price of a free trade agreement practice is banned in the e.u. but currently widespread in the u.s. including chlorine wash chickens hormone treated beef meat from animals fed on chicken feces and crops washed with a controversial herbicide chemical did you just say animals fed on chicken faces. that goes well with marmite while watching the queen maybe the rule wedding have a chicken for you she said which of us america congratulations royal couple
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actually you know by the way this is not chlorinated chicken as far as we know this is organic chicken pieces that were you know i know it's a bit of hair though but anyway back to the story so eighty two percent of brits would rather ditch the trade deal and not do any trade deal at all with the united states they'd rather eat their own chicken not washington chlorine but here's the statement from teresa mayes trade chief liam fox he's defended the possible legislation of banned u.s. agricultural practices telling m.p.'s that he was quote a great believer in giving the public a choice over what they are eating and there are no health reasons why you couldn't eat chickens that ethel wass chlorinated water the international trade secretary has said the media are obsessed with such me you've got a choice you can have chlorinated chicken or from our chicken or of chicken that's read from chicken feces it's all good according to liam fox reminds me of the story i read recently about a woman in a hospital. it was on an i.v.
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drip supposedly but it was actually a formaldehyde drip and she was embalmed close it was a story out of russia she was supposed to be on a drip to say sailing trip put some basically embalming fluid big mix up there that was pretty horrible but back to this story about the chlorinated chicken of course this is this was partly coming in with t.t. ip anyway this is going to overrule what the e.u. regulations were about and. i guess on the positive know if you're eating animal products that have are fed chicken feces perhaps your immune system might go up you know become more robust so well you know there is the standard process and i mean little cole logical robust enhancement call the fecal transplant that's right in other words if you have some convo antibiotic intolerance if you do a fecal transplant then somehow this is really really gives more robustness to your
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immune system i don't know all the details but a lot of them a lot of people actually do it because they think it's about obesity so they basically have the fecal matter of a thin person implanted into a fat person an obese person and that's supposed to have better gut bacteria so it's something to do with gut bacteria. but. so for i'm not going to eat anything again except for something like a ice cream but ice cream was the best thing you could possibly you know but there's a famous moment when the united kingdom had their mad cow disease and they. then went on to run coca-cola out of the u.k. and he was eating one of the burgers mad a burger just to say that i would feed this to my daughter my little daughter like i would get mad cow but this sounds even more gruesome because on the root of the.
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mad cow disease actually in britain is lot of cows are on their cellphones that makes sense but anyway so yeah they're trying to sell brits on chlorinated chlorinated chicken and apparently they'd rather retreat from serve newsnight they'll have the business editor there the ball fella who took over for jeremy paxman who'll be a spouse in the virtues of chlorinated chicken vociferous lee and getting this entire audience over their b.b.c. newsnight to dig into another plate of chlorinated chicken thanks to the lack of the regulations now that britain is going it alone because it's a little bit country to make trade deals left and right because we're going to triple our manufacturing capacity open a factory every week because we're group brittania well of course b.p. is a british company and that used to be called british petroleum and of course obama did refer to it as british petroleum when they had that massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico destroying entire ecosystems down there ruining many many
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livelihoods for the shrimp farmers and killing turtles and birds and dolphins and sharks and all sorts of marine and all life down there in order to called base yeah and the french do as well so here we have b.p. in the news again this was an australian this is about a deal they wanted in south australia and they did not get it they did not when it was actually a norwegian company state oil that won this deal but here is freedom of information material has emerged to show what b.p. was pitching in their documents to get some drilling rights in a pristine area of south australia and what their response was to regulators requests about what would happen if there's an oil spill well dislike coronated cheeking could be great so people might get well. b.p.
