tv Documentary RT April 18, 2018 11:30am-12:01pm EDT
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there was a pontiac grand prix your grand am to your car if if you're sitting there or see someone else sit in the persian seat and you have to lean your seat forward first for the person to get the back seat you liked is two shots where words bullets placed in the head both clint was sitting in the passenger seat. so he it turns out it was. but in your first statement you said the bullets were on the right of his head right that's why we get because he was like this probably going to hit him here below and probably hit in their own i don't know exactly where they had him i just know they had him somewhere in the journalism and they had been left out they could have put him on the left that's it that's in the papers. the. could have had a minimum that could have three sure.
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on his own the second murder. is my worry is there was a cake of a base ok they made a statement as one of the forensics are so important because they have those and all they have is go to the testimony there's no d.n.a. there's no fingerprints me at two vehicles in life organs there's not one finger paraffin me. first you say it that clean took the final shots right you know in your first state only in the first i guess why did she do that i'll try to say mark i got told because you were friends right i've known mark a lot longer and i don't claim. if i got told investigators first investigators i shan't say more. can i ask you a very very honest question. and i hope you're not offended but this is my commonsense again speaking so i'm not attacking you and i'm not judging because i wasn't there this is what i think. i think it's really hard to believe that someone
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lies in court to protect his friend. and will not lie to protect his own life. to. be in court for it or for it you said. that was a statement we were statement but it was really really important it was your first statement you said clinton shot this guy. he killed him you said. last figure i know that we figured you shoot someone in it you think they're going to. do it do you want to trista come out truth. well everyone says something different so. i want to use that in the truth. and you say gee.
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he was actually aiming. from twenty centimeters off then you can hit him in the left. no. with your left hand then yeah you should have to you have to reach around like this or disguise oh here hold a gun shooting. maybe you can. go that side without. where. you'd have to lean yeah and then know to go here what are you doing but why would it jerry belief this if it seems so clear to us prosecutor. if the prosecutor has a. good story. he'll get people to to believe it now to defend. his attorney's got to be regarded to counteract it.
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apparently didn't have a good attorney no he didn't. so that's that if you don't have a good attorney. most time you lose in your way. and i'll get the body fell when he was shot stabbed over and over to the torturing room towards the sterile and sagar. was it was the oil that he was moaning he was money he wasn't moving but he was mine and what did she do. no clint had a gun i had no gun i hope put him in the trunk and you have no gun. and what were your options oh i'm not going to win now that i think back on it i
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could win i love that easily that's what i think alan my god i've just seen this guy kills one person and he could easily say ok i gotta go take care of these people who are just dismissed all the cops are actors. i was thinking of that. in the meantime does this victim is moaning in the trunk. so i didn't feel like i need to help this guy more what am i going to do to save him by myself other than contact the authorities. you didn't do that either. so i looked at it was already. bored after sitting in the car thinking i could i can call nine one one or i can just inform someone knows the guess why i had says something actually i do say some of the hospital i salute and we could just drop my boss at the mercy woman take off this somebody else person he should've just haven't heard out of the cameras on the hospital. it is so tight and they stand out there.
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and. they took him out there sort of creek. and only put him out there as a creek and into the record of finish are the last two shots were unnecessary and myopic. but who shot mark mark and why. clam told him here though it. could put him out of his misery i mean he gave are you laying down there with it so he threatened mark and. so you grabbed a pillow stuck the gun to look to have a pillow. darnell or mark. but i know there was a pillow cause he fired shots in the pillow so they put the pin on the head just on the back of his hand someplace else and then they shot him mark they just met with what gun twenty two are all over kids can. i said all three of my guns. and you want anyone who didn't have your stuff. but if all three have
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a gun why would they go to that creek because clinton says so if they all have a gun you have to ask them doesn't make any sense to me. that you would prefer. oh oh . here's the problem and this is the damn about texas law. there's what's called the law parties now i wasn't indicted as the primary shooter i was tried as a primary shooter i hit all these people they had guns hostage you know or forced them on a do everything everybody's got a gun but the person testifying everybody's in fear for their life.
