tv News RT April 18, 2018 7:00pm-7:27pm EDT
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was. was. was. cautious and voice of the global chemical weapons watchdog says the united states has produced and paid into the nerve agent number killed which was allegedly used to poison soda gate and hear us get. all the news comes as britain admits neither it nor the only three c.w. can confirm the origin of the nerve agent despite claiming it was highly likely to be well spent. we want to team of experts investigating the alleged chemical attack and do much calms on the rebel fire while trying to enter the syrian town. soldier british situation or dish. hundred burned in an arabic speaking news is
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filmed attacking two jewish men in the latest down to semitic incident to cause outrage in germany. this is r.t. international coming to you live from moscow and take thank you for joining us russia's ambassador to the united nations has lashed out at the u.k. over its handling of the script poisoning case vaseline of n.z. a traded accusations with britain's representative during the highly charged security council session in new york. russia has a proven record of conducting state sponsored assess a nation including on the territory of the united kingdom. they keep saying that russia has a proven record of assassinations proven by whom our western partners don't listen to us and don't hear us they don't need facts the united states agrees with the
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u.k. the assessment that russia is responsible for the chemical weapons and solsbury whether that is in their direct act or irresponsibly losing control of the agent which could be worse work load it will scorn your puny g.o.p. c.w. report has nothing that would help britain to incriminate russia so what is more important the c.w. has confirmed the novacek can be made in any laboratory with the right equipment and there are such laboratories in the us and you can't the formula has been known since one thousand nine hundred eight if you look at google peyton's and search for novacek you can find more than one hundred matches in the us alone was. well for more on that meeting let's cross live now to r.t. samir a car in washington why there samaritan so this all happened after the global chemical weapons watchdog the o.p.c. w. said it was unable to identify the source of the nerve agent used to poison the proposals so could you then tell us what followed. well the u.k. called for this security council meeting to discuss the o.p.c.
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w.'s latest findings now the british ambassador was the first to speak and even though the o.p.c. w. didn't assign blame or a specify the chemical origin she declared with absolute certainty that russia was behind the crime saying quote there is no plausible alternative explanation then russian state responsibility for what happened and then the o.p.c. w.-a seem to implicitly parrot the british government's narrative. no other d.s. tales analysis nor the b.c.w.s. report identifies the control of the origin of the agencies in this attack there is no plausible to this if explanation for what happened in souls breathe and russian state for sponsibility who believe the only russia had the technical means operational experience and the mates if to target the script files but believe it or not it didn't even end there are things to an even stranger turn when the british representative went on to accuse president putin of being personally
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involved in the attack president putin him so it was closely involved in the russian chemical weapons program when we knew that you wouldn't do it london apparently thinks the russian president has a whole being running chemical weapons programs in his free time as you put it i don't know whether you appreciate the you've crossed all possible around riis. so it appears that the western conception that russia was the only one capable of developing the nerve nerve agent is a pretty much irrelevant at this point given that to the russian ambassador brought up that it was also patented in the us back in two thousand and fifteen but after that revelation he ended outlining the quote eight lies circulated by british authorities. but if you were to show that in terms of the long statement claiming to prove that what are you kate colleagues presented is a story we've outs of lies we use specific marks to demonstrate how our british colleagues oh to put it nicely just trying to fool everyone.