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document says an oil spill would be welcomed boost to local economies an oil spill in the great australian bite would provide a welcome boost to local economies b.p. said in a twenty sixteen report released under freedom of information laws b.p. made the statements in an environment planned in march twenty sixth seen during its bid to drill in the pristine region but a spokesman for the company said it did not reflect b.p.'s views yet we just made the statement but it doesn't respect our views but anyway the theory was that the disaster would cause just like in the gulf of mexico when the huge b.p. horizon oil spill happened what happened was you know they put a lot of shrimp farmers out of work but they did have boats that they could then go out there and clean up the disaster zone in the gulf of mexico and this they're saying is the upside of a potential oil spill it would require a lot of local jobs if there's a cleanup that's going to guy either kid who goes to the judge being convicted of
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killing his parents and ask for leniency because he's an orphan and see economics of extinction it's disaster capitalism it's be another fine moment in the annals of corporate genocide brought to you by our friends across the pond a british petroleum but remember they're now rebranded as b.p. due to all the disasters around there but the report was submitted to the national offshore petroleum safety and environmental management authority nope sima but obtained by london based website climate home news the facts still stands that this this contract was given to norwegian state oil i don't know what they said was the upside of an oil spill. but you know that somebody got the offer and now there are apparently some australia. ins who live in the area and i guess the
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biggest city in the area would be adelaide i guess they're quite worried about the fact that somebody has won this bid and there is a bit out there and one of the competitors bidding for this was was saying that you know the upside of a disaster ecological disaster could be jobs absolutely spot on the job creation from it call it cannot be discounted the g.d.p. boosting effects of this are well noted just returning to these chicken pieces you know. there's chicken feces involved and you know i don't i don't. smell any evidence of this unlike a delicacy in france like on the yet where you actually do an old factory component to this dish served in france and enjoyed by french people they don't see if the chicken feces were marketed in france they would not have any problem with it it's already well established that this is part of the local part of what's what is
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emerging with these sort of freedom of information request is you famously say you never want to know what how a sausage is made if you saw how a sausage was made then you wouldn't want to eat it now we're seeing how these actual trade deals with multinationals are made you're seeing the gory details you're seeing the horrifying reality of the of course it's not their opinion of b.p. but the fact is they do say that it could be great for the local economy in the united kingdom they're doing this trade deal with donald trump on behalf of the united states and they are saying that you would have to take coordinated chicken and animal products that were fed it to can feces who like where am i eating that probably because i'm living in america. what part of my food i'd like to know which plate of food i'm eating that has has been fed chicken feces that's horrifying to me but we eat it without thinking. so a bit and you know this is the great thing about as you point out when the brakes are. thing goes through it rips apart all of the contracts that are out there
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because i have to be a rig's admin thousands of them as a people for the first time or actually see how these trade deals are made and they're saying the quid pro quo they're saying how it's all sold you know as a package of stuff and they're horrified it were early how the business of the world at that is we got to take a break so don't go away welcome right back after this short message stay right there. forman are sitting in a car when the phipps gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. seemed
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wrong. but. just don't call. me. yet to stamp out this day becomes active. and engaged equals betrayal. when something you find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground . this american foreign policy possesses specific d.n.a. it would seem so it doesn't matter who the president is it doesn't matter which party controls the white house the neo cons are firmly in the south.
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welcome back to the kaiser report on america as or guess what we're going to go back to craig. battles report and discuss the skullduggery origin a.p. morgan jamie dimon craig welcome back. good to see him x. topic number one on the show jamie diamond tape worm her responsible citizen now over there j.p. morgan jamie sent out a letter to investors he warned of a major market panic and he's encouraging people to hold gold and silver this is after of course we've discussed he went from a two billion pounds short position when the bear stearns acquisition went down during the two thousand and eight financial crisis and that was more was engineered by timmy geithner and ben bernanke gates aligned goldman sachs pockets of billions and billions and now they're going along silver because they've been buying sell with reckless abandon out there in the marketplace is this just j.p. morgan feathering their nest once again talking their book krag. part of that max
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no doubt about it i mean if we look at the data whether it's suspect or not it shows j.p. morgan to hold in their comix vault well more than one hundred forty million ounces of silver and most of it is marked what they call eligible which means it's just being stored there it's not ready for delivery or anything like death or just holding it and so as we look at the numbers i think it's safe to assume which is call it at least one hundred million ounces of that silver is g.p. morgans so they're sitting on this massive hoard max and again it's easy to be at least one hundred million ounces of their own silver and at five thousand answers of silver comix contract that's twenty thousand contract right so now they have the opportunity i guess we call it that just like a large investor who has a big position in stock might sell calls against that stock just generate some extra income hoping that this stock is in get called away hoping the stock is