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none of them would have been here a year loaded. but that's the press kit to say about emoting when i said it was for the car to go see the girl but i said most and i was the first one right after this they say that and needed another car but. throughout the interview process marcos in it one of the basically says something about a. the car being taken right now and so the police this coalesced on today because makes a capital murder so you can kill somebody and walk away it's not just going to suck up capital. you can kill somebody walk away come back and take their shoes as not karam are now but if you kill somebody for their shoes it's capital murder so they had to prove this theme that i killed people for the core to take the core and they wanted to prove a continuous episode because the second market one of the figure out a way to get us all to come up with was they both cars were taken to go see. that they're using the girl image and i'm and of course nobody ever brought up the fact
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the philippine city of angeles when the u.s. military goes down the six to us moved in. and now a whole generation of fatherless children is growing up here. play dead and. i think visa gen y. you like tyson i know you. son. sorry it isn't the first time the t.v. crew seems you aren't and takes you for in won't answer is known that now and that it's through our system. that's it the better you want my god found it. a little bit. you can take a gill of above that you can take a little girl to such an old woman you know. oh i love doing that i did it you did it to be.
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a. local blog selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle of. the new socks for the tell you that will be gossip and public life style for the most important day. off of our highs and tell me you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with our audience will watch. you know. you never know what's around the corner you never know what's in the pub you can walk into a nice fat excitement it's that knowing that's where the adrenalin much comes from
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. and you can use a nice blend definition and the extremes will. the violence is a part of an exhibit almost a schizophrenia gang culture where you can do all these things and behave like bad . don't want to be public hospital for the all fifty thousand plus people from a social that's going to last. and this man infirmed. will get done for less than the start. of a broader way in the fight but yeah it's really beautiful down now with. meaning in these music at least if you don't involves these constantly evolving and .
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i walked up to the truck plant sit in the trouble to. paint the dude said he's going to give us a ride this is. supposedly he had family in midland i mean we were out there anyway . it you know and the train never seen and i've seen we just got to guess we just got again i'm not going to pay for ten hours work again this is something i can ask my fifty feet away and carjacking a man in his car i don't know since i'm saying he wanted to pull up here and always a cigarette some to drink so i go into the version as i come out this do sit in a car and a truck and i'm like what's going on as long as i discuss cool america this song like. a man when you talk right so i get. to the car i drive off ramp and he follows me when a better os what are you doing. he said we need to get rid of those car. that's ok we'll just do he said when you don't just give us
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a kind of grant now i never heard young friends i know perry i never seen hundreds of every again i was inside the group shacks which the police never went there and interviewed anybody conveniently they never talked to a matter fact in evidence you see the photos of bush are part of that there's a sub gas station a small gas station and you'll hear nice days i'm sure you've seen these big shopping centers they've got low gas stations in the parking lot yes there's one like that at the berkshires there's a little gas station right there they never talk to that clerk why i don't know i mean the police never ever investigated the crossing they just i mean they would pay for it what happened next they just drove like three weeks later took pictures of the parking lot sale weeks later this three week that's all they did there's no police report there's nothing they never investigated they never talked to a store clerk they never issued or maybe release asking anybody seen any witnesses they were based out of my kidnap them and that's all they ran with so we stopped were called upon to oldfield's things upon the amount of. money and
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it but who did he have to deal with. to be a little. bit but he told you that. one on one. there's page the list who doesn't. he come in there at first we didn't know we're using them for the newsletter got thirty years for. murder and then went on telling us about his case. they drove to show him he was in a lot of stuff to be sure and i'm insane. or they hid where
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they were he hid the gloves something about it took a ministroke took him somewhere else how they were at a pump jack and he shot the. hero is they fit david yes david. david page says his lawyer paid up the district attorney and they made a deal please agreement that if david page testified he years in the clinton clinic young would get the death penalty. thirty years for david page that's the least amount of ever seen anybody get for money ever usually is eighty nine to seventy five i've never seen nobody just get thirty years and you actually overheard him saying that he made a deal. he told me he said is a lawyer made to do with this you could try and he did if you testify. they they