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in other fascinating meetings american in washington many thanks thank you. or aside from the more serious accusations the russian u.k. representatives also found time for some literary references. to quote from william shakespeare's henry the sixth suspicion always haunts the guilty mind when it gets to christmas i would like to buy my colleague the russian ambassador a subscription to an english club but as it isn't christmas me to
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return the literary favor today the russian account of u.k. behavior and what is happening on the ground in this solsbury all syria is a rewrite of george orwell's one thousand nine hundred eighty four updated for the modern day a modern russian method. well in the meantime some experts told r.t. they're not surprised the o.p.c. w. probe didn't identify the origin of the agent. in my understanding under the chemical weapons convention it was indeed the job of the o.p.c. to try and establish where these weapons come from but it's very difficult if they are claiming it came from some former soviet abara tree then they do need to allow the russian government have access to some of the thump of to try and test it see if they can find the strain that it might have come from but having said that as i mentioned before. it's been established that the formulae for these agents have been out there they've been published in
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a book that was still available allison up until a couple of weeks ago it can only determine the look laudatory from which any new region in any given new region or substance was produced because even if they can determine the bullet it out does not mean that the border to in a country the country and which the border tree is located is responsible these nerve agents could be stored but obviously an excuse they have not been able to even determine the lavalas to which this particular new region was produced so this just adds more. to the narrative that's been spotted. meanwhile a team from the chemical weapons what still the o.p.c. new came under fire in syria on wednesday while trying to enter the town of duma there in the country to investigate the alleged chemical attack artie's in which i go join my colleague daniel hawkins in the studio earlier to discuss the story this story with the old p.c. w.
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mr into syria it is interesting in a sense that at least here all sides are united in a sense that they're saying they want the investigators to get to the bottom of this and really no one expected the chemical watchdogs mission to syria to be a piece of cake and there you have it the staff can't even get to the area where allegedly the chemical attack carbon firsts i just want to break down the process. for you how it works and initially the u.n. security team is meant to be sent on the ground to assess whether it's safe to work there and the agreement has been that at a certain stage they must be escorted by the syrian troops in a different state by russia's military police so the security staff apparently they were on this initial one hard trip to put it this way and according to an official statement by the o.p.c. w.
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they came under small arms fire and then also an explosive device was detonated and that was the reason why they had to retreat and go back to damascus what reaction we had so far to what happened out there and i can tell you that the russian military has officially confirmed that the incident took place and also we understand from the statement from the washing army that the exchange of fire happened when it was specifically the syrian army and charge of providing security for that swat. teams of april will securing the u.n. reconnaissance mission in the city of duma a skirmish you could between the syrian security service and figures an officer from the syrian security service was slightly wounded in an exchange of fire. so the syrian army was escorting the. u.n. team and they were the ones that repelled this this alleged attack well this is what moscow is saying and after all the it was the syrian soldier who got injured
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apparently in that attack but i just want to bring up something else here and point out that previously washington and london were pointing the finger at russia and their allies syria for what they called trying to hide facts and also hamper the mission of the chemical watchdog in syria the syrian regime has reportedly been attempting to conceal the evidence by searching the factories from duma to ensure samples are not being smuggled from this area under a wider operation to conceal the facts of the attack is underway supported by the russians i think we've seen that the russian government and the syrian government their whole goal in this is to try to cover up their goal is to try to deflect attention so if they could put this back on us they would certainly like to do it so on the other hand of course it's not up to the u.n. and the o.p.c. w to judge who this attack came from but what it is worth asking is whether
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the russians and the syrians are genuinely helping them out on the ground and if the answer is yes that might put london and washington in somewhat awkward position here. with this video planes to show the aftermath of the chemical attack on april the seventh in this film and the controversial rescue group called the white house mates it's a local hospital that sister channel r.t. arabic also visited that hospital and talked to the patients and staff i never saw the use of any toxic agent. people from the white helmets told us. about the use of chemical weapons but we saw no sign of that if chemical weapons were used against those people our medical stuff would have also been affected.
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people poured water heads were getting that we had been attacked with chemical weapons and somebody ran out from outside shouting about a chemical attack don't know who that was we heard an explosion and somebody said it was a chemical weapon and we run to where the noise came from and this started pouring the water over the people but they seemed to be ok and then walked away without any help on that but a little confused somebody started pouring water over people's heads saying there had been a chemical attack i was at the spots with my wife and daughter but none of us experienced any symptoms of chemical poisoning. well meanwhile some western media outlets are also questioning the allegations of a chemical attack british journalist robert fisk visited duma and couldn't find anyone who could confirm these chemical weapons and washington and its allies had no doubts the u.s.