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gradually increases and nobody ever takes it from them that's what j.p. morgan can now do with their silver futures they can short of the twenty thousand contracts every delivery month in the hopes that. won't get it they want to deliver it away and they can sell the futures to the poor specs out there that they would be willing to buy them and it allows their trading desk to basically make free money but if the price does go up say silver does go to thirty dollars an ounce again or forty dollars an ounce they can just deliver it out if you can relate all the silver down here below twenty. that's a pretty healthy profit so either way they're talking their book and they are creating profits for their trading desks right so this is the normal day to day operations of a bank buying and selling hedging they've got a position an inventory of self or in this case back in two thousand and eleven they did not have the inventory they were just short and they were vulnerable and the world almost took them down and there was part of the home glorious financial spring that we were enjoying at that time and prices summer went to fifty now let's
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talk about some of our second sell clive mom on who you can find at three to one gold dot com which is a really good site i got it all the time he wrote the for the first time in fifteen years large specs are speculators move to a net short position in solver as a are usually wrong. this is the most bullish indicator he has seen so in other words speculators are a contrarian indicator they tend to be wrong you know what are your thoughts oh no doubt about it max i mean anybody that follows silver like you and i do or they don't clive does you know that is the speculators are constantly being wrong footed by the banks the banks sell them a whole bunch of contracts and prices rising the specs get way way over outside their bounds long then they pull the rug out from under him price falls the specs have to sell and sell that the banks buy those positions back in the whole wash rinse cycle begins again well once historic about the time period right now is that
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the for the first time anybody can remember those large speculators as they're called the hedge funds that technical trading funds and the like are actually net short piling. in net short here it's sixteen dollars and what fifty cents an ounce i mean they weren't shorting you know forty eight or twenty or anything like that they're shorting now and so again now for the really the first time ever you've got the banks the commercials as they're called on the on the commitment of triggers report moving toward them being net launch this gets back to maybe jamie talk in his book i mean they're getting ready to let price rally some. so that the banks that are along this time can profit and the specs lose again it is a lot of let's talk for a second on this term it often heard commitment of a trader the same reports anyone who follows us market sees that term all the time just review for us again what that means every tuesday there's
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a survey that goes out of the comix close and all the market participants have to report at least on the very big ones have to report their summary positions where they're long or short or whether they're just have spreads that kind of thing and it's not true it's not necessarily a training tool because the information rather conveniently buy for the banks as a release until friday seventy four hours later but if you follow this information every week like we do in my site then you can begin to see trends over time and we've been following this stuff obviously for almost ten years and when the when the speculators get overly long like i said whether it's in gold or silver you know that the price is about to get smashed the absolute opposite is now true the speculators are historically short which by using that same logic as you mention with clive would climb on to saying but use the same logic the price to get ready to go higher this time what it needs is a spark max i mentioned on my site yesterday we talk about newton's first law of
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motion right and object at rest will stay at rest until some kind of force is applied to it so you could have the bullish commitment of traders report in all the specs of the short in price could just keep going sideways almost indefinitely what we need is some kind of technical breakout to get these these funds he's trading funds these hedge funds which take their cues from technical indicators like a moving average or something like that we need a technical breakout to start as a spark i guess to start a fire over short squeeze that happens we can get a pretty sharp around it pretty quick in silver and hopefully that's what we can build on from there talking about sparks that sounds like a good segue into my. next question herr aside from technical analysis on a fundamental basis if the brink of several hot wars and trade wars are a happening around the world how will this impact the price of silver and precious metals well as surely impact gold you would think least at comix price of gold i
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think you mentioned earlier i mean is it really determined by supply and demand by people wanting physical gold or is it just simply the price of the gold exposure the derivative contract and the demand for that and a lot of times you know the tick for tick day by day movement of that price is just simply a reflection of what's going on in forex or the bond market so i you know you see global events geopolitical crises and things like that you think people want google but do they really want gold physical gold or they just want some gold exposure they can turn around throw away when things calm down. so you look at that and you think it should be gold positive but we'll see i think more importantly this trade war stuff you talk about is going to impact the dollar probably the most in the months ahead and if the dollar continues to fall as it has since the beginning of last year then you'll likely see gold price continue higher and one chart we're following max if anybody can pull up a weekly chart of gold and you go back and look over the last five years you can