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would guarantee him he would you know more than thirty years and then he would be fifteen. and how come that so many people say to you that made it a crime. how does that work. a lot. and it's also a lie that you have said that they were not going to connect you to murder because you were wearing gloves were you wearing gloves that night i bought some yes why because it was cold. it was eleven degrees and it was eleven degrees are eleven celsius. it was cold. but where are those gloves and their distaste gusty it is they were they try to destroy him so i said look i think. it's a d.n.a. to my blood take my hair samples test and was articulate. they know that as i was
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talking about so set and are about it was funny they go back out to the crash scene and found out they left out there. but when they sent the gloves to be tested they asked for d.n.a. testing on the outside of the gloves and i daresay i was thinking what they do then . they offer here the deal is right how many years there was in it i'd sure sixty sixty or sixty. so first they offered to use sixty instead and then they at one point offered you thirty eight years back. and in jail right now didn't feel right
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at all because you've helped them and i figured you help me i hope you. this is where the criminality of the state's actions come in because they're bound by supreme court law i mean that is the law of the land if you make a plea bargain you have to inform the defense when i go into a trial i'm allowed to know everything that's going on. my lawyers had a hearing before the trial and put the district attorney's on the stand under oath and asked them is there been any talk of plea bargains and they said no they all said no ok well we got that report the new attorneys i did they get that the lawyers personal file and that's how they got this report and so they go get the attorneys billing records that he's filed with the courthouse to get his money and on almost every line is met with this returning and tried to discuss a plea bargain met with his attorney is like five months very different preclude. video. three twenty resumes in
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a room would be tell. you. this it's true that investigate told here that he thinks that you are the killer in the second case yes. and what to respond to him when he sent that the same scenario and what did he say about that scenario ferrers he never shot it down but he just kept saying i still think you're the one that did affect what they did. the da had their head a bit on the kid's hair causes horrible case on and there's me not saying nothing
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so you get one side of the story as the co-defendants as it was like the perfect storm for him and he went all out they had this big elaborate trial like this never been had texas before. they just wrote his das and after a month this state of the market and appeals court upheld markovitch and he retired . the only reason i can think of and forgive me if this is too. short sighted but the only thing i could think of is that they offered a deal because you were the killer and they wanted to. close the case they wanted to have this capital murder. in iraq. that they didn't have the number. and how would you feel if he would actually been executed but what would it do to you or to your soul or to your honor. there's a there's a saying that our religion is and it's pretty much the only rule we have to follow . you are not do what you will. i can do what i want to talk so hard to say what
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see at the upper end so that the this. in this new month it appears a slow go past but stuff i didn't. feel painfully as a buddha as a fellow that will. want to stop jumping to a cia slush janice until. he's done by media sound so females a ballet speech on false mrs she will cost. him the next minute as a model to kind of as much to me and. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be ultra rich eight
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point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust. los angeles the sony of luxury and fame but also an alarming number of people living in the streets. the simple fact in l.a. is there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in and it's been a struggle. to get this man found his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes. for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order
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to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle to the earth or news except. a tiny house on a parking space is not a solution your craft to someone wanted to ring the site otherwise it'll be a free for all the news there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. so . so. i'm not. i don't know. the comfort of so.
12:00 pm
breaking news in r.t. moscow's envoy to the chemical weapons watchdog the a.p. c.w. says russia has provided evidence that big u.s. produced and patented not the choke the chemical said to have been used to poison. and his daughter the news comes as britain admits neither it nor the a.p.c. can confirm the origin of the nerve agent despite the barest of claims it was highly likely moscow and also took on the mission sent to establish the facts behind the alleged to make chemical attack in syria comes under fire as it enters the enclave. i welcome you watching r.t. international start this.
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