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britain and france chose not to wait for the official probe before launching air raids against syria in the early hours of saturday. yet much of the publicly available information on the alleged attack comes from controversial activist groups such as the white helmets and the syrian american medical society those groups are thought to be funded by the west including government organizations so i thought no investigative group has business to the side of the reported incident well the a.p. c.w. has postponed wednesday's probe while the world health organization hasn't arrived so far britain and the u.s. have accused russia of preventing a p.c. w experts from reaching duma in their attempt to cover up the attack chemical weapons expert professor james tour says no convincing motive has been put forward to implicate the syrian government based on the reports the use of chlorine gas as a chemical weapon from a say state actor like syria makes no sense to me. chlorine is not used
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by by nation states since world war one it is a very inefficient gas to be used any terrorist group might might a fix a bomb to a soldier and try to blow it up but a lot more people are going to get hurt by the munition rather than by the chlorine it has to be properly dispersed if they used a nerve agent there would be a whole lot more people dead than what there are and it's very easy to to find the residues of nerve agents or chlorine attack then it does not look like a state actor to me and the chlorine will be gone. well in the meantime a group of u.s. senators from both major parties has proposed a new set of laws following the strikes in syria these aimed to limit the white house's party continue its global war on terror for too long and congress has given presidents a blank check to wage war we've let the nine eleven iraq war authorizations get stretched to justify wars against multiple terrorist groups in over
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a dozen countries from me jack to the philippines a proposal finally repeals those authorizations and makes congress do its job by weighing in on where when and with who we were at war all the proposed that is the nation would require the president to give congress forty eight hours notice ahead of any new military action congress would then have sixty days to review it it doesn't set a limit for any military action however it includes a congressional review every four years or the proposal also expands the president's will sorry to take action against al qaeda i sell all the taliban but not a state where the current war powers have been in place since nine eleven and have been used almost forty times in fourteen different countries former u.s. congressman ron paul doesn't think the proposals will become law or improve the situation. it more or less is defining things slightly differently but one slow up i think the effort to go to
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war i don't think it really repeals their war powers resolution but it does say congress gives the president authority to go to war against radical violent groups like al qaida and isis and maybe taliban but they say not i country. i really don't think it's going to pass. we'll see isn't the only incident this isn't a stand alone moment if we look back just to last month there was a case where by a jewish primary school student all saying that she was jewish was told that well build for that there's also been incidently shown a big area of the city was well over his staff were harassed at a restaurant that he set up saying that they should be burned all gassed all of these things of course fitting into the the worst descriptions of anti semitism war we have right now is
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a lot of focus on the authorities to find the perpetrators in this particular incident as he said we do have that video footage and what we also heard from heiko mousies the reasonably newly appointed foreign minister of germany while he was visiting israel last month he did say that anti semitism was a shame that has become bearable on germany so you can imagine not only is there a lot of public pressure on the press on the police to find these perpetrators there's also going to be rather a lot of political pressure on its well. rabbi yehuda title who's based in berlin says the recent wave of refugees arrivals in germany has led to a sharp rise in anti-semitic incidents this is a new level of anti-semitism being practiced on the streets of berlin it is something which is. worrying unfortunately today the numbers were released
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under similar attacks and bill in the past year nine thousand seven hundred nine hundred over nine hundred close to one thousand. and us america events happened that is of course worrying we don't know who all of the refugees that arrived here are many refugees most of them are probably good tolerant people but some of them we don't know who they are and we expect there to be a clear very clear approach to them yes of course they're welcome here to germany at the same time there are responsibilities and part of those responsibilities are respect and tolerance for other minorities should be no place in society for people who have intolerance for others they should be no place in society people have this respect for others this should be no acceptance of anti-semitic attacks it has to be clear set from the politicians from the educational ministry and from the civil society that we live in