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see almost a perfect symmetrical rounded bullshit bottom on that chart if you break the price down above four thousand five hundred it will break out of that hole and all a sudden everybody and their brother you know is going to be right about gold and we're going to break out five years it's finally breaking out and then it can really start to get into kind of a virtuous cycle of higher highs and more momentum so as we go into the summertime i think that's a level for people to watch you want to watch for two hundred dollars gold if that can happen it will probably drag silver with that they will set up a short squeeze we just talked about in may be for want to have some fun to talk about the precious metals the geo political factor as you point out may or may not be the trigger of a spark that sets off a rally but it is interesting to note. out that if there is some j a political tension say mainly the way that the countries are lined up what a pair as though there are u.s. dollar based countries versus contraries that have been accumulating gold russia china iran a supposed as well so that seems to be really what this next war is going to be
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about now finally krag big drum roll players because the big the big question of the day going back over the summer we had two things happened concurrently price a bit coin got to twenty thousand dollars a coin in the futures contract was lost for bitcoin sense that day we have same nothing but lower prices on bad coin is this is there a connection in your view what are your thoughts greg well max as you might imagine i know there's a lot going on with bitcoin we've got the jack japanese you know that mt gox liquidations and things like that that people want to hang their hat on and not obviously price really rallied hard for that maybe that period between thanksgiving and christmas last year was due for a correction but as you said the price peak came for between came on december eighteenth that's the exact same date that the c.m.e. started treating bitcoin futures so you might imagine given my propensity to see the banks dirty fingerprints everywhere i'm i'm more than happy to lay most of the
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stick one of the few the banks now i would let's look at it this way though max our friend ned naylor leyland famously described the gold market as the the futures tail wags the spot dog and know what the you know and so what the banks do is they manipulate the futures market and that makes the spot price move you know what i see is the opposite in between the banks manipulate the spot price and get the futures price to move and because of the volume and liquidity and big point is still so small think of it this way a lot of that i think a lot of that price rise in november december was banks accumulating big. i head the futures and now they can take a position in future short wait and dump a thousand or two thousand big coin it in opportune illiquid time smash the price ten percent and then cover their bid going short for more trading profits and you've got the opposite of what ned always described you have the spot dog wagging
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the future's tail i think that's what's going on here i think the banks are messing around with the price doing it solely for their own profit and once the banks got involved into big coin. it may just have ruined it for everybody doesn't mean that you know that all coins in it crypto currency are dead i mean maybe it just means you've got to start looking at other points now that they're a bit quicker you should go look at something that doesn't have a futures contract attached to it oh you mean like max going exactly or dash or a light coin or any of those yeah they i assume that that matter is going telegraph group is skyrocketing and membership every day already that seems to be the future there is no store saros there is no j.p. morgan and the way cragg i think the point you make and what the leyland points out it really a fantastic point said anyone in the major he needs to take this on board and review your comments there about the cash price and the futures price and how
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unlike gold and silver it's actually kind of a reverse situation but we've got to cut off their credit thanks so much for being on the kaiser report always a pleasure max all right well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser stay separate lives they are guess the infamous stay notorious the fantastic craig him key of c. f. metals to try to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report and so on next time. thank you thank you thank you thank you. thank you. thank you.
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thank you thank you. thank you you thank .
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the philippine city of angeles when the u.s. military moved out the six tourists moved in. and now a whole generation of fatherless children is growing up here. a dad an opinion one month old couple simple than an eagle. eye but day is a gem like you i. i know your. son. sorry it isn't the first time in the t.v. crew to see you or takes you for a no don't answer is wrong that no one that it's true or. that's it the better you want my god found it. funny that. you can take a gilet that you can't take a little girl. or woman you know. oh i love
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you like i did it you did it you. came. well it goes so it is so. i know i love it. a little full of. a lot of the fault. so.
6:00 pm
members of the european parliament boice their anger over the bombing of syria as the french president gives a speech and in the u.k. the government is also facing a backlash over its role in the u.s. led strikes. members of this house seem top let's say in foreign policy in this country the president. and those doubts grow over the alleged chemical attack in syria that led to the strikes the british media academics who question the government's claims. also this hour artificial intelligence experts call in the e.u. not to grant legal status to robots we debate the issue with last.


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