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a society where we expect people to have respect for each other. now a new u.s. documentary called in the executioner shadow has shed light on the horrors of capital punishment in america the film claims race is at the heart of decision making when it comes to the death sentence. my team members to. get this person brady was mixed up. given that it was a little. bit iffy. thing that i didn't give them. even do anything mom. you don't know because you want my shoes. well the latest figures show black people account for forty one percent of those on
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death row in the u.s. while making up only around thirteen percent of the population the film's co-producer richard stack also things black people are also far more likely to be given death sentences in cases of interracial killings. the racial application of the death penalty is there out. like that not to look so much at skin color of the perpetrator but the skin color of the victim if the if the murder victim is white. then the prosecuting attorney is four to eleven times more likely to seek a death penalty and if the victim were black and so what message is the justice system send to society one way that can be answered is that white life is worth more than black wife we're going to punish people who kill a white person. more severely than we are. if the victim or for over
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nine executions there is one exoneration so for every nine inmates executed one person is found innocent i think that's the most startling in the in the context of the innocence and how angry just this could be and as our executioner. the jury givens are the former executioner of the state of virginia states one of the things that i think is really. something that he expresses so well in the film and is this idea that it's it's an imperfect system works human we make errors and there are errors being made in the criminal justice system and as long as that straight we should not be executing people. that the scandal over donald trump's alleged affair with the pope or corn stock continues to hit the headlines a stormy daniels has been speaking to the media.
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the breaking developments in the stormy daniels controversy he's talking about her alleged encounters of course with the president is talking about the harsher treatment she did sign that donald trump's lawyer paid an adult film star one hundred thirty thousand dollars the month before the election to be adult film star was apparently threatened with physical harm unless she stayed quiet about her alleged affair with donald trump. can we take a look at that if you. will go into your recollection is it is that the person that knew absolutely.
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back with the latest headlines in just about half an hour meanwhile for more on what about stories and trust me to come. this american foreign policy possesses a specific d.n.a. it would seem so it doesn't matter who the president is it doesn't matter which party controls the wind down the neo cons are firmly in the south.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm bart chilton coming up today some banks of announce their first quarter profits as markets continue even told us to c.e.o. of stroma the report which will weigh in and it's tax day in the united states if you drive a car the tax the street if you try to sit they'll tax your seat if you get too cold the tax the heat if you take a walk built tax your feet george harrison we miss you r.t. correspondent ashley banks reports from ground zero on taxes didn't turn to revenue service headquarters right here in washington and she's back lauren fix the car coach talks of global autos and trade and gives us her you on some of the new developments in the auto industry plus there is needy and merger news as the federal communications commission decides not to investigate sinclair media but there's another invest. geishas some members of congress see as sinclair tries to
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buy tribune media collins host of the big picture here on r.g.p. america gives us his learned take on the media all that ahead but first let's get to some headlines. it is tax day and the supreme court is hearing arguments about if states should be allowed to collect taxes from online purchases states cannot currently require online retailers like amazon for example to collect and then return those taxes to states from residents who order them online unless the retailer does have a physical presence in the state in question the case south dakota versus wayfair incorporated is expected to be decided by the supreme in june. according to the wall street journal the demand for lithium what has been referred to as white petroleum since it's so valuable is gaining rekindled traction in europe particularly in germany and the czech republic where there are still areas to be
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mined as opposed to australia and south america where it is said that chinese companies have already secured rights to the large majority of mining areas lithium with with it's very light weight is used in batteries for everything from phones to electric vehicles according to a report in two thousand and by two thousand and twenty five the lithium ion battery market will be worth more than ninety billion dollars and earlier this month reported that serve martin sorrell the c.e.o. of giant advertising and p.r. firm w p p was being internally investigated for misuse of company funds as a result of concerns of the w p p board well now serve martin is resigning and too long time to.
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